Resources.Designer.cs 176 KB

  1. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. // <auto-generated>
  3. // 這段程式碼是由工具產生的。
  4. // 執行階段版本:4.0.30319.42000
  5. //
  6. // 對這個檔案所做的變更可能會造成錯誤的行為,而且如果重新產生程式碼,
  7. // 變更將會遺失。
  8. // </auto-generated>
  9. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. namespace KdanStrings_WPF.Strings {
  11. using System;
  12. /// <summary>
  13. /// 用於查詢當地語系化字串等的強類型資源類別。
  14. /// </summary>
  15. // 這個類別是自動產生的,是利用 StronglyTypedResourceBuilder
  16. // 類別透過 ResGen 或 Visual Studio 這類工具。
  17. // 若要加入或移除成員,請編輯您的 .ResX 檔,然後重新執行 ResGen
  18. // (利用 /str 選項),或重建您的 VS 專案。
  19. [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", "")]
  20. [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
  21. [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
  22. public class Resources {
  23. private static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager resourceMan;
  24. private static global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo resourceCulture;
  25. [global::System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")]
  26. internal Resources() {
  27. }
  28. /// <summary>
  29. /// 傳回這個類別使用的快取的 ResourceManager 執行個體。
  30. /// </summary>
  31. [global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  32. public static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager {
  33. get {
  34. if (object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, null)) {
  35. global::System.Resources.ResourceManager temp = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager("KdanStrings_WPF.Strings.Resources", typeof(Resources).Assembly);
  36. resourceMan = temp;
  37. }
  38. return resourceMan;
  39. }
  40. }
  41. /// <summary>
  42. /// 覆寫目前執行緒的 CurrentUICulture 屬性,對象是所有
  43. /// 使用這個強類型資源類別的資源查閱。
  44. /// </summary>
  45. [global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
  46. public static global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo Culture {
  47. get {
  48. return resourceCulture;
  49. }
  50. set {
  51. resourceCulture = value;
  52. }
  53. }
  54. /// <summary>
  55. /// 查詢類似 Please allow access in the Windows Settings. 的當地語系化字串。
  56. /// </summary>
  57. public static string AccessMicDialog_Content {
  58. get {
  59. return ResourceManager.GetString("AccessMicDialog.Content", resourceCulture);
  60. }
  61. }
  62. /// <summary>
  63. /// 查詢類似 {0} can’t access your microphone. 的當地語系化字串。
  64. /// </summary>
  65. public static string AccessMicDialog_Title {
  66. get {
  67. return ResourceManager.GetString("AccessMicDialog.Title", resourceCulture);
  68. }
  69. }
  70. /// <summary>
  71. /// 查詢類似 This email address is already in use. Please try a different one! 的當地語系化字串。
  72. /// </summary>
  73. public static string AccountExistedError {
  74. get {
  75. return ResourceManager.GetString("AccountExistedError", resourceCulture);
  76. }
  77. }
  78. /// <summary>
  79. /// 查詢類似 Account help 的當地語系化字串。
  80. /// </summary>
  81. public static string AccountHelpButton_Content {
  82. get {
  83. return ResourceManager.GetString("AccountHelpButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  84. }
  85. }
  86. /// <summary>
  87. /// 查詢類似 If you no longer have access to the email you registered, please replace it with a new one. 的當地語系化字串。
  88. /// </summary>
  89. public static string AccountHelpMessage {
  90. get {
  91. return ResourceManager.GetString("AccountHelpMessage", resourceCulture);
  92. }
  93. }
  94. /// <summary>
  95. /// 查詢類似 Account Info 的當地語系化字串。
  96. /// </summary>
  97. public static string AccountInfoString {
  98. get {
  99. return ResourceManager.GetString("AccountInfoString", resourceCulture);
  100. }
  101. }
  102. /// <summary>
  103. /// 查詢類似 This email account does not exist. 的當地語系化字串。
  104. /// </summary>
  105. public static string AccountIsNotExistedError {
  106. get {
  107. return ResourceManager.GetString("AccountIsNotExistedError", resourceCulture);
  108. }
  109. }
  110. /// <summary>
  111. /// 查詢類似 Please enter your name. 的當地語系化字串。
  112. /// </summary>
  113. public static string AccountNameError {
  114. get {
  115. return ResourceManager.GetString("AccountNameError", resourceCulture);
  116. }
  117. }
  118. /// <summary>
  119. /// 查詢類似 Account 的當地語系化字串。
  120. /// </summary>
  121. public static string AccountString {
  122. get {
  123. return ResourceManager.GetString("AccountString", resourceCulture);
  124. }
  125. }
  126. /// <summary>
  127. /// 查詢類似 You have already purchased this plan. 的當地語系化字串。
  128. /// </summary>
  129. public static string AlreadyPurchased {
  130. get {
  131. return ResourceManager.GetString("AlreadyPurchased", resourceCulture);
  132. }
  133. }
  134. /// <summary>
  135. /// 查詢類似 You already have this subsciption. 的當地語系化字串。
  136. /// </summary>
  137. public static string AlreadySubscribed {
  138. get {
  139. return ResourceManager.GetString("AlreadySubscribed", resourceCulture);
  140. }
  141. }
  142. /// <summary>
  143. /// 查詢類似 Save {0}. Billed annually at {1} 的當地語系化字串。
  144. /// </summary>
  145. public static string AnnuallySubscriptionSavingTip {
  146. get {
  147. return ResourceManager.GetString("AnnuallySubscriptionSavingTip", resourceCulture);
  148. }
  149. }
  150. /// <summary>
  151. /// 查詢類似 Bill yearly at {0} after 7-days trial ends. 的當地語系化字串。
  152. /// </summary>
  153. public static string AnnualPlanDescription {
  154. get {
  155. return ResourceManager.GetString("AnnualPlanDescription", resourceCulture);
  156. }
  157. }
  158. /// <summary>
  159. /// 查詢類似 Rating takes less than a minute. 的當地語系化字串。
  160. /// </summary>
  161. public static string AskReviewCaption {
  162. get {
  163. return ResourceManager.GetString("AskReviewCaption", resourceCulture);
  164. }
  165. }
  166. /// <summary>
  167. /// 查詢類似 Please leave us a great rating and reviews! Thank for your support! 的當地語系化字串。
  168. /// </summary>
  169. public static string AskReviewContent {
  170. get {
  171. return ResourceManager.GetString("AskReviewContent", resourceCulture);
  172. }
  173. }
  174. /// <summary>
  175. /// 查詢類似 Love it! I want to give it 5 stars! 的當地語系化字串。
  176. /// </summary>
  177. public static string AskReviewPrimaryOption {
  178. get {
  179. return ResourceManager.GetString("AskReviewPrimaryOption", resourceCulture);
  180. }
  181. }
  182. /// <summary>
  183. /// 查詢類似 I&apos;d like to give some feedback. 的當地語系化字串。
  184. /// </summary>
  185. public static string AskReviewSecondaryOption {
  186. get {
  187. return ResourceManager.GetString("AskReviewSecondaryOption", resourceCulture);
  188. }
  189. }
  190. /// <summary>
  191. /// 查詢類似 Love {0}? 的當地語系化字串。
  192. /// </summary>
  193. public static string AskReviewTitle {
  194. get {
  195. return ResourceManager.GetString("AskReviewTitle", resourceCulture);
  196. }
  197. }
  198. /// <summary>
  199. /// 查詢類似 Auto-renew subscription at {0} after a {1}-day trial. 的當地語系化字串。
  200. /// </summary>
  201. public static string AutoRenewTip {
  202. get {
  203. return ResourceManager.GetString("AutoRenewTip", resourceCulture);
  204. }
  205. }
  206. /// <summary>
  207. /// 查詢類似 Please improve the Bluetooth connection range of your devices, and make sure batteries are not running low. 的當地語系化字串。
  208. /// </summary>
  209. public static string Bluetooth_CheckBluetoothDevice {
  210. get {
  211. return ResourceManager.GetString("Bluetooth.CheckBluetoothDevice", resourceCulture);
  212. }
  213. }
  214. /// <summary>
  215. /// 查詢類似 Please enable the Bluetooth in the Settings and try again. 的當地語系化字串。
  216. /// </summary>
  217. public static string Bluetooth_EnableBluetooth_Content {
  218. get {
  219. return ResourceManager.GetString("Bluetooth.EnableBluetooth.Content", resourceCulture);
  220. }
  221. }
  222. /// <summary>
  223. /// 查詢類似 Your device is not equipped with Bluetooth. 的當地語系化字串。
  224. /// </summary>
  225. public static string Bluetooth_NoBluetooth_Content {
  226. get {
  227. return ResourceManager.GetString("Bluetooth.NoBluetooth.Content", resourceCulture);
  228. }
  229. }
  230. /// <summary>
  231. /// 查詢類似 Back to School Special Offer 的當地語系化字串。
  232. /// </summary>
  233. public static string BTSTitle {
  234. get {
  235. return ResourceManager.GetString("BTSTitle", resourceCulture);
  236. }
  237. }
  238. /// <summary>
  239. /// 查詢類似 Buy License 的當地語系化字串。
  240. /// </summary>
  241. public static string BuyLicense {
  242. get {
  243. return ResourceManager.GetString("BuyLicense", resourceCulture);
  244. }
  245. }
  246. /// <summary>
  247. /// 查詢類似 Billed annually at {0} after 7-day trial ends. 的當地語系化字串。
  248. /// </summary>
  249. public static string C365Comparison_AnnualPlanDescriptionV2 {
  250. get {
  251. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison.AnnualPlanDescriptionV2", resourceCulture);
  252. }
  253. }
  254. /// <summary>
  255. /// 查詢類似 Save 25% with the Annual Plan! 的當地語系化字串。
  256. /// </summary>
  257. public static string C365Comparison_AnnualPlanTip {
  258. get {
  259. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison.AnnualPlanTip", resourceCulture);
  260. }
  261. }
  262. /// <summary>
  263. /// 查詢類似 Get Annual Plan and save up to 25%. 的當地語系化字串。
  264. /// </summary>
  265. public static string C365Comparison_AnnualPlanTipV2 {
  266. get {
  267. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison.AnnualPlanTipV2", resourceCulture);
  268. }
  269. }
  270. /// <summary>
  271. /// 查詢類似 Access Creativity 365 Suite Across All Devices 的當地語系化字串。
  272. /// </summary>
  273. public static string C365Comparison_C365Description {
  274. get {
  275. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison/C365Description", resourceCulture);
  276. }
  277. }
  278. /// <summary>
  279. /// 查詢類似 Subscribe to {0} to enjoy advanced features in {1} across all your devices. 的當地語系化字串。
  280. /// </summary>
  281. public static string C365Comparison_Description {
  282. get {
  283. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison/Description", resourceCulture);
  284. }
  285. }
  286. /// <summary>
  287. /// 查詢類似 Unleash the full potential of your document productivity with Document 365 的當地語系化字串。
  288. /// </summary>
  289. public static string C365Comparison_DescriptionV2 {
  290. get {
  291. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison.DescriptionV2", resourceCulture);
  292. }
  293. }
  294. /// <summary>
  295. /// 查詢類似 Free 的當地語系化字串。
  296. /// </summary>
  297. public static string C365Comparison_Free {
  298. get {
  299. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison/Free", resourceCulture);
  300. }
  301. }
  302. /// <summary>
  303. /// 查詢類似 Permanent Licence 的當地語系化字串。
  304. /// </summary>
  305. public static string C365Comparison_PermanentLicence {
  306. get {
  307. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison/PermanentLicence", resourceCulture);
  308. }
  309. }
  310. /// <summary>
  311. /// 查詢類似 Purchase {0} to unlock all features. 的當地語系化字串。
  312. /// </summary>
  313. public static string C365Comparison_PurchaseDescription {
  314. get {
  315. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison/PurchaseDescription", resourceCulture);
  316. }
  317. }
  318. /// <summary>
  319. /// 查詢類似 Billed quarterly at {0} after 7-day trial ends. 的當地語系化字串。
  320. /// </summary>
  321. public static string C365Comparison_QuarterlyPlanDescriptionV2 {
  322. get {
  323. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison.QuarterlyPlanDescriptionV2", resourceCulture);
  324. }
  325. }
  326. /// <summary>
  327. /// 查詢類似 Most popular and flexible. 的當地語系化字串。
  328. /// </summary>
  329. public static string C365Comparison_QuarterPlanTip {
  330. get {
  331. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison.QuarterPlanTip", resourceCulture);
  332. }
  333. }
  334. /// <summary>
  335. /// 查詢類似 Pay every 3 months and enjoy flexible upgrades. 的當地語系化字串。
  336. /// </summary>
  337. public static string C365Comparison_QuarterPlanTipV2 {
  338. get {
  339. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison.QuarterPlanTipV2", resourceCulture);
  340. }
  341. }
  342. /// <summary>
  343. /// 查詢類似 Restore license purchase 的當地語系化字串。
  344. /// </summary>
  345. public static string C365Comparison_RestoreLicense {
  346. get {
  347. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison/RestoreLicense", resourceCulture);
  348. }
  349. }
  350. /// <summary>
  351. /// 查詢類似 Failed to restore previous purchases. Please check your settings and try again. 的當地語系化字串。
  352. /// </summary>
  353. public static string C365Comparison_RestoreLicenseFailed {
  354. get {
  355. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison/RestoreLicenseFailed", resourceCulture);
  356. }
  357. }
  358. /// <summary>
  359. /// 查詢類似 Purchases restored. You can start using the advanced tools. 的當地語系化字串。
  360. /// </summary>
  361. public static string C365Comparison_RestoreLicenseSucceed {
  362. get {
  363. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison/RestoreLicenseSucceed", resourceCulture);
  364. }
  365. }
  366. /// <summary>
  367. /// 查詢類似 Restore previous purchases 的當地語系化字串。
  368. /// </summary>
  369. public static string C365Comparison_RestorePreviousPurchase {
  370. get {
  371. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison/RestorePreviousPurchase", resourceCulture);
  372. }
  373. }
  374. /// <summary>
  375. /// 查詢類似 Restore Document 365 subscription 的當地語系化字串。
  376. /// </summary>
  377. public static string C365Comparison_RestoreSubscription {
  378. get {
  379. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison/RestoreSubscription", resourceCulture);
  380. }
  381. }
  382. /// <summary>
  383. /// 查詢類似 Purchase is not restored. You are not subscribed to Document 365. Subscribe to access to advanced tools. 的當地語系化字串。
  384. /// </summary>
  385. public static string C365Comparison_RestoreSubscriptionFailed {
  386. get {
  387. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison/RestoreSubscriptionFailed", resourceCulture);
  388. }
  389. }
  390. /// <summary>
  391. /// 查詢類似 Purchase successfully restored. 的當地語系化字串。
  392. /// </summary>
  393. public static string C365Comparison_RestoreSubscriptionSucceed {
  394. get {
  395. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison/RestoreSubscriptionSucceed", resourceCulture);
  396. }
  397. }
  398. /// <summary>
  399. /// 查詢類似 Free trial has expired. 的當地語系化字串。
  400. /// </summary>
  401. public static string C365Comparison_TrialExpired {
  402. get {
  403. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison/TrialExpired", resourceCulture);
  404. }
  405. }
  406. /// <summary>
  407. /// 查詢類似 Free trial expires in {0}day(s). 的當地語系化字串。
  408. /// </summary>
  409. public static string C365Comparison_TrialExpiredInDays {
  410. get {
  411. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Comparison/TrialExpiredInDays", resourceCulture);
  412. }
  413. }
  414. /// <summary>
  415. /// 查詢類似 Create beautiful hand-drawn animations 的當地語系化字串。
  416. /// </summary>
  417. public static string C365Guide_ADIntro {
  418. get {
  419. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Guide.ADIntro", resourceCulture);
  420. }
  421. }
  422. /// <summary>
  423. /// 查詢類似 All Access Pass to Creativity 365 Suite Across All Platforms 的當地語系化字串。
  424. /// </summary>
  425. public static string C365Guide_AllPlatform {
  426. get {
  427. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Guide.AllPlatform", resourceCulture);
  428. }
  429. }
  430. /// <summary>
  431. /// 查詢類似 Backup and share projects with 1TB cloud storage. 的當地語系化字串。
  432. /// </summary>
  433. public static string C365Guide_Backup {
  434. get {
  435. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Guide.Backup", resourceCulture);
  436. }
  437. }
  438. /// <summary>
  439. /// 查詢類似 Bonus Kdan Credits for faxes and online converting services 的當地語系化字串。
  440. /// </summary>
  441. public static string C365Guide_Credit {
  442. get {
  443. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Guide.Credit", resourceCulture);
  444. }
  445. }
  446. /// <summary>
  447. /// 查詢類似 Priority customer support 的當地語系化字串。
  448. /// </summary>
  449. public static string C365Guide_Customer {
  450. get {
  451. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Guide.Customer", resourceCulture);
  452. }
  453. }
  454. /// <summary>
  455. /// 查詢類似 Access Creativity 365 Suite Across Devices 的當地語系化字串。
  456. /// </summary>
  457. public static string C365Guide_Description1 {
  458. get {
  459. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Guide.Description1", resourceCulture);
  460. }
  461. }
  462. /// <summary>
  463. /// 查詢類似 Free Trial Availabe 的當地語系化字串。
  464. /// </summary>
  465. public static string C365Guide_Description2 {
  466. get {
  467. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Guide.Description2", resourceCulture);
  468. }
  469. }
  470. /// <summary>
  471. /// 查詢類似 Get creative with a holistic content creation suite. 的當地語系化字串。
  472. /// </summary>
  473. public static string C365Guide_Intro1 {
  474. get {
  475. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Guide.Intro1", resourceCulture);
  476. }
  477. }
  478. /// <summary>
  479. /// 查詢類似 Backup and share projects with 1TB cloud storage. 的當地語系化字串。
  480. /// </summary>
  481. public static string C365Guide_Intro2 {
  482. get {
  483. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Guide.Intro2", resourceCulture);
  484. }
  485. }
  486. /// <summary>
  487. /// 查詢類似 Sync and work seamlessly across all devices. 的當地語系化字串。
  488. /// </summary>
  489. public static string C365Guide_Intro3 {
  490. get {
  491. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Guide.Intro3", resourceCulture);
  492. }
  493. }
  494. /// <summary>
  495. /// 查詢類似 Annotate, edit, and share documents with one of the most popular PDF reader apps. 的當地語系化字串。
  496. /// </summary>
  497. public static string C365Guide_MUIntro {
  498. get {
  499. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Guide.MUIntro", resourceCulture);
  500. }
  501. }
  502. /// <summary>
  503. /// 查詢類似 Collect graphics, clips, and sound. Capture every idea and inspiration. 的當地語系化字串。
  504. /// </summary>
  505. public static string C365Guide_NLIntro {
  506. get {
  507. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Guide.NLIntro", resourceCulture);
  508. }
  509. }
  510. /// <summary>
  511. /// 查詢類似 Services 的當地語系化字串。
  512. /// </summary>
  513. public static string C365Guide_Service {
  514. get {
  515. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Guide.Service", resourceCulture);
  516. }
  517. }
  518. /// <summary>
  519. /// 查詢類似 Make Your Best Story Sparkles 的當地語系化字串。
