check-versions-compdfkit-conversion-sdk.vue 2.3 KB

  1. <template>
  2. <div>
  3. <Header />
  4. <div class="lg:pt-80px <lg:pt-66px pb-80px container">
  5. <h1 class="mt-30px font-bold text-xl">Getting the Currently Used Version of ComPDFKit Conversion SDK</h1>
  6. <h2 class="my-20px text-24px font-bold">iOS</h2>
  7. <h3 class="mb-20px text-18px">- Object-C</h3>
  8. <pre class="max-w-800px p-16px bg-[#272E3B] overflow-auto"><code class="text-white"><span class="title">NSString</span> *<span class="title">versionString</span> = [<span class="">CPDFConvertKit</span><span> </span><span >sharedInstance</span><span>].</span><span>versionString</span><span>;</span></code></pre>
  9. <h3 class="my-20px text-18px">- Swift</h3>
  10. <pre class="max-w-800px p-16px bg-[#272E3B] overflow-auto"><code class="text-white"><span class="keyword">let</span><span class="title"> versionString = </span><span class="keyword">CPDFConvertKit</span><span class="comment">.sharedInstance().versionString</span></code></pre>
  11. <h3 class="my-20px text-18px">-xcframework</h3>
  12. <p class="text-16px">you can find corresponding architecture Info.plist in xcframework</p>
  13. <div class="my-20px text-center">
  14. <img class="max-w-800px w-full" src="/images/version/code-xcframework-conversion.png" alt="">
  15. </div>
  16. <p class="text-16px">Then find Bundle version string in Info.plist</p>
  17. <div class="my-20px text-center">
  18. <img class="max-w-800px w-full" src="/images/version/code-plist-conversion.png" alt="">
  19. </div>
  20. </div>
  21. <Footer />
  22. </div>
  23. </template>
  24. <script>
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