## 1. Overview ### 1.1 Introduction Welcome to the ComPDFKit API documentation! The ComPDFKit API is organized around the REST standard and provides you with a simple document-upload, document-process, document-download workflow. You can choose extended functions according to your needs, such as converting documents in PDF format to Office format or image format, and more. Before you begin, register to ComPDFKit API Developers and you will be provided with a free account. This account can process 100 files for free within a 30-day validity period. If you need more, please contact us: support@compdf.com ### 1.2 Function The ComPDFKit-SaaS API provides a variety of operation APIs to support processing the following file format conversions: - PDF to Office | function | file format | | ------------ | ----------- | | PDF to Word | pdf/docx | | PDF to PPT | pdf/pptx | | PDF to Excel | pdf/xlsx | - Office to PDF | function | file format | | ------------ | ----------------- | | Word to PDF | doc/pdf docx/pdf | | Excel to PDF | xls/pdf xlsx/pdf | | PPT to PDF | ppt/pdf pptx/pdf | - Other formats | function | file format | | -------------- | ---------------- | | TXT to PDF | txt/pdf | | PNG to PDF | png/pdf | | PDF to TXT | pdf/txt | | PDF to picture | pdf/png pdf/jpg | ComPDFKit-SaaS API will automatically detect the type of uploaded file - you don't have to modify the file extension. ## 2. Quick Start ### 2.1 Supported languages ComPDFKit SaaS API supports all languages that allow making HTTP requests, including but not limited to Java, JavaScript, C#. ### 2.2 Preparation Before you begin, you may need to do some preparatory work. - Contact us to become a developer (email: support@compdf.com ). - Obtain the project ID and its related key from the [API Keys](https://api-dashboard.compdf.com/api/keys) section of the console. - Finally, remember to read this document! ### 2.3 Authentication #### 2.3.1 Request an access token You can request an access token and related authentication information by sending your username and password,**This token must be carried in header request parameter when you call subsequent interfaces**:`Authorization: Bearer {signed_token}`. **Request method** - request method: POST - parameter transfer method: Body (json) **Request parameter** | parameter name | data type | description | required | | -------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | -------- | | publicKey | String | Project public Key You can find the public key in [Management Panel](http://test-pdf-pro.kdan.cn:3036/api/keys). | yes | | secretKey | String | Project secret Key You can find the secret Key in [Management Panel](http://test-pdf-pro.kdan.cn:3036/api/keys). | yes | **Request address** `https://api-cn-east-1.17pdf.com/server/v1/oauth/token` **Return parameter** | parameter name | data type | description | | -------------- | --------- | -------------- | | accessToken | String | Token | | tokenType | String | Token type | | expiresIn | String | Token validity | | scope | String | Token Range | | projectName | String | Project Name | ```java "code": "200", "msg": "success", "data": { "accessToken": "256e78bc-982f-421e-be87-df268a683b14", "tokenType": "bearer", "expiresIn": "41767", "scope": "server", "projectName": "Test" } ``` ### 2.4 Request Workflow The processing workflow of the ComPDFKit API is very simple. It consists of four basic request instructions: create a task, upload a file, execute a task, and download a result file. Through these four requests, you can select the corresponding PDF tool to process your file and obtain the download link of the result file. ![英文副本-API业务流程图](https://ddfme.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/mdPCR/英文副本-API业务流程图.png) In the Developer's Guide - Start (3.2), you will see the detailed explanation and reference of the four requests and step parameters. ## 3. Developer's Guide ### 3.1 Pre-preparation To start developing, you need to request the server address and all file tool types currently supported, and then select the corresponding function according to your needs. #### 3.1.1 Request server list This interface is used to obtain the server list. You can retrieve the server region and server address. **Request method** - request method: GET - parameter transfer method: Query **Request address** `https://api-cn-east-1.17pdf.com/server/v1/server/all` **Return parameter** | parameter name | data type | description | | -------------- | --------- | ------------------ | | serverName | String | server location | | serverUrl | String | server address url | ```java "code": "200", "msg": "success", "data": { "serverName": "zh_CN", "serverUrl": "api-cn-east-1.17pdf.com" } ``` #### 3.1.2 Request PDF tool list This interface is used to obtain the collection of all PDF tools supported by the ComPDFKit API, and you can query the URL of each PDF tool. **Request method** - request method: GET - parameter transfer method: Query **Request address** `https://api-cn-east-1.17pdf.com/server/v1/tool/support` **Return parameter** | parameter name | data type | description | | -------------- | --------- | ----------------------- | | sourceTypeName | String | Source file format | | targetTypeName | String | Destination file format | | executeTypeUrl | String | Type of execution task | ```java "code": "200", "msg": "success", "data": { { "sourceTypeName": "pdf", "targetTypeName": "docx", "executeTypeUrl": "pdf/docx" }, { "sourceTypeName": "pdf", "targetTypeName": "jpg", "executeTypeUrl": "pdf/jpg" }, { "sourceTypeName": "doc", "targetTypeName": "pdf", "executeTypeUrl": "doc/pdf" } ...... } ``` ### 3.2 Start #### 3.2.1 Create task A task ID is automatically generated for you based on the type of PDF tool you choose. You can provide the callback notification URL. After the task processing is completed, we will notify you of the task result through the callback interface. You can perform other operations according to the task result, such as downloading the result file. **Request method** - request method: GET - parameter transfer method: Query **Request method** | parameter name | data type | description | required | | -------------- | --------- | ---------------------- | -------- | | executeTypeUrl | String | Type of execution task | yes | **Request address** `https://api-cn-east-1.17pdf.com/server/v1/task/{executeTypeUrl}` **Return parameter** | parameter name | data type | description | | -------------- | --------- | ----------- | | taskId | String | task id | ```java "code": "200", "msg": "success", "data": { "taskId": "2da9dc86-5f41-4991-b9da-bc8434f64cc5" } ``` #### 3.2.2 Upload file Upload the original file and bind the file to the task ID. Each file will generate automatically a unique filekey. **Request method** - request method: POST - parameter transfer method: Body (form-data) **Request parameter** | parameter name | data type | description | required | | -------------- | --------- | ------------- | -------- | | file | File | uploaded file | yes | | taskId | String | task id | yes | | password | String | password | no | **Request address** `https://api-cn-east-1.17pdf.com/server/v1/file/upload` **Return parameter** | parameter name | data type | description | | -------------- | --------- | -------------------------- | | fileKey | String | file unique identification | | fileUrl | String | file storage path | ```java "code": "200", "msg": "success", "data": { "fileKey": "c6e0dcde-7533-4058-81fb-ea2a26677f85", "fileUrl": "https://pdfreader-dev.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/***.pdf" } ``` #### 3.2.3 Perform tasks After the file upload is completed, call this interface with the task ID to process file. **Request method** - request method: GET - parameter transfer method: Query **Request parameter** | parameter name | data type | description | required | | -------------- | --------- | ----------- | -------- | | taskId | String | task id | yes | **Request address** `https://api-cn-east-1.17pdf.com/server/v1/execute/start?taskId='135e8570-6377-4660-94d2-867952796f2c'` **Return parameter** | parameter name | data type | description | | -------------- | --------- | ----------- | | taskId | String | task id | ```java "code": "200", "msg": "success", "data": { "taskId": "135e8570-6377-4660-94d2-867952796f2c" } ``` #### 3.2.4 Download files Get the download link of the corresponding result file according to the filekey of each file. **Request method** - request method: GET - parameter transfer method: Query **Request parameter** | parameter name | data type | description | required | | -------------- | --------- | -------------------------- | -------- | | fileKey | String | file unique identification | yes | **Request address** `https://api-cn-east-1.17pdf.com/server/v1/file/fileInfo?fileKey='c6e0dcde-7533-4058-81fb-ea2a26677f85'` **Return parameter** | parameter name | data type | description | | -------------- | --------- | -------------------------- | | fileKey | String | file unique identification | | taskId | String | task id | | fileName | String | original file name | | downFileName | String | down File Name | | fileUrl | String | original file address | | downloadUrl | String | transfer download address | | sourceType | String | source file format | | targetType | String | target file format | | fileSize | Long | file size | | convertSize | Long | convert success size | | convertTime | Long | conversion time | | status | String | File Conversion Status | | failureCode | String | failure reason code | | failureReason | String | failure reason | ```java "code": "200", "msg": "success", "data": { "fileKey": "ba13a2a8-1278-43d4-a9a6-7ecc28a0804f", "taskId": "f416dbcf-0c10-4f93-ab9e-a835c1f5dba1", "fileName": "test.pdf", "downFileName": "test.docx", "fileUrl": "https://pdfreader-dev.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/test.pdf", "downloadUrl": "https://pdfreader-dev.