123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665 |
- #include "mupdf/fitz/system.h"
- /*
- Multiply scaled two integers in the 0..255 range
- */
- static inline int fz_mul255(int a, int b)
- {
- /* see Jim Blinn's book "Dirty Pixels" for how this works */
- int x = a * b + 128;
- x += x >> 8;
- return x >> 8;
- }
- /*
- Expand a value A from the 0...255 range to the 0..256 range
- */
- #define FZ_EXPAND(A) ((A)+((A)>>7))
- /*
- Combine values A (in any range) and B (in the 0..256 range),
- to give a single value in the same range as A was.
- */
- #define FZ_COMBINE(A,B) (((A)*(B))>>8)
- /*
- Combine values A and C (in the same (any) range) and B and D (in
- the 0..256 range), to give a single value in the same range as A
- and C were.
- */
- #define FZ_COMBINE2(A,B,C,D) (((A) * (B) + (C) * (D))>>8)
- /*
- Blend SRC and DST (in the same range) together according to
- AMOUNT (in the 0...256 range).
- */
- #define FZ_BLEND(SRC, DST, AMOUNT) ((((SRC)-(DST))*(AMOUNT) + ((DST)<<8))>>8)
- /*
- Range checking atof
- */
- float fz_atof(const char *s);
- /*
- atoi that copes with NULL
- */
- int fz_atoi(const char *s);
- fz_off_t fz_atoo(const char *s);
- /*
- Some standard math functions, done as static inlines for speed.
- People with compilers that do not adequately implement inlines may
- like to reimplement these using macros.
- */
- static inline float fz_abs(float f)
- {
- return (f < 0 ? -f : f);
- }
- static inline int fz_absi(int i)
- {
- return (i < 0 ? -i : i);
- }
- static inline float fz_min(float a, float b)
- {
- return (a < b ? a : b);
- }
- static inline int fz_mini(int a, int b)
- {
- return (a < b ? a : b);
- }
- static inline size_t fz_minz(size_t a, size_t b)
- {
- return (a < b ? a : b);
- }
- static inline float fz_max(float a, float b)
- {
- return (a > b ? a : b);
- }
- static inline int fz_maxi(int a, int b)
- {
- return (a > b ? a : b);
- }
- static inline fz_off_t fz_maxo(fz_off_t a, fz_off_t b)
- {
- return (a > b ? a : b);
- }
- static inline float fz_clamp(float f, float min, float max)
- {
- return (f > min ? (f < max ? f : max) : min);
- }
- static inline int fz_clampi(int i, int min, int max)
- {
- return (i > min ? (i < max ? i : max) : min);
- }
- static inline double fz_clampd(double d, double min, double max)
- {
- return (d > min ? (d < max ? d : max) : min);
- }
- static inline void *fz_clampp(void *p, void *min, void *max)
- {
- return (p > min ? (p < max ? p : max) : min);
- }
- #define DIV_BY_ZERO(a, b, min, max) (((a) < 0) ^ ((b) < 0) ? (min) : (max))
- /*
- fz_point is a point in a two-dimensional space.
- */
- typedef struct fz_point_s fz_point;
- struct fz_point_s
- {
- float x, y;
- };
- /*
- fz_rect is a rectangle represented by two diagonally opposite
- corners at arbitrary coordinates.
- Rectangles are always axis-aligned with the X- and Y- axes.
- The relationship between the coordinates are that x0 <= x1 and
- y0 <= y1 in all cases except for infinite rectangles. The area
- of a rectangle is defined as (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0). If either
- x0 > x1 or y0 > y1 is true for a given rectangle then it is
- defined to be infinite.
- To check for empty or infinite rectangles use fz_is_empty_rect
- and fz_is_infinite_rect.
- x0, y0: The top left corner.
- x1, y1: The bottom right corner.
- */
- typedef struct fz_rect_s fz_rect;
- struct fz_rect_s
- {
- float x0, y0;
- float x1, y1;
- };
- /*
- fz_rect_min: get the minimum point from a rectangle as a fz_point.
- */
- static inline fz_point *fz_rect_min(fz_rect *f)
- {
- return (fz_point *)&f->x0;
- }
- /*
- fz_rect_max: get the maximum point from a rectangle as a fz_point.
- */
- static inline fz_point *fz_rect_max(fz_rect *f)
- {
- return (fz_point *)&f->x1;
- }
- /*
- fz_irect is a rectangle using integers instead of floats.
