Historique des commits

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  Wayne 3febdd9d8d Add kdan pixel3 xl to admob test device il y a 5 ans
  Wayne 59d19a3671 Upgrade firebase-ads to 18.2.0 il y a 5 ans
  cooperku_kdanmobile 53500587d1 Migrate to AndroidX il y a 5 ans
  cooperku_kdanmobile 28b73e5286 Merge branch 'fixAdmobNativeAdManagerIllegalStateException' il y a 5 ans
  cooperku_kdanmobile 6b1052f7eb Fix IllegalStateException due to call view methods on another thread than the UI thread il y a 5 ans
  Wayne d992cf7d72 Remove location accessing permission il y a 5 ans
  Wayne fad5ed34f1 Add AdManager.init argument - adAppId il y a 6 ans
  Wayne 22519cdcef Upgrade admob sdk and mopub mediation lib il y a 6 ans
  Wayne a5a9c58176 Fixed show consent dialog cause crash issue il y a 6 ans
  Wayne 6f47f9eb52 Refactor il y a 6 ans
  Wayne 0162699cc3 Change AdmobConsentManager.show parameter il y a 6 ans
  Wayne fbb18a462c Support mopub non-personalized ad request il y a 6 ans
  Wayne 3e99db3a44 Support request non-personalized admob interstitial ad il y a 6 ans
  Wayne 93c614128e Support request non-personalized admob native ad il y a 6 ans
  Wayne 256de10984 Add isNativeReqeusting method il y a 6 ans
  Wayne 4db59dd274 Add AdmobConsentManager il y a 6 ans
  Wayne 416072ed19 Support admob, fban native ad render il y a 6 ans
  Wayne 1a2530a5e5 Add admob mediation lib, upgrade to 15.0.1 il y a 6 ans
  Wayne 0fd117008d Formatted code il y a 6 ans
  Wayne f3d4bb67e1 NativeAdNetworkListener -> NativeAdListener, add some method il y a 6 ans
  Wayne 7439126e42 Support re-request with same activtiy il y a 6 ans
  Wayne a992f087c2 Remove isLoading when destroy il y a 6 ans
  Wayne c1df5f4ca9 Destroy by activity instead of unit id il y a 6 ans
  Wayne 62d617fc26 Fixed cannot load mopub interstitial ad il y a 6 ans
  Wayne 9af309c6d3 Fixed cannot load admob interstitial ad il y a 6 ans
  Wayne e09355b59e Remove interstitial placement il y a 6 ans
  Wayne f445801881 Check mopub interstitial state before request il y a 6 ans
  Wayne 4dbf09c2ab Check admob interstitial state before request il y a 6 ans
  Wayne 70658b2257 Refactor il y a 6 ans
  Wayne 60252b5331 Refactor il y a 6 ans