NetSparkle.xml 154 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3. <assembly>
  4. <name>NetSparkle</name>
  5. </assembly>
  6. <members>
  7. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast">
  8. <summary>
  9. An XML-based appcast document downloader and handler
  10. </summary>
  11. </member>
  12. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.SparkleNamespace">
  13. <summary>
  14. Sparkle XML namespace
  15. </summary>
  16. </member>
  17. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.Title">
  18. <summary>
  19. App cast title (usually the name of the application)
  20. </summary>
  21. </member>
  22. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.Language">
  23. <summary>
  24. App cast language (e.g. "en")
  25. </summary>
  26. </member>
  27. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.SignatureFileExtension">
  28. <summary>
  29. Extension (WITHOUT the "." at the start) for the signature
  30. file. Defaults to "signature".
  31. </summary>
  32. </member>
  33. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.Items">
  34. <summary>
  35. List of <seealso cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> that were parsed in the app cast
  36. </summary>
  37. </member>
  38. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.#ctor">
  39. <summary>
  40. Create a new object with an empty list of <seealso cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> items
  41. </summary>
  42. </member>
  43. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.SetupAppCastHandler(NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastDataDownloader,System.String,NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ILogger)">
  44. <summary>
  45. Setup the app cast handler info for downloading and parsing app cast information
  46. </summary>
  47. <param name="dataDownloader">downloader that will manage the app cast download
  48. (provided by <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> via the
  49. <see cref="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.AppCastDataDownloader"/> property.</param>
  50. <param name="castUrl">full URL to the app cast file</param>
  51. <param name="config">configuration for handling update intervals/checks
  52. (user skipped versions, etc.)</param>
  53. <param name="signatureVerifier">Object to check signatures of app cast information</param>
  54. <param name="logWriter">object that you can utilize to do any necessary logging</param>
  55. </member>
  56. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.DownloadAndParse">
  57. <summary>
  58. Download castUrl resource and parse it
  59. </summary>
  60. </member>
  61. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.ParseAppCast(System.String)">
  62. <summary>
  63. Parse the app cast XML string into a list of <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> objects.
  64. When complete, the Items list should contain the parsed information
  65. as <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> objects.
  66. </summary>
  67. <param name="appCast">the non-null string XML app cast</param>
  68. </member>
  69. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.GetAvailableUpdates">
  70. <summary>
  71. Returns sorted list of updates between current installed version and latest version in <see cref="F:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.Items"/>.
  72. Currently installed version is NOT included in the output.
  73. </summary>
  74. <returns>A list of <seealso cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> updates that could be installed</returns>
  75. </member>
  76. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastHandlers.XMLAppCast.GenerateAppCastXml(System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem},System.String,System.String,System.String,System.String)">
  77. <summary>
  78. Create app cast XML document as an <seealso cref="T:System.Xml.Linq.XDocument"/> object
  79. </summary>
  80. <param name="items">The <seealso cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> list to include in the output file</param>
  81. <param name="title">Application title/title for the app cast</param>
  82. <param name="link">Link to the where the app cast is going to be downloaded</param>
  83. <param name="description">Text that describes the app cast (e.g. what it provides)</param>
  84. <param name="language">Language of the app cast file</param>
  85. <returns>An <seealso cref="T:System.Xml.Linq.XDocument"/> xml document that describes the list of passed in update items</returns>
  86. </member>
  87. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem">
  88. <summary>
  89. Item from a Sparkle AppCast file
  90. </summary>
  91. </member>
  92. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.AppName">
  93. <summary>
  94. The application name
  95. </summary>
  96. </member>
  97. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.AppVersionInstalled">
  98. <summary>
  99. The installed version
  100. </summary>
  101. </member>
  102. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.Title">
  103. <summary>
  104. The item title
  105. </summary>
  106. </member>
  107. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.Version">
  108. <summary>
  109. The available version
  110. </summary>
  111. </member>
  112. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.ShortVersion">
  113. <summary>
  114. Shortened version
  115. </summary>
  116. </member>
  117. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.ReleaseNotesLink">
  118. <summary>
  119. The release notes link
  120. </summary>
  121. </member>
  122. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.ReleaseNotesSignature">
  123. <summary>
  124. The signature of the Release Notes file
  125. </summary>
  126. </member>
  127. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.Description">
  128. <summary>
  129. The embedded description
  130. </summary>
  131. </member>
  132. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.DownloadLink">
  133. <summary>
  134. The download link
  135. </summary>
  136. </member>
  137. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.DownloadSignature">
  138. <summary>
  139. The signature of the download file
  140. </summary>
  141. </member>
  142. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.PublicationDate">
  143. <summary>
  144. Date item was published
  145. </summary>
  146. </member>
  147. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.IsCriticalUpdate">
  148. <summary>
  149. Whether the update was marked critical or not via sparkle:critical
  150. </summary>
  151. </member>
  152. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.UpdateSize">
  153. <summary>
  154. Length of update set via sparkle:length (usually the # of bytes of the update)
  155. </summary>
  156. </member>
  157. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.OperatingSystemString">
  158. <summary>
  159. Operating system that this update applies to
  160. </summary>
  161. </member>
  162. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.IsWindowsUpdate">
  163. <summary>
  164. True if this update is a windows update; false otherwise.
  165. Acceptable OS strings are: "win" or "windows" (this is
  166. checked with a case-insensitive check). If not specified,
  167. assumed to be a Windows update.
  168. </summary>
  169. </member>
  170. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.IsMacOSUpdate">
  171. <summary>
  172. True if this update is a macOS update; false otherwise.
  173. Acceptable OS strings are: "mac", "osx", or "macos" (this is
  174. checked with a case-insensitive check). If not specified,
  175. assumed to be a Windows update.
  176. </summary>
  177. </member>
  178. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.IsLinuxUpdate">
  179. <summary>
  180. True if this update is a macOS update; false otherwise.
  181. Acceptable OS strings are: "linux" (this is
  182. checked with a case-insensitive check). If not specified,
  183. assumed to be a Linux update.
  184. </summary>
  185. </member>
  186. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.MIMEType">
  187. <summary>
  188. MIME type for file as specified in the closure tag. Defaults to "application/octet-stream".
  189. </summary>
  190. </member>
  191. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.Parse(System.String,System.String,System.String,System.Xml.Linq.XElement,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ILogger)">
  192. <summary>
  193. Parse item Xml Node to AppCastItem
  194. </summary>
  195. <param name="installedVersion">Currently installed version</param>
  196. <param name="applicationName">Application name</param>
  197. <param name="castUrl">The url of the appcast</param>
  198. <param name="item">The item XML node</param>
  199. <param name="logWriter">logwriter instance</param>
  200. <returns>AppCastItem from Xml Node</returns>
  201. </member>
  202. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.GetXElement">
  203. <summary>
  204. Create Xml node from this instance of AppCastItem
  205. </summary>
  206. <returns>An XML node</returns>
  207. </member>
  208. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.CompareTo(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)">
  209. <summary>
  210. Compares this <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> version to the version of another <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/>
  211. </summary>
  212. <param name="other">the other instance</param>
  213. <returns>-1, 0, 1 if this instance is less than, equal to, or greater than the <paramref name="other"/></returns>
  214. </member>
  215. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.Equals(System.Object)">
  216. <summary>
  217. See if this this <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> version equals the version of another <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/>.
  218. Also checks to make sure the application names match.
  219. </summary>
  220. <param name="obj">the instance to compare to</param>
  221. <returns></returns>
  222. </member>
  223. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.GetHashCode">
  224. <summary>
  225. Derive hashcode from immutable variables
  226. </summary>
  227. <returns>the integer haschode of this app cast item</returns>
  228. </member>
  229. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.op_Equality(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)">
  230. <summary>
  231. Check the equality of two <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> instances
  232. </summary>
  233. <param name="left">first <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> to compare</param>
  234. <param name="right">second <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> to compare</param>
  235. <returns>True if items are the same; false otherwise</returns>
  236. </member>
  237. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.op_Inequality(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)">
  238. <summary>
  239. Check if two <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> instances are different
  240. </summary>
  241. <param name="left">first <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> to compare</param>
  242. <param name="right">second <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> to compare</param>
  243. <returns>True if items are different; false if they are the same</returns>
  244. </member>
  245. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.op_LessThan(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)">
  246. <summary>
  247. Less than comparison of version between two <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> instances
  248. </summary>
  249. <param name="left">first <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> to compare</param>
  250. <param name="right">second <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> to compare</param>
  251. <returns>True if left version is less than right version; false otherwise</returns>
  252. </member>
  253. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.op_LessThanOrEqual(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)">
  254. <summary>
  255. Less than or equal to comparison of version between two AppCastItem instances
  256. </summary>
  257. <param name="left">AppCastItem to compare</param>
  258. <param name="right">AppCastItem to compare</param>
  259. <returns>True if left version is less than or equal to right version</returns>
  260. </member>
  261. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.op_GreaterThan(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)">
  262. <summary>
  263. Greater than comparison of version between two <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> instances
  264. </summary>
  265. <param name="left">first <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> to compare</param>
  266. <param name="right">second <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> to compare</param>
  267. <returns>True if left version is greater than right version; false otherwise</returns>
  268. </member>
  269. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem.op_GreaterThanOrEqual(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)">
  270. <summary>
  271. Greater than or equal to comparison of version between two <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> instances
  272. </summary>
  273. <param name="left">first <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> to compare</param>
  274. <param name="right">second <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> to compare</param>
  275. <returns>True if left version is greater than or equal to right version; false otherwise</returns>
  276. </member>
  277. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyDiagnosticsAccessor">
  278. <summary>
  279. An assembly accessor that uses <seealso cref="T:System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo"/>
  280. to get information on the assembly with a given name
  281. </summary>
  282. </member>
  283. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyDiagnosticsAccessor.#ctor(System.String)">
  284. <summary>
  285. Create a new diagnostics accessor and parse the assembly's information
  286. using <seealso cref="T:System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo"/>.
  287. <seealso cref="M:System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(System.String)"/> is used to get the full file
  288. path of the given assembly.
  289. </summary>
  290. <param name="assemblyName">the assembly name</param>
  291. <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">Thrown when the path to the assembly with the given name doesn't exist</exception>
  292. </member>
  293. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyDiagnosticsAccessor.AssemblyTitle">
  294. <inheritdoc/>
  295. </member>
  296. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyDiagnosticsAccessor.AssemblyVersion">
  297. <inheritdoc/>
  298. </member>
  299. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyDiagnosticsAccessor.AssemblyDescription">
  300. <summary>
  301. Gets the description
  302. </summary>
  303. </member>
  304. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyDiagnosticsAccessor.AssemblyProduct">
  305. <inheritdoc/>
  306. </member>
  307. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyDiagnosticsAccessor.AssemblyCopyright">
  308. <inheritdoc/>
  309. </member>
  310. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyDiagnosticsAccessor.AssemblyCompany">
  311. <inheritdoc/>
  312. </member>
  313. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor">
  314. <summary>
  315. An assembly accessor that uses reflection to learn information
  316. on an assembly with a given name.
  317. </summary>
  318. </member>
  319. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor.#ctor(System.String)">
  320. <summary>
  321. Create the assembly accessor with a given assembly name. All pertinent attributes
  322. that are needed are read during object construction.
  323. </summary>
  324. <param name="assemblyName">the assembly name.
  325. If null is passed, <seealso cref="M:System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly"/> is used to get info on the asembly.</param>
  326. <exception cref="T:System.IO.FileNotFoundException">Thrown when the path to the assembly with the given name doesn't exist</exception>
  327. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the assembly can't be loaded</exception>
  328. <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">Thrown when the assembly doesn't have any readable attributes</exception>
  329. </member>
  330. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor.CreateAttribute(System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData)">
  331. <summary>
  332. This methods creates an attribute instance from the attribute data
  333. information
  334. </summary>
  335. </member>
  336. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor.AssemblyTitle">
  337. <inheritdoc/>
  338. </member>
  339. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor.AssemblyVersion">
  340. <inheritdoc/>
  341. </member>
  342. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor.AssemblyDescription">
  343. <inheritdoc/>
  344. </member>
  345. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor.AssemblyProduct">
  346. <inheritdoc/>
  347. </member>
  348. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor.AssemblyCopyright">
  349. <inheritdoc/>
  350. </member>
  351. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.AssemblyAccessors.AssemblyReflectionAccessor.AssemblyCompany">
  352. <inheritdoc/>
  353. </member>
  354. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration">
  355. <summary>
  356. Abstract class to handle update intervals and know which is the currently installed version
  357. of the software.
  358. </summary>
  359. </member>
  360. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.ApplicationName">
  361. <summary>
  362. The application name
  363. </summary>
  364. </member>
  365. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.PreviousVersionOfSoftwareRan">
  366. <summary>
  367. The previous version of the software that the user ran, e.g. "1.5.2"
  368. </summary>
  369. </member>
  370. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.InstalledVersion">
  371. <summary>
  372. The currently-installed version, e.g. "1.4.3"
  373. </summary>
  374. </member>
  375. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.CheckForUpdate">
  376. <summary>
  377. Flag to indicate if we should check for updates
  378. </summary>
  379. </member>
  380. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.IsFirstRun">
  381. <summary>
  382. True if this is the first time the application has been run based on save config data; false otherwise
  383. </summary>
  384. </member>
  385. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.LastCheckTime">
  386. <summary>
  387. <seealso cref="T:System.DateTime"/> of the last update check
  388. </summary>
  389. </member>
  390. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.LastVersionSkipped">
  391. <summary>
  392. The version number of the update that was skipped last.
  393. If the user skipped an update, then the version to ignore is stored here (e.g. "1.4.3")
  394. </summary>
  395. </member>
  396. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.DidRunOnce">
  397. <summary>
  398. Whether or not the application has run at least one time
  399. </summary>
  400. </member>
  401. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.LastConfigUpdate">
  402. <summary>
  403. Last profile update
  404. </summary>
  405. </member>
  406. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.AssemblyAccessor">
  407. <summary>
  408. Object that accesses version, title, etc. info for the currently running application
  409. (or some other application)
  410. </summary>
  411. </member>
  412. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor)">
  413. <summary>
  414. Constructor for Configuration -- should load all pertinent values by the end of the constructor!
  415. If any exception is thrown during construction of this object (e.g. from the assembly accessors),
  416. then <see cref="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.CheckForUpdate"/> is set to false.