- It's used in the draw device and for pixmap dimensions.
- */
- typedef struct fz_irect_s fz_irect;
- struct fz_irect_s
- {
- int x0, y0;
- int x1, y1;
- };
- /*
- A rectangle with sides of length one.
- The bottom left corner is at (0, 0) and the top right corner
- is at (1, 1).
- */
- extern const fz_rect fz_unit_rect;
- /*
- An empty rectangle with an area equal to zero.
- Both the top left and bottom right corner are at (0, 0).
- */
- extern const fz_rect fz_empty_rect;
- extern const fz_irect fz_empty_irect;
- /*
- An infinite rectangle with negative area.
- The corner (x0, y0) is at (1, 1) while the corner (x1, y1) is
- at (-1, -1).
- */
- extern const fz_rect fz_infinite_rect;
- extern const fz_irect fz_infinite_irect;
- /*
- fz_is_empty_rect: Check if rectangle is empty.
- An empty rectangle is defined as one whose area is zero.
- */
- static inline int
- fz_is_empty_rect(const fz_rect *r)
- {
- return ((r)->x0 == (r)->x1 || (r)->y0 == (r)->y1);
- }
- static inline int
- fz_is_empty_irect(const fz_irect *r)
- {
- return ((r)->x0 == (r)->x1 || (r)->y0 == (r)->y1);
- }
- /*
- fz_is_infinite_rect: Check if rectangle is infinite.
- An infinite rectangle is defined as one where either of the
- two relationships between corner coordinates are not true.
- */
- static inline int
- fz_is_infinite_rect(const fz_rect *r)
- {
- return ((r)->x0 > (r)->x1 || (r)->y0 > (r)->y1);
- }
- /*
- fz_is_infinite_irect: Check if an integer rectangle
- is infinite.
- An infinite rectangle is defined as one where either of the
- two relationships between corner coordinates are not true.
- */
- static inline int
- fz_is_infinite_irect(const fz_irect *r)
- {
- return ((r)->x0 > (r)->x1 || (r)->y0 > (r)->y1);
- }
- /*
- fz_matrix is a row-major 3x3 matrix used for representing
- transformations of coordinates throughout MuPDF.
- Since all points reside in a two-dimensional space, one vector
- is always a constant unit vector; hence only some elements may
- vary in a matrix. Below is how the elements map between
- different representations.
- / a b 0 \
- | c d 0 | normally represented as [ a b c d e f ].
- \ e f 1 /
- */
- typedef struct fz_matrix_s fz_matrix;
- struct fz_matrix_s
- {
- float a, b, c, d, e, f;
- };
- /*
- fz_identity: Identity transform matrix.
- */
- extern const fz_matrix fz_identity;
- static inline fz_matrix *fz_copy_matrix(fz_matrix *restrict m, const fz_matrix *restrict s)
- {
- *m = *s;
- return m;
- }
- /*
- fz_concat: Multiply two matrices.
- The order of the two matrices are important since matrix
- multiplication is not commutative.
- Returns result.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_matrix *fz_concat(fz_matrix *result, const fz_matrix *left, const fz_matrix *right);
- /*
- fz_scale: Create a scaling matrix.
- The returned matrix is of the form [ sx 0 0 sy 0 0 ].
- m: Pointer to the matrix to populate
- sx, sy: Scaling factors along the X- and Y-axes. A scaling
- factor of 1.0 will not cause any scaling along the relevant
- axis.
- Returns m.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_matrix *fz_scale(fz_matrix *m, float sx, float sy);
- /*
- fz_pre_scale: Scale a matrix by premultiplication.
- m: Pointer to the matrix to scale
- sx, sy: Scaling factors along the X- and Y-axes. A scaling
- factor of 1.0 will not cause any scaling along the relevant
- axis.
- Returns m (updated).
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_matrix *fz_pre_scale(fz_matrix *m, float sx, float sy);
- /*
- fz_post_scale: Scale a matrix by postmultiplication.
- m: Pointer to the matrix to scale
- sx, sy: Scaling factors along the X- and Y-axes. A scaling
- factor of 1.0 will not cause any scaling along the relevant
- axis.
- Returns m (updated).
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_matrix *fz_post_scale(fz_matrix *m, float sx, float sy);
- /*
- fz_shear: Create a shearing matrix.
- The returned matrix is of the form [ 1 sy sx 1 0 0 ].
