ComPDFKit.Viewer 保存绘制线段 检查当前文字模式下该参数是否被允许设置 原始创建参数 用于撤销/重做的 当前页面索引 当前缩放比例 注释创建时起始点 注释创建中鼠标移动的当前点 关联的文档对象 创建注释工具对象 绘制注释 创建注释绘制结束 是否能够保存 保存当前创建的注释 返回当前创建注释详细信息 实现该方法以支持创建注释后能撤销重做 object 是因为高亮可能跨页一次创建多个 为了文本注释改成List? 注释创建完成 This is the main class that manages all the tools that interact directly with the viewer through user input. Gets attribute of current annotation. 创建注释创建工具管理类 文档页面绘制对象 设置当前工具 工具参数 退出当前工具 连续模式:true 保留当前参数 在当前坐标位置创建注释工具 点击坐标 注释工具参数 界面调整退出注释工具 Annot edit event type Add Del Modify TextEdit 注释操作记录对象 注释更改前数据 当前注释数据 注释更改操作类型 创建自身深度复制 注释批量操作历史记录对象 同一次注释批量操作记录对象列表 创建注释批量操作历史记录对象 注释操作记录对象 创建注释批量操作历史记录对象 This class is about undo and redo. Whether the document has been modified. Whether it is possible to redo from the current snapshot. Whether it is possible to undo from the current snapshot. 注释添加支持撤销/重做 注释删除支持撤销/重做 注释支持撤销/重做 撤销列表 重做列表 Notifies clients that a property value has changed Notifies clients that a property value has changed Performs undo event. Performs redo event. Clears all events of undo and redo. 添加单个修改历史 注释操作记录对象 添加多个修改历史 注释批量操作记录对象 当前操作记录 当前操作记录 针对批量操作处理需要 更新列表里原对象id到新值 检测是否有删除的注释操作记录 用于更新删除索引ID Annotation command. Annotation parameter list. Constructor function. Attribute parameter of annotation Constructor function. Executes corresponding command operation. Returns true on success, false on failure Gets/Sets the default attribute of circle annotation. Gets/Sets the default border color of circle annotation. Gets/Sets the default fill color of circle annotation. Gets/Sets the default border width of circle annotation. Gets/Sets the default opacity of circle annotation. Gets/Sets the default border style of circle annotation. Gets the default fill background of circle annotation. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise 橡皮擦工具参数对象 橡皮擦UI边框颜色 橡皮擦UI填充颜色 橡皮擦宽度 橡皮擦UI透明度 构造函数 Gets/Sets the default attribute of Ink annotation. Gets/Sets the default color of Ink annotation. Gets/Sets the default width of Ink annotation. Gets/Sets the default opacity of Ink annotation. Raw Points Whether to save the Ink annotation as a stamp annotation. Gets/Sets the default border style of square annotation. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Gets/Sets the default attribute of freetext annotation. Gets/Sets the default border color of freetext annotation. Gets/Sets the default fill color of freetext annotation. Gets/Sets the default color of freetext annotation. Gets/Sets the default border width of freetext annotation. Gets/Sets the default opacity of freetext annotation. 边框样式(实线,虚线) Gets/Sets the default font style of freetext annotation. Gets/Sets the default font weight of freetext annotation. Gets/Sets the default font size of freetext annotation. Gets/Sets the default font type of freetext annotation. Gets/Sets the default alignment of freetext annotation. Gets/Sets the default content of freetext annotation. Gets the default fill color of freetext annotation. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Gets/Sets the default attribute of line annotation. Gets/Sets the default color of line annotation. Gets/Sets the default width of line annotation. Gets/Sets the default opacity of line annotation. Gets/Sets the default border style of line annotation. Gets/Sets the default head style of line annotation. Gets/Sets the default tail style of line annotation. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Link type Destination URI Unknown Gets/Sets the default attribute of link annotation. Gets/Sets the default target page index of link annotation. Gets/Sets the default target URI of link annotation. Gets/Sets the default type of link annotation. 边框颜色 背景颜色 边框宽度 透明度 边框样式 Creation event of Ink annotation. A notification posted when the rectangle to create new link is selected on the page. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Callback notification of saving the link. Event caller Event parameter Event notification of completing link drawing. Event caller Event parameter Gets/Sets the default attribute of redaction annotation. Gets/Sets the default border color of redaction annotation. Gets/Sets the default fill color of redaction annotation. Gets/Sets the default color of redaction annotation. Gets/Sets the default font size of redaction annotation. Gets/Sets the default font type of redaction annotation. Gets/Sets the default alignment of redaction annotation. Gets/Sets the array of quadrilateral points defining the bounds of the redaction annotation. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise 边框颜色 填充颜色 边框宽度 透明度 边框样式(实线,虚线) 是否有填充色 创建注释选择工具属性对象 注释选择工具属性参数 边框颜色 填充颜色 边框宽度 透明度 边框样式(实线,虚线) 是否有填充色 创建注释选择工具属性对象 截图命令对象 截图矩形 当前缩放比例 当前页面索引 截图图像 是否鼠标点击命中 创建截图命令属性对象 复制截图内容 true:截图成功 截图工具(带编辑移动功能)属性对象参数 背景高亮颜色 编辑点颜色 截图工具栏控件 创建截图工具(带编辑移动功能)属性对象参数 重新截图 保存截图到剪切板 获取截图 截图图像 截图工具属性对象参数 边框颜色 填充颜色 边框宽度 透明度 边框样式(实线,虚线) 是否具有填充颜色 创建截图工具属性对象参数 Gets/Sets the default attribute of sound annotation. Sets audio resource. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Gets/Sets the default attribute of square annotation. Gets/Sets the default border color of square annotation. Gets/Sets the default fill color of square annotation. Gets/Sets the default border width of square annotation. Gets/Sets the default opacity of square annotation. Gets/Sets the default border style of square annotation. Gets the default fill color of square annotation. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Stamp type Unknown Standard stamp Image stamp Text stamp Stamp shape Stamp color Gets/Sets the default attribute of stamp annotation. Gets/Sets the default opacity of stamp annotation. Gets/Sets the default content of stamp annotation. Gets/Sets the default date of stamp annotation. Sets image data for stamp annotation. Sets image width for stamp annotation. Sets image height for stamp annotation. Sets image path for stamp annotation. Stamp type. Shape of text stamp Color of text stamp 是否已保存 Content of image stamp. The maximum width of image stamp. The maximum height of image stamp. 保存时图像图章宽度 保存时图像图章高度 手绘原始点数据 手绘宽度 手绘颜色 保存为手绘 Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Gets the Bitmap data of stamp annotations. Bitmap Data 设置手绘数据 手绘坐标数据 线条粗细 线条颜色 true 保存为手绘;false 保存为图章 Gets/Sets the default attribute of note annotation. Gets/Sets the default content of note annotation. Gets/Sets the default color of note annotation. Gets/Sets the default opacity of note annotation. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Gets/Sets the default attribute of highlight annotation. Gets/Sets the default color of highlight annotation. Gets/Sets the default opacity of highlight annotation. Gets/Sets the default rectangle dictionary of highlight annotation. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Gets/Sets the default attribute of squiggly annotation. Gets/Sets the default color of squiggly annotation. Gets/Sets the default opacity of squiggly annotation. Gets/Sets the default rectangle dictionary of squiggly annotation. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Gets/Sets the default attribute of strikeout annotation. Gets/Sets the default color of strikeout annotation. Gets/Sets the default opacity of strikeout annotation. Gets/Sets the default rectangle dictionary of strikeout annotation. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Gets/Sets the default attribute of underline annotation. Gets/Sets the default color of underline annotation. Gets/Sets the default opacity of underline annotation. Gets/Sets the default rectangle dictionary of underline annotation. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Widget command. Represents the class that contain event data for form attrib event Represents the base class for form field Gets/Sets form types. Gets/Sets border style of the form. Gets/Sets the border color of the form. Gets/Sets the background color of the form. Gets/Sets the border width of the form. Gets/Sets the font color. Gets/Sets internal name for the field. Gets/Sets the default attribute of checkbox form annotation. Gets/Sets the fill style of checkbox. Whether checkbox is selected, true means selected, false otherwise. