pricing.vue 167 KB

  1. <!--
  2. * @Description:
  3. * @Author: 欧阳承珺
  4. * @LastEditors: 欧阳承珺
  5. * @Date: 2022-10-26 16:53:24
  6. * @LastEditTime: 2022-11-17 09:10:47
  7. -->
  8. <template>
  9. <div>
  10. <div v-if="!isMobile">
  11. <div class="pricing_banner w-full h-340px bg-no-repeat mb-77px pt-86px">
  12. <div class="w-634px h-168px bg-[#d2b99799] my-0 mx-auto text-center text-[#fff] pt-30px">
  13. <p class="bg_title text-[48px] leading-[1.428571429]">17会员中心</p>
  14. <p class="bg_text text-[18px] leading-[1.428571429]">
  15. 文件格式无限转档,纯净无广告,更多进阶功能等你体验
  16. </p>
  17. <button type="button"
  18. class="bg_button w-145px h-48px rounded-[29px] text-[18px] leading-[48px] my-22px mx-auto border-0"
  19. @click="handlSubmit">
  20. 立即订阅
  21. </button>
  22. </div>
  23. </div>
  24. <div class="pricing_wrap">
  25. <div class="pricing_content first">
  26. <div class="content_title flex justify-center items-center mb-50px">
  27. <img src="" alt="引號"
  28. class="w-18px h-9px inline-block" />
  29. <p class="text-[32px] text-[#d5b07d] leading-[48px] inline-block px-24px">
  30. 会员主打特权
  31. </p>
  32. <img src="" alt="引號"
  33. class="w-18px h-9px inline-block" />
  34. </div>
  35. <div class="content_line w-780px mx-auto">
  36. <div class="content_box flex justify-between items-center mb-65px">
  37. <img src="" alt="AD"
  38. class="big_img align-middle" />
  39. <div class="text_container w-420px pl-20px">
  40. <p class="box_title mb-8px text-[24px] leading-[36px] font-bold text-[#333]">
  41. 移除广告
  42. </p>
  43. <p class="box_text text-[18px] leading-[27px] text-[#666]">
  44. PDF Reader会员拥有移除广告特权,尊享纯净版客户端,办公全程无干扰
  45. </p>
  46. </div>
  47. </div>
  48. <div class="content_box flex justify-between items-center mb-65px">
  49. <div class="text_container w-420px pl-20px">
  50. <p class="box_title mb-8px text-[24px] leading-[36px] font-bold text-[#333]">
  51. 免费无限转换格式
  52. </p>
  53. <p class="box_text text-[18px] leading-[27px] text-[#666]">
  54. 支持PDF to Word、PPT、Excel、TXT、JPG/PNG无限次数转换,高效稳定
  55. </p>
  56. </div>
  57. <img src="" alt=""
  58. class="big_img align-middle" />
  59. </div>
  60. </div>
  61. <div class="button_subscribe mt-5px mb-80px text-center">
  62. <button type="button"
  63. class="bg_button w-330px h-56px rounded-[29px] text-[26px] leading-[56px] text-[#fff] font-medium"
  64. @click="handlSubmit">
  65. 立即订阅
  66. </button>
  67. </div>
  68. </div>
  69. </div>
  70. <el-dialog :visible.sync="visiable" :close-on-click-modal="false" :close-on-press-escape="false" width="480px"
  71. append-to-body center>
  72. <div class="changepwd-tittle">
  73. <p class="text-20px text-center text-$btn-color-primary">提示</p>
  74. </div>
  75. <div class="text-16px text-[#707070] text-center my-30px">
  76. 您还未登录或注册,请先
  77. <span class="text-$btn-color-primary cursor-pointer" @click="login">登录</span>
  78. <span class="text-$btn-color-primary cursor-pointer" @click="register">注册</span>
  79. </div>
  80. </el-dialog>
  81. </div>
  82. <div v-if="isMobile" class="mobile-layout w-full max-w-750px h-full relative my-0 mx-auto p-0 leading-[1.5]">
  83. <div class="goo-layout h-full">
  84. <!-- 头部 -->
  85. <header class="h-130px sm480:h-180px sm750:h-250px">
  86. <div id="header-wrapper" class="header-wrapper w-full h-38px relative inline-block ">
  87. <a href="#" class="left-btn absolute left-15px w-24px h-24px top-15px text-[#7e8c8d] no-underline "
  88. onclick="window.AndroidWebView.exit();"></a>
  89. <a href="#"
  90. class="right-btn upgrade_btn absolute right-15px w-24px h-24px top-15px text-[#7e8c8d] no-underline"
  91. @click="changeUpdateShow"></a>
  92. </div>
  93. <div class="slider-wrapper header-detail w-full py-0 pr-0px pl-38px
  94. sm480:mt-20px sm480:pt-20px sm480:pr-38px sm480:pb-0 sm480:pl-35px
  95. sm550:mt-20px sm750:mt-50px flex justify-around items-center h-auto ">
  96. <div class="pic flex justify-around items-center w-[30%]">
  97. <img src="" class="w-64px">
  98. </div>
  99. <div class="text flex flex-col justify-around w-[65%] ">
  100. <div class="title text-[18px] text-[#fff] leading-[1.5]">{{ }}</div>
  101. <a class="text-[#aaa] text-[12px] no-underline leading-[1.5]">{{ info.describe }}</a>
  102. </div>
  103. </div>
  104. </header>
  105. <!-- 主体 -->
  106. <div>
  107. <!-- 17会员订阅 -->
  108. <div class="pdfreader price-container mt-20px">
  109. <div class="popup inline-block w-full bg-[#fff] py-0 px-12px">
  110. <div class="tilte leading-[1.5] text-center text-[16px] text-[#d4ae7b] w-full py-16px px-2px ">
  111. <span class="left-pdfreader inline-block w-18px h-9px mx-6px align-middle"></span>
  112. {{ info.pricing }}
  113. <span class="right-pdfreader inline-block w-18px h-9px mx-6px align-middle"></span>
  114. </div>
  115. <div class="badge-container flex justify-between">
  116. <!-- 选择月份 -->
  117. <div class="swicth-items inline-block w-[33%] py-0px px-4px text-center relative"
  118. v-for="(items, index) in list" :key="index" @click="changeMonth(index)">
  119. <div class="discount-badge w-[60%] absolute right-0 top-[-8px] z-88" v-show="index === 0 && isVIP">
  120. <div class="badges-year w-full h-20px rounded-20px text-[10px] text-[#fff] leading-[20px]"
  121. v-show="language">
  122. {{ info.renewal_discount_month_des}}
  123. </div>
  124. <div v-show="!language"
  125. class="badge-year w-full h-20px rounded-20px text-[10px] text-[#fff] leading-[20px]">
  126. {{ }}
  127. </div>
  128. </div>
  129. <div v-show="index === 2" class="discount-badge w-[60%] absolute right-0 top-[-8px] z-88">
  130. <div v-show="language"
  131. class="badge-year w-full h-20px rounded-20px text-[10px] text-[#fff] leading-[20px]">
  132. 仅¥{{ Math.ceil((items.price / 12) * 10) / 10 }}/月
  133. </div>
  134. <div v-show="!language"
  135. class="badge-year w-full h-20px rounded-20px text-[10px] text-[#fff] leading-[20px]">
  136. {{ }}
  137. </div>
  138. </div>
  139. <span id="34"
  140. class="item flex flex-col w-full h-94px min-h-92px rounded-4px border border-solid border-gray-[#dadada] relative "
  141. :class="{ active: index === isactive }">
  142. <span v-show="index === 0"
  143. class="month inline-block w-full mt-15px leading-[12px] text-[#333] text-[12px] text-center">
  144. {{ parseInt(items.period) }}{{ info.month }}
  145. </span>
  146. <span v-show="index !== 0"
  147. class="month inline-block w-full mt-15px leading-[12px] text-[#333] text-[12px] text-center">
  148. {{ parseInt(items.period) }}{{ info.months }}
  149. </span>
  150. <div class="price mt-11px text-[18px] text-[#ff4f4f] leading-[25px]">
  151. <span class="symbol text-[14px] inline-block">¥</span>
  152. <span class="num text-[22px] font-bold inline-block ">{{ items.price }}</span>
  153. </div>
  154. <!---->
  155. <span v-show="index == 0"
  156. class="sale mt-8px text-[10px] leading-[10px] text-[#00000066] line-through">
  157. ¥{{ parseInt(items.marketPrice / 10) * 10 }}
  158. </span>
  159. <span v-show="index == 2 && isVIP"
  160. class="sale mt-8px text-[10px] leading-[10px] text-[#00000066] line-through">
  161. ¥{{ parseInt(items.marketPrice / 10) * 10 }}
  162. </span>
  163. </span>
  164. </div>
  165. </div>
  166. <div class="payment-items flex items-center justify-between h-50px py-0 px-4px">
  167. <div class="payment flex items-center" @click="changeParment('weixing')">
  168. <span class="pay-name flex items-center text-[#0000008c] text-[14px] leading-[24px]">
  169. <img src="" alt="" class="mr-8px w-24px">
  170. <span>{{ info.weixin }}</span>
  171. </span>
  172. <img
  173. v-show = "payment"
  174. src="" class="icon w-20px ml-20px">
  175. <img
  176. v-show = "!payment"
  177. src="" class="icon w-20px ml-20px">
  178. </div>
  179. <div class="payment flex items-center" @click="changeParment('zhifubao')">
  180. <span class="pay-name flex items-center text-[#0000008c] text-[14px] leading-[24px]">
  181. <img src="" alt="" class="mr-8px w-24px">
  182. <span>{{ info.zhifubao }}</span>
  183. </span>
  184. <img
  185. v-show = "!payment"
  186. src="" class="icon w-20px ml-20px ">
  187. <img
  188. v-show = "payment"
  189. src="" class="icon w-20px ml-20px">
  190. </div>
  191. </div>
  192. </div>
  193. </div>
  194. <!-- 主要功能 -->
  195. <div id="content-wrapper" class="content-wrapper p-24px mb-90px">
  196. <div class="title text-[16px] text-[#d4ae7b] text-center pb-30px">
  197. <span class="left-pdfreader inline-block w-18px h-9px mx-6px align-middle"></span>
  198. {{ info.main }}
  199. <span class="right-pdfreader inline-block w-18px h-9px mx-6px align-middle"></span>
  200. </div>
  201. <div class="content-cell flex justify-between items-center">
  202. <div class="img-item">
  203. <img src="" alt=""
  204. class="w-120px h-104px">
  205. </div>
  206. <div class="text-item flex-1 align-left ml-36px">
  207. <span class="inline-block text-[16px] text-[#d4ae7b]">{{ info.removeAD }}</span>
  208. <p class="mt-8px align-left text-[14px] text-[#999] leading-[20px]">
  209. {{ info.explainAD }}
  210. </p>
  211. </div>
  212. </div>
  213. <div class="content-cell reverse flex justify-between items-center flex-row-reverse my-44px mx-0 ">
  214. <div class="img-item">
  215. <img src="" alt=""
  216. class="w-120px h-104px">
  217. </div>
  218. <div class="text-item flex-1 align-left mr-36px">
  219. <span class="inline-block text-[16px] text-[#d4ae7b]">{{ }}</span>
  220. <p class="mt-8px align-left text-[14px] text-[#999] leading-[20px]">
  221. {{ info.explainExchange }}
  222. </p>
  223. </div>
  224. </div>
  225. <div class="clear clear-both"></div>
  226. </div>
  227. <!-- 底部按钮 -->
  228. <div
  229. class="bottom-wrapper fixed left-0- bottom-0 right-0 h-110px pt-20px z-100 bg-[#fff] no-underline text-center w-full">
  230. <!-- 试用 -->
  231. <span v-show = "!inApp" status="0"
  232. class=" mt-12px mx-17px mb-8px block leading-[42px] text-[#fff] bg-[#f55858] rounded-21px" @click="dowmAPK">
  233. {{ info.trial }}
  234. </span>
  235. <!-- 登录 -->
  236. <span v-show = "inApp && !isLogin" status="0"
  237. class=" mt-12px mx-17px mb-8px block leading-[42px] text-[#fff] bg-[#f55858] rounded-21px" @click="goToLogin">
  238. {{ info.login }}
  239. </span>
  240. <!-- 订阅 -->
  241. <span v-show = "inApp && isLogin && !isVIP" status="0"
  242. class=" mt-12px mx-17px mb-8px block leading-[42px] text-[#fff] bg-[#f55858] rounded-21px" @click="subscription">
  243. {{ info.subscription }}
  244. </span>
  245. <!-- 续订 -->
  246. <span v-show = "inApp && isLogin && isVIP" status="0"
  247. class=" mt-12px mx-17px mb-8px block leading-[42px] text-[#fff] bg-[#f55858] rounded-21px" @click="subscription">
  248. {{ info.renew }}
  249. </span>
  250. <div class="agreement bg-[#fff] text-center text-[8px] leading-[1.5] text-[#999] pb-24px ">
  251. <a class="service_btn text-[#d4ae7b] no-underline " @click="changeServeShow">{{ info.server }}</a>
  252. {{ info.and }}
  253. <a class="policy_btn text-[#d4ae7b] no-underline " @click="changePrivacyShow">{{ info.privacy }}</a>
  254. </div>
  255. </div>
  256. <!-- 订阅的弹出框 -->
  257. <div
  258. v-show="noteShow"
  259. class="flex items-center justify-center fixed top-0 bottom-0 left-0 right-0 bg-[#0000007f] z-500 align-middle">
  260. <div class="content relative w-220px pb-25px text-[0px] bg-[#fff] rounded-4px text-center">
  261. <img src="" width="220" alt="">
  262. <p class="message my-15px text-center text-[14px] font-normal text-[#666] leading-[20px] align-middle">
  263. {{ info.thank }}<br>{{ info.pleace }}
  264. </p>
  265. <span
  266. class="know inline-block w-146px h-36px text-[14px] bg-[#ff4f4f] rounded-18px font-medium text-[#fff] leading-[36px] text-center">
  267. {{ info.know }}
  268. </span>
  269. <p class="shut absolute bottom-[-72px] left-[50%] ml-[-15px]">
  270. <span class="inline-block" @click="changeNotShow">
  271. <img src="" width="31" alt=""
  272. class="align-middle">
  273. </span>
  274. </p>
  275. </div>
  276. </div>
  277. <!-- 原官网存在的三个div,但是不知道有什么用 -->
  278. <div class="token" style="display: none;"></div>
  279. <div class="type" style="display: none;"></div>
  280. <div class="app_version" style="display: none;"></div>
  281. </div>
  282. <!-- 会员制度升级 -->
  283. <div v-show="updateShow" class="static_body absolute left-0 top-0 w-full h-full z-100 ">
  284. <div data-role="header" class="header fixed h-53px w-full bg-[#fff] z-101">
  285. <a href="#" class="upgrade_back_btn text-[#7e8c8d] no-underline" @click="changeUpdateShow">
  286. <img src=""
  287. class="absolute mt-15px ml-15px w-24px h-24px">
  288. </a>
  289. <h1 v-show="language" class="zh m-0 text-center text-[#999] p-0 h-full leading-[54px] text-[18px]">会员制度升级
  290. </h1>
  291. <h1 v-show="!language" class="en m-0 text-center text-[#999] p-0 h-full leading-[54px] text-[18px]">New
  292. Membership -- 17Member</h1>
  293. </div>
  294. <div v-show="language"
  295. class="content zh text-[14px] text-[#333] leading-[22px] bg-[#fff] pt-70px px-16px pb-16px" style="height: 100%;">
  296. <h3 class="text-[14px] leading-[1.1] font-nrmal mt-30px mx-0 mb-10px">会员制度升级说明:</h3>
  297. <p>1,17会员为付费会员,区别于免费用户,免费用户仍享有赠送10券的优惠政策;</p>
  298. <p>2,17会员权限:订阅有效期内不限制转档次数;9大专属功能助力高效办公;</p>
  299. <p>3,会员制度为:17月会员/季会员/年会员模式;原基础月套餐/基础年套餐/商务月套餐/商务年套餐下线;</p>
  300. <p>4,当前尚在原套餐有效期内的用户开始享受新17会员政策:基础月套餐和商务月套餐均享受新的17月会员政策,基础年套餐和商务年套餐用户均享受新的17年会员政策;</p>
  301. <p>5,如对新会员政策有任何疑问请联系客服QQ:2231070118。</p>
  302. </div>
  303. <div v-show="!language"
  304. class="content en text-[14px] text-[#333] leading-[22px] bg-[#fff] pt-70px px-16px pb-16px" style="height: 100%;">
  305. <h3 class="text-[14px] leading-[1.1] font-nrmal mt-30px mx-0 mb-10px">Notice about new membership:</h3>
  306. <p>1, 17Member is the paid member leveled by month, quarter and year, which is different from free user;</p>
  307. <p>2, 17member enjoys exclusive features such as converting files without quantitative restrictions within
  308. the
  309. period of validity. Plus, NINE exclusive advanced features helps to foster your efficiency;</p>
  310. <p>3, We cancel the former Basic Month Pack/ Basic Year Pack/ Business Month Pack/ Business Year Pack;</p>
  311. <p>4, If you are still the member of the Basic Month Pack/ Basic Year Pack/ Business Month Pack/ Business
  312. Year
  313. Pack, you are going to enjoy the new member policy: Both of the Month Pack will become the 17Member
  314. (Month),
  315. both of the Year Pack will become the 17Member (Year). You will enjoy more features till its expiration;
  316. </p>
  317. <p>5, If you have any questions about the new membership policy, please feel free to contact us by QQ:
  318. 2231070118.</p>
  319. </div>
  320. </div>
  321. <!-- 服务协议 -->
  322. <div v-show="serveShow" class="static_body absolute left-0 top-0 w-full h-full z-100">
  323. <div data-role="header" class="header fixed h-53px w-full bg-[#fff] z-101">
  324. <a href="#" class="service_back_btn text-[#7e8c8d] no-underline" @click="changeServeShow">
  325. <img src=""
  326. class="absolute mt-15px ml-15px w-24px h-24px">
  327. </a>
  328. <h1 v-show="language" class="zh m-0 text-center text-[#999] p-0 h-full leading-[54px] text-[18px]">服务协议</h1>
  329. <h1 v-show="!language" class="en m-0 text-center text-[#999] p-0 h-full leading-[54px] text-[18px]">Terms of
  330. Service</h1>
  331. </div>
  332. <!-- 中文 -->
  333. <div v-show="language"
  334. class="content zh text-[14px] text-[#333] leading-[22px] bg-[#fff] pt-70px px-16px pb-16px">
  335. <p>有效日期自2017年5月16日起</p>
  336. <p>感谢使用PDF Reader(17PDF Reader)产品与相关服务。</p>
  337. <p>当您(以下简称“用户”)注册成为长沙凯钿软件有限公司(以下简称“凯钿软件”)PDF Reader(17PDF
  338. Reader)会员并使用加云云端服务和相关服务及功能(以下简称“服务”)时,用户同意使用本服务条款(以下简称“本协议”)且将受到其规范约束。</p>
  339. <h3>1. 会员与订阅</h3>
  340. <p>用户应于订阅PDF Reader(17PDF
  341. Reader)月/季/年会员之前注册成为免费用户,免费用户不收取任何费用。用户可以通过有效的电子信箱或者手机号码申请注册新账号。若用户使用的电子信箱或者手机号码为无效账号,凯钿软件有权停止该用户账号,或/并可删除或者移除保存在该账号中的任何文件资料,无需承担任何责任。若用户因为使用无效电子邮件或者手机号码而引起注册或者付费退款等问题,将于该用户重新提交且经确认为有效的电子邮件或者手机号码、并经确认该重新提交的账号属于申请用户所有之后,再进行后续处理。用户申请注册时,即被视为已同意接收所有由凯钿软件推送的任何电子邮件或者电子报。用户只有在订阅会员、购买转换券或购买加云云端服务时需要付费。
  342. </p>
  343. <h3>2. 服务</h3>
  344. <p>PDF Reader(17PDF Reader)会员提供包含PDF文件阅读、注释、格式转换、OCR、文件扫描、文件分割、云端存储等的服务。</p>
  345. <h3>3. App中的云端存储</h3>
  346. <p>使用PDF Reader(17PDF Reader),用户需先登录账号方可读取加云云端信息及使用加云服务。</p>
  347. <h3>4. 订阅&amp;退款</h3>
  348. <p>用户可在PDF Reader(17PDF Reader)内通过IAP(应用内购买)或网页上订阅PDF Reader(17PDF
  349. Reader)月/季/年会员、转换券或加云服务。若用户通过IAP(应用内购买)订阅凯钿相关服务,应遵守平台设置的操作流程,包括用户原本已经订阅的服务用以查阅订阅记录。
  350. 若用户通过Android平台的应用内购买订阅凯钿软件的服务,须遵守Android平台设置的订阅管理流程:</p>
  351. <p><a
  352. href=" ">
  353. </a> </p>
  354. <p>若用户通过PDF Reader(17PDF Reader)网页端订阅订阅PDF Reader(17PDF Reader)月/季/年会员、转换券或加云服务,则可通过网页上的订阅历史记录:<a
  355. href=""></a></p>
  356. <p>关于退款:</p>
  357. <p>
  358. 订阅PDF Reader(17PDF
  359. Reader)会员及购买转换券或空间的用户,如发起申诉要求退款的特殊情况,可联系凯钿软件客服人员,并由凯钿软件确认是否符合退款事由,同时依下列事件予以不同处理,请特别注意:<br>
  360. 1. 免费用户在注册账号时便获赠10张转换券体验格式转换文件识别等功能,建议用户先试用再购买;通过免费试用后购买会员意味着您已经知晓并使用我们产品和服务的功能,此情况下不支持退款;<br>
  361. 2. 由于针对各级别会员在订阅期内开放无限次转档服务,一旦进行会员专属功能操作后将不支持退款;<br>
  362. 3. 购买流程会经过确认及选择会员类型,不支持因操作失误而退款;<br>
  363. 4.