- m: pointer to place to store returned matrix
- sx, sy: Shearing factors. A shearing factor of 0.0 will not
- cause any shearing along the relevant axis.
- Returns m.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_matrix *fz_shear(fz_matrix *m, float sx, float sy);
- /*
- fz_pre_shear: Premultiply a matrix with a shearing matrix.
- The shearing matrix is of the form [ 1 sy sx 1 0 0 ].
- m: pointer to matrix to premultiply
- sx, sy: Shearing factors. A shearing factor of 0.0 will not
- cause any shearing along the relevant axis.
- Returns m (updated).
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_matrix *fz_pre_shear(fz_matrix *m, float sx, float sy);
- /*
- fz_rotate: Create a rotation matrix.
- The returned matrix is of the form
- [ cos(deg) sin(deg) -sin(deg) cos(deg) 0 0 ].
- m: Pointer to place to store matrix
- degrees: Degrees of counter clockwise rotation. Values less
- than zero and greater than 360 are handled as expected.
- Returns m.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_matrix *fz_rotate(fz_matrix *m, float degrees);
- /*
- fz_pre_rotate: Rotate a transformation by premultiplying.
- The premultiplied matrix is of the form
- [ cos(deg) sin(deg) -sin(deg) cos(deg) 0 0 ].
- m: Pointer to matrix to premultiply.
- degrees: Degrees of counter clockwise rotation. Values less
- than zero and greater than 360 are handled as expected.
- Returns m (updated).
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_matrix *fz_pre_rotate(fz_matrix *m, float degrees);
- /*
- fz_translate: Create a translation matrix.
- The returned matrix is of the form [ 1 0 0 1 tx ty ].
- m: A place to store the created matrix.
- tx, ty: Translation distances along the X- and Y-axes. A
- translation of 0 will not cause any translation along the
- relevant axis.
- Returns m.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_matrix *fz_translate(fz_matrix *m, float tx, float ty);
- /*
- fz_pre_translate: Translate a matrix by premultiplication.
- m: The matrix to translate
- tx, ty: Translation distances along the X- and Y-axes. A
- translation of 0 will not cause any translation along the
- relevant axis.
- Returns m.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_matrix *fz_pre_translate(fz_matrix *m, float tx, float ty);
- /*
- fz_invert_matrix: Create an inverse matrix.
- inverse: Place to store inverse matrix.
- matrix: Matrix to invert. A degenerate matrix, where the
- determinant is equal to zero, can not be inverted and the
- original matrix is returned instead.
- Returns inverse.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_matrix *fz_invert_matrix(fz_matrix *inverse, const fz_matrix *matrix);
- /*
- fz_try_invert_matrix: Attempt to create an inverse matrix.
- inverse: Place to store inverse matrix.
- matrix: Matrix to invert. A degenerate matrix, where the
- determinant is equal to zero, can not be inverted.
- Returns 1 if matrix is degenerate (singular), or 0 otherwise.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- int fz_try_invert_matrix(fz_matrix *inverse, const fz_matrix *matrix);
- /*
- fz_is_rectilinear: Check if a transformation is rectilinear.
- Rectilinear means that no shearing is present and that any
- rotations present are a multiple of 90 degrees. Usually this
- is used to make sure that axis-aligned rectangles before the
- transformation are still axis-aligned rectangles afterwards.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- int fz_is_rectilinear(const fz_matrix *m);
- /*
- fz_matrix_expansion: Calculate average scaling factor of matrix.
- */
- float fz_matrix_expansion(const fz_matrix *m); /* sumatrapdf */
- /*
- fz_intersect_rect: Compute intersection of two rectangles.
- Given two rectangles, update the first to be the smallest
- axis-aligned rectangle that covers the area covered by both
- given rectangles. If either rectangle is empty then the
- intersection is also empty. If either rectangle is infinite
- then the intersection is simply the non-infinite rectangle.
- Should both rectangles be infinite, then the intersection is
- also infinite.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_rect *fz_intersect_rect(fz_rect *restrict a, const fz_rect *restrict b);
- /*
- fz_intersect_irect: Compute intersection of two bounding boxes.
- Similar to fz_intersect_rect but operates on two bounding
- boxes instead of two rectangles.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_irect *fz_intersect_irect(fz_irect *restrict a, const fz_irect *restrict b);
- /*
- fz_union_rect: Compute union of two rectangles.
- Given two rectangles, update the first to be the smallest
- axis-aligned rectangle that encompasses both given rectangles.
