123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457 |
- /**
- * Copyright © 2014-2024 PDF Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This notice may not be removed from this file.
- */
- import { BorderWidth, ColorAlpha, CPDFAlignment, CPDFAnnotationType, CPDFBorderStyle, CPDFCheckStyle, CPDFConfigTool, CPDFContentEditorType, CPDFDisplayMode, CPDFFormType, CPDFLineType, CPDFThemes, CPDFToolbarAction, CPDFToolbarMenuAction, CPDFTypeface, CPDFViewMode, DashGap, FontSize, HexColor, CPDFThemeMode } from "./CPDFOptions";
- /**
- * Configuration information for displaying PDF using the ComPDFKit.openDocument method.
- * Used to configure UI elements, PDF properties, etc.
- *
- * @example
- * const configuration : CPDFConfiguration = {
- * modeConfig: {
- * initialViewMode: CPDFModeConfig.ViewMode.VIEWER,
- * availableViewModes: [
- * CPDFModeConfig.ViewMode.VIEWER,
- * CPDFModeConfig.ViewMode.ANNOTATIONS,
- * CPDFModeConfig.ViewMode.CONTENT_EDITOR,
- * CPDFModeConfig.ViewMode.FORMS,
- * CPDFModeConfig.ViewMode.SIGNATURES
- * ]
- * }
- * }
- *
- * ComPDFKit.openDocument(document, 'password', JSON.stringify(configuration))
- */
- export class CPDFConfiguration {
- /**
- * PDF mode configuration
- */
- modeConfig?: {
- /**
- * Default mode to display when opening the PDF View, default is [CPDFToolbarAction.VIEWER]
- */
- initialViewMode?: CPDFViewMode,
- readerOnly?: boolean,
- /**
- * Configure supported modes
- */
- availableViewModes?: CPDFViewMode[]
- }
- /**
- * Configuration for top toolbar functionality
- */
- toolbarConfig?: {
- /**
- * Top toolbar actions for Android platform
- *
- * Default: thumbnail, search, bota, menu.
- *
- * {@link CPDFToolbarAction.BACK} button will be shown only on the far left
- */
- androidAvailableActions?: CPDFToolbarAction[],
- /**
- * Left toolbar actions for iOS platform
- *
- * Default: back, thumbnail
- */
- iosLeftBarAvailableActions?: CPDFToolbarAction[],
- /**
- * Right toolbar actions for iOS platform
- *
- * Default: search, bota, menu
- */
- iosRightBarAvailableActions?: CPDFToolbarAction[],
- /**
- * Configure the menu options opened in the top toolbar {@link CPDFToolbarAction.MENU}
- */
- availableMenus?: CPDFToolbarMenuAction[]
- }
- /**
- * annotation config
- */
- annotationsConfig?: {
- annotationAuthor?: string,
- /**
- * {@link CPDFViewMode.ANNOTATIONS} mode, list of annotation functions shown at the bottom of the view.
- */
- availableTypes?: CPDFAnnotationType[],
- /**
- * {@link CPDFViewMode.ANNOTATIONS} mode, annotation tools shown at the bottom of the view.
- */
- availableTools?: CPDFConfigTool[],
- /**
- * When adding an annotation, the annotation’s default attributes.
- */
- initAttribute?: {
- /**
- * Note annotation attribute configuration.
- * @param { HexColor } [color] HEX color: #1460F3
- * @param { ColorAlpha } [alpha] Color opacity, value range: 0~255
- */
- note?: {
- color?: HexColor,
- alpha?: ColorAlpha
- },
- /**
- * Highlight annotation attribute configuration.
- * @param { HexColor } [color] HEX color: #1460F3.
- * @param { ColorAlpha } [alpha] Color opacity, value range: 0~255.
- */
- highlight?: {
- color?: HexColor,
- alpha?: ColorAlpha
- },
- /**
- * Underline annotation attribute configuration.
- * @param { HexColor } [color] HEX color: #1460F3
- * @param { number } [alpha] Color opacity, value range: 0~255
- */
- underline?: {
- color?: HexColor,
- alpha?: ColorAlpha
- },
- /**
- * Squiggly annotation attribute configuration.
- * @param { HexColor } [color] HEX color: #1460F3
- * @param { ColorAlpha } [alpha] Color opacity, value range: 0~255
- */
- squiggly?: {
- color?: HexColor,
- alpha?: ColorAlpha
- },
- /**
- * Strikeout annotation attribute configuration.
- * @param { HexColor } [color] HEX color: #1460F3
- * @param { ColorAlpha } [alpha] Color opacity, value range: 0~255
- */
- strikeout?: {
- color?: HexColor,
- alpha?: ColorAlpha
- },
- /**
- * Ink annotation attribute configuration.
- * @param { HexColor } [color] HEX color: #1460F3
- * @param { ColorAlpha } [alpha] Color opacity, value range: 0~255
- * @param { BorderWidth } [borderWidth] Brush thickness, value range: 1~10
- */
- ink?: {
- color?: HexColor,
- alpha?: ColorAlpha,
- borderWidth?: BorderWidth
- },
- /**
- * square annotation attribute configuration.
