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- Microsoft ResX Schema
- Version 2.0
- The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format
- that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the
- various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes
- associated with the data types.
- Example:
- ... ado.net/XML headers & schema ...
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- <resheader name="writer">System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
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- There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple
- name/value pairs.
- Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a
- type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support
- text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture.
- Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the
- mimetype set.
- The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the
- ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not
- extensible. For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly:
- Note - application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64 is the format
- that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can
- read any of the formats listed below.
- mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64
- value : The object must be serialized with
- : System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
- : and then encoded with base64 encoding.
- mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.soap.base64
- value : The object must be serialized with
- : System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter
- : and then encoded with base64 encoding.
- mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64
- value : The object must be serialized into a byte array
- : using a System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
- : and then encoded with base64 encoding.
- -->
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- </data>
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- <value>Network error</value>
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- <value>Graphic verification code error</value>
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- <value>Email address is not registered</value>
- </data>
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- <value>Invalid token or token has expired</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code305" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>You have reached the maximum number of devices, please log out of other devices and log in again</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code306" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>User is not logged in. Please log in and try again.</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code307" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Failed to obtain authorization code</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code308" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Failed to obtain token</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code309" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Email code error!</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code310" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Register error!</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code311" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Wrong password. You can check whether the letter is uppercase or lowercase.</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code312" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Incorrect code</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code313" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Code send error</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code314" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Mail send error</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code315" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Too many codes sent, please try again later</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code316" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>This email is already registered, please login</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code317" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>This account is not registered, click Sign Up to create a new account</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code318" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Your account is currently being cancelled and cannot be logged in. If you have any questions, please contact customer service</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code319" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Please enter a valid email address</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code320" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Password does not match, please enter again</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code321" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Password must be 6-24 characters</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code322" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Password must be 6-24 characters</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code323" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Please add auth config</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code324" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>You are still in the subscription and cannot cancel account. Please click Cancel Account after the subscription period ends</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code325" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>You are still in the subscription and cannot cancel account. Please click Cancel Account after the trial expired</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code326" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Time transfer error</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code327" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Spaces are not allowed in password</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code328" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Payment method error</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code329" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Current events are not supported</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code330" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Account is logged in on another device</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code331" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>This email account is no longer available or cancelled</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code332" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>AppStore receipt verification failed</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code333" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Please re-verify the receipt</value>
- </data>
- <data name="code334" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Users have already subscribed to PDF Master</value>
- </data>
- <data name="codehad" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Enter an existing verification code</value>
- </data>
- <data name="Codemax" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Up to 24 characters</value>
- </data>
- <data name="Codemin" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>At least 6 characters</value>
- </data>
- <data name="LoginPasswordMsg" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Enter new password again</value>
- </data>
- <data name="LoginPasswordMsg0" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Enter password</value>
- </data>
- <data name="LoginPasswordMsg2" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Enter new password</value>
- </data>
- <data name="Mailerr" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Please enter a valid email</value>
- </data>
- <data name="Msgtologin" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Enjoy Advanced Features</value>
- </data>
- <data name="RegisterEmailMsg" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Enter email address</value>
- </data>
- <data name="RegisterNextStep" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Next Step</value>
- </data>
- <data name="RegisterPasswordMsg" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Enter your password</value>
- </data>
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- </data>
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- <value>Cancellation failed</value>
- </data>
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- <value>Enjoy all advanced features now</value>
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- </data>
- <data name="TextPDF" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>PDF Master!</value>
- </data>
- <data name="TextPleaseLog" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Please Log in again</value>
- </data>
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- <value>Register as a PDF Master member to enjoy premium features</value>
- </data>
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- </data>
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- </data>
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- </data>
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- </data>
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- <value>Your account has been logged into another device. If it was not done by you, please change your password as soon as possible.</value>
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- <value>Add password and permission</value>
- </data>
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- <value>No Network Detected</value>
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- <value>To access your files, please connect to the internet and try again.</value>
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- <value>Reset Password</value>
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- <value>Your account is currently being canceled and cannot be logged in. If you have any questions, please contact at</value>
- </data>
- <data name="Text_useroutingloginmsg2" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>support@pdfreaderpro.com</value>
- </data>
- <data name="Text_useroutmsg" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Cancellation cannot be withdrawn, it will be completed within 3 working days, until then your account will be frozen and cannot be logged in, are you sure you want to delete your account?</value>
- </data>
- <data name="Text_useroutok" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Cancellation Submitted</value>
- </data>
- <data name="Text_useroutoktext" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Your account will be canceled within 3 working days and there is no need to submit the application for cancellation again</value>
- </data>
- <data name="Text_userouttol" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Are you sure you want to cancel your account?</value>
- </data>
- <data name="Text_vcode" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Enter the verification code</value>
- </data>
- <data name="Text_yes" xml:space="preserve">
- <value>Yes</value>
- </data>
- </root>