- If either rectangle is infinite then the union is also infinite.
- If either rectangle is empty then the union is simply the
- non-empty rectangle. Should both rectangles be empty, then the
- union is also empty.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_rect *fz_union_rect(fz_rect *restrict a, const fz_rect *restrict b);
- /*
- fz_irect_from_rect: Convert a rect into the minimal bounding box
- that covers the rectangle.
- bbox: Place to store the returned bbox.
- rect: The rectangle to convert to a bbox.
- Coordinates in a bounding box are integers, so rounding of the
- rects coordinates takes place. The top left corner is rounded
- upwards and left while the bottom right corner is rounded
- downwards and to the right.
- Returns bbox (updated).
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_irect *fz_irect_from_rect(fz_irect *restrict bbox, const fz_rect *restrict rect);
- /*
- fz_round_rect: Round rectangle coordinates.
- Coordinates in a bounding box are integers, so rounding of the
- rects coordinates takes place. The top left corner is rounded
- upwards and left while the bottom right corner is rounded
- downwards and to the right.
- This differs from fz_irect_from_rect, in that fz_irect_from_rect
- slavishly follows the numbers (i.e any slight over/under calculations
- can cause whole extra pixels to be added). fz_round_rect
- allows for a small amount of rounding error when calculating
- the bbox.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_irect *fz_round_rect(fz_irect *restrict bbox, const fz_rect *restrict rect);
- /*
- fz_rect_from_irect: Convert a bbox into a rect.
- For our purposes, a rect can represent all the values we meet in
- a bbox, so nothing can go wrong.
- rect: A place to store the generated rectangle.
- bbox: The bbox to convert.
- Returns rect (updated).
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_rect *fz_rect_from_irect(fz_rect *restrict rect, const fz_irect *restrict bbox);
- /*
- fz_expand_rect: Expand a bbox by a given amount in all directions.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_rect *fz_expand_rect(fz_rect *b, float expand);
- /*
- fz_include_point_in_rect: Expand a bbox to include a given point.
- To create a rectangle that encompasses a sequence of points, the
- rectangle must first be set to be the empty rectangle at one of
- the points before including the others.
- */
- fz_rect *fz_include_point_in_rect(fz_rect *r, const fz_point *p);
- /*
- fz_translate_irect: Translate bounding box.
- Translate a bbox by a given x and y offset. Allows for overflow.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_irect *fz_translate_irect(fz_irect *a, int xoff, int yoff);
- /*
- fz_contains_rect: Test rectangle inclusion.
- Return true if a entirely contains b.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- int fz_contains_rect(const fz_rect *a, const fz_rect *b);
- /*
- fz_transform_point: Apply a transformation to a point.
- transform: Transformation matrix to apply. See fz_concat,
- fz_scale, fz_rotate and fz_translate for how to create a
- matrix.
- point: Pointer to point to update.
- Returns transform (unchanged).
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_point *fz_transform_point(fz_point *restrict point, const fz_matrix *restrict transform);
- fz_point *fz_transform_point_xy(fz_point *restrict point, const fz_matrix *restrict transform, float x, float y);
- /*
- fz_transform_vector: Apply a transformation to a vector.
- transform: Transformation matrix to apply. See fz_concat,
- fz_scale and fz_rotate for how to create a matrix. Any
- translation will be ignored.
- vector: Pointer to vector to update.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_point *fz_transform_vector(fz_point *restrict vector, const fz_matrix *restrict transform);
- /*
- fz_transform_rect: Apply a transform to a rectangle.
- After the four corner points of the axis-aligned rectangle
- have been transformed it may not longer be axis-aligned. So a
- new axis-aligned rectangle is created covering at least the
- area of the transformed rectangle.
- transform: Transformation matrix to apply. See fz_concat,
- fz_scale and fz_rotate for how to create a matrix.
- rect: Rectangle to be transformed. The two special cases
- fz_empty_rect and fz_infinite_rect, may be used but are
- returned unchanged as expected.
- Does not throw exceptions.
- */
- fz_rect *fz_transform_rect(fz_rect *restrict rect, const fz_matrix *restrict transform);
- /*
- fz_normalize_vector: Normalize a vector to length one.
- */
- void fz_normalize_vector(fz_point *p);
- void fz_gridfit_matrix(int as_tiled, fz_matrix *m);
- float fz_matrix_max_expansion(const fz_matrix *m);
- #endif