  417. </summary>
  418. <param name="assemblyAccessor">Object that accesses version, title, etc. info for the application
  419. you would like to check for updates for</param>
  420. </member>
  421. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.TouchProfileTime">
  422. <summary>
  423. Set the last configuration update time to <see cref="P:System.DateTime.Now"/>.
  424. </summary>
  425. </member>
  426. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.TouchCheckTime">
  427. <summary>
  428. Set the last time we checked for updates to <see cref="P:System.DateTime.Now"/>.
  429. Should be used after an update check has been made.
  430. </summary>
  431. </member>
  432. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.SetVersionToSkip(System.String)">
  433. <summary>
  434. Set the given version as the version that should be skipped (ignored)
  435. when looking at available updates
  436. </summary>
  437. <param name="version">the version to skip. e.g. "1.2.3"</param>
  438. </member>
  439. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.Reload">
  440. <summary>
  441. Reloads the configuration object from disk/memory/etc.
  442. </summary>
  443. </member>
  444. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration.InitWithDefaultValues">
  445. <summary>
  446. Set the configuration values to their default values (should check for update,
  447. last check time was in the past, no version skipped, and have never run the
  448. software).
  449. </summary>
  450. </member>
  451. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration">
  452. <summary>
  453. A configuration subclsas that can save and load its data from a JSON
  454. file that lives on disk. This type of <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration"/> can
  455. be used on any operating system where you can read/write files.
  456. </summary>
  457. </member>
  458. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor)">
  459. <summary>
  460. Constructor for a configuration that saves and loads its configuration data to and
  461. from a JSON file that resides on disk. This Configuration can be used on any
  462. operating system.
  463. </summary>
  464. <param name="assemblyAccessor">Object that accesses version, title, etc. info for the application
  465. you would like to check for updates for</param>
  466. </member>
  467. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor,System.String)">
  468. <summary>
  469. Constructor for a configuration that saves and loads its configuration data to and
  470. from a JSON file that resides on disk. This Configuration can be used on any
  471. operating system.
  472. </summary>
  473. <param name="assemblyAccessor">Object that accesses version, title, etc. info for the application
  474. you would like to check for updates for</param>
  475. <param name="savePath">location to save the JSON configuration data to; can be null or empty string.
  476. If not null or empty string, must represent a valid path on disk (directories must already be created).
  477. This class will take care of creating/overwriting the file at that path if necessary.</param>
  478. <exception cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.NetSparkleException">Thrown when the configuration data cannot be read or saved</exception>
  479. </member>
  480. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.TouchProfileTime">
  481. <inheritdoc/>
  482. </member>
  483. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.TouchCheckTime">
  484. <inheritdoc/>
  485. </member>
  486. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.SetVersionToSkip(System.String)">
  487. <inheritdoc/>
  488. </member>
  489. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.Reload">
  490. <inheritdoc/>
  491. </member>
  492. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.GetSavePath">
  493. <summary>
  494. Get the full file path to the location and file name on disk
  495. where the JSON configuration data should be saved.
  496. By default, stored in <seealso cref="F:System.Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData"/> in
  497. the "NetSparkleUpdater" folder in the "data.json" file.
  498. </summary>
  499. <exception cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.NetSparkleException">Thrown when the assembly accessor does not have the company or product name
  500. information available</exception>
  501. </member>
  502. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.LoadValuesFromPath(System.String)">
  503. <summary>
  504. Load configuration values from the json file at the given path.
  505. </summary>
  506. <param name="saveLocation">the configuration file location</param>
  507. <returns><c>true</c> if the items were loaded, false if the file didn't exist or was unable to be loaded</returns>
  508. </member>
  509. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration.SaveValuesToPath(System.String)">
  510. <summary>
  511. Store the configuration information to disk as json
  512. </summary>
  513. <param name="savePath">the save path to the json file</param>
  514. <returns><c>true</c> if the values were saved to dis, false otherwise</returns>
  515. </member>
  516. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration">
  517. <summary>
  518. This class handles all registry values which are used from sparkle to handle
  519. update intervalls. All values are stored in HKCU\Software\Vendor\AppName which
  520. will be read ot from the assembly information. All values are of the REG_SZ
  521. type, no matter what their "logical" type is.
  522. This should only be used on Windows!
  523. </summary>
  524. </member>
  525. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor)">
  526. <summary>
  527. Constructor for a configuration that saves and loads information from the Windows registry.
  528. This should only be used on Windows!
  529. </summary>
  530. <param name="assemblyAccessor">Object that accesses version, title, etc. info for the application
  531. you would like to check for updates for</param>
  532. </member>
  533. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor,System.String)">
  534. <summary>
  535. Constructor for a configuration that saves and loads information from the Windows registry.
  536. This should only be used on Windows!
  537. </summary>
  538. <param name="assemblyAccessor">Object that accesses version, title, etc. info for the application
  539. you would like to check for updates for</param>
  540. <param name="registryPath">Location in the registry where configuration data should be stored and
  541. loaded from</param>
  542. </member>
  543. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.TouchProfileTime">
  544. <inheritdoc/>
  545. </member>
  546. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.TouchCheckTime">
  547. <inheritdoc/>
  548. </member>
  549. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.SetVersionToSkip(System.String)">
  550. <inheritdoc/>
  551. </member>
  552. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.Reload">
  553. <inheritdoc/>
  554. </member>
  555. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.BuildRegistryPath">
  556. <summary>
  557. Generate the path in the registry where data will be saved to/loaded from.
  558. </summary>
  559. <exception cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.NetSparkleException">Thrown when the assembly accessor does not have the company or product name
  560. information available</exception>
  561. </member>
  562. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.LoadValuesFromPath(System.String)">
  563. <summary>
  564. Load values from the provided registry path
  565. </summary>
  566. <param name="regPath">the registry path</param>
  567. <returns><c>true</c> if the items were loaded successfully; false otherwise</returns>
  568. </member>
  569. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.RegistryConfiguration.SaveValuesToPath(System.String)">
  570. <summary>
  571. Stores the configuration data into the registry at the given path
  572. </summary>
  573. <param name="regPath">the registry path</param>
  574. <returns><c>true</c> if the values were saved to the registry; false otherwise</returns>
  575. </member>
  576. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.SavedConfigurationData">
  577. <summary>
  578. Configuration data for this software and NetSparkle instance.
  579. Allows you to get information on the versions that the user
  580. skipped, when the last update was performed, etc.
  581. Used by the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.JSONConfiguration"/> class to save/load
  582. data easily to/from disk.
  583. </summary>
  584. </member>
  585. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.SavedConfigurationData.CheckForUpdate">
  586. <summary>
  587. Whether or not to check for an update
  588. </summary>
  589. </member>
  590. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.SavedConfigurationData.LastCheckTime">
  591. <summary>
  592. The last <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> that an update check was performed
  593. </summary>
  594. </member>
  595. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.SavedConfigurationData.PreviousVersionOfSoftwareRan">
  596. <summary>
  597. The previous version of the software that the user ran
  598. </summary>
  599. </member>
  600. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.SavedConfigurationData.LastVersionSkipped">
  601. <summary>
  602. The last version (as a string) that the user chose
  603. to skip.
  604. Can be blank.
  605. </summary>
  606. </member>
  607. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.SavedConfigurationData.DidRunOnce">
  608. <summary>
  609. Whether or not the software has run at least one time.
  610. </summary>
  611. </member>
  612. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.SavedConfigurationData.LastConfigUpdate">
  613. <summary>
  614. Last <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> that the configuration data was updated.
  615. </summary>
  616. </member>
  617. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader">
  618. <summary>
  619. Class that downloads files from the internet and reports
  620. progress on those files being downloaded. Uses a <seealso cref="T:System.Net.WebClient"/>
  621. object as its main method for downloading.
  622. </summary>
  623. </member>
  624. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.#ctor">
  625. <summary>
  626. Default constructor for the web client file downloader.
  627. Uses default credentials and default proxy.
  628. </summary>
  629. </member>
  630. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ILogger)">
  631. <summary>
  632. Default constructor for the web client file downloader.
  633. Uses default credentials and default proxy.
  634. </summary>
  635. <param name="logger">ILogger to write logs to</param>
  636. </member>
  637. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.LogWriter">
  638. <summary>
  639. ILogger to log data from WebClientFileDownloader
  640. </summary>
  641. </member>
  642. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.PrepareToDownloadFile">
  643. <summary>
  644. Do preparation work necessary to download a file,
  645. aka set up the WebClient for use.
  646. </summary>
  647. </member>
  648. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.IsDownloading">
  649. <inheritdoc/>
  650. </member>
  651. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.DownloadProgressChanged">
  652. <inheritdoc/>
  653. </member>
  654. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.DownloadFileCompleted">
  655. <inheritdoc/>
  656. </member>
  657. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.Dispose">
  658. <inheritdoc/>
  659. </member>
  660. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.StartFileDownload(System.Uri,System.String)">
  661. <inheritdoc/>
  662. </member>
  663. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.CancelDownload">
  664. <inheritdoc/>
  665. </member>
  666. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebClientFileDownloader.RetrieveDestinationFileNameAsync(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)">
  667. <inheritdoc/>
  668. </member>
  669. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader">
  670. <summary>
  671. Class that takes care of downloading data for an app cast, including the
  672. app cast itself as well as the app cast signature (if available). Allows
  673. you to send extra JSON with your request for the app cast information.
  674. </summary>
  675. </member>
  676. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader.#ctor">
  677. <summary>
  678. Default constructor for the app cast data downloader. Basically
  679. does nothing. :)
  680. </summary>
  681. </member>
  682. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader.TrustEverySSLConnection">
  683. <summary>
  684. If true, don't check the validity of SSL certificates. Defaults to false.
  685. </summary>
  686. </member>
  687. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader.ExtraJsonData">
  688. <summary>
  689. If not "", sends extra JSON via POST to server with the web request for update information and for the app cast signature.
  690. </summary>
  691. </member>
  692. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader.DownloadAndGetAppCastData(System.String)">
  693. <inheritdoc/>
  694. </member>
  695. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader.GetAppCastEncoding">
  696. <inheritdoc/>
  697. </member>
  698. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader.GetWebContentResponse(System.String)">
  699. <summary>
  700. Download the app cast from the given URL.
  701. Performs a GET request by default. If <see cref="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader.ExtraJsonData"/> is set,
  702. uses a POST request and sends the JSON data along with the
  703. request.
  704. </summary>
  705. <param name="url">the URL to download the app cast from</param>
  706. <returns>the response from the web server if creating the request
  707. succeeded; null otherwise. The response is not guaranteed to have
  708. succeeded!</returns>
  709. </member>
  710. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Downloaders.WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader.ValidateRemoteCertificate(System.Object,System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate,System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain,System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors)">
  711. <summary>
  712. Determine if the remote X509 certificate is valid
  713. </summary>
  714. <param name="sender">the web request that is being made</param>
  715. <param name="certificate">the certificate</param>
  716. <param name="chain">the chain</param>
  717. <param name="sslPolicyErrors">any SSL policy errors that have occurred</param>
  718. <returns><c>true</c> if the cert is valid; false otherwise</returns>
  719. </member>
  720. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.NextUpdateAction">
  721. <summary>
  722. Every time when <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> detects an update, the
  723. consumer can decide what should happen next with the help
  724. of the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateDetected"/> event
  725. </summary>
  726. </member>
  727. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.NextUpdateAction.ShowStandardUserInterface">
  728. <summary>
  729. Show the user interface
  730. </summary>
  731. </member>
  732. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.NextUpdateAction.PerformUpdateUnattended">
  733. <summary>
  734. Perform an unattended install
  735. </summary>
  736. </member>
  737. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.NextUpdateAction.ProhibitUpdate">
  738. <summary>
  739. Prohibit (don't allow) the update
  740. </summary>
  741. </member>
  742. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode">
  743. <summary>
  744. Controls the situations where files have to be signed with the private key.
  745. If both a public key and a signature are present, they always have to be valid.
  746. We recommend using <see cref="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode.Strict"/> if at all possible.
  747. Note that <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber"/> needs to have
  748. <see cref="P:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.ChecksReleaseNotesSignature"/> set to true in order
  749. to verify signatures.
  750. </summary>
  751. </member>
  752. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode.Unsafe">
  753. <summary>
  754. All files (with or without signature) will be accepted.
  755. This mode is strongly NOT recommended. It can cause critical security issues.
  756. </summary>
  757. </member>
  758. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode.UseIfPossible">
  759. <summary>
  760. If there is a public key, the app cast and download file have to be signed.
  761. If there isn't a public key, files without a signature will also be accepted.
  762. This mode is a mix between Unsafe and Strict and can have some security issues if the
  763. public key gets lost in the application.
  764. </summary>
  765. </member>
  766. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode.Strict">
  767. <summary>
  768. The app cast and download file have to be signed. This means the public key must exist. This is the default mode.
  769. </summary>
  770. </member>
  771. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode.OnlyVerifySoftwareDownloads">
  772. <summary>
  773. Only verify the signature of software downloads (via an ISignatureVerifier).
  774. Do not verify the signature of anything else: app casts, release notes, etc.
  775. </summary>
  776. </member>
  777. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateAvailableResult">
  778. <summary>
  779. Possible result values for <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable"/> implementation.
  780. </summary>
  781. </member>
  782. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateAvailableResult.None">
  783. <summary>
  784. No result specified. Default value.
  785. </summary>
  786. </member>
  787. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateAvailableResult.InstallUpdate">
  788. <summary>
  789. User chose to install the update immediately.
  790. </summary>
  791. </member>
  792. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateAvailableResult.SkipUpdate">
  793. <summary>
  794. User chose to skip the update.
  795. </summary>
  796. </member>
  797. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateAvailableResult.RemindMeLater">
  798. <summary>
  799. User chose to remind them later about this update (e.g. close for now, but
  800. feel free to tell me about it next time that the software checks for updates).
