Resources.resw 70 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <root>
  3. <!--
  4. Microsoft ResX Schema
  5. Version 2.0
  6. The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format
  7. that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the
  8. various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes
  9. associated with the data types.
  10. Example:
  11. ... headers & schema ...
  12. <resheader name="resmimetype">text/microsoft-resx</resheader>
  13. <resheader name="version">2.0</resheader>
  14. <resheader name="reader">System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
  15. <resheader name="writer">System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
  16. <data name="Name1"><value>this is my long string</value><comment>this is a comment</comment></data>
  17. <data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing">Blue</data>
  18. <data name="Bitmap1" mimetype="application/">
  19. <value>[base64 mime encoded serialized .NET Framework object]</value>
  20. </data>
  21. <data name="Icon1" type="System.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/">
  22. <value>[base64 mime encoded string representing a byte array form of the .NET Framework object]</value>
  23. <comment>This is a comment</comment>
  24. </data>
  25. There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple
  26. name/value pairs.
  27. Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a
  28. type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support
  29. text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture.
  30. Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the
  31. mimetype set.
  32. The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the
  33. ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not
  34. extensible. For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly:
  35. Note - application/ is the format
  36. that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can
  37. read any of the formats listed below.
  38. mimetype: application/
  39. value : The object must be serialized with
  40. : System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
  41. : and then encoded with base64 encoding.
  42. mimetype: application/
  43. value : The object must be serialized with
  44. : System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter
  45. : and then encoded with base64 encoding.
  46. mimetype: application/
  47. value : The object must be serialized into a byte array
  48. : using a System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
  49. : and then encoded with base64 encoding.
  50. -->
  51. <xsd:schema id="root" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
  52. <xsd:import namespace="" />
  53. <xsd:element name="root" msdata:IsDataSet="true">
  54. <xsd:complexType>
  55. <xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
  56. <xsd:element name="metadata">
  57. <xsd:complexType>
  58. <xsd:sequence>
  59. <xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
  60. </xsd:sequence>
  61. <xsd:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xsd:string" />
  62. <xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" />
  63. <xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" />
  64. <xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
  65. </xsd:complexType>
  66. </xsd:element>
  67. <xsd:element name="assembly">
  68. <xsd:complexType>
  69. <xsd:attribute name="alias" type="xsd:string" />
  70. <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" />
  71. </xsd:complexType>
  72. </xsd:element>
  73. <xsd:element name="data">
  74. <xsd:complexType>
  75. <xsd:sequence>
  76. <xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
  77. <xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="2" />
  78. </xsd:sequence>
  79. <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
  80. <xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="3" />
  81. <xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="4" />
  82. <xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
  83. </xsd:complexType>
  84. </xsd:element>
  85. <xsd:element name="resheader">
  86. <xsd:complexType>
  87. <xsd:sequence>
  88. <xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
  89. </xsd:sequence>
  90. <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" />
  91. </xsd:complexType>
  92. </xsd:element>
  93. </xsd:choice>
  94. </xsd:complexType>
  95. </xsd:element>
  96. </xsd:schema>
  97. <resheader name="resmimetype">
  98. <value>text/microsoft-resx</value>
  99. </resheader>
  100. <resheader name="version">
  101. <value>2.0</value>
  102. </resheader>
  103. <resheader name="reader">
  104. <value>System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
  105. </resheader>
  106. <resheader name="writer">
  107. <value>System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
  108. </resheader>
  109. <data name="AccountExistedError" xml:space="preserve">
  110. <value>This email address is already in use. Please try a different one!</value>
  111. <comment>[會員註冊] 註冊失敗,帳號已存在</comment>
  112. </data>
  113. <data name="AccountHelpButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  114. <value>Account help</value>
  115. <comment>[帳戶資訊] 帳戶協助連結文字</comment>
  116. </data>
  117. <data name="AccountIsNotExistedError" xml:space="preserve">
  118. <value>This email account does not exist.</value>
  119. <comment>重設密碼失敗,使用者所填的信箱帳號不存在</comment>
  120. </data>
  121. <data name="AccountNameError" xml:space="preserve">
  122. <value>Please enter your name.</value>
  123. <comment>[會員註冊] 註冊未填寫名字</comment>
  124. </data>
  125. <data name="CancelDownloadMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  126. <value>You just cancelled the download. Resume the download by tapping download button.</value>
  127. </data>
  128. <data name="CancelUploadMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  129. <value>You just cancelled the upload. Resume the upload by tapping upload button.</value>
  130. </data>
  131. <data name="CloudDeviceString" xml:space="preserve">
  132. <value>Cloud &amp; Device</value>
  133. <comment>[檔案管理]檔案同時存放於雲端與裝置的狀態</comment>
  134. </data>
  135. <data name="CloudString" xml:space="preserve">
  136. <value>Cloud</value>
  137. <comment>[檔案管理]檔案只存放於雲端的狀態</comment>
  138. </data>
  139. <data name="CreditBalanceLabel.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  140. <value>Account Balance:</value>
  141. </data>
  142. <data name="State.Deleting" xml:space="preserve">
  143. <value>Deleting...</value>
  144. <comment>[雲端檔案傳輸狀態] 刪除中文字訊息</comment>
  145. </data>
  146. <data name="DeviceString" xml:space="preserve">
  147. <value>Device</value>
  148. <comment>[檔案管理]檔案只存放於裝置的狀態</comment>
  149. </data>
  150. <data name="DownloadCompleteMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  151. <value>Download successfully!</value>
  152. </data>
  153. <data name="DownloadFailedMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  154. <value>Download failed, try again later.</value>
  155. </data>
  156. <data name="State.Downloading" xml:space="preserve">
  157. <value>Downloading...</value>
  158. <comment>[雲端檔案傳輸狀態] 下載中文字訊息</comment>
  159. </data>
  160. <data name="FacebookAccountExistedError" xml:space="preserve">
  161. <value>This Facebook account is already in use!</value>
  162. <comment>[Facebook] 註冊Facebook失敗,帳號已存在的提示訊息</comment>
  163. </data>
  164. <data name="FacebookConnectFailed" xml:space="preserve">
  165. <value>Failed to connect to Facebook account.</value>
  166. <comment>[Facebook] 連結Facebook帳號失敗</comment>
  167. </data>
  168. <data name="FacebookLoginError" xml:space="preserve">
  169. <value>The Facebook account has not been registered</value>
  170. <comment>[Facebook] 以Facebook帳號登入失敗後,提示Facebook帳號未註冊為Kdan會員</comment>
  171. </data>
  172. <data name="InvalidEmailAddress" xml:space="preserve">
  173. <value>The email is invalid. Please enter a valid email address.</value>
  174. <comment>Email格式錯誤</comment>
  175. </data>
  176. <data name="InvalidPassword" xml:space="preserve">
  177. <value>This password is too short. Passwords must be at least 8 characters long.</value>
  178. <comment>密碼太短,至少8個字元</comment>
  179. </data>
  180. <data name="KdanCloudSignUpDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  181. <value>Sign up now and get {0} of Free Space on Kdan Cloud.</value>
  182. </data>
  183. <data name="LoginFailed" xml:space="preserve">
  184. <value>Invalid username or password. Please try again.</value>
  185. <comment>登入失敗,跳出的訊息,要求使用者檢查信箱與密碼</comment>
  186. </data>
  187. <data name="MemberFormEmail.PlaceholderText" xml:space="preserve">
  188. <value>Email address</value>
  189. </data>
  190. <data name="MemberFormName.PlaceholderText" xml:space="preserve">
  191. <value>First and last name</value>
  192. </data>
  193. <data name="MemberFormPassword.PlaceholderText" xml:space="preserve">
  194. <value>Password</value>
  195. </data>
  196. <data name="MemberFormPasswordTip.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  197. <value>(Minimum of 8 characters)</value>
