123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452 |
- /**
- * Copyright © 2014-2025 PDF Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This notice may not be removed from this file.
- */
- export const CPDFViewMode = {
- /**
- * Viewer mode, allows viewing PDF only, cannot edit annotations, forms, etc.
- */
- VIEWER: 'viewer',
- /**
- * Annotations mode, allows annotation editing
- */
- ANNOTATIONS: 'annotations',
- /**
- * Content editor mode, allows editing text, images of PDF document
- */
- CONTENT_EDITOR: 'contentEditor',
- /**
- * Forms mode, allows adding text fields, signature fields, list boxes, etc.
- */
- FORMS: 'forms',
- /**
- * Signatures mode, allows adding signature fields for electronic signing, digital signing, verifying digital signatures
- */
- SIGNATURES: 'signatures'
- } as const
- export type CPDFViewMode = ValueOf<typeof CPDFViewMode>;
- /**
- * Toolbar actions supported in the displayed PDF view
- */
- export const CPDFToolbarAction = {
- /**
- * Back button, exits the displayed PDF interface when clicked.
- * for Android platform, it will be shown only on the far left of the toolbar.
- * for iOS platform, it will be displayed according to the configuration position.
- */
- BACK: 'back',
- /**
- * Thumbnail list
- */
- THUMBNAIL: 'thumbnail',
- /**
- * PDF text search functionality
- */
- SEARCH: 'search',
- /**
- * Display related content in the PDF document
- *
- * b: Bookmark list
- * o: Outline list
- * t: Thumbnail list
- * a: Annotation list
- */
- BOTA: 'bota',
- /**
- * Menu button
- */
- MENU: 'menu'
- } as const
- export type CPDFToolbarAction = ValueOf<typeof CPDFToolbarAction>;
- /**
- * Configure the menu options opened in the top toolbar {@link CPDFToolbarAction.MENU}
- *
- */
- export const CPDFToolbarMenuAction = {
- /**
- * Open the settings view and set the scrolling direction,
- * display mode, theme color and other related settings for reading PDF.
- */
- VIEW_SETTINGS: 'viewSettings',
- /**
- * Open the document thumbnail list, and you can delete, rotate, and add document pages in the view.
- */
- DOCUMENT_EDITOR: 'documentEditor',
- /**
- * Open the document information view to display basic document information and permission information.
- */
- DOCUMENT_INFO: 'documentInfo',
- /**
- * Open the watermark editing view to add text and image watermarks and save them as a new document.
- */
- WATERMARK: 'watermark',
- /**
- * Open the security settings view, set the document opening password and set the permission password
- */
- SECURITY: 'security',
- /**
- * Flatten the annotations in the document, and the annotations will not be editable.
- */
- FLATTENED: 'flattened',
- /**
- * save pdf document.
- */
- SAVE: 'save',
- /**
- * Turn on system sharing function.
- */
- SHARE: 'share',
- /**
- * Open the system file selector and open a new pdf document.
- */
- OPEN_DOCUMENT: 'openDocument',
- /**
- * The PDF capture function allows you to capture an area
- * in the PDF document and convert it into an image.
- */
- SNIP: 'snip'
- } as const
- export type CPDFToolbarMenuAction = ValueOf<typeof CPDFToolbarMenuAction>;
- /**
- * annotations type.
- * Please note that {@link PENCIL} is only available on ios platform.
- */
- export const CPDFAnnotationType = {
- UNKNOWN: 'unknown',
- NOTE: 'note',
- HIGHLIGHT: 'highlight',
- UNDERLINE: 'underline',
- SQUIGGLY: 'squiggly',
- STRIKEOUT: 'strikeout',
- INK: 'ink',
- /**
- * only ios platform.
- */
- PENCIL: "pencil",
- CIRCLE: 'circle',
- SQUARE: 'square',
- ARROW: 'arrow',
- LINE: 'line',
- FREETEXT: 'freetext',
- SIGNATURE: 'signature',
- STAMP: 'stamp',
- PICTURES: 'pictures',
- LINK: 'link',
- SOUND: 'sound'
- } as const
- export type CPDFAnnotationType = ValueOf<typeof CPDFAnnotationType>;
- /**
- * {@link CPDFViewMode.ANNOTATIONS}, {@link CPDFViewMode.CONTENT_EDITOR},{@link CPDFViewMode.FORMS} function tools.