  801. </summary>
  802. </member>
  803. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateStatus">
  804. <summary>
  805. Possibilities for the status of an update request
  806. </summary>
  807. </member>
  808. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateStatus.UpdateAvailable">
  809. <summary>
  810. An update is available
  811. </summary>
  812. </member>
  813. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateStatus.UpdateNotAvailable">
  814. <summary>
  815. No updates are available
  816. </summary>
  817. </member>
  818. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateStatus.UserSkipped">
  819. <summary>
  820. An update is available, but the user has chosen to skip this version
  821. </summary>
  822. </member>
  823. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateStatus.CouldNotDetermine">
  824. <summary>
  825. There was a problem fetching the appcast
  826. </summary>
  827. </member>
  828. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UserInteractionMode">
  829. <summary>
  830. Allows for updating the application with or without user interaction.
  831. </summary>
  832. </member>
  833. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UserInteractionMode.NotSilent">
  834. <summary>
  835. Shows the changelog UI automatically (this is the default)
  836. </summary>
  837. </member>
  838. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UserInteractionMode.DownloadNoInstall">
  839. <summary>
  840. Downloads the latest update file and changelog automatically, but does not
  841. show any UI until asked to show UI.
  842. </summary>
  843. </member>
  844. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UserInteractionMode.DownloadAndInstall">
  845. <summary>
  846. Downloads the latest update file and automatically runs it as an installer file.
  847. <para>WARNING: if you don't tell the user that the application is about to quit
  848. to update/run an installer, this setting might be quite the shock to the user!
  849. Make sure to implement <see cref="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.PreparingToExit"/> or
  850. <see cref="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.PreparingToExitAsync"/> so that you can show your users
  851. what is about to happen.</para>
  852. </summary>
  853. </member>
  854. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.ValidationResult">
  855. <summary>
  856. Return value of the signature verification check functions.
  857. </summary>
  858. </member>
  859. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.ValidationResult.Valid">
  860. <summary>
  861. The public key and signature both exist and they are valid (the update file
  862. is safe to use).
  863. </summary>
  864. </member>
  865. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.ValidationResult.Invalid">
  866. <summary>
  867. Depending on the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode"/> used, either the public key or the
  868. signature doesn't exist -- or they exist but are not valid.
  869. In this case the update file will be rejected.
  870. </summary>
  871. </member>
  872. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.ValidationResult.Unchecked">
  873. <summary>
  874. There wasn't any public key or signature available, and this is OK based on the
  875. <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode"/> used.
  876. </summary>
  877. </member>
  878. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.DownloadInstallEventHandler">
  879. <summary>
  880. Event called when the download/install window closes
  881. </summary>
  882. <param name="sender">Sender of this event</param>
  883. <param name="args">DownloadInstallArgs with info on whether to install or not</param>
  884. </member>
  885. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.DownloadInstallEventArgs">
  886. <summary>
  887. Args sent via the DownloadInstallEventHandler when the download/install window closes
  888. </summary>
  889. </member>
  890. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.DownloadInstallEventArgs.ShouldInstall">
  891. <summary>
  892. Whether or not the listener should perform the installation process
  893. </summary>
  894. </member>
  895. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.DownloadInstallEventArgs.WasHandled">
  896. <summary>
  897. True if the download/install event was already handled; false otherwise
  898. </summary>
  899. </member>
  900. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.DownloadInstallEventArgs.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
  901. <summary>
  902. Constructor for DownloadInstallArgs
  903. </summary>
  904. <param name="shouldInstall">True if the listener should start the download process; false otherwise</param>
  905. </member>
  906. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.ItemDownloadProgressEventArgs">
  907. <summary>
  908. Provides data for a progress event for downloading an AppCastItem from a
  909. web server.
  910. </summary>
  911. </member>
  912. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.ItemDownloadProgressEventArgs.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Object)">
  913. <summary>
  914. Create an <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.ItemDownloadProgressEventArgs"/> object based on
  915. the total percentage (0-100, inclusive) and the custom user state.
  916. </summary>
  917. <param name="progressPercentage">the total download progress as an int (between 0-100)</param>
  918. <param name="userState">the custom user state sent along with the download progress</param>
  919. </member>
  920. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.ItemDownloadProgressEventArgs.#ctor(System.Int32,System.Object,System.Int64,System.Int64)">
  921. <summary>
  922. Create an <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.ItemDownloadProgressEventArgs"/> object based on
  923. the total percentage (0-100, inclusive), the custom user state, the
  924. number of bytes received, and the number of total bytes that need to
  925. be downloaded.
  926. </summary>
  927. <param name="progressPercentage">the total download progress as an int (between 0-100)</param>
  928. <param name="userState">the custom user state sent along with the download progress</param>
  929. <param name="bytesReceived">the number of bytes received by the downloader</param>
  930. <param name="totalBytesToReceive">the total number of bytes that need to be downloadeds</param>
  931. </member>
  932. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.ItemDownloadProgressEventArgs.BytesReceived">
  933. <summary>
  934. The number of bytes received by the downloader
  935. </summary>
  936. </member>
  937. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.ItemDownloadProgressEventArgs.TotalBytesToReceive">
  938. <summary>
  939. The total number of bytes that need to be downloaded
  940. </summary>
  941. </member>
  942. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateDetectedEventArgs">
  943. <summary>
  944. Contains all information for the update detected event
  945. </summary>
  946. </member>
  947. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateDetectedEventArgs.NextAction">
  948. <summary>
  949. The next action to execute after the app user decides how to
  950. handle an update
  951. </summary>
  952. </member>
  953. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateDetectedEventArgs.ApplicationConfig">
  954. <summary>
  955. The application configuration (stores data on last time updates were
  956. checked, etc.)
  957. </summary>
  958. </member>
  959. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateDetectedEventArgs.LatestVersion">
  960. <summary>
  961. The latest available version in the app cast
  962. </summary>
  963. </member>
  964. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateDetectedEventArgs.AppCastItems">
  965. <summary>
  966. All app cast items that were sent in the appcast
  967. </summary>
  968. </member>
  969. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateResponseEventArgs">
  970. <summary>
  971. Event arguments for when a user responds to an available update UI
  972. </summary>
  973. </member>
  974. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateResponseEventArgs.Result">
  975. <summary>
  976. The user's response to the update
  977. </summary>
  978. </member>
  979. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateResponseEventArgs.UpdateItem">
  980. <summary>
  981. The AppCastItem that the user is responding to an update notice for
  982. </summary>
  983. </member>
  984. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateResponseEventArgs.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateAvailableResult,NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)">
  985. <summary>
  986. Constructor for UpdateResponseArgs that allows for easy setting
  987. of the result
  988. </summary>
  989. <param name="result">User's response of type <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateAvailableResult"/></param>
  990. <param name="item">Item that the user is responding to an update message for</param>
  991. </member>
  992. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastDataDownloader">
  993. <summary>
  994. Interface used by objects that can download app casts from the internet.
  995. Use this interface to provide a custom method of grabbing your app cast
  996. from the internet or from a local file.
  997. </summary>
  998. </member>
  999. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastDataDownloader.DownloadAndGetAppCastData(System.String)">
  1000. <summary>
  1001. Used for both downloading app cast and the app cast's .dsa file.
  1002. Note that you must handle your own exceptions if they occur.
  1003. Otherwise, <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"></see> will act as though the appcast
  1004. failed to download.
  1005. </summary>
  1006. <param name="url">string URL for the place where the app cast can be downloaded</param>
  1007. <returns>The app cast data encoded as a string</returns>
  1008. </member>
  1009. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastDataDownloader.GetAppCastEncoding">
  1010. <summary>
  1011. Get the string encoding (e.g. UTF8 or ASCII) of the
  1012. app cast file so that it can be converted to bytes.
  1013. (WebRequestAppCastDataDownloader defaults to UTF8.)
  1014. </summary>
  1015. <returns>The <seealso cref="T:System.Text.Encoding"/> of the app cast</returns>
  1016. </member>
  1017. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastHandler">
  1018. <summary>
  1019. Interface used by objects that initiate a download process
  1020. for an app cast, perform any needed signature verification on
  1021. the app cast, and parse the app cast's items into a list of
  1022. <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/>.
  1023. Implement this interface if you would like to use a custom parsing
  1024. method for your app cast that isn't yet built into NetSparkle.
  1025. </summary>
  1026. </member>
  1027. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastHandler.SetupAppCastHandler(NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastDataDownloader,System.String,NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ILogger)">
  1028. <summary>
  1029. Setup the app cast handler info for downloading and parsing app cast information
  1030. </summary>
  1031. <param name="dataDownloader">downloader that will manage the app cast download
  1032. (provided by <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> via the
  1033. <see cref="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.AppCastDataDownloader"/> property.</param>
  1034. <param name="castUrl">full URL to the app cast file</param>
  1035. <param name="config">configuration for handling update intervals/checks
  1036. (user skipped versions, etc.)</param>
  1037. <param name="signatureVerifier">Object to check signatures of app cast information</param>
  1038. <param name="logWriter">object that you can utilize to do any necessary logging</param>
  1039. </member>
  1040. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastHandler.DownloadAndParse">
  1041. <summary>
  1042. Download the app cast file via the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastDataDownloader"/>
  1043. object and parse the downloaded information.
  1044. If this function is successful, <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> will call <see cref="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastHandler.GetAvailableUpdates"/>
  1045. to get the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> information.
  1046. Note that you must handle your own exceptions if they occur. Otherwise, <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/>
  1047. will act as though the appc ast failed to download.
  1048. </summary>
  1049. <returns>true if downloading and parsing succeeded; false otherwise</returns>
  1050. </member>
  1051. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastHandler.GetAvailableUpdates">
  1052. <summary>
  1053. Retrieve the available updates from the app cast.
  1054. This should be called after <see cref="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAppCastHandler.DownloadAndParse"/> has
  1055. successfully completed.
  1056. </summary>
  1057. <returns>a list of <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/> updates. Can be empty if no updates are available.</returns>
  1058. </member>
  1059. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor">
  1060. <summary>
  1061. An assembly accessor grabs details on the current version
  1062. and publisher information for a C# application (presumably
  1063. the one that is currently running). This is intended to be
  1064. used in conjunction with a Configuration subclass in order
  1065. to retrieve and store info on the latest version of the app
  1066. that was used, whether the app has run 1x or not, etc.
  1067. These fields may or may not be required based on the specific
  1068. Configuration that you use. At the very least, make sure
  1069. your IAssemblyAccessor can grab valid info for the title of the
  1070. application, the product name (which may or may not be the same
  1071. as the title), and the version of the application (e.g.
  1072. </summary>
  1073. </member>
  1074. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor.AssemblyCompany">
  1075. <summary>
  1076. The publisher of the application. Might be "".
  1077. </summary>
  1078. </member>
  1079. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor.AssemblyCopyright">
  1080. <summary>
  1081. The copyright for the application (e.g. ?2020)
  1082. </summary>
  1083. </member>
  1084. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor.AssemblyDescription">
  1085. <summary>
  1086. Description of the assembly.
  1087. </summary>
  1088. </member>
  1089. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor.AssemblyTitle">
  1090. <summary>
  1091. Title of the assembly, e.g. "My Best Product"
  1092. </summary>
  1093. </member>
  1094. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor.AssemblyProduct">
  1095. <summary>
  1096. Product for the assembly. Might be the same as
  1097. the title, but also could be more specific than the
  1098. title.
  1099. </summary>
  1100. </member>
  1101. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IAssemblyAccessor.AssemblyVersion">
  1102. <summary>
  1103. Version of the item that's running. E.g.
  1104. </summary>
  1105. </member>
  1106. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ICheckingForUpdates">
  1107. <summary>
  1108. Interface for UIs that tell the user that <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/>
  1109. is checking for updates
  1110. </summary>
  1111. </member>
  1112. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ICheckingForUpdates.UpdatesUIClosing">
  1113. <summary>
  1114. Event to fire when the checking for updates UI is closing
  1115. </summary>
  1116. </member>
  1117. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ICheckingForUpdates.Show">
  1118. <summary>
  1119. Show the checking for updates UI
  1120. </summary>
  1121. </member>
  1122. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ICheckingForUpdates.Close">
  1123. <summary>
  1124. Close the window/UI that shows the checking for updates UI
  1125. </summary>
  1126. </member>
  1127. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IDownloadProgress">
  1128. <summary>
  1129. Interface for UI element that shows the progress bar
  1130. and a method to install and relaunch the appliction
  1131. </summary>
  1132. </member>
  1133. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IDownloadProgress.DownloadProcessCompleted">
  1134. <summary>
  1135. Event to fire when the download UI is complete; tells you
  1136. if the install process should happen or not
  1137. </summary>
  1138. </member>
  1139. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IDownloadProgress.SetDownloadAndInstallButtonEnabled(System.Boolean)">
  1140. <summary>
  1141. Enable or disable the download and install button (such as when your "Can I gracefully close the window?" function is async and you don't
  1142. want your user to click the button multiple times)
  1143. </summary>
  1144. <param name="shouldBeEnabled">True if the button should be enabled; false otherwise</param>
  1145. </member>
  1146. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IDownloadProgress.Show(System.Boolean)">
  1147. <summary>
  1148. Show the UI for download progress
  1149. </summary>
  1150. <returns>True if download was successful; false otherwise</returns>
  1151. </member>
  1152. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IDownloadProgress.OnDownloadProgressChanged(System.Object,NetSparkleUpdater.Events.ItemDownloadProgressEventArgs)">
  1153. <summary>
  1154. Called when the download progress changes
  1155. </summary>
  1156. <param name="sender">sender of the progress update</param>
  1157. <param name="args">used to deliver info on download progress (e.g.
