#ifndef MUPDF_PDF_DOCUMENT_H #define MUPDF_PDF_DOCUMENT_H typedef struct pdf_lexbuf_s pdf_lexbuf; typedef struct pdf_lexbuf_large_s pdf_lexbuf_large; typedef struct pdf_xref_s pdf_xref; typedef struct pdf_crypt_s pdf_crypt; typedef struct pdf_ocg_descriptor_s pdf_ocg_descriptor; typedef struct pdf_portfolio_s pdf_portfolio; typedef struct pdf_page_s pdf_page; typedef struct pdf_annot_s pdf_annot; typedef struct pdf_widget_s pdf_widget; typedef struct pdf_hotspot_s pdf_hotspot; typedef struct pdf_js_s pdf_js; enum { PDF_LEXBUF_SMALL = 256, PDF_LEXBUF_LARGE = 65536 }; struct pdf_lexbuf_s { int size; int base_size; int len; fz_off_t i; float f; char *scratch; char buffer[PDF_LEXBUF_SMALL]; }; struct pdf_lexbuf_large_s { pdf_lexbuf base; char buffer[PDF_LEXBUF_LARGE - PDF_LEXBUF_SMALL]; }; struct pdf_hotspot_s { int num; int state; }; /* Document event structures are mostly opaque to the app. Only the type is visible to the app. */ typedef struct pdf_doc_event_s pdf_doc_event; /* pdf_doc_event_cb: the type of function via which the app receives document events. */ typedef void (pdf_doc_event_cb)(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_doc_event *event, void *data); /* pdf_open_document: Open a PDF document. Open a PDF document by reading its cross reference table, so MuPDF can locate PDF objects inside the file. Upon an broken cross reference table or other parse errors MuPDF will restart parsing the file from the beginning to try to rebuild a (hopefully correct) cross reference table to allow further processing of the file. The returned pdf_document should be used when calling most other PDF functions. Note that it wraps the context, so those functions implicitly get access to the global state in context. filename: a path to a file as it would be given to open(2). */ pdf_document *pdf_open_document(fz_context *ctx, const char *filename); /* pdf_open_document_with_stream: Opens a PDF document. Same as pdf_open_document, but takes a stream instead of a filename to locate the PDF document to open. Increments the reference count of the stream. See fz_open_file, fz_open_file_w or fz_open_fd for opening a stream, and fz_drop_stream for closing an open stream. */ pdf_document *pdf_open_document_with_stream(fz_context *ctx, fz_stream *file); /* pdf_drop_document: Closes and frees an opened PDF document. The resource store in the context associated with pdf_document is emptied. Does not throw exceptions. */ void pdf_drop_document(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc); /* pdf_specifics: down-cast a fz_document to a pdf_document. Returns NULL if underlying document is not PDF */ pdf_document *pdf_specifics(fz_context *ctx, fz_document *doc); /* pdf_document_from_fz_document, pdf_page_from_fz_page, pdf_annot_from_fz_annot: Down-cast generic fitz objects into pdf specific variants. Returns NULL if the objects are not from a PDF document. */ pdf_document *pdf_document_from_fz_document(fz_context *ctx, fz_document *ptr); pdf_page *pdf_page_from_fz_page(fz_context *ctx, fz_page *ptr); pdf_annot *pdf_annot_from_fz_annot(fz_context *ctx, fz_annot *ptr); int pdf_needs_password(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc); /* pdf_authenticate_password: Attempt to authenticate a password. Returns 0 for failure, non-zero for success. In the non-zero case: bit 0 set => no password required bit 1 set => user password authenticated bit 2 set => owner password authenticated */ int pdf_authenticate_password(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, const char *pw); int pdf_has_permission(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, fz_permission p); int pdf_lookup_metadata(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, const char *key, char *ptr, int size); fz_outline *pdf_load_outline(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc); /* pdf_count_layer_configs: Get the number of layer configurations defined in this document. doc: The document in question. */ int pdf_count_layer_configs(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc); typedef struct { const char *name; const char *creator; } pdf_layer_config; /* pdf_layer_config_info: Fetch the name (and optionally creator) of the given layer config. doc: The document in question. config_num: A value in the 0..n-1 range, where n is the value returned from pdf_count_layer_configs. info: Pointer to structure to fill in. Pointers within this structure may be set to NULL if no information is available. */ void pdf_layer_config_info(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int config_num, pdf_layer_config *info); /* pdf_select_layer_config: Set the current configuration. This updates the visibility of the optional content groups within the document. doc: The document