- * {@link CPDFConfigTool.SETTING} is not available in form functionality.
- *
- */
- export const CPDFConfigTool = {
- /**
- * Set button, corresponding to open the selected annotation, text or picture property panel.
- */
- SETTING: 'setting',
- /**
- * Undo annotation, content editing, form operations
- */
- UNDO: 'undo',
- /**
- * Redo an undone action
- */
- REDO: 'redo'
- } as const
- export type CPDFConfigTool = ValueOf<typeof CPDFConfigTool>;
- /**
- * Shape annotation border style, default {@link CPDFBorderStyle.SOLID}.
- * shape:
- * * {@link CPDFAnnotationType.SQUARE}
- * * {@link CPDFAnnotationType.CIRCLE}
- * * {@link CPDFAnnotationType.ARROW}
- * * {@link CPDFAnnotationType.LINE}
- */
- export const CPDFBorderStyle = {
- SOLID: 'solid',
- DASHED: 'dashed'
- } as const
- export type CPDFBorderStyle = ValueOf<typeof CPDFBorderStyle>;
- /**
- * Arrow annotation, start and tail shapes
- */
- export const CPDFLineType = {
- NONE: 'none',
- OPEN_ARROW: 'openArrow',
- CLOSE_ARROW: 'closedArrow',
- SQUARE: 'square',
- CIRCLE: 'circle',
- DIAMOND: 'diamond'
- }
- export type CPDFLineType = ValueOf<typeof CPDFLineType>;
- /**
- * text alignment
- */
- export const CPDFAlignment = {
- LEFT: 'left',
- CENTER: 'center',
- RIGHT: 'right'
- } as const
- export type CPDFAlignment = ValueOf<typeof CPDFAlignment>;
- export const CPDFTypeface = {
- COURIER: 'Courier',
- HELVETICA: 'Helvetica',
- TIMES_ROMAN: 'Times-Roman'
- } as const
- export type CPDFTypeface = ValueOf<typeof CPDFTypeface>;
- export const CPDFContentEditorType = {
- EDITOR_TEXT: 'editorText',
- EDITOR_IMAGE: 'editorImage'
- }
- export type CPDFContentEditorType = ValueOf<typeof CPDFContentEditorType>;
- /**
- * form types
- * @deprecated please use 'CPDFWidgetType' instead.
- */
- export const CPDFFormType = {
- TEXT_FIELD: 'textField',
- CHECKBOX: 'checkBox',
- RADIO_BUTTON: 'radioButton',
- LISTBOX: 'listBox',
- COMBOBOX: 'comboBox',
- SIGNATURES_FIELDS: 'signaturesFields',
- PUSH_BUTTON: 'pushButton',
- UNKNOWN: 'unknown'
- } as const
- /**
- * @deprecated Please use `CPDFWidgetType` instead.
- */
- export type CPDFFormType = ValueOf<typeof CPDFFormType>;
- /**
- * New widget type definition, recommended for use.