  364. 文件格式转档、图片文字识别等服务因受到操作本身的局限性(如因文件存在加密、权限问题、扫描PDF文档、或文件结构内容复杂),凯钿软件不保证100%完全精确进行转档和识别,不支持因不能完全达到用户需求而申请的退款。
  365. </p>
  366. <h3>5. 文件备份</h3>
  367. <p>加云云端服务仅为用户提供上传文件的在线存储空间。对于归咎于用户或任何第三方造成的文件遗失、损毁或未经授权使用等行为,凯钿软件不负任何法律责任。</p>
  368. <p>用户应对账号的密码保护、订阅及取消订阅时任何及所有文件的备份、取消自动订阅设置、取消续订、要求退款或者任何终止该服务的行为负全部责任。</p>
  369. <p>进行文件备份时,用户应将文件从加云云端服务中恢复并下载到其他硬盘或其他储存空间。</p>
  370. <h3>6. 订阅届期</h3>
  371. <p>一旦订阅期满,凯钿软件将通过App内信息提醒用户。</p>
  372. <p>
  373. 一旦订阅期满,凯钿软件将为用户将原来的文件保留30日(即首次宽限期),供用户下载或者备份文件;用户自首次宽限期时开始,无权恢复、修改、编辑或再上传任何文件到云端空间;一旦首次宽限期至,用户文件将继续保留30天(即二次宽限期),供用户续订及恢复文件;二次宽限期期间,用户无权上传、下载、编辑保存在加云的文件或使用任何服务,直到用户续约为止。若二次宽限期截止之前未进行任何续约,凯钿软件有权删除或者移除加云中任何文件。
  374. </p>
  375. <h3>7. 隐私政策</h3>
  376. <p>凯钿软件的隐私政策规定和应用(详情请见 <a
  377. href=""></a>)用户提供给凯钿软件的个人信息、或凯钿软件因用户使用凯钿软件网站或者服务而取得的任何资料均受凯钿软件隐私政策保护。
  378. </p>
  379. <h3>8. 合规性</h3>
  380. <p>用户应对上传及保存到加云上的创作、内容、在创作及文件负全部责任。在任何情况下,凯钿软件均不对任何用户和第三方的前述任何有关文件的任何行为承担任何责任。</p>
  381. <h3>9. 知识产权</h3>
  382. <p>用户保留上传到加云作品的著作权,但用户同意以非专属性、永久性、无限制、无偿等方式授权凯钿软件在全球范围内,基于行销目的的展示、复制、重制、张贴、发送等权利(包括基于技术或编辑原因进行小范围的修正)。</p>
  383. <p>
  384. 用户知情并同意,一旦接文件上传到加云,用户将自行选择是否将文件公开。若用户选择将上传文件公开,将视为用户同意循序任何凯钿软件用户在非商业性用途下,可以非专属性、无偿等方式下载、复制、修改或者制作衍生作品且再将该衍生作品上传到加云的权利。
  385. </p>
  386. <p>用户申明并保证上传到加云的文件:<br>
  387. 0. 为用户所有,或该内容虽为第三人所有但用户已取得该第三人明示允许的使用、复制、发送该文件适用于本协议;<br>
  388. 1. 无任何侵犯著作权、商标权、商业机密或其他知识产权的行为;<br>
  389. 2. 无侵犯任何第三方隐私或公开权利;<br>
  390. 3. 未含有任何暴力、色情、反动等违反法律、法规、政策的内容。<br>
  391. </p>
  392. <h3>10. 修改</h3>
  393. <p>对于用户的服务,凯钿软件保留随时修订、调整或者修改本协议、服务、价格或添加新的或者额外的条款、条件的权利,并即时生效。</p>
  394. <h3>11. 终止订阅</h3>
  395. <p>当用户违反本协议、与凯钿软件的相关服务发生任何损失时或其他凯钿软件认为有必要时,凯钿软件有权在不损害任何一方权益的前提下终止服务或取消订阅。</p>
  396. <p>一旦用户账号终止,用户将失去所有凯钿软件账号的渠道,包括但不限于该账号本身、用户名、电子邮箱和内容。</p>
  397. <h3>12. 有限使用</h3>
  398. <p>用户所使用的凯钿软件的服务,应仅限于本协议范围与适用法律、法规、政策的一般可接受范围。</p>
  399. <h3>13. 免责申明</h3>
  400. <p>凯钿软件不能保证所提供的服务无中断或无错误,且用户同意凯钿软件不定期移除服务或取消根据本协议约定的条款。</p>
  401. <p>
  402. 用户知悉且同意该服务是按“原样”或“可使用”状态提供。凯钿软件及其分支机构、子公司、经理人、董事、员工、代理人、合伙人或许可者在此明示对于任何形式、无论是明示或者暗示的保证均免除任何责任,包括但不限于隐含的商品性、使用的特定目的性或未侵害他人权利。尤其,凯钿软件及其分支机构、子公司、经理人、董事、员工、代理人、合伙人或许可者不保证:<br>
  403. 1. 该服务完全达到您的要求;<br>
  404. 2. 使用该服务时不间断地被中断、无安全隐患、零错误;<br>
  405. 3. 用户从该服务获取的信息完全正确可信;<br>
  406. 4. 提供给用户的服务有任何缺失或错误将被更正。
  407. </p>
  408. <p>凯钿软件不申明或者保证所提供的服务免受损失、攻击、病毒、中断、黑客或其他安全侵扰,且凯钿软件对此免责。</p>
  409. <p>
  410. 通过使用服务下载或取得任何资料有用户自行承担风险,用户须就因下载该资料导致硬盘损坏、电脑资料损毁负全部责任。用户知悉并理解服务并非专门配合或完全适用于用户使用状态或环境,当服务提供的资料或者信息有延误、错误或者内容不正确的时候,可能造成死亡、伤害或者严重的人身或环境损害。
  411. </p>
  412. <h3>14. 损害赔偿责任</h3>
  413. <p>
  414. 用户同意保护、赔偿并使凯钿软件及其分支机构、子公司、董事、经理人、员工、代理人、合伙人、合作厂商及许可者于任何情况下利益面受损害,包括合理的律师费、由下列情况引起的:①用户通过服务提交、张贴、传播的任何内容;②使用服务;③用户违反本协议;④当凯钿软件采取调查行动或怀疑有违反本协议的情况发生;⑤用户有违反任何第三方的权益。
  415. </p>
  416. <p>
  417. 当凯钿软件决定移除或拒绝运行任何信息和内容、警告用户、暂停或终止用户接触服务、经调查或怀疑违反或实际违反本协议的结论采取任何措施时,用户不得控告凯钿软件及其分支机构、子公司、董事、经理人、员工、代理人、合伙人、合作厂商及许可者。用户了解其应对所有使用的服务负责及本协议适用于用户账号的所有使用服务。
  418. </p>
  419. <p>用户同意遵守本协议且保护、赔偿并于使用服务和账号时,无论该服务是否经用户明示授权,均使凯钿软件免受任何损害。</p>
  420. <h3>15. 有限责任</h3>
  421. <p>
  422. 在法律允许的最大范围内,凯钿软件及其分支机构、子公司、董事、经理人、员工、代理人、合伙人、合作厂商及许可者等,无须对用户直接、间接、意外、特定或结果性的损害负责,包括但不限定于因使用、数据、商业、商誉、获利或采用替代商品或者服务成本或其他有形、无形的损失,其可能因用户或第三方操作所产生、且无论有无法律上的理由、或凯钿软件是否曾被告知发生上述损害的可能性,以及用户可能因此而无法请求损害赔偿等皆属此类。
  423. </p>
  424. <h3>16. 适用法律和争议解决</h3>
  425. <p>本协议及凯钿软件与用户所产生的服务关系均受中华人民共和国法律规范并依中华人民共和国法律解释,并排除其他与其冲突的法律适用。因服务所产生的争议,用户同意以中国湖南长沙市中级人民法院作为双方一审管辖法院。</p>
  426. </div>
  427. <!-- 英文 -->
  428. <div v-show="!language"
  429. class="content en text-[14px] text-[#333] leading-[22px] bg-[#fff] pt-70px px-16px pb-16px">
  430. <p>Effective as from 05/16/2017</p>
  431. <p>Thank you for using Plus Cloud.</p>
  432. <p>By registering for membership with PDF Reader (17PDF Reader) and using Plus Cloud and related services
  433. and
  434. features (“Services”), you (“User”) are agreeing that this Terms of Services will apply and that you are
  435. bound by these terms (“Agreement”).</p>
  436. <h3>1. Membership and Subscription</h3>
  437. <p>User shall register for PDF Reader (17PDF Reader)’s membership before subscribing Plus Cloud; the
  438. membership registration is free of charge. User may apply for new accounts via valid emails or through
  439. phone
  440. number for the membership registration. In the event that the emails or phone number used by a User for
  441. membership registration is/are found to be invalid, PDF Reader (17PDF Reader) shall have right at its sole
  442. discretion to suspend such User’s PDF Reader (17PDF Reader) account and/or delete or remove any and all
  443. files stored under such account without any liability. If a User encounters subscription or payment refund
  444. problems that are resulted from using invalid emails or phone number, subsequent handling will take place
  445. only if such a User has resubmitted and verified a valid email or phone number and upon confirmation that
  446. such resubmitted account belongs to the User making the compliant. User is deemed to have agreed to
  447. receive
  448. any emails or messages that will be sent by PDF Reader (17PDF Reader) upon making the application for PDF
  449. Reader (17PDF Reader)’s membership registration. User will be charged only for and when subscribing and
  450. purchasing Plus Cloud for cloud space or Services.</p>
  451. <h3>2. Services</h3>
  452. <p>The Services provided on Plus Cloud include cloud storage and the services packaged with other products
  453. User may have subscribed.</p>
  454. <h3>3. Cloud Storage on Applications</h3>
  455. <p>The cloud storage purchased is compatible and accessible to and by PDF Reader (17PDF Reader). PDF Reader
  456. (17PDF Reader) is committed to continually provide new APP services to User to optimize the user
  457. experience.User shall login to the account on Plus Cloud on the purchased App(s) before User can access
  458. and
  459. use the Services purchased.</p>
  460. <h3>4. Subscription &amp; Cancellation</h3>
  461. <p>User subscribes to Build to Connect, Inc.’s Services via in-app purchase, he or she shall follow the
  462. procedures set forth in the platform where User originally subscribed to the Services for viewing
  463. subscription history or cancelling automatic renewal. For instance, if User subscribed to Build to
  464. Connect,
  465. Inc.’s Services via Apple’s in-app purchase, he or she shall follow Apple’s procedures for subscription
  466. management or refund as set forth at</p>
  467. <p><a href="">;</a> </p>
  468. <p>or if User subscribed to Build to Connect, Inc.’s Services via Window’s or Android’s in-app purchase, he
  469. or
  470. she shall follow Window’s or Android’s procedures as set forth at</p>
  471. <p>
  472. <a
  473. href=""></a>
  474. or
  475. <a
  476. href=""></a>
  477. </p>
  478. <p>respectively. If however, User subscribed to Build to Connect, Inc.’s Services on the website of Build to
  479. Connect, Inc.’s Creative Store, he or she can view his or her subscription history or cancel his or her
  480. automatic renewal on the Order History webpage .</p>
  481. <p>For special circumstances where refund is required, please contact us at , our customer
  482. service will provide further response.</p>
  483. <p>
  484. For User subscribed to Build to Connect, Inc.’s Services on the website of Build to Connect, Inc.’s
  485. Creative
  486. Store, Build to Connect, Inc.’s refund policy is as follow:<br>
  487. 1. User will receive 100 % refund if he or she cancels his or her subscription within 14 days of
  488. subscription. Build to Connect, Inc. may however charge processing costs of no more than 5% of the
  489. subscription payment.<br>
  490. 2. User will receive up to 70% refund if he or she cancels his or her subscription within 15 ~30 days of
  491. subscription. Build to Connect, Inc. may however charge processing costs of no more than 5% of the
  492. subscription payment.<br>
  493. 3. User is not entitled to any refund if he or she cancels the subscription after 30 days of
  494. subscription.<br>
  495. </p>
  496. <p>In the event that User unsubscribes to the Services prior to the expiration of the subscription, User may
  497. still access and use the Services until the expiration date. However, in the event that User obtains any
  498. refunds the Services shall be terminated automatically and simultaneously without prejudice. </p>
  499. <p>User shall be solely responsible for the backup of files upon the refund or subscription cancellation.