in question. config_num: A value in the 0..n-1 range, where n is the value returned from pdf_count_layer_configs. */ void pdf_select_layer_config(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int config_num); /* pdf_count_layer_config_ui: Returns the number of entries in the 'UI' for this layer configuration. doc: The document in question. */ int pdf_count_layer_config_ui(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc); /* pdf_select_layer_ui: Select a checkbox/radiobox within the 'UI' for this layer configuration. Selecting a UI entry that is a radiobox may disable other UI entries. doc: The document in question. ui: A value in the 0..m-1 range, where m is the value returned by pdf_count_layer_config_ui. */ void pdf_select_layer_config_ui(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int ui); /* pdf_deselect_layer_ui: Select a checkbox/radiobox within the 'UI' for this layer configuration. doc: The document in question. ui: A value in the 0..m-1 range, where m is the value returned by pdf_count_layer_config_ui. */ void pdf_deselect_layer_config_ui(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int ui); /* pdf_toggle_layer_config_ui: Toggle a checkbox/radiobox within the 'UI' for this layer configuration. Toggling a UI entry that is a radiobox may disable other UI entries. doc: The document in question. ui: A value in the 0..m-1 range, where m is the value returned by pdf_count_layer_config_ui. */ void pdf_toggle_layer_config_ui(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int ui); typedef enum { PDF_LAYER_UI_LABEL = 0, PDF_LAYER_UI_CHECKBOX = 1, PDF_LAYER_UI_RADIOBOX = 2 } pdf_layer_config_ui_type; typedef struct { const char *text; int depth; pdf_layer_config_ui_type type; int selected; int locked; } pdf_layer_config_ui; /* pdf_layer_config_ui_info: Get the info for a given entry in the layer config ui. doc: The document in question. ui: A value in the 0..m-1 range, where m is the value returned by pdf_count_layer_config_ui. info: Pointer to a structure to fill in with information about the requested ui entry. */ void pdf_layer_config_ui_info(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int ui, pdf_layer_config_ui *info); /* pdf_set_layer_config_as_default: Write the current layer config back into the document as the default state. */ void pdf_set_layer_config_as_default(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc); /* PDF portfolios (or collections) are embedded files. They can be thought of as tables of information, with an embedded file per row. For instance a PDF portfolio of an email box might contain: From To Cc Date message1.pdf ... ... ... ... message2.pdf ... ... ... ... etc. The details of the 'column headings' are known as the Schema. This includes the order to use for the headings. Each row in the table is a portfolio (or collection) entry. */ /* pdf_count_portfolio_schema: Get the number of entries in the portfolio schema used in this document. doc: The document in question. */ int pdf_count_portfolio_schema(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc); typedef enum { PDF_SCHEMA_NUMBER, PDF_SCHEMA_SIZE, PDF_SCHEMA_TEXT, PDF_SCHEMA_DATE, PDF_SCHEMA_DESC, PDF_SCHEMA_MODDATE, PDF_SCHEMA_CREATIONDATE, PDF_SCHEMA_FILENAME, PDF_SCHEMA_UNKNOWN } pdf_portfolio_schema_type; typedef struct { pdf_portfolio_schema_type type; int visible; int editable; pdf_obj *name; } pdf_portfolio_schema; /* pdf_portfolio_schema_info: Fetch information about a given portfolio schema entry. doc: The document in question. entry: A value in the 0..n-1 range, where n is the value returned from pdf_count_portfolio_schema. info: Pointer to structure to fill in. Pointers within this structure may be set to NULL if no information is available. */ void pdf_portfolio_schema_info(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int entry, pdf_portfolio_schema *info); /* pdf_reorder_portfolio_schema: Reorder the portfolio schema. doc: The document in question. entry: A value in the 0..n-1 range, where n is the value returned from pdf_count_portfolio_schema - the position of the entry to move. new_pos: A value in the 0..n-1 range, where n is the value returned from pdf_count_portfolio_schema - the position to move the entry to. */ void pdf_reorder_portfolio_schema(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int entry, int new_pos); /* pdf_rename_portfolio_schema: rename a given portfolio schema entry. doc: The document in question. entry: The entry to renumber. name: The new name for the portfolio schema name_len: The byte length of the name. */ void pdf_rename_portfolio_schema(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int entry, const char *name, int name_len); /* pdf_delete_portfolio_schema: delete a given portfolio