  198. </data>
  199. <data name="MemberFormSubmit.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  200. <value>Submit</value>
  201. </data>
  202. <data name="NextTimeButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  203. <value>Next time</value>
  204. </data>
  205. <data name="PasswordError" xml:space="preserve">
  206. <value>Incorrect password format</value>
  207. <comment>密碼格式錯誤</comment>
  208. </data>
  209. <data name="PasswordHelp.Title" xml:space="preserve">
  210. <value>Reset Password</value>
  211. </data>
  212. <data name="PasswordHelpButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  213. <value>Password Help</value>
  214. </data>
  215. <data name="PrivacyPolicyButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  216. <value>Privacy Policy</value>
  217. <comment>[註冊] 隱私權原則(服務條款)</comment>
  218. </data>
  219. <data name="RegisterFailed" xml:space="preserve">
  220. <value>Registration failed.</value>
  221. <comment>註冊失敗後跳出的訊息標題</comment>
  222. </data>
  223. <data name="RegisterSuccessTitle" xml:space="preserve">
  224. <value>Registration successful.</value>
  225. <comment>註冊成功後跳出的訊息標題</comment>
  226. </data>
  227. <data name="RemainDaysDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  228. <value>{0} days left before the subscription expires</value>
  229. </data>
  230. <data name="ResetPasswordFailed" xml:space="preserve">
  231. <value>Password reset failed</value>
  232. <comment>重設密碼失敗後跳出的訊息標題</comment>
  233. </data>
  234. <data name="ResetPasswordSuccessMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  235. <value>A confirmation message has been sent to your email account.</value>
  236. <comment>重設密碼成功後跳出的訊息內容,告知使用者如何重設密碼</comment>
  237. </data>
  238. <data name="ResetPasswordTip.Header" xml:space="preserve">
  239. <value>Enter your email to receive the password instructions</value>
  240. <comment>[登入] 重設密碼說明</comment>
  241. </data>
  242. <data name="RetypePassword" xml:space="preserve">
  243. <value>Please retype password!</value>
  244. <comment>註冊時,確認密碼欄位與設定密碼不相符,要求使用者檢查</comment>
  245. </data>
  246. <data name="SignInButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  247. <value>Sign in</value>
  248. </data>
  249. <data name="SignInFacebookButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  250. <value>Sign in with Facebook</value>
  251. <comment>[登入]Facebook登入按鈕文字</comment>
  252. </data>
  253. <data name="SignOutButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  254. <value>Logout</value>
  255. </data>
  256. <data name="SignUpButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  257. <value>Sign up</value>
  258. <comment>[會員註冊] 一般註冊按鈕文字</comment>
  259. </data>
  260. <data name="SignUpTitle.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  261. <value>Join Kdan for Free</value>
  262. <comment>[會員註冊] 標題</comment>
  263. </data>
  264. <data name="SignUpTitleDetail.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  265. <value>Sign up now to get FREE Kdan Cloud storage and premium services.</value>
  266. <comment>[會員註冊] 標題說明</comment>
  267. </data>
  268. <data name="SubmitReportButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  269. <value>Submit a report</value>
  270. </data>
  271. <data name="SubscriptionExpiredMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  272. <value>Before uploading files, please verify your email to activate the account and receive 2GB of free space.</value>
  273. </data>
  274. <data name="SubscriptionLabel.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  275. <value>Subscription</value>
  276. </data>
  277. <data name="SyncingString" xml:space="preserve">
  278. <value>Syncing...</value>
  279. </data>
  280. <data name="TermsofServiceButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  281. <value>Terms of Service</value>
  282. <comment>[會員註冊] 服務條款</comment>
  283. </data>
  284. <data name="State.Updating" xml:space="preserve">
  285. <value>Updating...</value>
  286. <comment>[雲端檔案傳輸狀態] 更新中文字訊息</comment>
  287. </data>
  288. <data name="UploadCompleteMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  289. <value>Upload successfully!</value>
  290. </data>
  291. <data name="UploadFailedMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  292. <value>Upload failed, try again later.</value>
  293. </data>
  294. <data name="State.Uploading" xml:space="preserve">
  295. <value>Uploading...</value>
  296. <comment>[雲端檔案傳輸狀態] 上傳中文字訊息</comment>
  297. </data>
  298. <data name="UploadNoEnoughStorageMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  299. <value>Not enough cloud storage. Please subscribe to Kdan Cloud services to get more space and upload your files.</value>
  300. </data>
  301. <data name="State.Waiting" xml:space="preserve">
  302. <value>Waiting...</value>
  303. <comment>[雲端檔案傳輸狀態] 等待中文字訊息</comment>
  304. </data>
  305. <data name="NoAnyCloudFiles" xml:space="preserve">
  306. <value>There are no files uploaded yet.</value>
  307. </data>
  308. <data name="FailedShareLinkMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  309. <value>Failed to generate a sharable link.</value>
  310. </data>
  311. <data name="AccountString" xml:space="preserve">
  312. <value>Account</value>
  313. </data>
  314. <data name="CheckInvalidEmailMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  315. <value>This is an invalid email address. Your Kdan Cloud account will be deactivated on {0}. Please change and verify your email address.</value>
  316. </data>
  317. <data name="EnterNewEmail" xml:space="preserve">
  318. <value>Enter a new email address</value>
  319. <comment>[Email驗證][變更Email對話框] 內文</comment>
  320. </data>
  321. <data name="NoInternetCloudWarning" xml:space="preserve">
  322. <value>Please stay connected to the Internet to use Kdan Cloud services.</value>
  323. <comment>[雲端服務]偵測到無任何網路連線的提示訊息</comment>
  324. </data>
  325. <data name="AccountHelpMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  326. <value>If you no longer have access to the email you registered, please replace it with a new one.</value>
  327. <comment>[帳戶資訊] [帳戶協助] 說明訊息</comment>
  328. </data>
  329. <data name="ChangeEmailString" xml:space="preserve">
  330. <value>Change my email</value>
  331. <comment>[Email驗證] 變更Email的顯示文字</comment>
  332. </data>
  333. <data name="DeactiveEmailVerification" xml:space="preserve">
  334. <value>Please provide us with a valid email address in order to continue using our service.</value>
  335. <comment>[會員驗證] Email無效,且已過期</comment>
  336. </data>
  337. <data name="EmailVerification" xml:space="preserve">
  338. <value>Please check your mailbox to complete the verification process.</value>
  339. <comment>[會員驗證] Email有效,但還未點擊驗證連結</comment>
  340. </data>
  341. <data name="GotItString" xml:space="preserve">
  342. <value>Got it</value>
  343. </data>
  344. <data name="InvalidEmailVerificationRun1" xml:space="preserve">
  345. <value>Invalid email address. Your Kdan Cloud Account will be deactivated on </value>
  346. <comment>[會員驗證] Email無效,將在指定日期取消會員資格(置於日期前)</comment>
  347. </data>
  348. <data name="RemindMeLaterString" xml:space="preserve">
  349. <value>Remind me later</value>
  350. </data>
  351. <data name="AccountInfoString" xml:space="preserve">
  352. <value>Account Info</value>
  353. <comment>[帳戶資訊] 標題</comment>
  354. </data>
  355. <data name="EmailVerificationPopupTitle.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  356. <value>One More Step to Complete Your Registration</value>
  357. <comment>[Email驗證][未驗證說明對話框] 標題</comment>
  358. </data>
  359. <data name="EmailVerificationPopupParagraph1.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  360. <value>A verification email has been sent to</value>
  361. <comment>[Email驗證][未驗證說明對話框] 內文第一段</comment>
  362. </data>
  363. <data name="EmailVerificationPopupParagraph2.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  364. <value>Please check the verification link to complete your registration.</value>
  365. <comment>[Email驗證][未驗證說明對話框] 內文第二段</comment>
  366. </data>
  367. <data name="EmailVerificationPopupResendButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  368. <value>Resend a new link</value>
  369. <comment>[Email驗證][未驗證說明對話框] 重新寄送驗證連結</comment>
  370. </data>
  371. <data name="EmailVerificationPopupVerifiedButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  372. <value>I have verified my account</value>
  373. <comment>[Email驗證][未驗證說明對話框] 已驗證要求確認</comment>
  374. </data>
  375. <data name="ConfirmString" xml:space="preserve">
  376. <value>Confirm</value>
  377. </data>
  378. <data name="EmailSentSucessfully" xml:space="preserve">
  379. <value>Email sent successfully</value>
  380. </data>
  381. <data name="EmailVerificationPopupGotItButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  382. <value>OK, I got it</value>
  383. <comment>[Email驗證]</comment>
  384. </data>
  385. <data name="FailedEmailVerification" xml:space="preserve">
