123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677 |
- //
- // CPDFView.h
- // ComPDFKit
- //
- // Copyright © 2014-2023 PDF Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- //
- // This notice may not be removed from this file.
- //
- #import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
- #import <ComPDFKit/CPDFKitPlatform.h>
- @class CPDFView, CPDFDocument, CPDFPage, CPDFSelection, CPDFDestination, CPDFFreeTextAnnotation, CPDFTextWidgetAnnotation;
- typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSInteger, CEditingSelectState) {
- CEditingSelectStateEmpty = 0,
- CEditingSelectStateEditTextArea,
- CEditingSelectStateEditNoneText,
- CEditingSelectStateEditSelectText,
- };
- typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSInteger, CEditingLoadType) {
- CEditingLoadTypeText = (1UL << 0),
- CEditingLoadTypeImage = (1UL << 1),
- };
- typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CPDFDisplayDirection) {
- CPDFDisplayDirectionVertical = 0,
- CPDFDisplayDirectionHorizontal = 1,
- };
- typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, CPDFDisplayMode) {
- CPDFDisplayModeNormal = 0,
- CPDFDisplayModeNight = 1,
- CPDFDisplayModeSoft = 2,
- CPDFDisplayModeGreen = 3,
- CPDFDisplayModeCustom = 4
- };
- extern NSNotificationName const CPDFViewDocumentChangedNotification;
- extern NSNotificationName const CPDFViewPageChangedNotification;
- #pragma mark - CPDFEditArea
- @interface CPDFEditArea : NSObject
- /**
- * Gets the current page of the text block.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,readonly) CPDFPage *page;
- /**
- * Gets the position size of the text block.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,readonly) CGRect bounds;
- /**
- * Gets the current selection.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,readonly) CPDFSelection *selection;
- /**
- * Whether it is text code block.
- */
- - (BOOL)IsTextArea;
- /**
- * Whether it is image code block.
- */
- - (BOOL)IsImageArea;
- @end
- #pragma mark - CPDFEditTextArea
- @interface CPDFEditTextArea : CPDFEditArea
- @end
- #pragma mark - CPDFEditImageArea
- @interface CPDFEditImageArea : CPDFEditArea
- @property (nonatomic,readonly) CGRect cropRect;
- @property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL isCropMode;
- @end
- #pragma mark - CPDFEditingConfig
- @interface CPDFEditingConfig : NSObject
- /**
- * Sets the unselected border color of the text code block.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,retain) CPDFKitPlatformColor *editingBorderColor;
- /**
- * Sets the selected border color of the text code block.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,retain) CPDFKitPlatformColor *editingSelectionBorderColor;
- /**
- * Border width of the text code block.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,assign) CGFloat editingBorderWidth;
- /**
- * Array of dashed lines of the text code block.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,retain) NSArray * editingBorderDashPattern;
- /**
- * Sets the offset interval at which blocks are displayed
- */
- @property (nonatomic,assign) CGFloat editingOffsetGap;
- /**
- * Set the move range spacing for the text editing page
- */
- @property (nonatomic,assign) CGFloat pageSpacingGap;
- @end
- @protocol CPDFViewDelegate <NSObject>
- @optional
- - (void)PDFViewDocumentDidLoaded:(CPDFView *)pdfView;
- - (void)PDFViewCurrentPageDidChanged:(CPDFView *)pdfView;
- - (void)PDFViewDidClickOnLink:(CPDFView *)pdfView withURL:(NSString *)url;
- - (void)PDFViewPerformURL:(CPDFView *)pdfView withContent:(NSString *)content;
- - (void)PDFViewPerformUOP:(CPDFView *)pdfView withContent:(NSString *)content;
- - (void)PDFViewPerformPrint:(CPDFView *)pdfView;
- - (void)PDFViewPerformReset:(CPDFView *)pdfView;
- - (void)PDFViewShouldBeginEditing:(CPDFView *)pdfView textView:(UITextView *)textView forAnnotation:(CPDFFreeTextAnnotation *)annotation;
- - (void)PDFViewShouldEndEditing:(CPDFView *)pdfView textView:(UITextView *)textView forAnnotation:(CPDFFreeTextAnnotation *)annotation;
- - (void)PDFViewShouldBeginEditing:(CPDFView *)pdfView textView:(UITextView *)textView forTextWidget:(CPDFTextWidgetAnnotation *)textWidget;
- - (void)PDFViewShouldEndEditing:(CPDFView *)pdfView textView:(UITextView *)textView forTextWidget:(CPDFTextWidgetAnnotation *)textWidget;
- - (void)PDFViewDidEndDragging:(CPDFView *)pdfView;
- - (void)PDFViewEditingCropBoundsDidChanged:(CPDFView *)pdfView editingArea:(CPDFEditArea *)editArea;
- - (void)PDFViewEditingOperationDidChanged:(CPDFView *)pdfView;
- - (void)PDFViewEditingSelectStateDidChanged:(CPDFView *)pdfView;
- - (void)PDFEditingViewShouldBeginEditing:(CPDFView *)pdfView textView:(UITextView *)textView;
- - (void)PDFEditingViewShouldEndEditing:(CPDFView *)pdfView textView:(UITextView *)textView;
- @end
- /**
- * This class is the main view of ComPDFKit you can instantiate a CPDFView that will host the contents of a CPDFDocument.