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/test.docx", "sourceType": "pdf", "targetType": "docx", "fileSize": 24475, "convertSize": 6922, "convertTime": 8, "status": "success", "failureCode": "", "failureReason": "" } ``` **Note:** `status` :File Conversion Status | status | description | | ---------- | ---------------------------------- | | created | File upload succeeded | | processing | File conversion in progress | | success | File conversion succeeded | | failed | File conversion failed | | overdue | File saving expired, file deletion | ### 3.3 System resource #### 3.3.1 Get task information Request task status and file-related metadata based on the task ID. **Request method** - request method: GET - parameter transfer method: Query **Request parameter** | parameter name | data type | description | required | | -------------- | --------- | ----------- | -------- | | taskId | String | task id | yes | **Request address** `https://api-cn-east-1.17pdf.com/server/v1/task/taskInfo?taskId='135e8570-6377-4660-94d2-867952796f2c'` **Return parameter** | return parameter | data type | description | | ---------------- | --------- | --------------------- | | taskId | String | task id | | taskFileNum | Integer | number of task files | | taskSuccessNum | String | number of successes | | taskFailNum | String | number of failures | | taskStatus | String | task status | | assetTypeId | String | Use Asset Type | | taskCost | String | task cost | | taskTime | Long | task duration | | sourceType | Long | source file format | | targetType | Long | target file format | | fileInfoDTOList | List | task file information | ```java "code": "200", "msg": "success", "data": { "taskId": "f416dbcf-0c10-4f93-ab9e-a835c1f5dba1", "taskFileNum": 1, "taskSuccessNum": 1, "taskFailNum": 0, "taskStatus": "TaskFinish", "assetTypeId": 0, "taskCost": 1, "taskTime": 1, "sourceType": "pdf", "targetType": "docx", "fileInfoDTOList": [ { "fileKey": "ba13a2a8-1278-43d4-a9a6-7ecc28a0804f", "taskId": "f416dbcf-0c10-4f93-ab9e-a835c1f5dba1", "fileName": "test.pdf", "downFileName": "test.docx", "fileUrl": "https://pdfreader-dev.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/test.pdf", "downloadUrl": "https://pdfreader-dev.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/test.docx", "sourceType": "pdf", "targetType": "docx", "fileSize": 24475, "convertSize": 6922, "convertTime": 8, "status": "success", "failureCode": "", "failureReason": "" } ] } ``` **Note:** `taskStatus` :Task processing status | status | description | | -------------- | ----------------------------------- | | TaskStart | Task created successfully | | TaskWaiting | Task waiting for processing | | TaskProcessing | The task is being processed | | TaskFinish | Task processing completed | | TaskOverdue | Task waiting for processing timeout | #### 3.3.2 Get asset details Get the remaining assets of the current user. **Request method** - request method:GET - parameter transfer mode:Query **Request address** `https://api-cn-east-1.17pdf.com/server/v1/asset/info` **Return parameter** | return parameter | data type | description | | ---------------- | --------- | ------------------------ | | tenantAsset | List | asset Information | | assetTypeName | String | asset Type | | asset | Integer | asset balance | | withholdingAsset | Integer | total withholding assets | ```java "code": "200", "msg": "success", "data": { "tenantAsset": [ { "assetTypeName": "SUBSCRIPTIONS", "asset": 12, "withholdingAsset": 0 }, { "assetTypeName": "PACKAGES", "asset": 1, "withholdingAsset": 0 } ] } ``` #### 3.3.3 Request the current user file transfer task list Request the current user file transfer task list. **Request method** - request method:GET - parameter transfer mode:Query **Request parameter** - page:Pagination - current number of pages, not required, default to 1 if not filled - size:Pagination - the number of items displayed on the page, not required, the default is 10 if not filled | parameter name | data type | description | required | | -------------- | --------- | --------------- | -------------------------------------- | | page | Long | current page | no(If not filled, the default is 1) | | size | Long | number of pages | no(If not filled, the default is 10) | **Request address** `https://api-cn-east-1.17pdf.com/server/v1/task/list` **Return parameter** | return parameter | data type | description | | ---------------- | ------------- | ------------------------ | | createdBy | String | founder | | updatedBy | String | updater | | creationTime | LocalDateTime | creation time | | updateTime | LocalDateTime | update time | | id | Long | task primary key id | | taskId | String | task id | | taskUrl | taskUrl | task original folder | | taskLoadUrl | String | task conversion folder | | taskFileNum | Integer | number of task files | | taskSuccessNum | Integer | number of successes | | taskFailNum | Integer | number of failures | | taskStatus | String | task status | | assetTypeId | Integer | working with asset types | | taskCost | Integer | task cost | | taskTime | Long | task duration | | callbackUrl | String | callback address | | server | String | server address | | sourceType | String | source file format | | targetType | String | target file format | | tenantId | Long | tenant id | ```java { "records": [ { "createdBy": null, "updatedBy": null, "creationTime": "2022-08-31 15:06:20", "updateTime": "2022-08-31 15:14:44", "id": 771751854513061888, "taskId": "a300c232-0a2d-4e3c-95f2-cfb4604b2018", "taskUrl": "", "taskLoadUrl": "", "taskFileNum": 3, "taskSuccessNum": 0, "taskFailNum": 0, "taskStatus": "TaskFinish", "assetTypeId": 0, "taskCost": 3, "taskTime": 0, "callbackUrl": "", "server": "", "sourceType": "pdf", "targetType": "docx", "tenantId": 