Ray Lee 7 年 前
6 ファイル変更27 行追加356 行削除
  1. 4 0
  2. 1 1
  3. 19 0
  4. 3 2
  5. 0 353
  6. 0 0

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+FROM ruby:2.3-slim
+MAINTAINER Ray Lee <ray-lee@kdanmobile.com>
+RUN apt-get update -qq && apt-get install -y build-essential
+ENV PROJECT_ROOT /multi-lang-trans
+COPY . .
+RUN gem install nokogiri
+VOLUME ["$PROJECT_ROOT/input", "$PROJECT_ROOT/output", "$PROJECT_ROOT/template"]
+CMD ruby main.rb

+ 3 - 2

@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ require 'csv'
 require 'nokogiri'
 module MultiLangTrans
-  ORINGIN_PATH = 'Resources.resw'
-  TEMPLATE_PATH = 'template.csv'
+  ORINGIN_PATH = 'template/Resources.resw'
+  TEMPLATE_PATH = 'template/template.csv'
   def self.run
     input_file_paths = Dir.glob('input/*.csv')

+ 0 - 353

@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-AccountExistedError,This email address is already in use. Please try a different one!,[會員註冊] 註冊失敗,帳號已存在
-AccountHelpButton.Content,Account Help,[帳戶資訊] 帳戶協助連結文字
-AccountIsNotExistedError,This email account does not exist.,重設密碼失敗,使用者所填的信箱帳號不存在
-AccountNameError,Please enter your name.,[會員註冊] 註冊未填寫名字
-CancelDownloadMessage,You just cancelled the download. Resume the download by tapping download button.,
-CancelUploadMessage,You just cancelled the upload. Resume the upload by tapping upload button.,
-CloudDeviceString,Cloud & Device,[檔案管理]檔案同時存放於雲端與裝置的狀態
-CreditBalanceLabel.Text,Credit Balance:,
-DeletingState,Deleting...,[雲端檔案傳輸狀態] 刪除中文字訊息
-DownloadCompleteMessage,Download successfully!,
-DownloadFailedMessage,Download failed, try again later.,
-DownloadingState,Downloading...,[雲端檔案傳輸狀態] 下載中文字訊息
-FacebookAccountExistedError,This Facebook account is already in use!,[Facebook] 註冊Facebook失敗,帳號已存在的提示訊息
-FacebookConnectFailed,Failed to connect to Facebook account.,[Facebook] 連結Facebook帳號失敗
-FacebookLoginError,The Facebook account has not been registered,[Facebook] 以Facebook帳號登入失敗後,提示Facebook帳號未註冊為Kdan會員
-InvalidEmailAddress,The email is invalid. Please enter a valid email address.,Email格式錯誤
-InvalidPassword,This password is too short. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long.,密碼太短,至少8個字元
-KdanCloudSignUpDescription,Sign up now and get 500MB of Free Space on Kdan Cloud.,
-LoginFailed,Invalid username or password. Please try again.,登入失敗,跳出的訊息,要求使用者檢查信箱與密碼
-MemberFormEmail.PlaceholderText,Email address,
-MemberFormName.PlaceholderText,First and Last Name,
-MemberFormPasswordTip.Content,(Minimum of 8 characters),
-NextTimeButton.Content,Next time,
-PasswordError,Incorrect password format,密碼格式錯誤
-PasswordHelp.Title,Reset Password,
-PasswordHelpButton.Content,Password Help,
-PrivacyPolicyButton.Content,Privacy Policy,[註冊] 隱私權原則(服務條款)
-RegisterFailed,Registration failed.,註冊失敗後跳出的訊息標題
-RegisterSuccessTitle,Registration successful.,註冊成功後跳出的訊息標題
-RemainDaysDescription,{0} days left before the subscription expires,
-ResetPasswordFailed,Password reset failed,重設密碼失敗後跳出的訊息標題
-ResetPasswordSuccessMessage,A confirmation message has been sent to your email account.,重設密碼成功後跳出的訊息內容,告知使用者如何重設密碼
-ResetPasswordTip.Header,Enter your email to receive the password instructions,[登入] 重設密碼說明
-RetypePassword,Please retype password!,註冊時,確認密碼欄位與設定密碼不相符,要求使用者檢查
-SignInButton.Content,Sign in,
-SignInFacebookButton.Content,Sign in with Facebook,[登入]Facebook登入按鈕文字
-SignUpButton.Content,Sign up,[會員註冊] 一般註冊按鈕文字