- *
- * @discussion CPDFView may be the only class you need to deal with for adding PDF functionality to your application.
- * It lets you display PDF data and allows users to select content, navigate through a document, set zoom level, and copy textual content to the Pasteboard.
- * CPDFView also keeps track of page history. You can subclass CPDFView to create a custom PDF viewer.
- */
- @interface CPDFView : UIView
- #pragma mark - Document
- /**
- * Methods for associating a CPDFDocument with a CPDFView.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,retain) CPDFDocument *document;
- #pragma mark - Accessors
- /**
- * Returns the view’s delegate.
- *
- * @see CPDFViewDelegate
- */
- @property (nonatomic,assign) id<CPDFViewDelegate> delegate;
- /**
- * A Boolean value indicating whether the document displays two pages side-by-side.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL displayTwoUp;
- /**
- * Specifies whether the first page is to be presented as a cover and displayed by itself (for two-up modes).
- */
- @property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL displaysAsBook;
- /**
- * The layout direction, either vertical or horizontal, for the given display mode.
- *
- * @discussion Defaults to vertical layout (CPDFDisplayDirectionVertical).
- * @see CPDFDisplayDirection
- */
- @property (nonatomic,assign) CPDFDisplayDirection displayDirection;
- /**
- * A Boolean value indicating whether the view is displaying page breaks.
- *
- * @discussion Toggle displaying or not displaying page breaks (spacing) between pages. This spacing value is defined by the pageBreakMargins property.
- * If displaysPageBreaks is NO, then pageBreakMargins will always return { 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0 }. Default is YES.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL displaysPageBreaks;
- /**
- * The spacing between pages as defined by the top, bottom, left, and right margins.
- *
- * @discussion If displaysPageBreaks is enabled, you may customize the spacing between pages by defining margins for the top, bottom, left, and right of each page.
- * Note that pageBreakMargins only allows positive values and will clamp any negative value to 0.0.
- * By default, if displaysPageBreaks is enabled, pageBreakMargins is { 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0 } (with respect to top, left, bottom, right), otherwise it is { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,assign) UIEdgeInsets pageBreakMargins;
- /**
- * The page render mode, either normal, night, soft, green or custom, for the given display mode.
- *
- * @see CPDFDisplayMode
- */
- @property (nonatomic,assign) CPDFDisplayMode displayMode;
- /**
- * If displayMode is CPDFDisplayModeCustom, you may customize the color of the page rendering.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,retain) UIColor *displayModeCustomColor;
- /**
- * A Boolean value indicating whether the view is displaying page crop.
- *
- * @discussion Automatically crop out valid content from the page, If there is no content in the page, no cropping will be done.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL displayCrop;
- /**
- * A Boolean value that determines whether scrolling is enabled for the document view.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL scrollEnabled;
- /**
- * A Boolean value that determines whether scrolling is disabled in the vertical direction for the document view.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL directionaHorizontalLockEnabled;
- /**
- * The current scale factor for the view.