- * @param { HexColor } [fillColor] HEX color: #1460F3
- * @param { HexColor } [borderColor] HEX color: #1460F3
- * @param { ColorAlpha } [colorAlpha] fill color and border color opacity. value range:0~255
- * @param { BorderWidth } [borderWidth] border thickness, value range:1~10
- * @param { object } [borderStyle] Set the border style to dashed or solid.
- */
- square?: {
- fillColor?: HexColor,
- borderColor?: HexColor,
- colorAlpha?: ColorAlpha,
- borderWidth?: BorderWidth,
- borderStyle?: {
- /**
- * default: {@link CPDFBorderStyle.SOLID}
- */
- style?: CPDFBorderStyle,
- /**
- * Dashed gap, only style={@link CPDFBorderStyle.DASHED} is valid.
- */
- dashGap?: DashGap
- }
- },
- /**
- * Circle annotation attribute configuration.
- * @param { HexColor } [fillColor] HEX color: #1460F3
- * @param { HexColor } [borderColor] HEX color: #1460F3
- * @param { ColorAlpha } [colorAlpha] fill color and border color opacity. value range:0~255
- * @param { BorderWidth } [borderWidth] border thickness, value range:1~10
- * @param { object } [borderStyle] Set the border style to dashed or solid.
- */
- circle?: {
- fillColor?: HexColor,
- borderColor?: HexColor,
- colorAlpha?: ColorAlpha,
- borderWidth?: BorderWidth,
- borderStyle?: {
- /**
- * default: {@link CPDFBorderStyle.SOLID}
- */
- style?: CPDFBorderStyle,
- /**
- * Dashed gap, only style={@link CPDFBorderStyle.DASHED} is valid.
- */
- dashGap?: DashGap
- }
- },
- /**
- * Line annotation attribute configuration.
- * @param { HexColor } [borderColor] HEX color: #1460F3
- * @param { ColorAlpha } [borderAlpha] line color opacity. value range:0~255
- * @param { BorderWidth } [borderWidth] border thickness, value range:1~10
- * @param { object } [borderStyle] Set the border style to dashed or solid.
- */
- line?: {
- borderColor?: HexColor,
- borderAlpha?: ColorAlpha,
- borderWidth?: BorderWidth,
- borderStyle?: {
- /**
- * default: {@link CPDFBorderStyle.SOLID}
- */
- style?: CPDFBorderStyle,
- /**
- * Dashed gap, only style={@link CPDFBorderStyle.DASHED} is valid.
- */
- dashGap?: DashGap
- }
- },
- /**
- * Arrow annotation attribute configuration.
- * @param { HexColor } [borderColor] HEX color: #1460F3
- * @param { ColorAlpha } [borderAlpha] line color opacity. value range:0~255
- * @param { BorderWidth } [borderWidth] border thickness, value range:0~10
- * @param { object } [borderStyle] Set the border style to dashed or solid.
- * @param { CPDFLineType } [startLineType] Arrow starting position shape.
- * @param { CPDFLineType } [tailLineType] Arrow tail position shape.
- */
- arrow?: {
- borderColor?: HexColor,
- borderAlpha?: ColorAlpha,
- borderWidth?: BorderWidth,
- borderStyle?: {
- /**
- * default: {@link CPDFBorderStyle.SOLID}
- */
- style?: CPDFBorderStyle,
- /**
- * Dashed gap, only style={@link CPDFBorderStyle.DASHED} is valid.
- */
- dashGap?: DashGap
- },
- startLineType?: CPDFLineType
- tailLineType?: CPDFLineType
- },
- /**
- * Freetext annotation attribute configuration.
- * @param { HexColor } [fontColor] HEX color: #1460F3
- * @param { ColorAlpha } [fontColorAlpha] text color opacity. value range:0~255
- * @param { FontSize } [fontSize] font size, value range:1~100
- * @param { boolean } [isBold] Whether the font is bold.
- * @param { boolean } [isItalic] Is the font italicized.
- * @param { CPDFAlignment } [alignment] Text alignment, {@link CPDFAlignment.LEFT} aligned by default.
- * @param { CPDFTypeface } [typeface] The font used by default for text. The default is:{@link CPDFTypeface.HELVETICA}.
- */
- freeText?: {
- fontColor?: HexColor,
- fontColorAlpha?: ColorAlpha,
- fontSize?: FontSize,
- isBold?: boolean,
- isItalic?: boolean,
- alignment?: CPDFAlignment,
- typeface?: CPDFTypeface
- }
- }
- }
- contentEditorConfig?: {
- /**
- * Content editing mode, the editing mode displayed at the bottom of the view
- * Default order: editorText, editorImage
- */
- availableTypes?: CPDFContentEditorType[],
- /**
- * Available tools, including: Setting, Undo, Redo
- */
- availableTools?: CPDFConfigTool[]
- initAttribute?: {
- /**
- * When adding text, the text default properties
- * @param { HexColor } [fontColor] HEX color: #1460F3
- * @param { ColorAlpha } [fontColorAlpha] text color opacity. value range:0~255
- * @param { FontSize } [fontSize] font size, value range:1~100
- * @param { boolean } [isBold] Whether the font is bold.