-SignUpFacebookButton.Content,Sign up with Facebook,[會員註冊] Facebook註冊按鈕文字
-SignUpFacebookTip,Your Facebook information will be used only for the purpose of registration. We will not use other private information or post to your behalf.,[會員註冊] 以Facebook註冊提示文字
-SignUpTitle.Text,Join Kdan for Free,[會員註冊] 標題
-SignUpTitleDetail.Text,Sign up now to get FREE Kdan Cloud storage and premium services.,[會員註冊] 標題說明
-SubmitReportButton.Content,Submit a Report,
-SubscriptionExpiredMessage,Before uploading files, please verify your email to activate the account and receive 500MB of free space.,
-TermsofServiceButton.Content,Terms of Service,[會員註冊] 服務條款
-UpdatingState,Updating...,[雲端檔案傳輸狀態] 更新中文字訊息
-UploadCompleteMessage,Upload successfully!,
-UploadFailedMessage,Upload failed, try again later.,
-UploadFailedTitle,Upload failed,
-UploadingState,Uploading...,[雲端檔案傳輸狀態] 上傳中文字訊息
-UploadNoEnoughStorageMessage,Not enough cloud storage. Please subscribe to Kdan Cloud services to get more space and upload your files.,
-WaitingState,Waiting...,[雲端檔案傳輸狀態] 等待中文字訊息
-NoAnyCloudFiles,There are no files uploaded yet.,
-FailedShareLinkMessage,Failed to generate a sharable link.,
-CheckInvalidEmailMessage,This is an invalid email address. Your Kdan Cloud account will be deactivated on {0}. Please change and verify your email address.,
-EnterNewEmail,Enter a new email address,[Email驗證][變更Email對話框] 內文
-NoInternetCloudWarning,Please stay connected to the Internet to use Kdan Cloud services.,[雲端服務]偵測到無任何網路連線的提示訊息
-SentEmailConfirmationMessage,We have sent a verification link to
-Please click the link in the email to complete verification process.,
-AccountHelpMessage,If you no longer have access to the email you registered, please replace it with a new one.,[帳戶資訊] [帳戶協助] 說明訊息
-ChangeEmailString,Change my email,[Email驗證] 變更Email的顯示文字
-DeactiveEmailVerification,Please provide us with a valid email address in order to continue using our service.,[會員驗證] Email無效,且已過期
-EmailVerification,Please check your mailbox to complete the verification process.,[會員驗證] Email有效,但還未點擊驗證連結
-GotItString,Got it,
-InvalidEmailVerificationRun1,Invalid email address. Your Kdan Cloud Account will be deactivated on ,[會員驗證] Email無效,將在指定日期取消會員資格(置於日期前)
-RemindMeLaterString,Remind me later,
-AccountInfoString,Account Info,[帳戶資訊] 標題
-EmailVerificationPopupTitle.Text,One More Step to Complete Your Registration,[Email驗證][未驗證說明對話框] 標題
-EmailVerificationPopupParagraph1.Text,A verification email has been sent to,[Email驗證][未驗證說明對話框] 內文第一段
-EmailVerificationPopupParagraph2.Text,Please check the verification link to complete your registration.,[Email驗證][未驗證說明對話框] 內文第二段
-EmailVerificationPopupResendButton.Content,Resend a new link,[Email驗證][未驗證說明對話框] 重新寄送驗證連結
-EmailVerificationPopupVerifiedButton.Content,I have verified my account,[Email驗證][未驗證說明對話框] 已驗證要求確認
-EmailSentSucessfully,Email sent sucessfullly,
-EmailVerificationPopupGotItButton.Content,OK, I got it,[Email驗證]
-FailedEmailVerification,You haven’t confirmed your registration yet. Please check your mailbox or the spams for the verification link,[Email驗證]
-KdanCloudString,Kdan Cloud,
-PrivacyPolicyParagraph1.Text,and that you have read our ,[註冊] 註冊注意事項第二段(隱私權原則)
-PrivacyPolicyParagraph2.Text,.,[註冊] 註冊注意事項第二段延伸第三段區域(多國語言)
-ShareLinkWarringMessage,Please upload the document to Kdan Cloud before sharing the file link.,