  1158. total bytes downloaded)</param>
  1159. </member>
  1160. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IDownloadProgress.Close">
  1161. <summary>
  1162. Close the download progress UI
  1163. </summary>
  1164. </member>
  1165. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IDownloadProgress.FinishedDownloadingFile(System.Boolean)">
  1166. <summary>
  1167. Update UI to show file is downloaded and signature check result
  1168. </summary>
  1169. </member>
  1170. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IDownloadProgress.DisplayErrorMessage(System.String)">
  1171. <summary>
  1172. Show an error message in the download progress window if possible.
  1173. </summary>
  1174. <param name="errorMessage">Error message to display</param>
  1175. <returns>True if message displayed; false otherwise</returns>
  1176. </member>
  1177. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ILogger">
  1178. <summary>
  1179. Interface for objects that can handle log information output
  1180. (e.g. to a console or a file)
  1181. </summary>
  1182. </member>
  1183. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ILogger.PrintMessage(System.String,System.Object[])">
  1184. <summary>
  1185. Print a message to the log output.
  1186. </summary>
  1187. <param name="message">Message to print</param>
  1188. <param name="arguments">Arguments to print (e.g. if using {0} format arguments)</param>
  1189. </member>
  1190. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier">
  1191. <summary>
  1192. Interface for objects that can verify a signature for an app cast, a
  1193. downloaded file, or some other item. This is used to verify that the
  1194. correct data was downloaded from the internet and there wasn't any
  1195. nefarious play or manipulation of items when something was delivered
  1196. to the end user.
  1197. </summary>
  1198. </member>
  1199. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier.SecurityMode">
  1200. <summary>
  1201. The <see cref="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier.SecurityMode"/> for the signature verifier. This determines
  1202. the level of security for the application and the items that it downloads
  1203. from the internet.
  1204. </summary>
  1205. </member>
  1206. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier.HasValidKeyInformation">
  1207. <summary>
  1208. Check to see if we have valid public (or other) key information so
  1209. that we can verify signatures properly.
  1210. </summary>
  1211. <returns>true if this object has valid public/other key information
  1212. and can safely verify the signature of a given item; false otherwise</returns>
  1213. </member>
  1214. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier.VerifySignature(System.String,System.Byte[])">
  1215. <summary>
  1216. Verify that the given data has the same signature as the passed-in signature
  1217. </summary>
  1218. <param name="signature">the base 64 signature to validate against dataToVerify's signature</param>
  1219. <param name="dataToVerify">the data that should be used to obtain a signature and
  1220. checked against the passed-in signature</param>
  1221. <returns>the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.ValidationResult"/> result of the verification process</returns>
  1222. </member>
  1223. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier.VerifySignatureOfFile(System.String,System.String)">
  1224. <summary>
  1225. Verify that the file at the given path has the same signature as the passed-in
  1226. signature
  1227. </summary>
  1228. <param name="signature">the base 64 signature to validate against the signature of
  1229. the file at binaryPath</param>
  1230. <param name="binaryPath">the file path to the file whose signature you want to verify</param>
  1231. <returns>the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.ValidationResult"/> result of the verification process</returns>
  1232. </member>
  1233. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier.VerifySignatureOfString(System.String,System.String)">
  1234. <summary>
  1235. Verify that the file at the given path has the same signature as the passed-in
  1236. string
  1237. </summary>
  1238. <param name="signature">the base 64 signature to validate against the signature
  1239. of the passed-in string</param>
  1240. <param name="data">the string whose signature you want to verify</param>
  1241. <returns>the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.ValidationResult"/> result of the verification process</returns>
  1242. </member>
  1243. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory">
  1244. <summary>
  1245. Universal interface for creating UI utilized by SparkleUpdater
  1246. </summary>
  1247. </member>
  1248. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.CreateUpdateAvailableWindow(NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater,System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem},System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  1249. <summary>
  1250. Create sparkle form implementation. This is the form that tells the user that an update is available, shows changelogs if necessary, etc.
  1251. </summary>
  1252. <param name="sparkle">The <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> instance controlling this UI</param>
  1253. <param name="updates">Sorted array of updates from latest to previous</param>
  1254. <param name="isUpdateAlreadyDownloaded">If true, make sure UI text shows that the user is about to install the file instead of download it.</param>
  1255. <param name="isPurchased">APP is Purchased</param>>
  1256. </member>
  1257. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.CreateProgressWindow(NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater,NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)">
  1258. <summary>
  1259. Create the download progress window
  1260. </summary>
  1261. <param name="sparkle">The <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> instance controlling this UI</param>
  1262. <param name="item">Appcast item to download</param>
  1263. </member>
  1264. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.ShowCheckingForUpdates(NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater)">
  1265. <summary>
  1266. Inform user in some way that NetSparkle is checking for updates
  1267. </summary>
  1268. <param name="sparkle">The <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> instance controlling this UI</param>
  1269. </member>
  1270. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.Init(NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater)">
  1271. <summary>
  1272. Initialize UI. Called when Sparkle is constructed and/or when the UIFactory is set.
  1273. </summary>
  1274. <param name="sparkle">The <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> instance controlling this UI</param>
  1275. </member>
  1276. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.ShowUnknownInstallerFormatMessage(NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater,System.String)">
  1277. <summary>
  1278. Show user a message saying downloaded update format is unknown
  1279. </summary>
  1280. <param name="sparkle">The <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> instance controlling this UI</param>
  1281. <param name="downloadFileName">file name for the download</param>
  1282. </member>
  1283. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.ShowVersionIsUpToDate(NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater)">
  1284. <summary>
  1285. Show user that current installed version is up-to-date
  1286. </summary>
  1287. <param name="sparkle">The <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> instance controlling this UI</param>
  1288. </member>
  1289. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.ShowVersionIsSkippedByUserRequest(NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater)">
  1290. <summary>
  1291. Show message that latest update was skipped by user
  1292. </summary>
  1293. <param name="sparkle">The <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> instance controlling this UI</param>
  1294. </member>
  1295. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.ShowCannotDownloadAppcast(NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater,System.String)">
  1296. <summary>
  1297. Show message that appcast is not available
  1298. </summary>
  1299. <param name="sparkle">The <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> instance controlling this UI</param>
  1300. <param name="appcastUrl">The URL to the app cast file</param>
  1301. </member>
  1302. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.CanShowToastMessages(NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater)">
  1303. <summary>
  1304. See if this UIFactory can show toast messages
  1305. </summary>
  1306. <param name="sparkle">The <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> instance controlling this UI</param>
  1307. <returns>true if the UIFactory can show for toast messages; false otherwise</returns>
  1308. </member>
  1309. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.ShowToast(NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater,System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem},System.Action{System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem}})">
  1310. <summary>
  1311. Show 'toast' window to notify new version is available
  1312. </summary>
  1313. <param name="sparkle">The <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> instance controlling this UI</param>
  1314. <param name="updates">Appcast updates</param>
  1315. <param name="clickHandler">handler for click</param>
  1316. </member>
  1317. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.ShowDownloadErrorMessage(NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater,System.String,System.String)">
  1318. <summary>
  1319. Show message on download error
  1320. </summary>
  1321. <param name="sparkle">The <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> instance controlling this UI</param>
  1322. <param name="message">Error message from exception</param>
  1323. <param name="appcastUrl">the URL for the appcast file</param>
  1324. </member>
  1325. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.Shutdown(NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater)">
  1326. <summary>
  1327. Shut down the UI so we can run an update.
  1328. If in WPF, System.Windows.Application.Current.Shutdown().
  1329. If in WinForms, Application.Exit().
  1330. If in Avalonia, shuts down the current application lifetime if it
  1331. implements IClassicDesktopStyleApplicationLifetime.
  1332. </summary>
  1333. <param name="sparkle">The <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> instance controlling this UI</param>
  1334. </member>
  1335. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.HideReleaseNotes">
  1336. <summary>
  1337. Hides the release notes view when an update is found.
  1338. </summary>
  1339. </member>
  1340. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.HideSkipButton">
  1341. <summary>
  1342. Hides the skip this update button when an update is found.
  1343. </summary>
  1344. </member>
  1345. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.HideRemindMeLaterButton">
  1346. <summary>
  1347. Hides the remind me later button when an update is found.
  1348. </summary>
  1349. </member>
  1350. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.ReleaseNotesHTMLTemplate">
  1351. <summary>
  1352. The HTML template to use for each changelog, version, etc. for every app cast
  1353. item update. If you set this to "" or null, the default ReleaseNotesGrabber will use
  1354. the default template.
  1355. To work properly, you MUST have 3 placeholders in the template ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}),
  1356. as this will be used in a string.Format() call.
  1357. The only exception to this would be if you implement your own <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber"/>
  1358. subclass that overrides
  1359. <see cref="M:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.DownloadAllReleaseNotes(System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem},NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,System.Threading.CancellationToken)"/>.
  1360. <para/>
  1361. {0} = app cast item version;
  1362. {1} = app cast publication date;
  1363. {2} = the actual release notes;
  1364. {3} = the background color for the release notes header.
  1365. </summary>
  1366. </member>
  1367. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory.AdditionalReleaseNotesHeaderHTML">
  1368. <summary>
  1369. Any additional header information to stick in the HTML head element
  1370. that will show up in the release notes (e.g. styles, etc.).
  1371. Must be HTML formatted to work properly.
  1372. Can be null or "".
  1373. </summary>
  1374. </member>
  1375. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable">
  1376. <summary>
  1377. Interface for UI element that shows the release notes,
  1378. and the skip, install, and later buttons
  1379. </summary>
  1380. </member>
  1381. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.UserResponded">
  1382. <summary>
  1383. Event fired when the user has responded to the
  1384. skip, later, install question.
  1385. </summary>
  1386. </member>
  1387. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.Show(System.Boolean)">
  1388. <summary>
  1389. Show the UI that displays release notes, etc.
  1390. </summary>
  1391. </member>
  1392. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.HideReleaseNotes">
  1393. <summary>
  1394. Hides the release notes
  1395. </summary>
  1396. </member>
  1397. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.HideRemindMeLaterButton">
  1398. <summary>
  1399. Hides the remind me later button
  1400. </summary>
  1401. </member>
  1402. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.HideSkipButton">
  1403. <summary>
  1404. Hides the skip update button
  1405. </summary>
  1406. </member>
  1407. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.Result">
  1408. <summary>
  1409. Gets the user choice on how to handle this update (e.g. skip, remind me later)
  1410. </summary>
  1411. </member>
  1412. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.CurrentItem">
  1413. <summary>
  1414. Gets or sets the current item being installed
  1415. (the item that the user should update to)
  1416. </summary>
  1417. </member>
  1418. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.BringToFront">
  1419. <summary>
  1420. Brings the update info UI to the front of all windows
  1421. </summary>
  1422. </member>
  1423. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateAvailable.Close">
  1424. <summary>
  1425. Close the UI that shows update information
  1426. </summary>
  1427. </member>
  1428. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateDownloader">
  1429. <summary>
  1430. Interface for objects that can download (or otherwise obtain) update files
  1431. for a given <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/>. These objects should send back
  1432. progress updates and handle other exceptions or other event changes as necessary.
  1433. </summary>
  1434. </member>
  1435. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateDownloader.IsDownloading">
  1436. <summary>
  1437. Return true if the update downloader is currently downloading the update
  1438. </summary>
  1439. </member>
  1440. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateDownloader.DownloadProgressChanged">
  1441. <summary>
  1442. Event to call when some progress has been made on the download
  1443. </summary>
  1444. </member>
  1445. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateDownloader.DownloadFileCompleted">
  1446. <summary>
  1447. Event to call when the download of the update file has been completed
  1448. </summary>
  1449. </member>
  1450. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateDownloader.StartFileDownload(System.Uri,System.String)">
  1451. <summary>
  1452. Start the download of the file. The file download should be asynchronous!
  1453. </summary>
  1454. <param name="uri">URL for the download</param>
  1455. <param name="downloadFilePath">Where to download the file</param>
  1456. </member>
  1457. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateDownloader.CancelDownload">
  1458. <summary>
  1459. Cancel the download.
  1460. </summary>
  1461. </member>
  1462. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateDownloader.Dispose">
  1463. <summary>
  1464. Clean up and dispose of anything that has to be disposed of
  1465. (cancel the download if needed, etc.)
  1466. </summary>
  1467. </member>
  1468. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUpdateDownloader.RetrieveDestinationFileNameAsync(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)">
  1469. <summary>
  1470. Retrieve the download file name of the app cast item from the server.
  1471. This is useful if the server has any sort of redirects that take place
  1472. when starting the download process. The client will use this file name
  1473. when saving the file on disk.
  1474. NetSparkle.CheckServerFileName = false can be set to avoid this call.
  1475. </summary>
  1476. <param name="item">The AppCastItem that will be downloaded</param>
  1477. <returns>The file name of the file to download from the server
  1478. (including file extension). Null if not found/had error/not applicable.</returns>
  1479. </member>
  1480. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.LogWriter">
  1481. <summary>
  1482. A simple class to handle log information for NetSparkleUpdater.
  1483. Make sure to do any setup for this class that you want
  1484. to do before calling StartLoop on your <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> object.
  1485. </summary>
  1486. </member>
  1487. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.LogWriter.tag">
  1488. <summary>
  1489. Tag to show before any log statements
  1490. </summary>
  1491. </member>
  1492. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.LogWriter.#ctor">
  1493. <summary>
  1494. Empty constructor -> sets PrintDiagnosticToConsole to false
  1495. </summary>
  1496. </member>
  1497. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.LogWriter.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
  1498. <summary>
  1499. LogWriter constructor that takes a bool to determine
  1500. the value for printDiagnosticToConsole
  1501. </summary>
  1502. <param name="printDiagnosticToConsole">False to print to <seealso cref="M:System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(System.String)"/>;
  1503. true to print to <seealso cref="M:System.Console.WriteLine(System.String)"/></param>
  1504. </member>
  1505. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.LogWriter.PrintDiagnosticToConsole">
  1506. <summary>
  1507. True if this class should print to <seealso cref="M:System.Console.WriteLine(System.String)"/>;
  1508. false if this object should print to <seealso cref="M:System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(System.String)"/>.
