Signature.resx 23 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <root>
  3. <!--
  4. Microsoft ResX Schema
  5. Version 2.0
  6. The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format
  7. that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the
  8. various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes
  9. associated with the data types.
  10. Example:
  11. ... headers & schema ...
  12. <resheader name="resmimetype">text/microsoft-resx</resheader>
  13. <resheader name="version">2.0</resheader>
  14. <resheader name="reader">System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
  15. <resheader name="writer">System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
  16. <data name="Name1"><value>this is my long string</value><comment>this is a comment</comment></data>
  17. <data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing">Blue</data>
  18. <data name="Bitmap1" mimetype="application/">
  19. <value>[base64 mime encoded serialized .NET Framework object]</value>
  20. </data>
  21. <data name="Icon1" type="System.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/">
  22. <value>[base64 mime encoded string representing a byte array form of the .NET Framework object]</value>
  23. <comment>This is a comment</comment>
  24. </data>
  25. There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple
  26. name/value pairs.
  27. Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a
  28. type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support
  29. text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture.
  30. Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the
  31. mimetype set.
  32. The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the
  33. ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not
  34. extensible. For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly:
  35. Note - application/ is the format
  36. that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can
  37. read any of the formats listed below.
  38. mimetype: application/
  39. value : The object must be serialized with
  40. : System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
  41. : and then encoded with base64 encoding.
  42. mimetype: application/
  43. value : The object must be serialized with
  44. : System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter
  45. : and then encoded with base64 encoding.
  46. mimetype: application/
  47. value : The object must be serialized into a byte array
  48. : using a System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
  49. : and then encoded with base64 encoding.
  50. -->
  51. <xsd:schema id="root" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
  52. <xsd:import namespace="" />
  53. <xsd:element name="root" msdata:IsDataSet="true">
  54. <xsd:complexType>
  55. <xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
  56. <xsd:element name="metadata">
  57. <xsd:complexType>
  58. <xsd:sequence>
  59. <xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
  60. </xsd:sequence>
  61. <xsd:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xsd:string" />
  62. <xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" />
  63. <xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" />
  64. <xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
  65. </xsd:complexType>
  66. </xsd:element>
  67. <xsd:element name="assembly">
  68. <xsd:complexType>
  69. <xsd:attribute name="alias" type="xsd:string" />
  70. <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" />
  71. </xsd:complexType>
  72. </xsd:element>
  73. <xsd:element name="data">
  74. <xsd:complexType>
  75. <xsd:sequence>
  76. <xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
  77. <xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="2" />
  78. </xsd:sequence>
  79. <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
  80. <xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="3" />
  81. <xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="4" />
  82. <xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
  83. </xsd:complexType>
  84. </xsd:element>
  85. <xsd:element name="resheader">