  520. /// </summary>
  521. public static string C365Guide_WVIntro {
  522. get {
  523. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365Guide.WVIntro", resourceCulture);
  524. }
  525. }
  526. /// <summary>
  527. /// 查詢類似 to send faxes or convert files 的當地語系化字串。
  528. /// </summary>
  529. public static string C365SubscribeBenefits {
  530. get {
  531. return ResourceManager.GetString("C365SubscribeBenefits", resourceCulture);
  532. }
  533. }
  534. /// <summary>
  535. /// 查詢類似 You just cancelled the download. Resume the download by tapping download button. 的當地語系化字串。
  536. /// </summary>
  537. public static string CancelDownloadMessage {
  538. get {
  539. return ResourceManager.GetString("CancelDownloadMessage", resourceCulture);
  540. }
  541. }
  542. /// <summary>
  543. /// 查詢類似 You just cancelled the upload. Resume the upload by tapping upload button. 的當地語系化字串。
  544. /// </summary>
  545. public static string CancelUploadMessage {
  546. get {
  547. return ResourceManager.GetString("CancelUploadMessage", resourceCulture);
  548. }
  549. }
  550. /// <summary>
  551. /// 查詢類似 Create your own animation frame by frame and bring your stories to life. 的當地語系化字串。
  552. /// </summary>
  553. public static string Cards_AnimationDeskCardDescription {
  554. get {
  555. return ResourceManager.GetString("Cards.AnimationDeskCardDescription", resourceCulture);
  556. }
  557. }
  558. /// <summary>
  559. /// 查詢類似 Animation Desk 的當地語系化字串。
  560. /// </summary>
  561. public static string Cards_AnimationDeskCardName {
  562. get {
  563. return ResourceManager.GetString("Cards.AnimationDeskCardName", resourceCulture);
  564. }
  565. }
  566. /// <summary>
  567. /// 查詢類似 Search Kdan Creative Store for related accessories and services to upgrade your mobile experience. 的當地語系化字串。
  568. /// </summary>
  569. public static string Cards_CreativeStoreCardDescription {
  570. get {
  571. return ResourceManager.GetString("Cards.CreativeStoreCardDescription", resourceCulture);
  572. }
  573. }
  574. /// <summary>
  575. /// 查詢類似 Creative Store 的當地語系化字串。
  576. /// </summary>
  577. public static string Cards_CreativeStoreCardName {
  578. get {
  579. return ResourceManager.GetString("Cards.CreativeStoreCardName", resourceCulture);
  580. }
  581. }
  582. /// <summary>
  583. /// 查詢類似 Start your free trial today and work with PDFs from your smart devices to Mac and PC. 的當地語系化字串。
  584. /// </summary>
  585. public static string Cards_D365Description {
  586. get {
  587. return ResourceManager.GetString("Cards.D365Description", resourceCulture);
  588. }
  589. }
  590. /// <summary>
  591. /// 查詢類似 Get Document 365 的當地語系化字串。
  592. /// </summary>
  593. public static string Cards_D365Name {
  594. get {
  595. return ResourceManager.GetString("Cards.D365Name", resourceCulture);
  596. }
  597. }
  598. /// <summary>
  599. /// 查詢類似 Digitize your signature process and enjoy the freedom of workplace mobility. 的當地語系化字串。
  600. /// </summary>
  601. public static string Cards_DottedSignCardDescription {
  602. get {
  603. return ResourceManager.GetString("Cards.DottedSignCardDescription", resourceCulture);
  604. }
  605. }
  606. /// <summary>
  607. /// 查詢類似 Say Hello to DottedSign 的當地語系化字串。
  608. /// </summary>
  609. public static string Cards_DottedSignCardName {
  610. get {
  611. return ResourceManager.GetString("Cards.DottedSignCardName", resourceCulture);
  612. }
  613. }
  614. /// <summary>
  615. /// 查詢類似 Stay organized and make beautiful notes with the world&apos;s most multifaceted notebook app. 的當地語系化字串。
  616. /// </summary>
  617. public static string Cards_NoteLedgeCardDescription {
  618. get {
  619. return ResourceManager.GetString("Cards.NoteLedgeCardDescription", resourceCulture);
  620. }
  621. }
  622. /// <summary>
  623. /// 查詢類似 NoteLedge 的當地語系化字串。
  624. /// </summary>
  625. public static string Cards_NoteLedgeCardName {
  626. get {
  627. return ResourceManager.GetString("Cards.NoteLedgeCardName", resourceCulture);
  628. }
  629. }
  630. /// <summary>
  631. /// 查詢類似 One of the world’s most popular PDF apps for viewing, annotating and managing PDFs. 的當地語系化字串。
  632. /// </summary>
  633. public static string Cards_PDFReaderCardDescription {
  634. get {
  635. return ResourceManager.GetString("Cards.PDFReaderCardDescription", resourceCulture);
  636. }
  637. }
  638. /// <summary>
  639. /// 查詢類似 PDF Reader 的當地語系化字串。
  640. /// </summary>
  641. public static string Cards_PDFReaderCardName {
  642. get {
  643. return ResourceManager.GetString("Cards.PDFReaderCardName", resourceCulture);
  644. }
  645. }
  646. /// <summary>
  647. /// 查詢類似 Also by Kdan 的當地語系化字串。
  648. /// </summary>
  649. public static string Cards_Title {
  650. get {
  651. return ResourceManager.GetString("Cards.Title", resourceCulture);
  652. }
  653. }
  654. /// <summary>
  655. /// 查詢類似 To optimize the overall performance, you can choose the region where you access Kdan Cloud. 的當地語系化字串。
  656. /// </summary>
  657. public static string CDN_CNLogInMessage {
  658. get {
  659. return ResourceManager.GetString("CDN.CNLogInMessage", resourceCulture);
  660. }
  661. }
  662. /// <summary>
  663. /// 查詢類似 China 的當地語系化字串。
  664. /// </summary>
  665. public static string CDN_FromCN {
  666. get {
  667. return ResourceManager.GetString("CDN.FromCN", resourceCulture);
  668. }
  669. }
  670. /// <summary>
  671. /// 查詢類似 International 的當地語系化字串。
  672. /// </summary>
  673. public static string CDN_FromInternational {
  674. get {
  675. return ResourceManager.GetString("CDN.FromInternational", resourceCulture);
  676. }
  677. }
  678. /// <summary>
  679. /// 查詢類似 This option aims at optimizing the overall performance when using Kdan Cloud services in China. Your data will remain protected in accordance with our 的當地語系化字串。
  680. /// </summary>
  681. public static string CDN_HelpParagraph1 {
  682. get {
  683. return ResourceManager.GetString("CDN.HelpParagraph1", resourceCulture);
  684. }
  685. }
  686. /// <summary>
  687. /// 查詢類似 Privacy Policy 的當地語系化字串。
  688. /// </summary>
  689. public static string CDN_HelpParagraph2 {
  690. get {
  691. return ResourceManager.GetString("CDN.HelpParagraph2", resourceCulture);
  692. }
  693. }
  694. /// <summary>
  695. /// 查詢類似 . 的當地語系化字串。
  696. /// </summary>
  697. public static string CDN_HelpParagraph3 {
  698. get {
  699. return ResourceManager.GetString("CDN.HelpParagraph3", resourceCulture);
  700. }
  701. }
  702. /// <summary>
  703. /// 查詢類似 Access Kdan Cloud in China 的當地語系化字串。
  704. /// </summary>
  705. public static string CDN_KCFromCN {
  706. get {
  707. return ResourceManager.GetString("CDN.KCFromCN", resourceCulture);
  708. }
  709. }
  710. /// <summary>
  711. /// 查詢類似 Use Kdan Cloud from? 的當地語系化字串。
  712. /// </summary>
  713. public static string CDN_KCFromWhere {
  714. get {
  715. return ResourceManager.GetString("CDN.KCFromWhere", resourceCulture);
  716. }
  717. }
  718. /// <summary>
  719. /// 查詢類似 Change my email 的當地語系化字串。
  720. /// </summary>
  721. public static string ChangeEmailString {
  722. get {
  723. return ResourceManager.GetString("ChangeEmailString", resourceCulture);
  724. }
  725. }
  726. /// <summary>
  727. /// 查詢類似 This is an invalid email address. Your Kdan Cloud account will be deactivated on {0}. Please change and verify your email address. 的當地語系化字串。
  728. /// </summary>
  729. public static string CheckInvalidEmailMessage {
  730. get {
  731. return ResourceManager.GetString("CheckInvalidEmailMessage", resourceCulture);
  732. }
  733. }
  734. /// <summary>
  735. /// 查詢類似 (Click to view) 的當地語系化字串。
  736. /// </summary>
  737. public static string ClickToViewMessage {
  738. get {
  739. return ResourceManager.GetString("ClickToViewMessage", resourceCulture);
  740. }
  741. }
  742. /// <summary>
  743. /// 查詢類似 Close search 的當地語系化字串。
  744. /// </summary>
  745. public static string CloseSearchButton_Label {
  746. get {
  747. return ResourceManager.GetString("CloseSearchButton.Label", resourceCulture);
  748. }
  749. }
  750. /// <summary>
  751. /// 查詢類似 Cloud &amp; Device 的當地語系化字串。
  752. /// </summary>
  753. public static string CloudDeviceString {
  754. get {
  755. return ResourceManager.GetString("CloudDeviceString", resourceCulture);
  756. }
  757. }
  758. /// <summary>
  759. /// 查詢類似 500 GB Kdan Cloud Storage to back up your projects 的當地語系化字串。
  760. /// </summary>
  761. public static string CloudGuide_Feature1 {
  762. get {
  763. return ResourceManager.GetString("CloudGuide.Feature1", resourceCulture);
  764. }
  765. }
  766. /// <summary>
  767. /// 查詢類似 Sync your project is across devices 的當地語系化字串。
  768. /// </summary>
  769. public static string CloudGuide_Feature2 {
  770. get {
  771. return ResourceManager.GetString("CloudGuide.Feature2", resourceCulture);
  772. }
  773. }
  774. /// <summary>
  775. /// 查詢類似 Manage and view your files online 的當地語系化字串。
  776. /// </summary>
  777. public static string CloudGuide_Feature3 {
  778. get {
  779. return ResourceManager.GetString("CloudGuide.Feature3", resourceCulture);
  780. }
  781. }
  782. /// <summary>
  783. /// 查詢類似 Share links with password protection 的當地語系化字串。
  784. /// </summary>
  785. public static string CloudGuide_Feature4 {
  786. get {
  787. return ResourceManager.GetString("CloudGuide.Feature4", resourceCulture);
  788. }
  789. }
  790. /// <summary>
  791. /// 查詢類似 Cloud 的當地語系化字串。
  792. /// </summary>
  793. public static string CloudString {
  794. get {
  795. return ResourceManager.GetString("CloudString", resourceCulture);
  796. }
  797. }
  798. /// <summary>
  799. /// 查詢類似 About 的當地語系化字串。
  800. /// </summary>
  801. public static string CommonUI_About {
  802. get {
  803. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.About", resourceCulture);
  804. }
  805. }
  806. /// <summary>
  807. /// 查詢類似 Abstract 的當地語系化字串。
  808. /// </summary>
  809. public static string CommonUI_Abstract {
  810. get {
  811. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Abstract", resourceCulture);
  812. }
  813. }
  814. /// <summary>
  815. /// 查詢類似 Access 的當地語系化字串。
  816. /// </summary>
  817. public static string CommonUI_Access {
  818. get {
  819. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Access", resourceCulture);
  820. }
  821. }
  822. /// <summary>
  823. /// 查詢類似 Add 的當地語系化字串。
  824. /// </summary>
  825. public static string CommonUI_Add {
  826. get {
  827. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Add", resourceCulture);
  828. }
  829. }
  830. /// <summary>
  831. /// 查詢類似 Annual Plan 的當地語系化字串。
  832. /// </summary>
  833. public static string CommonUI_AnnualPlan {
  834. get {
  835. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.AnnualPlan", resourceCulture);
  836. }
  837. }
  838. /// <summary>
  839. /// 查詢類似 Document 的當地語系化字串。
  840. /// </summary>
  841. public static string CommonUI_AppDocument {
  842. get {
  843. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.AppDocument", resourceCulture);
  844. }
  845. }
  846. /// <summary>
  847. /// 查詢類似 Audio 的當地語系化字串。
  848. /// </summary>
  849. public static string CommonUI_Audio {
  850. get {
  851. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Audio", resourceCulture);
  852. }
  853. }
  854. /// <summary>
  855. /// 查詢類似 Audios 的當地語系化字串。
  856. /// </summary>
  857. public static string CommonUI_Audios {
  858. get {
  859. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Audios", resourceCulture);
  860. }
  861. }
  862. /// <summary>
  863. /// 查詢類似 Author 的當地語系化字串。
  864. /// </summary>
  865. public static string CommonUI_Author {
  866. get {
  867. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Author", resourceCulture);
  868. }
  869. }
  870. /// <summary>
  871. /// 查詢類似 Black 的當地語系化字串。
  872. /// </summary>
  873. public static string CommonUI_Black {
  874. get {
  875. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Black", resourceCulture);
  876. }
  877. }
  878. /// <summary>
  879. /// 查詢類似 Blue 的當地語系化字串。
  880. /// </summary>
  881. public static string CommonUI_Blue {
  882. get {
  883. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Blue", resourceCulture);
  884. }
  885. }
  886. /// <summary>
  887. /// 查詢類似 Blue Grey 的當地語系化字串。
  888. /// </summary>
  889. public static string CommonUI_BlueGrey {
  890. get {
  891. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.BlueGrey", resourceCulture);
  892. }
  893. }
  894. /// <summary>
  895. /// 查詢類似 Border 的當地語系化字串。
  896. /// </summary>
  897. public static string CommonUI_Border {
  898. get {
  899. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Border", resourceCulture);
  900. }
  901. }
  902. /// <summary>
  903. /// 查詢類似 The image is broken. Please choose a new one. 的當地語系化字串。
  904. /// </summary>
  905. public static string CommonUI_BrokenImage {
  906. get {
  907. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.BrokenImage", resourceCulture);
  908. }
  909. }
  910. /// <summary>
  911. /// 查詢類似 Brush 的當地語系化字串。
  912. /// </summary>
  913. public static string CommonUI_Brush {
  914. get {
  915. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Brush", resourceCulture);
  916. }
  917. }
  918. /// <summary>
  919. /// 查詢類似 Built-in Converter 的當地語系化字串。
  920. /// </summary>
  921. public static string CommonUI_BuiltInCvt {
  922. get {
  923. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.BuiltInCvt", resourceCulture);
  924. }
  925. }
  926. /// <summary>
  927. /// 查詢類似 Buy 的當地語系化字串。
  928. /// </summary>
  929. public static string CommonUI_Buy {
  930. get {
  931. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Buy", resourceCulture);
  932. }
  933. }
  934. /// <summary>
  935. /// 查詢類似 Camera 的當地語系化字串。
  936. /// </summary>
  937. public static string CommonUI_Camera {
  938. get {
  939. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Camera", resourceCulture);
  940. }
  941. }
  942. /// <summary>
  943. /// 查詢類似 Cancel 的當地語系化字串。
  944. /// </summary>
  945. public static string CommonUI_Cancel {
  946. get {
  947. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Cancel", resourceCulture);
  948. }
  949. }
  950. /// <summary>
  951. /// 查詢類似 Category 的當地語系化字串。
  952. /// </summary>
  953. public static string CommonUI_Category {
  954. get {
  955. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Category", resourceCulture);
  956. }
  957. }
  958. /// <summary>
  959. /// 查詢類似 Check File 的當地語系化字串。
  960. /// </summary>
  961. public static string CommonUI_CheckFile {
  962. get {
  963. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.CheckFile", resourceCulture);
  964. }
  965. }
  966. /// <summary>
  967. /// 查詢類似 Clear 的當地語系化字串。
  968. /// </summary>
  969. public static string CommonUI_Clear {
  970. get {
  971. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Clear", resourceCulture);
  972. }
  973. }
  974. /// <summary>
  975. /// 查詢類似 Close 的當地語系化字串。
  976. /// </summary>
  977. public static string CommonUI_Close {
  978. get {
  979. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Close", resourceCulture);
  980. }
  981. }
  982. /// <summary>
  983. /// 查詢類似 Color 的當地語系化字串。
  984. /// </summary>
  985. public static string CommonUI_Color {
  986. get {
  987. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Color", resourceCulture);
  988. }
  989. }
  990. /// <summary>
  991. /// 查詢類似 Confirm Password 的當地語系化字串。
  992. /// </summary>
  993. public static string CommonUI_ConfirmPwd {
  994. get {
  995. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.ConfirmPwd", resourceCulture);
  996. }
  997. }
  998. /// <summary>
  999. /// 查詢類似 Continue 的當地語系化字串。
  1000. /// </summary>
  1001. public static string CommonUI_Continue {
  1002. get {
  1003. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Continue", resourceCulture);
  1004. }
  1005. }
  1006. /// <summary>
  1007. /// 查詢類似 Convert 的當地語系化字串。
  1008. /// </summary>
  1009. public static string CommonUI_Convert {
  1010. get {
  1011. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Convert", resourceCulture);
  1012. }
  1013. }
  1014. /// <summary>
  1015. /// 查詢類似 Converter 的當地語系化字串。
  1016. /// </summary>
  1017. public static string CommonUI_Converter {
  1018. get {
  1019. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Converter", resourceCulture);
  1020. }
  1021. }
  1022. /// <summary>
  1023. /// 查詢類似 Start 的當地語系化字串。
  1024. /// </summary>
  1025. public static string CommonUI_ConvertStart {
  1026. get {
  1027. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.ConvertStart", resourceCulture);
  1028. }
  1029. }
  1030. /// <summary>
  1031. /// 查詢類似 Copy 的當地語系化字串。
  1032. /// </summary>
  1033. public static string CommonUI_Copy {
  1034. get {
  1035. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Copy", resourceCulture);
  1036. }
  1037. }
  1038. /// <summary>
  1039. /// 查詢類似 Country 的當地語系化字串。
  1040. /// </summary>
  1041. public static string CommonUI_Country {
  1042. get {
  1043. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Country", resourceCulture);
  1044. }
  1045. }
  1046. /// <summary>
  1047. /// 查詢類似 Cover 的當地語系化字串。
  1048. /// </summary>
  1049. public static string CommonUI_Cover {
  1050. get {
  1051. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Cover", resourceCulture);
  1052. }
  1053. }
  1054. /// <summary>
  1055. /// 查詢類似 Covers 的當地語系化字串。
  1056. /// </summary>
  1057. public static string CommonUI_Covers {
  1058. get {
  1059. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Covers", resourceCulture);
  1060. }
  1061. }
  1062. /// <summary>
  1063. /// 查詢類似 Create 的當地語系化字串。
  1064. /// </summary>
  1065. public static string CommonUI_Create {
  1066. get {
  1067. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Create", resourceCulture);
  1068. }
  1069. }
  1070. /// <summary>
  1071. /// 查詢類似 Creation 的當地語系化字串。
  1072. /// </summary>
  1073. public static string CommonUI_Creation {
  1074. get {
  1075. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Creation", resourceCulture);
  1076. }
  1077. }
  1078. /// <summary>
  1079. /// 查詢類似 Creator 的當地語系化字串。
  1080. /// </summary>
  1081. public static string CommonUI_Creator {
  1082. get {
  1083. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Creator", resourceCulture);
  1084. }
  1085. }
  1086. /// <summary>
  1087. /// 查詢類似 Crop 的當地語系化字串。
  1088. /// </summary>
  1089. public static string CommonUI_Crop {
  1090. get {
  1091. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Crop", resourceCulture);
  1092. }
  1093. }
  1094. /// <summary>
  1095. /// 查詢類似 Crop Image 的當地語系化字串。
  1096. /// </summary>
  1097. public static string CommonUI_CropImage {
  1098. get {