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Gets/Sets the default attribute of combobox form annotation. Gets/Sets the font size of text content in combobox field. Gets/Sets the font name of combobox field. Gets/Sets the default font style of combobox field. Gets/Sets the default font weight of combobox field. Gets/Sets all items in ComboBox. Gets/Sets the selected items indexs in combobox Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Gets/Sets the default attribute of list box form annotation. Gets/Sets the font size of text content in list box field. Gets/Sets the font name of list box field. Gets/Sets the default font style of list box field. Gets/Sets the default font weight of list box field. Gets/Sets all items in list box. Gets/Sets the selected items indexs in list box. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Gets/Sets the default attribute of push button form annotation. Gets/Sets the font size of text content in push button field. Gets/Sets the font name of push button field. Gets/Sets the default font style of push button field. Gets/Sets the default font weight of push button field. Get/Sets PushButton label. Gets/Sets response action of PushButtonget. There are multiple subtypes of the response action, and different response actions are determined according to more: . Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Gets/Sets the default attribute of radio button form annotation. Gets/Sets the fill style of radiobutton. Whether Radiobutton is selected, true means selected, false otherwise. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Gets/Sets the default attribute of signature form annotation. Gets/Sets the font size of text content in sign field. Gets/Sets the font name of sign field. Gets/Sets the default font style of sign field. Gets/Sets the default font weight of sign field. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Updates form appearance by text. Text content of signature Font name of signature text Text color Rotation value, range0,1,2,3 Returns true on success, false on failure Updates form appearance by image. Bitmap data of image Image width Image height The zoom rule for filling the image into the form Rotation value, range0,1,2,3 Returns true on success, false on failure Gets/Sets the default attribute of textbox form annotation. Gets/Sets the font size of text content in text field. Gets/Sets the text content of text field. Gets whether TextField form is multiline by default Gets whether text is intended for entering a secure password that should not be visible on the screen. Gets/Sets the font name of text field form. Gets/Sets the default font style of text field. Gets/Sets the default font weight of text field. Gets/Sets the alignment of TextField form. Constructor function. Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise 多视图同步更新表单输入状态 Annotation parameter type None Square annotation Circle annotation Note annotation Line annotation Freehand annotation Eraser Freetext annotation Stamp annotation Highlight annotation Underline annotation Strikeout annotation Squiggly annotation Link Text select tool Snapshot tool Snapshot with edit tool Widget Form tool sound annotation media annotation Redaction annotation Attribute parameter of annotation. Annotation text content. Annotation markup content. Annotation author Annotation creation date Annotation modification date Annotation type This is a convenience property that checks for `TPDFAnnotationFlagLocked` in `flags`. This is a convenience property that checks for `TPDFAnnotationFlagReadOnly` in `flags`. Form Field 当前注释可视化对象 注释矩形范围 Page Index Annot Index 外部更改不会更改注释位置 只能更改其他属性 注释不可见则不需要绘制 属性更改列表 是否需要保存到底层 多视图注释更新时已保存过 因此通知更改的那部分不需要再保存 