@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ public enum CaptchaActionEnum {
"<span style=\"font-size:16px;\">To get started, sign in to </span></span><span style=\"font-size:16px;color:#0000FF;\"><a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">PDF Tech Console</a></span><span style=\"font-size:10pt;\"><span style=\"font-size:16px;\">. </span><br />\n" +
- JOIN_TEAM_FOR_MEMBER("4", "团队邀请", "%s has invited you to join your team for PDF Tech products", "<span style=\"font-size:14px;\">Dear </span><span style=\"color:#337FE5;font-size:14px;\">%s</span><span style=\"font-size:14px;\">,</span><br />\n" +
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- "<span style=\"font-size:14px;\"> Work with them on your organization.</span><br />\n" +
- "<span style=\"font-size:14px;\"> <span style=\"color:#337FE5;\"><a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Click here to join now</a></span><span>! (The link expires in <span style=\"color:#E53333;\">72 hours</span>)</span></span><br />\n" +
- "<span style=\"font-size:14px;\"> After you click to agree to join the organization, you can wait for the administrator to assign you a license or actively contact your enterprise administrator to assign you a license.</span>"),
+ JOIN_TEAM_FOR_MEMBER("4", "团队邀请", "%s has invited you to join your team for PDF Tech products", "<span style=\"font-size:16px;\">Dear </span><span style=\"color:#337FE5;font-size:16px;\">%s</span><span style=\"font-size:16px;\">,</span><br />\n" +
+ "<span style=\"font-size:16px;\"> The admin of <span style=\"color:#337FE5;\">%s</span> and your team are waiting for you to join your team to access <span style=\"color:#E53333;\">PDF Tech products</span>.</span><br />\n" +
+ "<span style=\"font-size:16px;\"> Work with them on your organization.</span><br />\n" +
+ "<span style=\"font-size:16px;\"> <span style=\"color:#337FE5;\"><a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">Click here to join now</a></span><span>! (The link expires in <span style=\"color:#E53333;\">72 hours</span>)</span></span><br />\n" +
+ "<span style=\"font-size:16px;\"> After you click to agree to join the organization, you can wait for the administrator to assign you a license or actively contact your enterprise administrator to assign you a license.</span>"),
//取消设备授权 被授权邮箱 设备型号 产品名称 产品名称 设备型号 超管邮箱
CANCEL_DEVICE_ASSIGN("6", "取消设备授权通知", "Your organization's administrator has unbound device from your PDF Tech account", "<p>\n" +