  500. Build to Connect, Inc. shall in no event be held responsible or liable for any loss or recovery of files
  501. or
  502. damages therefrom.</p>
  503. <h3>5. File Backup</h3>
  504. <p>Build to Connect, Inc. Cloud provides only online storage space for files uploaded by User. Build to
  505. Connect, Inc. shall in no event be held responsible or liable for any loss, damage, or unauthorized use of
  506. files attributable to User or perpetrated by any third party.</p>
  507. <p>User shall be solely and fully responsible for the safekeeping of password and backup of any and all
  508. files
  509. in all time throughout the subscription and in the event of subscription cancellation, disabling the
  510. auto-renewing subscription setting, declining the subscription renewal, requests for refunds or any
  511. discontinuation of the Services.</p>
  512. <p>For the file backup, User shall retrieve and download the files on the Build to Connect, Inc. Cloud to
  513. User’s own devices or other storage space.</p>
  514. <h3>6. Subscription Expiration</h3>
  515. <p>Upon expiration of subscription, Build to Connect, Inc. will notify User by email to User’s registered
  516. email address or Facebook account.</p>
  517. <p>Upon the expiration of subscription, the files maintained by User on Build to Connect, Inc. Cloud will
  518. remain in storage for 30 calendar days only for the purposes of file download and backup by User (“First
  519. Grace Period”); User will not be able to retrieve, modify, edit or upload any files on the cloud storage
  520. from the onset of the First Grace Period. Upon the expiration of the First Grace Period, the files will
  521. continue to remain in storage for another 30 calendar days only for the purpose of User’s subscription
  522. renewal and retrieval of files within such thirty-day period (“Second Grace Period”). During the Second
  523. Grace Period, User will not be able to upload, download or edit the files in cloud storage or use any
  524. features or services until the subscription is renewed. Upon the expiration of the Second Grace Period
  525. without any renewal of subscription, Build to Connect, Inc. may at its sole discretion delete or remove
  526. any
  527. and all files from the cloud storage.</p>
  528. <h3>7. Privacy Policy</h3>
  529. <p>Build to Connect, Inc.’s Privacy Policy (available on ) shall govern and apply.
  530. Personal
  531. information that User supplies to Build to Connect, Inc., and any information about User’s use of Build to
  532. Connect, Inc.’s website or Services that Build to Connect, Inc. obtained will be subject to Build to
  533. Connect, Inc.’s Privacy Policy</p>
  534. <h3>8. Compliance</h3>
  535. <p>User shall be solely and fully responsible and liable for the creation, content, reproduction and
  536. distribution of the files uploaded and stored on Build to Connect, Inc. Cloud. Build to Connect, Inc.
  537. shall
  538. in no event be responsible or held liable for the foregoing in relation to the files or any actions by
  539. User
  540. or any third party.</p>
  541. <h3>9. Intellectual Property</h3>
  542. <p>User retains copyright in and to the files uploaded and stored on Build to Connect, Inc. Cloud, however,
  543. grants Build to Connect, Inc. the non-exclusive, perpetual, unlimited, royalty-free, worldwide license and
  544. right to display, copy, reproduce, post and distribute for marketing and promotion purposes (including
  545. right
  546. to make minor modifications for technical or editorial reasons).</p>
  547. <p>User understands and agrees that once any file has been uploaded to Build to Connect, Inc. Cloud, User
  548. has
  549. the option to choose whether to make such file public. If User chooses to make any file uploaded public,
  550. it
  551. is deemed that User agrees to grant any other user of Build to Connect, Inc. Cloud the non-exclusive,
  552. royalty-free right and license to download such file, and to copy, modify or make derivative works and
  553. upload such derivate works on any of the Services provided by Build to Connect, Inc. Cloud (e.g. My
  554. MarkUps
  555. and NoteTube) for non-commercial purposes.</p>
  556. <p>User represents and warrants that the files uploaded on Build to Connect, Inc. Cloud:<br>
  557. 1. Are owned by User, or to the extent owned by someone else, that User has obtained that party’s express
  558. permission to provide the files for use, copying and distribution under the license in this Agreement;<br>
  559. 2. Do not violate any copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right;<br>
  560. 3. Do not invade any individual’s right of privacy or publicity;<br>
  561. 4. Do not break the law (e.g. no obscene, inflammatory content etc.), facilitate the breaking of the law,
  562. or
  563. violate any applicable regulation, rule or policy.<br>
  564. </p>
  565. <h3>10. Modifications</h3>
  566. <p>Build to Connect, Inc. reserves the rights at any time to make any amendments, adjustments or
  567. modifications
  568. of this Agreement, Services or pricing or impose new or additional terms or conditions on the user of the
  569. Services, with immediate and retrospective effect.</p>
  570. <h3>11. Termination of Subscription</h3>
  571. <p>In the event of any breach of the Agreement, any damages or losses incurred upon Build to Connect, Inc.
  572. in
  573. relation to the Services or any conditions Build to Connect, Inc. may consider necessary, Build to
  574. Connect,
  575. Inc. may terminate the Services or subscription without prejudice.</p>
  576. <p>Upon termination of User’s account, User will lose all access to the Service and any portions thereof,
  577. including without limitations the account, user ID, email account and content.</p>
  578. <h3>12. Limitations on Use</h3>
  579. <p>User shall use the Services only for purposes as permitted by this Agreement and any applicable law,
  580. regulation or generally accepted practice in the applicable jurisdiction.</p>
  581. <h3>13. Disclaimer of Warranties</h3>
  582. <p>Build to Connect, Inc. does not guarantee, represent or warrant that the use of the Services will be
  583. uninterrupted or error-free, and User agrees that from time to time Build to Connect, Inc. may remove the
  584. Services for indefinite periods of time or cancel the Services in accordance with the terms of this
  585. Agreement.</p>
  586. <p>User expressly understands and agrees that the Services are provided on an “as is’ and ‘as available’
  587. basis. Build to Connect, Inc. and its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees, agents,
  588. partners and licensors expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, express or implied, including
  589. without
  590. limitation the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and
  591. non-infringement.
  592. In particular, Build to Connect, Inc. and its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees,
  593. agents, partners and licensors make no warranty that<br>
  594. (i) the Services will meet your requirements; <br>
  595. (ii) the use of the Services will be timely, uninterrupted, secure or error-free; <br>
  596. (iii) any information obtained by User as a result of the Services will be accurate or reliable, and <br>
  597. (iv) any defects or errors in the software provided to User as part of the Services will be corrected.
  598. </p>
  599. <p>Build to Connect, Inc. does not represent or guarantee that the Services will be free from loss,
  600. corruption, attack, viruses, interference, hacking or other security intrusion, and Build to Connect, Inc.
  601. disclaims any liability relating thereto.</p>
  602. <p>Any material downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Services is accessed at User’s own
  603. discretion and risk, and User shall be solely and fully responsible for any damage to User’s device,
  604. computer or loss of data that results from the download of any such material. User also acknowledges that
  605. the Services are not intended or suitable for use in situations or environments where the failure or time
  606. delays of or errors or inaccuracies in the content, data or information provided by the Services could
  607. lead
  608. to death, personal injury or severe physical or environmental damage.</p>
  609. <h3>14. Indemnification</h3>
  610. <p>User agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Build to Connect, Inc., its affiliates, subsidiaries,
  611. directors,
  612. officers, employees, agents, partners, contractors, and licensors harmless from any claim or demand,
  613. including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third party, relating to or arising from: (i) any
  614. content
  615. User submits, posts, transmits or otherwise makes available through the Services; (ii) the use of the
  616. Services; (iii) any violation by User of this Agreement; (iv) any action taken by Build to Connect, Inc.
  617. as
  618. part of its investigation of a suspected violation of this Agreement or as a result of its finding or
  619. decision that a violation of this Agreement has occurred, or (v) your violation of any rights of any third
  620. party. User shall not sue Build to Connect, Inc., its affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, officers,
  621. employees, agents, partners, contractors, and licensors as a result of its decision to remove or refuse to
  622. process any information or content, to warn User, to suspend or terminate User’s access to the Services,
  623. or
  624. to take any other action during the investigation of a suspected violation or as a result of Build to
  625. Connect, Inc.’s conclusion that a breach of this Agreement has occurred. User acknowledges that User is
  626. responsible for all use of the Services and that this Agreement applies to any and all usage of User’s
  627. account. </p>
  628. <p>User agrees to comply with this Agreement and to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Build to Connect,
  629. Inc.
  630. from and against any and all claims and demands arising from usage of the Services or account, whether or
  631. not such use is expressly authorized by User.</p>
  632. <p>The foregoing obligations shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement or User’s
  633. subscription.</p>
  634. <h3>15. Limitation of Liability</h3>
  635. <p>To the fullest extent permissible by law, in no event shall Build to Connect, Inc., its affiliates,
  636. subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents, suppliers or licensors be liable to User for any
  637. direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, including without limitations loss of use,
  638. data, business, goodwill or profits or cost of procurement of substitute goods or services, or other
  639. tangible or intangible losses, which may result from any matter or conduct by User or any third party in
  640. relation to, in connection with, through or on the Service, regardless of legal theory, whether or not
  641. Build
  642. to Connect, Inc. has been warned of the possibility of such damages, and even if a remedy may fail of its
  643. essential purpose.</p>
  644. <h3>16. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution</h3>
  645. <p>This Agreement and the relationship between Build to Connect, Inc. and User shall be governed by and
  646. interpreted with the laws of Taiwan, the Republic of China (R.O.C.), excluding its conflicts of law
  647. provisions. In the event of dispute in relation to the Services, User agrees to submit to the personal and
  648. exclusive jurisdiction of the Tainan District Court in Taiwan, the Republic of China (R.O.C.).</p>
  649. </div>
  650. </div>
  651. <!-- 隐私政策 -->
  652. <div v-show="privacyShow" class="static_body absolute left-0 top-0 w-full h-full z-100">