- */
- export const CPDFWidgetType = { ...CPDFFormType } as const;
- export type CPDFWidgetType = ValueOf<typeof CPDFWidgetType>;
- export const CPDFCheckStyle = {
- CHECK: 'check',
- CIRCLE: 'circle',
- CROSS: 'cross',
- DIAMOND: 'diamond',
- SQUARE: 'square',
- STAR: 'star'
- }
- export type CPDFCheckStyle = ValueOf<typeof CPDFCheckStyle>;
- export const CPDFDisplayMode = {
- SINGLE_PAGE: 'singlePage',
- DOUBLE_PAGE: 'doublePage',
- COVER_PAGE: 'coverPage'
- }
- export type CPDFDisplayMode = ValueOf<typeof CPDFDisplayMode>;
- export const CPDFThemes = {
- /**
- * Bright mode, readerview background is white
- */
- LIGHT: 'light',
- /**
- * dark mode, readerview background is black
- */
- DARK: 'dark',
- /**
- * brown paper color
- */
- SEPIA: 'sepia',
- /**
- * Light green, eye protection mode
- */
- RESEDA: 'reseda'
- }
- export type CPDFThemes = ValueOf<typeof CPDFThemes>;
- /**
- * Set UI theme modes, including light, dark, and follow system modes
- * Default: Follow system
- */
- export const CPDFThemeMode = {
- /**
- * Light mode, with a primarily white UI
- */
- LIGHT: 'light',
- /**
- * Dark night mode, with a primarily black UI
- */
- DARK: 'dark',
- /**
- * Follow the current system setting
- */
- SYSTEM: 'system'
- }
- export type CPDFThemeMode = ValueOf<typeof CPDFThemeMode>;
- /**
- * Represents the permissions available for the currently opened document.
- */
- export const CPDFDocumentPermissions = {
- /**
- * No restrictions. The document does not have an open password or owner permission password.
- */
- NONE: 'none',
- /**
- * User permissions. The document can only be viewed and has an owner password set.
- */
- USER: 'user',
- /**
- * Owner permissions. The current viewer is identified as the owner of the document.
- */
- OWNER: 'owner',
- };
- export type CPDFDocumentPermissions = ValueOf<typeof CPDFDocumentPermissions>;
- /**
- * Specifies the encryption algorithms supported for a PDF document.
- */
- export const CPDFDocumentEncryptAlgo = {
- /**
- * RC4 encryption algorithm.
- */
- RC4: 'rc4',
- /**
- * AES 128-bit encryption algorithm.
- */
- AES128: 'aes128',
- /**
- * AES 256-bit encryption algorithm.
- */
- AES256: 'aes256',
- /**
- * Indicates that no encryption algorithm is applied.
- */
- NO_ENCRYPT_ALGO: 'noEncryptAlgo',
- };
- export type CPDFDocumentEncryptAlgo = ValueOf<typeof CPDFDocumentEncryptAlgo>;
- export type AnyCase<T extends string> =
- string extends T ? string :
- T extends `${infer F1}${infer F2}${infer R}` ? (
- `${Uppercase<F1> | Lowercase<F1>}${Uppercase<F2> | Lowercase<F2>}${AnyCase<R>}`
- ) :
- T extends `${infer F}${infer R}` ? `${Uppercase<F> | Lowercase<F>}${AnyCase<R>}` :
- "";
- type ValueOf<T> = T[keyof T];
- type BuildPowersOf2LengthArrays<N extends number, R extends never[][]> =
- R[0][N] extends never ? R : BuildPowersOf2LengthArrays<N, [[...R[0], ...R[0]], ...R]>;
- type ConcatLargestUntilDone<N extends number, R extends never[][], B extends never[]> =
- B["length"] extends N ? B : [...R[0], ...B][N] extends never
- ? ConcatLargestUntilDone<N, R extends [R[0], ...infer U] ? U extends never[][] ? U : never : never, B>
- : ConcatLargestUntilDone<N, R extends [R[0], ...infer U] ? U extends never[][] ? U : never : never, [...R[0], ...B]>;
- type Replace<R extends any[], T> = { [K in keyof R]: T }
- type TupleOf<T, N extends number> = number extends N ? T[] : {
- [K in N]:
- BuildPowersOf2LengthArrays<K, [[never]]> extends infer U ? U extends never[][]
- ? Replace<ConcatLargestUntilDone<K, U, []>, T> : never : never;
- }[N]
- type RangeOf<N extends number> = Partial<TupleOf<unknown, N>>["length"];
- type RangeOf2<From extends number, To extends number> = Exclude<RangeOf<To>, RangeOf<From>> | From;
- export type ColorAlpha = RangeOf2<0,255>
- export type BorderWidth = RangeOf2<1, 10>
- export type DashGap = RangeOf2<0.0, 10.0>
- export type HexColor = `#${string}`;
- export type FontSize = RangeOf2<0,100>