  1099. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.CropImage", resourceCulture);
  1100. }
  1101. }
  1102. /// <summary>
  1103. /// 查詢類似 Custom 的當地語系化字串。
  1104. /// </summary>
  1105. public static string CommonUI_Custom {
  1106. get {
  1107. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Custom", resourceCulture);
  1108. }
  1109. }
  1110. /// <summary>
  1111. /// 查詢類似 Cut 的當地語系化字串。
  1112. /// </summary>
  1113. public static string CommonUI_Cut {
  1114. get {
  1115. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Cut", resourceCulture);
  1116. }
  1117. }
  1118. /// <summary>
  1119. /// 查詢類似 Delete 的當地語系化字串。
  1120. /// </summary>
  1121. public static string CommonUI_Delete {
  1122. get {
  1123. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Delete", resourceCulture);
  1124. }
  1125. }
  1126. /// <summary>
  1127. /// 查詢類似 Description 的當地語系化字串。
  1128. /// </summary>
  1129. public static string CommonUI_Description {
  1130. get {
  1131. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Description", resourceCulture);
  1132. }
  1133. }
  1134. /// <summary>
  1135. /// 查詢類似 Deselect all 的當地語系化字串。
  1136. /// </summary>
  1137. public static string CommonUI_DeselectAll {
  1138. get {
  1139. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/DeselectAll", resourceCulture);
  1140. }
  1141. }
  1142. /// <summary>
  1143. /// 查詢類似 Discard 的當地語系化字串。
  1144. /// </summary>
  1145. public static string CommonUI_Discard {
  1146. get {
  1147. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Discard", resourceCulture);
  1148. }
  1149. }
  1150. /// <summary>
  1151. /// 查詢類似 Document 的當地語系化字串。
  1152. /// </summary>
  1153. public static string CommonUI_Document {
  1154. get {
  1155. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Document", resourceCulture);
  1156. }
  1157. }
  1158. /// <summary>
  1159. /// 查詢類似 Done 的當地語系化字串。
  1160. /// </summary>
  1161. public static string CommonUI_Done {
  1162. get {
  1163. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Done", resourceCulture);
  1164. }
  1165. }
  1166. /// <summary>
  1167. /// 查詢類似 Download 的當地語系化字串。
  1168. /// </summary>
  1169. public static string CommonUI_Download {
  1170. get {
  1171. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Download", resourceCulture);
  1172. }
  1173. }
  1174. /// <summary>
  1175. /// 查詢類似 Downloaded 的當地語系化字串。
  1176. /// </summary>
  1177. public static string CommonUI_Downloaded {
  1178. get {
  1179. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Downloaded", resourceCulture);
  1180. }
  1181. }
  1182. /// <summary>
  1183. /// 查詢類似 Downloading 的當地語系化字串。
  1184. /// </summary>
  1185. public static string CommonUI_Downloading {
  1186. get {
  1187. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Downloading", resourceCulture);
  1188. }
  1189. }
  1190. /// <summary>
  1191. /// 查詢類似 Draw 的當地語系化字串。
  1192. /// </summary>
  1193. public static string CommonUI_Draw {
  1194. get {
  1195. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Draw", resourceCulture);
  1196. }
  1197. }
  1198. /// <summary>
  1199. /// 查詢類似 Duplicate 的當地語系化字串。
  1200. /// </summary>
  1201. public static string CommonUI_Duplicate {
  1202. get {
  1203. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Duplicate", resourceCulture);
  1204. }
  1205. }
  1206. /// <summary>
  1207. /// 查詢類似 Edit 的當地語系化字串。
  1208. /// </summary>
  1209. public static string CommonUI_Edit {
  1210. get {
  1211. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Edit", resourceCulture);
  1212. }
  1213. }
  1214. /// <summary>
  1215. /// 查詢類似 E-mail 的當地語系化字串。
  1216. /// </summary>
  1217. public static string CommonUI_Email {
  1218. get {
  1219. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Email", resourceCulture);
  1220. }
  1221. }
  1222. /// <summary>
  1223. /// 查詢類似 Email address 的當地語系化字串。
  1224. /// </summary>
  1225. public static string CommonUI_EmailAddress {
  1226. get {
  1227. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/EmailAddress", resourceCulture);
  1228. }
  1229. }
  1230. /// <summary>
  1231. /// 查詢類似 Encrypted 的當地語系化字串。
  1232. /// </summary>
  1233. public static string CommonUI_Encrypted {
  1234. get {
  1235. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Encrypted", resourceCulture);
  1236. }
  1237. }
  1238. /// <summary>
  1239. /// 查詢類似 Exit 的當地語系化字串。
  1240. /// </summary>
  1241. public static string CommonUI_Exit {
  1242. get {
  1243. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Exit", resourceCulture);
  1244. }
  1245. }
  1246. /// <summary>
  1247. /// 查詢類似 Export 的當地語系化字串。
  1248. /// </summary>
  1249. public static string CommonUI_Export {
  1250. get {
  1251. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Export", resourceCulture);
  1252. }
  1253. }
  1254. /// <summary>
  1255. /// 查詢類似 Failed 的當地語系化字串。
  1256. /// </summary>
  1257. public static string CommonUI_Failed {
  1258. get {
  1259. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Failed", resourceCulture);
  1260. }
  1261. }
  1262. /// <summary>
  1263. /// 查詢類似 Fax 的當地語系化字串。
  1264. /// </summary>
  1265. public static string CommonUI_Fax {
  1266. get {
  1267. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Fax", resourceCulture);
  1268. }
  1269. }
  1270. /// <summary>
  1271. /// 查詢類似 File 的當地語系化字串。
  1272. /// </summary>
  1273. public static string CommonUI_File {
  1274. get {
  1275. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.File", resourceCulture);
  1276. }
  1277. }
  1278. /// <summary>
  1279. /// 查詢類似 File Info 的當地語系化字串。
  1280. /// </summary>
  1281. public static string CommonUI_FileInfo {
  1282. get {
  1283. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.FileInfo", resourceCulture);
  1284. }
  1285. }
  1286. /// <summary>
  1287. /// 查詢類似 File link 的當地語系化字串。
  1288. /// </summary>
  1289. public static string CommonUI_FileLink {
  1290. get {
  1291. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.FileLink", resourceCulture);
  1292. }
  1293. }
  1294. /// <summary>
  1295. /// 查詢類似 File name 的當地語系化字串。
  1296. /// </summary>
  1297. public static string CommonUI_FileName {
  1298. get {
  1299. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.FileName", resourceCulture);
  1300. }
  1301. }
  1302. /// <summary>
  1303. /// 查詢類似 Files 的當地語系化字串。
  1304. /// </summary>
  1305. public static string CommonUI_Files {
  1306. get {
  1307. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Files", resourceCulture);
  1308. }
  1309. }
  1310. /// <summary>
  1311. /// 查詢類似 Fill 的當地語系化字串。
  1312. /// </summary>
  1313. public static string CommonUI_Fill {
  1314. get {
  1315. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Fill", resourceCulture);
  1316. }
  1317. }
  1318. /// <summary>
  1319. /// 查詢類似 Folder 的當地語系化字串。
  1320. /// </summary>
  1321. public static string CommonUI_Folder {
  1322. get {
  1323. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Folder", resourceCulture);
  1324. }
  1325. }
  1326. /// <summary>
  1327. /// 查詢類似 Folders 的當地語系化字串。
  1328. /// </summary>
  1329. public static string CommonUI_Folders {
  1330. get {
  1331. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Folders", resourceCulture);
  1332. }
  1333. }
  1334. /// <summary>
  1335. /// 查詢類似 Font 的當地語系化字串。
  1336. /// </summary>
  1337. public static string CommonUI_Font {
  1338. get {
  1339. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Font", resourceCulture);
  1340. }
  1341. }
  1342. /// <summary>
  1343. /// 查詢類似 Font Settings 的當地語系化字串。
  1344. /// </summary>
  1345. public static string CommonUI_FontSetting {
  1346. get {
  1347. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.FontSetting", resourceCulture);
  1348. }
  1349. }
  1350. /// <summary>
  1351. /// 查詢類似 Format 的當地語系化字串。
  1352. /// </summary>
  1353. public static string CommonUI_Format {
  1354. get {
  1355. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Format", resourceCulture);
  1356. }
  1357. }
  1358. /// <summary>
  1359. /// 查詢類似 Free 的當地語系化字串。
  1360. /// </summary>
  1361. public static string CommonUI_Free {
  1362. get {
  1363. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Free", resourceCulture);
  1364. }
  1365. }
  1366. /// <summary>
  1367. /// 查詢類似 GB 的當地語系化字串。
  1368. /// </summary>
  1369. public static string CommonUI_GB {
  1370. get {
  1371. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.GB", resourceCulture);
  1372. }
  1373. }
  1374. /// <summary>
  1375. /// 查詢類似 General 的當地語系化字串。
  1376. /// </summary>
  1377. public static string CommonUI_General {
  1378. get {
  1379. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.General", resourceCulture);
  1380. }
  1381. }
  1382. /// <summary>
  1383. /// 查詢類似 Grey 的當地語系化字串。
  1384. /// </summary>
  1385. public static string CommonUI_Grey {
  1386. get {
  1387. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Grey", resourceCulture);
  1388. }
  1389. }
  1390. /// <summary>
  1391. /// 查詢類似 Group 的當地語系化字串。
  1392. /// </summary>
  1393. public static string CommonUI_Group {
  1394. get {
  1395. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Group", resourceCulture);
  1396. }
  1397. }
  1398. /// <summary>
  1399. /// 查詢類似 Continue as Guest 的當地語系化字串。
  1400. /// </summary>
  1401. public static string CommonUI_Guest {
  1402. get {
  1403. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Guest", resourceCulture);
  1404. }
  1405. }
  1406. /// <summary>
  1407. /// 查詢類似 Guide 的當地語系化字串。
  1408. /// </summary>
  1409. public static string CommonUI_Guide {
  1410. get {
  1411. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Guide", resourceCulture);
  1412. }
  1413. }
  1414. /// <summary>
  1415. /// 查詢類似 Home 的當地語系化字串。
  1416. /// </summary>
  1417. public static string CommonUI_Home {
  1418. get {
  1419. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Home", resourceCulture);
  1420. }
  1421. }
  1422. /// <summary>
  1423. /// 查詢類似 Hyperlink 的當地語系化字串。
  1424. /// </summary>
  1425. public static string CommonUI_Hyperlink {
  1426. get {
  1427. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Hyperlink", resourceCulture);
  1428. }
  1429. }
  1430. /// <summary>
  1431. /// 查詢類似 Image 的當地語系化字串。
  1432. /// </summary>
  1433. public static string CommonUI_Image {
  1434. get {
  1435. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Image", resourceCulture);
  1436. }
  1437. }
  1438. /// <summary>
  1439. /// 查詢類似 Info 的當地語系化字串。
  1440. /// </summary>
  1441. public static string CommonUI_Info {
  1442. get {
  1443. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Info", resourceCulture);
  1444. }
  1445. }
  1446. /// <summary>
  1447. /// 查詢類似 Insert 的當地語系化字串。
  1448. /// </summary>
  1449. public static string CommonUI_Insert {
  1450. get {
  1451. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Insert", resourceCulture);
  1452. }
  1453. }
  1454. /// <summary>
  1455. /// 查詢類似 Items 的當地語系化字串。
  1456. /// </summary>
  1457. public static string CommonUI_Items {
  1458. get {
  1459. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Items", resourceCulture);
  1460. }
  1461. }
  1462. /// <summary>
  1463. /// 查詢類似 Add other attachments 的當地語系化字串。
  1464. /// </summary>
  1465. public static string CommonUI_ItemsAttached {
  1466. get {
  1467. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.ItemsAttached", resourceCulture);
  1468. }
  1469. }
  1470. /// <summary>
  1471. /// 查詢類似 KB 的當地語系化字串。
  1472. /// </summary>
  1473. public static string CommonUI_KB {
  1474. get {
  1475. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/KB", resourceCulture);
  1476. }
  1477. }
  1478. /// <summary>
  1479. /// 查詢類似 Later 的當地語系化字串。
  1480. /// </summary>
  1481. public static string CommonUI_Later {
  1482. get {
  1483. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Later", resourceCulture);
  1484. }
  1485. }
  1486. /// <summary>
  1487. /// 查詢類似 Layer 的當地語系化字串。
  1488. /// </summary>
  1489. public static string CommonUI_Layer {
  1490. get {
  1491. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Layer", resourceCulture);
  1492. }
  1493. }
  1494. /// <summary>
  1495. /// 查詢類似 Untitled 的當地語系化字串。
  1496. /// </summary>
  1497. public static string CommonUI_Length {
  1498. get {
  1499. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Length", resourceCulture);
  1500. }
  1501. }
  1502. /// <summary>
  1503. /// 查詢類似 Local Folder 的當地語系化字串。
  1504. /// </summary>
  1505. public static string CommonUI_LocalFolder {
  1506. get {
  1507. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.LocalFolder", resourceCulture);
  1508. }
  1509. }
  1510. /// <summary>
  1511. /// 查詢類似 Local page 的當地語系化字串。
  1512. /// </summary>
  1513. public static string CommonUI_LocalPage {
  1514. get {
  1515. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.LocalPage", resourceCulture);
  1516. }
  1517. }
  1518. /// <summary>
  1519. /// 查詢類似 Location 的當地語系化字串。
  1520. /// </summary>
  1521. public static string CommonUI_Location {
  1522. get {
  1523. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Location", resourceCulture);
  1524. }
  1525. }
  1526. /// <summary>
  1527. /// 查詢類似 MB 的當地語系化字串。
  1528. /// </summary>
  1529. public static string CommonUI_MB {
  1530. get {
  1531. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.MB", resourceCulture);
  1532. }
  1533. }
  1534. /// <summary>
  1535. /// 查詢類似 Menu 的當地語系化字串。
  1536. /// </summary>
  1537. public static string CommonUI_Menu {
  1538. get {
  1539. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Menu", resourceCulture);
  1540. }
  1541. }
  1542. /// <summary>
  1543. /// 查詢類似 Merge 的當地語系化字串。
  1544. /// </summary>
  1545. public static string CommonUI_Merge {
  1546. get {
  1547. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Merge", resourceCulture);
  1548. }
  1549. }
  1550. /// <summary>
  1551. /// 查詢類似 Merge all 的當地語系化字串。
  1552. /// </summary>
  1553. public static string CommonUI_MergeAll {
  1554. get {
  1555. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.MergeAll", resourceCulture);
  1556. }
  1557. }
  1558. /// <summary>
  1559. /// 查詢類似 Month 的當地語系化字串。
  1560. /// </summary>
  1561. public static string CommonUI_Month {
  1562. get {
  1563. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Month", resourceCulture);
  1564. }
  1565. }
  1566. /// <summary>
  1567. /// 查詢類似 /month 的當地語系化字串。
  1568. /// </summary>
  1569. public static string CommonUI_Month2 {
  1570. get {
  1571. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Month2", resourceCulture);
  1572. }
  1573. }
  1574. /// <summary>
  1575. /// 查詢類似 Monthly Plan 的當地語系化字串。
  1576. /// </summary>
  1577. public static string CommonUI_MonthlyPlan {
  1578. get {
  1579. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.MonthlyPlan", resourceCulture);
  1580. }
  1581. }
  1582. /// <summary>
  1583. /// 查詢類似 Move 的當地語系化字串。
  1584. /// </summary>
  1585. public static string CommonUI_Move {
  1586. get {
  1587. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Move", resourceCulture);
  1588. }
  1589. }
  1590. /// <summary>
  1591. /// 查詢類似 Next 的當地語系化字串。
  1592. /// </summary>
  1593. public static string CommonUI_Next {
  1594. get {
  1595. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Next", resourceCulture);
  1596. }
  1597. }
  1598. /// <summary>
  1599. /// 查詢類似 Next Page 的當地語系化字串。
  1600. /// </summary>
  1601. public static string CommonUI_NextPage {
  1602. get {
  1603. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.NextPage", resourceCulture);
  1604. }
  1605. }
  1606. /// <summary>
  1607. /// 查詢類似 Nickname 的當地語系化字串。
  1608. /// </summary>
  1609. public static string CommonUI_NickName {
  1610. get {
  1611. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.NickName", resourceCulture);
  1612. }
  1613. }
  1614. /// <summary>
  1615. /// 查詢類似 No 的當地語系化字串。
  1616. /// </summary>
  1617. public static string CommonUI_No {
  1618. get {
  1619. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.No", resourceCulture);
  1620. }
  1621. }
  1622. /// <summary>
  1623. /// 查詢類似 OK 的當地語系化字串。
  1624. /// </summary>
  1625. public static string CommonUI_OK {
  1626. get {
  1627. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.OK", resourceCulture);
  1628. }
  1629. }
  1630. /// <summary>
  1631. /// 查詢類似 Opacity 的當地語系化字串。
  1632. /// </summary>
  1633. public static string CommonUI_Opacity {
  1634. get {
  1635. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Opacity", resourceCulture);
  1636. }
  1637. }
  1638. /// <summary>
  1639. /// 查詢類似 Open 的當地語系化字串。
  1640. /// </summary>
  1641. public static string CommonUI_Open {
  1642. get {
  1643. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Open", resourceCulture);
  1644. }
  1645. }
  1646. /// <summary>
  1647. /// 查詢類似 or 的當地語系化字串。
  1648. /// </summary>
  1649. public static string CommonUI_or {
  1650. get {
  1651. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.or", resourceCulture);
  1652. }
  1653. }
  1654. /// <summary>
  1655. /// 查詢類似 Output 的當地語系化字串。
  1656. /// </summary>
  1657. public static string CommonUI_Output {
  1658. get {
  1659. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Output", resourceCulture);
  1660. }
  1661. }
  1662. /// <summary>
  1663. /// 查詢類似 Overwrite 的當地語系化字串。
  1664. /// </summary>
  1665. public static string CommonUI_Overwrite {
  1666. get {
  1667. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Overwrite", resourceCulture);
  1668. }
  1669. }
  1670. /// <summary>
  1671. /// 查詢類似 Owned 的當地語系化字串。
  1672. /// </summary>
  1673. public static string CommonUI_Owned {
  1674. get {
  1675. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Owned", resourceCulture);
  1676. }
  1677. }
  1678. /// <summary>
  1679. /// 查詢類似 Page 的當地語系化字串。
  1680. /// </summary>
  1681. public static string CommonUI_Page {
  1682. get {
  1683. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Page", resourceCulture);
  1684. }
  1685. }
  1686. /// <summary>
  1687. /// 查詢類似 Page Number 的當地語系化字串。
  1688. /// </summary>
  1689. public static string CommonUI_PageNumber {
  1690. get {
  1691. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.PageNumber", resourceCulture);
  1692. }
  1693. }
  1694. /// <summary>
  1695. /// 查詢類似 Page range 的當地語系化字串。
  1696. /// </summary>
  1697. public static string CommonUI_PageRange {
  1698. get {
  1699. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.PageRange", resourceCulture);
  1700. }
  1701. }
  1702. /// <summary>
  1703. /// 查詢類似 Pages 的當地語系化字串。
  1704. /// </summary>
  1705. public static string CommonUI_Pages {
  1706. get {
  1707. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Pages", resourceCulture);
  1708. }
