#ifndef MUPDF_PDF_OUTPUT_PDF_H #define MUPDF_PDF_OUTPUT_PDF_H /* pdf_new_pdf_device: Create a pdf device. Rendering to the device creates new pdf content. WARNING: this device is work in progress. It doesn't currently support all rendering cases. Note that contents must be a stream (dictionary) to be updated (or a reference to a stream). Callers should take care to ensure that it is not an array, and that is it not shared with other objects/pages. */ fz_device *pdf_new_pdf_device(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, const fz_matrix *topctm, const fz_rect *mediabox, pdf_obj *resources, fz_buffer *contents); void pdf_localise_page_resources(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc); #endif