  653. <div data-role="header" class="header fixed h-53px w-full bg-[#fff] z-101">
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  657. </a>
  658. <h1 v-show="language" class="zh m-0 text-center text-[#999] p-0 h-full leading-[54px] text-[18px]">隐私政策</h1>
  659. <h1 v-show="!language" class="en m-0 text-center text-[#999] p-0 h-full leading-[54px] text-[18px]">
  660. Privacy Policy</h1>
  661. </div>
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  663. class="content zh text-[14px] text-[#333] leading-[22px] bg-[#fff] pt-70px px-16px pb-16px">
  664. <div class="date mb-20px text-right">
  665. <div>更新日期:2022年10月20日</div>
  666. <div>生效日期:2022年10月20日</div>
  667. </div>
  668. <p>欢迎您使用由长沙凯钿软件有限公司(以下简称“我们”)开发、运营的软件 PDF Reader(包括17PDF阅读器)!</p>
  669. <p>本政策<b>共同适用</b>于我们通过<b>网站</b><a href=""></a><b>以及Android版(PDF Reader
  670. &amp; 17PDF阅读器)全部终端</b>向您提供的<b>各项产品和服务</b>; 若某个产品与/或服务设置了单独政策,则该单独政策优先适用。</p>
  671. <p>我们设立了专门的个人信息保护团队和负责人,如果您对本政策有任何疑问、意见或建议,可加入我们的QQ客服群:188917181,进群咨询我们的在线客服。我们会在15个工作日内受理并处理您的问题。</p>
  672. <p>本政策将帮助您了解以下内容:</p>
  673. <ul>
  674. <li>我们如何收集和使用您的个人信息</li>
  675. <li>我们如何处理Cookie 和其他技术</li>
  676. <li>我们如何共享、转让、公开披露您的个人信息</li>
  677. <li>我们如何保护和保存您的个人信息</li>
  678. <li>您的权利</li>
  679. <li>我们如何处理未成年人的个人信息</li>
  680. <li>本政策如何更新</li>
  681. <li>如何联系我们</li>
  682. </ul>
  683. <p>
  684. 我们深知个人信息对您的重要性,我们将按照法律法规的规定,尽全力保护您的个人信息安全可靠。我们致力于维持您对我们的信任,保护您的个人信息,并恪守以下原则:权责一致原则、目的明确原则、选择同意原则、最小必要原则、确保安全原则、主体参与原则和公开透明原则。同时,我们承诺,我们将按业界成熟的安全标准,采取相应的安全保护措施来保护您的个人信息。
  685. </p>
  686. <p>我们制定本隐私政策并特别提示:<b>希望在您使用我们的网站、产品、服务的任何部分或全部的过程前,请您务必仔细阅读并充分了解本隐私政策</b></p>
  687. <p>下文将帮你详细了解我们如何收集、使用、保存、传输、公开与保护个人信息;帮你了解访问、更正、删除、授权个人信息的方式。<b>其中,有关你个人信息权益的重要内容已用加粗形式提示,请特别关注</b></p>
  688. <h2>一、我们如何收集和使用您的个人信息</h2>
  689. <p>我们出于本隐私策略所述的以下目的,遵从适用的法律要求及相关的行业标准,收集和使用您的个人信息。<b>以下所有信息,我们将根据法律规定以及在达成特定信息对应的目的所需期限内保存:</b></p>
  690. <ol>
  691. <li class="sub-title">
  692. <h3>基于核心业务功能收集和使用您个人信息的情形</h3>
  693. <p>我们提供的业务功能需要依赖部分信息才得以运行。您选择<b>使用</b>我们的对应<b>业务功能</b>,则需要向我们提供或允许我们收集的<b>必要信息</b>包括:</p>
  694. <p><b>1.1 注册/登录账号:</b>如您需注册/登录账号,则为完成账号创建/登录,您需提供您的<b>邮箱地址、密码、手机号。(可以使用手机号 / 邮箱登录 - 邮箱登录无需第三方授权登录)</b>
  695. </p>
  696. <p><b>1.2
  697. 授权第三方账号登录/注册:</b>可以使用第三方账号包括微信账号、QQ账号来授权登录/注册我们的软件。为使用该三方账号登录/注册并使用我们的软件,您需提供<b>第三方账号/昵称、账号密码</b>,上传您的<b>第三方账号头像</b>(如有)。前述第三方账号由我们之外的其他方提供,您在注册第三方账号时需要完全根据该账号提供方(例如您授权登录、使用我们在线服务的账号是QQ账号,则该账号的提供方是腾讯,以此类推)的相关要求进行,<b>第三方账号提供方对您的个人信息(包括个人敏感信息)的收集、使用、共享、转让等一切行为均适用于第三方账号提供方的隐私保护政策。您授权第三方账号登录/注册和使用我们在线服务则视为您已同意第三方账号提供方的隐私保护政策</b>,同意第三方按照其隐私保护政策对您的个人信息(包括个人敏感信息)进行收集、使用、加工、共享、转让等一切处理行为。
  698. </p>
  699. <p><b>1.3
  700. 支付结算:</b>在您下单购买我们的任意产品或服务时,您可以使用与我们合作的第三方支付机构(支付宝/微信支付,以下称“支付机构”)所提供的支付服务。我们需要将您的<b>交易订单、交易金额、交易内容、开通时间、支付方式、支付账号</b>的信息提供给支付机构以确认您的支付指令并完成支付。
  701. </p>
  702. <p><b>1.4
  703. 保证安全与优化服务:</b>为提高您使用我们产品、服务时系统的安全性,优化服务,我们会收集您的<b>设备信息</b><b>日志信息</b><b>设备信息</b>包括<b>设备型号、设备品牌、设备厂商、MAC地址、设备标识符(IMEI/MEID/AndroidID/IMSI/OAID)、设备序列号、传感器信息(如加速度传感器、磁场传感器、陀螺仪、压力传感器)、运行中的应用程序</b>,用于判断您的账号风险并发现需要优化的功能。设备信息在手机终端中可能被表述为“电话信息”,这不代表
  704. App 会收集通讯内容或您主动输入的隐私信息;日志信息指在你使用服务的过程中生成的服务日志。</p>
  705. <p><b>【特别说明】</b>设备信息与日志信息也通常用在反作弊和判断帐号是否处于安全的环境中。部分信息也可能被用于广告推送。目前多数手机系统可以支持对设备标识符的更改,具体方式可参见设备或厂商说明。
  706. </p>
  707. <p><b>共计四类个人信息</b></p>
  708. </li>
  709. <li class="sub-title">
  710. <h3>间接获取、使用个人信息的情形</h3>
  711. <p>我们可能从第三方账号提供方获取您授权共享的账户信息(头像、昵称),并在您同意本隐私策略后将您的第三方账户与我们的账号绑定,使您可以通过第三方账户直接登录并使用我们的服务。</p>
  712. </li>
  713. <li class="sub-title">
  714. <h3>权限获取申明</h3>
  715. <p>在您使用我们的业务功能时,我们可能会向您申请下列与个人信息有关的系统权限。请您放心,我们不会默认开启这些权限,仅在您主动确认开启的情况下,我们才有可能通过这些权限收集您的信息。</p>
  716. <p><b>PDF Reader (17PDF阅读器)向您申请权限的情况如下:</b></p>
  717. <p><b>3.1 读取及写入存储器权限:</b>当您首次启动 PDF Reader
  718. (17PDF阅读器)时,该授权软件会向您申请此权限,用于读取、编辑、保存文档。如果您选择不开启此权限,您将无法读取、编辑外置空间的文档或将编辑的文档存储在外置空间。</p>
  719. <p><b>3.2 电话权限(读取手机状态和身份):</b>当您首次启动 PDF Reader
  720. (17PDF阅读器)时,该授权软件会向您申请此权限,读取设备通话状态和识别码,用于网络连接,更新版本。如您选择不开启此权限,您可能将无法正常进行版本更新。</p>
  721. <p><b>3.3 相机权限:</b>当您首次启动 PDF Reader
  722. (17PDF阅读器)时,该授权软件会向您申请此权限,用于帮助您进行文档扫描,头像上传与修改,图片和图章注释。如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法使用前述特定功能。</p>
  723. <p><b>3.4 通讯录权限:</b>当您首次启动 PDF Reader (17PDF阅读器)时,该授权软件会向您申请此权限,用于短信注册。如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法正常使用短信注册。</p>
  724. <p><b>3.5 读取已安装应用列表权限:</b>当您首次启动 PDF Reader
  725. (17PDF阅读器)时,该授权软件会向您申请此权限,用于从第三方应用打开PDF文件至我们软件以及文件分享。如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法使用前述特定功能。</p>
  726. <p><b>3.6 修改系统设置权限:</b>当您首次启动 PDF Reader
  727. (17PDF阅读器)时,该授权软件会向您申请此权限,用于Wi-Fi传输文件。如您选择不开启此权限,您将无法正常使用Wi-Fi传输文件。</p>
  728. <p><b>共计六项系统权限</b>。如果您不授权,将会导致我们无法提供该业务功能,除上述权限之外,您可以自主选择是否额外授予App其他的系统权限。</p>
  729. </li>
  730. <li class="sub-title">
  731. <h3>征得同意的例外</h3>
  732. <p>您充分知悉,在以下情形中,我们处理个人信息无须征得您的授权同意:</p>
  733. <p>4.1 与履行法律法规规定的义务相关的;</p>
  734. <p>4.2 与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的;</p>
  735. <p>4.3 与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的;</p>
  736. <p>4.4 与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和判决执行等直接相关的;</p>
  737. <p>4.5 出于维护个人信息主体或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但很难得到本人授权同意的;</p>
  738. <p>4.6 所涉及的个人信息是个人信息主体自行向社会公众公开的;</p>
  739. <p>4.7 根据个人信息主体要求签订和履行合同所必需的;</p>
  740. <p>4.8 从合法公开披露的信息中收集个人信息的,如合法的新闻报道、政府信息公开;</p>
  741. <p>4.9 维护所提供的产品或服务的安全稳定运行所必需的,如发现、处置产品或服务的故障;</p>
  742. <p>4.10 法律、行政法规规定的其他情形。</p>
  743. <p>
  744. 您知悉并认可,共享、转让经去标识化处理的个人信息,且确保数据接收方无法复原并重新识别个人信息主体的,不属于个人信息的对外共享、转让及公开披露行为,对此类数据的保存及处理将无需另行向您通知并征得您的同意。同时,根据相关法律规定,处理匿名化信息无须通知您或者征得您的同意。
  745. </p>
  746. <p>我们收集您的个人信息的内容、来源及方式会因您所使用的我们的产品的不同(包括但不限于不同的产品、同一产品的不同语言版本、不同客户端等)或者我们服务的不同而不同。</p>
  747. </li>
  748. </ol>
  749. <h2>二、我们如何处理Cookie 和其他技术</h2>
  750. <p><b>1. Cookie:</b>您使用我们的服务时,我们会在您的计算机或移动设备上存储名为 Cookie 的小数据文件。Cookie
  751. 通常包含标识符、站点名称以及一些号码和字符。我们使用该信息判断注册用户是否已经登录,提升服务和/或产品质量及优化用户体验。<b>如您不希望个人信息保存在 Cookie 中,您可对浏览器进行配置,选择禁用
  752. Cookie
  753. 功能</b></p>
  754. <p><b>2. Do Not Track(请勿追踪):</b><b>我们不会将 Cookie 用于本隐私策略所述目的之外的任何用途。您可根据自己的偏好管理或删除 Cookie</b>。您可以清除您的设备上保存的所有
  755. Cookie,很多网络浏览器均设有 Do Not Track 功能,该功能可向网站发布 Do Not Track 请求。目前,主要互联网标准组织尚未设立相关政策来规定网站应如何应对此类请求。但如果您的浏览器启用了
  756. Do Not Track,那么我们都会尊重您的选择。</p>
  757. <p><b>以下链接提供了有关如何在所有主流浏览器中控制 Cookie 的说明:</b></p>
  758. <p>Google Chrome:<a
  759. href="" rel="nofollow"
  760. target="_blank"></a>;</p>
  761. <p>IE:<a
  762. href="" rel="nofollow"
  763. target="_blank"></a>;</p>
  764. <p>Safari(桌面版):<a
  765. href="" rel="nofollow"
  766. target="_blank"></a>;</p>
  767. <p>Safari(移动版):<a
  768. href="" rel="nofollow"
  769. target="_blank"></a>;</p>
  770. <p>火狐浏览器:<a
  771. href=";redirectslug=Cookies"
  772. rel="nofollow"
  773. target="_blank">;redirectslug=Cookies</a>;
  774. </p>
  775. <p>Opera:<a
  776. href="" rel="nofollow"
  777. target="_blank"></a></p>
  778. <p>如您使用其他浏览器,请参阅浏览器制造商提供的文档。</p>
  779. <p>请您知悉,倘若您拒绝使用或清除已有的追踪技术,则需要在每一次访问时亲自更改用户设置,并且,我们可能无法向您提供更加优质的使用体验,部分服务亦可能会无法正常运作。</p>
  780. <h2>三、我们如何共享、转让、公开披露您的个人信息</h2>
  781. <p><b>1. 共享</b></p>
  782. <p>我们不会与我们以外的任何公司、组织和个人分享您的个人信息,但以下情况除外:</p>
  783. <p><b>1.1 在获取明确同意的情况下共享:</b>获得您的明确同意后,我们可能会与第三方共享您的个人信息。关于我们的合作方(第三方SDK)收集个人信息类型及收集目的,详情请参阅<a
  784. href="#sdk">第三方SDK列表</a></p>
  785. <p><b>1.2 我们可能会按照法律法规的要求或强制性的政府要求或司法裁定</b>,与有关的第三方共享您的个人信息。</p>
  786. <p><b>1.3
  787. 在我们内部共享:</b>为了提升我们向您所推送的产品服务,您的个人信息可能会在我们内部共享,用于产品服务的身份验证、客户服务、安全防范。我们内部只会共享必要的个人信息,我们如果要改变个人信息的处理目的,将再次征求您的授权同意。
  788. </p>
  789. <p><b>1.4 与合作伙伴共享:</b></p>
  790. <ul>
  791. <li>我们可能会与合作伙伴、可信赖的分支机构或广告商分享经过整合的统计信息以优化产品服务,该统计信息将不会连接到任何用户的个人信息。</li>
  792. <li>
  793. 如您通过我们的网站或者电子报参与了抽奖、比赛或类似的促销活动,我们或者奖品的供货商需要向您寄送相关奖品时,您作为收件人,您的信息(姓名、电话号码(包括手机号)、联系地址)将被提供给快递服务商或者相关供货商。
  794. </li>
  795. </ul>
  796. <p><b>若您不希望将个人信息分享给以上方式的分享者,请通过 <a href=""></a> 联系我们。</b></p>
  797. <p><b>2. 转让</b></p>
  798. <p>我们不会将您的个人信息转让给我们以外的任何公司、组织和个人,但以下情形除外:</p>
  799. <p><b>2.1 在获取明确同意的情况下转让:</b> 获得您的明确同意后,我们会向其他方转让您的个人信息;</p>
  800. <p><b>2.2 满足法律法规、法律程序</b>的要求或强制性的政府要求或司法裁定;</p>
  801. <p><b>2.3 在涉及合并、收购或破产清算时</b>,如涉及到个人信息转让,我们会在要求新的持有您个人信息的公司、组织继续受此隐私政策的约束,否则我们将要求该公司、组织重新向您征求授权同意。</p>
  802. <p><b>3. 公开披露</b></p>
  803. <p>我们仅会在以下情形下,公开披露您的个人信息:</p>
  804. <p><b>3.1 获得您明确同意后</b></p>
  805. <p><b>3.2</b><b>公布相关中奖活动</b>名单时会<b>脱敏展示</b>您作为中奖者的手机号或账户登录名;</p>
  806. <p><b>3.3</b> 如果我们接到第三方对您的投诉或举报,我们有权向投诉方披露您的必要信息(注册名称、身份证明、联系人、联系电话),并督促您与投诉方进行协商,以便及时解决投诉、纠纷,保护各方合法权益。</p>
  807. <p><b>3.4 满足法律法规</b>、法律程序的要求或强制性的政府要求或司法裁定;<b>基于法律的披露</b>:在法律、法律程序、诉讼或政府主管部门强制性要求的情况下,我们可能会公开披露您的个人信息。</p>
  808. <h2>四、我们如何保护和保存您的个人信息</h2>
  809. <p>1.
  810. 我们将努力使用符合业界标准的安全防护措施保护您提供的个人信息,防止数据遭到未经授权访问、公开披露、使用、修改、损坏或丢失。我们会采取一切合理可行的措施,确保未收集无关的个人信息。<b>我们只会在达成本隐私策略所述目的所需的期限内保留您的个人信息,除非需要延长保留期或受到法律的允许</b>
  811. </p>
  812. <p>2.
  813. 由于互联网并非绝对安全的环境,且电子邮件、及时通讯及与其他第三方的线上交流方式可能并未加密,我们强烈建议您不要通过此类方式发送个人信息。同时,在注册使用我们的产品时,请注意使用复杂密码,协助我们保证您的账号安全。
  814. </p>
  815. <p>3. 在不幸发生个人信息安全事件后,我们将按照法律法规的要求,及时向您告知:
  816. 安全事件的基本情况和可能的影响、我们已采取或将要采取的处置措施、您可自主防范和降低风险的建议以及对您的补救措施。我们将及时将事件相关情况以邮件、信函、电话、推送通知等方式告知您,难以逐一告知个人信息主体时,我们会采取合理、有效的方式发布公告。
  817. </p>
  818. <p>同时,我们还将按照监管部门要求,主动上报个人信息安全事件的处置情况。</p>
  819. <h2>五、您的权利</h2>
  820. <p>按照中国相关的法律、法规、标准,以及其他国家、地区的通行做法,我们保障您对自己的个人信息行使以下权利:</p>
  821. <p><b>1. 访问您的个人信息</b></p>
  822. <p>您有权访问您的个人信息,法律法规规定的例外情况除外。如果您想行使访问权,可以通过以下方式自行访问:</p>
  823. <p>1.1 您可以通过路径“我的-头像”查询您的手机/邮箱账户自定义头像以及微信/QQ头像、昵称;</p>
  824. <p>1.2 您可以通过路径:“我的-账户绑定”查询您的手机/QQ/微信多账号绑定情况,以及绑定的手机号码,微信,QQ昵称;</p>
  825. <p>1.3 您可以通过路径:“我的-会员中心”查询您的会员购买情况,如果显示“立即订阅”,则为非会员,如果显示“立即续订”,则为会员。</p>
  826. <p>对于您在使用我们的产品或服务过程中产生的其他个人信息,只要我们不需要过多投入,我们会向您提供。如果您想了解更多,或者无法通过上述路径访问这些个人信息,您可以加入我们的QQ客服群:188917181
  827. 联系我们,我们将在15个工作日内回复您的访问请求。</p>
  828. <p><b>2. 更正您的个人信息</b></p>
  829. <p>当您发现我们处理的关于您的个人信息有错误时,您有权要求我们作出更正。您可以通过“<b>1. 访问您的个人信息</b>”中罗列的方式提出更正申请。</p>
  830. <p>如果您无法通过上述路径更正这些个人信息,您可以加入我们的QQ客服群:188917181,联系我们,我们将在15个工作日回复您的更正请求。</p>
  831. <p><b>3. 删除您的个人信息</b></p>
  832. <p>在以下情形中,您可以向我们提出删除个人信息的请求: </p>
  833. <p>3.1 如果我们处理个人信息的行为违反法律法规; </p>
  834. <p>3.2 如果我们收集、使用您的个人信息,却未征得您的同意; </p>
  835. <p>3.3 如果我们处理个人信息的行为违反了与您的约定; </p>
  836. <p>3.4 如果您不再使用我们的产品或服务,或您注销了账号;</p>
  837. <p>3.5 如果我们不再为您提供产品或服务。 </p>
  838. <p>当您从我们的服务中删除信息后,我们可能不会立即在备份系统中删除相应的信息,但会在备份更新时删除这些信息。</p>
  839. <p><b>4. 改变您授权同意的范围</b></p>
  840. <p>每个业务功能需要一些基本的个人信息才能得以完成。对于额外收集的个人信息的收集和使用,您可以随时给予或收回您的授权同意。</p>
  841. <p>您可以修改您的设备的设置,<b>撤回存储空间、相机、电话以及通讯录权限</b>的授权;</p>
  842. <p>当您收回同意后,我们将不再处理相应的个人信息。但您收回同意的决定,不会影响此前基于您的授权而开展的个人信息处理。</p>
  843. <p><b>5. 个人信息主体注销账户</b></p>
  844. <p>您随时可注销此前注册的账户,您可以通过以下方式自行操作:</p>
  845. <p>打开应用-点击“我的”-点击头像-点击注销账号;</p>
  846. <p>如需注销账号,可致电客服电话0731-84225961,进行咨询;</p>
  847. <p>服务时间:周一至周五9点-18点;</p>
  848. <p>注销账号须由用户本人向我方提出申请,且经过我方审核确认,确认后会在3个工作日内完成注销,同时我方将终止为该账号提供服务。</p>
  849. <p>
  850. 特别说明:注销账号为不可恢复操作,账号注销后,账号内所有信息均不会保留,云空间/转换券/会员等相关权益也将无法恢复。如因注销账号造成的损失由用户自行承担。<b>在注销账户之后,我们将停止为您提供产品或服务,并依据您的要求,删除您的个人信息,法律法规另有规定的除外</b>
  851. </p>
  852. <p><b>6. 约束信息系统自动决策</b></p>
  853. <p>
  854. 在某些业务功能中,我们可能仅依据信息系统、算法等在内的非人工自动决策机制作出决定。如果这些决定显著影响您的合法权益,您可以通过本隐私政策文末提供的方式联系我们,要求我们予以说明,并拒绝我们仅通过自动化决策的方式作出决定。
  855. </p>
  856. <p><b>7. 响应您的上述请求</b></p>
  857. <p>为保障安全,如您根据本隐私政策向我们提出请求,<b>我们将先验证您的个人信息主体身份</b>,然后再处理您的请求。</p>
  858. <p>我们将在<b>十五个工作日或法律法规规定的期限内</b>予以反馈。如您不满意或有任何问题,您可以通过本隐私政策文末提供的方式联系我们。</p>
  859. <p>
  860. 对于您合理的请求,我们<b>原则上不收取费用,但对多次重复、超出合理限度的请求,我们将视情收取一定成本费用</b>。对于那些<b>无端重复、需要过多技术手段</b>(例如,需要开发新系统或从根本上改变现行惯例)、<b>给他人合法权益带来风险或者非常不切实际的请求,我们可能会予以拒绝</b>
  861. </p>
  862. <p>在以下情形中,我们将无法响应您的请求: </p>
  863. <ul>
  864. <li>与个人信息控制者履行法律法规规定的义务相关的; </li>
  865. <li>与国家安全、国防安全直接相关的; </li>
  866. <li>与公共安全、公共卫生、重大公共利益直接相关的; </li>
  867. <li>与刑事侦查、起诉、审判和执行判决等直接相关的; </li>
  868. <li>个人信息控制者有充分证据表明个人信息主体存在主观恶意或滥用权利的; </li>
  869. <li>出于维护个人信息主体或其他个人的生命、财产等重大合法权益但又很难得到本人同意的; </li>
  870. <li>响应个人信息主体的请求将导致个人信息主体或其他个人、组织的合法权益受到严重损害的;</li>
  871. <li>涉及商业秘密的。</li>
  872. </ul>
  873. <h2>六、我们如何处理未成年人的个人信息</h2>
  874. <p>对于14周岁以下的儿童以及14周岁以上的未成年人,在使用我们的产品、网站和服务并创建自己的个人信息主体账户前,<b>应先征得父母或监护人的同意</b></p>
  875. <p>