  386. <value>You haven’t confirmed your registration yet. Please check your mailbox or the spams for the verification link</value>
  387. <comment>[Email驗證]</comment>
  388. </data>
  389. <data name="KdanCloudString" xml:space="preserve">
  390. <value>Kdan Cloud</value>
  391. </data>
  392. <data name="PrivacyPolicyParagraph1.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  393. <value>and that you have read our </value>
  394. <comment>[註冊] 註冊注意事項第二段(隱私權原則)</comment>
  395. </data>
  396. <data name="PrivacyPolicyParagraph2.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  397. <value>.</value>
  398. <comment>[註冊] 註冊注意事項第二段延伸第三段區域(多國語言)</comment>
  399. </data>
  400. <data name="ShareLinkWarringMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  401. <value>Please upload the document to Kdan Cloud before sharing the file link.</value>
  402. </data>
  403. <data name="TermsOfServiceParagraph1.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  404. <value>By signing up, you agree to our </value>
  405. <comment>[會員註冊] 服務條款說明第一段 (後面接terms of service)</comment>
  406. </data>
  407. <data name="TermsOfServiceParagraph2.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  408. <value>,</value>
  409. <comment>[會員註冊] 服務條款說明第二段 (前面接terms of service)</comment>
  410. </data>
  411. <data name="Description[1]" xml:space="preserve">
  412. <value>500GB of space on Kdan Cloud</value>
  413. </data>
  414. <data name="Description[2]" xml:space="preserve">
  415. <value>Keep everything in sync</value>
  416. </data>
  417. <data name="Description[3]" xml:space="preserve">
  418. <value>Access your works anytime, anywhere</value>
  419. </data>
  420. <data name="Description[4]" xml:space="preserve">
  421. <value>Create links to files and share them with others</value>
  422. </data>
  423. <data name="Description[5]" xml:space="preserve">
  424. <value>Read PDF documents right in your browser</value>
  425. </data>
  426. <data name="Description[6]" xml:space="preserve">
  427. <value>Never lose your precious works, we keep them in our vault</value>
  428. </data>
  429. <data name="GetMoreSpace.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  430. <value>Get More Storage</value>
  431. </data>
  432. <data name="SubscribeButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  433. <value>Subscribe</value>
  434. </data>
  435. <data name="CreateAccountButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  436. <value>Create a Kdan ID</value>
  437. </data>
  438. <data name="HaveAccountButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  439. <value>I already have a Kdan ID</value>
  440. </data>
  441. <data name="AlreadySubscribed" xml:space="preserve">
  442. <value>You already have this subsciption.</value>
  443. </data>
  444. <data name="SubscribeSuccessfully" xml:space="preserve">
  445. <value>Subscription succeeded.</value>
  446. </data>
  447. <data name="SubscriptionFailed" xml:space="preserve">
  448. <value>Subscription failed. Please try again later.</value>
  449. </data>
  450. <data name="ZendeskComment.PlaceholderText" xml:space="preserve">
  451. <value>Comment</value>
  452. </data>
  453. <data name="ZendeskContactUs.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  454. <value>Contact Us</value>
  455. </data>
  456. <data name="ZendeskDescriptionCannotBeBlank.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  457. <value>Description cannot be blank.</value>
  458. </data>
  459. <data name="CommonUI.Discard" xml:space="preserve">
  460. <value>Discard</value>
  461. </data>
  462. <data name="KdanCreditDiscription.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  463. <value>1 fax page costs 10 credits
  464. 1 file convertion costs 1 credit</value>
  465. </data>
  466. <data name="ZendeskDiscardDraft" xml:space="preserve">
  467. <value>Discard draft</value>
  468. </data>
  469. <data name="ZendeskDoNotClose.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  470. <value>Do not close the app before sending is complete.</value>
  471. </data>
  472. <data name="ZendeskDoYouWantToDiscardThisDraft" xml:space="preserve">
  473. <value>You haven't finished your message yet. Do you want to discard this draft?</value>
  474. </data>
  475. <data name="ZendeskFailToSendMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  476. <value>Fail to send message.</value>
  477. </data>
  478. <data name="ZendeskKnowledgeBase.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  479. <value>Knowledge Base</value>
  480. </data>
  481. <data name="ZendeskLess.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  482. <value>Less</value>
  483. </data>
  484. <data name="ZendeskMessageSent" xml:space="preserve">
  485. <value>Message sent!</value>
  486. </data>
  487. <data name="ZendeskMyTickets.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  488. <value>My Tickets</value>
  489. </data>
  490. <data name="ZendeskPleaseCheakYourAttachmentSize.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  491. <value>You can send up to 20MB in attachments. Please cheak your attachment size.</value>
  492. </data>
  493. <data name="ZendeskYourMessageHasBeenSent" xml:space="preserve">
  494. <value>Your message has been sent to Kdan Mobile successfully.</value>
  495. </data>
  496. <data name="ZendeskPleaseTryAgainLater" xml:space="preserve">
  497. <value>Please try again later.</value>
  498. </data>
  499. <data name="CommonUI.FileLink" xml:space="preserve">
  500. <value>File link</value>
  501. </data>
  502. <data name="Credits" xml:space="preserve">
  503. <value>Credits</value>
  504. </data>
  505. <data name="Required.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  506. <value>Required:</value>
  507. </data>
  508. <data name="Converter.Completed" xml:space="preserve">
  509. <value>Completed</value>
  510. </data>
  511. <data name="State.Converting" xml:space="preserve">
  512. <value>Converting...</value>
  513. </data>
  514. <data name="Fax.Sent" xml:space="preserve">
  515. <value>Sent</value>
  516. </data>
  517. <data name="C365SubscribeBenefits" xml:space="preserve">
  518. <value>to send faxes or convert files</value>
  519. </data>
  520. <data name="SubscribeTo" xml:space="preserve">
  521. <value>Subscribe to</value>
  522. </data>
  523. <data name="AskReviewTitle" xml:space="preserve">
  524. <value>Love {0}?</value>
  525. </data>
  526. <data name="AskReviewCaption" xml:space="preserve">
  527. <value>Rating takes less than a minute.</value>
  528. </data>
  529. <data name="AskReviewContent" xml:space="preserve">
  530. <value>Please leave us a great rating and reviews! Thank for your support!</value>
  531. </data>
  532. <data name="AskReviewPrimaryOption" xml:space="preserve">
  533. <value>Love it! I want to give it 5 stars!</value>
  534. </data>
  535. <data name="AskReviewSecondaryOption" xml:space="preserve">
  536. <value>I'd like to give some feedback</value>
  537. </data>
  538. <data name="Fax.SendedDialogContent0" xml:space="preserve">
  539. <value>{0} credits charged, remaining 1 credit.</value>
  540. </data>
  541. <data name="Fax.SendedDialogContent1" xml:space="preserve">
  542. <value>You can check the delivery status in Task Manager</value>
  543. </data>
  544. <data name="Fax.SendedDialogTitle" xml:space="preserve">
  545. <value>Your fax has been delivered</value>
  546. </data>
  547. <data name="ConverterFailed.Title" xml:space="preserve">
  548. <value>Conversion Failed</value>
  549. </data>
  550. <data name="ConvertDialogTitle" xml:space="preserve">
  551. <value>Your file is converting</value>
  552. </data>
  553. <data name="ConverterFailed.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  554. <value>An error occurred while accessing the converting service. Your credit(s) will be refund to your account.</value>
  555. </data>
  556. <data name="CommonUI.SelectCountry" xml:space="preserve">
  557. <value>Select a country</value>
  558. </data>
  559. <data name="Fax.CreditTextBlock.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  560. <value>Credit</value>
  561. </data>
  562. <data name="Fax.Number" xml:space="preserve">
  563. <value>Fax number</value>
  564. </data>
  565. <data name="CommonUI.Pages" xml:space="preserve">
  566. <value>Pages</value>
  567. </data>
  568. <data name="CommonUI.Page" xml:space="preserve">
  569. <value>Page</value>
  570. </data>
  571. <data name="CommonUI/Recharge" xml:space="preserve">
  572. <value>Recharge</value>
  573. </data>
  574. <data name="Fax.SendedDialogContent0s" xml:space="preserve">
  575. <value>{0} credits charged, remaining {1} credits.</value>
  576. </data>
  577. <data name="Fax.StatusDialogNoAnswer.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  578. <value>The call has no response.</value>
  579. </data>
  580. <data name="Fax.StatusDialogNoAnswer.Title" xml:space="preserve">
  581. <value>No Answer</value>
  582. </data>
  583. <data name="Fax.StatusDialogCallRejected.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  584. <value>The call is rejected. Please try agin.</value>