  86. <xsd:complexType>
  87. <xsd:sequence>
  88. <xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
  89. </xsd:sequence>
  90. <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" />
  91. </xsd:complexType>
  92. </xsd:element>
  93. </xsd:choice>
  94. </xsd:complexType>
  95. </xsd:element>
  96. </xsd:schema>
  97. <resheader name="resmimetype">
  98. <value>text/microsoft-resx</value>
  99. </resheader>
  100. <resheader name="version">
  101. <value>2.0</value>
  102. </resheader>
  103. <resheader name="reader">
  104. <value>System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
  105. </resheader>
  106. <resheader name="writer">
  107. <value>System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
  108. </resheader>
  109. <data name="Title_AddDigitalSign" xml:space="preserve">
  110. <value>Add Digital Signatures</value>
  111. </data>
  112. <data name="Title_IDType" xml:space="preserve">
  113. <value>Select a type of Digital ID.</value>
  114. </data>
  115. <data name="Option_FileID" xml:space="preserve">
  116. <value>Use A Digital ID from A File</value>
  117. </data>
  118. <data name="Tip_ID" xml:space="preserve">
  119. <value>A digital ID is required to create a digital signature. The most secure Digital ID is issued by trusted Certificate authorities and is based on secure devices like smart cards or tokens. Some are based on a file.</value>
  120. </data>
  121. <data name="Option_NewID" xml:space="preserve">
  122. <value>Create A New Digital ID</value>
  123. </data>
  124. <data name="Tip_NewID" xml:space="preserve">
  125. <value>You can create a new Digital ID, but they provide a low level of identity assurance.</value>
  126. </data>
  127. <data name="Button_Cancel" xml:space="preserve">
  128. <value>Cancel</value>
  129. </data>
  130. <data name="Button_Continue" xml:space="preserve">
  131. <value>Continue</value>
  132. </data>
  133. <data name="Title_AddID" xml:space="preserve">
  134. <value>Add A Digital ID</value>
  135. </data>
  136. <data name="Tip_AddID" xml:space="preserve">
  137. <value>Browse a digital ID file. Digital ID cards are password-protected. If you do not know the password, you cannot obtain a digital ID card.</value>
  138. </data>
  139. <data name="Holder_Path" xml:space="preserve">
  140. <value>Certificate File</value>
  141. </data>
  142. <data name="Button_Upload" xml:space="preserve">
  143. <value>Upload</value>
  144. </data>
  145. <data name="Tip_Password" xml:space="preserve">
  146. <value>Password</value>
  147. </data>
  148. <data name="Holder_Password" xml:space="preserve">
  149. <value>Enter the password of the certificate file</value>
  150. </data>
  151. <data name="Tip_PasswordStatus" xml:space="preserve">
  152. <value>Invalid Password</value>
  153. </data>
  154. <data name="Option_Trackpad" xml:space="preserve">
  155. <value>Trackpad</value>
  156. </data>
  157. <data name="Option_Keyboard" xml:space="preserve">
  158. <value>Keyboard</value>
  159. </data>
  160. <data name="Option_Image" xml:space="preserve">
  161. <value>Image</value>
  162. </data>
  163. <data name="Option_None" xml:space="preserve">
  164. <value>None</value>
  165. </data>
  166. <data name="Button_Clear" xml:space="preserve">
  167. <value>Clear</value>
  168. </data>
  169. <data name="Unknown_Tip1" xml:space="preserve">
  170. <value>Sign Here!</value>
  171. </data>
  172. <data name="Tip_TextAlignment" xml:space="preserve">
  173. <value>Text Alignment</value>
  174. </data>
  175. <data name="Tip_Include" xml:space="preserve">
  176. <value>Include Text</value>
  177. </data>
  178. <data name="Tip_Name" xml:space="preserve">
  179. <value>Name</value>
  180. </data>
  181. <data name="Tip_DN" xml:space="preserve">
  182. <value>Distinguishable name</value>
  183. </data>
  184. <data name="Tip_Date" xml:space="preserve">
  185. <value>Date</value>
  186. </data>
  187. <data name="Tip_Version" xml:space="preserve">
  188. <value>ComPDFKit Version</value>
  189. </data>
  190. <data name="Tip_Logo" xml:space="preserve">
  191. <value>Logo</value>
  192. </data>
  193. <data name="Tip_Position" xml:space="preserve">
