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+ * @Description:
+ * @Author: 李阳滨
+ * @LastEditors: 欧阳承珺
+ * @Date: 2022-10-31 10:30:00
+ * @LastEditTime: 2022-11-03 18:01:40
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+ 17PDF Reader
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+ 17PDF
+ Reader是一款综合型PDF阅读器和编辑器,方便您在手机和平板上阅读、浏览、注释、转换、编辑页面、添加水印、签名、填表、加密解密、扫描、打印、分享PDF文件,助力高效学习与办公!
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+ 购买17会员即享文档格式无限转,一键转换,轻松快捷;
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+ 超值年费套餐尊享高阶纯净版APP,另可根据转档需要单独购买转换券,随心定制你的个性化购买方案。
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+ 免费下载安装17PDF
+ Reader,您的移动PDF助手助您轻松阅读、注释、编辑、转换、管理、扫描PDF文件。<br />若您未找到相应的下载商城,我们建议您直接下载APK安装包。
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+ 小米
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+ vivo
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+ >
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+ 魅族
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+ >
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+ 应用宝
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+ 360
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+ class="platform-name w-254px text-[18px] text-[#333] leading-[28px] <sm:w-full <sm:text-[14px] <sm:leading-[18px]"
+ >
+ 豌豆荚
+ </div>
+ <img
+ src="http://cn-file.17pdf.com/website/download/wandoujia.png"
+ alt=""
+ class="w-90px my-18px mx-auto <sm:w-52px <sm:my-12px <sm:mx-auto"
+ />
+ <a
+ class="wandoujia inline-block w-164px h-50px py-16px px-0px bg-[#f55858] rounded-25px text-[16px] font-bold text-[#fff] leading-[18px] <sm:inline-flex <sm:items-center <sm:justify-center <sm:w-104px <sm:h-28px <sm:p-0 <sm:rounded-15px <sm:text-[10px] <sm:font-semibold <sm:text-[#fff] <sm:leading-[13px]"
+ href="https://www.wandoujia.com/apps/6500966"
+ target="_blank"
+ data-agl-cvt="6"
+ >前往下载</a
+ >
+ </div>
+ <!-- 8 -->
+ <div
+ class="download-box float-left w-254px mr-54px mb-54px py-24px px-0px bg-[#fff] rounded-8px border border-solid border-gray-[#e6e6e6] text-center <sm:w-[47.561%] <sm:h-154px <sm:py-16px <sm:px-0px <sm:rounded-5px <sm:mr-[4.87805%] <sm:mb-16px sm:mr-0 tiny:mr-54px xl:mr-0px <sm:mr-0"
+ >
+ <div
+ class="platform-name w-254px text-[18px] text-[#333] leading-[28px] <sm:w-full <sm:text-[14px] <sm:leading-[18px]"
+ >
+ 酷安
+ </div>
+ <img
+ src="http://cn-file.17pdf.com/website/download/pic_logo_kuan.png"
+ alt=""
+ class="w-90px my-18px mx-auto <sm:w-52px <sm:my-12px <sm:mx-auto"
+ />
+ <a
+ class="kuan inline-block w-164px h-50px py-16px px-0px bg-[#f55858] rounded-25px text-[16px] font-bold text-[#fff] leading-[18px] <sm:inline-flex <sm:items-center <sm:justify-center <sm:w-104px <sm:h-28px <sm:p-0 <sm:rounded-15px <sm:text-[10px] <sm:font-semibold <sm:text-[#fff] <sm:leading-[13px]"
+ href="https://www.coolapk.com/apk/com.kdanmobile.android.pdfreader.google.pad"
+ target="_blank"
+ data-agl-cvt="6"
+ >前往下载</a
+ >
+ </div>
+ <!-- 9 -->
+ <div
+ class="download-box float-left w-254px mr-54px mb-54px py-24px px-0px bg-[#fff] rounded-8px border border-solid border-gray-[#e6e6e6] text-center <sm:w-[47.561%] <sm:h-154px <sm:py-16px <sm:px-0px <sm:rounded-5px <sm:mr-[4.87805%] <sm:mb-16px tiny:mr-0 xl:mr-54px"
+ >
+ <div
+ class="platform-name w-254px text-[18px] text-[#333] leading-[28px] <sm:w-full <sm:text-[14px] <sm:leading-[18px]"
+ >
+ 百度
+ </div>
+ <img
+ src="http://cn-file.17pdf.com/website/download/pic_logo_baidu.png"
+ alt=""
+ class="w-90px my-18px mx-auto <sm:w-52px <sm:my-12px <sm:mx-auto"
+ />
+ <a
+ class="baidu inline-block w-164px h-50px py-16px px-0px bg-[#f55858] rounded-25px text-[16px] font-bold text-[#fff] leading-[18px] <sm:inline-flex <sm:items-center <sm:justify-center <sm:w-104px <sm:h-28px <sm:p-0 <sm:rounded-15px <sm:text-[10px] <sm:font-semibold <sm:text-[#fff] <sm:leading-[13px]"
+ href="https://mobile.baidu.com/item?pid=1335810"
+ target="_blank"
+ data-agl-cvt="6"
+ >前往下载</a
+ >
+ </div>
+ <!-- 10 -->
+ <div