  1509. Defaults to false.
  1510. </summary>
  1511. </member>
  1512. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.LogWriter.PrintMessage(System.String,System.Object[])">
  1513. <inheritdoc/>
  1514. </member>
  1515. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.LoopStartedOperation">
  1516. <summary>
  1517. The loop that checks for updates every now and again has started
  1518. </summary>
  1519. <param name="sender">the object that initiated the call</param>
  1520. </member>
  1521. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.LoopFinishedOperation">
  1522. <summary>
  1523. The loop that checks for updates has finished checking for updates
  1524. </summary>
  1525. <param name="sender">the object that initiated the call</param>
  1526. <param name="updateRequired"><c>true</c> if an update is required; false otherwise</param>
  1527. </member>
  1528. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateDetected">
  1529. <summary>
  1530. An update was detected for the user's currently running software
  1531. </summary>
  1532. <param name="sender">the object that initiated the call</param>
  1533. <param name="e">Information about the update that was detected</param>
  1534. </member>
  1535. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateCheckStarted">
  1536. <summary>
  1537. <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> has started checking for updates
  1538. </summary>
  1539. <param name="sender">The <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> instance that is checking for an update.</param>
  1540. </member>
  1541. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateCheckFinished">
  1542. <summary>
  1543. <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> has finished checking for updates
  1544. </summary>
  1545. <param name="sender"><see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> that finished checking for an update.</param>
  1546. <param name="status">Update status (e.g. whether an update is available)</param>
  1547. </member>
  1548. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.CancelEventHandlerAsync">
  1549. <summary>
  1550. An asynchronous cancel event handler.
  1551. </summary>
  1552. <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
  1553. <param name="e">A System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs that contains the event data.</param>
  1554. </member>
  1555. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.CloseApplication">
  1556. <summary>
  1557. Delegate for custom application shutdown logic
  1558. </summary>
  1559. </member>
  1560. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.CloseApplicationAsync">
  1561. <summary>
  1562. Async version of CloseApplication().
  1563. Delegate for custom application shutdown logic
  1564. </summary>
  1565. </member>
  1566. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.DownloadEvent">
  1567. <summary>
  1568. A delegate for download events (start, canceled).
  1569. </summary>
  1570. </member>
  1571. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.DownloadProgressEvent">
  1572. <summary>
  1573. Delegate that provides information about some download progress that has been made
  1574. </summary>
  1575. <param name="sender">The object that initiated the event</param>
  1576. <param name="args">The information on how much data has been downloaded and how much
  1577. needs to be downloaded</param>
  1578. </member>
  1579. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.ItemDownloadProgressEvent">
  1580. <summary>
  1581. Delegate that provides information about some download progress that has been made
  1582. when downloading a specific <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/>.
  1583. </summary>
  1584. <param name="sender">The object that initiated the event</param>
  1585. <param name="item">The item that is being downloaded</param>
  1586. <param name="args">The information on how much data has been downloaded and how much
  1587. needs to be downloaded</param>
  1588. </member>
  1589. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.UserRespondedToUpdate">
  1590. <summary>
  1591. A handler called when the user responsed to an available update
  1592. </summary>
  1593. <param name="sender">The object that initiated the event</param>
  1594. <param name="e">An UpdateResponse object that contains the information on how the user
  1595. responded to the available update (e.g. skip, remind me later). Be warned that
  1596. <see cref="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Events.UpdateResponseEventArgs.UpdateItem"/> might be null.</param>
  1597. </member>
  1598. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.DownloadErrorEvent">
  1599. <summary>
  1600. A delegate for a download error that occurred for some reason
  1601. </summary>
  1602. <param name="item">The item that is being downloaded</param>
  1603. <param name="path">The path to the place where the file was being downloaded</param>
  1604. <param name="exception">The <seealso cref="T:System.Exception"/> that occurred to cause the error</param>
  1605. </member>
  1606. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.NetSparkleException">
  1607. <summary>
  1608. An exception that occurred during NetSparkleUpdater's operations
  1609. </summary>
  1610. </member>
  1611. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.NetSparkleException.#ctor(System.String)">
  1612. <summary>
  1613. Create an exception with the given message
  1614. </summary>
  1615. <param name="message">the message to use for this exception</param>
  1616. </member>
  1617. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.NetSparkleException.#ctor(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
  1618. <summary>
  1619. Create an exception with the given serialization information and streaming context
  1620. </summary>
  1621. <param name="info">The serialized exception information</param>
  1622. <param name="context">the context of the serialization operation for this exception</param>
  1623. </member>
  1624. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources">
  1625. <summary>
  1626. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
  1627. </summary>
  1628. </member>
  1629. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.ResourceManager">
  1630. <summary>
  1631. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
  1632. </summary>
  1633. </member>
  1634. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.Culture">
  1635. <summary>
  1636. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
  1637. resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
  1638. </summary>
  1639. </member>
  1640. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_ErrorTitle">
  1641. <summary>
  1642. Looks up a localized string similar to Error!.
  1643. </summary>
  1644. </member>
  1645. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_MessageTitle">
  1646. <summary>
  1647. Looks up a localized string similar to Info.
  1648. </summary>
  1649. </member>
  1650. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_ShowCannotDownloadAppcastMessage">
  1651. <summary>
  1652. Looks up a localized string similar to Sorry, either you aren&apos;t connected to the internet, or our server is having a problem..
  1653. </summary>
  1654. </member>
  1655. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_ShowDownloadErrorMessage">
  1656. <summary>
  1657. Looks up a localized string similar to Sorry, there was a problem attempting to download the update
  1658. {0}.
  1659. </summary>
  1660. </member>
  1661. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_ShowUnknownInstallerFormatMessageText">
  1662. <summary>
  1663. Looks up a localized string similar to Updater not supported, please execute {0} manually.
  1664. </summary>
  1665. </member>
  1666. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_ShowVersionIsSkippedByUserRequestMessage">
  1667. <summary>
  1668. Looks up a localized string similar to You have elected to skip this version..
  1669. </summary>
  1670. </member>
  1671. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_ShowVersionIsUpToDateMessage">
  1672. <summary>
  1673. Looks up a localized string similar to Your current version is up to date..
  1674. </summary>
  1675. </member>
  1676. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_ToastCallToAction">
  1677. <summary>
  1678. Looks up a localized string similar to More information.
  1679. </summary>
  1680. </member>
  1681. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.Properties.Resources.DefaultUIFactory_ToastMessage">
  1682. <summary>
  1683. Looks up a localized string similar to New Version Available.
  1684. </summary>
  1685. </member>
  1686. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber">
  1687. <summary>
  1688. Grabs release notes formatted as Markdown (
  1689. from the server and allows you to view them as HTML.
  1690. </summary>
  1691. </member>
  1692. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber._sparkle">
  1693. <summary>
  1694. The <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> for this ReleaseNotesGrabber. Mostly
  1695. used for logging via <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.LogWriter"/>, but also can be used
  1696. to grab other information about updates, etc.
  1697. </summary>
  1698. </member>
  1699. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.MarkdownExtensions">
  1700. <summary>
  1701. List of supported extensions for markdown files (.md, .mkdn, .mkd, .markdown)
  1702. </summary>
  1703. </member>
  1704. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.ChecksReleaseNotesSignature">
  1705. <summary>
  1706. Whether or not to check the signature of the release notes
  1707. after they've been downloaded. Defaults to false.
  1708. </summary>
  1709. </member>
  1710. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.LoadingHTML">
  1711. <summary>
  1712. HTML to show while release notes are loading. Does NOT include
  1713. ending body and html tags.
  1714. </summary>
  1715. </member>
  1716. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.ReleaseNotesTemplate">
  1717. <summary>
  1718. The HTML template to use for each changelog, version, etc. for every app cast
  1719. item update
  1720. </summary>
  1721. </member>
  1722. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.AdditionalHeaderHTML">
  1723. <summary>
  1724. The HTML template to use for each changelog, version, etc. for every app cast
  1725. item update
  1726. </summary>
  1727. </member>
  1728. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.InitialHTML">
  1729. <summary>
  1730. The initial HTML to use for the changelog. This is everything before the
  1731. body tag and includes the html and head elements/tags. This ends with an
  1732. open body tag.
  1733. </summary>
  1734. </member>
  1735. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.#ctor(System.String,System.String,NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater)">
  1736. <summary>
  1737. Base constructor for ReleaseNotesGrabber
  1738. </summary>
  1739. <param name="releaseNotesTemplate">Template to use for separating each item in the HTML</param>
  1740. <param name="htmlHeadAddition">Any additional header information to stick in the HTML that will show up in the release notes</param>
  1741. <param name="sparkle">Sparkle updater being used</param>
  1742. </member>
  1743. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.GetLoadingText">
  1744. <summary>
  1745. Generates the text to display while release notes are loading.
  1746. By default, this is InitialHTML + LoadingHTML + the ending body and html tags.
  1747. </summary>
  1748. <returns>HTML to show to the user while release notes are loading</returns>
  1749. </member>
  1750. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.DownloadAllReleaseNotes(System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem},NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
  1751. <summary>
  1752. Asynchronously download all of the release notes provided to this function and convert them to HTML
  1753. </summary>
  1754. <param name="items">List of items that you want to display in the release notes</param>
  1755. <param name="latestVersion">The latest version (most current version) of your releases</param>
  1756. <param name="cancellationToken">Token to cancel the async download requests</param>
  1757. <returns>The release notes formatted as HTML and ready to display to the user</returns>
  1758. </member>
  1759. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.GetReleaseNotes(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater,System.Threading.CancellationToken)">
  1760. <summary>
  1761. Grab the release notes for the given item and return their release notes
  1762. in HTML format so that they can be displayed to the user.
  1763. </summary>
  1764. <param name="item"><see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem"/>item to download the release notes for</param>
  1765. <param name="sparkle"><see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> that can be used for logging information
  1766. about the release notes grabbing process (or its failures)</param>
  1767. <param name="cancellationToken">token that can be used to cancel a release notes
  1768. grabbing operation</param>
  1769. <returns>The release notes, formatted as HTML, for a given release of the software</returns>
  1770. </member>
  1771. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.ReleaseNotesGrabber.DownloadReleaseNotes(System.String,System.Threading.CancellationToken,NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater)">
  1772. <summary>
  1773. Download the release notes at the given link. Does not do anything else
  1774. for the release notes (verification, display, etc.) -- just downloads the
  1775. release notes and passes them back as a string.
  1776. </summary>
  1777. <param name="link">string URL to the release notes to download</param>
  1778. <param name="cancellationToken">token that can be used to cancel a download operation</param>
  1779. <param name="sparkle"><see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater"/> that can be used for logging information
  1780. about the download process (or its failures)</param>
  1781. <returns>The release notes data (file data) at the given link as a string. Typically this data
  1782. is formatted as markdown.</returns>
  1783. </member>
  1784. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker">
  1785. <summary>
  1786. Class that allows you to verify a DSA signature of
  1787. some text, a file, or some other item based on a
  1788. DSA public key
  1789. </summary>
  1790. </member>
  1791. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.HasValidKeyInformation">
  1792. <inheritdoc/>
  1793. </member>
  1794. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode,System.String,System.String)">
  1795. <summary>
  1796. Create a DSAChecker object from the given parameters
  1797. </summary>
  1798. <param name="mode">The <see cref="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.SecurityMode"/> of the validator. Controls what needs to be set in order to validate
  1799. an app cast and its items.</param>
  1800. <param name="publicKey">the DSA public key as a string (will be used instead of the file if available, non-null, and not blank)</param>
  1801. <param name="publicKeyFile">the public key file name (including extension)</param>
  1802. </member>
  1803. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.SecurityMode">
  1804. <inheritdoc/>
  1805. </member>
  1806. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.VerifySignature(System.String,System.Byte[])">
  1807. <inheritdoc/>
  1808. </member>
  1809. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.VerifySignatureOfFile(System.String,System.String)">
  1810. <inheritdoc/>
  1811. </member>
  1812. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.VerifySignatureOfString(System.String,System.String)">
  1813. <inheritdoc/>
  1814. </member>
  1815. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.TryGetFileResource(System.String)">
  1816. <summary>
  1817. Gets a file resource based on a public key at a given path
  1818. </summary>
  1819. <param name="publicKey">the file name of the public key</param>
  1820. <returns>the data stream of the file resource if the file exists; null otherwise</returns>
  1821. </member>
  1822. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.DSAChecker.TryGetResourceStream(System.String)">
  1823. <summary>
  1824. Get a resource stream based on the public key
  1825. </summary>
  1826. <param name="publicKey">the public key resource name</param>
  1827. <returns>a stream that contains the public key if found; null otherwise</returns>
  1828. </member>
  1829. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker">
  1830. <summary>
  1831. Class to verify a Ed25519 signature
  1832. </summary>
  1833. </member>
  1834. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker.HasValidKeyInformation">
  1835. <summary>
  1836. Determines if a public key exists
  1837. </summary>
  1838. <returns><c>bool</c></returns>
  1839. </member>
  1840. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode,System.String,System.String)">
  1841. <summary>
  1842. Create a Ed25519Checker object from the given parameters
  1843. </summary>
  1844. <param name="mode">The security mode of the validator. Controls what needs to be set in order to validate
  1845. an app cast and its items.</param>
  1846. <param name="publicKey">the base 64 public key as a string</param>
  1847. <param name="publicKeyFile">the public key file</param>
  1848. </member>
  1849. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker.SecurityMode">
  1850. <summary>
  1851. <inheritdoc/>
  1852. </summary>
  1853. </member>
  1854. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker.VerifySignature(System.String,System.Byte[])">
  1855. <inheritdoc/>
  1856. </member>
  1857. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker.VerifySignatureOfFile(System.String,System.String)">
  1858. <inheritdoc/>
  1859. </member>
  1860. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker.VerifySignatureOfString(System.String,System.String)">
  1861. <inheritdoc/>
  1862. </member>
  1863. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker.TryGetFileResource(System.String)">
  1864. <summary>
  1865. Gets a file resource based on a public key at a given path
  1866. </summary>
  1867. <param name="publicKey">the file name of the public key</param>
  1868. <returns>the data stream of the file resource if the file exists; null otherwise</returns>
  1869. </member>
  1870. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifiers.Ed25519Checker.TryGetResourceStream(System.String)">
  1871. <summary>
  1872. Get a resource stream based on the public key
  1873. </summary>
  1874. <param name="publicKey">the public key resource name</param>
  1875. <returns>a stream that contains the public key if found; null otherwise</returns>
  1876. </member>
  1877. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater">
  1878. <summary>
  1879. Class to communicate with a sparkle-based appcast to download
  1880. and install updates to an application
  1881. </summary>
  1882. </member>
  1883. <member name="F:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater._installerProcess">
  1884. <summary>
  1885. The <see cref="T:System.Diagnostics.Process"/> responsible for launching the downloaded update.
  1886. Only valid once the application is about to quit and the update is going to
  1887. be launched.