  1709. }
  1710. /// <summary>
  1711. /// 查詢類似 Password Lock 的當地語系化字串。
  1712. /// </summary>
  1713. public static string CommonUI_PasswordLock {
  1714. get {
  1715. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.PasswordLock", resourceCulture);
  1716. }
  1717. }
  1718. /// <summary>
  1719. /// 查詢類似 Paste 的當地語系化字串。
  1720. /// </summary>
  1721. public static string CommonUI_Paste {
  1722. get {
  1723. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Paste", resourceCulture);
  1724. }
  1725. }
  1726. /// <summary>
  1727. /// 查詢類似 Pin 的當地語系化字串。
  1728. /// </summary>
  1729. public static string CommonUI_Pin {
  1730. get {
  1731. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Pin", resourceCulture);
  1732. }
  1733. }
  1734. /// <summary>
  1735. /// 查詢類似 Play 的當地語系化字串。
  1736. /// </summary>
  1737. public static string CommonUI_Play {
  1738. get {
  1739. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Play", resourceCulture);
  1740. }
  1741. }
  1742. /// <summary>
  1743. /// 查詢類似 Previous Page 的當地語系化字串。
  1744. /// </summary>
  1745. public static string CommonUI_PreviousPage {
  1746. get {
  1747. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.PreviousPage", resourceCulture);
  1748. }
  1749. }
  1750. /// <summary>
  1751. /// 查詢類似 Print 的當地語系化字串。
  1752. /// </summary>
  1753. public static string CommonUI_Print {
  1754. get {
  1755. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Print", resourceCulture);
  1756. }
  1757. }
  1758. /// <summary>
  1759. /// 查詢類似 Producer 的當地語系化字串。
  1760. /// </summary>
  1761. public static string CommonUI_Producer {
  1762. get {
  1763. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Producer", resourceCulture);
  1764. }
  1765. }
  1766. /// <summary>
  1767. /// 查詢類似 Published 的當地語系化字串。
  1768. /// </summary>
  1769. public static string CommonUI_Published {
  1770. get {
  1771. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Published", resourceCulture);
  1772. }
  1773. }
  1774. /// <summary>
  1775. /// 查詢類似 Purchased 的當地語系化字串。
  1776. /// </summary>
  1777. public static string CommonUI_Purchased {
  1778. get {
  1779. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Purchased", resourceCulture);
  1780. }
  1781. }
  1782. /// <summary>
  1783. /// 查詢類似 Quarter 的當地語系化字串。
  1784. /// </summary>
  1785. public static string CommonUI_Quarter {
  1786. get {
  1787. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Quarter", resourceCulture);
  1788. }
  1789. }
  1790. /// <summary>
  1791. /// 查詢類似 Quarterly Plan 的當地語系化字串。
  1792. /// </summary>
  1793. public static string CommonUI_QuarterlyPlan {
  1794. get {
  1795. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.QuarterlyPlan", resourceCulture);
  1796. }
  1797. }
  1798. /// <summary>
  1799. /// 查詢類似 Range 的當地語系化字串。
  1800. /// </summary>
  1801. public static string CommonUI_Range {
  1802. get {
  1803. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Range", resourceCulture);
  1804. }
  1805. }
  1806. /// <summary>
  1807. /// 查詢類似 Recently Open 的當地語系化字串。
  1808. /// </summary>
  1809. public static string CommonUI_Recent {
  1810. get {
  1811. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Recent", resourceCulture);
  1812. }
  1813. }
  1814. /// <summary>
  1815. /// 查詢類似 Recharge 的當地語系化字串。
  1816. /// </summary>
  1817. public static string CommonUI_Recharge {
  1818. get {
  1819. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Recharge", resourceCulture);
  1820. }
  1821. }
  1822. /// <summary>
  1823. /// 查詢類似 Recording 的當地語系化字串。
  1824. /// </summary>
  1825. public static string CommonUI_Recording {
  1826. get {
  1827. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Recording", resourceCulture);
  1828. }
  1829. }
  1830. /// <summary>
  1831. /// 查詢類似 Redo 的當地語系化字串。
  1832. /// </summary>
  1833. public static string CommonUI_Redo {
  1834. get {
  1835. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Redo", resourceCulture);
  1836. }
  1837. }
  1838. /// <summary>
  1839. /// 查詢類似 Refresh 的當地語系化字串。
  1840. /// </summary>
  1841. public static string CommonUI_Refresh {
  1842. get {
  1843. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Refresh", resourceCulture);
  1844. }
  1845. }
  1846. /// <summary>
  1847. /// 查詢類似 Remember Me 的當地語系化字串。
  1848. /// </summary>
  1849. public static string CommonUI_RememberMe {
  1850. get {
  1851. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.RememberMe", resourceCulture);
  1852. }
  1853. }
  1854. /// <summary>
  1855. /// 查詢類似 Rename 的當地語系化字串。
  1856. /// </summary>
  1857. public static string CommonUI_Rename {
  1858. get {
  1859. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Rename", resourceCulture);
  1860. }
  1861. }
  1862. /// <summary>
  1863. /// 查詢類似 Repeat 的當地語系化字串。
  1864. /// </summary>
  1865. public static string CommonUI_Repeat {
  1866. get {
  1867. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Repeat", resourceCulture);
  1868. }
  1869. }
  1870. /// <summary>
  1871. /// 查詢類似 Replace 的當地語系化字串。
  1872. /// </summary>
  1873. public static string CommonUI_Replace {
  1874. get {
  1875. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Replace", resourceCulture);
  1876. }
  1877. }
  1878. /// <summary>
  1879. /// 查詢類似 Replace all 的當地語系化字串。
  1880. /// </summary>
  1881. public static string CommonUI_ReplaceAll {
  1882. get {
  1883. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.ReplaceAll", resourceCulture);
  1884. }
  1885. }
  1886. /// <summary>
  1887. /// 查詢類似 Report 的當地語系化字串。
  1888. /// </summary>
  1889. public static string CommonUI_Report {
  1890. get {
  1891. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Report", resourceCulture);
  1892. }
  1893. }
  1894. /// <summary>
  1895. /// 查詢類似 Save 的當地語系化字串。
  1896. /// </summary>
  1897. public static string CommonUI_Save {
  1898. get {
  1899. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Save", resourceCulture);
  1900. }
  1901. }
  1902. /// <summary>
  1903. /// 查詢類似 Save as 的當地語系化字串。
  1904. /// </summary>
  1905. public static string CommonUI_SaveAs {
  1906. get {
  1907. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.SaveAs", resourceCulture);
  1908. }
  1909. }
  1910. /// <summary>
  1911. /// 查詢類似 Search 的當地語系化字串。
  1912. /// </summary>
  1913. public static string CommonUI_Search {
  1914. get {
  1915. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Search", resourceCulture);
  1916. }
  1917. }
  1918. /// <summary>
  1919. /// 查詢類似 Select 的當地語系化字串。
  1920. /// </summary>
  1921. public static string CommonUI_Select {
  1922. get {
  1923. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Select", resourceCulture);
  1924. }
  1925. }
  1926. /// <summary>
  1927. /// 查詢類似 Select all 的當地語系化字串。
  1928. /// </summary>
  1929. public static string CommonUI_SelectAll {
  1930. get {
  1931. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/SelectAll", resourceCulture);
  1932. }
  1933. }
  1934. /// <summary>
  1935. /// 查詢類似 Select a country 的當地語系化字串。
  1936. /// </summary>
  1937. public static string CommonUI_SelectCountry {
  1938. get {
  1939. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.SelectCountry", resourceCulture);
  1940. }
  1941. }
  1942. /// <summary>
  1943. /// 查詢類似 selected 的當地語系化字串。
  1944. /// </summary>
  1945. public static string CommonUI_Selected {
  1946. get {
  1947. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Selected", resourceCulture);
  1948. }
  1949. }
  1950. /// <summary>
  1951. /// 查詢類似 Choose File 的當地語系化字串。
  1952. /// </summary>
  1953. public static string CommonUI_SelectFile {
  1954. get {
  1955. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.SelectFile", resourceCulture);
  1956. }
  1957. }
  1958. /// <summary>
  1959. /// 查詢類似 Select where you want to save the file 的當地語系化字串。
  1960. /// </summary>
  1961. public static string CommonUI_SelectLocation {
  1962. get {
  1963. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.SelectLocation", resourceCulture);
  1964. }
  1965. }
  1966. /// <summary>
  1967. /// 查詢類似 Send 的當地語系化字串。
  1968. /// </summary>
  1969. public static string CommonUI_Send {
  1970. get {
  1971. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Send", resourceCulture);
  1972. }
  1973. }
  1974. /// <summary>
  1975. /// 查詢類似 Send to 的當地語系化字串。
  1976. /// </summary>
  1977. public static string CommonUI_SendTo {
  1978. get {
  1979. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.SendTo", resourceCulture);
  1980. }
  1981. }
  1982. /// <summary>
  1983. /// 查詢類似 Sorry, we are experiencing temporary server issues. Please wait a few minutes before reconnecting. 的當地語系化字串。
  1984. /// </summary>
  1985. public static string CommonUI_ServerError_Content {
  1986. get {
  1987. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.ServerError.Content", resourceCulture);
  1988. }
  1989. }
  1990. /// <summary>
  1991. /// 查詢類似 Settings 的當地語系化字串。
  1992. /// </summary>
  1993. public static string CommonUI_Settings {
  1994. get {
  1995. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Settings", resourceCulture);
  1996. }
  1997. }
  1998. /// <summary>
  1999. /// 查詢類似 Share 的當地語系化字串。
  2000. /// </summary>
  2001. public static string CommonUI_Share {
  2002. get {
  2003. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Share", resourceCulture);
  2004. }
  2005. }
  2006. /// <summary>
  2007. /// 查詢類似 Share file link 的當地語系化字串。
  2008. /// </summary>
  2009. public static string CommonUI_ShareLink {
  2010. get {
  2011. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/ShareLink", resourceCulture);
  2012. }
  2013. }
  2014. /// <summary>
  2015. /// 查詢類似 Size 的當地語系化字串。
  2016. /// </summary>
  2017. public static string CommonUI_Size {
  2018. get {
  2019. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Size", resourceCulture);
  2020. }
  2021. }
  2022. /// <summary>
  2023. /// 查詢類似 Skip 的當地語系化字串。
  2024. /// </summary>
  2025. public static string CommonUI_Skip {
  2026. get {
  2027. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Skip", resourceCulture);
  2028. }
  2029. }
  2030. /// <summary>
  2031. /// 查詢類似 Sort by 的當地語系化字串。
  2032. /// </summary>
  2033. public static string CommonUI_Sort {
  2034. get {
  2035. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Sort", resourceCulture);
  2036. }
  2037. }
  2038. /// <summary>
  2039. /// 查詢類似 Source 的當地語系化字串。
  2040. /// </summary>
  2041. public static string CommonUI_Source {
  2042. get {
  2043. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Source", resourceCulture);
  2044. }
  2045. }
  2046. /// <summary>
  2047. /// 查詢類似 Sources 的當地語系化字串。
  2048. /// </summary>
  2049. public static string CommonUI_Sources {
  2050. get {
  2051. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Sources", resourceCulture);
  2052. }
  2053. }
  2054. /// <summary>
  2055. /// 查詢類似 Start 的當地語系化字串。
  2056. /// </summary>
  2057. public static string CommonUI_Start {
  2058. get {
  2059. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Start", resourceCulture);
  2060. }
  2061. }
  2062. /// <summary>
  2063. /// 查詢類似 Start Trial 的當地語系化字串。
  2064. /// </summary>
  2065. public static string CommonUI_StartTrial {
  2066. get {
  2067. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/StartTrial", resourceCulture);
  2068. }
  2069. }
  2070. /// <summary>
  2071. /// 查詢類似 Stickers 的當地語系化字串。
  2072. /// </summary>
  2073. public static string CommonUI_Stickers {
  2074. get {
  2075. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Stickers", resourceCulture);
  2076. }
  2077. }
  2078. /// <summary>
  2079. /// 查詢類似 Stop 的當地語系化字串。
  2080. /// </summary>
  2081. public static string CommonUI_Stop {
  2082. get {
  2083. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Stop", resourceCulture);
  2084. }
  2085. }
  2086. /// <summary>
  2087. /// 查詢類似 Style 的當地語系化字串。
  2088. /// </summary>
  2089. public static string CommonUI_Style {
  2090. get {
  2091. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Style", resourceCulture);
  2092. }
  2093. }
  2094. /// <summary>
  2095. /// 查詢類似 Support 的當地語系化字串。
  2096. /// </summary>
  2097. public static string CommonUI_Support {
  2098. get {
  2099. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Support", resourceCulture);
  2100. }
  2101. }
  2102. /// <summary>
  2103. /// 查詢類似 Tag 的當地語系化字串。
  2104. /// </summary>
  2105. public static string CommonUI_Tag {
  2106. get {
  2107. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Tag", resourceCulture);
  2108. }
  2109. }
  2110. /// <summary>
  2111. /// 查詢類似 Tags 的當地語系化字串。
  2112. /// </summary>
  2113. public static string CommonUI_Tags {
  2114. get {
  2115. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Tags", resourceCulture);
  2116. }
  2117. }
  2118. /// <summary>
  2119. /// 查詢類似 Task Manager 的當地語系化字串。
  2120. /// </summary>
  2121. public static string CommonUI_TaskManger {
  2122. get {
  2123. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.TaskManger", resourceCulture);
  2124. }
  2125. }
  2126. /// <summary>
  2127. /// 查詢類似 TB 的當地語系化字串。
  2128. /// </summary>
  2129. public static string CommonUI_TB {
  2130. get {
  2131. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.TB", resourceCulture);
  2132. }
  2133. }
  2134. /// <summary>
  2135. /// 查詢類似 Text 的當地語系化字串。
  2136. /// </summary>
  2137. public static string CommonUI_Text {
  2138. get {
  2139. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Text", resourceCulture);
  2140. }
  2141. }
  2142. /// <summary>
  2143. /// 查詢類似 Themes 的當地語系化字串。
  2144. /// </summary>
  2145. public static string CommonUI_Themes {
  2146. get {
  2147. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Themes", resourceCulture);
  2148. }
  2149. }
  2150. /// <summary>
  2151. /// 查詢類似 Thickness 的當地語系化字串。
  2152. /// </summary>
  2153. public static string CommonUI_Thickness {
  2154. get {
  2155. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Thickness", resourceCulture);
  2156. }
  2157. }
  2158. /// <summary>
  2159. /// 查詢類似 Thumbnail 的當地語系化字串。
  2160. /// </summary>
  2161. public static string CommonUI_Thumbnail {
  2162. get {
  2163. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Thumbnail", resourceCulture);
  2164. }
  2165. }
  2166. /// <summary>
  2167. /// 查詢類似 Title 的當地語系化字串。
  2168. /// </summary>
  2169. public static string CommonUI_Title {
  2170. get {
  2171. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Title", resourceCulture);
  2172. }
  2173. }
  2174. /// <summary>
  2175. /// 查詢類似 Trim 的當地語系化字串。
  2176. /// </summary>
  2177. public static string CommonUI_Trim {
  2178. get {
  2179. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Trim", resourceCulture);
  2180. }
  2181. }
  2182. /// <summary>
  2183. /// 查詢類似 Undo 的當地語系化字串。
  2184. /// </summary>
  2185. public static string CommonUI_Undo {
  2186. get {
  2187. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Undo", resourceCulture);
  2188. }
  2189. }
  2190. /// <summary>
  2191. /// 查詢類似 Unlock 的當地語系化字串。
  2192. /// </summary>
  2193. public static string CommonUI_Unlock {
  2194. get {
  2195. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Unlock", resourceCulture);
  2196. }
  2197. }
  2198. /// <summary>
  2199. /// 查詢類似 Unlocked 的當地語系化字串。
  2200. /// </summary>
  2201. public static string CommonUI_Unlocked {
  2202. get {
  2203. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Unlocked", resourceCulture);
  2204. }
  2205. }
  2206. /// <summary>
  2207. /// 查詢類似 Confirm password does not match password. 的當地語系化字串。
  2208. /// </summary>
  2209. public static string CommonUI_UnmatchPwd {
  2210. get {
  2211. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.UnmatchPwd", resourceCulture);
  2212. }
  2213. }
  2214. /// <summary>
  2215. /// 查詢類似 Length 的當地語系化字串。
  2216. /// </summary>
  2217. public static string CommonUI_Untitled {
  2218. get {
  2219. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Untitled", resourceCulture);
  2220. }
  2221. }
  2222. /// <summary>
  2223. /// 查詢類似 Unzip 的當地語系化字串。
  2224. /// </summary>
  2225. public static string CommonUI_Unzip {
  2226. get {
  2227. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Unzip", resourceCulture);
  2228. }
  2229. }
  2230. /// <summary>
  2231. /// 查詢類似 Upgrade 的當地語系化字串。
  2232. /// </summary>
  2233. public static string CommonUI_Upgrade {
  2234. get {
  2235. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Upgrade", resourceCulture);
  2236. }
  2237. }
  2238. /// <summary>
  2239. /// 查詢類似 Upload 的當地語系化字串。
  2240. /// </summary>
  2241. public static string CommonUI_Upload {
  2242. get {
  2243. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Upload", resourceCulture);
  2244. }
  2245. }
  2246. /// <summary>
  2247. /// 查詢類似 URL 的當地語系化字串。
  2248. /// </summary>
  2249. public static string CommonUI_URL {
  2250. get {
  2251. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.URL", resourceCulture);
  2252. }
  2253. }
  2254. /// <summary>
  2255. /// 查詢類似 Version 的當地語系化字串。
  2256. /// </summary>
  2257. public static string CommonUI_Version {
  2258. get {
  2259. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Version", resourceCulture);
  2260. }
  2261. }
  2262. /// <summary>
  2263. /// 查詢類似 Video 的當地語系化字串。
  2264. /// </summary>
  2265. public static string CommonUI_Video {
  2266. get {
  2267. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Video", resourceCulture);
  2268. }
  2269. }
  2270. /// <summary>
  2271. /// 查詢類似 Web 的當地語系化字串。
  2272. /// </summary>
  2273. public static string CommonUI_Web {
  2274. get {
  2275. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Web", resourceCulture);
  2276. }
  2277. }
  2278. /// <summary>
  2279. /// 查詢類似 White 的當地語系化字串。
  2280. /// </summary>
  2281. public static string CommonUI_White {
  2282. get {
  2283. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.White", resourceCulture);
  2284. }
  2285. }
  2286. /// <summary>
  2287. /// 查詢類似 Year 的當地語系化字串。
  2288. /// </summary>
  2289. public static string CommonUI_Year {
  2290. get {
  2291. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Year", resourceCulture);
  2292. }
  2293. }
  2294. /// <summary>
  2295. /// 查詢類似 Yes 的當地語系化字串。
  2296. /// </summary>
  2297. public static string CommonUI_Yes {
  2298. get {
  2299. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Yes", resourceCulture);
  2300. }
  2301. }
  2302. /// <summary>
  2303. /// 查詢類似 To keep track of your support requests and receive emails from our customer support team, please sign in with your Kdan ID. 的當地語系化字串。
  2304. /// </summary>
  2305. public static string CommonUI_ZendeskLoginTip {
  2306. get {