  876. <b>建议您的家长或监护人仔细阅读本隐私策略</b>。建议您在您的家长或监护人的指导下使用我们的产品、网站和服务。一旦您以任何方式下载、安装、使用我们产品,登录、注册、使用我们的网站和服务的任何部分或全部,即表明您的家长或监护人同意您使用我们的产品、网站和服务并同意本隐私政策的全部内容,同时允许我们依据本隐私政策收集、使用、保存、共享您的个人信息。
  877. </p>
  878. <p>对于经父母同意而收集儿童个人信息的情况,我们只会在受到法律允许、父母或监护人明确同意或者保护儿童所必要的情况下使用或公开披露此信息。</p>
  879. <p><b>如果我们发现自己在未事先获得可证实的父母同意的情况下收集了儿童的个人信息,则会设法尽快删除相关数据</b></p>
  880. <h2>七、本政策如何更新</h2>
  881. <p>我们的隐私政策可能变更。</p>
  882. <p><b>未经您明确同意,我们不会削减您按照本隐私政策政策所应享有的权利</b>。我们会在本页面上发布对本政策所做的任何变更。 </p>
  883. <p>对于<b>重大变更,我们还会提供更为显著的通知</b>,本政策所指的重大变更包括但不限于:</p>
  884. <ul>
  885. <li>我们的服务模式发生重大变化。如处理个人信息的目的、 处理的个人信息类型、个人信息的使用方式;</li>
  886. <li>我们在所有权结构、组织架构等方面发生重大变化。如业务调整、破产并购等引起的所有者变更;</li>
  887. <li>个人信息共享、转让或公开披露的主要对象发生变化;</li>
  888. <li>您参与个人信息处理方面的权利及其行使方式发生重大变化;</li>
  889. <li>我们负责处理个人信息安全的责任部门、联络方式及投诉渠道发生变化时;</li>
  890. <li>个人信息安全影响评估报告表明存在高风险时。</li>
  891. </ul>
  892. <p>若您不同意修改后的隐私政策,您有权并应立即停止使用我们的服务。</p>
  893. <h2>八、如何联系我们</h2>
  894. <p>我们设立了专门的个人信息保护团队和负责人,如果您对本政策有任何疑问、意见或建议,可加入我们的QQ客服群:188917181 联系我们。</p>
  895. <p>我们将尽快审核所涉问题,并在15个工作日或法律规定的期限内予以反馈。</p>
  896. <h2>附录:定义</h2>
  897. <ol>
  898. <li><b>个人信息:</b>以电子或者其他方式记录的与已识别或者可识别的自然人有关的各种信息,包括但不限于自然人的姓名、出生日期、身份证件号码、个人生物识别信息、 住址、电话号码等,不包括匿名化处理后的信息。
  899. </li>
  900. <li>
  901. <b>个人敏感信息:</b>一旦泄露或者非法使用,容易导致自然人的人格尊严受到侵害或者人身、财产安全受到危害的个人信息,包括生物识别、宗教信仰、特定身份、医疗健康、金融账户、行踪轨迹等信息,以及不满十四周岁未成年人的个人信息,比如,个人敏感信息包括身份证件号码、个人生物识别信息、银行帐号、通信内容、健康生理信息等。
  902. </li>
  903. <li><b>儿童:</b>指不满十四周岁的未成年人。</li>
  904. <li><b>Cookie:</b>Cookie是包含字符串的小文件,在您登入和使用网站或其他网络内容时发送、存放在您的计算机、移动设备或其他装置内(通常经过加密)。</li>
  905. <li><b>去标识化:</b>个人信息经过处理,使其在不借助额外信息的情况下无法识别特定自然人的过程。</li>
  906. </ol>
  907. <h2 id="sdk" class="sdk">第三方SDK列表</h2>
  908. <p>为保障产品功能(使用第三方帐号登录、支付)的实现与应用安全稳定的运行,我们的产品可能会包含由第三方提供的软件开发包(SDK)。</p>
  909. <p>第三方 SDK 收集和处理信息等行为遵守其自身的隐私条款,<b>为了最大程度保障您的信息安全,我们建议您在使用任何第三方 SDK 类服务前先行查看其隐私条款</b>。为保障您的合法权益,如您发现这等 SDK
  910. 或其他类似的应用程序<b>存在风险时</b>,建议您<b>立即终止相关操作并及时与我们取得联系</b></p>
  911. <p>本列表共同适用于我们通过网站(<a href=""><b></b></a>)以及Android版(PDF Reader &amp;
  912. 17PDF阅读器)全部终端向您提供的各项产品和服务; 若某个产品与/或服务设置了单独列表,则该单独列表优先适用。</p>
  913. <p><b>以下为第三方 SDK 的具体信息:</b></p>
  914. <p><b>QQ SDK</b></p>
  915. <p><b>使用目的:</b>用于QQ账号登录、注册</p>
  916. <p><b>使用场景:</b>QQ账号登录、注册</p>
  917. <p><b>涉及的个人信息类型:</b>设备标识符(Android如IMEI、Android ID、IMSI、ICCID、MEID,iOS如IDFV)、MAC地址、IP地址、分享图片或内容、应用列表、设备传感器
  918. </p>
  919. <p><b>第三方主体:</b>深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司</p>
  920. <p><b>收集方式:</b>SDK采集</p>
  921. <p><b>官网链接:</b><a
  922. href="" rel="nofollow"
  923. target="_blank"></a></p>
  924. <p><b>隐私政策:</b><a
  925. href="互联SDK隐私保护声明" rel="nofollow"
  926. target="_blank">互联SDK隐私保护声明</a></p>
  927. <p><b>备注:</b>共同适用于 PDF Reader、17PDF阅读器</p>
  928. <p><b>腾讯TBS SDK</b></p>
  929. <p><b>使用目的:</b>用于软件使用时,实现稳定的webview 和文件预览</p>
  930. <p><b>使用场景:</b>文件预览和webview</p>
  931. <p><b>涉及的个人信息类型:</b>IMEI,设备基本信息</p>
  932. <p><b>第三方主体:</b>深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司</p>
  933. <p><b>收集方式:</b>SDK采集</p>
  934. <p><b>官网链接:</b><a
  935. href="" rel="nofollow"
  936. target="_blank"></a></p>
  937. <p><b>隐私政策:</b><a
  938. href="" rel="nofollow"
  939. target="_blank"></a></p>
  940. <p><b>备注:</b>共同适用于 PDF Reader、17PDF阅读器</p>
  941. <p><b>小米推送 SDK</b></p>
  942. <p><b>使用目的:</b>推送消息</p>
  943. <p><b>使用场景:</b>文件转换时,转换状态提示</p>
  944. <p><b>涉及的个人信息类型:</b>设备标识符(Android如:Android
  945. ID、MEID、OAID、GAID)、设备信息(如:操作系统版本、设备厂商、设备型号、归属地、运营商名称)、运行中进程信息、推送消息内容、通知栏设置、网络状态、写入设备存储</p>
  946. <p><b>第三方主体:</b>北京小米移动软件有限公司</p>
  947. <p><b>收集方式:</b>SDK采集</p>
  948. <p><b>官网链接:</b><a
  949. href="" rel="nofollow"
  950. target="_blank"></a></p>
  951. <p><b>隐私政策:</b><a
  952. href="" rel="nofollow"
  953. target="_blank"></a></p>
  954. <p><b>备注:</b>共同适用于 PDF Reader、17PDF阅读器</p>
  955. <p><b>Alipay(支付宝) SDK</b></p>
  956. <p><b>使用目的:</b>帮助用户在应用内使用支付宝支付完成购买</p>
  957. <p><b>使用场景:</b>开通/续费VIP/购买兑换券</p>
  958. <p><b>涉及的个人信息类型:</b>设备标识符(Android如IMEI、MEID、IMSI、Android ID、Serial、ICCID,iOS如IDFV、IDFA)、MAC地址、IP地址、设备传感器</p>
  959. <p><b>第三方主体:</b>支付宝(杭州)信息技术有限公司</p>
  960. <p><b>收集方式:</b>SDK采集</p>
  961. <p><b>官网链接:</b><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>
  962. </p>
  963. <p><b>隐私政策:</b><a
  964. href="" rel="nofollow"
  965. target="_blank"></a></p>
  966. <p><b>备注:</b>共同适用于 PDF Reader、17PDF阅读器</p>
  967. <p><b>微信 SDK</b></p>
  968. <p><b>使用目的:</b>支持微信登录/注册或者支付</p>
  969. <p><b>使用场景:</b>微信账号登录、注册或者开通/续费VIP/购买兑换券</p>
  970. <p><b>涉及的个人信息类型:</b>设备标识符(Android如IMEI、Android ID、Serial)、MAC地址、WLAN接入点</p>
  971. <p><b>第三方主体:</b>深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司</p>
  972. <p><b>收集方式:</b>SDK采集</p>
  973. <p><b>官网链接:</b><a
  974. href="" rel="nofollow"
  975. target="_blank"></a></p>
  976. <p><b>隐私政策:</b><a
  977. href=";t=weixin_agreement&amp;s=privacy"
  978. rel="nofollow"
  979. target="_blank">;t=weixin_agreement&amp;s=privacy</a>
  980. </p>
  981. <p><b>备注:</b>共同适用于 PDF Reader、17PDF阅读器</p>
  982. <p><b>Firebase SDK</b></p>
  983. <p><b>使用目的:</b>错误日志收集,用于优化APP</p>
  984. <p><b>使用场景:</b>用于当用户在使用软件报错时,收集错误日志</p>
  985. <p><b>涉及的个人信息类型:</b>IMEI、网络信息、个人常用设备信息(MAC地址、序列号)、Android ID</p>
  986. <p><b>第三方主体:</b>谷歌</p>
  987. <p><b>收集方式:</b>SDK采集</p>
  988. <p><b>官网链接:</b><a
  989. href="" rel="nofollow"
  990. target="_blank"></a></p>
  991. <p><b>隐私政策:</b><a
  992. href="" rel="nofollow"
  993. target="_blank"></a></p>
  994. <p><b>备注:</b>共同适用于 PDF Reader、17PDF阅读器</p>
  995. <p><b>MobTech(袤博) SDK</b></p>
  996. <p><b>使用目的:</b>用于手机号登录、短信认证</p>
  997. <p><b>使用场景:</b>手机号登录、短信认证登录</p>
  998. <p><b>涉及的个人信息类型:</b>手机号码、设备标识符(IMEI、OAID)、应用列表信息、系统运行信息、网络状态信息</p>
  999. <p><b>第三方主体:</b>上海游昆信息技术有限公司</p>
  1000. <p><b>收集方式:</b>SDK采集</p>
  1001. <p><b>官网链接:</b><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>
  1002. <p><b>隐私政策:</b><a
  1003. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1004. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1005. <p><b>备注:</b>共同适用于 PDF Reader、17PDF阅读器</p>
  1006. <p><b>GroMore SDK</b></p>
  1007. <p><b>使用目的:</b>向用户推送广告信息、广告归因、反作弊</p>
  1008. <p><b>使用场景:</b>向用户推送广告时使用</p>
  1009. <p><b>涉及的个人信息类型:</b>设备信息:
  1010. 设备品牌、型号、操作系统版本信息、系统时区、系统语言、设备标识符(如IMEI、AndroidID、OAID、IMSI、GAID、MEID、IDFV、IDFA,具体字段因软硬件版本不同而存在差异)、设备序列号build_serial、WiFi状态;列表等基础信息应用信息:开发者应用名、应用包名、版本号;应用列表等信息其他信息:运营商信息、设备时区、位置信息、网络设备硬件地址(MAC地址)、IP
  1011. 地址、WLAN接入点(如SSID,BSSID)、基站、软件版本号、网络接入方式、类型、状态、网络质量数据、操作、使用、服务日志、屏幕分辨率。</p>
  1012. <p><b>第三方主体:</b>北京巨量引擎网络技术有限公司</p>
  1013. <p><b>收集方式:</b>SDK采集</p>
  1014. <p><b>官网链接:</b><a
  1015. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1016. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1017. <p><b>隐私政策:</b><a
  1018. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1019. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1020. <p><b>备注:</b>共同适用于 PDF Reader、17PDF阅读器</p>
  1021. <p><b>阿里云数据分析 SDK</b></p>
  1022. <p><b>使用目的:</b>统计分析</p>
  1023. <p><b>使用场景:</b>用户进行问题反馈时使用</p>
  1024. <p><b>涉及的个人信息类型:</b>设备标识符(Android如:IMEI、IMSI)、设备信息(如:操作系统版本、设备厂商、设备型号)、运行中进程信息、网络信息、运营商信息</p>
  1025. <p><b>第三方主体:</b>阿里云计算有限公司</p>
  1026. <p><b>收集方式:</b>SDK采集</p>
  1027. <p><b>官网链接:</b><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>
  1028. </p>
  1029. <p><b>隐私政策:</b><a
  1030. href=""
  1031. rel="nofollow"
  1032. target="_blank"></a>
  1033. </p>
  1034. <p><b>备注:</b>共同适用于 PDF Reader、17PDF阅读器</p>
  1035. <p><b>优量汇 SDK</b></p>
  1036. <p><b>使用目的:</b>向用户推送广告信息、广告归因、反作弊</p>
  1037. <p><b>使用场景:</b>向用户推送广告时使用</p>
  1038. <p><b>涉及的个人信息类型:</b>设备标识符(Android如:Android
  1039. ID、IMEI、IMSI、OAID)、设备信息(如:设备厂商、设备型号、操作系统版本、屏幕分辨率、屏幕方向、屏幕DPI、IP地址、加速度传感器、磁场传感器)、粗略位置信息(如:基站、附近的WIFI、连接的WIFI)、应用信息(如:宿主应用的包名、版本号、宿主应用的进程名称、运行状态)、诊断数据(如:如崩溃数据、性能数据)
  1040. </p>
  1041. <p><b>第三方主体:</b>深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司</p>
  1042. <p><b>收集方式:</b>SDK采集</p>
  1043. <p><b>官网链接:</b><a
  1044. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1045. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1046. <p><b>隐私政策:</b><a
  1047. href=";pid=5983" rel="nofollow"
  1048. target="_blank">;pid=5983</a></p>
  1049. <p><b>备注:</b>共同适用于 PDF Reader、17PDF阅读器</p>
  1050. <p><b>穿山甲广告(com.bytedance)SDK</b></p>
  1051. <p><b>使用目的:</b>向用户推送广告信息、广告归因、反作弊</p>
  1052. <p><b>使用场景:</b>向用户推送广告时使用</p>
  1053. <p><b>涉及的个人信息类型:</b>设备标识符(Android如:Android
  1054. ID、IMEI、IMSI、OAID、ICCID、GAID、MEID、MAC地址、设备序列号、build_serial)、设备信息(如:设备厂商、设备型号、操作系统版本)、网络信息(如:运营商信息、IP地址、网络信号强度、传感器信息)、应用信息(如:开发者应用名、应用包名、应用版本号、应用前后台状态)、已安装APP信息、运行中进程信息、位置信息
  1055. </p>
  1056. <p><b>第三方主体:</b>北京巨量引擎网络技术有限公司</p>
  1057. <p><b>收集方式:</b>SDK采集</p>
  1058. <p><b>官网链接:</b><a
  1059. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1060. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1061. <p><b>隐私政策:</b><a
  1062. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1063. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1064. <p><b>备注:</b>共同适用于 PDF Reader、17PDF阅读器</p>
  1065. <p><b>百度广告 SDK</b></p>
  1066. <p><b>使用目的:</b>向用户推送广告信息、广告归因、反作弊</p>
  1067. <p><b>使用场景:</b>向用户推送广告时使用</p>
  1068. <p><b>涉及的个人信息类型:</b>设备信息(如:Android
  1069. ID、IMEI、IMSI、OAID、MEID、MAC地址、设备序列号、设备品牌、型号、软件系统版本)、网络信息(Android如:设备厂商、设备型号、手机运营商、手机网络状态)、应用信息(如:开发者应用名、应用包名、版本号、应用前后台状态)、应用列表信息、运行中的进程信息、位置信息
  1070. </p>
  1071. <p><b>第三方主体:</b>北京百度网讯科技有限公司</p>
  1072. <p><b>收集方式:</b>SDK采集</p>
  1073. <p><b>官网链接:</b><a
  1074. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1075. target="_blank"></a>
  1076. </p>
  1077. <p><b>隐私政策:</b><a
  1078. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1079. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1080. <p><b>备注:</b>共同适用于 PDF Reader、17PDF阅读器</p>
  1081. <p><b>百度统计 SDK</b></p>
  1082. <p><b>使用目的:</b>向用户推送广告信息、广告归因、反作弊</p>
  1083. <p><b>使用场景:</b>向用户推送广告时使用</p>
  1084. <p><b>涉及的个人信息类型:</b>设备信息、日志信息、应用程序列表信息、运行中的进程信息</p>
  1085. <p><b>第三方主体:</b>北京百度网讯科技有限公司</p>
  1086. <p><b>收集方式:</b>SDK采集</p>
  1087. <p><b>官网链接:</b><a
  1088. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1089. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1090. <p><b>隐私政策:</b><a
  1091. href=";type=0" rel="nofollow"
  1092. target="_blank">;type=0</a></p>
  1093. <p><b>备注:</b>共同适用于 PDF Reader、17PDF阅读器</p>
  1094. <p><b>字节跳动 SDK</b></p>
  1095. <p><b>使用目的:</b>向用户推送广告信息、广告归因、反作弊</p>
  1096. <p><b>使用场景:</b>向用户推送广告时使用</p>
  1097. <p><b>涉及的个人信息类型:</b>设备标识符(Android如:Android
  1098. ID、IMEI、IMSI、OAID、ICCID、GAID、MEID、MAC地址、设备序列号、build_serial)、设备信息(如:设备厂商、设备型号、操作系统版本)、网络信息(如:运营商信息、IP地址、网络信号强度、传感器信息)、应用信息(如:开发者应用名、应用包名、应用版本号、应用前后台状态)、已安装APP信息、运行中进程信息、位置信息、读取外置存储卡、写入外置存储卡
  1099. </p>
  1100. <p><b>第三方主体:</b>北京巨量引擎网络技术有限公司</p>
  1101. <p><b>收集方式:</b>SDK采集</p>
  1102. <p><b>官网链接:</b><a
  1103. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1104. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1105. <p><b>隐私政策:</b><a
  1106. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1107. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1108. <p><b>备注:</b>共同适用于 PDF Reader、17PDF阅读器</p>
  1109. <p><b>设备标识生成库(阿里utdid2、阿里云UTDID、umeng/Utdid) SDK</b></p>
  1110. <p><b>使用目的:</b>设备生成唯一Device ID</p>
  1111. <p><b>使用场景:</b>用户进行问题反馈时使用</p>
  1112. <p><b>涉及的个人信息类型:</b>读取外置存储卡、写入外置存储卡、设备信息(IMEI,IMSI,设备标识符(如:AndroidID),任务列表</p>
  1113. <p><b>第三方主体:</b>支付宝(中国)网络技术有限公司</p>
  1114. <p><b>收集方式:</b>SDK采集</p>
  1115. <p><b>官网链接:</b><a
  1116. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1117. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1118. <p><b>隐私政策:</b><a
  1119. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1120. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1121. <p><b>备注:</b>共同适用于 PDF Reader、17PDF阅读器</p>
  1122. </div>
  1123. <div v-show="!language"
  1124. class="content en text-[14px] text-[#333] leading-[22px] bg-[#fff] pt-70px px-16px pb-16px">
  1125. <div class="date">
  1126. <div>Updated at: October 20, 2022</div>
  1127. <div>Effective at: October 20, 2022</div>
  1128. </div>
  1129. <p>Welcome to PDF Reader (including 17PDF Reader) developed and operated by Changsha Kdan Software Ltd.