  1888. </summary>
  1889. </member>
  1890. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.#ctor(System.String,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier)">
  1891. <summary>
  1892. Constructor which requires the app cast url and the object that will verify app cast signatures
  1893. </summary>
  1894. <param name="appcastUrl">the URL of the app cast file</param>
  1895. <param name="signatureVerifier">the object that will verify your app cast signatures.</param>
  1896. </member>
  1897. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.#ctor(System.String,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier,System.String)">
  1898. <summary>
  1899. ctor which needs the app cast url, an object to verify app cast signatures, and a reference assembly
  1900. </summary>
  1901. <param name="appcastUrl">the URL of the app cast file</param>
  1902. <param name="signatureVerifier">the object that will verify your app cast signatures.</param>
  1903. <param name="referenceAssembly">the name of the assembly to use for comparison when checking update versions</param>
  1904. </member>
  1905. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.#ctor(System.String,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.ISignatureVerifier,System.String,NetSparkleUpdater.Interfaces.IUIFactory)">
  1906. <summary>
  1907. Constructor that performs all necessary initialization for software update checking
  1908. </summary>
  1909. <param name="appcastUrl">the URL of the app cast file</param>
  1910. <param name="signatureVerifier">the object that will verify your app cast signatures.</param>
  1911. <param name="referenceAssembly">the name of the assembly to use for comparison when checking update versions</param>
  1912. <param name="factory">a UI factory to use in place of the default UI</param>
  1913. </member>
  1914. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.SecurityProtocolType">
  1915. <summary>
  1916. The security protocol used by NetSparkle. Setting this property will also set this
  1917. for the current AppDomain of the caller. Needs to be set to
  1918. SecurityProtocolType.Tls12 for some cases (such as when downloading from GitHub).
  1919. </summary>
  1920. </member>
  1921. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UserInteractionMode">
  1922. <summary>
  1923. Set the user interaction mode for Sparkle to use when there is a valid update for the software
  1924. </summary>
  1925. </member>
  1926. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.TmpDownloadFilePath">
  1927. <summary>
  1928. If set, downloads files to this path. If the folder doesn't already exist, creates
  1929. the folder at download time (and not before).
  1930. Note that this variable is a path, not a full file name.
  1931. </summary>
  1932. </member>
  1933. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.RelaunchAfterUpdate">
  1934. <summary>
  1935. Defines if the application needs to be relaunched after executing the downloaded installer
  1936. </summary>
  1937. </member>
  1938. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CustomInstallerArguments">
  1939. <summary>
  1940. Run the downloaded installer with these arguments
  1941. </summary>
  1942. </member>
  1943. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.ClearOldInstallers">
  1944. <summary>
  1945. Function that is called asynchronously to clean up old installers that have been
  1946. downloaded with SilentModeTypes.DownloadNoInstall or SilentModeTypes.DownloadAndInstall.
  1947. </summary>
  1948. </member>
  1949. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.IsUpdateLoopRunning">
  1950. <summary>
  1951. Whether or not the update loop is running
  1952. </summary>
  1953. </member>
  1954. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UIFactory">
  1955. <summary>
  1956. Factory for creating UI elements like progress window, etc.
  1957. </summary>
  1958. </member>
  1959. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UpdateAvailableWindow">
  1960. <summary>
  1961. The user interface that shows the release notes and
  1962. asks the user to skip, remind me later, or update
  1963. </summary>
  1964. </member>
  1965. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.ProgressWindow">
  1966. <summary>
  1967. The user interface that shows a download progress bar,
  1968. and then asks to install and relaunch the application
  1969. </summary>
  1970. </member>
  1971. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CheckingForUpdatesWindow">
  1972. <summary>
  1973. The user interface that shows the 'Checking for Updates...'
  1974. UIrm.
  1975. </summary>
  1976. </member>
  1977. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.Configuration">
  1978. <summary>
  1979. The configuration object for a given assembly that has information on when
  1980. updates were checked last, any updates that have been skipped, etc.
  1981. </summary>
  1982. </member>
  1983. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.RestartExecutablePath">
  1984. <summary>
  1985. Path to the working directory for the current application.
  1986. This is the directory that the current executable sits in --
  1987. e.g. C:/Users/...Foo/. It will be used when restarting the
  1988. application on Windows or will be used on macOS/Linux for
  1989. overwriting files on an update.
  1990. </summary>
  1991. </member>
  1992. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.RestartExecutableName">
  1993. <summary>
  1994. Executable name to use when restarting the software.
  1995. This is the name that will be used/started when the update has been installed.
  1996. This defaults to <see cref="P:System.Environment.CommandLine"/>.
  1997. Used in conjunction with RestartExecutablePath to restart the application --
  1998. cd "{RestartExecutablePath}"
  1999. "{RestartExecutableName}" is what is called to restart the app.
  2000. </summary>
  2001. </member>
  2002. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.SignatureVerifier">
  2003. <summary>
  2004. The object that verifies signatures (DSA, Ed25519, or otherwise) of downloaded items
  2005. </summary>
  2006. </member>
  2007. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.AppCastUrl">
  2008. <summary>
  2009. Gets or sets the app cast URL
  2010. </summary>
  2011. </member>
  2012. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UseNotificationToast">
  2013. <summary>
  2014. Specifies if you want to use the notification toast message (not implemented in all UIs).
  2015. </summary>
  2016. </member>
  2017. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.ShowsUIOnMainThread">
  2018. <summary>
  2019. This setting is only valid on WinForms and WPF.
  2020. If true, tries to run UI code on the main thread using <see cref="T:System.Threading.SynchronizationContext"/>.
  2021. Must be set to true if using NetSparkleUpdater from Avalonia.
  2022. </summary>
  2023. </member>
  2024. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.LogWriter">
  2025. <summary>
  2026. Object that handles any diagnostic messages for NetSparkle.
  2027. If you want to use your own class for this, you should just
  2028. need to override <see cref="M:NetSparkleUpdater.LogWriter.PrintMessage(System.String,System.Object[])"/> in your own class.
  2029. Make sure to set this object before calling <see cref="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.StartLoop(System.Boolean)"/> to guarantee
  2030. that all messages will get sent to the right place!
  2031. </summary>
  2032. </member>
  2033. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CheckServerFileName">
  2034. <summary>
  2035. Whether or not to check with the online server to verify download
  2036. file names.
  2037. </summary>
  2038. </member>
  2039. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.LatestAppCastItems">
  2040. <summary>
  2041. Returns the latest appcast items to the caller. Might be null.
  2042. </summary>
  2043. </member>
  2044. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UpdateMarkedCritical">
  2045. <summary>
  2046. Loops through all of the most recently grabbed app cast items
  2047. and checks if any of them are marked as critical
  2048. </summary>
  2049. </member>
  2050. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UpdateDownloader">
  2051. <summary>
  2052. The object responsable for downloading update files for your application
  2053. </summary>
  2054. </member>
  2055. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.AppCastDataDownloader">
  2056. <summary>
  2057. The object responsible for downloading app cast and app cast signature
  2058. information for your application
  2059. </summary>
  2060. </member>
  2061. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.AppCastHandler">
  2062. <summary>
  2063. The object responsible for parsing app cast information and checking to
  2064. see if any updates are available in a given app cast
  2065. </summary>
  2066. </member>
  2067. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.StartLoop(System.Boolean)">
  2068. <summary>
  2069. Starts a SparkleUpdater background loop to check for updates every 24 hours.
  2070. <para>You should only call this function when your app is initialized and shows its main UI.</para>
  2071. </summary>
  2072. <param name="doInitialCheck">whether the first check should happen before or after the first interval</param>
  2073. </member>
  2074. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.StartLoop(System.Boolean,System.TimeSpan)">
  2075. <summary>
  2076. Starts a SparkleUpdater background loop to check for updates on a given interval.
  2077. <para>You should only call this function when your app is initialized and shows its main UI.</para>
  2078. </summary>
  2079. <param name="doInitialCheck">whether the first check should happen before or after the first interval</param>
  2080. <param name="checkFrequency">the interval to wait between update checks</param>
  2081. </member>
  2082. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.StartLoop(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  2083. <summary>
  2084. Starts a SparkleUpdater background loop to check for updates every 24 hours.
  2085. <para>You should only call this function when your app is initialized and shows its main UI.</para>
  2086. </summary>
  2087. <param name="doInitialCheck">whether the first check should happen before or after the first interval</param>
  2088. <param name="forceInitialCheck">if <paramref name="doInitialCheck"/> is true, whether the first check
  2089. should happen even if the last check was less than 24 hours ago</param>
  2090. </member>
  2091. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.StartLoop(System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.TimeSpan)">
  2092. <summary>
  2093. Starts a SparkleUpdater background loop to check for updates on a given interval.
  2094. <para>You should only call this function when your app is initialized and shows its main UIw.</para>
  2095. </summary>
  2096. <param name="doInitialCheck">whether the first check should happen before or after the first interval</param>
  2097. <param name="forceInitialCheck">if <paramref name="doInitialCheck"/> is true, whether the first check
  2098. should happen even if the last check was within the last <paramref name="checkFrequency"/> interval</param>
  2099. <param name="checkFrequency">the interval to wait between update checks</param>
  2100. </member>
  2101. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.StopLoop">
  2102. <summary>
  2103. Stops the SparkleUpdater background loop. Called automatically by <see cref="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.Dispose"/>.
  2104. </summary>
  2105. </member>
  2106. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.Finalize">
  2107. <summary>
  2108. Finalizer
  2109. </summary>
  2110. </member>
  2111. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.Dispose">
  2112. <summary>
  2113. Inherited from IDisposable. Stops all background activities.
  2114. </summary>
  2115. </member>
  2116. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
  2117. <summary>
  2118. Dispose of managed and unmanaged resources
  2119. </summary>
  2120. <param name="disposing">true if the object is currently being disposed; false otherwise</param>
  2121. </member>
  2122. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UnregisterEvents">
  2123. <summary>
  2124. Unregisters events so that we don't call events more often than we should
  2125. </summary>
  2126. </member>
  2127. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.GetUpdateStatus(NetSparkleUpdater.Configurations.Configuration,System.Boolean)">
  2128. <summary>
  2129. This method checks if an update is required. During this process the appcast
  2130. will be downloaded and checked against the reference assembly. Ensure that
  2131. the calling process has read access to the reference assembly.
  2132. This method is also called from the background loops.
  2133. </summary>
  2134. <param name="config">the SparkleUpdater configuration for the reference assembly</param>
  2135. <param name="ignoreSkippedVersions">true to ignore skipped versions, false otherwise</param>
  2136. <returns><see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateInfo"/> with information on whether there is an update available or not.</returns>
  2137. </member>
  2138. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.ShowUpdateNeededUI(System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem},System.Boolean)">
  2139. <summary>
  2140. Shows the update needed UI with the given set of updates.
  2141. </summary>
  2142. <param name="updates">updates to show UI for</param>
  2143. <param name="isUpdateAlreadyDownloaded">If true, make sure UI text shows that the user is about to install the file instead of download it.</param>
  2144. </member>
  2145. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.ShowUpdateNeededUI(System.Boolean)">
  2146. <summary>
  2147. Shows the update UI with the latest downloaded update information.
  2148. </summary>
  2149. <param name="isUpdateAlreadyDownloaded">If true, make sure UI text shows that the user is about to install the file instead of download it.</param>
  2150. </member>
  2151. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.GetDownloadPathForAppCastItem(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)">
  2152. <summary>
  2153. Get the download path for a given app cast item.
  2154. If any directories need to be created, this function
  2155. will create those directories.
  2156. </summary>
  2157. <param name="item">The item that you want to generate a download path for</param>
  2158. <returns>The download path for an app cast item if item is not null and has valid download link
  2159. Otherwise returns null.</returns>
  2160. </member>
  2161. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.InitAndBeginDownload(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)">
  2162. <summary>
  2163. Starts the download process by grabbing the download path for
  2164. the app cast item (asynchronous so that it can get the server's
  2165. download name in case there is a redirect; cancel this by setting
  2166. CheckServerFileName to false), then beginning the download
  2167. process if the download file doesn't already exist
  2168. </summary>
  2169. <param name="item">the appcast item to download</param>
  2170. </member>
  2171. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.OnDownloadFinished(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs)">
  2172. <summary>
  2173. Called when the installer is downloaded
  2174. </summary>
  2175. <param name="sender">the object that initiated this event call</param>
  2176. <param name="e">information on if the download was successful.</param>
  2177. </member>
  2178. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.InstallUpdate(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem,System.String)">
  2179. <summary>
  2180. Run the provided app cast item update regardless of what else is going on.
  2181. Note that a more up to date download may be taking place, so if you don't
  2182. want to run a potentially out-of-date installer, don't use this. This should
  2183. only be used if your user wants to update before another update has been
  2184. installed AND the file is already downloaded.
  2185. This function will verify that the file exists and that the
  2186. signature is valid before running. It will also utilize the
  2187. PreparingToExit event to ensure that the application can close.
  2188. </summary>
  2189. <param name="item">AppCastItem to install</param>
  2190. <param name="installPath">Install path to the executable. If not provided, will ask the server for the download path.</param>
  2191. </member>
  2192. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.IsDownloadingItem(NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem)">
  2193. <summary>
  2194. Checks to see
  2195. </summary>
  2196. <param name="item"></param>
  2197. <returns></returns>
  2198. </member>
  2199. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.IsDownloadingSilently">
  2200. <summary>
  2201. True if the user has silent updates enabled; false otherwise.
  2202. </summary>
  2203. </member>
  2204. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.DoExtensionsMatch(System.String,System.String)">
  2205. <summary>
  2206. Checks to see if two extensions match (this is basically just a
  2207. convenient string comparison). Both extensions should include the
  2208. initial . (full-stop/period) in the extension.
  2209. </summary>
  2210. <param name="extension">first extension to check</param>
  2211. <param name="otherExtension">other extension to check</param>
  2212. <returns>true if the extensions match; false otherwise</returns>
  2213. </member>
  2214. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.GetWindowsInstallerCommand(System.String)">
  2215. <summary>
  2216. Get the install command for the file at the given path. Figures out which
  2217. command to use based on the download file path's file extension.