  2307. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.ZendeskLoginTip", resourceCulture);
  2308. }
  2309. }
  2310. /// <summary>
  2311. /// 查詢類似 Zip 的當地語系化字串。
  2312. /// </summary>
  2313. public static string CommonUI_Zip {
  2314. get {
  2315. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.Zip", resourceCulture);
  2316. }
  2317. }
  2318. /// <summary>
  2319. /// 查詢類似 Zoom 的當地語系化字串。
  2320. /// </summary>
  2321. public static string CommonUI_Zoom {
  2322. get {
  2323. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI/Zoom", resourceCulture);
  2324. }
  2325. }
  2326. /// <summary>
  2327. /// 查詢類似 Zoom in 的當地語系化字串。
  2328. /// </summary>
  2329. public static string CommonUI_ZoomIn {
  2330. get {
  2331. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.ZoomIn", resourceCulture);
  2332. }
  2333. }
  2334. /// <summary>
  2335. /// 查詢類似 Zoom out 的當地語系化字串。
  2336. /// </summary>
  2337. public static string CommonUI_ZoomOut {
  2338. get {
  2339. return ResourceManager.GetString("CommonUI.ZoomOut", resourceCulture);
  2340. }
  2341. }
  2342. /// <summary>
  2343. /// 查詢類似 Confirm 的當地語系化字串。
  2344. /// </summary>
  2345. public static string ConfirmString {
  2346. get {
  2347. return ResourceManager.GetString("ConfirmString", resourceCulture);
  2348. }
  2349. }
  2350. /// <summary>
  2351. /// 查詢類似 The name already exists. 的當地語系化字串。
  2352. /// </summary>
  2353. public static string ConflictNameMessage {
  2354. get {
  2355. return ResourceManager.GetString("ConflictNameMessage", resourceCulture);
  2356. }
  2357. }
  2358. /// <summary>
  2359. /// 查詢類似 Your file is converting 的當地語系化字串。
  2360. /// </summary>
  2361. public static string ConvertDialogTitle {
  2362. get {
  2363. return ResourceManager.GetString("ConvertDialogTitle", resourceCulture);
  2364. }
  2365. }
  2366. /// <summary>
  2367. /// 查詢類似 Completed 的當地語系化字串。
  2368. /// </summary>
  2369. public static string Converter_Completed {
  2370. get {
  2371. return ResourceManager.GetString("Converter.Completed", resourceCulture);
  2372. }
  2373. }
  2374. /// <summary>
  2375. /// 查詢類似 Please make sure your internet connection is available. 的當地語系化字串。
  2376. /// </summary>
  2377. public static string Converter_ConnectionError_Content {
  2378. get {
  2379. return ResourceManager.GetString("Converter.ConnectionError.Content", resourceCulture);
  2380. }
  2381. }
  2382. /// <summary>
  2383. /// 查詢類似 Connection Error 的當地語系化字串。
  2384. /// </summary>
  2385. public static string Converter_ConnectionError_Title {
  2386. get {
  2387. return ResourceManager.GetString("Converter.ConnectionError.Title", resourceCulture);
  2388. }
  2389. }
  2390. /// <summary>
  2391. /// 查詢類似 You can check the converting process in Task Manager. 的當地語系化字串。
  2392. /// </summary>
  2393. public static string Converter_ConvertingDialog_Content {
  2394. get {
  2395. return ResourceManager.GetString("Converter.ConvertingDialog.Content", resourceCulture);
  2396. }
  2397. }
  2398. /// <summary>
  2399. /// 查詢類似 Please upload the file to Kdan Cloud for file conversion. Would you like to upload the file now? 的當地語系化字串。
  2400. /// </summary>
  2401. public static string Converter_UploadToConvertDialog {
  2402. get {
  2403. return ResourceManager.GetString("Converter.UploadToConvertDialog", resourceCulture);
  2404. }
  2405. }
  2406. /// <summary>
  2407. /// 查詢類似 An error occurred while accessing the converting service. Your credit(s) will be refund to your account. 的當地語系化字串。
  2408. /// </summary>
  2409. public static string ConverterFailed_Content {
  2410. get {
  2411. return ResourceManager.GetString("ConverterFailed.Content", resourceCulture);
  2412. }
  2413. }
  2414. /// <summary>
  2415. /// 查詢類似 Conversion Failed 的當地語系化字串。
  2416. /// </summary>
  2417. public static string ConverterFailed_Title {
  2418. get {
  2419. return ResourceManager.GetString("ConverterFailed.Title", resourceCulture);
  2420. }
  2421. }
  2422. /// <summary>
  2423. /// 查詢類似 Create a Kdan ID 的當地語系化字串。
  2424. /// </summary>
  2425. public static string CreateAccountButton_Content {
  2426. get {
  2427. return ResourceManager.GetString("CreateAccountButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  2428. }
  2429. }
  2430. /// <summary>
  2431. /// 查詢類似 Creativity 365 的當地語系化字串。
  2432. /// </summary>
  2433. public static string Creativity365 {
  2434. get {
  2435. return ResourceManager.GetString("Creativity365", resourceCulture);
  2436. }
  2437. }
  2438. /// <summary>
  2439. /// 查詢類似 Account Balance: 的當地語系化字串。
  2440. /// </summary>
  2441. public static string CreditBalanceLabel_Text {
  2442. get {
  2443. return ResourceManager.GetString("CreditBalanceLabel.Text", resourceCulture);
  2444. }
  2445. }
  2446. /// <summary>
  2447. /// 查詢類似 Credits 的當地語系化字串。
  2448. /// </summary>
  2449. public static string Credits {
  2450. get {
  2451. return ResourceManager.GetString("Credits", resourceCulture);
  2452. }
  2453. }
  2454. /// <summary>
  2455. /// 查詢類似 Credits may take a few minutes to show up in your account. 的當地語系化字串。
  2456. /// </summary>
  2457. public static string CreditsPurchasedMessageContent {
  2458. get {
  2459. return ResourceManager.GetString("CreditsPurchasedMessageContent", resourceCulture);
  2460. }
  2461. }
  2462. /// <summary>
  2463. /// 查詢類似 Credits purchased 的當地語系化字串。
  2464. /// </summary>
  2465. public static string CreditsPurchasedMessageTitle {
  2466. get {
  2467. return ResourceManager.GetString("CreditsPurchasedMessageTitle", resourceCulture);
  2468. }
  2469. }
  2470. /// <summary>
  2471. /// 查詢類似 Purchase 的當地語系化字串。
  2472. /// </summary>
  2473. public static string CreditsRecharge_Purchase_Content {
  2474. get {
  2475. return ResourceManager.GetString("CreditsRecharge.Purchase.Content", resourceCulture);
  2476. }
  2477. }
  2478. /// <summary>
  2479. /// 查詢類似 Send {0} fax pages or convert {1} files ({2}% off). 的當地語系化字串。
  2480. /// </summary>
  2481. public static string CreditsWithFaxPagesDiscountTip {
  2482. get {
  2483. return ResourceManager.GetString("CreditsWithFaxPagesDiscountTip", resourceCulture);
  2484. }
  2485. }
  2486. /// <summary>
  2487. /// 查詢類似 Send {0} fax pages or convert {1} files. 的當地語系化字串。
  2488. /// </summary>
  2489. public static string CreditsWithFaxPagesTip {
  2490. get {
  2491. return ResourceManager.GetString("CreditsWithFaxPagesTip", resourceCulture);
  2492. }
  2493. }
  2494. /// <summary>
  2495. /// 查詢類似 Send 1 fax page or convert {0} files. 的當地語系化字串。
  2496. /// </summary>
  2497. public static string CreditsWithFaxPageTip {
  2498. get {
  2499. return ResourceManager.GetString("CreditsWithFaxPageTip", resourceCulture);
  2500. }
  2501. }
  2502. /// <summary>
  2503. /// 查詢類似 Be productive with Document 365, now 50% off plus a free stylus! 的當地語系化字串。
  2504. /// </summary>
  2505. public static string D365FlashSaleCardDescription {
  2506. get {
  2507. return ResourceManager.GetString("D365FlashSaleCardDescription", resourceCulture);
  2508. }
  2509. }
  2510. /// <summary>
  2511. /// 查詢類似 It&apos;s Crazy! 的當地語系化字串。
  2512. /// </summary>
  2513. public static string D365FlashSaleCardTitle {
  2514. get {
  2515. return ResourceManager.GetString("D365FlashSaleCardTitle", resourceCulture);
  2516. }
  2517. }
  2518. /// <summary>
  2519. /// 查詢類似 Get Started 的當地語系化字串。
  2520. /// </summary>
  2521. public static string D365GetStarted {
  2522. get {
  2523. return ResourceManager.GetString("D365GetStarted", resourceCulture);
  2524. }
  2525. }
  2526. /// <summary>
  2527. /// 查詢類似 Please provide us with a valid email address in order to continue using our service. 的當地語系化字串。
  2528. /// </summary>
  2529. public static string DeactiveEmailVerification {
  2530. get {
  2531. return ResourceManager.GetString("DeactiveEmailVerification", resourceCulture);
  2532. }
  2533. }
  2534. /// <summary>
  2535. /// 查詢類似 {0} is not currently set as your default app for {1} format. Would you like to make it your default application? 的當地語系化字串。
  2536. /// </summary>
  2537. public static string DefaultAppTitle {
  2538. get {
  2539. return ResourceManager.GetString("DefaultAppTitle", resourceCulture);
  2540. }
  2541. }
  2542. /// <summary>
  2543. /// 查詢類似 Use &quot;{0}&quot; 的當地語系化字串。
  2544. /// </summary>
  2545. public static string DefaultAppTitlePrimary {
  2546. get {
  2547. return ResourceManager.GetString("DefaultAppTitlePrimary", resourceCulture);
  2548. }
  2549. }
  2550. /// <summary>
  2551. /// 查詢類似 Not Now 的當地語系化字串。
  2552. /// </summary>
  2553. public static string DefaultAppTitleSecondary {
  2554. get {
  2555. return ResourceManager.GetString("DefaultAppTitleSecondary", resourceCulture);
  2556. }
  2557. }
  2558. /// <summary>
  2559. /// 查詢類似 Are you sure you want to delete {0}? 的當地語系化字串。
  2560. /// </summary>
  2561. public static string DeleteItemCheckDialog_Content {
  2562. get {
  2563. return ResourceManager.GetString("DeleteItemCheckDialog.Content", resourceCulture);
  2564. }
  2565. }
  2566. /// <summary>
  2567. /// 查詢類似 You have selected {0} {1}. Are you sure you want to delete them 的當地語系化字串。
  2568. /// </summary>
  2569. public static string DeleteItemsCheckDialog_Content {
  2570. get {
  2571. return ResourceManager.GetString("DeleteItemsCheckDialog.Content", resourceCulture);
  2572. }
  2573. }
  2574. /// <summary>
  2575. /// 查詢類似 Remove all sponsored ads 的當地語系化字串。
  2576. /// </summary>
  2577. public static string Description_0_ {
  2578. get {
  2579. return ResourceManager.GetString("Description[0]", resourceCulture);
  2580. }
  2581. }
  2582. /// <summary>
  2583. /// 查詢類似 500GB of space on Kdan Cloud 的當地語系化字串。
  2584. /// </summary>
  2585. public static string Description_1_ {
  2586. get {
  2587. return ResourceManager.GetString("Description[1]", resourceCulture);
  2588. }
  2589. }
  2590. /// <summary>
  2591. /// 查詢類似 Keep everything in sync 的當地語系化字串。
  2592. /// </summary>
  2593. public static string Description_2_ {
  2594. get {
  2595. return ResourceManager.GetString("Description[2]", resourceCulture);
  2596. }
  2597. }
  2598. /// <summary>
  2599. /// 查詢類似 Access your works anytime, anywhere 的當地語系化字串。
  2600. /// </summary>
  2601. public static string Description_3_ {
  2602. get {
  2603. return ResourceManager.GetString("Description[3]", resourceCulture);
  2604. }
  2605. }
  2606. /// <summary>
  2607. /// 查詢類似 Create links to files and share them with others 的當地語系化字串。
  2608. /// </summary>
  2609. public static string Description_4_ {
  2610. get {
  2611. return ResourceManager.GetString("Description[4]", resourceCulture);
  2612. }
  2613. }
  2614. /// <summary>
  2615. /// 查詢類似 Read PDF documents right in your browser 的當地語系化字串。
  2616. /// </summary>
  2617. public static string Description_5_ {
  2618. get {
  2619. return ResourceManager.GetString("Description[5]", resourceCulture);
  2620. }
  2621. }
  2622. /// <summary>
  2623. /// 查詢類似 Never lose your precious works, we keep them in our vault 的當地語系化字串。
  2624. /// </summary>
  2625. public static string Description_6_ {
  2626. get {
  2627. return ResourceManager.GetString("Description[6]", resourceCulture);
  2628. }
  2629. }
  2630. /// <summary>
  2631. /// 查詢類似 {0} is connected. 的當地語系化字串。
  2632. /// </summary>
  2633. public static string DeviceConnected {
  2634. get {
  2635. return ResourceManager.GetString("DeviceConnected", resourceCulture);
  2636. }
  2637. }
  2638. /// <summary>
  2639. /// 查詢類似 {0} is disconnected. 的當地語系化字串。
  2640. /// </summary>
  2641. public static string DeviceDisconnected {
  2642. get {
  2643. return ResourceManager.GetString("DeviceDisconnected", resourceCulture);
  2644. }
  2645. }
  2646. /// <summary>
  2647. /// 查詢類似 Device 的當地語系化字串。
  2648. /// </summary>
  2649. public static string DeviceString {
  2650. get {
  2651. return ResourceManager.GetString("DeviceString", resourceCulture);
  2652. }
  2653. }
  2654. /// <summary>
  2655. /// 查詢類似 Document 365 的當地語系化字串。
  2656. /// </summary>
  2657. public static string Document365 {
  2658. get {
  2659. return ResourceManager.GetString("Document365", resourceCulture);
  2660. }
  2661. }
  2662. /// <summary>
  2663. /// 查詢類似 Download successfully! 的當地語系化字串。
  2664. /// </summary>
  2665. public static string DownloadCompleteMessage {
  2666. get {
  2667. return ResourceManager.GetString("DownloadCompleteMessage", resourceCulture);
  2668. }
  2669. }
  2670. /// <summary>
  2671. /// 查詢類似 Download failed, try again later. 的當地語系化字串。
  2672. /// </summary>
  2673. public static string DownloadFailedMessage {
  2674. get {
  2675. return ResourceManager.GetString("DownloadFailedMessage", resourceCulture);
  2676. }
  2677. }
  2678. /// <summary>
  2679. /// 查詢類似 Edit Profile 的當地語系化字串。
  2680. /// </summary>
  2681. public static string EditProfile {
  2682. get {
  2683. return ResourceManager.GetString("EditProfile", resourceCulture);
  2684. }
  2685. }
  2686. /// <summary>
  2687. /// 查詢類似 Email sent successfully 的當地語系化字串。
  2688. /// </summary>
  2689. public static string EmailSentSucessfully {
  2690. get {
  2691. return ResourceManager.GetString("EmailSentSucessfully", resourceCulture);
  2692. }
  2693. }
  2694. /// <summary>
  2695. /// 查詢類似 Please check your mailbox to complete the verification process. 的當地語系化字串。
  2696. /// </summary>
  2697. public static string EmailVerification {
  2698. get {
  2699. return ResourceManager.GetString("EmailVerification", resourceCulture);
  2700. }
  2701. }
  2702. /// <summary>
  2703. /// 查詢類似 OK, I got it 的當地語系化字串。
  2704. /// </summary>
  2705. public static string EmailVerificationPopupGotItButton_Content {
  2706. get {
  2707. return ResourceManager.GetString("EmailVerificationPopupGotItButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  2708. }
  2709. }
  2710. /// <summary>
  2711. /// 查詢類似 A verification email has been sent to 的當地語系化字串。
  2712. /// </summary>
  2713. public static string EmailVerificationPopupParagraph1_Text {
  2714. get {
  2715. return ResourceManager.GetString("EmailVerificationPopupParagraph1.Text", resourceCulture);
  2716. }
  2717. }
  2718. /// <summary>
  2719. /// 查詢類似 Please check the verification link to complete your registration. 的當地語系化字串。
  2720. /// </summary>
  2721. public static string EmailVerificationPopupParagraph2_Text {
  2722. get {
  2723. return ResourceManager.GetString("EmailVerificationPopupParagraph2.Text", resourceCulture);
  2724. }
  2725. }
  2726. /// <summary>
  2727. /// 查詢類似 Resend a new link 的當地語系化字串。
  2728. /// </summary>
  2729. public static string EmailVerificationPopupResendButton_Content {
  2730. get {
  2731. return ResourceManager.GetString("EmailVerificationPopupResendButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  2732. }
  2733. }
  2734. /// <summary>
  2735. /// 查詢類似 One More Step to Complete Your Registration 的當地語系化字串。
  2736. /// </summary>
  2737. public static string EmailVerificationPopupTitle_Text {
  2738. get {
  2739. return ResourceManager.GetString("EmailVerificationPopupTitle.Text", resourceCulture);
  2740. }
  2741. }
  2742. /// <summary>
  2743. /// 查詢類似 I have verified my account 的當地語系化字串。
  2744. /// </summary>
  2745. public static string EmailVerificationPopupVerifiedButton_Content {
  2746. get {
  2747. return ResourceManager.GetString("EmailVerificationPopupVerifiedButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  2748. }
  2749. }
  2750. /// <summary>
  2751. /// 查詢類似 Enter a new email address 的當地語系化字串。
  2752. /// </summary>
  2753. public static string EnterNewEmail {
  2754. get {
  2755. return ResourceManager.GetString("EnterNewEmail", resourceCulture);
  2756. }
  2757. }
  2758. /// <summary>
  2759. /// 查詢類似 Export successfully! 的當地語系化字串。
  2760. /// </summary>
  2761. public static string ExportSuccessMessage {
  2762. get {
  2763. return ResourceManager.GetString("ExportSuccessMessage", resourceCulture);
  2764. }
  2765. }
  2766. /// <summary>
  2767. /// 查詢類似 This Facebook account is already in use! 的當地語系化字串。
  2768. /// </summary>
  2769. public static string FacebookAccountExistedError {
  2770. get {
  2771. return ResourceManager.GetString("FacebookAccountExistedError", resourceCulture);
  2772. }
  2773. }
  2774. /// <summary>
  2775. /// 查詢類似 Failed to connect to Facebook account. 的當地語系化字串。
  2776. /// </summary>
  2777. public static string FacebookConnectFailed {
  2778. get {
  2779. return ResourceManager.GetString("FacebookConnectFailed", resourceCulture);
  2780. }
  2781. }
  2782. /// <summary>
  2783. /// 查詢類似 The Facebook account has not been registered 的當地語系化字串。
  2784. /// </summary>
  2785. public static string FacebookLoginError {
  2786. get {
  2787. return ResourceManager.GetString("FacebookLoginError", resourceCulture);
  2788. }
  2789. }
  2790. /// <summary>
  2791. /// 查詢類似 You haven’t confirmed your registration yet. Please check your mailbox or the spams for the verification link 的當地語系化字串。
  2792. /// </summary>
  2793. public static string FailedEmailVerification {
  2794. get {
  2795. return ResourceManager.GetString("FailedEmailVerification", resourceCulture);
  2796. }
  2797. }
  2798. /// <summary>
  2799. /// 查詢類似 Failed to generate a sharable link. 的當地語系化字串。
  2800. /// </summary>
  2801. public static string FailedShareLinkMessage {
  2802. get {
  2803. return ResourceManager.GetString("FailedShareLinkMessage", resourceCulture);
  2804. }
  2805. }
  2806. /// <summary>
  2807. /// 查詢類似 +(Country code)(Fax number) 的當地語系化字串。
  2808. /// </summary>
  2809. public static string Fax_ComboNumberStringTextBlock_Text {
  2810. get {
  2811. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.ComboNumberStringTextBlock.Text", resourceCulture);
  2812. }
  2813. }
  2814. /// <summary>
  2815. /// 查詢類似 Credit 的當地語系化字串。
  2816. /// </summary>
  2817. public static string Fax_CreditTextBlock_Text {
  2818. get {
  2819. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.CreditTextBlock.Text", resourceCulture);
  2820. }
  2821. }
  2822. /// <summary>
  2823. /// 查詢類似 Page extraction failed. 的當地語系化字串。
  2824. /// </summary>
  2825. public static string Fax_ExtractError {
  2826. get {
  2827. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.ExtractError", resourceCulture);
  2828. }
  2829. }
  2830. /// <summary>
  2831. /// 查詢類似 Format example 的當地語系化字串。
  2832. /// </summary>
  2833. public static string Fax_FormatExampleTextBlock_Text {
  2834. get {
  2835. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.FormatExampleTextBlock.Text", resourceCulture);
  2836. }
  2837. }
  2838. /// <summary>
  2839. /// 查詢類似 Please enter the correct fax number. 的當地語系化字串。
  2840. /// </summary>
  2841. public static string Fax_NoNumberDialog_Content {
  2842. get {
  2843. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.NoNumberDialog.Content", resourceCulture);