  585. </data>
  586. <data name="Fax.StatusDialogCallRejected.Title" xml:space="preserve">
  587. <value>Call Rejected</value>
  588. </data>
  589. <data name="Fax.StatusDialogConnectionFailed.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  590. <value>An unexpected error has occurred due to a bad line or other communication problems.</value>
  591. </data>
  592. <data name="Fax.StatusDialogConnectionFailed.Title" xml:space="preserve">
  593. <value>Fax Connection Failed</value>
  594. </data>
  595. <data name="Fax.StatusDialogInvalidFaxNumber.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  596. <value>The fax number you entered is invalid. Please correct it and retry.</value>
  597. </data>
  598. <data name="Fax.StatusDialogInvalidFaxNumber.Title" xml:space="preserve">
  599. <value>Invalid Fax Number</value>
  600. </data>
  601. <data name="Fax.StatusDialogSystemBusy.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  602. <value>The line is busy. Please try again.</value>
  603. </data>
  604. <data name="Fax.StatusDialogSystemBusy.Title" xml:space="preserve">
  605. <value>System Busy</value>
  606. </data>
  607. <data name="SubscribedButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  608. <value>Subscribed</value>
  609. </data>
  610. <data name="Converter.ConvertingDialog.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  611. <value>You can check the converting process in Task Manager.</value>
  612. </data>
  613. <data name="InsufficientCreditsDialog.Title" xml:space="preserve">
  614. <value>Insufficient Credits</value>
  615. </data>
  616. <data name="CommonUI.Output" xml:space="preserve">
  617. <value>Output</value>
  618. </data>
  619. <data name="CommonUI.Start" xml:space="preserve">
  620. <value>Start</value>
  621. </data>
  622. <data name="Converter.UploadToConvertDialog" xml:space="preserve">
  623. <value>Please upload the file to Kdan Cloud for file conversion. Would you like to upload the file now?</value>
  624. </data>
  625. <data name="InsufficientCreditsDialog.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  626. <value>Please recharge your account to continue using the service.</value>
  627. </data>
  628. <data name="InsufficientCreditsDialog.Recharge" xml:space="preserve">
  629. <value>Recharge credit</value>
  630. </data>
  631. <data name="Fax.NoNumberDialog.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  632. <value>Please enter the correct fax number.</value>
  633. </data>
  634. <data name="Fax.PageRangeErrorDialog.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  635. <value>Invalid page range. Please input a valid page range, e.g. 1-3,5,10-12.</value>
  636. </data>
  637. <data name="Creativity365" xml:space="preserve">
  638. <value>Creativity 365</value>
  639. </data>
  640. <data name="Fax.ComboNumberStringTextBlock.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  641. <value>+(Country code)(Fax number)</value>
  642. </data>
  643. <data name="Fax.FormatExampleTextBlock.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  644. <value>Format example</value>
  645. </data>
  646. <data name="Description[0]" xml:space="preserve">
  647. <value>Remove all sponsored ads</value>
  648. </data>
  649. <data name="CreditsRecharge.Purchase.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  650. <value>Purchase</value>
  651. </data>
  652. <data name="Fax.PageRangeTextBox.PlaceholderText" xml:space="preserve">
  653. <value>e.g. 1-3,5,10-12</value>
  654. </data>
  655. <data name="Converter.ConnectionError.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  656. <value>Please make sure your internet connection is available.</value>
  657. </data>
  658. <data name="Converter.ConnectionError.Title" xml:space="preserve">
  659. <value>Connection Error</value>
  660. </data>
  661. <data name="KdanCreditLabel.Text" xml:space="preserve">
  662. <value>Kdan Credit</value>
  663. </data>
  664. <data name="CreditsPurchasedMessageContent" xml:space="preserve">
  665. <value>Credits may take a few minutes to show up in your account.</value>
  666. </data>
  667. <data name="CreditsPurchasedMessageTitle" xml:space="preserve">
  668. <value>Credits purchased</value>
  669. </data>
  670. <data name="CommonUI.Cancel" xml:space="preserve">
  671. <value>Cancel</value>
  672. </data>
  673. <data name="CommonUI.OK" xml:space="preserve">
  674. <value>OK</value>
  675. </data>
  676. <data name="CommonUI.Rename" xml:space="preserve">
  677. <value>Rename</value>
  678. </data>
  679. <data name="ConflictNameMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  680. <value>The name already exists</value>
  681. </data>
  682. <data name="DeleteItemCheckDialog.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  683. <value>Are you sure you want to delete {0}?</value>
  684. </data>
  685. <data name="DeleteItemsCheckDialog.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  686. <value>You have selected {0} {1}. Are you sure you want to delete them</value>
  687. </data>
  688. <data name="InvalidNameMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  689. <value>Invalid name</value>
  690. </data>
  691. <data name="RenameDialog.Title" xml:space="preserve">
  692. <value>Rename the {0}</value>
  693. </data>
  694. <data name="CommonUI/Anizone" xml:space="preserve">
  695. <value>AniZone</value>
  696. </data>
  697. <data name="CommonUI/Convert" xml:space="preserve">
  698. <value>Convert</value>
  699. </data>
  700. <data name="CommonUI/Delete" xml:space="preserve">
  701. <value>Delete</value>
  702. </data>
  703. <data name="CommonUI/Download" xml:space="preserve">
  704. <value>Download</value>
  705. </data>
  706. <data name="CommonUI/Duplicate" xml:space="preserve">
  707. <value>Duplicate</value>
  708. </data>
  709. <data name="CommonUI/Export" xml:space="preserve">
  710. <value>Export</value>
  711. </data>
  712. <data name="CommonUI/Share" xml:space="preserve">
  713. <value>Share</value>
  714. </data>
  715. <data name="CommonUI/Upload" xml:space="preserve">
  716. <value>Upload</value>
  717. </data>
  718. <data name="CommonUI/DeselectAll" xml:space="preserve">
  719. <value>Deselect all</value>
  720. </data>
  721. <data name="CommonUI/SelectAll" xml:space="preserve">
  722. <value>Select all</value>
  723. </data>
  724. <data name="CommonUI/Select" xml:space="preserve">
  725. <value>Select</value>
  726. </data>
  727. <data name="CommonUI/Sort" xml:space="preserve">
  728. <value>Sort by</value>
  729. </data>
  730. <data name="SortMenu/Ascending" xml:space="preserve">
  731. <value>Ascending</value>
  732. </data>
  733. <data name="SortMenu/CloudState" xml:space="preserve">
  734. <value>Cloud status</value>
  735. </data>
  736. <data name="SortMenu/Created" xml:space="preserve">
  737. <value>Date created</value>
  738. </data>
  739. <data name="SortMenu/Descending" xml:space="preserve">
  740. <value>Descending</value>
  741. </data>
  742. <data name="SortMenu/FrameCounts" xml:space="preserve">
  743. <value>Frame counts</value>
  744. </data>
  745. <data name="SortMenu/Name" xml:space="preserve">
  746. <value>Name</value>
  747. </data>
  748. <data name="SortMenu/Updated" xml:space="preserve">
  749. <value>Date modified</value>
  750. </data>
  751. <data name="CommonUI/Done" xml:space="preserve">
  752. <value>Done</value>
  753. </data>
  754. <data name="CommonUI/Selected" xml:space="preserve">
  755. <value>selected</value>
  756. </data>
  757. <data name="CommonUI/ShareLink" xml:space="preserve">
  758. <value>Share file link</value>
  759. </data>
  760. <data name="Cards.AnimationDeskCardDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  761. <value>Create your own animation frame by frame and bring your stories to life.</value>
  762. </data>
  763. <data name="Cards.AnimationDeskCardName" xml:space="preserve">
  764. <value>Animation Desk</value>
  765. </data>
  766. <data name="Cards.CreativeStoreCardDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  767. <value>Search Kdan Creative Store for related accessories and services to upgrade your mobile experience.</value>
  768. </data>
  769. <data name="Cards.CreativeStoreCardName" xml:space="preserve">
  770. <value>Creative Store</value>
  771. </data>
  772. <data name="Cards.NoteLedgeCardDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  773. <value>Stay organized and make beautiful notes with the world's most multifaceted notebook app.</value>
  774. </data>
  775. <data name="Cards.NoteLedgeCardName" xml:space="preserve">
  776. <value>NoteLedge</value>
  777. </data>
  778. <data name="Cards.PDFReaderCardDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  779. <value>One of the world’s most popular PDF apps for viewing, annotating and managing PDFs.</value>
  780. </data>
  781. <data name="Cards.PDFReaderCardName" xml:space="preserve">
  782. <value>PDF Reader</value>
  783. </data>
  784. <data name="LatestString" xml:space="preserve">
  785. <value>Latest: </value>
  786. </data>