  1130. (hereinafter referred to as " we ")!</p>
  1131. <p>This Policy applies to all products and services we provide to you through <b>our website</b> (<a
  1132. href=""></a>) and all terminals in the <b>Android version (PDF Reader
  1133. &amp; 17PDF Reader)</b>; If a separate policy is set for a product and/or service, that separate policy
  1134. takes precedence.</p>
  1135. <p>We have set up a special personal information protection team. If you have any questions, comments or
  1136. suggestions about this policy, please join our QQ customer service group: 188917181, and consult our
  1137. online
  1138. customer service. We will handle your problem within 15 working days.</p>
  1139. <div><b>This policy will help you understand the following:</b></div>
  1140. <ul>
  1141. <li><b>How we collect and use your personal information</b></li>
  1142. <li><b>How we deal with cookies and other technologies</b></li>
  1143. <li><b>How we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information</b></li>
  1144. <li><b>How we protect and save your personal information</b></li>
  1145. <li><b>Your rights</b></li>
  1146. <li><b>How we handle the personal information of minors</b></li>
  1147. <li><b>How we update this privacy policy</b></li>
  1148. <li><b>How to contact us</b></li>
  1149. </ul>
  1150. <p>We understand the importance of personal information to you. We will, in accordance with the provisions
  1151. of
  1152. laws and regulations, do our best to keep your personal information safe and reliable. We are committed to
  1153. protecting your personal information, and adhering to the following principles: accountability, clarity of
  1154. purpose, opt-in consent, minimum necessary, ensuring security, subject participation and openness &amp;
  1155. transparency. At the same time, we promise that we will take appropriate security measures to protect your
  1156. personal information in accordance with the industry's mature security standards.</p>
  1157. <p>We make this Privacy Policy with the <b>hope that you must carefully read and fully understand this
  1158. Privacy
  1159. Policy before you use any part or all of our website, products and services.</b></p>
  1160. <p>The following will help you learn more about how we collect, use, save, transmit, disclose and protect
  1161. personal information; and make you understand how to access, correct, delete, and authorize personal
  1162. information. <b>Please pay special attention to the important contents about your personal information in
  1163. bold form</b>.</p>
  1164. <h2>I. How we collect and use your personal Information</h2>
  1165. <p>We collect and use your personal information in compliance with applicable legal requirements and
  1166. relevant
  1167. industry standards for the following purposes as described in this Privacy Policy. <b>We will hold all of
  1168. the following information in accordance with the law or for as long as necessary to achieve the purpose
  1169. for which the specific information is intended:</b></p>
  1170. <ol>
  1171. <li class="sub-title">
  1172. <h3>Collect and use your personal information based on core business functions</h3>
  1173. <p>Some information needs to be provided for the use of special functions. If you choose to <b>use</b>
  1174. our
  1175. <b>corresponding business functions</b>, you need to provide us with or allow us to collect
  1176. <b>necessary
  1177. information</b> including:
  1178. </p>
  1179. <p><b>1.1 Register/Login an account: </b>If you need to register/login an account, you need to provide
  1180. your <b>email address, password and mobile phone number</b> to complete the account
  1181. registration/login.
  1182. <b>(You can log in using your mobile phone number/email address - Email login does not require
  1183. third-party authorization)</b>
  1184. </p>
  1185. <p><b>1.2 Authorize login/registration with a third-party account:</b> Third-party accounts including
  1186. WeChat account and QQ account can be used to authorize login/registration of our software. In order to
  1187. use this third-party account to log in/register and use our software, you need to provide your
  1188. <b>third-party account/nickname, account password</b>, and upload your <b>third-party account profile
  1189. photo</b>. The aforementioned third-party account is provided by other parties other than us. When
  1190. you
  1191. register a third-party account, you need to comply with the relevant requirements of the account
  1192. provider (for example, if the account you authorize to log in and use our online services is QQ, the
  1193. account provider is Tencent, and so on). <b>The collection, use, sharing and transfer of your personal
  1194. information (including personal sensitive information) by the third-party account provider shall be
  1195. subject to the privacy policy of the third-party account provider. If you authorize a third-party
  1196. account to log in/register and use our online services, you shall be deemed to have agreed to the
  1197. privacy policy of the third-party account provider</b> and to collect, use, process, share and
  1198. transfer your personal information (including personal sensitive information) in accordance with its
  1199. privacy policy.
  1200. </p>
  1201. <p><b>1.3 Payment:</b> When you place an order to purchase any of our products or services, you may use
  1202. the payment services provided by the third-party payment institutions (Alipay/WeChat Pay, hereinafter
  1203. referred to as the "Payment Institutions") that cooperate with us. We need to provide your
  1204. <b>transaction order, transaction amount, transaction content, subscribing time, payment method and
  1205. payment account information</b> to the payment institution to confirm your payment order and
  1206. complete
  1207. the payment.
  1208. </p>
  1209. <p><b>1.4 Ensure security and optimize services:</b> To improve system security and optimize services
  1210. when
  1211. you use our products and services, we will collect your <b>equipment information</b> and <b>log
  1212. information</b>. <b>Equipment information</b> including <b>equipment model, brand, equipment
  1213. manufacturers, MAC address, device identifier (IMEI/MEID/AndroidID/IMSI/OAID), equipment serial
  1214. number, sensor information (such as acceleration sensor, magnetic sensor, pressure sensor,
  1215. gyroscope),
  1216. running application</b>. This information is used to determine your account risk and find features
  1217. that need to be optimized. <b>Equipment information</b> may be expressed as "phone information" in the
  1218. mobile terminal, which does not mean that the App will collect the communication content or the
  1219. privacy
  1220. information you actively enter. Log information refers to the service logs generated when you use the
  1221. service.</p>
  1222. <p><b>Special Note:</b> Equipment information and log information is also used to prevent cheating and
  1223. determine whether the account is in a secure environment. Some of the information may also be used for
  1224. advertising. Most mobile phone systems support changing the device identifier. For details, see the
  1225. device or vendor description.</p>
  1226. <p><b>Four types of personal information in total</b></p>
  1227. </li>
  1228. <li class="sub-title">
  1229. <h3>Collect and use your personal information indirectly</h3>
  1230. <p>We may collect the account information (profile photo, nickname) authorized to share from the
  1231. third-party account provider, and bind your third-party account to our account after you agree to this
  1232. Privacy Policy, so that you can directly login and use our services through the third-party account.
  1233. </p>
  1234. </li>
  1235. <li class="sub-title">
  1236. <h3>Permission</h3>
  1237. <p>When you use our products, we may apply for the following permissions related to personal
  1238. information.
  1239. We will not enable these permissions by default. We can only collect your information through these
  1240. permissions if you actively confirm to enable them.</p>
  1241. <p><b>Permissions applied by PDF Reader (17PDF Reader):</b></p>
  1242. <p><b>3.1 Storage Permission:</b> When you first start PDF Reader (17PDF Reader), the software will
  1243. grant
  1244. you storage permissions to read, edit, and save documents. If you choose not to enable this
  1245. permission,
  1246. you will not be able to read, edit, or save documents in the external storage.</p>
  1247. <p><b>3.2 Phone Permission:</b> When you first start PDF Reader (17PDF Reader), the software will apply
  1248. for permission to read phone state and identification code for network connection and update. If you
  1249. choose not to enable this permission, you may not be able to update our products.</p>
  1250. <p><b>3.3 Camera Permission:</b> When you first start PDF Reader (17PDF Reader), the software will grant
  1251. you this permission to help you scan documents, upload and modify profile photos, make images or stamp
  1252. annotations. If you choose not to enable this permission, you will not be able to use the camera
  1253. functions.</p>
  1254. <p><b>3.4 Contacts Permission:</b> When you first start PDF Reader (17PDF Reader), the software will
  1255. apply
  1256. for this permission for SMS registration. If you choose not to enable this permission, you will not be
  1257. able to use SMS registration.</p>
  1258. <p><b>3.5 Read list of Installed Applications Permission:</b> When you first start PDF Reader (17PDF
  1259. Reader), the software will grant you this permission to open PDF files from third-party applications
  1260. to
  1261. our software and to share files. If you choose not to enable this permission, you will not be able to
  1262. use the specific functions described.</p>
  1263. <p><b>3.6 Modify System Setting Permission:</b> When you first start PDF Reader (17PDF Reader), the
  1264. software will grant you this permission to transfer files over Wi-Fi. If you do not enable this
  1265. permission, you cannot transfer files over Wi-Fi.</p>
  1266. <p><b>Six kinds of permissions in total.</b> We will not be able to provide the specific function if you
  1267. don’t authorize it. In addition to the above permissions, you can choose whether to grant us other
  1268. permissions.</p>
  1269. </li>
  1270. <li class="sub-title">
  1271. <h3>Exceptions with consent</h3>
  1272. <p>To be fully aware that we do not need your consent to process personal information in the following
  1273. circumstances:</p>
  1274. <p>4.1 Related to the performance of obligations under laws and regulations;</p>
  1275. <p>4.2 Related to national security and national defense security;</p>
  1276. <p>4.3 Related to public security, public health or major public interests;</p>
  1277. <p>4.4 Related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;</p>
  1278. <p>4.5 Related to the protection of the life, property and other major lawful rights and interests of an
  1279. individual or other individuals;</p>
  1280. <p>4.6 Related to the disclosure to the public by individuals themselves;</p>
  1281. <p>4.7 Related to sign and perform the contract according to personal requirements;</p>
  1282. <p>4.8 Related to the collection of personal information from legally publicly disclosed information,
  1283. such
  1284. as legal news reports, government information disclosure;</p>
  1285. <p>4.9 Related to the contents necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the provided
  1286. products or services, such as finding and disposing of the faults of the products or services;</p>
  1287. <p>4.10 Other circumstances stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.</p>
  1288. <p>If you know, acknowledge, share or transfer personal information that has been de-labeled, and ensure
  1289. that the data receiver cannot recover and re-identify the subject of personal information, it is not
  1290. an
  1291. act of external sharing, transfer or public disclosure of personal information. In addition, the
  1292. storage
  1293. and processing of such data will be done without notice to you. Meanwhile, according to relevant laws
  1294. and regulations, it is not necessary to notify you or obtain your consent to process anonymous
  1295. information.</p>
  1296. <p>The content, source and way we collect your personal information may vary depending on the products
  1297. you
  1298. use (including but not limited to different products, different language versions of the same product,
  1299. etc.) or our services.</p>
  1300. </li>
  1301. </ol>
  1302. <h2>II. How we deal with cookies and other technologies</h2>
  1303. <p><b>1. Cookie:</b> When you use our services, we will store a small data file named Cookie on your
  1304. computer
  1305. or mobile device. Cookies typically contain identifiers, site names, and some numbers and characters. We
  1306. use
  1307. this information to determine whether a registered user has logged in to improve service, product quality
  1308. and optimize user experience. <b>If you do not want personal information to be stored in cookies, you can
  1309. configure the browser to disable the Cookie function</b>.</p>
  1310. <p><b>2. Do Not Track: We do not use cookies for any purpose other than those stated in this Privacy Policy.
  1311. You can manage or delete cookies according to your preferences</b>. You can clear all cookies saved on
  1312. your device, and many web browsers have a Do Not Track feature that issues Do Not Track requests to
  1313. websites. The major Internet standards bodies don't have policies governing how sites should respond to
  1314. such
  1315. requests. But if your browser has Do Not Track enabled, we all respect your choice.</p>
  1316. <p><b>The following links provide instructions on how to control cookies in all major browsers:</b></p>
  1317. <p>Google Chrome: <a
  1318. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1319. target="_blank"></a>;</p>
  1320. <p>IE: <a
  1321. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1322. target="_blank"></a>;</p>
  1323. <p>Safari(Desktop version): <a
  1324. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1325. target="_blank"></a>;</p>
  1326. <p>Safari(Mobile version): <a
  1327. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1328. target="_blank"></a>;</p>
  1329. <p>Firefox: <a
  1330. href=";redirectslug=Cookies"
  1331. rel="nofollow"
  1332. target="_blank">;redirectslug=Cookies</a>;
  1333. </p>
  1334. <p>Opera: <a
  1335. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1336. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1337. <p>If you are using another browser, please refer to the guide provided by the browser manufacturer.</p>
  1338. <p>Please be aware that if you refuse to use or remove existing tracking technology, you will need to
  1339. personally change the user settings at each visit, and we may not be able to provide you with a better
  1340. user
  1341. experience and some services may not function properly.</p>
  1342. <h2>III. How we share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information</h2>
  1343. <p><b>1. Share</b></p>
  1344. <p>We will not share your personal information with any other companies, organizations or individuals,
  1345. except
  1346. in the following cases:</p>
  1347. <p><b>1.1 Share with express consent:</b> After obtaining your express consent, we may share your personal
  1348. information with third parties. Please refer to <a href="#sdk-en">The Third-Party SDK List</a> for details
  1349. about the types and purposes of personal information collected by our partners (Third-party SDKs).</p>
  1350. <p><b>1.2</b> We may share your personal information with relevant third parties <b>as required by laws and
  1351. regulations, mandatory government requests or judicial rulings</b>.</p>
  1352. <p><b>1.3 Share within us:</b> In order to improve the products and services we offer to you, your personal
  1353. information may be shared within us for product authentication, customer service and security prevention.
  1354. We
  1355. will only share necessary personal information internally. If we want to change the purpose of processing
  1356. personal information, we will ask for your authorization again.</p>
  1357. <p><b>1.4 Share with partners:</b></p>
  1358. <ul>
  1359. <li>We may share consolidated statistics with partners, trusted affiliates or advertisers to optimize our
  1360. products and services, and these statistics will not be linked to any user's personal information.</li>
  1361. <li>If you participate in the sweepstakes, contest or similar promotions through our website or email
  1362. newsletter, you as the recipient, your information (name, telephone number (including phone number),
  1363. address) will be provided to delivery service or related suppliers.</li>
  1364. </ul>
  1365. <p><b>If you do not wish to share your personal information with any of the above sharers, please contact us
  1366. at <a href=""></a>.</b></p>
  1367. <p><b>2. Transfer</b></p>
  1368. <p>We will not transfer your personal information to any other company, organization or individual, except
  1369. for
  1370. the following circumstances:</p>
  1371. <p><b>2.1 Transfer with express consent:</b> After obtaining your express consent, we will transfer your
  1372. personal information to other parties;</p>
  1373. <p><b>2.2</b> Satisfy the requirements of <b>laws and regulations, legal procedures or mandatory government
  1374. requirements or judicial rulings</b>;</p>
  1375. <p><b>2.3</b> In the case of <b>merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation</b>, if the transfer of
  1376. personal
  1377. information is involved, we will require the new company or organization that holds your personal
  1378. information to continue to be bound by this Privacy Policy; otherwise, we will require the company or
  1379. organization to seek authorization from you again.</p>
  1380. <p><b>3. Disclose publicly</b></p>
  1381. <p>We will only publicly disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:</p>
  1382. <p><b>3.1 Get your express consent;</b></p>
  1383. <p><b>3.2 Your mobile phone number or account login name</b> will be shown in the announcement of the
  1384. relevant
  1385. winning list with desensitization;</p>
  1386. <p><b>3.3</b> If we receive a complaint or report from a third party against you, we have the right to
  1387. disclose your necessary information (registered name, identification, contact person, contact phone
  1388. number)
  1389. to the complaining party, and urge you to negotiate with the complaining party, so as to solve the
  1390. complaint
  1391. and dispute in time and protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties.</p>
  1392. <p><b>3.4 Disclosure based on laws</b> to satisfy the requirements of laws and regulations, legal procedures
  1393. or mandatory government requirements or judicial rulings: We may publicly disclose your personal
  1394. information
  1395. when required by law, legal procedures, litigation or government authorities.</p>
  1396. <h2>IV. How we protect and save your personal information</h2>
  1397. <p>1. We will work hard to use industry-standard security protection measures to protect your personal
  1398. information, and prevent unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of
  1399. data.