- *
- * @discussion Method to get / set the current scaling on the displayed PDF document. Default is 1.0.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,assign) CGFloat scaleFactor;
- - (void)setScaleFactor:(CGFloat)scaleFactor animated:(BOOL)animated;
- #pragma mark - Draw
- @property (nonatomic,readonly) BOOL isDrawing;
- @property (nonatomic,readonly) BOOL isDrawErasing;
- - (void)beginDrawing;
- - (void)endDrawing;
- - (void)commitDrawing;
- - (void)setDrawErasing:(BOOL)isErasing;
- - (void)drawUndo;
- - (void)drawRedo;
- #pragma mark - Annotation
- - (void)editAnnotationFreeText:(CPDFFreeTextAnnotation *)freeText;
- - (void)commitEditAnnotationFreeText;
- - (void)setEditAnnotationFreeTextFont:(UIFont *)font;
- - (void)setEditAnnotationFreeTextColor:(UIColor *)color;
- #pragma mark - Page
- /**
- * Returns the current page index.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,readonly) NSInteger currentPageIndex;
- /**
- * Scrolls to the specified page.
- */
- - (void)goToPageIndex:(NSInteger)pageIndex animated:(BOOL)animated;
- /**
- * Returns a CPDFDestination object representing the current page and the current point in the view specified in page space.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,readonly) CPDFDestination *currentDestination;
- /**
- * Goes to the specified destination.
- *
- * Destinations include a page and a point on the page specified in page space.
- */
- - (void)goToDestination:(CPDFDestination *)destination animated:(BOOL)animated;
- /**
- * Goes to the specified rectangle on the specified page.
- *
- * @discussion This allows you to scroll the CPDFView object to a specific CPDFAnnotation or CPDFSelection object,
- * because both of these objects have bounds methods that return an annotation or selection position in page space.
- * Note that rect is specified in page-space coordinates. Page space is a coordinate system with the origin at the lower-left corner of the current page.
- */
- - (void)goToRect:(CGRect)rect onPage:(CPDFPage *)page animated:(BOOL)animated;
- /**
- * Returns an array of CPDFPage objects that represent the currently visible pages.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,readonly) NSArray<CPDFPage *> *visiblePages;
- #pragma mark - Selection
- /**
- * Enter text selection mode.
- *
- * @discussion The scrollEnabled is NO in the text selection mode.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,assign) BOOL textSelectionMode;
- /**
- * Returns actual instance of the current CPDFSelection object.
- *
- * @discussion The view redraws as necessary but does not scroll.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,readonly) CPDFSelection *currentSelection;
- /**
- * Clears the selection.
- *
- * @discussion The view redraws as necessary but does not scroll.
- */
- - (void)clearSelection;
- /**
- * Goes to the first character of the specified selection.
- */
- - (void)goToSelection:(CPDFSelection *)selection animated:(BOOL)animated;
- /**
- * The following calls allow you to associate a CPDFSelection with a CPDFView.
- *
- * @discussion The selection do not go away when the user clicks in the CPDFView, etc. You must explicitly remove them by passing nil to -[setHighlightedSelection:animated:].
- * This method allow you to highlight text perhaps to indicate matches from a text search. Commonly used for highlighting search results.
- */
- - (void)setHighlightedSelection:(CPDFSelection *)selection animated:(BOOL)animated;
- #pragma mark - Display
- /**
- * The innermost view used by CPDFView or by your CPDFView subclass.
- *
- * @discussion The innermost view is the one displaying the visible document pages.
- */
- - (UIScrollView *)documentView;
- /**
- * Performs layout of the inner views.
- *
- * @discussion The CPDFView actually contains several subviews. Changes to the PDF content may require changes to these inner views,
- * so you must call this method explicitly if you use PDF Kit utility classes to add or remove a page, rotate a page, or perform other operations affecting visible layout.
- * This method is called automatically from CPDFView methods that affect the visible layout (such as setDocument:).
- */
- - (void)layoutDocumentView;
- /**
- * Draw and render of the currently visible pages.
- */
- - (void)setNeedsDisplayForVisiblePages;
- /**
- * Draw and render of the specified page.
- */
- - (void)setNeedsDisplayForPage:(CPDFPage *)page;
- #pragma mark - Rendering
- /**
- * Draw and render a visible page to a context.