schema entry. doc: The document in question. entry: The entry to delete. */ void pdf_delete_portfolio_schema(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int entry); /* pdf_add_portfolio_schema: Add a new portfolio schema entry. doc: The document in question. entry: The point in the ordering at which to insert the new schema entry. info: Details of the schema entry. */ void pdf_add_portfolio_schema(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int entry, const pdf_portfolio_schema *info); /* pdf_count_portfolio_entries: Get the number of portfolio entries in this document. doc: The document in question. */ int pdf_count_portfolio_entries(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc); /* pdf_portfolio_entry: Create a buffer containing a decoded portfolio entry. doc: The document in question. entry: A value in the 0..m-1 range, where m is the value returned from pdf_count_portfolio_entries. Returns a buffer containing the decoded portfolio entry. Ownership of the buffer passes to the caller. */ fz_buffer *pdf_portfolio_entry(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int entry); /* pdf_portfolio_entry_obj_name: Retrieve the object and name of a given portfolio entry. doc: The document in question. entry: A value in the 0..m-1 range, where m is the value returned from pdf_count_portfolio_entries. name: Pointer to a place to store the pointer to the object representing the name. This is a borrowed reference - do not drop it. Returns a pointer to the pdf_object representing the object. This is a borrowed reference - do not drop it. */ pdf_obj *pdf_portfolio_entry_obj_name(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int entry, pdf_obj **name); /* pdf_portfolio_entry_obj: Retrieve the object representing a given portfolio entry. doc: The document in question. entry: A value in the 0..m-1 range, where m is the value returned from pdf_count_portfolio_entries. Returns a pointer to the pdf_object representing the object. This is a borrowed reference - do not drop it. */ pdf_obj *pdf_portfolio_entry_obj(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int entry); /* pdf_portfolio_entry_name: Retrieve the name of a given portfolio entry. doc: The document in question. entry: A value in the 0..m-1 range, where m is the value returned from pdf_count_portfolio_entries. name: Pointer to a place to store the pointer to the object representing the name. This is a borrowed reference - do not drop it. Returns a pointer to the pdf_object representing the name of the entry. This is a borrowed reference - do not drop it. */ pdf_obj *pdf_portfolio_entry_name(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int entry); /* pdf_portfolio_entry_info: Fetch information about a given portfolio entry. doc: The document in question. entry: A value in the 0..m-1 range, where m is the value returned from pdf_count_portfolio_entries. info: Pointer to structure to fill in. Pointers within this structure may be set to NULL if no information is available. */ pdf_obj *pdf_portfolio_entry_info(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int entry, int schema_entry); /* pdf_add_portfolio_entry: Add a new portfolio entry. doc: The document in question. name: The name to use for this entry (as used in the PDF name tree for the collection). name_len: The byte length of name. desc: The description to use for this entry (as used in the 'Desc' entry in the Collection entry). desc_len: The byte length of desc. filename: The filename to use for this entry (as used in the 'F' entry in the collection entry). filename_len: The byte length of filename. unifilename: The filename to use for this entry (as used in the 'UF' entry in the collection entry). unifilename_len: The byte length of unifilename. buf: The buffer containing the embedded file to add. Returns the entry number for this new entry. */ int pdf_add_portfolio_entry(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, const char *name, int name_len, const char *desc, int desc_len, const char *filename, int filename_len, const char *unifile, int unifile_len, fz_buffer *buf); /* pdf_set_portfolio_entry_info: Set part of the entry information for a given portfolio entry. doc: The document in question. entry: The portfolio entry to set information for. In the range 0..m-1, where m is the value returned from pdf_count_portfolio_entries. schema_entry: Which schema entry to set (in the range 0..n-1, where n is the value returned from pdf_count_portfolio_schema. data: The value to set. */ void pdf_set_portfolio_entry_info(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int entry, int schema_entry, pdf_obj *data); /* pdf_update_page: update a page for the sake of changes caused by a call to pdf_pass_event. pdf_update_page