  1400. We will take all reasonable and feasible measures to ensure that no irrelevant personal information is
  1401. collected. <b>We will only retain your personal information for the period required to achieve the purpose
  1402. stated in the privacy policy, unless it is necessary to extend the retention period or is permitted by
  1403. law</b>.</p>
  1404. <p>2. Since the Internet is not an absolutely secure environment, and emails, instant communications, and
  1405. online communication with other third parties may not be encrypted, we strongly recommend that you do not
  1406. send personal information through such methods. At the same time, when registering to use our products,
  1407. please pay attention to the use of complex passwords to help us ensure the security of your account.</p>
  1408. <p>3. In the unfortunate event of a personal information security incident, we will promptly inform you in
  1409. accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impact of the
  1410. security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, what you can do to independently
  1411. prevent and reduce risks and some suggestions and remedies for you. We will also inform you of the
  1412. relevant
  1413. information of the incident by email, letter, telephone, push notification, etc. If it is difficult to
  1414. inform the subject of personal information one by one, we will adopt a reasonable and effective way to
  1415. issue
  1416. an announcement.</p>
  1417. <p>At the same time, we will also proactively report the handling of personal information security incidents
  1418. in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory authorities.</p>
  1419. <h2>V. Your rights</h2>
  1420. <p>In accordance with relevant domestic laws, regulations, and standards, as well as common practices in
  1421. other
  1422. countries and regions, we guarantee that you exercise the following rights with respect to your personal
  1423. information:</p>
  1424. <p><b>1. Access to your personal information</b></p>
  1425. <p>You have the right to access your personal information, except for exceptions provided by laws and
  1426. regulations. If you want to exercise the right of access, you can do it yourself in the following ways:
  1427. </p>
  1428. <p>1.1 You can query your mobile/email account or WeChat/QQ profile photos, and your nickname through the
  1429. path
  1430. "Me-Profile Photo";</p>
  1431. <p>1.2 You can check the binding status of your mobile phone/QQ/WeChat through the path: "Me-Manage
  1432. Accounts",
  1433. as well as the bound mobile phone number and WeChat or QQ nickname;</p>
  1434. <p>1.3 You can check your membership purchase status through the path: "Me - Member Center". If "Subscribe
  1435. now" is displayed, you are a non-member; if "Re-subscribe now" is displayed, you are a member.</p>
  1436. <p>As long as we do not need to invest too much, we will provide you with other personal information
  1437. generated
  1438. during your use of our products or services. If you want to know more, or cannot access the personal
  1439. information through the above-mentioned path, you can join our QQ customer service group (188917181) to
  1440. contact us, we will respond to your access request within 15 working days.</p>
  1441. <p><b>2. Correct your personal information</b></p>
  1442. <p>When you find that there is something wrong with the personal information we process, you have the right
  1443. to
  1444. request us to make corrections. You can apply for correction through the methods listed in "<b>1. Access
  1445. to
  1446. your personal information</b>".</p>
  1447. <p>If you are unable to correct the personal information through the above path, you can join our QQ
  1448. customer
  1449. service group (188917181) and contact us, and we will respond to your correction request within 15 working
  1450. days.</p>
  1451. <p><b>3. Delete your personal information</b></p>
  1452. <p>In the following situations, you can ask us to delete personal information:</p>
  1453. <p>3.1 If our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations;</p>
  1454. <p>3.2 If we collect and use your personal information without your consent;</p>
  1455. <p>3.3 If our handling of personal information violates our agreement with you;</p>
  1456. <p>3.4 If you no longer use our products or services, or you log out of your account;</p>
  1457. <p>3.5 If we no longer provide you with products or services. </p>
  1458. <p>When you delete information from our service, we may not delete the corresponding information in the
  1459. backup
  1460. system immediately, but we will delete the information when the backup is updated.</p>
  1461. <p><b>4. Change your authorization</b></p>
  1462. <p>Each business function requires some basic personal information to be completed. For the collection and
  1463. use
  1464. of additional personal information, you can give or withdraw your authorization at any time.</p>
  1465. <p>You can modify the settings of your hardware devices, and withdraw the authorization of <b>storage,
  1466. camera,
  1467. phone, and contacts permissions</b>;</p>
  1468. <p>After you withdraw your consent, we will no longer process the corresponding personal information.
  1469. However,
  1470. your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the previous processing of personal information
  1471. based
  1472. on your authorization.</p>
  1473. <p><b>5. Cancel your accounts </b></p>
  1474. <p>You can cancel the previously registered account at any time. You can do it in the following ways:</p>
  1475. <p>Open PDF Reader / 17PDF Reader - click "Me"- "Profile Photo"-"Account Cancellation";</p>
  1476. <p>If you need to cancel your account, you can call the customer service phone 0731-84225961 for
  1477. consultation;
  1478. </p>
  1479. <p>Service time: Monday to Friday from 9 am to 18 am;</p>
  1480. <p>The cancellation of the account must be submitted by the user, and it will be completed within 3 working
  1481. days after confirmation by us, and we will terminate the provision of services for the account.</p>
  1482. <p>Special note: Account cancellation is an unrecoverable operation. After account cancellation, all
  1483. information in the account will not be retained, and the relevant rights and interests like cloud space /
  1484. conversion coupons / members will not be restored. Any loss caused by account cancellation shall be borne
  1485. by
  1486. the user. <b>After you cancel your account, we will stop providing products or services to you and delete
  1487. your personal information at your request, except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations</b>.</p>
  1488. <p><b>6. Automatic decision mechanism</b></p>
  1489. <p>In some business functions, we may only make decisions based on non-manual automatic decision-making
  1490. mechanisms including information systems and algorithms. If these decisions significantly affect your
  1491. legitimate rights and interests, you can contact us through the methods provided at the end of this
  1492. privacy
  1493. policy, ask us to explain, and refuse us to make decisions only through automated decision-making.</p>
  1494. <p><b>7. Respond to your above request</b></p>
  1495. <p>To ensure security, if you make a request to us in accordance with this privacy policy, <b>we will first
  1496. verify your personal information subject identity, and then process your request</b>.</p>
  1497. <p>We will give feedback <b>within fifteen working days or within the time stipulated by laws and
  1498. regulations</b>. If you have any questions, you can contact us through the methods provided at the end
  1499. of
  1500. this privacy policy.</p>
  1501. <p>For your reasonable request, <b>we do not charge a fee in principle, but for repeated requests that
  1502. exceed
  1503. a reasonable limit, we will charge a certain cost. We may reject requests that are unreasonably
  1504. repeated,
  1505. require excessive technical means</b> (for example, the need to develop new systems or fundamentally
  1506. change existing practices), <b>bring risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are very
  1507. unrealistic</b>.</p>
  1508. <p>In the following situations, we will not be able to respond to your request:</p>
  1509. <ul>
  1510. <li>Relevant to the fulfillment of obligations stipulated by laws and regulations by personal information
  1511. controllers;</li>
  1512. <li>Directly related to national security and national defense security;</li>
  1513. <li>Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;</li>
  1514. <li>Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and execution of judgments;</li>
  1515. <li>The personal information controller has sufficient evidence to show that the personal information
  1516. subject has subjective malice or abuse of rights;</li>
  1517. <li>In order to protect the life, property and other major legal rights of the personal information
  1518. subject
  1519. or other individuals with difficulties to obtain the consent of the person;</li>
  1520. <li>Responding to the request will cause serious damage to the legal rights and interests of the personal
  1521. information subject or other individuals or organizations;</li>
  1522. <li>Involving trade secrets.</li>
  1523. </ul>
  1524. <h2>VI. How we handle the personal information of minors</h2>
  1525. <p>For children under the age of 14 and minors over the age of 14, before using our products, websites and
  1526. services and creating their own personal information subject account, <b>they should first obtain the
  1527. consent of their parents or guardians</b>.</p>
  1528. <p><b>It is recommended that your parents or guardians should read this privacy policy carefully</b>. And
  1529. you
  1530. should use our products, websites and services under the guidance of your parents or guardians. Once you
  1531. download, install, use our products in any way, log in, register, use any part or all of our website and
  1532. services, it means that your parent or guardian agrees to your use of our products, websites and services
  1533. and agrees to this privacy policy. Thus, we are allowed to collect, use, store, and share your personal
  1534. information in accordance with this privacy policy.</p>
  1535. <p>For the collection of children's personal information with parental consent, we will only use or publicly
  1536. disclose this information when permitted by law, the parent or guardian's express consent, or is necessary
  1537. to protect the child.</p>
  1538. <p><b>If we find that we have collected children’s personal information without obtaining verifiable
  1539. parental
  1540. consent at first, we will try to delete the relevant data as soon as possible.</b></p>
  1541. <h2>VII. How we update this privacy policy</h2>
  1542. <p>Our privacy policy may change.</p>
  1543. <p><b>Without your express consent, we will not reduce your rights in accordance with this privacy
  1544. policy</b>.
  1545. We will post any changes to this policy on this page.</p>
  1546. <p><b>For major changes, we will also provide more significant notices</b>. The major changes referred to in
  1547. this privacy policy include but are not limited to:</p>
  1548. <ul>
  1549. <li>Our service model has undergone major changes. Such as the purpose of processing personal information,
  1550. the type of personal information processed, and the way in which personal information is used;</li>
  1551. <li>Significant changes have taken place in our ownership structure and organizational structure. Owner
  1552. changes caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy mergers, etc;</li>
  1553. <li>Changes in the main objects of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure;</li>
  1554. <li>Your right to participate in the processing of personal information and how to exercise it has
  1555. undergone
  1556. major changes;</li>
  1557. <li>When our responsible department for handling personal information security, contact information and
  1558. complaint channels change;</li>
  1559. <li>When the personal information security impact assessment report shows that there is a high risk.</li>
  1560. </ul>
  1561. <p>If you do not agree to the revised privacy policy, you have the right and should stop using our services
  1562. immediately.</p>
  1563. <h2>VIII. How to contact us</h2>
  1564. <p>We have set up a dedicated personal information protection team and person in charge. If you have any
  1565. questions, comments or suggestions about this privacy policy, you can join our QQ customer service group:
  1566. 188917181 to contact us.</p>
  1567. <p>We will review the issues involved as soon as possible and give feedback within 15 working days or within
  1568. the time stipulated by law.</p>
  1569. <h2><b>Appendix: Definition</b></h2>
  1570. <ol>
  1571. <li><b>Personal information:</b> various information related to an identified or identifiable natural
  1572. person
  1573. recorded electronically or by other means, including but not limited to the natural person’s name, date
  1574. of
  1575. birth, ID number, personal biometric information, address and telephone number. What’s more, it does not
  1576. include anonymized information.</li>
  1577. <li><b>Personal sensitive information:</b> Once leaked or illegally used, personal sensitive information
  1578. is
  1579. likely to cause the personal dignity of a natural person to be infringed or personal and property safety
  1580. to be compromised, including biometrics, religious beliefs, specific identities, medical health,
  1581. financial
  1582. accounts, whereabouts and other information, as well as the personal information of minors under the age
  1583. of fourteen. For example, personal sensitive information includes ID number, personal biometric
  1584. information, bank account number, communication content, health and physiological information, etc.</li>
  1585. <li><b>Children:</b> Refers to minors under the age of fourteen.</li>
  1586. <li><b>Cookie:</b> A cookie is a small file containing a character string, which is sent and stored in
  1587. your
  1588. computer, mobile device or other device (usually encrypted) when you log in and use a website or other
  1589. network content.</li>
  1590. <li><b>De-identification:</b> The process of processing personal information to make it impossible to
  1591. identify a specific natural person without the help of additional information.</li>
  1592. </ol>
  1593. <h2 id="sdk-en" class="sdk">The Third-Party SDK List</h2>
  1594. <p>In order to ensure the realization of product functions (login and payment with third-party accounts) and
  1595. the safe &amp; stable operation, our products may include software development kits (SDK) provided by
  1596. third
  1597. parties.</p>
  1598. <p>The collection and processing of information by third-party SDKs abides by their own privacy policies.
  1599. <b>In order to ensure the security of your information, we recommend that you should review their privacy
  1600. policies before using any third-party SDK services</b>. To protect your legitimate rights and interests,
  1601. if you find that these SDKs or other similar applications are <b>at risk</b>, it is recommended that
  1602. <b>you
  1603. should immediately terminate the relevant operations and get in touch with us in time</b>.
  1604. </p>
  1605. <p>This list is applicable to all products and services that we provide through our website (<a
  1606. href=""></a>) and all terminals of the Android version (PDF Reader
  1607. &amp; 17PDF Reader); If a separate list is set for a certain product and/or service, the separate list
  1608. applies first.</p>
  1609. <p><b>The following is the specific information of the third-party SDK:</b></p>
  1610. <p><b>QQ SDK</b></p>
  1611. <p><b>Purpose: </b>QQ account login and registration</p>
  1612. <p><b>Usage scenario: </b>QQ account login and registration</p>
  1613. <p><b>Types of personal information involved: </b>IMEI, Network information</p>
  1614. <p><b>Third-party subject: </b>Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.</p>
  1615. <p><b>Official website: </b><a
  1616. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1617. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1618. <p><b>Privacy Policy: </b><a
  1619. href=""
  1620. rel="nofollow"
  1621. target="_blank"></a>
  1622. </p>
  1623. <p><b>Note: </b>Commonly applicable to PDF Reader and 17PDF Reader</p>
  1624. <p><b>Tencent TBS</b></p>
  1625. <p><b>Purpose: </b>Realize stable WebView and file preview</p>
  1626. <p><b>Usage scenario: </b>WebView and file preview</p>
  1627. <p><b>Types of personal information involved: </b>IMEI, device information</p>
  1628. <p><b>Third-party subject: </b>Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.</p>
  1629. <p><b>Official website: </b><a
  1630. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1631. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1632. <p><b>Privacy Policy: </b><a
  1633. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1634. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1635. <p><b>Note: </b>Commonly applicable to PDF Reader and 17PDF Reader</p>
  1636. <p><b>MI push</b></p>
  1637. <p><b>Purpose: </b>Push systematic notice or important information</p>
  1638. <p><b>Usage scenario: </b>Prompt the conversion status during file conversion</p>
  1639. <p><b>Types of personal information involved: </b>Device identifier (for example, Android ID, MEID, OAID,
  1640. and
  1641. GAID), device information (for example, OS version, device manufacturer, device model, home location, and
  1642. carrier name), in-running process information, notification content, notification bar Settings, network
  1643. status, and data written to the device storage</p>
  1644. <p><b>Third-party subject: </b>Xiaomi Group</p>
  1645. <p><b>Official website: </b><a
  1646. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1647. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1648. <p><b>Privacy Policy: </b><a
  1649. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1650. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1651. <p><b>Note: </b>Commonly applicable to PDF Reader and 17PDF Reader</p>
  1652. <p><b>Alipay SDK</b></p>
  1653. <p><b>Purpose: </b>Help users to pay</p>
  1654. <p><b>Usage scenario: </b>Subscribe/re-subscribe VIP or purchase the voucher</p>
  1655. <p><b>Types of personal information involved: </b>IMEI, network information, device information (MAC
  1656. address,
  1657. serial number)</p>
  1658. <p><b>Third-party subject: </b>Alibaba Cloud Computing Co., Ltd.</p>
  1659. <p><b>Official website: </b><a
  1660. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1661. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1662. <p><b>Privacy Policy: </b><a
  1663. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1664. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1665. <p><b>Note: </b>Commonly applicable to PDF Reader and 17PDF Reader</p>
  1666. <p><b>WeChat SDK</b></p>
  1667. <p><b>Purpose: </b>WeChat account login and registration or Pay</p>
  1668. <p><b>Usage scenario: </b>WeChat account login and registration or subscribe / re-subscribe VIP / purchase
  1669. the
  1670. voucher</p>
  1671. <p><b>Types of personal information involved: </b>IMEI, network information, device information (MAC
  1672. address,
  1673. serial number)</p>
  1674. <p><b>Third-party subject: </b>Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd.</p>
  1675. <p><b>Official website: </b><a
  1676. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1677. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1678. <p><b>Privacy Policy: </b><a
  1679. href=";t=weixin_agreement&amp;s=privacy"
  1680. rel="nofollow"
  1681. target="_blank">;t=weixin_agreement&amp;s=privacy</a>
  1682. </p>
  1683. <p><b>Note: </b>Commonly applicable to PDF Reader and 17PDF Reader</p>
  1684. <p><b>Firebase SDK</b></p>
  1685. <p><b>Purpose: </b>Error log collection for APP optimization</p>