  194. <value>Location</value>
  195. </data>
  196. <data name="Tip_Reason" xml:space="preserve">
  197. <value>Reason</value>
  198. </data>
  199. <data name="Tip_Tab" xml:space="preserve">
  200. <value>Tab</value>
  201. </data>
  202. <data name="Unknown_Tip2" xml:space="preserve">
  203. <value>Preset Name</value>
  204. </data>
  205. <data name="Unknown_Tip3" xml:space="preserve">
  206. <value>Draw Your Signature</value>
  207. </data>
  208. <data name="Tip_DrawClear" xml:space="preserve">
  209. <value>Clear</value>
  210. </data>
  211. <data name="Tip_DrawCancel" xml:space="preserve">
  212. <value>Cancel</value>
  213. </data>
  214. <data name="Tip_DrawOK" xml:space="preserve">
  215. <value>OK</value>
  216. </data>
  217. <data name="Title_CreateID" xml:space="preserve">
  218. <value>Create A Self-Signed Digital ID</value>
  219. </data>
  220. <data name="Tip_IDWarning" xml:space="preserve">
  221. <value>Digital IDs that are self-signed by individuals do not provide the assurance that the identifying information is valid. For this reason, they may not be accepted in some cases.</value>
  222. </data>
  223. <data name="Holder_Name" xml:space="preserve">
  224. <value>Please enter your name</value>
  225. </data>
  226. <data name="Tip_Unit" xml:space="preserve">
  227. <value>Organization Unit</value>
  228. </data>
  229. <data name="Holder_Unit" xml:space="preserve">
  230. <value>Enter the name of the organization unit</value>
  231. </data>
  232. <data name="Tip_Organization" xml:space="preserve">
  233. <value>Organization Name</value>
  234. </data>
  235. <data name="Holder_Organization" xml:space="preserve">
  236. <value>Enter the name of the organization</value>
  237. </data>
  238. <data name="Tip_Email" xml:space="preserve">
  239. <value>Email Address</value>
  240. </data>
  241. <data name="Holder_Email" xml:space="preserve">
  242. <value>Please enter your email address</value>
  243. </data>
  244. <data name="Tip_Country" xml:space="preserve">
  245. <value>Country/Region</value>
  246. </data>
  247. <data name="Tip_Use" xml:space="preserve">
  248. <value>Use Digital ID for</value>
  249. </data>
  250. <data name="Option_Sign" xml:space="preserve">
  251. <value>Digital Signatures</value>
  252. </data>
  253. <data name="Option_Encrypt" xml:space="preserve">
  254. <value>Data Encryption</value>
  255. </data>
  256. <data name="Option_SignAndEncrypt" xml:space="preserve">
  257. <value>Digital Signatures and Data Encryption</value>
  258. </data>
  259. <data name="Warn_Email" xml:space="preserve">
  260. <value>Email address is not valid.</value>
  261. </data>
  262. <data name="Warn_Name" xml:space="preserve">
  263. <value>Name is required.</value>
  264. </data>
  265. <data name="Title_Save" xml:space="preserve">
  266. <value>Save to File</value>
  267. </data>
  268. <data name="Button_OK" xml:space="preserve">
  269. <value>OK</value>
  270. </data>
  271. <data name="Tip_Save" xml:space="preserve">
  272. <value>Save Location</value>
  273. </data>
  274. <data name="Button_Browse" xml:space="preserve">
  275. <value>Browse</value>
  276. </data>
  277. <data name="Warn_Password" xml:space="preserve">
  278. <value>Password and confirm password does not match</value>
  279. </data>
  280. <data name="Button_Finish" xml:space="preserve">
  281. <value>Finish</value>
  282. </data>
  283. <data name="Title_SignAp" xml:space="preserve">
  284. <value>Customize the Signature Appearance</value>
  285. </data>
  286. <data name="Unknown_Tip5" xml:space="preserve">
  287. <value>Sign Here!</value>
  288. </data>
  289. <data name="Chk_Name" xml:space="preserve">
  290. <value>Name</value>
  291. </data>
  292. <data name="Chk_DN" xml:space="preserve">
  293. <value>Distinguishable name</value>
  294. </data>
  295. <data name="Chk_Date" xml:space="preserve">
  296. <value>Date</value>
  297. </data>
  298. <data name="Chk_Version" xml:space="preserve">
  299. <value>ComPDFKit Version</value>
  300. </data>
  301. <data name="Chk_Logo" xml:space="preserve">
  302. <value>Logo</value>
  303. </data>
  304. <data name="Chk_Position" xml:space="preserve">