  2844. }
  2845. }
  2846. /// <summary>
  2847. /// 查詢類似 Fax number 的當地語系化字串。
  2848. /// </summary>
  2849. public static string Fax_Number {
  2850. get {
  2851. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.Number", resourceCulture);
  2852. }
  2853. }
  2854. /// <summary>
  2855. /// 查詢類似 Invalid page range. Please input a valid page range, e.g. 1-3,5,10-12. 的當地語系化字串。
  2856. /// </summary>
  2857. public static string Fax_PageRangeErrorDialog_Content {
  2858. get {
  2859. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.PageRangeErrorDialog.Content", resourceCulture);
  2860. }
  2861. }
  2862. /// <summary>
  2863. /// 查詢類似 e.g. 1-3,5,10-12 的當地語系化字串。
  2864. /// </summary>
  2865. public static string Fax_PageRangeTextBox_PlaceholderText {
  2866. get {
  2867. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.PageRangeTextBox.PlaceholderText", resourceCulture);
  2868. }
  2869. }
  2870. /// <summary>
  2871. /// 查詢類似 {0} credits charged, remaining 1 credit. 的當地語系化字串。
  2872. /// </summary>
  2873. public static string Fax_SendedDialogContent0 {
  2874. get {
  2875. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.SendedDialogContent0", resourceCulture);
  2876. }
  2877. }
  2878. /// <summary>
  2879. /// 查詢類似 {0} credits charged, remaining {1} credits. 的當地語系化字串。
  2880. /// </summary>
  2881. public static string Fax_SendedDialogContent0s {
  2882. get {
  2883. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.SendedDialogContent0s", resourceCulture);
  2884. }
  2885. }
  2886. /// <summary>
  2887. /// 查詢類似 You can check the delivery status in Task Manager. 的當地語系化字串。
  2888. /// </summary>
  2889. public static string Fax_SendedDialogContent1 {
  2890. get {
  2891. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.SendedDialogContent1", resourceCulture);
  2892. }
  2893. }
  2894. /// <summary>
  2895. /// 查詢類似 Your fax has been delivered 的當地語系化字串。
  2896. /// </summary>
  2897. public static string Fax_SendedDialogTitle {
  2898. get {
  2899. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.SendedDialogTitle", resourceCulture);
  2900. }
  2901. }
  2902. /// <summary>
  2903. /// 查詢類似 Sent 的當地語系化字串。
  2904. /// </summary>
  2905. public static string Fax_Sent {
  2906. get {
  2907. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.Sent", resourceCulture);
  2908. }
  2909. }
  2910. /// <summary>
  2911. /// 查詢類似 The call is rejected. Please try agin. 的當地語系化字串。
  2912. /// </summary>
  2913. public static string Fax_StatusDialogCallRejected_Content {
  2914. get {
  2915. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.StatusDialogCallRejected.Content", resourceCulture);
  2916. }
  2917. }
  2918. /// <summary>
  2919. /// 查詢類似 Call Rejected 的當地語系化字串。
  2920. /// </summary>
  2921. public static string Fax_StatusDialogCallRejected_Title {
  2922. get {
  2923. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.StatusDialogCallRejected.Title", resourceCulture);
  2924. }
  2925. }
  2926. /// <summary>
  2927. /// 查詢類似 An unexpected error has occurred due to a bad line or other communication problems. 的當地語系化字串。
  2928. /// </summary>
  2929. public static string Fax_StatusDialogConnectionFailed_Content {
  2930. get {
  2931. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.StatusDialogConnectionFailed.Content", resourceCulture);
  2932. }
  2933. }
  2934. /// <summary>
  2935. /// 查詢類似 Fax Connection Failed 的當地語系化字串。
  2936. /// </summary>
  2937. public static string Fax_StatusDialogConnectionFailed_Title {
  2938. get {
  2939. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.StatusDialogConnectionFailed.Title", resourceCulture);
  2940. }
  2941. }
  2942. /// <summary>
  2943. /// 查詢類似 The fax number you entered is invalid. Please correct it and retry. 的當地語系化字串。
  2944. /// </summary>
  2945. public static string Fax_StatusDialogInvalidFaxNumber_Content {
  2946. get {
  2947. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.StatusDialogInvalidFaxNumber.Content", resourceCulture);
  2948. }
  2949. }
  2950. /// <summary>
  2951. /// 查詢類似 Invalid Fax Number 的當地語系化字串。
  2952. /// </summary>
  2953. public static string Fax_StatusDialogInvalidFaxNumber_Title {
  2954. get {
  2955. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.StatusDialogInvalidFaxNumber.Title", resourceCulture);
  2956. }
  2957. }
  2958. /// <summary>
  2959. /// 查詢類似 The call has no response. 的當地語系化字串。
  2960. /// </summary>
  2961. public static string Fax_StatusDialogNoAnswer_Content {
  2962. get {
  2963. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.StatusDialogNoAnswer.Content", resourceCulture);
  2964. }
  2965. }
  2966. /// <summary>
  2967. /// 查詢類似 No Answer 的當地語系化字串。
  2968. /// </summary>
  2969. public static string Fax_StatusDialogNoAnswer_Title {
  2970. get {
  2971. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.StatusDialogNoAnswer.Title", resourceCulture);
  2972. }
  2973. }
  2974. /// <summary>
  2975. /// 查詢類似 The line is busy. Please try again. 的當地語系化字串。
  2976. /// </summary>
  2977. public static string Fax_StatusDialogSystemBusy_Content {
  2978. get {
  2979. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.StatusDialogSystemBusy.Content", resourceCulture);
  2980. }
  2981. }
  2982. /// <summary>
  2983. /// 查詢類似 System Busy 的當地語系化字串。
  2984. /// </summary>
  2985. public static string Fax_StatusDialogSystemBusy_Title {
  2986. get {
  2987. return ResourceManager.GetString("Fax.StatusDialogSystemBusy.Title", resourceCulture);
  2988. }
  2989. }
  2990. /// <summary>
  2991. /// 查詢類似 Follow Us on Instagram 的當地語系化字串。
  2992. /// </summary>
  2993. public static string FollowInstagramButton_Content {
  2994. get {
  2995. return ResourceManager.GetString("FollowInstagramButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  2996. }
  2997. }
  2998. /// <summary>
  2999. /// 查詢類似 Follow Us on Twitter 的當地語系化字串。
  3000. /// </summary>
  3001. public static string FollowTwitterButton_Content {
  3002. get {
  3003. return ResourceManager.GetString("FollowTwitterButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  3004. }
  3005. }
  3006. /// <summary>
  3007. /// 查詢類似 Get Started 的當地語系化字串。
  3008. /// </summary>
  3009. public static string FreeGetStarted {
  3010. get {
  3011. return ResourceManager.GetString("FreeGetStarted", resourceCulture);
  3012. }
  3013. }
  3014. /// <summary>
  3015. /// 查詢類似 Get It Now 的當地語系化字串。
  3016. /// </summary>
  3017. public static string GetItNow {
  3018. get {
  3019. return ResourceManager.GetString("GetItNow", resourceCulture);
  3020. }
  3021. }
  3022. /// <summary>
  3023. /// 查詢類似 Get More 的當地語系化字串。
  3024. /// </summary>
  3025. public static string GetMore {
  3026. get {
  3027. return ResourceManager.GetString("GetMore", resourceCulture);
  3028. }
  3029. }
  3030. /// <summary>
  3031. /// 查詢類似 Get More Storage 的當地語系化字串。
  3032. /// </summary>
  3033. public static string GetMoreSpace_Text {
  3034. get {
  3035. return ResourceManager.GetString("GetMoreSpace.Text", resourceCulture);
  3036. }
  3037. }
  3038. /// <summary>
  3039. /// 查詢類似 Get more with {0} 🡢 的當地語系化字串。
  3040. /// </summary>
  3041. public static string GetMoreWithPlan {
  3042. get {
  3043. return ResourceManager.GetString("GetMoreWithPlan", resourceCulture);
  3044. }
  3045. }
  3046. /// <summary>
  3047. /// 查詢類似 Get the Offer 的當地語系化字串。
  3048. /// </summary>
  3049. public static string GetOffer {
  3050. get {
  3051. return ResourceManager.GetString("GetOffer", resourceCulture);
  3052. }
  3053. }
  3054. /// <summary>
  3055. /// 查詢類似 Got it 的當地語系化字串。
  3056. /// </summary>
  3057. public static string GotItString {
  3058. get {
  3059. return ResourceManager.GetString("GotItString", resourceCulture);
  3060. }
  3061. }
  3062. /// <summary>
  3063. /// 查詢類似 I already have a Kdan ID 的當地語系化字串。
  3064. /// </summary>
  3065. public static string HaveAccountButton_Content {
  3066. get {
  3067. return ResourceManager.GetString("HaveAccountButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  3068. }
  3069. }
  3070. /// <summary>
  3071. /// 查詢類似 Please recharge your account to continue using the service. 的當地語系化字串。
  3072. /// </summary>
  3073. public static string InsufficientCreditsDialog_Content {
  3074. get {
  3075. return ResourceManager.GetString("InsufficientCreditsDialog.Content", resourceCulture);
  3076. }
  3077. }
  3078. /// <summary>
  3079. /// 查詢類似 Recharge credit 的當地語系化字串。
  3080. /// </summary>
  3081. public static string InsufficientCreditsDialog_Recharge {
  3082. get {
  3083. return ResourceManager.GetString("InsufficientCreditsDialog.Recharge", resourceCulture);
  3084. }
  3085. }
  3086. /// <summary>
  3087. /// 查詢類似 Insufficient Credits 的當地語系化字串。
  3088. /// </summary>
  3089. public static string InsufficientCreditsDialog_Title {
  3090. get {
  3091. return ResourceManager.GetString("InsufficientCreditsDialog.Title", resourceCulture);
  3092. }
  3093. }
  3094. /// <summary>
  3095. /// 查詢類似 The email is invalid. Please enter a valid email address. 的當地語系化字串。
  3096. /// </summary>
  3097. public static string InvalidEmailAddress {
  3098. get {
  3099. return ResourceManager.GetString("InvalidEmailAddress", resourceCulture);
  3100. }
  3101. }
  3102. /// <summary>
  3103. /// 查詢類似 Invalid email address. Your Kdan Cloud Account will be deactivated on 的當地語系化字串。
  3104. /// </summary>
  3105. public static string InvalidEmailVerificationRun1 {
  3106. get {
  3107. return ResourceManager.GetString("InvalidEmailVerificationRun1", resourceCulture);
  3108. }
  3109. }
  3110. /// <summary>
  3111. /// 查詢類似 Invalid name 的當地語系化字串。
  3112. /// </summary>
  3113. public static string InvalidNameMessage {
  3114. get {
  3115. return ResourceManager.GetString("InvalidNameMessage", resourceCulture);
  3116. }
  3117. }
  3118. /// <summary>
  3119. /// 查詢類似 Invalid page range 的當地語系化字串。
  3120. /// </summary>
  3121. public static string InvalidPageRange {
  3122. get {
  3123. return ResourceManager.GetString("InvalidPageRange", resourceCulture);
  3124. }
  3125. }
  3126. /// <summary>
  3127. /// 查詢類似 This password is too short. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long. 的當地語系化字串。
  3128. /// </summary>
  3129. public static string InvalidPassword {
  3130. get {
  3131. return ResourceManager.GetString("InvalidPassword", resourceCulture);
  3132. }
  3133. }
  3134. /// <summary>
  3135. /// 查詢類似 Invalid page range. 的當地語系化字串。
  3136. /// </summary>
  3137. public static string InvalidRangeMessage {
  3138. get {
  3139. return ResourceManager.GetString("InvalidRangeMessage", resourceCulture);
  3140. }
  3141. }
  3142. /// <summary>
  3143. /// 查詢類似 Selected: {0} 的當地語系化字串。
  3144. /// </summary>
  3145. public static string ItemsSelected {
  3146. get {
  3147. return ResourceManager.GetString("ItemsSelected", resourceCulture);
  3148. }
  3149. }
  3150. /// <summary>
  3151. /// 查詢類似 Sign up now and get {0} of Free Space on Kdan Cloud. 的當地語系化字串。
  3152. /// </summary>
  3153. public static string KdanCloudSignUpDescription {
  3154. get {
  3155. return ResourceManager.GetString("KdanCloudSignUpDescription", resourceCulture);
  3156. }
  3157. }
  3158. /// <summary>
  3159. /// 查詢類似 Kdan Cloud 的當地語系化字串。
  3160. /// </summary>
  3161. public static string KdanCloudString {
  3162. get {
  3163. return ResourceManager.GetString("KdanCloudString", resourceCulture);
  3164. }
  3165. }
  3166. /// <summary>
  3167. /// 查詢類似 1 fax page costs 10 credits
  3168. ///1 file convertion costs 1 credit 的當地語系化字串。
  3169. /// </summary>
  3170. public static string KdanCreditDiscription_Text {
  3171. get {
  3172. return ResourceManager.GetString("KdanCreditDiscription.Text", resourceCulture);
  3173. }
  3174. }
  3175. /// <summary>
  3176. /// 查詢類似 Kdan Credit 的當地語系化字串。
  3177. /// </summary>
  3178. public static string KdanCreditLabel_Text {
  3179. get {
  3180. return ResourceManager.GetString("KdanCreditLabel.Text", resourceCulture);
  3181. }
  3182. }
  3183. /// <summary>
  3184. /// 查詢類似 Visit Official Website 的當地語系化字串。
  3185. /// </summary>
  3186. public static string KdanOfficalWeb {
  3187. get {
  3188. return ResourceManager.GetString("KdanOfficalWeb", resourceCulture);
  3189. }
  3190. }
  3191. /// <summary>
  3192. /// 查詢類似 Deutsch 的當地語系化字串。
  3193. /// </summary>
  3194. public static string LangDE {
  3195. get {
  3196. return ResourceManager.GetString("LangDE", resourceCulture);
  3197. }
  3198. }
  3199. /// <summary>
  3200. /// 查詢類似 English 的當地語系化字串。
  3201. /// </summary>
  3202. public static string LangEN {
  3203. get {
  3204. return ResourceManager.GetString("LangEN", resourceCulture);
  3205. }
  3206. }
  3207. /// <summary>
  3208. /// 查詢類似 Español 的當地語系化字串。
  3209. /// </summary>
  3210. public static string LangES {
  3211. get {
  3212. return ResourceManager.GetString("LangES", resourceCulture);
  3213. }
  3214. }
  3215. /// <summary>
  3216. /// 查詢類似 Français 的當地語系化字串。
  3217. /// </summary>
  3218. public static string LangFR {
  3219. get {
  3220. return ResourceManager.GetString("LangFR", resourceCulture);
  3221. }
  3222. }
  3223. /// <summary>
  3224. /// 查詢類似 Italiano 的當地語系化字串。
  3225. /// </summary>
  3226. public static string LangIT {
  3227. get {
  3228. return ResourceManager.GetString("LangIT", resourceCulture);
  3229. }
  3230. }
  3231. /// <summary>
  3232. /// 查詢類似 日本語 的當地語系化字串。
  3233. /// </summary>
  3234. public static string LangJA {
  3235. get {
  3236. return ResourceManager.GetString("LangJA", resourceCulture);
  3237. }
  3238. }
  3239. /// <summary>
  3240. /// 查詢類似 한국어 的當地語系化字串。
  3241. /// </summary>
  3242. public static string LangKO {
  3243. get {
  3244. return ResourceManager.GetString("LangKO", resourceCulture);
  3245. }
  3246. }
  3247. /// <summary>
  3248. /// 查詢類似 Português 的當地語系化字串。
  3249. /// </summary>
  3250. public static string LangPT {
  3251. get {
  3252. return ResourceManager.GetString("LangPT", resourceCulture);
  3253. }
  3254. }
  3255. /// <summary>
  3256. /// 查詢類似 русский 的當地語系化字串。
  3257. /// </summary>
  3258. public static string LangRU {
  3259. get {
  3260. return ResourceManager.GetString("LangRU", resourceCulture);
  3261. }
  3262. }
  3263. /// <summary>
  3264. /// 查詢類似 Language Settings 的當地語系化字串。
  3265. /// </summary>
  3266. public static string LanguageSettings_Text {
  3267. get {
  3268. return ResourceManager.GetString("LanguageSettings.Text", resourceCulture);
  3269. }
  3270. }
  3271. /// <summary>
  3272. /// 查詢類似 You must reopen the app to switch to {0}. Do you want to reopen the app now?
  3273. ///
  3274. ///Select &quot;Next Time&quot; will keep the original language settings. 的當地語系化字串。
  3275. /// </summary>
  3276. public static string LanguageSettingsDialog {
  3277. get {
  3278. return ResourceManager.GetString("LanguageSettingsDialog", resourceCulture);
  3279. }
  3280. }
  3281. /// <summary>
  3282. /// 查詢類似 To change the app language to {0}, please restart {1} for the changes to take effect. 的當地語系化字串。
  3283. /// </summary>
  3284. public static string LanguageSettingsDialog2 {
  3285. get {
  3286. return ResourceManager.GetString("LanguageSettingsDialog2", resourceCulture);
  3287. }
  3288. }
  3289. /// <summary>
  3290. /// 查詢類似 简体中文 的當地語系化字串。
  3291. /// </summary>
  3292. public static string LangZHCN {
  3293. get {
  3294. return ResourceManager.GetString("LangZHCN", resourceCulture);
  3295. }
  3296. }
  3297. /// <summary>
  3298. /// 查詢類似 繁體中文 的當地語系化字串。
  3299. /// </summary>
  3300. public static string LangZHTW {
  3301. get {
  3302. return ResourceManager.GetString("LangZHTW", resourceCulture);
  3303. }
  3304. }
  3305. /// <summary>
  3306. /// 查詢類似 Latest: 的當地語系化字串。
  3307. /// </summary>
  3308. public static string LatestString {
  3309. get {
  3310. return ResourceManager.GetString("LatestString", resourceCulture);
  3311. }
  3312. }
  3313. /// <summary>
  3314. /// 查詢類似 No more billing cycles. Get the lifetime access deal for {0} and access all features on {1}. This offer expires on {2}. 的當地語系化字串。
  3315. /// </summary>
  3316. public static string LifetimePromoDescription {
  3317. get {
  3318. return ResourceManager.GetString("LifetimePromoDescription", resourceCulture);
  3319. }
  3320. }
  3321. /// <summary>
  3322. /// 查詢類似 This offer does not include Kdan Cloud storage or Kdan credits. This offer overlaps with the {0} subscription plans. 的當地語系化字串。
  3323. /// </summary>
  3324. public static string LifetimePromoTips {
  3325. get {
  3326. return ResourceManager.GetString("LifetimePromoTips", resourceCulture);
  3327. }
  3328. }
  3329. /// <summary>
  3330. /// 查詢類似 Like Us on Facebook 的當地語系化字串。
  3331. /// </summary>
  3332. public static string LikeFacebookButton_Content {
  3333. get {
  3334. return ResourceManager.GetString("LikeFacebookButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  3335. }
  3336. }
  3337. /// <summary>
  3338. /// 查詢類似 Invalid username or password. Please try again. 的當地語系化字串。
  3339. /// </summary>
  3340. public static string LoginFailed {
  3341. get {
  3342. return ResourceManager.GetString("LoginFailed", resourceCulture);
  3343. }
  3344. }
  3345. /// <summary>
  3346. /// 查詢類似 Email address 的當地語系化字串。
  3347. /// </summary>
  3348. public static string MemberFormEmail_PlaceholderText {
  3349. get {
  3350. return ResourceManager.GetString("MemberFormEmail.PlaceholderText", resourceCulture);
  3351. }
  3352. }
  3353. /// <summary>
  3354. /// 查詢類似 First and last names 的當地語系化字串。
  3355. /// </summary>
  3356. public static string MemberFormName_PlaceholderText {
  3357. get {
  3358. return ResourceManager.GetString("MemberFormName.PlaceholderText", resourceCulture);
  3359. }
  3360. }
  3361. /// <summary>
  3362. /// 查詢類似 Password 的當地語系化字串。
  3363. /// </summary>
  3364. public static string MemberFormPassword_PlaceholderText {
  3365. get {
  3366. return ResourceManager.GetString("MemberFormPassword.PlaceholderText", resourceCulture);
  3367. }
  3368. }
  3369. /// <summary>
  3370. /// 查詢類似 (Minimum of 8 characters) 的當地語系化字串。
  3371. /// </summary>
  3372. public static string MemberFormPasswordTip_Content {
  3373. get {
  3374. return ResourceManager.GetString("MemberFormPasswordTip.Content", resourceCulture);
  3375. }
  3376. }
  3377. /// <summary>
  3378. /// 查詢類似 Submit 的當地語系化字串。
  3379. /// </summary>
  3380. public static string MemberFormSubmit_Content {
  3381. get {
  3382. return ResourceManager.GetString("MemberFormSubmit.Content", resourceCulture);
  3383. }
  3384. }
  3385. /// <summary>
  3386. /// 查詢類似 More options 的當地語系化字串。
  3387. /// </summary>
  3388. public static string MoreOptions {
  3389. get {
  3390. return ResourceManager.GetString("MoreOptions", resourceCulture);
  3391. }
  3392. }
  3393. /// <summary>