- *
- * @discussion For subclasses. This method is called for each visible page requiring rendering. By subclassing you can draw on top of the PDF page.
- */
- - (void)drawPage:(CPDFPage *)page toContext:(CGContextRef)context;
- #pragma mark - Menu
- - (NSArray<UIMenuItem *> *)menuItemsAtPoint:(CGPoint)point forPage:(CPDFPage *)page;
- #pragma mark - Touch
- - (void)touchBeganAtPoint:(CGPoint)point forPage:(CPDFPage *)page;
- - (void)touchMovedAtPoint:(CGPoint)point forPage:(CPDFPage *)page;
- - (void)touchEndedAtPoint:(CGPoint)point forPage:(CPDFPage *)page;
- - (void)touchCancelledAtPoint:(CGPoint)point forPage:(CPDFPage *)page;
- #pragma mark - Conversion
- /**
- * Converts a point from view space to page space.
- *
- * @discussion Page space is a coordinate system with the origin at the lower-left corner of the current page.
- * View space is a coordinate system with the origin at the upper-left corner of the current PDF view.
- */
- - (CGPoint)convertPoint:(CGPoint)point toPage:(CPDFPage *)page;
- /**
- * Converts a rectangle from view space to page space.
- *
- * @discussion Page space is a coordinate system with the origin at the lower-left corner of the current page.
- * View space is a coordinate system with the origin at the upper-left corner of the current PDF view.
- */
- - (CGRect)convertRect:(CGRect)rect toPage:(CPDFPage *)page;
- /**
- * Converts a point from page space to view space.
- *
- * @discussion Page space is a coordinate system with the origin at the lower-left corner of the current page.
- * View space is a coordinate system with the origin at the upper-left corner of the current PDF view.
- */
- - (CGPoint)convertPoint:(CGPoint)point fromPage:(CPDFPage *)page;
- /**
- * Converts a rectangle from page space to view space.
- *
- * @discussion Page space is a coordinate system with the origin at the lower-left corner of the current page.
- * View space is a coordinate system with the origin at the upper-left corner of the current PDF view.
- */
- - (CGRect)convertRect:(CGRect)rect fromPage:(CPDFPage *)page;
- #pragma mark - Edit
- /**
- * This method is about configuring of editing content.
- */
- @property (nonatomic,retain) CPDFEditingConfig *editingConfig;
- /**
- * Begins editing content.
- */
- - (void)beginEditingLoadType:(CEditingLoadType)editingLoadType;
- /**
- * Change editing content.
- */
- - (void)changeEditingLoadType:(CEditingLoadType)editingLoadType;
- /**
- * Ends editing content.
- */
- - (void)endOfEditing;
- /**
- * Submits the edited content.
- */
- - (void)commitEditing;
- /**
- * Gets whether to enter the editing mode.
- */
- - (BOOL)isEditing;
- /**
- * Whether the content is modified.
- */
- - (BOOL)isEdited;
- /**
- * The selected block.
- */
- - (CPDFEditArea *)editingArea;
- /**
- * Clicks the context menu of block.
- */
- - (NSArray<UIMenuItem *> *)menuItemsEditingAtPoint:(CGPoint)point forPage:(CPDFPage *)page;
- /**
- * The statuses when editing.
- *
- * @see CEditingSelectState
- */
- - (CEditingSelectState )editStatus;
- #pragma mark - Edit Text & Image
- /**
- * Sets the position of the text (image) block
- */
- - (void)setBoundsEditArea:(CPDFEditArea *)editArea withBounds:(CGRect)bounds;
- /**
- * Delete text (image) block
- */
- - (void)deleteEditingArea:(CPDFEditArea *)editArea;
- /**
- * Whether to support undo on current page.
- */
- - (BOOL)canEditTextUndo;
- /**
- * Whether to support redo on current page.
- */
- - (BOOL)canEditTextRedo;
- /**
- * Undo on current page.
- */
- - (void)editTextUndo;
- /**
- * Redo on current page.
- */
- - (void)editTextRedo;
- #pragma mark - Edit Text
- /**
- * Gets the font size of a text block or a piece of text.
- */
- - (CGFloat)editingSelectionFontSize;
- /**
- * Sets the font size of a text block or a piece of text.