  787. <data name="NoSearchResultMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  788. <value>No results found. Please enter a new one.</value>
  789. </data>
  790. <data name="SearchResultTitle" xml:space="preserve">
  791. <value>Search results for "{0}"</value>
  792. </data>
  793. <data name="CommonUI.Copy" xml:space="preserve">
  794. <value>Copy</value>
  795. </data>
  796. <data name="CommonUI.Repeat" xml:space="preserve">
  797. <value>Repeat</value>
  798. </data>
  799. <data name="CommonUI/Add" xml:space="preserve">
  800. <value>Add</value>
  801. </data>
  802. <data name="CommonUI/Settings" xml:space="preserve">
  803. <value>Settings</value>
  804. </data>
  805. <data name="C365Comparison.AnnualPlanTip" xml:space="preserve">
  806. <value>Save 25% with the Annual Plan!</value>
  807. </data>
  808. <data name="CommonUI.Month" xml:space="preserve">
  809. <value>Month</value>
  810. </data>
  811. <data name="CommonUI.Year" xml:space="preserve">
  812. <value>Year</value>
  813. </data>
  814. <data name="State.Exporting" xml:space="preserve">
  815. <value>Exporting...</value>
  816. </data>
  817. <data name="Share.LinkDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  818. <value>1 file link</value>
  819. </data>
  820. <data name="Share.LinksDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  821. <value>{0} file links</value>
  822. </data>
  823. <data name="Share.Title" xml:space="preserve">
  824. <value>Shared from {0}</value>
  825. </data>
  826. <data name="CommonUI/iAniMagic" xml:space="preserve">
  827. <value>iAniMagic</value>
  828. </data>
  829. <data name="CommonUI/Category" xml:space="preserve">
  830. <value>Category</value>
  831. </data>
  832. <data name="CommonUI/Description" xml:space="preserve">
  833. <value>Description</value>
  834. </data>
  835. <data name="CommonUI/Tag" xml:space="preserve">
  836. <value>Tag</value>
  837. </data>
  838. <data name="CommonUI/Tags" xml:space="preserve">
  839. <value>Tags</value>
  840. </data>
  841. <data name="CommonUI/Title" xml:space="preserve">
  842. <value>Title</value>
  843. </data>
  844. <data name="CommonUI/Country" xml:space="preserve">
  845. <value>Country</value>
  846. </data>
  847. <data name="CommonUI.ServerError.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  848. <value>Sorry, we are having temporary server issues. Please wait a few minutes before you reconnect.</value>
  849. </data>
  850. <data name="NotNowButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  851. <value>Not now</value>
  852. </data>
  853. <data name="Document365" xml:space="preserve">
  854. <value>Document 365</value>
  855. </data>
  856. <data name="Bluetooth.EnableBluetooth.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  857. <value>Please enable the Bluetooth in the Settings and try again.</value>
  858. </data>
  859. <data name="Bluetooth.NoBluetooth.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  860. <value>Your device is not equipped with Bluetooth.</value>
  861. </data>
  862. <data name="Bluetooth.CheckBluetoothDevice" xml:space="preserve">
  863. <value>Please improve the Bluetooth connection range of your devices, and make sure batteries are not running low.</value>
  864. </data>
  865. <data name="UnableConnectDevice" xml:space="preserve">
  866. <value>Unable to connect to {0}</value>
  867. </data>
  868. <data name="DeviceConnected" xml:space="preserve">
  869. <value>{0} is connected.</value>
  870. </data>
  871. <data name="DeviceDisconnected" xml:space="preserve">
  872. <value>{0} is disconnected.</value>
  873. </data>
  874. <data name="State.Connecting" xml:space="preserve">
  875. <value>Connecting....</value>
  876. </data>
  877. <data name="C365Comparison/Description" xml:space="preserve">
  878. <value>Subscribe to {0} to enjoy advanced features in {1} across all your devices.</value>
  879. </data>
  880. <data name="CommonUI.Converter" xml:space="preserve">
  881. <value>Converter</value>
  882. </data>
  883. <data name="CommonUI.Fax" xml:space="preserve">
  884. <value>Fax</value>
  885. </data>
  886. <data name="CommonUI.Move" xml:space="preserve">
  887. <value>Move</value>
  888. </data>
  889. <data name="CommonUI.No" xml:space="preserve">
  890. <value>No</value>
  891. </data>
  892. <data name="CommonUI.PageRange" xml:space="preserve">
  893. <value>Page range</value>
  894. </data>
  895. <data name="CommonUI.Quarter" xml:space="preserve">
  896. <value>Quarter</value>
  897. </data>
  898. <data name="CommonUI.Redo" xml:space="preserve">
  899. <value>Redo</value>
  900. </data>
  901. <data name="CommonUI.Refresh" xml:space="preserve">
  902. <value>Refresh</value>
  903. </data>
  904. <data name="CommonUI.Report" xml:space="preserve">
  905. <value>Report</value>
  906. </data>
  907. <data name="CommonUI.TaskManger" xml:space="preserve">
  908. <value>Task Manager</value>
  909. </data>
  910. <data name="CommonUI.Yes" xml:space="preserve">
  911. <value>Yes</value>
  912. </data>
  913. <data name="CommonUI.SaveAs" xml:space="preserve">
  914. <value>Save As</value>
  915. </data>
  916. <data name="CommonUI.Create" xml:space="preserve">
  917. <value>Create</value>
  918. </data>
  919. <data name="CommonUI.File" xml:space="preserve">
  920. <value>File</value>
  921. </data>
  922. <data name="CommonUI.Folder" xml:space="preserve">
  923. <value>Folder</value>
  924. </data>
  925. <data name="CommonUI.Files" xml:space="preserve">
  926. <value>Files</value>
  927. </data>
  928. <data name="CommonUI.Folders" xml:space="preserve">
  929. <value>Folders</value>
  930. </data>
  931. <data name="CommonUI.Items" xml:space="preserve">
  932. <value>Items</value>
  933. </data>
  934. <data name="NeverShowCheckBox.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  935. <value>Don't show this message again</value>
  936. </data>
  937. <data name="Onboarding.GetStartedButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  938. <value>Get Started</value>
  939. </data>
  940. <data name="Onboarding.JoinButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  941. <value>JOIN NOW</value>
  942. </data>
  943. <data name="CommonUI.Send" xml:space="preserve">
  944. <value>Send</value>
  945. </data>
  946. <data name="CreditsWithFaxPagesDiscountTip" xml:space="preserve">
  947. <value>Send {0} fax pages or convert {1} files ({2}% off).</value>
  948. </data>
  949. <data name="CreditsWithFaxPagesTip" xml:space="preserve">
  950. <value>Send {0} fax pages or convert {1} files.</value>
  951. </data>
  952. <data name="CreditsWithFaxPageTip" xml:space="preserve">
  953. <value>Send 1 fax page or convert {0} files.</value>
  954. </data>
  955. <data name="CommonUI.Close" xml:space="preserve">
  956. <value>Close</value>
  957. </data>
  958. <data name="CommonUI/GB" xml:space="preserve">
  959. <value>GB</value>
  960. </data>
  961. <data name="CommonUI/MB" xml:space="preserve">
  962. <value>MB</value>
  963. </data>
  964. <data name="CommonUI/TB" xml:space="preserve">
  965. <value>TB</value>
  966. </data>
  967. <data name="CommonUI.Failed" xml:space="preserve">
  968. <value>Failed</value>
  969. </data>
  970. <data name="State.Sending" xml:space="preserve">
  971. <value>Sending...</value>
  972. </data>
  973. <data name="CommonUI.Exit" xml:space="preserve">
  974. <value>Exit</value>
  975. </data>
  976. <data name="CommonUI.Print" xml:space="preserve">
  977. <value>Print</value>
  978. </data>
  979. <data name="CommonUI.Save" xml:space="preserve">
  980. <value>Save</value>
  981. </data>
  982. <data name="CommonUI.Search" xml:space="preserve">
  983. <value>Search</value>
  984. </data>
  985. <data name="CommonUI.Thumbnail" xml:space="preserve">
  986. <value>Thumbnail</value>
  987. </data>
  988. <data name="CommonUI.Undo" xml:space="preserve">
  989. <value>Undo</value>
  990. </data>
  991. <data name="CommonUI.Color" xml:space="preserve">
  992. <value>Color</value>
  993. </data>
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  1069. <comment>[設定][About] Facebook</comment>
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  1081. <comment>[設定][About] 訂閱電子報</comment>
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  1181. <value>Purchase now to keep using all available features of PDF Reader. You may need to restart the device after the payment is completed.</value>
  1182. <comment>[標題] 試用到期內容2</comment>
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  1189. <value>Bill yearly at {0} after
  1190. 7-days trial ends.</value>
  1191. </data>
  1192. <data name="C365Comparison.QuarterPlanTip" xml:space="preserve">
  1193. <value>Most popular and flexible.</value>
  1194. </data>
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  1203. </data>
  1204. <data name="QuarterlyPlanDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  1205. <value>Bill quarterly at {0} after
  1206. 7-days trial ends.</value>
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  1243. <value>You must reopen the app to switch to {0}. Do you want to reopen the app now?