-TermsOfServiceParagraph1.Text,By signing up, you agree to our ,[會員註冊] 服務條款說明第一段 (後面接terms of service)
-TermsOfServiceParagraph2.Text,,,[會員註冊] 服務條款說明第二段 (前面接terms of service)
-Description[1],500GB of space on Kdan Cloud,
-Description[2],Keep everything in sync,
-Description[3],Access your works anytime, anywhere,
-Description[4],Create links to files and share them with others,
-Description[5],Read PDF documents right in your browser,
-Description[6],Never lose your precious works, we keep them in our vault,
-GetMoreSpace.Text,Get More Space,
-CreateAccountButton.Content,Create a new account,
-HaveAccountButton.Content,I already have a Kdan account,
-AlreadySubscribed,You already have this subsciption.,
-SubscribeSuccessfully,Subscription succeeded.,
-SubscriptionFailed,Subscription failed. Please try again later.,
-ShareLinkAppBarButton.Label,Share file link,
-ZendeskContactUs.Text,Contact Us,
-ZendeskDescriptionCannotBeBlank.Text,Description cannot be blank.,
-KdanCreditDiscription.Text,1 fax page costs 10 credits
-1 file convertion costs 1 credit,
-ZendeskDiscardDraft,Discard draft,
-ZendeskDoNotClose.Text,Do not close the app before sending is complete.,
-ZendeskDoYouWantToDiscardThisDraft,You haven't finish your message yet. Do you want to discard this draft?,
-ZendeskFailToSendMessage,Fail to send message!,
-ZendeskKnowledgeBase.Text,Knowledge Base,
-ZendeskMessageSent,Message sent!,
-ZendeskMyTickets.Text,My Tickets,
-ZendeskPleaseCheakYourAttachmentSize.Text,You can send up to 20MB in attachments. Please cheak your attachment size.,
-ZendeskYourMessageHasBeenSent,Your message has been sent to Kdan Mobile successfully.,
-ZendeskPleaseTryAgainLater,Please try again later.,
-TrialButton.Text,Request a free trial,
-C365Description[0],Remove all sponsored ads,
-C365Description[1],All features supported in PDF Reader,
-C365Description[2],All features supported in PDF Reader, including Android, Windows 10, iOS, and Mac versions,
-C365Description[3],Kdan Cloud services,
-C365Description[2][0],PDF Markup,
-C365Description[2][1],Pocket Scanner,
-YourCoupon.Text,Your Coupon!,
-CodeCopied.Text,Code has been copied!,
-CodeCopied[0].Text,Subscribe and Paste,
-CodeCopied[1].Text,at checkout to receive 14-day free trial.,
-CopyTheCode.Text,Copy the code,
-C365SignInRequired.Content,To update your subscription status , please sign in with an account created in Creative Store.,
-TaskManager.TitleTextBlock.Text,Task Manager,
-C365SubscribeBenefits,to send faxes or convert files,
-SubscribeTo,Subscribe to,
-AskReviewTitle,Love {0}?,
-AskReviewCaption,Rating takes less than a minute.,
-AskReviewContent,Please leave us a great rating and reviews! Thank for your support!,
-AskReviewPrimaryOption,Love it! I want to give it 5 stars!,
-AskReviewSecondaryOption,I'd like to give some feedback,
-Fax.SendedDialogContent0,{0} credits charged, remaining {1} credit,,
-Fax.SendedDialogContent1,You can check the delivery status in Task Manager,
-Fax.SendedDialogPrimaryButtonContent,Task Manager,
-Fax.SendedDialogTitle,Your fax has been delivered,
-ConverterFailed.Title,Conversion Failed,
-ConvertDialogTitle,Your file is converting,
-ConverterFailed.Content,An Error occurred while accessing the converting service. Your credit(s) will be refund to your account.,
-Fax.CountryTextBlock.Text,Select a Country,
-Fax.CountryComboBox.PlaceholderText,Select a Country,