  305. <value>Location</value>
  306. </data>
  307. <data name="Chk_Reason" xml:space="preserve">
  308. <value>Reason</value>
  309. </data>
  310. <data name="Tip_Sign" xml:space="preserve">
  311. <value>Reason</value>
  312. </data>
  313. <data name="Option_Owner" xml:space="preserve">
  314. <value>I am the owner of the document</value>
  315. </data>
  316. <data name="Option_Approving" xml:space="preserve">
  317. <value>I am approving the document</value>
  318. </data>
  319. <data name="Option_Review" xml:space="preserve">
  320. <value>I have reviewed this document</value>
  321. </data>
  322. <data name="Unknown_Label" xml:space="preserve">
  323. <value>Labels</value>
  324. </data>
  325. <data name="Unknown_Preset" xml:space="preserve">
  326. <value>Preset Name</value>
  327. </data>
  328. <data name="Unknow_Draw" xml:space="preserve">
  329. <value>Draw Your Signature</value>
  330. </data>
  331. <data name="Text_Signer" xml:space="preserve">
  332. <value>Signed by: </value>
  333. </data>
  334. <data name="Text_Date" xml:space="preserve">
  335. <value>Date: </value>
  336. </data>
  337. <data name="Text_Status" xml:space="preserve">
  338. <value>Status: </value>
  339. </data>
  340. <data name="Text_SignerValid" xml:space="preserve">
  341. <value>The signer's identity is valid.</value>
  342. </data>
  343. <data name="Text_SignerInvalid" xml:space="preserve">
  344. <value>The signer's identity is invalid.</value>
  345. </data>
  346. <data name="Text_SigExpired" xml:space="preserve">
  347. <value>The file was signed with a certificate that has expired. If you acquired this file recently, it may not be authentic.</value>
  348. </data>
  349. <data name="Text_SigInvalid" xml:space="preserve">
  350. <value>The signature is invalid.</value>
  351. </data>
  352. <data name="Text_SigValid" xml:space="preserve">
  353. <value>The signature is valid.</value>
  354. </data>
  355. <data name="Text_SigUnknown" xml:space="preserve">
  356. <value>Signature validity is unknown because it has not been included in your list of trusted certificates and none of its parent certificates are trusted certificates.</value>
  357. </data>
  358. <data name="Text_SigNoModified" xml:space="preserve">
  359. <value>The document has not been modified since this signature was applied.</value>
  360. </data>
  361. <data name="Text_SigModified" xml:space="preserve">
  362. <value>The document has been altered or corrupted since it was signed by the current user.</value>
  363. </data>
  364. <data name="Text_MultiSig" xml:space="preserve">
  365. <value>At least one signature is invalid.</value>
  366. </data>
  367. <data name="Button_AllSig" xml:space="preserve">
  368. <value>View All Signatures</value>
  369. </data>
  370. <data name="Title_SigList" xml:space="preserve">
  371. <value>Signature List</value>
  372. </data>
  373. <data name="Button_SigDetails" xml:space="preserve">
  374. <value>Signature Details</value>
  375. </data>
  376. <data name="Button_CertDetails" xml:space="preserve">
  377. <value>Certification Details</value>
  378. </data>
  379. <data name="Button_Delete" xml:space="preserve">
  380. <value>Delete</value>
  381. </data>
  382. <data name="Text_Warning" xml:space="preserve">
  383. <value>Warning</value>
  384. </data>
  385. <data name="Text_Delete " xml:space="preserve">
  386. <value>Are you sure to delete it?</value>
  387. </data>
  388. <data name="Button_Details" xml:space="preserve">
  389. <value>Digital Signature Details</value>
  390. </data>
  391. <data name="Text_Signature" xml:space="preserve">
  392. <value>Signature</value>
  393. </data>
  394. <data name="Text_SignTime" xml:space="preserve">
  395. <value>Signing Time: </value>
  396. </data>
  397. <data name="Text_Statement" xml:space="preserve">
  398. <value>Certification Authority Statement</value>
  399. </data>
  400. <data name="Text_IDValid." xml:space="preserve">
  401. <value>The signer's identity is valid.</value>
  402. </data>
  403. <data name="Text_IDInvalid." xml:space="preserve">
  404. <value>The signer's identity is invalid.</value>
  405. </data>
  406. <data name="Text_Unknow" xml:space="preserve">