  2218. Currently supports .exe, .msi, and .msp.
  2219. </summary>
  2220. <param name="downloadFilePath">Path to the downloaded update file</param>
  2221. <returns>the installer command if the file has one of the given
  2222. extensions; the initial downloadFilePath if not.</returns>
  2223. </member>
  2224. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.GetInstallerCommand(System.String)">
  2225. <summary>
  2226. Get the install command for the file at the given path. Figures out which
  2227. command to use based on the download file path's file extension.
  2228. <para>Windows: currently supports .exe, .msi, and .msp.</para>
  2229. <para>macOS: currently supports .pkg, .dmg, and .zip.</para>
  2230. <para>Linux: currently supports .tar.gz, .deb, and .rpm.</para>
  2231. </summary>
  2232. <param name="downloadFilePath">Path to the downloaded update file</param>
  2233. <returns>the installer command if the file has one of the given
  2234. extensions; the initial downloadFilePath if not.</returns>
  2235. </member>
  2236. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.IsZipDownload(System.String)">
  2237. <summary>
  2238. Checks to see if the file at the path is a zip download.
  2239. If user is on macOS and extension is a .zip, returns true.
  2240. If user is on Linux and extension is a .tar.gz, returns true.
  2241. Otherwise returns false. Always returns false on .NET Framework.
  2242. </summary>
  2243. <param name="downloadFilePath">Path to the downloaded update file</param>
  2244. <returns>True if on macOS and path is a .zip, true of on Linux and path is a
  2245. .tar.gz. False otherwise.</returns>
  2246. </member>
  2247. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.RunDownloadedInstaller(System.String)">
  2248. <summary>
  2249. Updates the application via the file at the given path. Figures out which command needs
  2250. to be run, sets up the application so that it will start the downloaded file once the
  2251. main application stops, and then waits to start the downloaded update.
  2252. </summary>
  2253. <param name="downloadFilePath">path to the downloaded installer/updater</param>
  2254. <returns>the awaitable <see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task"/> for the application quitting</returns>
  2255. </member>
  2256. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.Exec(System.String,System.Boolean)">
  2257. <summary>
  2258. Execute a shell script.
  2259. <para></para>
  2260. </summary>
  2261. <param name="cmd">Path to script to run via a shell</param>
  2262. <param name="waitForExit">True for the calling process to wait for the command to finish before exiting; false otherwise</param>
  2263. </member>
  2264. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.QuitApplication">
  2265. <summary>
  2266. Quits the application (host application) that is using/started SparkleUpdater
  2267. </summary>
  2268. <returns>Asynchronous task that can be awaited to call code after the application
  2269. is quit (which may or may not be worth it based on your program setup)</returns>
  2270. </member>
  2271. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.AskApplicationToSafelyCloseUp">
  2272. <summary>
  2273. Ask the application to close their current work items.
  2274. Apps may need, for example, to let the user save their work
  2275. </summary>
  2276. <returns>true if it's OK to run the installer and close the software; false otherwise</returns>
  2277. </member>
  2278. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CheckForUpdatesAtUserRequest(System.Boolean)">
  2279. <summary>
  2280. Check for updates, using UI interaction appropriate for if the user initiated the update request
  2281. <param name="ignoreSkippedVersions">true to ignore skipped versions, false otherwise</param>
  2282. </summary>
  2283. </member>
  2284. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CheckForUpdatesQuietly(System.Boolean)">
  2285. <summary>
  2286. Check for updates, using interaction appropriate for where the user doesn't know you're doing it, so be polite.
  2287. Basically, this checks for updates without showing a UI. NO UI WILL BE SHOWN. You must handle any showing
  2288. of the UI yourself -- see the "HandleEventsYourself" sample!
  2289. <param name="ignoreSkippedVersions">true to ignore skipped versions, false otherwise</param>
  2290. </summary>
  2291. </member>
  2292. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CheckForUpdates(System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  2293. <summary>
  2294. Perform a one-time check for updates
  2295. <param name="isUserManuallyCheckingForUpdates">true if user triggered the update check (so show UI), false otherwise (no UI)</param>
  2296. <param name="ignoreSkippedVersions">true to ignore skipped versions, false otherwise</param>
  2297. </summary>
  2298. </member>
  2299. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CancelFileDownload">
  2300. <summary>
  2301. Cancels an in-progress download of an app cast file and deletes the temporary file.
  2302. </summary>
  2303. </member>
  2304. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CallFuncConsideringUIThreads(System.Action)">
  2305. <summary>
  2306. Events should always be fired on the thread that started the Sparkle object.
  2307. Used for events that are fired after coming from an update available window
  2308. or the download progress window.
  2309. Basically, if <see cref="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.ShowsUIOnMainThread"/> is true, just invokes the action. Otherwise,
  2310. uses the <seealso cref="T:System.Threading.SynchronizationContext"/> to call the action. Ensures that the action
  2311. is always on the main thread.
  2312. </summary>
  2313. <param name="action"></param>
  2314. </member>
  2315. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CallFuncConsideringUIThreadsAsync(System.Func{System.Threading.Tasks.Task})">
  2316. <summary>
  2317. Events should always be fired on the thread that started the Sparkle object.
  2318. Used for events that are fired after coming from an update available window
  2319. or the download progress window.
  2320. Basically, if <see cref="P:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.ShowsUIOnMainThread"/> is true, just invokes the action. Otherwise,
  2321. uses the <seealso cref="T:System.Threading.SynchronizationContext"/> to call the action. Ensures that the action
  2322. is always on the main thread.
  2323. </summary>
  2324. <param name="action"></param>
  2325. </member>
  2326. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.OnWorkerDoWork(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs)">
  2327. <summary>
  2328. Loop that occasionally checks for updates for the running application
  2329. </summary>
  2330. </member>
  2331. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.OnWorkerProgressChanged(System.Object,System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs)">
  2332. <summary>
  2333. This method will be notified by the SparkleUpdater loop when
  2334. some update info has been downloaded. If the info has been
  2335. downloaded fully (e.ProgressPercentage == 1), the UI
  2336. for downloading updates will be shown (if not downloading silently)
  2337. or the download will be performed (if downloading silently).
  2338. </summary>
  2339. </member>
  2340. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UpdatesHaveBeenDownloaded(System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem})">
  2341. <summary>
  2342. Updates from appcast have been downloaded from the server.
  2343. If the user is downloading silently, the download will begin.
  2344. If the user is not downloading silently, the update UI will be shown.
  2345. </summary>
  2346. <param name="updates">updates to be installed. If null, nothing will happen.</param>
  2347. </member>
  2348. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.LoopStarted">
  2349. <summary>
  2350. This event will be raised when an update check is about to be started
  2351. </summary>
  2352. </member>
  2353. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.LoopFinished">
  2354. <summary>
  2355. This event will be raised when an update check has finished
  2356. </summary>
  2357. </member>
  2358. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UpdateCheckStarted">
  2359. <summary>
  2360. Called when update check has just begun
  2361. </summary>
  2362. </member>
  2363. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UpdateDetected">
  2364. <summary>
  2365. This event can be used to override the standard user interface
  2366. process when an update is detected
  2367. </summary>
  2368. </member>
  2369. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UpdateCheckFinished">
  2370. <summary>
  2371. Called when update check is all done. <see cref="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UpdateDetected"/> may have been
  2372. called between the start and end of the update check.
  2373. </summary>
  2374. </member>
  2375. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.UserRespondedToUpdate">
  2376. <summary>
  2377. The user responded to the update UI with a given response.
  2378. This is called _after_ NetSparkle handles the response in all cases EXCEPT
  2379. when the result is UpdateAvailableResult.InstallUpdate -- in that case, this
  2380. event is called BEFORE downloading the update begins.
  2381. </summary>
  2382. </member>
  2383. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.DownloadStarted">
  2384. <summary>
  2385. Called when the download of an app cast file has just started
  2386. </summary>
  2387. </member>
  2388. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.DownloadCanceled">
  2389. <summary>
  2390. Called when the download of an app cast file has been canceled
  2391. </summary>
  2392. </member>
  2393. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.DownloadHadError">
  2394. <summary>
  2395. Called when the download of an app cast file has downloaded but has an error other than corruption
  2396. </summary>
  2397. </member>
  2398. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.DownloadMadeProgress">
  2399. <summary>
  2400. Called when the download of an app cast file has made some progress.
  2401. This data is also sent to the progress window if one is available.
  2402. </summary>
  2403. </member>
  2404. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.DownloadFinished">
  2405. <summary>
  2406. Called when the downloaded file is fully downloaded and verified regardless of the value for
  2407. SilentMode. Note that if you are installing fully silently, this will be called before the
  2408. install file is executed, so don't manually initiate the file or anything. Useful when using
  2409. SilentModeTypes.DownloadNoInstall so you can let your user know when the downloaded
  2410. update is ready.
  2411. </summary>
  2412. </member>
  2413. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.DownloadedFileIsCorrupt">
  2414. <summary>
  2415. Called when the downloaded file is already downloaded (or at least partially on disk) and the DSA
  2416. signature doesn't match. When this is called, Sparkle is not taking any further action to
  2417. try to download the install file during this instance of the software. In order to make Sparkle
  2418. try again, you must delete the file off disk yourself. Sparkle will try again after the software
  2419. is restarted. This event could allow you to tell the user what happened if updates are silent.
  2420. </summary>
  2421. </member>
  2422. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.DownloadedFileThrewWhileCheckingSignature">
  2423. <summary>
  2424. Called when the downloaded file is fully downloaded and has its signature checked, but something
  2425. went wrong during the signature check.
  2426. If you're sure the file is there, you can try verifying the file again AND triggering an install
  2427. with SparkleUpdater.InstallUpdate, but make sure to warn your users first!
  2428. </summary>
  2429. </member>
  2430. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.PreparingToExit">
  2431. <summary>
  2432. Subscribe to this event to get a chance to shut down gracefully before the application is closed.
  2433. If <see cref="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.PreparingToExitAsync"/> is set, this has no effect.
  2434. </summary>
  2435. </member>
  2436. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.PreparingToExitAsync">
  2437. <summary>
  2438. Subscribe to this event to get a chance to asynchronously shut down gracefully before the
  2439. application is closed.
  2440. This overrides <see cref="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.PreparingToExit"/>.
  2441. </summary>
  2442. </member>
  2443. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CloseApplication">
  2444. <summary>
  2445. Event for custom shutdown logic. If this is set, it is called instead of
  2446. Application.Current.Shutdown or Application.Exit.
  2447. If <see cref="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CloseApplicationAsync"/> is set, this has no effect.
  2448. <para>Warning: The script that launches your executable only waits for 90 seconds before
  2449. giving up! Make sure that your software closes within 90 seconds if you implement this event!
  2450. If you need an event that can be canceled, use <see cref="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.PreparingToExit"/>.</para>
  2451. </summary>
  2452. </member>
  2453. <member name="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CloseApplicationAsync">
  2454. <summary>
  2455. Event for asynchronous custom shutdown logic. If this is set, it is called instead of
  2456. Application.Current.Shutdown or Application.Exit.
  2457. This overrides <see cref="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.CloseApplication"/>.
  2458. <para>Warning: The script that launches your executable only waits for 90 seconds before
  2459. giving up! Make sure that your software closes within 90 seconds if you implement this event!
  2460. If you need an event that can be canceled, use <see cref="E:NetSparkleUpdater.SparkleUpdater.PreparingToExitAsync"/>.</para>
  2461. </summary>
  2462. </member>
  2463. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateInfo">
  2464. <summary>
  2465. A simple class to hold information on potential updates to a software product.
  2466. </summary>
  2467. </member>
  2468. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateInfo.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateStatus)">
  2469. <summary>
  2470. Create information about an update with the given status and no available update items
  2471. </summary>
  2472. <param name="status">Information on whether an update is available</param>
  2473. </member>
  2474. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateInfo.#ctor(NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.UpdateStatus,System.Collections.Generic.List{NetSparkleUpdater.AppCastItem})">
  2475. <summary>
  2476. Create information about an update with the given status and update items
  2477. </summary>
  2478. <param name="status">Information on whether an update is available</param>
  2479. <param name="updates">The list of updates that are available to update to</param>
  2480. </member>
  2481. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateInfo.Status">
  2482. <summary>
  2483. Whether or not an update is available
  2484. </summary>
  2485. </member>
  2486. <member name="P:NetSparkleUpdater.UpdateInfo.Updates">
  2487. <summary>
  2488. Any available updates for the product that the user could
  2489. potentially install
  2490. </summary>
  2491. </member>
  2492. <member name="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Utilities">
  2493. <summary>
  2494. Provides commonly used utility functions to users of NetSparkleUpdater
  2495. </summary>
  2496. </member>
  2497. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Utilities.GetVersionString(System.Version)">
  2498. <summary>
  2499. Removes trailing 0 components from the given version.<br/>
  2500. "" -> "1.2.3";<br/>
  2501. "" -> "1.2";<br/>
  2502. "" -> "1.0"
  2503. </summary>
  2504. <param name="version">Version object</param>
  2505. <returns>Version string</returns>
  2506. </member>
  2507. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Utilities.GetDSASignature(System.String,System.String)">
  2508. <summary>
  2509. Gets the signature of a file with the given DSA private key.
  2510. </summary>
  2511. <param name="fileToSignPath">Path to the file you want to sign</param>
  2512. <param name="privateKeyFilePath">Path to the private key file</param>
  2513. <returns>DSA signature as base64 string</returns>
  2514. </member>
  2515. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Utilities.GetAbsoluteURL(System.String,System.String)">
  2516. <summary>
  2517. Creates a <see cref="T:System.Uri"/> from a URL string. If the URL is relative, converts it to an absolute URL based on the appcast URL.
  2518. </summary>
  2519. <param name="url">relative or absolute URL</param>
  2520. <param name="appcastURL">URL to appcast</param>
  2521. </member>
  2522. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Utilities.ConvertNumBytesToUserReadableString(System.Int64)">
  2523. <summary>
  2524. Convert a number of bytes to a user-readable string
  2525. </summary>
  2526. <param name="numBytes">Number of bytes to convert</param>
  2527. <returns>A string that represents the number of bytes in KB, MB, or GB if numBytes > 1024.
