ComPDFKit_Tools.podspec 1.5 KB

  1. do |spec|
  2. = "ComPDFKit_Tools"
  3. spec.version = "1.11.0"
  4. spec.summary = "The folder of ComPDFKit_Tools includes the UI components to help conveniently integrate ComPDFKit PDF SDK."
  5. spec.description = <<-DESC
  6. ComPDFKit_Tools have also built five standalone function programs, namely Viewer, Annotations, ContentEditor, Forms, and DocsEditor, using this UI component library. Additionally, we have developed a program called **PDFViewer** that integrates all the above-mentioned example features for reference
  7. DESC
  8. spec.homepage = ""
  9. spec.license = { :type => 'Commercial', :file => ''}
  10. = { "ComPDFKit" => ""}
  11. spec.platform = :ios, "10.0"
  12. spec.source = { :http => ""}
  13. spec.preserve_paths = "ComPDFKit_Tools.framework"
  14. spec.vendored_frameworks = "ComPDFKit_Tools.framework"
  15. spec.requires_arc = true
  16. spec.pod_target_xcconfig = {'VALID_ARCHS' => 'arm64 x86_64 armv7'}
  17. spec.library = 'z', 'c++'
  18. spec.xcconfig = { 'FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS' => '"$(PODS_ROOT)/ComPDFKit_Tools/**"' }
  19. spec.frameworks = 'QuartzCore','CoreMedia', 'MediaPlayer', 'AVFoundation',
  20. 'CoreGraphics', 'Foundation', 'MobileCoreServices', 'SystemConfiguration',
  21. 'UIKit'
  22. end