#Kdan Utilities ## Features ###2017/04/10 1. Zendesk login notify dialog ## Setup ### 1. Clone the submodule $ cd [YOUR PROJECT] $ git submodule add ssh://git@git.kdan.cc:Shan/kdan_others_library_for_android.git ### 2. Include the module as a library a. Declear KdanUtilites module: #####At [YOUR PROJECT]/settings.gradle: include ':app', ... ,':kdan_others_library_for_android' b. Include the module the as a library: #####At [YOUR PROJECT]/app/build.gradle: dependencies { compile project(path: ':kdan_others_library_for_android') } ## Usage ### Create ZendeskNotifyDialog ZendeskLoginNotifyDialog dialog = new ZendeskLoginNotifyDialog(this, new ZendeskLoginNotifyDialog.ZendeskLoginNotifyDialogInterface() { @Override public void onSignInClick() {} @Override public void onGuestVisitClick() {} }).show(); ### Style ZendeskNotifyDialog you need style dialog before call show() method. #### Style content text color dialog.setContentColor(Color.BLACK); dialog.setContentColorRes(R.color.colorSecondaryTextDark); ####Style dialog background color dialog.setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE); dialog.setBackgroundColorRes(R.color.primaryLight); ####Style button text color dialog.setButtonColor(Color.BLACK); dialog.setButtonColorRes(R.color.colorAccentCloud);