  2528. If numBytes is less than 1024, returns numBytes.</returns>
  2529. </member>
  2530. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Utilities.GetFullBaseDirectory">
  2531. <summary>
  2532. Get the full base (running) directory for this application including a trailing slash.
  2533. From WalletWasabi:
  2535. </summary>
  2536. <returns>the full running directory path including trailing slash for this application</returns>
  2537. </member>
  2538. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Utilities.ConvertStreamToByteArray(System.IO.Stream)">
  2539. <summary>
  2540. Convert a given <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> to a byte array
  2541. </summary>
  2542. <param name="stream">the <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> to convert</param>
  2543. <returns>a byte[] array of the data in the given stream</returns>
  2544. </member>
  2545. <member name="M:NetSparkleUpdater.Utilities.IsSignatureNeeded(NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  2546. <summary>
  2547. Checks to see whether a signature is ncessary given the provided
  2548. info on the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode"/> and whether or not valid
  2549. key information exists at the moment.
  2550. </summary>
  2551. <param name="securityMode">the <see cref="T:NetSparkleUpdater.Enums.SecurityMode"/> for the signature check</param>
  2552. <param name="doesKeyInfoExist">true if the application has appropriate key
  2553. information in order to run signature checks; false otherwise</param>
  2554. <param name="isCheckingSoftwareDownload">True if the caller is checking on the signature of a software
  2555. download; false if the caller is checking on the signature of something else (e.g. release notes,
  2556. app cast)</param>
  2557. <returns>true if an item's signature needs to be checked; false otherwise</returns>
  2558. </member>
  2559. <member name="T:MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions">
  2560. <summary>
  2561. Options for configuring MarkdownSharp.
  2562. </summary>
  2563. </member>
  2564. <member name="P:MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions.AutoHyperlink">
  2565. <summary>
  2566. when true, (most) bare plain URLs are auto-hyperlinked
  2567. WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec
  2568. </summary>
  2569. </member>
  2570. <member name="P:MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions.AutoNewlines">
  2571. <summary>
  2572. when true, RETURN becomes a literal newline
  2573. WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec
  2574. </summary>
  2575. </member>
  2576. <member name="P:MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions.EmptyElementSuffix">
  2577. <summary>
  2578. use ">" for HTML output, or " />" for XHTML output
  2579. </summary>
  2580. </member>
  2581. <member name="P:MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions.LinkEmails">
  2582. <summary>
  2583. when false, email addresses will never be auto-linked
  2584. WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec
  2585. </summary>
  2586. </member>
  2587. <member name="P:MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions.StrictBoldItalic">
  2588. <summary>
  2589. when true, bold and italic require non-word characters on either side
  2590. WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec
  2591. </summary>
  2592. </member>
  2593. <member name="P:MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions.AsteriskIntraWordEmphasis">
  2594. <summary>
  2595. when true, asterisks may be used for intraword emphasis
  2596. this does nothing if StrictBoldItalic is false
  2597. </summary>
  2598. </member>
  2599. <member name="T:MarkdownSharp.Markdown">
  2600. <summary>
  2601. Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers.
  2602. Markdown allows you to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format,
  2603. then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML).
  2604. </summary>
  2605. </member>
  2606. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.#ctor">
  2607. <summary>
  2608. Create a new Markdown instance using default options
  2609. </summary>
  2610. </member>
  2611. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.#ctor(System.Boolean)">
  2612. <summary>
  2613. Create a new Markdown instance and optionally load options from a configuration
  2614. file. There they should be stored in the appSettings section, available options are:
  2615. Markdown.StrictBoldItalic (true/false)
  2616. Markdown.EmptyElementSuffix (">" or " />" without the quotes)
  2617. Markdown.LinkEmails (true/false)
  2618. Markdown.AutoNewLines (true/false)
  2619. Markdown.AutoHyperlink (true/false)
  2620. Markdown.AsteriskIntraWordEmphasis (true/false)
  2621. </summary>
  2622. </member>
  2623. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.#ctor(MarkdownSharp.MarkdownOptions)">
  2624. <summary>
  2625. Create a new Markdown instance and set the options from the MarkdownOptions object.
  2626. </summary>
  2627. </member>
  2628. <member name="P:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.EmptyElementSuffix">
  2629. <summary>
  2630. use ">" for HTML output, or " />" for XHTML output
  2631. </summary>
  2632. </member>
  2633. <member name="P:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.LinkEmails">
  2634. <summary>
  2635. when false, email addresses will never be auto-linked
  2636. WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec
  2637. </summary>
  2638. </member>
  2639. <member name="P:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.StrictBoldItalic">
  2640. <summary>
  2641. when true, bold and italic require non-word characters on either side
  2642. WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec
  2643. </summary>
  2644. </member>
  2645. <member name="P:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.AsteriskIntraWordEmphasis">
  2646. <summary>
  2647. when true, asterisks may be used for intraword emphasis
  2648. this does nothing if StrictBoldItalic is false
  2649. </summary>
  2650. </member>
  2651. <member name="P:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.AutoNewLines">
  2652. <summary>
  2653. when true, RETURN becomes a literal newline
  2654. WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec
  2655. </summary>
  2656. </member>
  2657. <member name="P:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.AutoHyperlink">
  2658. <summary>
  2659. when true, (most) bare plain URLs are auto-hyperlinked
  2660. WARNING: this is a significant deviation from the markdown spec
  2661. </summary>
  2662. </member>
  2663. <member name="F:MarkdownSharp.Markdown._nestDepth">
  2664. <summary>
  2665. maximum nested depth of [] and () supported by the transform; implementation detail
  2666. </summary>
  2667. </member>
  2668. <member name="F:MarkdownSharp.Markdown._tabWidth">
  2669. <summary>
  2670. Tabs are automatically converted to spaces as part of the transform
  2671. this constant determines how "wide" those tabs become in spaces
  2672. </summary>
  2673. </member>
  2674. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.#cctor">
  2675. <summary>
  2676. In the static constuctor we'll initialize what stays the same across all transforms.
  2677. </summary>
  2678. </member>
  2679. <member name="P:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.Version">
  2680. <summary>
  2681. current version of MarkdownSharp;
  2682. see for the latest code or to contribute
  2683. </summary>
  2684. </member>
  2685. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.Transform(System.String)">
  2686. <summary>
  2687. Transforms the provided Markdown-formatted text to HTML;
  2688. see
  2689. </summary>
  2690. <remarks>
  2691. The order in which other subs are called here is
  2692. essential. Link and image substitutions need to happen before
  2693. EscapeSpecialChars(), so that any *'s or _'s in the a
  2694. and img tags get encoded.
  2695. </remarks>
  2696. </member>
  2697. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.RunBlockGamut(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  2698. <summary>
  2699. Perform transformations that form block-level tags like paragraphs, headers, and list items.
  2700. </summary>
  2701. </member>
  2702. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.RunSpanGamut(System.String)">
  2703. <summary>
  2704. Perform transformations that occur *within* block-level tags like paragraphs, headers, and list items.
  2705. </summary>
  2706. </member>
  2707. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.FormParagraphs(System.String,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
  2708. <summary>
  2709. splits on two or more newlines, to form "paragraphs";
  2710. each paragraph is then unhashed (if it is a hash and unhashing isn't turned off) or wrapped in HTML p tag
  2711. </summary>
  2712. </member>
  2713. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.GetNestedBracketsPattern">
  2714. <summary>
  2715. Reusable pattern to match balanced [brackets]. See Friedl's
  2716. "Mastering Regular Expressions", 2nd Ed., pp. 328-331.
  2717. </summary>
  2718. </member>
  2719. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.GetNestedParensPattern">
  2720. <summary>
  2721. Reusable pattern to match balanced (parens). See Friedl's
  2722. "Mastering Regular Expressions", 2nd Ed., pp. 328-331.
  2723. </summary>
  2724. </member>
  2725. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.StripLinkDefinitions(System.String)">
  2726. <summary>
  2727. Strips link definitions from text, stores the URLs and titles in hash references.
  2728. </summary>
  2729. <remarks>
  2730. ^[id]: url "optional title"
  2731. </remarks>
  2732. </member>
  2733. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.GetBlockPattern">
  2734. <summary>
  2735. derived pretty much verbatim from PHP Markdown
  2736. </summary>
  2737. </member>
  2738. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.HashHTMLBlocks(System.String)">
  2739. <summary>
  2740. replaces any block-level HTML blocks with hash entries
  2741. </summary>
  2742. </member>
  2743. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.TokenizeHTML(System.String)">
  2744. <summary>
  2745. returns an array of HTML tokens comprising the input string. Each token is
  2746. either a tag (possibly with nested, tags contained therein, such
  2747. as &lt;a href="&lt;MTFoo&gt;"&gt;, or a run of text between tags. Each element of the
  2748. array is a two-element array; the first is either 'tag' or 'text'; the second is
  2749. the actual value.
  2750. </summary>
  2751. </member>
  2752. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoAnchors(System.String)">
  2753. <summary>
  2754. Turn Markdown link shortcuts into HTML anchor tags
  2755. </summary>
  2756. <remarks>
  2757. [link text](url "title")
  2758. [link text][id]
  2759. [id]
  2760. </remarks>
  2761. </member>
  2762. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoImages(System.String)">
  2763. <summary>
  2764. Turn Markdown image shortcuts into HTML img tags.
  2765. </summary>
  2766. <remarks>
  2767. ![alt text][id]
  2768. ![alt text](url "optional title")
  2769. </remarks>
  2770. </member>
  2771. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoHeaders(System.String)">
  2772. <summary>
  2773. Turn Markdown headers into HTML header tags
  2774. </summary>
  2775. <remarks>
  2776. <para>
  2777. Header 1
  2778. ========
  2779. </para>
  2780. <para>
  2781. Header 2
  2782. --------
  2783. </para>
  2784. <para>
  2785. # Header 1
  2786. ## Header 2
  2787. ## Header 2 with closing hashes ##
  2788. ...
  2789. ###### Header 6
  2790. </para>
  2791. </remarks>
  2792. </member>
  2793. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoHorizontalRules(System.String)">
  2794. <summary>
  2795. Turn Markdown horizontal rules into HTML hr tags
  2796. </summary>
  2797. <remarks>
  2798. ***
  2799. * * *
  2800. ---
  2801. - - -
  2802. </remarks>
  2803. </member>
  2804. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoLists(System.String)">
  2805. <summary>
  2806. Turn Markdown lists into HTML ul and ol and li tags
  2807. </summary>
  2808. </member>
  2809. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.ProcessListItems(System.String,System.String)">
  2810. <summary>
  2811. Process the contents of a single ordered or unordered list, splitting it
  2812. into individual list items.
  2813. </summary>
  2814. </member>
  2815. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoCodeBlocks(System.String)">
  2816. <summary>
  2817. /// Turn Markdown 4-space indented code into HTML pre code blocks
  2818. </summary>
  2819. </member>
  2820. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoCodeSpans(System.String)">
  2821. <summary>
  2822. Turn Markdown `code spans` into HTML code tags
  2823. </summary>
  2824. </member>
  2825. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoItalicsAndBold(System.String)">
  2826. <summary>
  2827. Turn Markdown *italics* and **bold** into HTML strong and em tags
  2828. </summary>
  2829. </member>
  2830. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoHardBreaks(System.String)">
  2831. <summary>
  2832. Turn markdown line breaks (two space at end of line) into HTML break tags
  2833. </summary>
  2834. </member>
  2835. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoBlockQuotes(System.String)">
  2836. <summary>
  2837. Turn Markdown > quoted blocks into HTML blockquote blocks
  2838. </summary>
  2839. </member>
  2840. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.DoAutoLinks(System.String)">
  2841. <summary>
  2842. Turn angle-delimited URLs into HTML anchor tags
  2843. </summary>
  2844. <remarks>
  2845. &lt;;
  2846. </remarks>
  2847. </member>
  2848. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.Outdent(System.String)">
  2849. <summary>
  2850. Remove one level of line-leading spaces
  2851. </summary>
  2852. </member>
  2853. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.EncodeEmailAddress(System.String)">
  2854. <summary>
  2855. encodes email address randomly
  2856. roughly 10% raw, 45% hex, 45% dec
  2857. note that @ is always encoded and : never is
  2858. </summary>
  2859. </member>
  2860. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.EncodeCode(System.String)">
  2861. <summary>
  2862. Encode/escape certain Markdown characters inside code blocks and spans where they are literals
  2863. </summary>
  2864. </member>
  2865. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.EncodeAmpsAndAngles(System.String)">
  2866. <summary>
  2867. Encode any ampersands (that aren't part of an HTML entity) and left or right angle brackets
  2868. </summary>
  2869. </member>
  2870. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.EscapeBackslashes(System.String)">
  2871. <summary>
  2872. Encodes any escaped characters such as \`, \*, \[ etc
  2873. </summary>
  2874. </member>
  2875. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.Unescape(System.String)">
  2876. <summary>
  2877. swap back in all the special characters we've hidden
  2878. </summary>
  2879. </member>
  2880. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.EscapeBoldItalic(System.String)">
  2881. <summary>
  2882. escapes Bold [ * ] and Italic [ _ ] characters
  2883. </summary>
  2884. </member>
  2885. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.EscapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes(System.String)">
  2886. <summary>
  2887. Within tags -- meaning between &lt; and &gt; -- encode [\ ` * _] so they
  2888. don't conflict with their use in Markdown for code, italics and strong.
  2889. We're replacing each such character with its corresponding hash
  2890. value; this is likely overkill, but it should prevent us from colliding
  2891. with the escape values by accident.
  2892. </summary>
  2893. </member>
  2894. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.Normalize(System.String)">
  2895. <summary>
  2896. convert all tabs to _tabWidth spaces;
  2897. standardizes line endings from DOS (CR LF) or Mac (CR) to UNIX (LF);
  2898. makes sure text ends with a couple of newlines;
  2899. removes any blank lines (only spaces) in the text
  2900. </summary>
  2901. </member>
  2902. <member name="M:MarkdownSharp.Markdown.RepeatString(System.String,System.Int32)">
  2903. <summary>
  2904. this is to emulate what's evailable in PHP
  2905. </summary>
  2906. </member>
  2907. </members>
  2908. </doc>