+ class="download-box float-left w-254px mr-54px mb-54px py-24px px-0px bg-[#fff] rounded-8px border border-solid border-gray-[#e6e6e6] text-center <sm:w-[47.561%] <sm:h-154px <sm:py-16px <sm:px-0px <sm:rounded-5px <sm:mr-[4.87805%] <sm:mb-16px sm:mr-0 tiny:mr-54px <sm:mr-0"
+ >
+ <div
+ class="platform-name w-254px text-[18px] text-[#333] leading-[28px] <sm:w-full <sm:text-[14px] <sm:leading-[18px]"
+ >
+ 应用汇
+ </div>
+ <img
+ src="http://cn-file.17pdf.com/website/download/yingyonghui.png"
+ alt=""
+ class="w-90px my-18px mx-auto <sm:w-52px <sm:my-12px <sm:mx-auto"
+ />
+ <a
+ class="yingyonghui inline-block w-164px h-50px py-16px px-0px bg-[#f55858] rounded-25px text-[16px] font-bold text-[#fff] leading-[18px] <sm:inline-flex <sm:items-center <sm:justify-center <sm:w-104px <sm:h-28px <sm:p-0 <sm:rounded-15px <sm:text-[10px] <sm:font-semibold <sm:text-[#fff] <sm:leading-[13px]"
+ href="http://www.appchina.com/app/com.kdanmobile.android.pdfreader.google.pad"
+ target="_blank"
+ data-agl-cvt="6"
+ >前往下载</a
+ >
+ </div>
+ <!-- 11 -->
+ <div
+ class="download-box float-left w-254px mr-54px mb-54px py-24px px-0px bg-[#fff] rounded-8px border border-solid border-gray-[#e6e6e6] text-center <sm:w-[47.561%] <sm:h-154px <sm:py-16px <sm:px-0px <sm:rounded-5px <sm:mr-[4.87805%] <sm:mb-16px"
+ >
+ <div
+ class="platform-name w-254px text-[18px] text-[#333] leading-[28px] <sm:w-full <sm:text-[14px] <sm:leading-[18px]"
+ >
+ </div>
+ <img
+ src="http://cn-file.17pdf.com/website/download/download_logo_apk.png"
+ alt=""
+ class="w-90px my-18px mx-auto <sm:w-52px <sm:my-12px <sm:mx-auto"
+ />
+ <a
+ class="apk inline-block w-164px h-50px py-16px px-0px bg-[#f55858] rounded-25px text-[16px] font-bold text-[#fff] leading-[18px] <sm:inline-flex <sm:items-center <sm:justify-center <sm:w-104px <sm:h-28px <sm:p-0 <sm:rounded-15px <sm:text-[10px] <sm:font-semibold <sm:text-[#fff] <sm:leading-[13px]"
+ href="https://cn-file.17pdf.com/downloads/PDF_Reader_KdanShare.apk"
+ data-agl-cvt="6"
+ >前往下载</a
+ >
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+export default {
+ layout: 'downnav',
+ methods: {
+ moveDownload() {
+ const scrollPart = document.querySelector("#download-wrapper");
+ const top = scrollPart.getBoundingClientRect().top;
+ const pageY = window.pageYOffset;
+ const endPosition = top + pageY;
+ const startTime = +new Date();
+ const duration = 500; // ms
+ function run() {
+ const time = +new Date() - startTime;
+ window.scrollTo(0, pageY + top * (time / duration));
+ run.timer = requestAnimationFrame(run);
+ if (time >= duration) {
+ window.scrollTo(0, endPosition);
+ cancelAnimationFrame(run.timer);
+ }
+ }
+ requestAnimationFrame(run);
+ }
+ }
+<style scoped>
+/* 17pdf reader展示區容器 */
+.pdf-reader-wrapper .top-banner {
+ background: #fafafa
+ url(http://cn-file.17pdf.com/website/download/pic_topbanner.png) no-repeat
+ center;
+@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
+ .pdf-reader-wrapper .top-banner {
+ background-size: 100% auto;
+ background-position: center 80px;
+ background-image: url(http://cn-file.17pdf.com/website/download/pic_topbanner_min.png);
+ }
+/* 文字前面的红点 */
+ .feature-wrapper
+ .feature-content
+ .text
+ .feature-item:before {
+ display: block;
+ content: '';
+ flex: none;
+ width: 10px;
+ height: 10px;
+ margin-right: 10px;
+ background-color: #ff4f4f;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+/* 个性定制容器 */
+.packs-wrapper {
+ background: url(http://cn-file.17pdf.com/website/download/pic_tuan.png)
+ no-repeat center;
+@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
+ .pdf-reader-wrapper .packs-wrapper {
+ background-size: 100% auto;
+ background-position: center top;
+ background-image: url(http://cn-file.17pdf.com/website/download/pic_tuan_min.png);
+ }
+/* 下载图片容器 */
+.pdf-reader-wrapper .download-wrapper .download-container:after {
+ content: '';
+ clear: both;
+ display: block;
+/* 下载圖片 */
+.pdf-reader-wrapper .download-wrapper .download-container .download-box {
+ box-shadow: 0px 1px 5px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 14%);
+@media screen and (max-width: 767px) {
+ .pdf-reader-wrapper .download-wrapper .download-container .download-box {
+ box-shadow: 0px 1px 3px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 14%);
+ }