- */
- - (void)setEditingSelectionFontSize:(CGFloat)fontSize;
- /**
- * Gets the font color of a text block or a piece of text.
- */
- - (CPDFKitPlatformColor *)editingSelectionFontColor;
- /**
- * Sets the font color of a text block or a piece of text.
- */
- - (void)setEditingSelectionFontColor:(CPDFKitPlatformColor *)fontColor;
- /**
- * Gets the alignment of a text block or a piece of text.
- */
- - (NSTextAlignment)editingSelectionAlignment;
- /**
- * Sets the alignment of a text block or a piece of text.
- */
- - (void)setCurrentSelectionAlignment:(NSTextAlignment)alignment;
- /**
- * The font name of the currently selected text block.
- */
- - (NSString *)editingSelectionFontName;
- /**
- * Sets the font name of the selected text block. (Several standard fonts are currently supported)
- */
- - (void)setEditingSelectionFontName:(NSString *)fontName;
- /**
- * Sets the currently selected text is italic.
- */
- - (void)setCurrentSelectionIsItalic:(BOOL)isItalic;
- /**
- * Whether the font of the currently selected text block is italic.
- */
- - (BOOL)isItalicCurrentSelection;
- /**
- * Sets the currently selected text is bold.
- */
- - (void)setCurrentSelectionIsBold:(BOOL)isBold;
- /**
- * Whether the font of the currently selected text block is bold.
- */
- - (BOOL)isBoldCurrentSelection;
- /**
- * Create a blank text block.
- * @param rect The area of the text box.
- * @param attributes The text font properties.
- * @param page The created page number.
- * @return Returns whether the creation is successful.
- */
- - (BOOL)createEmptyStringBounds:(CGRect)rect withAttributes:(NSDictionary<NSAttributedStringKey, id> *)attributes page:(CPDFPage *)page;
- /**
- * Sets text transparency.
- */
- - (BOOL)setCharsFontTransparency:(float)transparency;
- /**
- * Gets the Edit supported font name.
- */
- - (NSArray*)getFontList;
- #pragma mark - Edit Image
- /*
- * Get the rotation Angle of the picture
- */
- - (CGFloat)getRotationEditArea:(CPDFEditImageArea*)editArea;
- /*
- * Sets the rotation angle of image.
- */
- - (void)rotateEditArea:(CPDFEditImageArea *)editArea rotateAngle:(float)angle;
- /*
- * Mirrors the image horizontally.
- */
- - (BOOL)horizontalMirrorEditArea:(CPDFEditImageArea *)editArea;
- /*
- * Mirrors the image vertically.
- */
- - (BOOL)verticalMirrorEditArea:(CPDFEditImageArea *)editArea;
- /*
- * Crops the specified size.
- */
- - (void)cropEditArea:(CPDFEditImageArea *)editArea withRect:(CGRect)rect;
- /*
- * Gets the cropped size.
- */
- - (CGRect)getClipRectEditArea:(CPDFEditImageArea *)editArea;
- /*
- * Ends cropping.
- */
- - (void)beginCropEditArea:(CPDFEditImageArea *)editArea;
- /*
- * End cutting
- */
- - (void)endCropEditArea:(CPDFEditImageArea *)editArea;
- /*
- * Extracts the image to the specified path.
- */
- - (BOOL)extractImageEditArea:(CPDFEditImageArea *)editArea filePath:(NSString*)filePath;
- /*
- * Extracts the image to the specified path.
- */
- - (BOOL)extractImageWithEditImageArea:(CPDFEditArea *)editArea;
- /*
- * Gets image transparency.
- */
- - (float)getImageTransparencyEditArea:(CPDFEditImageArea *)editArea;
- /*
- * Sets image transparency.
- */
- - (BOOL)setImageTransparencyEditArea:(CPDFEditImageArea *)editArea transparency:(float)transparency;
- /*
- * Adds interface of the image.
- */
- - (BOOL)createEmptyImage:(CGRect)rect page:(CPDFPage *)page path:(NSString*)imagePath;
- /*
- * Replace of the image.
- */
- - (BOOL)replaceEditImageArea:(CPDFEditImageArea *)editArea imagePath:(NSString *)imagePath;
- @end