regenerates any appearance streams that are out of date, checks for cases where different appearance streams should be selected because of state changes, and records internally each annotation that has changed appearance. The list of changed annotations is then available via querying the annot->changed flag. Note that a call to pdf_pass_event for one page may lead to changes on any other, so an app should call pdf_update_page for every page it currently displays. Also it is important that the pdf_page object is the one used to last render the page. If instead the app were to drop the page and reload it then a call to pdf_update_page would not reliably be able to report all changed areas. */ void pdf_update_page(fz_context *ctx, pdf_page *page); /* Determine whether changes have been made since the document was opened or last saved. */ int pdf_has_unsaved_changes(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc); typedef struct pdf_signer_s pdf_signer; /* Unsaved signature fields */ typedef struct pdf_unsaved_sig_s pdf_unsaved_sig; struct pdf_unsaved_sig_s { pdf_obj *field; int byte_range_start; int byte_range_end; int contents_start; int contents_end; pdf_signer *signer; pdf_unsaved_sig *next; }; typedef struct pdf_rev_page_map_s pdf_rev_page_map; struct pdf_rev_page_map_s { int page; int object; }; struct pdf_document_s { fz_document super; fz_stream *file; int version; fz_off_t startxref; fz_off_t file_size; pdf_crypt *crypt; pdf_ocg_descriptor *ocg; pdf_portfolio *portfolio; pdf_hotspot hotspot; int max_xref_len; int num_xref_sections; int saved_num_xref_sections; int num_incremental_sections; int xref_base; int disallow_new_increments; pdf_xref *xref_sections; pdf_xref *saved_xref_sections; int *xref_index; int freeze_updates; int has_xref_streams; int page_count; pdf_rev_page_map *rev_page_map; int repair_attempted; /* State indicating which file parsing method we are using */ int file_reading_linearly; fz_off_t file_length; pdf_obj *linear_obj; /* Linearized object (if used) */ pdf_obj **linear_page_refs; /* Page objects for linear loading */ int linear_page1_obj_num; /* The state for the pdf_progressive_advance parser */ fz_off_t linear_pos; int linear_page_num; int hint_object_offset; int hint_object_length; int hints_loaded; /* Set to 1 after the hints loading has completed, * whether successful or not! */ /* Page n references shared object references: * hint_shared_ref[i] * where * i = s to e-1 * s = hint_page[n]->index * e = hint_page[n+1]->index * Shared object reference r accesses objects: * rs to re-1 * where * rs = hint_shared[r]->number * re = hint_shared[r]->count + rs * These are guaranteed to lie within the region starting at * hint_shared[r]->offset of length hint_shared[r]->length */ struct { int number; /* Page object number */ fz_off_t offset; /* Offset of page object */ fz_off_t index; /* Index into shared hint_shared_ref */ } *hint_page; int *hint_shared_ref; struct { int number; /* Object number of first object */ fz_off_t offset; /* Offset of first object */ } *hint_shared; int hint_obj_offsets_max; fz_off_t *hint_obj_offsets; int resources_localised; pdf_lexbuf_large lexbuf; pdf_annot *focus; pdf_obj *focus_obj; pdf_js *js; int recalculating; int dirty; void (*update_appearance)(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, pdf_annot *annot); pdf_doc_event_cb *event_cb; void *event_cb_data; int num_type3_fonts; int max_type3_fonts; fz_font **type3_fonts; struct { fz_hash_table *images; fz_hash_table *fonts; } resources; int orphans_max; int orphans_count; pdf_obj **orphans; }; /* PDF creation */ /* pdf_create_document: Create a blank PDF document */ pdf_document *pdf_create_document(fz_context *ctx); /* Deep copy objects between documents. */ typedef struct pdf_graft_map_s pdf_graft_map; pdf_graft_map *pdf_new_graft_map(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *src); void pdf_drop_graft_map(fz_context *ctx, pdf_graft_map *map); pdf_obj *pdf_graft_object(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *dst, pdf_document *src, pdf_obj *obj, pdf_graft_map *map); /* pdf_page_write: Create a device that will record the graphical operations given to it into a sequence of pdf operations, together with a set of resources. This sequence/set pair can then be used as the basis for adding a page to the document (see pdf_add_page). doc: The document for which these are intended. mediabox: The bbox for the created page. presources: Pointer to a place to put the created resources dictionary. pcontents: Pointer to a place to put the created contents buffer. */ fz_device *pdf_page_write(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, const fz_rect *mediabox, pdf_obj **presources, fz_buffer **pcontents); /* pdf_add_page: Create