  3394. /// 查詢類似 More options 的當地語系化字串。
  3395. /// </summary>
  3396. public static string MoreOptionsButton_Content {
  3397. get {
  3398. return ResourceManager.GetString("MoreOptionsButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  3399. }
  3400. }
  3401. /// <summary>
  3402. /// 查詢類似 More Product 的當地語系化字串。
  3403. /// </summary>
  3404. public static string MoreProductString {
  3405. get {
  3406. return ResourceManager.GetString("MoreProductString", resourceCulture);
  3407. }
  3408. }
  3409. /// <summary>
  3410. /// 查詢類似 Don&apos;t show this message again 的當地語系化字串。
  3411. /// </summary>
  3412. public static string NeverShowCheckBox_Content {
  3413. get {
  3414. return ResourceManager.GetString("NeverShowCheckBox.Content", resourceCulture);
  3415. }
  3416. }
  3417. /// <summary>
  3418. /// 查詢類似 Next time 的當地語系化字串。
  3419. /// </summary>
  3420. public static string NextTimeButton_Content {
  3421. get {
  3422. return ResourceManager.GetString("NextTimeButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  3423. }
  3424. }
  3425. /// <summary>
  3426. /// 查詢類似 There are no files uploaded yet. 的當地語系化字串。
  3427. /// </summary>
  3428. public static string NoAnyCloudFiles {
  3429. get {
  3430. return ResourceManager.GetString("NoAnyCloudFiles", resourceCulture);
  3431. }
  3432. }
  3433. /// <summary>
  3434. /// 查詢類似 Please stay connected to the Internet to use Kdan Cloud services. 的當地語系化字串。
  3435. /// </summary>
  3436. public static string NoInternetCloudWarning {
  3437. get {
  3438. return ResourceManager.GetString("NoInternetCloudWarning", resourceCulture);
  3439. }
  3440. }
  3441. /// <summary>
  3442. /// 查詢類似 Please check microphone connections. 的當地語系化字串。
  3443. /// </summary>
  3444. public static string NoMicDialog_Content {
  3445. get {
  3446. return ResourceManager.GetString("NoMicDialog.Content", resourceCulture);
  3447. }
  3448. }
  3449. /// <summary>
  3450. /// 查詢類似 No microphone found. 的當地語系化字串。
  3451. /// </summary>
  3452. public static string NoMicDialog_Title {
  3453. get {
  3454. return ResourceManager.GetString("NoMicDialog.Title", resourceCulture);
  3455. }
  3456. }
  3457. /// <summary>
  3458. /// 查詢類似 No results found. Please enter a new one. 的當地語系化字串。
  3459. /// </summary>
  3460. public static string NoSearchResultMessage {
  3461. get {
  3462. return ResourceManager.GetString("NoSearchResultMessage", resourceCulture);
  3463. }
  3464. }
  3465. /// <summary>
  3466. /// 查詢類似 Please check speaker or headphone connections. 的當地語系化字串。
  3467. /// </summary>
  3468. public static string NoSpeakerDialog_Content {
  3469. get {
  3470. return ResourceManager.GetString("NoSpeakerDialog.Content", resourceCulture);
  3471. }
  3472. }
  3473. /// <summary>
  3474. /// 查詢類似 Audio device not detected 的當地語系化字串。
  3475. /// </summary>
  3476. public static string NoSpeakerDialog_Title {
  3477. get {
  3478. return ResourceManager.GetString("NoSpeakerDialog.Title", resourceCulture);
  3479. }
  3480. }
  3481. /// <summary>
  3482. /// 查詢類似 You are using the basic plan. 的當地語系化字串。
  3483. /// </summary>
  3484. public static string NoSubscriptionHint {
  3485. get {
  3486. return ResourceManager.GetString("NoSubscriptionHint", resourceCulture);
  3487. }
  3488. }
  3489. /// <summary>
  3490. /// 查詢類似 Do not show again 的當地語系化字串。
  3491. /// </summary>
  3492. public static string NotShowAgain {
  3493. get {
  3494. return ResourceManager.GetString("NotShowAgain", resourceCulture);
  3495. }
  3496. }
  3497. /// <summary>
  3498. /// 查詢類似 Get Started 的當地語系化字串。
  3499. /// </summary>
  3500. public static string Onboarding_GetStartedButton_Content {
  3501. get {
  3502. return ResourceManager.GetString("Onboarding.GetStartedButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  3503. }
  3504. }
  3505. /// <summary>
  3506. /// 查詢類似 JOIN NOW 的當地語系化字串。
  3507. /// </summary>
  3508. public static string Onboarding_JoinButton_Content {
  3509. get {
  3510. return ResourceManager.GetString("Onboarding.JoinButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  3511. }
  3512. }
  3513. /// <summary>
  3514. /// 查詢類似 One-time purchase 的當地語系化字串。
  3515. /// </summary>
  3516. public static string OneTimePurchase {
  3517. get {
  3518. return ResourceManager.GetString("OneTimePurchase", resourceCulture);
  3519. }
  3520. }
  3521. /// <summary>
  3522. /// 查詢類似 Access all premium features in {0} with a one-time purchase. 的當地語系化字串。
  3523. /// </summary>
  3524. public static string OnetimePurchaseDescription {
  3525. get {
  3526. return ResourceManager.GetString("OnetimePurchaseDescription", resourceCulture);
  3527. }
  3528. }
  3529. /// <summary>
  3530. /// 查詢類似 All pages 的當地語系化字串。
  3531. /// </summary>
  3532. public static string PageRange_All {
  3533. get {
  3534. return ResourceManager.GetString("PageRange.All", resourceCulture);
  3535. }
  3536. }
  3537. /// <summary>
  3538. /// 查詢類似 Current page 的當地語系化字串。
  3539. /// </summary>
  3540. public static string PageRange_Current {
  3541. get {
  3542. return ResourceManager.GetString("PageRange.Current", resourceCulture);
  3543. }
  3544. }
  3545. /// <summary>
  3546. /// 查詢類似 (eg: 1-3, 5) 的當地語系化字串。
  3547. /// </summary>
  3548. public static string PageRangeExample {
  3549. get {
  3550. return ResourceManager.GetString("PageRangeExample", resourceCulture);
  3551. }
  3552. }
  3553. /// <summary>
  3554. /// 查詢類似 Incorrect password format 的當地語系化字串。
  3555. /// </summary>
  3556. public static string PasswordError {
  3557. get {
  3558. return ResourceManager.GetString("PasswordError", resourceCulture);
  3559. }
  3560. }
  3561. /// <summary>
  3562. /// 查詢類似 Reset Password 的當地語系化字串。
  3563. /// </summary>
  3564. public static string PasswordHelp_Title {
  3565. get {
  3566. return ResourceManager.GetString("PasswordHelp.Title", resourceCulture);
  3567. }
  3568. }
  3569. /// <summary>
  3570. /// 查詢類似 Password Help 的當地語系化字串。
  3571. /// </summary>
  3572. public static string PasswordHelpButton_Content {
  3573. get {
  3574. return ResourceManager.GetString("PasswordHelpButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  3575. }
  3576. }
  3577. /// <summary>
  3578. /// 查詢類似 Work seamlessly with PDF Reader on your desktop and phones! 的當地語系化字串。
  3579. /// </summary>
  3580. public static string PDFCardDescription {
  3581. get {
  3582. return ResourceManager.GetString("PDFCardDescription", resourceCulture);
  3583. }
  3584. }
  3585. /// <summary>
  3586. /// 查詢類似 Edit PDFs directly on your iOS and Android devices. Enjoy the all-in-one document expert for workplace mobility. 的當地語系化字串。
  3587. /// </summary>
  3588. public static string PDFMobileContent {
  3589. get {
  3590. return ResourceManager.GetString("PDFMobileContent", resourceCulture);
  3591. }
  3592. }
  3593. /// <summary>
  3594. /// 查詢類似 Bring the Power of PDF Reader to Mobile 的當地語系化字串。
  3595. /// </summary>
  3596. public static string PDFMobileTip {
  3597. get {
  3598. return ResourceManager.GetString("PDFMobileTip", resourceCulture);
  3599. }
  3600. }
  3601. /// <summary>
  3602. /// 查詢類似 Print completed! 的當地語系化字串。
  3603. /// </summary>
  3604. public static string PrintCompleted {
  3605. get {
  3606. return ResourceManager.GetString("PrintCompleted", resourceCulture);
  3607. }
  3608. }
  3609. /// <summary>
  3610. /// 查詢類似 Printing...({0}/{1}) 的當地語系化字串。
  3611. /// </summary>
  3612. public static string PrintProgressing {
  3613. get {
  3614. return ResourceManager.GetString("PrintProgressing", resourceCulture);
  3615. }
  3616. }
  3617. /// <summary>
  3618. /// 查詢類似 Print is in progress. You can continue viewing and editing the document. Edits made after the print has started will not show on the printed document. 的當地語系化字串。
  3619. /// </summary>
  3620. public static string PrintStart {
  3621. get {
  3622. return ResourceManager.GetString("PrintStart", resourceCulture);
  3623. }
  3624. }
  3625. /// <summary>
  3626. /// 查詢類似 Privacy Policy 的當地語系化字串。
  3627. /// </summary>
  3628. public static string PrivacyPolicy {
  3629. get {
  3630. return ResourceManager.GetString("PrivacyPolicy", resourceCulture);
  3631. }
  3632. }
  3633. /// <summary>
  3634. /// 查詢類似 Privacy Policy 的當地語系化字串。
  3635. /// </summary>
  3636. public static string PrivacyPolicyButton_Content {
  3637. get {
  3638. return ResourceManager.GetString("PrivacyPolicyButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  3639. }
  3640. }
  3641. /// <summary>
  3642. /// 查詢類似 的當地語系化字串。
  3643. /// </summary>
  3644. public static string PrivacyPolicyButton_NavigateUri {
  3645. get {
  3646. return ResourceManager.GetString("PrivacyPolicyButton.NavigateUri", resourceCulture);
  3647. }
  3648. }
  3649. /// <summary>
  3650. /// 查詢類似 的當地語系化字串。
  3651. /// </summary>
  3652. public static string PrivacyPolicyButton2_Content {
  3653. get {
  3654. return ResourceManager.GetString("PrivacyPolicyButton2.Content", resourceCulture);
  3655. }
  3656. }
  3657. /// <summary>
  3658. /// 查詢類似 and that you have read our 的當地語系化字串。
  3659. /// </summary>
  3660. public static string PrivacyPolicyParagraph1_Text {
  3661. get {
  3662. return ResourceManager.GetString("PrivacyPolicyParagraph1.Text", resourceCulture);
  3663. }
  3664. }
  3665. /// <summary>
  3666. /// 查詢類似 . 的當地語系化字串。
  3667. /// </summary>
  3668. public static string PrivacyPolicyParagraph2_Text {
  3669. get {
  3670. return ResourceManager.GetString("PrivacyPolicyParagraph2.Text", resourceCulture);
  3671. }
  3672. }
  3673. /// <summary>
  3674. /// 查詢類似 的當地語系化字串。
  3675. /// </summary>
  3676. public static string PrivacyPolicyWebView_Source {
  3677. get {
  3678. return ResourceManager.GetString("PrivacyPolicyWebView.Source", resourceCulture);
  3679. }
  3680. }
  3681. /// <summary>
  3682. /// 查詢類似 Profile Picture 的當地語系化字串。
  3683. /// </summary>
  3684. public static string ProfilePicture {
  3685. get {
  3686. return ResourceManager.GetString("ProfilePicture", resourceCulture);
  3687. }
  3688. }
  3689. /// <summary>
  3690. /// 查詢類似 Puchase failed. Please try again later. 的當地語系化字串。
  3691. /// </summary>
  3692. public static string PurchaseFailed {
  3693. get {
  3694. return ResourceManager.GetString("PurchaseFailed", resourceCulture);
  3695. }
  3696. }
  3697. /// <summary>
  3698. /// 查詢類似 Purchase from the Store 的當地語系化字串。
  3699. /// </summary>
  3700. public static string PurchaseFromStore {
  3701. get {
  3702. return ResourceManager.GetString("PurchaseFromStore", resourceCulture);
  3703. }
  3704. }
  3705. /// <summary>
  3706. /// 查詢類似 Purchase succeeded. 的當地語系化字串。
  3707. /// </summary>
  3708. public static string PurchaseSuccessfully {
  3709. get {
  3710. return ResourceManager.GetString("PurchaseSuccessfully", resourceCulture);
  3711. }
  3712. }
  3713. /// <summary>
  3714. /// 查詢類似 Bill quarterly at {0} after 7-days trial ends. 的當地語系化字串。
  3715. /// </summary>
  3716. public static string QuarterlyPlanDescription {
  3717. get {
  3718. return ResourceManager.GetString("QuarterlyPlanDescription", resourceCulture);
  3719. }
  3720. }
  3721. /// <summary>
  3722. /// 查詢類似 Save {0}. Billed quarterly at {1} 的當地語系化字串。
  3723. /// </summary>
  3724. public static string QuarterlySubscriptionSavingTip {
  3725. get {
  3726. return ResourceManager.GetString("QuarterlySubscriptionSavingTip", resourceCulture);
  3727. }
  3728. }
  3729. /// <summary>
  3730. /// 查詢類似 Rate Us 的當地語系化字串。
  3731. /// </summary>
  3732. public static string RateUsButton_Content {
  3733. get {
  3734. return ResourceManager.GetString("RateUsButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  3735. }
  3736. }
  3737. /// <summary>
  3738. /// 查詢類似 Registration failed. 的當地語系化字串。
  3739. /// </summary>
  3740. public static string RegisterFailed {
  3741. get {
  3742. return ResourceManager.GetString("RegisterFailed", resourceCulture);
  3743. }
  3744. }
  3745. /// <summary>
  3746. /// 查詢類似 Registration successful. 的當地語系化字串。
  3747. /// </summary>
  3748. public static string RegisterSuccessTitle {
  3749. get {
  3750. return ResourceManager.GetString("RegisterSuccessTitle", resourceCulture);
  3751. }
  3752. }
  3753. /// <summary>
  3754. /// 查詢類似 {0} days left before the subscription expires 的當地語系化字串。
  3755. /// </summary>
  3756. public static string RemainDaysDescription {
  3757. get {
  3758. return ResourceManager.GetString("RemainDaysDescription", resourceCulture);
  3759. }
  3760. }
  3761. /// <summary>
  3762. /// 查詢類似 Remind me later 的當地語系化字串。
  3763. /// </summary>
  3764. public static string RemindMeLaterString {
  3765. get {
  3766. return ResourceManager.GetString("RemindMeLaterString", resourceCulture);
  3767. }
  3768. }
  3769. /// <summary>
  3770. /// 查詢類似 Rename {0} 的當地語系化字串。
  3771. /// </summary>
  3772. public static string RenameDialog_Title {
  3773. get {
  3774. return ResourceManager.GetString("RenameDialog.Title", resourceCulture);
  3775. }
  3776. }
  3777. /// <summary>
  3778. /// 查詢類似 Report a bug 的當地語系化字串。
  3779. /// </summary>
  3780. public static string ReportBugButton_Content {
  3781. get {
  3782. return ResourceManager.GetString("ReportBugButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  3783. }
  3784. }
  3785. /// <summary>
  3786. /// 查詢類似 Required: 的當地語系化字串。
  3787. /// </summary>
  3788. public static string Required_Text {
  3789. get {
  3790. return ResourceManager.GetString("Required.Text", resourceCulture);
  3791. }
  3792. }
  3793. /// <summary>
  3794. /// 查詢類似 Password reset failed 的當地語系化字串。
  3795. /// </summary>
  3796. public static string ResetPasswordFailed {
  3797. get {
  3798. return ResourceManager.GetString("ResetPasswordFailed", resourceCulture);
  3799. }
  3800. }
  3801. /// <summary>
  3802. /// 查詢類似 A confirmation message has been sent to your email account. 的當地語系化字串。
  3803. /// </summary>
  3804. public static string ResetPasswordSuccessMessage {
  3805. get {
  3806. return ResourceManager.GetString("ResetPasswordSuccessMessage", resourceCulture);
  3807. }
  3808. }
  3809. /// <summary>
  3810. /// 查詢類似 Enter your email to receive the password instructions 的當地語系化字串。
  3811. /// </summary>
  3812. public static string ResetPasswordTip_Header {
  3813. get {
  3814. return ResourceManager.GetString("ResetPasswordTip.Header", resourceCulture);
  3815. }
  3816. }
  3817. /// <summary>
  3818. /// 查詢類似 Restore purchase 的當地語系化字串。
  3819. /// </summary>
  3820. public static string RestorePurchase {
  3821. get {
  3822. return ResourceManager.GetString("RestorePurchase", resourceCulture);
  3823. }
  3824. }
  3825. /// <summary>
  3826. /// 查詢類似 Please retype password! 的當地語系化字串。
  3827. /// </summary>
  3828. public static string RetypePassword {
  3829. get {
  3830. return ResourceManager.GetString("RetypePassword", resourceCulture);
  3831. }
  3832. }
  3833. /// <summary>
  3834. /// 查詢類似 Search results for &quot;{0}&quot; 的當地語系化字串。
  3835. /// </summary>
  3836. public static string SearchResultTitle {
  3837. get {
  3838. return ResourceManager.GetString("SearchResultTitle", resourceCulture);
  3839. }
  3840. }
  3841. /// <summary>
  3842. /// 查詢類似 See All Features 的當地語系化字串。
  3843. /// </summary>
  3844. public static string SeeAllFeatures {
  3845. get {
  3846. return ResourceManager.GetString("SeeAllFeatures", resourceCulture);
  3847. }
  3848. }
  3849. /// <summary>
  3850. /// 查詢類似 Select a file 的當地語系化字串。
  3851. /// </summary>
  3852. public static string SelectAFile {
  3853. get {
  3854. return ResourceManager.GetString("SelectAFile", resourceCulture);
  3855. }
  3856. }
  3857. /// <summary>
  3858. /// 查詢類似 Select files 的當地語系化字串。
  3859. /// </summary>
  3860. public static string SelectFiles {
  3861. get {
  3862. return ResourceManager.GetString("SelectFiles", resourceCulture);
  3863. }
  3864. }
  3865. /// <summary>
  3866. /// 查詢類似 Carry your masterpiece with you with your Kdan ID. 的當地語系化字串。
  3867. /// </summary>
  3868. public static string SetUpAccountDescription {
  3869. get {
  3870. return ResourceManager.GetString("SetUpAccountDescription", resourceCulture);
  3871. }
  3872. }
  3873. /// <summary>
  3874. /// 查詢類似 Set up Your Account to Get Start 的當地語系化字串。
  3875. /// </summary>
  3876. public static string SetUpAccountTitle {
  3877. get {
  3878. return ResourceManager.GetString("SetUpAccountTitle", resourceCulture);
  3879. }
  3880. }
  3881. /// <summary>
  3882. /// 查詢類似 1 file link 的當地語系化字串。
  3883. /// </summary>
  3884. public static string Share_LinkDescription {
  3885. get {
  3886. return ResourceManager.GetString("Share.LinkDescription", resourceCulture);
  3887. }
  3888. }
  3889. /// <summary>
  3890. /// 查詢類似 {0} file links 的當地語系化字串。
  3891. /// </summary>
  3892. public static string Share_LinksDescription {
  3893. get {
  3894. return ResourceManager.GetString("Share.LinksDescription", resourceCulture);
  3895. }
  3896. }
  3897. /// <summary>
  3898. /// 查詢類似 Shared from {0} 的當地語系化字串。
  3899. /// </summary>
  3900. public static string Share_Title {
  3901. get {
  3902. return ResourceManager.GetString("Share.Title", resourceCulture);
  3903. }
  3904. }
  3905. /// <summary>
  3906. /// 查詢類似 Please upload the document to Kdan Cloud before sharing the file link. 的當地語系化字串。
  3907. /// </summary>
  3908. public static string ShareLinkWarringMessage {
  3909. get {
  3910. return ResourceManager.GetString("ShareLinkWarringMessage", resourceCulture);
  3911. }
  3912. }
  3913. /// <summary>
  3914. /// 查詢類似 Sign in 的當地語系化字串。
  3915. /// </summary>
  3916. public static string SignInButton_Content {
  3917. get {
  3918. return ResourceManager.GetString("SignInButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  3919. }
  3920. }
  3921. /// <summary>
  3922. /// 查詢類似 Sign in with Facebook 的當地語系化字串。
  3923. /// </summary>
  3924. public static string SignInFacebookButton_Content {
  3925. get {
  3926. return ResourceManager.GetString("SignInFacebookButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  3927. }
  3928. }
  3929. /// <summary>
  3930. /// 查詢類似 Logout 的當地語系化字串。
  3931. /// </summary>
  3932. public static string SignOutButton_Content {
  3933. get {
  3934. return ResourceManager.GetString("SignOutButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  3935. }
  3936. }
  3937. /// <summary>
  3938. /// 查詢類似 Sign up 的當地語系化字串。
  3939. /// </summary>
  3940. public static string SignUpButton_Content {
  3941. get {
  3942. return ResourceManager.GetString("SignUpButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  3943. }
  3944. }
  3945. /// <summary>
  3946. /// 查詢類似 Join Kdan for Free 的當地語系化字串。
  3947. /// </summary>
  3948. public static string SignUpTitle_Text {
  3949. get {
  3950. return ResourceManager.GetString("SignUpTitle.Text", resourceCulture);
  3951. }
  3952. }