  1244. Select "Next Time" will keep the original language settings.</value>
  1245. </data>
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  1288. <data name="CDN.CNLogInMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  1289. <value>To optimize the overall performance, you can choose the region where you access Kdan Cloud.</value>
  1290. </data>
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  1292. <value>China</value>
  1293. </data>
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  1296. </data>
  1297. <data name="CDN.HelpParagraph1" xml:space="preserve">
  1298. <value>This option aims at optimizing the overall performance when using Kdan Cloud services in China. Your data will remain protected in accordance with our </value>
  1299. </data>
  1300. <data name="CDN.HelpParagraph2" xml:space="preserve">
  1301. <value>Privacy Policy</value>
  1302. </data>
  1303. <data name="CDN.HelpParagraph3" xml:space="preserve">
  1304. <value>.</value>
  1305. </data>
  1306. <data name="CDN.KCFromCN" xml:space="preserve">
  1307. <value>Access Kdan Cloud in China</value>
  1308. </data>
  1309. <data name="CDN.KCFromWhere" xml:space="preserve">
  1310. <value>Use Kdan Cloud from?</value>
  1311. </data>
  1312. <data name="OneTimePurchase" xml:space="preserve">
  1313. <value>One-time purchase</value>
  1314. </data>
  1315. <data name="CommonUI.Purchased" xml:space="preserve">
  1316. <value>Purchased</value>
  1317. </data>
  1318. <data name="C365Comparison/RestoreLicense" xml:space="preserve">
  1319. <value>Restore license purchase</value>
  1320. </data>
  1321. <data name="C365Comparison/RestoreLicenseFailed" xml:space="preserve">
  1322. <value>Failed to restore previous purchases. Please check your settings and try again.</value>
  1323. </data>
  1324. <data name="C365Comparison/RestoreLicenseSucceed" xml:space="preserve">
  1325. <value>Purchases restored. You can start using the advanced tools.</value>
  1326. </data>
  1327. <data name="C365Comparison/RestorePreviousPurchase" xml:space="preserve">
  1328. <value>Restore previous purchases</value>
  1329. </data>
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  1331. <value>Restore Document 365 subscription</value>
  1332. </data>
  1333. <data name="C365Comparison/RestoreSubscriptionFailed" xml:space="preserve">
  1334. <value>Purchase is not restored. You are not subscribed to Document 365. Subscribe to access to advanced tools.</value>
  1335. </data>
  1336. <data name="C365Comparison/RestoreSubscriptionSucceed" xml:space="preserve">
  1337. <value>Purchase successfully restored.</value>
  1338. </data>
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  1340. <value>Permanent Licence</value>
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  1346. <value>Invalid page range.</value>
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  1349. <value>Next</value>
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  1352. <value>More Options</value>
  1353. </data>
  1354. <data name="AlreadyPurchased" xml:space="preserve">
  1355. <value>You have already purchased this plan.</value>
  1356. </data>
  1357. <data name="C365Comparison/PurchaseDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  1358. <value>Purchase {0} to unlock all features.</value>
  1359. </data>
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  1361. <value>Free trial has expired.</value>
  1362. </data>
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  1364. <value>Free trial expires in {0} day(s).</value>
  1365. </data>
  1366. <data name="PurchaseFailed" xml:space="preserve">
  1367. <value>Puchase failed. Please try again later.</value>
  1368. </data>
  1369. <data name="PurchaseSuccessfully" xml:space="preserve">
  1370. <value>Purchase succeeded.</value>
  1371. </data>
  1372. <data name="CommonUI.UnmatchPwd" xml:space="preserve">
  1373. <value>Confirm password does not match password.</value>
  1374. </data>
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  1391. <value>View Upgrade Options</value>
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  1401. </data>
  1402. <data name="DefaultAppTitle" xml:space="preserve">
  1403. <value>{0} is not currently set as your default app for {1} format. Would you like to make it your default application?</value>
  1404. </data>
  1405. <data name="DefaultAppTitlePrimary" xml:space="preserve">
  1406. <value>Use "{0}"</value>
  1407. </data>
  1408. <data name="DefaultAppTitleSecondary" xml:space="preserve">
  1409. <value>Not Now</value>
  1410. </data>
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  1425. </data>
  1426. <data name="CommonUI.White" xml:space="preserve">
  1427. <value>White</value>
  1428. </data>
  1429. <data name="C365Comparison/C365Description" xml:space="preserve">
  1430. <value>Access Creativity 365 Suite Across All Devices</value>
  1431. </data>
  1432. <data name="WrongPassword" xml:space="preserve">
  1433. <value>Invalid password. Please try again.</value>
  1434. </data>
  1435. <data name="Guide1MainTitle" xml:space="preserve">
  1436. <value>Sync to Kdan Cloud</value>
  1437. </data>
  1438. <data name="Guide1SecondaryTitleDetail" xml:space="preserve">
  1439. <value>With one Kdan ID, you can easily start working on one device and continue on another.</value>
  1440. </data>
  1441. <data name="Guide2MainTitle" xml:space="preserve">
  1442. <value>Collaboration Made Simple</value>
  1443. </data>
  1444. <data name="Guide2SecondaryTitleDetail" xml:space="preserve">
  1445. <value>Add team members to a shared folder and work together in Kdan Cloud.</value>
  1446. </data>
  1447. <data name="CommonUI.Camera" xml:space="preserve">
  1448. <value>Camera</value>
  1449. </data>
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  1451. <value>Image</value>
  1452. </data>
  1453. <data name="CommonUI.Recording" xml:space="preserve">
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  1471. <data name="CommonUI.Style" xml:space="preserve">
  1472. <value>Style</value>
  1473. </data>
  1474. <data name="AccessMicDialog.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  1475. <value>Please allow access in the Windows Settings.</value>
  1476. </data>
  1477. <data name="AccessMicDialog.Title" xml:space="preserve">
  1478. <value>{0} can’t access your microphone.</value>
  1479. </data>
  1480. <data name="NoMicDialog.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  1481. <value>Please check microphone connections.</value>
  1482. </data>
  1483. <data name="NoMicDialog.Title" xml:space="preserve">
  1484. <value>No microphone found.</value>
  1485. </data>
  1486. <data name="NoSpeakerDialog.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  1487. <value>Please check speaker or headphone connections.</value>
  1488. </data>
  1489. <data name="NoSpeakerDialog.Title" xml:space="preserve">
  1490. <value>Audio device not detected</value>
  1491. </data>
  1492. <data name="C365Comparison.B2SDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  1493. <value>Back to School Offer - Get 50% off Creativity 365 annual subscription</value>
  1494. </data>