  407. <value>Signature validity is unknown because it has not been included in your list of trusted certificates and none of its parent certificates are trusted certificates.</value>
  408. </data>
  409. <data name="Text_Expired" xml:space="preserve">
  410. <value>The file was signed with a certificate that has expired. If you acquired this file recently, it may not be authentic.</value>
  411. </data>
  412. <data name="Text_NotModified " xml:space="preserve">
  413. <value>The document has not been modified since this signature was applied.</value>
  414. </data>
  415. <data name="Text_Modified " xml:space="preserve">
  416. <value>The document has been altered or corrupted since it was signed by the current user.</value>
  417. </data>
  418. <data name="Button_Close" xml:space="preserve">
  419. <value>Close</value>
  420. </data>
  421. <data name="Text_ViewIDFile" xml:space="preserve">
  422. <value>View a digital ID file. Digital ID cards are password-protected. If you do not know the password, you cannot obtain a digital ID card.</value>
  423. </data>
  424. <data name="Text_CertViewer" xml:space="preserve">
  425. <value>Certificate Viewer</value>
  426. </data>
  427. <data name="Text_Summary" xml:space="preserve">
  428. <value>Summary</value>
  429. </data>
  430. <data name="Text_IssuedTo" xml:space="preserve">
  431. <value>Issued to: </value>
  432. </data>
  433. <data name="Text_Issuer" xml:space="preserve">
  434. <value>Issuer: </value>
  435. </data>
  436. <data name="Text_ValidFrom" xml:space="preserve">
  437. <value>Valid from: </value>
  438. </data>
  439. <data name="Text_ValidTo" xml:space="preserve">
  440. <value>Valid to: </value>
  441. </data>
  442. <data name="Text_Usage" xml:space="preserve">
  443. <value>Intended Usage: </value>
  444. </data>
  445. <data name="Unknown_7" xml:space="preserve">
  446. <value>Digital Signature, Non-Repudiation
  447. Encrypt Keys
  448. Encrypt Document
  449. Key Agreement
  450. Client Authentication
  451. Email Protection</value>
  452. </data>
  453. <data name="Text_Details" xml:space="preserve">
  454. <value>Details</value>
  455. </data>
  456. <data name="Text_Version" xml:space="preserve">
  457. <value>Version: </value>
  458. </data>
  459. <data name="Text_Algorithm" xml:space="preserve">
  460. <value>Algorithm: </value>
  461. </data>
  462. <data name="Text_Subject" xml:space="preserve">
  463. <value>Subject: </value>
  464. </data>
  465. <data name="Text_SerialNum" xml:space="preserve">
  466. <value>Serial Number: </value>
  467. </data>
  468. <data name="Text_CertPolicy" xml:space="preserve">
  469. <value>Certificate Policy:</value>
  470. </data>
  471. <data name="Text_CRL" xml:space="preserve">
  472. <value>CRL Distribution Points:</value>
  473. </data>
  474. <data name="Text_IssuerInfo" xml:space="preserve">
  475. <value>Issuer Information Access: </value>
  476. </data>
  477. <data name="Text_IssuerID" xml:space="preserve">
  478. <value>Issuer‘s Key Identifier: </value>
  479. </data>
  480. <data name="Text_SubjectID" xml:space="preserve">
  481. <value>Subject‘s Key Identifier: </value>
  482. </data>
  483. <data name="Text_BasicConstraints" xml:space="preserve">
  484. <value>Basic Constraints:</value>
  485. </data>
  486. <data name="Text_KeyUsage" xml:space="preserve">
  487. <value>Key Usage: </value>
  488. </data>
  489. <data name="Text_PubKey" xml:space="preserve">
  490. <value>Public Key: </value>
  491. </data>
  492. <data name="Text_X509" xml:space="preserve">
  493. <value>X.509 Data: </value>
  494. </data>
  495. <data name="Text_SHA1" xml:space="preserve">
  496. <value>SHA1 Digest: </value>
  497. </data>
  498. <data name="Text_MD5" xml:space="preserve">
  499. <value>MD5 Digest: </value>
  500. </data>
  501. <data name="Title_Trust" xml:space="preserve">
  502. <value>Trust</value>
  503. </data>
  504. <data name="Tip_TrustTo" xml:space="preserve">
  505. <value>This Certificate Is Trusted to:</value>
  506. </data>
  507. <data name="Unknown_Tip6" xml:space="preserve">
  508. <value>Sign document or data
  509. Certify document