  3953. /// <summary>
  3954. /// 查詢類似 Sign up now to get FREE Kdan Cloud storage and premium services. 的當地語系化字串。
  3955. /// </summary>
  3956. public static string SignUpTitleDetail_Text {
  3957. get {
  3958. return ResourceManager.GetString("SignUpTitleDetail.Text", resourceCulture);
  3959. }
  3960. }
  3961. /// <summary>
  3962. /// 查詢類似 Ascending 的當地語系化字串。
  3963. /// </summary>
  3964. public static string SortMenu_Ascending {
  3965. get {
  3966. return ResourceManager.GetString("SortMenu/Ascending", resourceCulture);
  3967. }
  3968. }
  3969. /// <summary>
  3970. /// 查詢類似 Cloud status 的當地語系化字串。
  3971. /// </summary>
  3972. public static string SortMenu_CloudState {
  3973. get {
  3974. return ResourceManager.GetString("SortMenu/CloudState", resourceCulture);
  3975. }
  3976. }
  3977. /// <summary>
  3978. /// 查詢類似 Date created 的當地語系化字串。
  3979. /// </summary>
  3980. public static string SortMenu_Created {
  3981. get {
  3982. return ResourceManager.GetString("SortMenu/Created", resourceCulture);
  3983. }
  3984. }
  3985. /// <summary>
  3986. /// 查詢類似 Descending 的當地語系化字串。
  3987. /// </summary>
  3988. public static string SortMenu_Descending {
  3989. get {
  3990. return ResourceManager.GetString("SortMenu/Descending", resourceCulture);
  3991. }
  3992. }
  3993. /// <summary>
  3994. /// 查詢類似 Frame counts 的當地語系化字串。
  3995. /// </summary>
  3996. public static string SortMenu_FrameCount {
  3997. get {
  3998. return ResourceManager.GetString("SortMenu/FrameCount", resourceCulture);
  3999. }
  4000. }
  4001. /// <summary>
  4002. /// 查詢類似 Name 的當地語系化字串。
  4003. /// </summary>
  4004. public static string SortMenu_Name {
  4005. get {
  4006. return ResourceManager.GetString("SortMenu/Name", resourceCulture);
  4007. }
  4008. }
  4009. /// <summary>
  4010. /// 查詢類似 Type 的當地語系化字串。
  4011. /// </summary>
  4012. public static string SortMenu_Type {
  4013. get {
  4014. return ResourceManager.GetString("SortMenu/Type", resourceCulture);
  4015. }
  4016. }
  4017. /// <summary>
  4018. /// 查詢類似 Date modified 的當地語系化字串。
  4019. /// </summary>
  4020. public static string SortMenu_Updated {
  4021. get {
  4022. return ResourceManager.GetString("SortMenu/Updated", resourceCulture);
  4023. }
  4024. }
  4025. /// <summary>
  4026. /// 查詢類似 Connecting... 的當地語系化字串。
  4027. /// </summary>
  4028. public static string State_Connecting {
  4029. get {
  4030. return ResourceManager.GetString("State.Connecting", resourceCulture);
  4031. }
  4032. }
  4033. /// <summary>
  4034. /// 查詢類似 Converting... 的當地語系化字串。
  4035. /// </summary>
  4036. public static string State_Converting {
  4037. get {
  4038. return ResourceManager.GetString("State.Converting", resourceCulture);
  4039. }
  4040. }
  4041. /// <summary>
  4042. /// 查詢類似 Deleting... 的當地語系化字串。
  4043. /// </summary>
  4044. public static string State_Deleting {
  4045. get {
  4046. return ResourceManager.GetString("State.Deleting", resourceCulture);
  4047. }
  4048. }
  4049. /// <summary>
  4050. /// 查詢類似 Downloading... 的當地語系化字串。
  4051. /// </summary>
  4052. public static string State_Downloading {
  4053. get {
  4054. return ResourceManager.GetString("State.Downloading", resourceCulture);
  4055. }
  4056. }
  4057. /// <summary>
  4058. /// 查詢類似 Exporting... 的當地語系化字串。
  4059. /// </summary>
  4060. public static string State_Exporting {
  4061. get {
  4062. return ResourceManager.GetString("State.Exporting", resourceCulture);
  4063. }
  4064. }
  4065. /// <summary>
  4066. /// 查詢類似 Sending... 的當地語系化字串。
  4067. /// </summary>
  4068. public static string State_Sending {
  4069. get {
  4070. return ResourceManager.GetString("State.Sending", resourceCulture);
  4071. }
  4072. }
  4073. /// <summary>
  4074. /// 查詢類似 Updating... 的當地語系化字串。
  4075. /// </summary>
  4076. public static string State_Updating {
  4077. get {
  4078. return ResourceManager.GetString("State.Updating", resourceCulture);
  4079. }
  4080. }
  4081. /// <summary>
  4082. /// 查詢類似 Uploading... 的當地語系化字串。
  4083. /// </summary>
  4084. public static string State_Uploading {
  4085. get {
  4086. return ResourceManager.GetString("State.Uploading", resourceCulture);
  4087. }
  4088. }
  4089. /// <summary>
  4090. /// 查詢類似 Waiting... 的當地語系化字串。
  4091. /// </summary>
  4092. public static string State_Waiting {
  4093. get {
  4094. return ResourceManager.GetString("State.Waiting", resourceCulture);
  4095. }
  4096. }
  4097. /// <summary>
  4098. /// 查詢類似 {0} MB used out of {1} GB 的當地語系化字串。
  4099. /// </summary>
  4100. public static string StorageStatus {
  4101. get {
  4102. return ResourceManager.GetString("StorageStatus", resourceCulture);
  4103. }
  4104. }
  4105. /// <summary>
  4106. /// 查詢類似 Submit a report 的當地語系化字串。
  4107. /// </summary>
  4108. public static string SubmitReportButton_Content {
  4109. get {
  4110. return ResourceManager.GetString("SubmitReportButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  4111. }
  4112. }
  4113. /// <summary>
  4114. /// 查詢類似 Subscribe 的當地語系化字串。
  4115. /// </summary>
  4116. public static string SubscribeButton_Content {
  4117. get {
  4118. return ResourceManager.GetString("SubscribeButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  4119. }
  4120. }
  4121. /// <summary>
  4122. /// 查詢類似 Subscribe Now 的當地語系化字串。
  4123. /// </summary>
  4124. public static string SubscribeD365Now {
  4125. get {
  4126. return ResourceManager.GetString("SubscribeD365Now", resourceCulture);
  4127. }
  4128. }
  4129. /// <summary>
  4130. /// 查詢類似 Subscribed 的當地語系化字串。
  4131. /// </summary>
  4132. public static string SubscribedButton_Content {
  4133. get {
  4134. return ResourceManager.GetString("SubscribedButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  4135. }
  4136. }
  4137. /// <summary>
  4138. /// 查詢類似 You&apos;re subscribed to {0} 的當地語系化字串。
  4139. /// </summary>
  4140. public static string SubscribedPlanTip {
  4141. get {
  4142. return ResourceManager.GetString("SubscribedPlanTip", resourceCulture);
  4143. }
  4144. }
  4145. /// <summary>
  4146. /// 查詢類似 Subscribe to Our Newsletter 的當地語系化字串。
  4147. /// </summary>
  4148. public static string SubscribeNewsletterButton_Content {
  4149. get {
  4150. return ResourceManager.GetString("SubscribeNewsletterButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  4151. }
  4152. }
  4153. /// <summary>
  4154. /// 查詢類似 Subscription succeeded. 的當地語系化字串。
  4155. /// </summary>
  4156. public static string SubscribeSuccessfully {
  4157. get {
  4158. return ResourceManager.GetString("SubscribeSuccessfully", resourceCulture);
  4159. }
  4160. }
  4161. /// <summary>
  4162. /// 查詢類似 Subscribe to 的當地語系化字串。
  4163. /// </summary>
  4164. public static string SubscribeTo {
  4165. get {
  4166. return ResourceManager.GetString("SubscribeTo", resourceCulture);
  4167. }
  4168. }
  4169. /// <summary>
  4170. /// 查詢類似 的當地語系化字串。
  4171. /// </summary>
  4172. public static string SubscribeTo3 {
  4173. get {
  4174. return ResourceManager.GetString("SubscribeTo3", resourceCulture);
  4175. }
  4176. }
  4177. /// <summary>
  4178. /// 查詢類似 Before uploading files, please verify your email to activate the account and receive 2GB of free space. 的當地語系化字串。
  4179. /// </summary>
  4180. public static string SubscriptionExpiredMessage {
  4181. get {
  4182. return ResourceManager.GetString("SubscriptionExpiredMessage", resourceCulture);
  4183. }
  4184. }
  4185. /// <summary>
  4186. /// 查詢類似 Subscription failed. Please try again later. 的當地語系化字串。
  4187. /// </summary>
  4188. public static string SubscriptionFailed {
  4189. get {
  4190. return ResourceManager.GetString("SubscriptionFailed", resourceCulture);
  4191. }
  4192. }
  4193. /// <summary>
  4194. /// 查詢類似 Subscription 的當地語系化字串。
  4195. /// </summary>
  4196. public static string SubscriptionLabel_Text {
  4197. get {
  4198. return ResourceManager.GetString("SubscriptionLabel.Text", resourceCulture);
  4199. }
  4200. }
  4201. /// <summary>
  4202. /// 查詢類似 {0} / Expiration date: {1} 的當地語系化字串。
  4203. /// </summary>
  4204. public static string SubscriptionStatus {
  4205. get {
  4206. return ResourceManager.GetString("SubscriptionStatus", resourceCulture);
  4207. }
  4208. }
  4209. /// <summary>
  4210. /// 查詢類似 Subscription auto-renews. Cancel anytime. 的當地語系化字串。
  4211. /// </summary>
  4212. public static string SubscriptionTip {
  4213. get {
  4214. return ResourceManager.GetString("SubscriptionTip", resourceCulture);
  4215. }
  4216. }
  4217. /// <summary>
  4218. /// 查詢類似 Syncing... 的當地語系化字串。
  4219. /// </summary>
  4220. public static string SyncingString {
  4221. get {
  4222. return ResourceManager.GetString("SyncingString", resourceCulture);
  4223. }
  4224. }
  4225. /// <summary>
  4226. /// 查詢類似 Terms of Service 的當地語系化字串。
  4227. /// </summary>
  4228. public static string TermsofServiceButton_Content {
  4229. get {
  4230. return ResourceManager.GetString("TermsofServiceButton.Content", resourceCulture);
  4231. }
  4232. }
  4233. /// <summary>
  4234. /// 查詢類似 的當地語系化字串。
  4235. /// </summary>
  4236. public static string TermsofServiceButton_NavigateUri {
  4237. get {
  4238. return ResourceManager.GetString("TermsofServiceButton.NavigateUri", resourceCulture);
  4239. }
  4240. }
  4241. /// <summary>
  4242. /// 查詢類似 By signing up, you agree to our 的當地語系化字串。
  4243. /// </summary>
  4244. public static string TermsOfServiceParagraph1_Text {
  4245. get {
  4246. return ResourceManager.GetString("TermsOfServiceParagraph1.Text", resourceCulture);
  4247. }
  4248. }
  4249. /// <summary>
  4250. /// 查詢類似 , 的當地語系化字串。
  4251. /// </summary>
  4252. public static string TermsOfServiceParagraph2_Text {
  4253. get {
  4254. return ResourceManager.GetString("TermsOfServiceParagraph2.Text", resourceCulture);
  4255. }
  4256. }
  4257. /// <summary>
  4258. /// 查詢類似 的當地語系化字串。
  4259. /// </summary>
  4260. public static string TermsOfServiceWebview_Source {
  4261. get {
  4262. return ResourceManager.GetString("TermsOfServiceWebview.Source", resourceCulture);
  4263. }
  4264. }
  4265. /// <summary>
  4266. /// 查詢類似 The new name is too long! 的當地語系化字串。
  4267. /// </summary>
  4268. public static string TooLongNameMessage {
  4269. get {
  4270. return ResourceManager.GetString("TooLongNameMessage", resourceCulture);
  4271. }
  4272. }
  4273. /// <summary>
  4274. /// 查詢類似 Total {0} {1} 的當地語系化字串。
  4275. /// </summary>
  4276. public static string TotalItems {
  4277. get {
  4278. return ResourceManager.GetString("TotalItems", resourceCulture);
  4279. }
  4280. }
  4281. /// <summary>
  4282. /// 查詢類似 Your trial has ended! 的當地語系化字串。
  4283. /// </summary>
  4284. public static string TrialExpiredContent1 {
  4285. get {
  4286. return ResourceManager.GetString("TrialExpiredContent1", resourceCulture);
  4287. }
  4288. }
  4289. /// <summary>
  4290. /// 查詢類似 Purchase now to keep using all available features of PDF Reader. You may need to restart the device after the payment is completed. 的當地語系化字串。
  4291. /// </summary>
  4292. public static string TrialExpiredContent2 {
  4293. get {
  4294. return ResourceManager.GetString("TrialExpiredContent2", resourceCulture);
  4295. }
  4296. }
  4297. /// <summary>
  4298. /// 查詢類似 Trial Expired 的當地語系化字串。
  4299. /// </summary>
  4300. public static string TrialExpiredTitle {
  4301. get {
  4302. return ResourceManager.GetString("TrialExpiredTitle", resourceCulture);
  4303. }
  4304. }
  4305. /// <summary>
  4306. /// 查詢類似 Please try again later. 的當地語系化字串。
  4307. /// </summary>
  4308. public static string TryAgainLater {
  4309. get {
  4310. return ResourceManager.GetString("TryAgainLater", resourceCulture);
  4311. }
  4312. }
  4313. /// <summary>
  4314. /// 查詢類似 Unable to connect to {0} 的當地語系化字串。
  4315. /// </summary>
  4316. public static string UnableConnectDevice {
  4317. get {
  4318. return ResourceManager.GetString("UnableConnectDevice", resourceCulture);
  4319. }
  4320. }
  4321. /// <summary>
  4322. /// 查詢類似 View Upgrade Options 的當地語系化字串。
  4323. /// </summary>
  4324. public static string UpgradeOptions {
  4325. get {
  4326. return ResourceManager.GetString("UpgradeOptions", resourceCulture);
  4327. }
  4328. }
  4329. /// <summary>
  4330. /// 查詢類似 Upload successfully! 的當地語系化字串。
  4331. /// </summary>
  4332. public static string UploadCompleteMessage {
  4333. get {
  4334. return ResourceManager.GetString("UploadCompleteMessage", resourceCulture);
  4335. }
  4336. }
  4337. /// <summary>
  4338. /// 查詢類似 Upload failed, try again later. 的當地語系化字串。
  4339. /// </summary>
  4340. public static string UploadFailedMessage {
  4341. get {
  4342. return ResourceManager.GetString("UploadFailedMessage", resourceCulture);
  4343. }
  4344. }
  4345. /// <summary>
  4346. /// 查詢類似 Not enough cloud storage. Please subscribe to Kdan Cloud services to get more space and upload your files. 的當地語系化字串。
  4347. /// </summary>
  4348. public static string UploadNoEnoughStorageMessage {
  4349. get {
  4350. return ResourceManager.GetString("UploadNoEnoughStorageMessage", resourceCulture);
  4351. }
  4352. }
  4353. /// <summary>
  4354. /// 查詢類似 View subscription plans. 的當地語系化字串。
  4355. /// </summary>
  4356. public static string ViewSubscriptionPlans {
  4357. get {
  4358. return ResourceManager.GetString("ViewSubscriptionPlans", resourceCulture);
  4359. }
  4360. }
  4361. /// <summary>
  4362. /// 查詢類似 View tutorial article 的當地語系化字串。
  4363. /// </summary>
  4364. public static string ViewTutorialArticle {
  4365. get {
  4366. return ResourceManager.GetString("ViewTutorialArticle", resourceCulture);
  4367. }
  4368. }
  4369. /// <summary>
  4370. /// 查詢類似 Ballpoint pen 的當地語系化字串。
  4371. /// </summary>
  4372. public static string WindowsInk_Ballpointpen {
  4373. get {
  4374. return ResourceManager.GetString("WindowsInk.Ballpointpen", resourceCulture);
  4375. }
  4376. }
  4377. /// <summary>
  4378. /// 查詢類似 Eraser 的當地語系化字串。
  4379. /// </summary>
  4380. public static string WindowsInk_Eraser {
  4381. get {
  4382. return ResourceManager.GetString("WindowsInk.Eraser", resourceCulture);
  4383. }
  4384. }
  4385. /// <summary>
  4386. /// 查詢類似 Protractor 的當地語系化字串。
  4387. /// </summary>
  4388. public static string WindowsInk_Protractor {
  4389. get {
  4390. return ResourceManager.GetString("WindowsInk.Protractor", resourceCulture);
  4391. }
  4392. }
  4393. /// <summary>
  4394. /// 查詢類似 Ruler 的當地語系化字串。
  4395. /// </summary>
  4396. public static string WindowsInk_Ruler {
  4397. get {
  4398. return ResourceManager.GetString("WindowsInk.Ruler", resourceCulture);
  4399. }
  4400. }
  4401. /// <summary>
  4402. /// 查詢類似 Invalid password. Please try again. 的當地語系化字串。
  4403. /// </summary>
  4404. public static string WrongPassword {
  4405. get {
  4406. return ResourceManager.GetString("WrongPassword", resourceCulture);
  4407. }
  4408. }
  4409. /// <summary>
  4410. /// 查詢類似 Comment 的當地語系化字串。
  4411. /// </summary>
  4412. public static string ZendeskComment_PlaceholderText {
  4413. get {
  4414. return ResourceManager.GetString("ZendeskComment.PlaceholderText", resourceCulture);
  4415. }
  4416. }
  4417. /// <summary>
  4418. /// 查詢類似 Contact Us 的當地語系化字串。
  4419. /// </summary>
  4420. public static string ZendeskContactUs_Text {
  4421. get {
  4422. return ResourceManager.GetString("ZendeskContactUs.Text", resourceCulture);
  4423. }
  4424. }
  4425. /// <summary>
  4426. /// 查詢類似 Description cannot be blank. 的當地語系化字串。
  4427. /// </summary>
  4428. public static string ZendeskDescriptionCannotBeBlank_Text {
  4429. get {
  4430. return ResourceManager.GetString("ZendeskDescriptionCannotBeBlank.Text", resourceCulture);
  4431. }
  4432. }
  4433. /// <summary>
  4434. /// 查詢類似 Discard draft 的當地語系化字串。
  4435. /// </summary>
  4436. public static string ZendeskDiscardDraft {
  4437. get {
  4438. return ResourceManager.GetString("ZendeskDiscardDraft", resourceCulture);
  4439. }
  4440. }
  4441. /// <summary>
  4442. /// 查詢類似 Do not close the app before sending is complete. 的當地語系化字串。
  4443. /// </summary>
  4444. public static string ZendeskDoNotClose_Text {
  4445. get {
  4446. return ResourceManager.GetString("ZendeskDoNotClose.Text", resourceCulture);
  4447. }
  4448. }
  4449. /// <summary>
  4450. /// 查詢類似 You haven&apos;t finished your message yet. Do you want to discard this draft? 的當地語系化字串。
  4451. /// </summary>
  4452. public static string ZendeskDoYouWantToDiscardThisDraft {
  4453. get {
  4454. return ResourceManager.GetString("ZendeskDoYouWantToDiscardThisDraft", resourceCulture);
  4455. }
  4456. }
  4457. /// <summary>
  4458. /// 查詢類似 Fail to send message. 的當地語系化字串。
  4459. /// </summary>
  4460. public static string ZendeskFailToSendMessage {
  4461. get {
  4462. return ResourceManager.GetString("ZendeskFailToSendMessage", resourceCulture);
  4463. }
  4464. }
  4465. /// <summary>
  4466. /// 查詢類似 Knowledge Base 的當地語系化字串。
  4467. /// </summary>
  4468. public static string ZendeskKnowledgeBase_Text {
  4469. get {
  4470. return ResourceManager.GetString("ZendeskKnowledgeBase.Text", resourceCulture);
  4471. }
  4472. }
  4473. /// <summary>
  4474. /// 查詢類似 Less 的當地語系化字串。
  4475. /// </summary>
  4476. public static string ZendeskLess_Text {
  4477. get {
  4478. return ResourceManager.GetString("ZendeskLess.Text", resourceCulture);
  4479. }
  4480. }
  4481. /// <summary>
  4482. /// 查詢類似 Message sent! 的當地語系化字串。
  4483. /// </summary>
  4484. public static string ZendeskMessageSent {
  4485. get {
  4486. return ResourceManager.GetString("ZendeskMessageSent", resourceCulture);
  4487. }
  4488. }
  4489. /// <summary>
  4490. /// 查詢類似 My Tickets 的當地語系化字串。
  4491. /// </summary>
  4492. public static string ZendeskMyTickets_Text {
  4493. get {
  4494. return ResourceManager.GetString("ZendeskMyTickets.Text", resourceCulture);
  4495. }
  4496. }
  4497. /// <summary>
  4498. /// 查詢類似 You can send up to 20MB in attachments. Please check your attachment size. 的當地語系化字串。
  4499. /// </summary>
  4500. public static string ZendeskPleaseCheakYourAttachmentSize_Text {
  4501. get {
  4502. return ResourceManager.GetString("ZendeskPleaseCheakYourAttachmentSize.Text", resourceCulture);
  4503. }
  4504. }
  4505. /// <summary>
  4506. /// 查詢類似 Please try again later. 的當地語系化字串。
  4507. /// </summary>
  4508. public static string ZendeskPleaseTryAgainLater {
  4509. get {
  4510. return ResourceManager.GetString("ZendeskPleaseTryAgainLater", resourceCulture);
  4511. }
  4512. }
  4513. /// <summary>
  4514. /// 查詢類似 Your message has been sent to Kdan Mobile successfully. 的當地語系化字串。
  4515. /// </summary>
  4516. public static string ZendeskYourMessageHasBeenSent {
  4517. get {
  4518. return ResourceManager.GetString("ZendeskYourMessageHasBeenSent", resourceCulture);
  4519. }
  4520. }
  4521. }
  4522. }