-Fax.CreditBalanceTextBlock.Text,Credit Balance,
-Fax.NumberTextBlock.Text,Fax Number,
-Fax.NumberTextBox.PlaceholderText,Fax Number,
-Fax.PageRangeTextBlock.Text,Page Range,
-Fax.SendedDialogContent0s,{0} credits charged, remaining {1} credits,,
-Fax.StatusDialogNoAnswer.Content,The call has no response.,
-Fax.StatusDialogNoAnswer.Title,No Answer,
-Fax.StatusDialogCallRejected.Content,The call is rejected. Please try agin.,
-Fax.StatusDialogCallRejected.Title,Call Rejected,
-Fax.StatusDialogConnectionFailed.Content,An unexpected error has occurred due to a bad line or other communication problems.,
-Fax.StatusDialogConnectionFailed.Title,Fax Connection Failed,
-Fax.StatusDialogInvalidFaxNumber.Content,The fax number you entered is invalid. Please correct it and retry.,
-Fax.StatusDialogInvalidFaxNumber.Title,Invalid Fax Number,
-Fax.StatusDialogSuccess.Content,Your fax has been delivered.,
-Fax.StatusDialogSystemBusy.Content,The line is busy. Please try again.,
-Fax.StatusDialogSystemBusy.Title,System Busy,
-Converter.ConvertingDialog.Content,You can check the converting process in Task Manager.,
-Converter.CreditBalance,Credit Balance,
-Converter.InSufficientCredits.Content,Please recharge your account to continue using the service.,
-Converter.InSufficientCredits.RechargeCredit,Recharge Credit,
-Converter.InSufficientCredits.Title,Insufficient Credits,
-Converter.RequiredSentence,Required: {0} credits,
-CreditsRecharge10,Send 1 fax page or convert 10 files.,
-CreditsRecharge100,Send 10 fax pages or convert 100 files (20% off).,
-CreditsRecharge1000,Send 100 fax pages or convert 1000 files (30% off).,
-CreditsRecharge20,Send 2 fax pages or convert 20 files.,
-CreditsRecharge200,Send 20 fax pages or convert 200 files (20% off).,
-CreditsRecharge500,Send 50 fax pages or convert 500 files (25% off).,
-CreditsRecharge60,Send 6 fax pages or convert 60 files (15% off).,
-Converter.UploadToConvertDialog,Please upload the file to Kdan Cloud for file conversion. Would you like to upload the file now?,
-Fax.InsufficientCreditDialog.Content,Please recharge your account to continue using the service.,
-Fax.InsufficientCreditDialog.PrimaryButtonText,Recharge Credit,
-Fax.InsufficientCreditDialog.Title,Insufficient Credits,
-Fax.NoNumberDialog.Content,Please enter the correct fax number.,
-Fax.PageRangeErrorDialog.Content,Invalid page range. Please input a valid page range, e.g. 1-3,5,10-12.,
-Creativity365,Creativity 365,
-C365Description[4],Protect your app with a password or Touch ID,
-C365Description[5],All future updates included,
-C365Description[6],Priority customer support,
-C365Description[2][3],Animation Desk,
-C365Description[2][4],Write-on Video,
-C365Description[3][0],1TB Kdan Cloud storage space,
-C365Description[3][1],Free Kdan Credits for faxes and online file-converting services
-(250/Yearly, 80/Quarterly),
-C365Description[3][2],Share links to files, access them directly from your browser,
-C365Description[2][0][0],Annotate PDFs and web pages,
-C365Description[2][1][0],Scan anything to multi-page PDFs,
-C365Description[2][2][0],Take notes with multimedia materials,
-C365Description[2][3][0],Create beautiful hand-drawn animations,
-C365Description[2][4][0],Make stunning videos,
-Fax.ComboNumberStringTextBlock.Text,+(Country code)(Fax number),
-Fax.FormatExampleTextBlock.Text,Format example,
-Description[0],Remove all sponsored ads,