1 }, { "createdBy": null, "updatedBy": null, "creationTime": "2022-08-31 15:25:24", "updateTime": "2022-08-31 15:26:17", "id": 771756653954465793, "taskId": "e74d60a6-fbd3-4d7d-9efa-0dc70297ee0b", "taskUrl": "", "taskLoadUrl": "", "taskFileNum": 3, "taskSuccessNum": 3, "taskFailNum": 0, "taskStatus": "TaskFinish", "assetTypeId": 0, "taskCost": 3, "taskTime": 3, "callbackUrl": "", "server": "", "sourceType": "pdf", "targetType": "docx", "tenantId": 1 } ], "total": 528, "size": 2, "current": 1, "orders": [], "optimizeCountSql": true, "searchCount": true, "countId": null, "maxLimit": null, "pages": 264 } ``` ### 3.4 Return error code | code | describe | | ----- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | 01001 | System internal exception | | 01002 | Server file upload exception after file conversion | | 01003 | User file upload exception | | 01004 | File download exception | | 01005 | File cannot be empty | | 01201 | File conversion failed: system memory problem | | 01202 | File conversion failed:unknown mistake | | 01203 | File conversion failed:file not found or cannot be opened | | 01204 | File conversion failed:unsupported security mechanism | | 01205 | File conversion failed:unknown mistake | | 02001 | File format error | | 02002 | File conversion format not supported | | 02201 | File conversion failed:file is encrypted | | 02203 | File conversion failed:abnormal PDF file | | 02204 | File conversion failed:file format error, not PDF | | 02205 | File conversion failed:The file is encrypted and protected | | 02206 | File conversion failed: The content of the file is wrong or the page is missing | | 02207 | File conversion failed:The file class is incorrect or the file is encrypted and protected | | 02208 | File conversion failed:error initializing ExcelXml | | 02209 | File conversion failed:transfer timed out, please do not upload too large files | | 02210 | File conversion failed | ## 4. Webhook ### 4.1 Events ComPDFKit API can notify your application about the status of tasks. You cancreate and manage your webhooks on the [ComPDFKit API dashboard](https://api-dashboard.compdf.com/user/webhooks). #### 4.1.1 Available webhook events | event name | event description | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | task.start | The task is created successfully. The current event will be triggered when each new task is created successfully | | task.finish | When the task processing is completed, all files under the task are processed, triggering the current event (regardless of whether the file processing is successful or not) | | task.overdue | The task waiting for processing has timed out. The task has not been executed since it was created. The current event is triggered when a certain threshold (one hour) is reached | | file.start | The current event is triggered when the file is uploaded successfully | | file.success | The file is processed successfully. The current event is triggered when the file is processed successfully | | file.failed | File processing failed. The current event is triggered when file processing fails | ### 4.2 Signing Our request is encrypted and signed. If you receive a Webhook, you should verify it to ensure that it comes from us. Each Webhook has a unique signature key. You can use this button to display the signing key in [Webhook Settings](https://api-dashboard.compdf.com/user/webhooks). ### 4.3 Example of Webhook request #### 4.3.1 Request mode `POST https://your-webhook` #### 4.3.2 Headers ``` Content-Type: application/json ComPDFKit-Signature: 8fef357511abec47a4a22313c1dcdb8b ``` #### 4.3.3 Example Payload **Request parameters** | parameter name | data type | description | | -------------- | --------- | ----------------------------------- | | eventName | String | Current event type | | webhookToken | String | ComPDFKit-Signature | | sendTime | Date | Sending time | | eventObject | String | Trigger object of the current event | ``` { "eventName": "task.finish", "webhookToken": "225c4d7461bb91133a91251cece9cce2", "sendTime": Thu Dec 15 14:45:47 GMT+08:00 2022, "eventObject": "e74d60a6-fbd3-4d7d-9efa-0dc70297ee0b" } ``` **Note:** `eventObject`: - If the current event type is a `task` object, the eventObject is a `taskId` - If the current event type is a `file` object, the eventObject is a `fileKey` ## 5. Support ### 5.1 Report a problem Thanks for your interest in the ComPDFKit API! The ComPDFKit API provides an excellent set of document processing tools, enabling your developers to easily integrate PDF rendering capabilities into your applications, providing your users with an efficient and high-quality document experience. If you encounter any technical questions or bug issues when using ComPDFKit for Windows, please submit the problem report to the ComPDFKit team. More information as follows would help us to solve your problem: - The version of the ComPDFKit API you are currently using. - Your operating system and IDE version. - Detailed description of the problem. - Any other related information, such as screenshots of errors. ### 5.2 Contact us Official website homepage: https://www.compdf.com User Support Contact: Email Address: support@compdf.com thanks, ComPDFKit Team