是否是粘贴命令操作 针对图章注释创建时无法设置大小需要多一部操作 Constructor function. Updates annotation attribute Compares whether the attribute of the two objects is the same. Annotation parameter object Returns true if the same, false otherwise Annotation attribute event. Annotation attribute dictionary. Resets annotation attribute after annotation created. Gets the common attribute of multiple annotations. Annotation parameter Annotation attribute dictionary owned by this annotation type Common attribute object Gets the common attribute of multiple annotations. Common attribute object Gets the annotation indexes of currently selected annotations. Annotation index Gets the selected annotation attribute. Annotation parameter type Annotation parameter list Updates annotation attribute in current annotation list. Attribute to be updated Attribute value Applies current attribute modification. Gets the first annotation parameter type in current list. Annotation parameter type Notification event of annotation edit and modification. Add:Add Del:Delete Modify:Modify The changed attribute content of annotation. The changed attribute content of annotation. Returns the page index that the annotation is associated with a page. Current annotation index. Annotation synchronization event in multi-view. Synchronization of annotation attribute. Synchronization of annotation deletion/creation. 操作记录 强制刷新注释 Represents the class that contain event data for form attrib event Form type. 注释创建工具管理类 创建注释创建工具管理类 文档页面绘制对象 退出当前工具 连续模式:true 保留当前参数 在当前坐标位置创建注释工具 点击坐标 注释工具参数 界面调整退出注释工具 Annot Properties LineStyle LineStart LineEnd Thickness FillColor Color Transparency FontSize FontColor FontFamily FontStyle FontWeight TextAlign LinkType LinkDestIndx LinkUri Text NoteText FieldName CheckStyle IsMutilLine IsPassword ListOptions FormAction DefaultChoice Locked ReadOnly Form Field IsChecked Form Fields Visible Hidden Visible but unprintable Hidden but printable StickyPopupControl.xaml 的交互逻辑 InitializeComponent 是否有开始箭头 开始箭头是否封闭 是否有结束箭头 结束箭头是否封闭 箭头角度 箭头长度 起始点 结束点 线段路径 开始箭头形状 结束箭头形状 箭头帮助类 创建箭头路径 绘制开始箭头 绘制结束箭头 绘制开始箭头(逆向) 绘制结束箭头(逆向) 绘制开始平头 绘制结束平头 绘制开始菱形 绘制结束菱形 绘制开始圆形 绘制结束圆形 绘制开始方形 绘制结束方形 绘制开始斜线 绘制结束斜线 鼠标功能模式 默认 文字选择 表单编辑 手型工具 注释创建模式 文字编辑模式 允许注释多选 允许调用选中接口时触发选中通知事件 高亮表单域 页面旋转后所有注释需要刷新 选择文字信息 多选注释列表 鼠标中键滚动 0 只能编辑 1 创建文字块 2 创建图片块 注释属性面板通知(注释选中/取消选中触发) 注释编辑通知(注释更改/删除/创建) 注释剪切复制粘贴删除命令通知 文字编辑剪切复制粘贴删除命令通知 截图事件通知 文字编辑属性通知 滚轮缩放事件通知 true:zoom in. false: zoom out. 文字编辑属性通知 多视图注释同步通知 移动多选注释 计算多选注释移动距离 多选注释最大矩形范围 当前鼠标移动距离 页面边界范围 实际注释可移动距离 判断是否点击在多选状态的控件上 清除文本框选中文字状态 处理文字编辑右键点击事件 通知文字编辑选中事件 静态能跨标签复制 释放渲染图片 移除不需显示的注释可视化对象 移除不需显示的文本编辑可视化对象 true:保留当前可见页对象 渲染完成事件 加载文档 文档路径 加载文档 重新加载绘制可见范围内注释 设置垂直滚动条位置 垂直滚动位置 跳过单页模式滚动位置修正计算 是否是滚轮产生滚动 清除注释激活状态 是否触发激活事件;(true:false)(在同步选中时需禁用事件) 当前鼠标是否悬停在编辑框范围内 缩放页面 设置阅读视图模式 设置适应宽度,适应高度模式 设置分页间隔距离 间隔 跳转到指定页偏移 原始PDF下点 跳转到指定页 启用/禁用 滚动 启用/禁用 缩放 当前点击位置转换成页面内位置(与当前DPI相关) 移出页面注释 页面索引 注释索引 true 删除成功;false 删除失败 批量移出页面注释 Key:页面索引 Value:页面下注释索引列表 true 删除成功;false 删除失败 删除页面注释 指定页面下创建注释 创建该注释时的参数 滚动位置同步更新弹出控件 多视图注释同步更新通知 多视图注释同步更改 查找页面内注释可视化对象 高亮绘制选中文字 设置页面注释为选中状态 选中注释索引 将当前渲染内容保存为图像 注释点击激活通知 控制点击到Form注释时事件通知(默认禁止通知) 注释命令绑定操作通知 注释创建/删除/更改通知 DPI无关,缩放比例无关 DPI无关,缩放比例无关 DPI 无关 Thumbnail's delegate. Page index List of thumbnail Width of thumbnail Height of thumbnail Raises the OnThumbnailGeneratedEventHandler event. Gets thumbnails. Index of thumbnail Width of thumbnail Height of thumbnail Gets all annotations of specified page. Page index Document object Returns detailed list of annotations Cancels the selected state of annotations. Whether to trigger activation event Selects the specified annotation. Page index Annotation index Returns true on success, false on failure Selects annotations. Dictionary key: Page index,Dictionary value: List of annotation index Returns true on success, false on failure Performs copy event. Reloads document. Draw and render the current visible pages. 