a pdf_obj within a document that represents a page, from a previously created resources dictionary and page content stream. This should then be inserted into the document using pdf_insert_page. After this call the page exists within the document structure, but is not actually ever displayed as it is not linked into the PDF page tree. doc: The document to which to add the page. mediabox: The mediabox for the page (should be identical to that used when creating the resources/contents). rotate: 0, 90, 180 or 270. The rotation to use for the page. resources: The resources dictionary for the new page (typically created by pdf_page_write). contents: The page contents for the new page (typically create by pdf_page_write). */ pdf_obj *pdf_add_page(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, const fz_rect *mediabox, int rotate, pdf_obj *resources, fz_buffer *contents); /* pdf_insert_page: Insert a page previously created by pdf_add_page into the pages tree of the document. doc: The document to insert into. at: The page number to insert at. 0 inserts at the start. negative numbers, or INT_MAX insert at the end. Otherwise n inserts after page n. page: The page to insert. */ void pdf_insert_page(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int at, pdf_obj *page); /* pdf_delete_page: Delete a page from the page tree of a document. This does not remove the page contents or resources from the file. doc: The document to operate on. number: The page to remove (numbered from 0) */ void pdf_delete_page(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int number); /* pdf_delete_page_range: Delete a range of pages from the page tree of a document. This does not remove the page contents or resources from the file. doc: The document to operate on. start, end: The range of pages (numbered from 0) (inclusive, exclusive) to remove. If end is negative or greater than the number of pages in the document, it will be taken to be the end of the document. */ void pdf_delete_page_range(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, int start, int end); /* pdf_finish_edit: Called after any editing operations on a document have completed, this will tidy up the document. For now this is restricted to rebalancing the page tree, but may be extended in the future. */ void pdf_finish_edit(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc); int pdf_recognize(fz_context *doc, const char *magic); typedef struct pdf_write_options_s pdf_write_options; /* In calls to fz_save_document, the following options structure can be used to control aspects of the writing process. This structure may grow in the future, and should be zero-filled to allow forwards compatibility. */ struct pdf_write_options_s { int do_incremental; /* Write just the changed objects. */ int do_pretty; /* Pretty-print dictionaries and arrays. */ int do_ascii; /* ASCII hex encode binary streams. */ int do_compress; /* Compress streams. */ int do_compress_images; /* Compress (or leave compressed) image streams. */ int do_compress_fonts; /* Compress (or leave compressed) font streams. */ int do_decompress; /* Decompress streams (except when compressing images/fonts). */ int do_garbage; /* Garbage collect objects before saving; 1=gc, 2=re-number, 3=de-duplicate. */ int do_linear; /* Write linearised. */ int do_clean; /* Sanitize content streams. */ int continue_on_error; /* If set, errors are (optionally) counted and writing continues. */ int *errors; /* Pointer to a place to store a count of errors */ }; /* Parse option string into a pdf_write_options struct. Matches the command line options to 'mutool clean': g: garbage collect d, i, f: expand all, fonts, images l: linearize a: ascii hex encode z: deflate s: sanitize content streams */ pdf_write_options *pdf_parse_write_options(fz_context *ctx, pdf_write_options *opts, const char *args); /* pdf_has_unsaved_sigs: Returns true if there are digital signatures waiting to to updated on save. */ int pdf_has_unsaved_sigs(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc); /* pdf_write_document: Write out the document to an output stream with all changes finalised. This method will throw an error if pdf_has_unsaved_sigs. */ void pdf_write_document(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, fz_output *out, pdf_write_options *opts); /* pdf_save_document: Write out the document to a file with all changes finalised. */ void pdf_save_document(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc, const char *filename, pdf_write_options *opts); /* pdf_can_be_saved_incrementally: Return true if the document can be saved incrementally. (e.g. it has not been repaired, and it is not encrypted) */ int pdf_can_be_saved_incrementally(fz_context *ctx, pdf_document *doc); #endif