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cooperku_kdanmobile 5 년 전
1개의 변경된 파일35개의 추가작업 그리고 0개의 파일을 삭제
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+ 35 - 0

@@ -8,6 +8,41 @@ import java.io.File
 import java.io.FileNotFoundException
 import java.net.URLEncoder
+ * When PDF Reader opens a file which is not in the 'KdanPDFReader' folder,
+ * the target file would be copied into that folder.
+ *
+ * In order to determine the file is in the 'KdanPDFReader' folder or not,
+ * we need to know its absolute path.
+ *
+ * If a user launches PDF Reader by a third-party application,
+ * that application would send PDF Reader a uri packaged in intent.
+ *
+ * The uri is generated by the content provider of that application,
+ * and only its content resolver knows how to resolve it.
+ *
+ * The uri may be encoded or even may look like a random string,
+ * and there is no common specification among different applications.
+ *
+ * We use the function CopyFileInfoFactory::getFilePathFromUri (actually UriToPathUtil::getPath in most case) to get absolute file path through uri.
+ *
+ * However, sometimes the UriToPathUtil::getPath function may not work well (due to the wrong implementation of content provider of third-party applications),
+ *
+ * In that case, we would try to use a workaround to fix it.
+ *
+ * The workaround: we try to find whether a file name '.../KdanPDFReader/${filename of decoded uri}' or '.../KdanPDFReader/${filename of raw uri} exists of not,
+ *                 and we consider the file as the target if the file exists.
+ *
+ * If finally the workaround still fails, we cannot get the correct file path.
+ *
+ * We always copy files when we do not know those files are in the 'KdanPDFReader' folder or not.
+ *
+ * Note: uri.path / uri.pathSegments / uri.lastPathSegment /... is automatically decoded even if the raw uri is not encoded,
+ * and it would cause some problems if the raw file path contains '%' characters.
+ *
+ * To avoid those problems, we need to additionally encode each segment of the raw uri in the above case.
+ */
 class CopyFileInfoFactory {
     fun createInfo(applicationContext: Context, intent: Intent, kdanPdfReaderFolder: File): CopyFileInfo {
         val shouldCopyFile = intent.getBooleanExtra(CopyFileActivity.KEY_SHOULD_COPY_FILE, true)