  1495. <data name="C365Comparison.B2STip" xml:space="preserve">
  1496. <value>Get ready for to school with us!</value>
  1497. </data>
  1498. <data name="TermsOfServiceWebview.Source" xml:space="preserve">
  1499. <value></value>
  1500. </data>
  1501. <data name="PrivacyPolicyWebView.Source" xml:space="preserve">
  1502. <value></value>
  1503. </data>
  1504. <data name="TooLongNameMessage" xml:space="preserve">
  1505. <value>The new name is too long!</value>
  1506. </data>
  1507. <data name="C365Comparison/BtsTitle" xml:space="preserve">
  1508. <value>Back-to-School Sale! Get 50% off your copy of PDF Reader Pro now.</value>
  1509. </data>
  1510. <data name="TrialExpiredBts" xml:space="preserve">
  1511. <value>Your trial has expired. Ugrade to PDF Reader Pro today and save 50%.</value>
  1512. </data>
  1513. <data name="CommonUI.Border" xml:space="preserve">
  1514. <value>Border</value>
  1515. </data>
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  1523. <value>View tutorial article</value>
  1524. </data>
  1525. <data name="CommonUI.BrokenImage" xml:space="preserve">
  1526. <value>The image is broken. Please choose a new one.</value>
  1527. </data>
  1528. <data name="CommonUI.Later" xml:space="preserve">
  1529. <value>Later</value>
  1530. </data>
  1531. <data name="NotShowAgain" xml:space="preserve">
  1532. <value>Do not show again</value>
  1533. </data>
  1534. <data name="PDFMobileContent" xml:space="preserve">
  1535. <value>Edit PDFs directly on your iOS and Android devices. Enjoy the all-in-one document expert for workplace mobility.</value>
  1536. </data>
  1537. <data name="PDFMobileTip" xml:space="preserve">
  1538. <value>Bring the Power of PDF Reader to Mobile</value>
  1539. </data>
  1540. <data name="CommonUI.ItemsAttached" xml:space="preserve">
  1541. <value>Add other attachments</value>
  1542. </data>
  1543. <data name="CommonUI.SelectFile" xml:space="preserve">
  1544. <value>Choose File</value>
  1545. </data>
  1546. <data name="CommonUI.Guest" xml:space="preserve">
  1547. <value>Continue as Guest</value>
  1548. </data>
  1549. <data name="CommonUI.UserLogin" xml:space="preserve">
  1550. <value>Sign in</value>
  1551. </data>
  1552. <data name="CommonUI.ZendeskLoginTip" xml:space="preserve">
  1553. <value>To keep track of your support requests and receive emails from our customer support team, please sign in with your Kdan ID.</value>
  1554. </data>
  1555. <data name="KdanOfficalWeb" xml:space="preserve">
  1556. <value>Visit Official Website</value>
  1557. </data>
  1558. <data name="CommonUI.ConvertStart" xml:space="preserve">
  1559. <value>Start</value>
  1560. </data>
  1561. <data name="PrivacyPolicyButton2.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  1562. <value />
  1563. </data>
  1564. <data name="SubscribeTo3" xml:space="preserve">
  1565. <value />
  1566. </data>
  1567. <data name="D365GetStarted" xml:space="preserve">
  1568. <value>Get Started</value>
  1569. </data>
  1570. <data name="FreeGetStarted" xml:space="preserve">
  1571. <value>Get Started</value>
  1572. </data>
  1573. <data name="C365Comparison/Flatten" xml:space="preserve">
  1574. <value>Flatten PDFs</value>
  1575. </data>
  1576. <data name="PrivacyPolicy" xml:space="preserve">
  1577. <value>Privacy Policy</value>
  1578. </data>
  1579. <data name="CommonUI.BuiltInCvt" xml:space="preserve">
  1580. <value>Built-in Converter</value>
  1581. </data>
  1582. <data name="CommonUI.Clear" xml:space="preserve">
  1583. <value>Clear</value>
  1584. </data>
  1585. <data name="PrivacyPolicyButton.NavigateUri" xml:space="preserve">
  1586. <value></value>
  1587. </data>
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  1589. <value></value>
  1590. </data>
  1591. <data name="AnnuallySubscriptionSavingTip" xml:space="preserve">
  1592. <value>Save {0}. Billed annually at {1}</value>
  1593. </data>
  1594. <data name="CommonUI.MonthlyPlan" xml:space="preserve">
  1595. <value>Monthly Plan</value>
  1596. </data>
  1597. <data name="QuarterlySubscriptionSavingTip" xml:space="preserve">
  1598. <value>Save {0}. Billed quarterly at {1}</value>
  1599. </data>
  1600. <data name="SeeAllFeatures" xml:space="preserve">
  1601. <value>See All Features</value>
  1602. </data>
  1603. <data name="SubscribedPlanTip" xml:space="preserve">
  1604. <value>You're subscribed to {0}</value>
  1605. </data>
  1606. <data name="SubscriptionTip" xml:space="preserve">
  1607. <value>Subscription auto-renews. Cancel anytime.</value>
  1608. </data>
  1609. <data name="AutoRenewTip" xml:space="preserve">
  1610. <value>Auto-renew subscription at {0}/{1} after a 7-day trial.</value>
  1611. </data>
  1612. <data name="C365Guide.ADIntro" xml:space="preserve">
  1613. <value>Create beautiful hand-drawn animations</value>
  1614. </data>
  1615. <data name="C365Guide.AllPlatform" xml:space="preserve">
  1616. <value>All Access Pass to Creativity 365 Suite Across All Platforms</value>
  1617. </data>
  1618. <data name="C365Guide.Backup" xml:space="preserve">
  1619. <value>Backup and share projects with 1TB cloud storage.</value>
  1620. </data>
  1621. <data name="C365Guide.Credit" xml:space="preserve">
  1622. <value>Bonus Kdan Credits for faxes and online converting services</value>
  1623. </data>
  1624. <data name="C365Guide.Customer" xml:space="preserve">
  1625. <value>Priority customer support</value>
  1626. </data>
  1627. <data name="C365Guide.Description1" xml:space="preserve">
  1628. <value>Access Creativity 365 Suite Across Devices</value>
  1629. </data>
  1630. <data name="C365Guide.Description2" xml:space="preserve">
  1631. <value>Free Trial Availabe</value>
  1632. </data>
  1633. <data name="C365Guide.Intro1" xml:space="preserve">
  1634. <value>Get creative with a holistic content creation suite.</value>
  1635. </data>
  1636. <data name="C365Guide.Intro2" xml:space="preserve">
  1637. <value>Backup and share projects with 1TB cloud storage.</value>
  1638. </data>
  1639. <data name="C365Guide.Intro3" xml:space="preserve">
  1640. <value>Sync and work seamlessly across all devices.</value>
  1641. </data>
  1642. <data name="C365Guide.MUIntro" xml:space="preserve">
  1643. <value>Annotate, edit, and share documents with one of the most popular PDF reader apps.</value>
  1644. </data>
  1645. <data name="C365Guide.NLIntro" xml:space="preserve">
  1646. <value>Collect graphics, clips, and sound. Capture every idea and inspiration.</value>
  1647. </data>
  1648. <data name="C365Guide.Service" xml:space="preserve">
  1649. <value>Services</value>
  1650. </data>
  1651. <data name="C365Guide.WVIntro" xml:space="preserve">
  1652. <value>Make Your Best Story Sparkles</value>
  1653. </data>
  1654. <data name="CloudGuide.Feature1" xml:space="preserve">
  1655. <value>500 GB Kdan Cloud Storage to back up your projects</value>
  1656. </data>
  1657. <data name="CloudGuide.Feature2" xml:space="preserve">
  1658. <value>Sync your project is across devices</value>
  1659. </data>
  1660. <data name="CloudGuide.Feature3" xml:space="preserve">
  1661. <value>Manage and view your files online</value>
  1662. </data>
  1663. <data name="CloudGuide.Feature4" xml:space="preserve">