  1686. <p><b>Usage scenario: </b>Collect error logs when software errors are reported</p>
  1687. <p><b>Types of personal information involved: </b>IMEI, IMSI, MAC address, Android ID</p>
  1688. <p><b>Third-party subject: </b>Google Inc.</p>
  1689. <p><b>Official website: </b><a
  1690. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1691. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1692. <p><b>Privacy Policy: </b><a
  1693. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1694. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1695. <p><b>Note: </b>Commonly applicable to PDF Reader and 17PDF Reader</p>
  1696. <p><b>MobTech SDK</b></p>
  1697. <p><b>Purpose: </b>Mobile phone login, SMS authentication login</p>
  1698. <p><b>Usage scenario: </b>Mobile phone login, SMS authentication login</p>
  1699. <p><b>Types of personal information involved: </b>Mobile phone number, device identifier (IMEI, OAID),
  1700. application list, system running information, and network status information</p>
  1701. <p><b>Third-party subject: </b>MobTech Co., LTD</p>
  1702. <p><b>Collection Mode: </b>SDK collection</p>
  1703. <p><b>Official website: </b><a
  1704. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1705. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1706. <p><b>Privacy Policy: </b><a
  1707. href=""
  1708. rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></p>
  1709. <p><b>Note: </b>Commonly applicable to PDF Reader and 17PDF Reader</p>
  1710. <p><b>GroMore SDK</b></p>
  1711. <p><b>Purpose: </b>Push advertising information to users, advertising attribution, anti-cheating</p>
  1712. <p><b>Usage scenario: </b>Push ads to users</p>
  1713. <p><b>Types of personal information involved: </b>Equipment Information: Device brand, model, operating
  1714. system
  1715. version, system time zone, system language, device identifier (such as IMEI, AndroidID, OAID, IMSI, GAID,
  1716. MEID, IDFV, IDFA, specific fields vary with software and hardware versions), device serial number
  1717. build_serial, WiFi status; Basic information such as list Application information: developer application
  1718. name, application package name, and version number; Application information such as a list of other
  1719. information: operators, equipment, time zone information, location information, network equipment hardware
  1720. address (MAC address), IP address, WLAN access points (such as SSID, BSSID), base station, the software
  1721. version number, Internet access, type, status, quality of network data, operation, use and service log,
  1722. screen resolutions.</p>
  1723. <p><b>Third-party subject: </b>Ocean engine Co., LTD</p>
  1724. <p><b>Collection Mode: </b>SDK collection</p>
  1725. <p><b>Official website: </b><a
  1726. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1727. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1728. <p><b>Privacy Policy: </b><a
  1729. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1730. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1731. <p><b>Note: </b>Commonly applicable to PDF Reader and 17PDF Reader</p>
  1732. <p><b>Alibaba Cloud Data Analysis SDK</b></p>
  1733. <p><b>Purpose: </b>Statistical analysis</p>
  1734. <p><b>Usage scenario: </b>Used when users provide problem feedback</p>
  1735. <p><b>Types of personal information involved: </b>Device identifier (such as IMEI and IMSI for Android),
  1736. device information (such as operating system version, device manufacturer, and device model), in-running
  1737. process information, network information, and carrier information</p>
  1738. <p><b>Third-party subject: </b>Alibaba Cloud Computing Co., LTD</p>
  1739. <p><b>Collection Mode: </b>SDK collection</p>
  1740. <p><b>Official website: </b><a
  1741. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1742. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1743. <p><b>Privacy Policy: </b><a
  1744. href=""
  1745. rel="nofollow"
  1746. target="_blank"></a>
  1747. </p>
  1748. <p><b>Note: </b>Commonly applicable to PDF Reader and 17PDF Reader</p>
  1749. <p><b>YLH SDK</b></p>
  1750. <p><b>Purpose: </b>To push advertising information to users, advertising attribution, anti-cheating</p>
  1751. <p><b>Usage scenario: </b>Used when pushing ads to users</p>
  1752. <p><b>Types of personal information involved: </b>Device identifier (such as Android ID, IMEI, IMSI, and
  1753. OAID), device information (such as: Device manufacturer, device model, operating system version, screen
  1754. resolution, screen orientation, screen DPI, IP address, acceleration sensor, magnetic field sensor), rough
  1755. location information (such as base station, nearby WIFI, connected WIFI), application information (such as
  1756. Host application package name, version number, host application process name, running status), diagnostic
  1757. data (e.g., crash data, performance data)</p>
  1758. <p><b>Third-party subject: </b>Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., LTD</p>
  1759. <p><b>Collection Mode: </b>SDK collection</p>
  1760. <p><b>Official website: </b><a
  1761. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1762. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1763. <p><b>Privacy Policy: </b><a
  1764. href=";pid=5983"
  1765. rel="nofollow" target="_blank">;pid=5983</a></p>
  1766. <p><b>Note: </b>Commonly applicable to PDF Reader and 17PDF Reader</p>
  1767. <p><b>CSJ Advertising (com.bytedance) SDK</b></p>
  1768. <p><b>Purpose: </b>To push advertising information to users, advertising attribution, anti-cheating</p>
  1769. <p><b>Usage scenario: </b>Used when pushing ads to users</p>
  1770. <p><b>Types of personal information involved: </b>Device identifier (such as Android ID, IMEI, IMSI, OAID,
  1771. ICCID, GAID, MEID, MAC address, device serial number, build_serial), device information (such as:
  1772. Equipment
  1773. manufacturers, equipment type, operating system version), the network information (such as carriers of
  1774. information, IP address, network signal strength, sensor information), application information (such as
  1775. developers, application package name, application name, version number, application foreground, and
  1776. background state), installed APP information, process information, location information</p>
  1777. <p><b>Third-party subject: </b>Ocean engine Co., LTD</p>
  1778. <p><b>Collection Mode: </b>SDK collection</p>
  1779. <p><b>Official website: </b><a
  1780. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1781. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1782. <p><b>Privacy Policy: </b><a
  1783. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1784. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1785. <p><b>Note: </b>Commonly applicable to PDF Reader and 17PDF Reader</p>
  1786. <p><b>Baidu Advertising SDK</b></p>
  1787. <p><b>Purpose: </b>To push advertising information to users, advertising attribution, anti-cheating</p>
  1788. <p><b>Usage scenario: </b>Used when pushing ads to users</p>
  1789. <p><b>Types of personal information involved: </b>Device information (for example, Android ID, IMEI, IMSI,
  1790. OAID, MEID, MAC address, device serial number, device brand, model, software system version), network
  1791. information (for example, Android: Device manufacturer, device model, mobile carrier, and mobile network
  1792. status), application information (such as developer application name, application package name, version
  1793. number, and application status), application list information, running process information, and location
  1794. information</p>
  1795. <p><b>Third-party subject: </b>Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., LTD</p>
  1796. <p><b>Collection Mode: </b>SDK collection</p>
  1797. <p><b>Official website: </b><a
  1798. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1799. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1800. <p><b>Privacy Policy: </b><a
  1801. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1802. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1803. <p><b>Note: </b>Commonly applicable to PDF Reader and 17PDF Reader</p>
  1804. <p><b>Baidu Statistics SDK</b></p>
  1805. <p><b>Purpose: </b>To push advertising information to users, advertising attribution, anti-cheating</p>
  1806. <p><b>Usage scenario: </b>Used when pushing ads to users</p>
  1807. <p><b>Types of personal information involved: </b>Device information, log information, application list
  1808. information, and running process information</p>
  1809. <p><b>Third-party subject: </b>Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., LTD</p>
  1810. <p><b>Collection Mode: </b>SDK collection</p>
  1811. <p><b>Official website: </b><a
  1812. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1813. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1814. <p><b>Privacy Policy: </b><a
  1815. href=";type=0"
  1816. rel="nofollow" target="_blank">;type=0</a></p>
  1817. <p><b>Note: </b>Commonly applicable to PDF Reader and 17PDF Reader</p>
  1818. <p><b>Bytedance SDK</b></p>
  1819. <p><b>Purpose: </b>To push advertising information to users, advertising attribution, anti-cheating</p>
  1820. <p><b>Usage scenario: </b>Used when pushing ads to users</p>
  1821. <p><b>Types of personal information involved: </b>Device identifier (such as Android ID, IMEI, IMSI, OAID,
  1822. ICCID, GAID, MEID, MAC address, device serial number, build_serial), device information (such as: Device
  1823. manufacturer, device model, and operating system version), network information (such as carrier
  1824. information,
  1825. IP address, network signal strength, and sensor information), and application information (such as:
  1826. Developer application name, application package name, application version number, application status),
  1827. installed APP information, running process information, location information, read external storage card,
  1828. write external storage card</p>
  1829. <p><b>Third-party subject: </b>Ocean engine Co., LTD</p>
  1830. <p><b>Collection Mode: </b>SDK collection</p>
  1831. <p><b>Official website: </b><a
  1832. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1833. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1834. <p><b>Privacy Policy: </b><a
  1835. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1836. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1837. <p><b>Note: </b>Commonly applicable to PDF Reader and 17PDF Reader</p>
  1838. <p><b>Device ID generation library (Ali utdid2, Ali Cloud UTDID, umeng/Utdid) SDK</b></p>
  1839. <p><b>Purpose: </b>Used when the Device generates a unique Device ID</p>
  1840. <p><b>Usage scenario: </b>Used when users provide feedbacks</p>
  1841. <p><b>Types of personal information involved: </b>Read external storage card, write external storage card,
  1842. device information (IMEI, IMSI, device identifier (such as AndroidID), task list</p>
  1843. <p><b>Third-party subject: </b>Alibaba Cloud Computing Co., Ltd.</p>
  1844. <p><b>Collection Mode: </b>SDK collection</p>
  1845. <p><b>Official website: </b><a
  1846. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1847. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1848. <p><b>Privacy Policy: </b><a
  1849. href="" rel="nofollow"
  1850. target="_blank"></a></p>
  1851. <p><b>Note: </b>Commonly applicable to PDF Reader and 17PDF Reader</p>
  1852. </div>
  1853. </div>
  1854. </div>
  1855. </div>
  1856. </div>
  1857. </template>
  1858. <script>
  1859. import { ref } from 'vue';
  1860. import { mapState } from 'vuex'
  1861. import en from "~/locales/en.json"
  1862. import zh from "~/locales/zh-cn.json"
  1863. export default {
  1864. layout({ req }) {
  1865. const isClient = process.client
  1866. if (isClient) {
  1867. const flag = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
  1868. if (flag) {
  1869. return "custom"
  1870. } else {
  1871. return "default"
  1872. }
  1873. } else {
  1874. const flag = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(req.headers['user-agent']);
  1875. if (flag) {
  1876. return "custom"
  1877. } else {
  1878. return "default"
  1879. }
  1880. }
  1881. },
  1882. middleware:'user',
  1883. setup() {
  1884. // 已经订阅了还想再次订阅的弹出框
  1885. const noteShow = ref(false)
  1886. // console.log(en.en)
  1887. function changeNotShow() {
  1888. noteShow.value = !noteShow.value
  1889. }
  1890. // 控制会员制度升级展示
  1891. const updateShow = ref(false)
  1892. function changeUpdateShow() {
  1893. updateShow.value = !updateShow.value
  1894. }
  1895. // 控制服务协议展示
  1896. const serveShow = ref(false)
  1897. function changeServeShow() {
  1898. serveShow.value = !serveShow.value
  1899. }
  1900. // 隐私政策展示
  1901. const privacyShow = ref(false)
  1902. function changePrivacyShow() {
  1903. privacyShow.value = !privacyShow.value
  1904. }
  1905. // 用户订阅月份,默认12月
  1906. const isactive = ref(2)
  1907. function changeMonth(index) {
  1908. isactive.value = index
  1909. }
  1910. // 支付方式,默认微信
  1911. const payment = ref(true)
  1912. function changeParment(way) {
  1913. if (way === "weixing") {
  1914. payment.value = true
  1915. } else {
  1916. payment.value = false
  1917. }
  1918. }
  1919. return {
  1920. noteShow,
  1921. changeNotShow,
  1922. updateShow,
  1923. changeUpdateShow,
  1924. serveShow,
  1925. changeServeShow,
  1926. privacyShow,
  1927. changePrivacyShow,
  1928. changeMonth,
  1929. isactive,
  1930. payment,
  1931. changeParment,
  1932. }
  1933. },
  1934. asyncData({ req }) {
  1935. const isClient = process.client
  1936. // 设备是pc端还是移动端
  1937. let isMobile = null
  1938. // 浏览器语言,默认汉语
  1939. let language = true
  1940. if (isClient) {
  1941. // 判断设备
  1942. const flag = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent);
  1943. isMobile = flag;
  1944. // 判断浏览器语言
  1945. const firstLan = window.navigator.language
  1946. if (firstLan === "zh-CN") {
  1947. language = true
  1948. } else {
  1949. language = false
  1950. }
  1951. } else {
  1952. // 判断设备
  1953. const flag = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(req.headers['user-agent']);
  1954. isMobile = flag
  1955. // 判断浏览器语言
  1956. const firstLan = req.headers['accept-language'].split(",")[0]
  1957. if (firstLan === "zh-CN") {
  1958. language = true
  1959. } else {
  1960. language = false
  1961. }
  1962. }
  1963. return {
  1964. isMobile,
  1965. language,
  1966. }
  1967. },
  1968. data() {
  1969. return {
  1970. visiable: false,
  1971. // 会员服务列表
  1972. list: [],
  1973. // 基本信息
  1974. info: {},
  1975. // app版本信息
  1976. app_version: null,
  1977. // 判断在app里
  1978. inApp: true,
  1979. // 判断是否登录
  1980. isLogin: false,
  1981. // 判断是否是vip
  1982. isVIP: false,
  1983. // type
  1984. type:''
  1985. }
  1986. },
  1987. head() {
  1988. return {
  1989. title: '订阅PDF套餐,体验更多格式转档服务与云端空间',
  1990. meta: [
  1991. { charset: 'utf-8' },
  1992. { name: 'viewport', content: 'width=device-width,initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, user-scalable=no' },
  1993. {
  1994. name: 'keywords',
  1995. content: 'PDF转pptx,PDF转docx,ai转psd,pdf转xlsx'
  1996. },
  1997. {
  1998. hid: 'description',
  1999. content: '17PDF套餐订阅中心,免费会员注册,订阅基础套餐和商务套餐享有更多文件格式转换券及加云云端空间,成就您移动无纸化办公!'
  2000. },
  2001. ]
  2002. }
  2003. },
  2004. methods: {
  2005. handlSubmit() {
  2006. if (!this.$store.state.token) {
  2007. this.visiable = true
  2008. return
  2009. }
  2010. this.$store.commit('OPEN_LOGIN', true)
  2011. this.$store.commit('SET_INTERFACE', 'vip')
  2012. },
  2013. login() {
  2014. this.visiable = false
  2015. this.$store.commit('OPEN_LOGIN', true)
  2016. this.$store.commit('SET_INTERFACE', 'login')
  2017. },
  2018. register() {
  2019. this.visiable = false
  2020. this.$store.commit('OPEN_LOGIN', true)
  2021. this.$store.commit('SET_INTERFACE', 'register')
  2022. },
  2023. // 移动端商品信息
  2024. getVipList() {
  2025. if(this.isLogin){
  2026. // console.log("登录")
  2027. this.$axios.get("setPricing/list?client=android").then((res) => {
  2028. if (res.code === 200) {
  2029. this.list = res.result.filter(item => item.mode !== 0) // 免费模式的不展示
  2030. // console.log(this.list)
  2031. }
  2032. })
  2033. }else{
  2034. // console.log("未登录")
  2035. // console.log(this.isLogin)
  2036. this.$axios.get("setPricing/listForVisitor?client=android").then((res) => {
  2037. if (res.code === 200) {
  2038. this.list = res.result.filter(item => item.mode !== 0) // 免费模式的不展示
  2039. // console.log(this.list)
  2040. }
  2041. })
  2042. }
  2043. },
  2044. // 下载APK
  2045. dowmAPK() {
  2046. window.location.href = ''
  2047. },
  2048. // 去登录页面
  2049. goToLogin() {
  2050. window.AndroidWebView.onGotoLoginView();
  2051. },
  2052. // 调用订阅
  2053. subscription() {
  2054. let data={}
  2055. // 支付方式
  2056. const payment = this.payment?"wxpay":"alipay"
  2057. // id,product_code,price
  2058. let id = 0
  2059. let product_code = ""
  2060. let price = 0
  2061. if(this.isactive.value === 0){
  2062. id = this.list[0].id
  2063. product_code = this.list[0].productCode
  2064. price = this.list[0].price
  2065. }else if(this.isactive.value === 0){
  2066. id = this.list[1].id
  2067. product_code = this.list[1].productCode
  2068. price = this.list[1].price
  2069. }else{
  2070. id = this.list[2].id
  2071. product_code = this.list[2].productCode
  2072. price = this.list[2].price
  2073. }
  2074. let method = 'upgrade';
  2075. if (this.type != "free") {
  2076. method = 'renew';
  2077. };
  2078. if (!this.app_version&& parseInt(this.app_version) > 20415055) {
  2079. // 新版本参数
  2080. data = {
  2081. type: 'subscriptions',
  2082. attributes: {
  2083. method: 'plan',
  2084. payment,
  2085. client: 'android',
  2086. target_type: 'SetPricing',
  2087. target_id: id,
  2088. product_code,
  2089. price
  2090. }
  2091. };
  2092. } else {
  2093. this.IsCellMask = false;
  2094. // 老版本参数
  2095. data = {
  2096. type: 'subscriptions',
  2097. method,
  2098. payment,
  2099. attributes: {
  2100. payment,
  2101. client: 'android',
  2102. target_type: 'SetPricing',
  2103. target_id: id,
  2104. product_code,
  2105. price,
  2106. }
  2107. };
  2108. }
  2109. const str = JSON.stringify(data);
  2110. // console.log(str)
  2111. window.AndroidWebView.getDataFromJs(str);
  2112. }
  2113. },
  2114. computed: {
  2115. ...mapState(['userInfo']),
  2116. },
  2117. mounted() {
  2118. = function (token, type, app_version) {
  2119. this.app_version = app_version
  2120. this.type=type
  2121. }
  2122. // 判断是否在app中
  2123. if (this.app_version) {
  2124. this.inApp = true
  2125. } else {
  2126. this.inApp = false
  2127. }
  2128. // 判断用户是否登录
  2129. if (window.localStorage.getItem('token')) {
  2130. this.isLogin = true
  2131. } else {
  2132. this.isLogin = false
  2133. }
  2134. // 判断用户是否是VIP
  2135. if (this.userInfo?.subscriberType === 1) {
  2136. this.isVIP = true
  2137. } else {
  2138. this.isVIP = false
  2139. }
  2140. if (this.isMobile) {
  2141. // console.log("是否登录",this.isLogin)
  2142. this.getVipList()
  2143. if (this.language) {
  2144. =
  2145. } else {
  2146. =
  2147. }
  2148. }
  2149. }
  2150. }
  2151. </script>
  2152. <style scoped>
  2153. .pricing_banner {
  2154. background: url( no-repeat;
  2155. background-size: 100% 100%;
  2156. }
  2157. .bg_button {
  2158. background: linear-gradient(140.3deg, #c6995c, #e7caa3);
  2159. }
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  2163. }
  2164. /* 头部 */
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  2167. background-size: cover;
  2168. background-position: center bottom;
  2169. }
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  2172. background: url( no-repeat;
  2173. background-size: 24px;
  2174. }
  2175. /* 头部右侧 */
  2176. .right-btn {
  2177. background: url( no-repeat;
  2178. background-size: 24px;
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  2185. .right-pdfreader {
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  2191. background: linear-gradient(137.6deg, #5b4de0, #bb6dd7);
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