  510. Execute dynamic content that is embedded in a certified document
  511. Execute high privilege JavaScripts that are embedded in a certified document
  512. Perform privileged system operations (networking, printing, file access, etc.)</value>
  513. </data>
  514. <data name="Button_AddTrust" xml:space="preserve">
  515. <value>Add to Trusted Certificates</value>
  516. </data>
  517. <data name="Tip_Cert" xml:space="preserve">
  518. <value>Certificate file</value>
  519. </data>
  520. <data name="Title_SigInfo" xml:space="preserve">
  521. <value>Signature Information</value>
  522. </data>
  523. <data name="Describe_Import" xml:space="preserve">
  524. <value>Import an existing Digital ID that you have obtained as file</value>
  525. </data>
  526. <data name="Describe_Create" xml:space="preserve">
  527. <value>Create your self-signed Digital ID</value>
  528. </data>
  529. <data name="Button_Save" xml:space="preserve">
  530. <value>Save</value>
  531. </data>
  532. <data name="Holder_SelectFile" xml:space="preserve">
  533. <value>Select a File</value>
  534. </data>
  535. <data name="Tip_SetPassword" xml:space="preserve">
  536. <value>Set A Password</value>
  537. </data>
  538. <data name="Tip_Confirm" xml:space="preserve">
  539. <value>Confirm the Password</value>
  540. </data>
  541. <data name="Holder_SetPassword" xml:space="preserve">
  542. <value>Please enter your password</value>
  543. </data>
  544. <data name="Holder_ConfirmPassword" xml:space="preserve">
  545. <value>Enter the password again</value>
  546. </data>
  547. <data name="Warn_NoFile" xml:space="preserve">
  548. <value>Please select a file.</value>
  549. </data>
  550. <data name="Warn_NoPassword" xml:space="preserve">
  551. <value>Please enter a password</value>
  552. </data>
  553. <data name="Text_Valid" xml:space="preserve">
  554. <value>Valid Signature, </value>
  555. </data>
  556. <data name="Text_Invalid" xml:space="preserve">
  557. <value>Invalid Signature, </value>
  558. </data>
  559. <data name="Text_Unknown" xml:space="preserve">
  560. <value>Unknown Signature, </value>
  561. </data>
  562. <data name="Trust_Sign" xml:space="preserve">
  563. <value>Sign document or data</value>
  564. </data>
  565. <data name="Trust_Cert" xml:space="preserve">
  566. <value>Certify document</value>
  567. </data>
  568. <data name="Usage_DigitalSignature" xml:space="preserve">
  569. <value>Digital Signature</value>
  570. </data>
  571. <data name="Usage_NonRepudiation" xml:space="preserve">
  572. <value>Non-Repudiation</value>
  573. </data>
  574. <data name="Usage_Keys" xml:space="preserve">
  575. <value>Encrypt Keys</value>
  576. </data>
  577. <data name="Usage_Document" xml:space="preserve">
  578. <value>Encrypt Document</value>
  579. </data>
  580. <data name="Usage_Client" xml:space="preserve">
  581. <value>Client Authentication</value>
  582. </data>
  583. <data name="Usage_Email" xml:space="preserve">
  584. <value>Email Protection</value>
  585. </data>
  586. <data name="Usage_Key" xml:space="preserve">
  587. <value>Key Agreement</value>
  588. </data>
  589. <data name="Title_Cert" xml:space="preserve">
  590. <value>Certificate Viewer</value>
  591. </data>
  592. <data name="Title_Sig" xml:space="preserve">
  593. <value>Digital Signature Details</value>
  594. </data>
  595. <data name="Title_SaveSig" xml:space="preserve">
  596. <value>Save the Self-Signed Digital ID to A File</value>
  597. </data>
  598. <data name="Reason_Owner" xml:space="preserve">
  599. <value>I am the owner of the document</value>
  600. </data>
  601. <data name="Reason_Approving" xml:space="preserve">
  602. <value>I am approving the document</value>
  603. </data>
  604. <data name="Reason_Reviewed" xml:space="preserve">
  605. <value>I have reviewed this document</value>
  606. </data>
  607. <data name="Reason_None" xml:space="preserve">
  608. <value>&lt; None &gt;</value>
  609. </data>
  610. <data name="Cmb_Reason" xml:space="preserve">
  611. <value>Reason: </value>
  612. </data>
  613. <data name="Chk_DynamicAP" xml:space="preserve">
  614. <value>Real-time Display Signature Validity</value>
  615. </data>
  616. </root>