  1664. <value>Share links with password protection</value>
  1665. </data>
  1666. <data name="CommonUI.RememberMe" xml:space="preserve">
  1667. <value>Remember Me</value>
  1668. </data>
  1669. <data name="GetMoreWithPlan" xml:space="preserve">
  1670. <value>Get more with {0} 🡢</value>
  1671. </data>
  1672. <data name="CommonUI.Format" xml:space="preserve">
  1673. <value>Format</value>
  1674. </data>
  1675. <data name="CommonUI.Trim" xml:space="preserve">
  1676. <value>Trim</value>
  1677. </data>
  1678. <data name="StorageStatus" xml:space="preserve">
  1679. <value>{0} used out of {1}</value>
  1680. </data>
  1681. <data name="GetMore" xml:space="preserve">
  1682. <value>Get More</value>
  1683. </data>
  1684. <data name="NoSubscriptionHint" xml:space="preserve">
  1685. <value>You are using the basic plan.</value>
  1686. </data>
  1687. <data name="SubscriptionStatus" xml:space="preserve">
  1688. <value>{0} / Expiration date: {1}</value>
  1689. </data>
  1690. <data name="EditProfile" xml:space="preserve">
  1691. <value>Edit Profile</value>
  1692. </data>
  1693. <data name="ProfilePicture" xml:space="preserve">
  1694. <value>Profile Picture</value>
  1695. </data>
  1696. <data name="CommonUI.NickName" xml:space="preserve">
  1697. <value>Nickname</value>
  1698. </data>
  1699. <data name="BTSTitle" xml:space="preserve">
  1700. <value>Back to School Special Offer</value>
  1701. </data>
  1702. <data name="GetOffer" xml:space="preserve">
  1703. <value>Get the Offer</value>
  1704. </data>
  1705. <data name="LifetimePromoDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  1706. <value>No more billing cycles. Get the lifetime access deal for {0} and access all features on {1}. This offer expires on {2}.</value>
  1707. </data>
  1708. <data name="LifetimePromoTips" xml:space="preserve">
  1709. <value>This offer does not include Kdan Cloud storage or Kdan credits. This offer overlaps with the {0} subscription plans.</value>
  1710. </data>
  1711. <data name="ViewSubscriptionPlans" xml:space="preserve">
  1712. <value>View subscription plans.</value>
  1713. </data>
  1714. <data name="OnetimePurchaseDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  1715. <value>Access all premium features in {0} with a one-time purchase.</value>
  1716. </data>
  1717. <data name="NewC365Comparison.Description" xml:space="preserve">
  1718. <value>Unleash the full potential of your document productivity with Document 365</value>
  1719. </data>
  1720. <data name="NewC365Comparison.AnnualPlanDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  1721. <value>Billed annually at {0} after 7-day trial ends.</value>
  1722. </data>
  1723. <data name="NewC365Comparison.AnnualPlanTip" xml:space="preserve">
  1724. <value>Get Annual Plan and save up to 25%.</value>
  1725. </data>
  1726. <data name="NewC365Comparison.QuarterlyPlanDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  1727. <value>Billed quarterly at {0} after 7-day trial ends.</value>
  1728. </data>
  1729. <data name="NewC365Comparison.QuarterPlanTip" xml:space="preserve">
  1730. <value>Pay every 3 months and enjoy flexible upgrades.</value>
  1731. </data>
  1732. <data name="ViewUpgradeOptions" xml:space="preserve">
  1733. <value>View Upgrade Options</value>
  1734. </data>
  1735. <data name="LanguageSettingsDialog2" xml:space="preserve">
  1736. <value>To change the app language to {0}, please restart {1} for the changes to take effect.</value>
  1737. </data>
  1738. <data name="Cards.DottedSignCardDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  1739. <value>Digitize your signature process and enjoy the freedom of workplace mobility.</value>
  1740. </data>
  1741. <data name="Cards.DottedSignCardName" xml:space="preserve">
  1742. <value>Say Hello to DottedSign</value>
  1743. </data>
  1744. <data name="CommonUI.Brush" xml:space="preserve">
  1745. <value>Brush</value>
  1746. </data>
  1747. <data name="CommonUI.MergeAll" xml:space="preserve">
  1748. <value>Merge all</value>
  1749. </data>
  1750. <data name="CommonUI.Play" xml:space="preserve">
  1751. <value>Play</value>
  1752. </data>
  1753. <data name="CommonUI.Stop" xml:space="preserve">
  1754. <value>Stop</value>
  1755. </data>
  1756. <data name="CommonUI.Buy" xml:space="preserve">
  1757. <value>Buy</value>
  1758. </data>
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  1760. <value>Cover</value>
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  1763. <value>Covers</value>
  1764. </data>
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  1766. <value>Custom</value>
  1767. </data>
  1768. <data name="CommonUI.Downloading" xml:space="preserve">
  1769. <value>Downloading</value>
  1770. </data>
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  1772. <value>File name</value>
  1773. </data>
  1774. <data name="CommonUI.Free" xml:space="preserve">
  1775. <value>Free</value>
  1776. </data>
  1777. <data name="CommonUI.Group" xml:space="preserve">
  1778. <value>Group</value>
  1779. </data>
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  1781. <value>Location</value>
  1782. </data>
  1783. <data name="CommonUI.Owned" xml:space="preserve">
  1784. <value>Owened</value>
  1785. </data>
  1786. <data name="CommonUI.PasswordLock" xml:space="preserve">
  1787. <value>Password Lock</value>
  1788. </data>
  1789. <data name="CommonUI.Published" xml:space="preserve">
  1790. <value>Published</value>
  1791. </data>
  1792. <data name="CommonUI.SelectLocation" xml:space="preserve">
  1793. <value>Select where you want to save the file</value>
  1794. </data>
  1795. <data name="CommonUI.Unlock" xml:space="preserve">
  1796. <value>Unlock</value>
  1797. </data>
  1798. <data name="CommonUI/Downloaded" xml:space="preserve">
  1799. <value>Downloaded</value>
  1800. </data>
  1801. <data name="RestorePurchase" xml:space="preserve">
  1802. <value>Restore purchase</value>
  1803. </data>
  1804. <data name="FollowInstagramButton.Content" xml:space="preserve">
  1805. <value>Follow Us on Instagram</value>
  1806. </data>
  1807. <data name="ProDialog.RemindTip" xml:space="preserve">
  1808. <value>{0} for Windows 10 is included in Creativity 365 subscription.</value>
  1809. </data>
  1810. <data name="GetItNow" xml:space="preserve">
  1811. <value>Get it now</value>
  1812. </data>
  1813. <data name="SetUpAccountDescription" xml:space="preserve">
  1814. <value>Carry your masterpiece with you with your Kdan ID.</value>
  1815. </data>
  1816. <data name="SetUpAccountTitle" xml:space="preserve">
  1817. <value>Set up Your Account to Get Start</value>
  1818. </data>
  1819. <data name="Ruler.CircularVanishPoint" xml:space="preserve">
  1820. <value>Circular Center</value>
  1821. </data>
  1822. <data name="Ruler.DoubleVanishPoint" xml:space="preserve">
  1823. <value>2 Venish Points</value>
  1824. </data>
  1825. <data name="Ruler.SingleVanishPoint" xml:space="preserve">
  1826. <value>Venish Point</value>
  1827. </data>
  1828. <data name="GetRegularPlan" xml:space="preserve">
  1829. <value>Get Regular Plan</value>
  1830. </data>
  1831. </root>