LinkAnnotTip.xaml 1.8 KB

  1. <UserControl
  2. x:Class="PDF_Master.Views.TipContent.LinkAnnotTip"
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  4. xmlns:x=""
  5. xmlns:TipContent="clr-namespace:PDF_Master.ViewModels.TipContent"
  6. xmlns:d=""
  7. xmlns:local="clr-namespace:PDF_Master.Views.TipContent"
  8. xmlns:mc=""
  9. xmlns:prism=""
  10. d:DataContext="{d:DesignInstance Type=TipContent:LinkAnnotTipViewModel}"
  11. d:DesignHeight="50"
  12. d:DesignWidth="760"
  13. prism:ViewModelLocator.AutoWireViewModel="True"
  14. mc:Ignorable="d">
  15. <Border Margin="0,0,17,0" Background=" #BDDFFD">
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  22. Grid.Column="0"
  23. Width="16"
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  25. Margin="9,4">
  26. <Ellipse
  27. Width="16"
  28. Height="16"
  29. Fill="{StaticResource}" />
  30. <Path Data="M7.25 4V5.5H8.75L8.75 4H7.25ZM7.25 7V12H8.75V7H7.25Z" Fill="White" />
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  32. <TextBlock
  33. x:Name="DrawTipsText"
  34. Grid.Column="1"
  35. Margin="0,4,12,4"
  36. Padding="4,2,4,2"
  37. FontSize="14"
  38. Foreground="#252629"
  39. Text="To select a target page, you can turn to this page first, then click or box area on the page."
  40. TextWrapping="Wrap" />
  41. </Grid>
  42. </Border>
  43. </UserControl>