- * @param { boolean } [isItalic] Is the font italicized.
- * @param { CPDFAlignment } [alignment] Text alignment, {@link CPDFAlignment.LEFT} aligned by default.
- * @param { CPDFTypeface } [typeface] The font used by default for text. The default is:{@link CPDFTypeface.HELVETICA}.
- */
- text?: {
- fontColor?: HexColor,
- fontColorAlpha?: ColorAlpha,
- fontSize?: FontSize,
- isBold?: boolean,
- isItalic?: boolean,
- alignment?: CPDFAlignment,
- typeface?: CPDFTypeface
- }
- }
- }
- formsConfig?: {
- /**
- * In {@link CPDFViewMode.Forms} mode, the list of form types at the bottom of the view.
- */
- availableTypes?: CPDFFormType[]
- /**
- * Only supports {@link CPDFConfigTool.UNDO} and {@link CPDFConfigTool.UNDO} .
- */
- availableTools?: CPDFConfigTool[]
- /**
- * Form default attribute configuration
- */
- initAttribute?: {
- /**
- * Text field default properties, such as fill color, border color, text style, etc.
- */
- textField?: {
- fillColor?: HexColor,
- borderColor?: HexColor,
- borderWidth?: BorderWidth,
- fontColor?: HexColor,
- fontSize?: FontSize,
- isBold?: boolean,
- isItalic?: boolean,
- alignment?: CPDFAlignment,
- multiline?: boolean,
- typeface?: CPDFTypeface
- },
- checkBox?: CheckBoxAttr,
- radioButton?: RadioButtonAttr,
- listBox?: ListBoxAttr,
- comboBox?: ComboBoxAttr,
- pushButton?: {
- fillColor?: HexColor,
- borderColor?: HexColor,
- borderWidth?: BorderWidth,
- fontColor?: HexColor,
- fontSize?: FontSize,
- title?: string,
- typeface?: CPDFTypeface,
- isBold?: boolean,
- isItalic?: boolean,
- },
- signaturesFields?: {
- fillColor?: HexColor,
- borderColor?: HexColor,
- borderWidth?: number
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * PDF View configuration.
- */
- readerViewConfig?: {
- /**
- * Sets whether hyperlinks in the PDF document annotations are highlighted.
- */
- linkHighlight?: boolean,
- /**
- * Sets whether form fields in the PDF document are highlighted.
- */
- formFieldHighlight?: boolean,
- /**
- * Display mode of the PDF document, single page, double page, or book mode.
- * Default: {@link CPDFDisplayMode.SINGLE_PAGE}
- */
- displayMode?: CPDFDisplayMode,
- /**
- * Whether PDF page flipping is continuous scrolling.
- */
- continueMode?: boolean,
- /**
- * Whether scrolling is in vertical direction.
- * `true`: Vertical scrolling, `false`: Horizontal scrolling.
- * Default: true
- */
- verticalMode?: boolean,
- /**
- * Cropping mode.
- * Whether to crop blank areas of PDF pages.
- * Default: false
- */
- cropMode?: boolean,
- /**
- * Theme color.
- * Default: {@link CPDFThemes.light}
- */
- themes?: CPDFThemes,
- /**
- * Whether to display the sidebar quick scroll bar.
- */
- enableSliderBar?: boolean,
- /**
- * Whether to display the bottom page indicator.
- */
- enablePageIndicator?: boolean,
- /**
- * Spacing between each page of the PDF, default 10px.
- */
- pageSpacing?: number,
- /**
- * Page scale value, default 1.0.
- */
- pageScale?: number,
- /**
- * only android platform.
- */
- pageSameWidth?: boolean
- }
- global? : {
- themeMode?: CPDFThemeMode,
- fileSaveExtraFontSubset?: boolean
- }
- };
- /**
- * @param { HexColor } [fillColor] HEX color: #1460F3
- * @param { HexColor } [borderColor] HEX color: #1460F3
- * @param { BorderWidth } [borderWidth] border thickness, value range:0~10
- * @param { HexColor } [checkedColor]
- * @param { boolean } [isChecked]
- * @param { CPDFCheckStyle } [checkedStyle]
- */
- export class CheckBoxAttr {
- fillColor?: HexColor
- borderColor?: HexColor
- borderWidth?: BorderWidth
- checkedColor?: HexColor
- isChecked?: boolean
- checkedStyle?: CPDFCheckStyle
- }
- export class RadioButtonAttr extends CheckBoxAttr{}
- export class ListBoxAttr {
- fillColor?: string
- borderColor?: string
- borderWidth?: number
- fontColor?: string
- fontSize?: number
- typeface?: CPDFTypeface
- isBold?: boolean
- isItalic?: boolean
- }
- export class ComboBoxAttr extends ListBoxAttr{}