重新加载绘制注释 Exports annotations from the XFDF document. Export path Imports annotations from the XFDF document. Import path Returns true on success, false on failure Sets the spacing between pages. param defining the spacing between pages. Sets background color of CPDFViewer. Background color Sets mouse mode for CPDFViewer. Mouse mode for CPDFViewer Sets the parameter of the annotation tool. Parameter of the annotation tool. set whether to show form field in highlight mode true for highlight form field get whether form field in highlight mode true for highlight mode cropping the specified pages Sets crop mode. Whether it is crop mode. Whether it is crop mode. Returns whether it is crop mode. Get the selected images data. get the amount of selected images. set selected image apperance Sets the edit type to edit text, image, or both. Edit type: Unknown, EditText, EditImage. Sets whether to enable creating text or image blocks. None for disabling creating text or image, only allowing editing Text; EditText for enabling creating text object; EditImage for enabling creating image. Sets the image path of the image to be created. The path of the image to be created. Repeat mark across pages 允许画一个范围并事件通知区域坐标 Raises the InfoChanged event. A notification posted when a new page becomes the current page. A notification posted when a new annotation becomes the current annotation. A notification posted when cut, copy, paste and delete annotation. Raises the SnapshotCommandHandler event. Raises the TextEditCommandHandler event. Raises the TextEditActiveHandler event. Raises the MouseWheelZoomHandler event. Raises the AnnotEditHandler event. Raises the WidgetClickHander event. Raises the ActionHandler event. Gets split mode. Methods for associating a CPDFDocument with a CPDFViewer. 当前活动视图索引 Constructor function. Sets split mode. Split mode: Horizontal(horizontal);Vertical(vertical);None(none) Sets background color of split bar. Loads PDF document with file path. File path Creates PDF document. Tells CPDFView to calculate (layout) the inner views. Releases resource of document. Sets current display mode. View mode Changes the zoom types of the page. Zoom types Sets scale factor for the view. Zoom ratio Scrolls to the specified page. Page index Scrolls to the specified destination. Page index Page location The current scale factor for the view. The current page index. Zoom types. View mode in current page (single page(continuous), double page(continuous), cover mode(continuous))) Gets mouse mode for CPDFViewer control. This is the main class that manages all the tools that interact directly with the viewer through user input. This class is about history record tool management. The following calls allow you to associate a TextSearchItem with a CPDFViewer. This method allow you to highlight text perhaps to indicate matches from a text search. Commonly used for highlighting search results. Selection Highlight color Clears the selection. Creates annotation. Page index Attribute of annotation Returns true on success, false on failure Removes the specified annotation from the page. Page index Annotation index Returns true on success, false on failure Batch deletes annotations. Dictionary key: Page index,Dictionary value: List of annotation index Returns true on success, false on failure Sets whether to allow to highlight link field in the CPDFViewer. A Boolean value that determines whether to allow to highlight link field in the CPDFViewer. Gets whether to allow to highlight link field in the CPDFViewer. Returns whether to allow to highlight link field in the CPDFViewer. Performs the specified action. Action Gets the page render mode, either normal, night, sepia, reseda or custom, for the given display mode. Returns the page render mode Sets the page render mode, either normal, night, sepia, reseda or custom, for the given display mode. Page render mode Customize the color of the page rendering This class is about search result object. Page index The bounds of the selection on the page The text contains