-AdonitDash2Value,(Value of USD$49.99),
-C365AnnualPlan,with Creativity 365 Annual Plan!,
-FreeForYou,for FREE,
-GetAdonitDash2,Get an Adonit Dash 2 ,
-ViewMoreButton.Content,View More,
-Fax.PageRangeTextBox.PlaceholderText,e.g. 1-3,5,10-12,
-Converter.ConnectionError.Content,Please make sure your internet connection is available.,
-Converter.ConnectionError.Title,Connection Error,
-KdanCreditLabel.Text,Kdan Credit,
-CreditsPurchasedMessageContent,Credits may take a few minutes to show up in your account.,
-CreditsPurchasedMessageTitle,Credits purchased,
-ConflictNameMessage,The name already exists,
-DeleteItemCheckDialog.Content,Are you sure you want to delete the {0}?,
-DeleteItemsCheckDialog.Content,You have selected {0} {1}. Are you sure you want to delete them,
-InvalidNameMessage,Invalid  name,
-RenameDialog.Title,Rename the {0},
-CommonUI/DeselectAll,Deselect All,
-CommonUI/SelectAll,Select All,
-CommonUI/Sort,Sort by,
-SortMenu/CloudState,Cloud state,
-SortMenu/Created,Created date,
-SortMenu/FrameCounts,Frame counts,
-SortMenu/Updated,Updated date,
-CommonUI/ShareLink,Share file link,
-Cards.AnimationDeskCardDescription,Create your own animation frame by frame and bring your stories to life.,
-Cards.AnimationDeskCardName,Animation Desk,
-Cards.C365AdonitCardDescription,Get a free Adonit Dash 3 stylus when subscribed to Creativity 365 Annual Plan.,
-Cards.C365AdonitCardName,Special Offer!,
-Cards.CreativeStoreCardDescription,Search our shop for Kdan related accessories and services to upgrade and complete your mobile experience.,
-Cards.CreativeStoreCardName,Creative Store,
-Cards.NoteLedgeCardDescription,Create and organize multimedia notes with the world's most versatile note-taking app.,
-Cards.PDFReaderCardDescription,One of the world’s most popular PDF apps for viewing, annotating and managing PDFs.,
-Cards.PDFReaderCardName,PDF Reader,
-LatestString,Latest: ,
-NoSearchResultMessage,No results found. Please enter a new one.,
-CommonUI.ClearSelection,Clear Selection,
-C365Comparison.AnnualPlanTip.Text,Go for Annual Plan and save 25%!,
-Share.LinkDescription,1 file link,
-Share.LinksDescription,{0} file links,
-Share.Title,Shared from {0},
-CommonUI.ServerError.Content,Sorry, we are having temporary server issues. Please wait a few minutes before you reconnect.,
-Cards.GetiPhoneXCardDescription,20% off Creativity 365 annual plan subscription, and a chance to win iPhone X. Only on Kdan's Creative Store!,
-Cards.GetiPhoneXCardName,New Year. New Phone. Big Savings.,
-NotNowButton.Content,Not now,
-RenewSubscription.Content,Please renew your subscription of {0} to continue using {1} without interruption.,
-RenewSubscription.Title,Your subscription has expired!,
-ViewPlanButton.Content,View Plan,
-RenewSubscription.Renew,Renew subscription,
-Document365,Document 365,
-Bluetooth.EnableBluetooth.Content,Please enable Bluetooh from your setting for using color pen feautre and try again!,
-Bluetooth.NoBluetooth.Content,Your device is not equipped with Bluetooth. Connection Canceled.,
-Mozbii.ConnectCancelMes.Content,Device connection Stopped.,
-Mozbii.ConnectCancelMes.Title,Connection Canceled.,
-Mozbii.ConnectedMes.Content,Device connection succeed.,
-Mozbii.DisconnectMes.Content,Device connection Stopped.,
-Mozbii.DisconnectMes.Title,Mozbii Pen stopped.,

Resources.resw → template/Resources.resw