in the selection Page rotation angle Result of text search Start page index End page index Percentage of search process Current page index The number of search result The maximum value of search result Details of current search result This class is about text search. A notification that a find operation finished working on a page of a document. A notification that a find operation cancels. A notification that a find operation finished of a document. Associates a CPDFDocument. Whether to allow to search. Constructor function. Cancles a search. Searches the specified string in the document. Search the specified string Search options Document password Start page index End page index Returns true on success, false on failure 原始页面坐标 原始页面坐标 返回当前坐标位置控制点 当前绘制位置 上次绘制位置 擦除手绘 1 删除 0 擦除 -1 未相交 Class used to implement TextRunProperties 颜色混合绘制 Command type of annotation supported. Copy Cut Paste Delete Select all Right click menu Command target object type Annotation Text edit Snapshot tool Form control Image select Command parameter. Whether it has been handled. Right click menu. Command type. Command target type. Right click on the annotation. Right click on the Link. right click on media annotation right click on sound annotation Constructor function. Executes corresponding command operation. Returns true on success, false on failure 当前系统DPI 当前DPI相对系统标准DPI(96)缩小比例 系统DPI相对PDF文档DPI放大倍数 PDF文档DPI相对系统DPI缩小倍数 从WPF获取的数值转换成标准DPI时的大小 缩小 当前数值 从WPF获取的数值转换成标准DPI时的大小 缩小 当前数值 标准DPI时的大小转换成当前DPI对应大小 放大 当前数值 当前矩形换成标准DPI时的大小 转换到PDF矩形 当前矩形换成当前DPI时的矩形大小 当前点转换成标准DPI时的大小 点换成当前DPI时的大小 当前Size转换成标准DPI时的大小 Size换成当前DPI时的大小 获取注释属性信息 注释属性信息 未缩放原始位置矩形 绘制位置矩形 整个页面边框绘制位置 按当前缩放比列的页面内矩形 坐标相对于当前可见视图和页面相交的矩形 为可见页面内距离顶部和左侧的坐标 如果当前页面可见但注释不在可见范围内 以页面坐标的可见范围矩形 已按当前DPI转换 绘制位置 已按当前DPI转换 边框位置 已按当前DPI转换 外边框 仅绘制页面外边框用 已按当前DPI转换 注释列表 文本编辑块列表 页面相对于可见范围的矩形 当前DPI下的高度 当前DPI下的宽度 当前DPI下的Top 页面水平居中 渲染页面时是否同时渲染注释 true:渲染注释 false:不渲染 线程已经退出 Controls how the CPDFViewer will display pages. Displays one page at a time horizontally and vertically. A display mode where the document displays in continuous mode vertically, with single-page width horizontally. A display mode where the document displays two pages side-by-side. A display mode where the document displays in continuous mode vertically and displays two pages side-by-side horizontally. Operation to setup a book display Continuous book Zoom types Fit to width Fit to height Fit to page Fit to free Split mode Horizontal split Vertical split None Page rotation mode. Page background draw mode. White mode Sepia mode Dark mode Reseda background Custom color mode 绘制范围 已按DPI转换 距离边框间隔 已按DPI转换 注释是否锁定 绘制注释可视化对象 绘制注释选中状态 绘制注释移动状态 绘制注释自身 保存注释位置更改 当前缩放比例 注释撤销重做时内部更改注释位置 注释所在位置矩形 注释更改属性时添加更改记录 用来支持撤销重做 更新注释属性 注释属性信息 应用注释缩放更改 注释点击处理 点击坐标 注释移动处理 相对点击位置移动的距离 获取注释点击控制点 获取注释属性参数 完成注释绘制 注释对象释放时清理方法 创建注释可视化对象 注释对象 注释索引 一个强类型的资源类,用于查找本地化的字符串等。 返回此类使用的缓存的 ResourceManager 实例。 重写当前线程的 CurrentUICulture 属性 重写当前线程的 CurrentUICulture 属性。 属性值变更通知事件(当前页,缩放比例,视图模式,当前元素索引) 当前显示模式 当前宽高适应模式 当前显示页面 当前显示节点索引 当前缩放比例 页面间隔 页面边框画笔 当前绘制起始元素 当前绘制结束元素 文档页面最大宽度 文档页面最大高度 节点子元素最大个数 给单页模式额外添加的高度 设置显示居中对齐 计算显示完整文档需要的宽度和高度 调整页面显示尺寸 可见高度 调整内容水平居中 可见宽度 设置元素可见范围 当前可见范围矩形 获取当前渲染任务列表 当前PDF渲染内容绘制到界面 会按当前DPI转换到标准96DPI大小 当前内容绘制到指定Context 绘制除高亮外注释 //绘制页面周围虚线间隔 计算注释显示位置及大小 当前点击页面和坐标 Gets/Sets parameters of pdf editing. Edit Type. 属性更改列表 Gets/Sets font size. Gets/Sets font color Sets text alignment. Gets/Sets the default font type. Gets/Sets the default font style. Gets/Sets the default font weight. Flips the image vertically. Flips the image horizontally. Crops the image. Rotates the image,it ranges from -180 to 180. Replaces current image with the new image. Updates text attribute Text edit command parameter. Gets the text enclosed within the specified range. 激活文本选中外观 移动文本框 鼠标选择文字范围 鼠标点击选择文字 鼠标点击位置 true 选中词;false选中行 工具类 旋转图片 图片对象 旋转角度 设置当前工具 工具参数 绘制移动边框 GeneratedInternalTypeHelper CreateInstance GetPropertyValue SetPropertyValue CreateDelegate AddEventHandler