1 سال پیش | |
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example | 1 سال پیش | |
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.gitignore | 1 سال پیش | |
.metadata | 1 سال پیش | |
CHANGELOG.md | 1 سال پیش | |
LICENSE | 1 سال پیش | |
README.md | 1 سال پیش | |
analysis_options.yaml | 1 سال پیش | |
pubspec.lock | 1 سال پیش | |
pubspec.yaml | 1 سال پیش |
ComPDFKit Conversion SDK for Flutter is a powerful conversion library. Developers can seamlessly integrate PDF documents to Office documents conversion SDK into their applications and services running.
More information can be found at https://www.compdf.com/guides/conversion-sdk/android/overview
First follow the Flutter getting started guides to Install, set up an editor, and Create a Flutter Project. The rest of this guide assumes your project is created by running flutter create myapp.
Add the following dependency to your Flutter project in myapp/pubspec.yaml
flutter packages get
, and add the following code:
void initState() {
super.initState();CPDFConverter.init("your ComPDFKit key","your ComPDFKit secret"); } ```
To select a local PDF file, add the following dependencies to the myapp/pubspec.yaml
sdk: flutter
file_picker: ^5.2.5
permission_handler: ^10.2.0 ```
After obtaining the storage permission, use the FilePicker
plugin to select the PDF file that needs to be converted:
///request storage permission
Future getPermission() async {
var status = await Permission.storage.request();
return status.isGranted;
///Select pdf files from android\ios using 'file_picker' Future> getPDFFileList(BuildContext context) async {
bool isGranted = await getPermission();
if (!isGranted) {
return List.empty();
FilePickerResult? result = await FilePicker.platform.pickFiles(
type: FileType.custom, allowedExtensions: ['pdf'], allowMultiple: true);
if (result != null) {
List<String?> pdfFiles = result.paths;
var files = pdfFiles.where((element) => element != null);
return List.from(files);
} else {
return List.empty();
4. Convert file formats using the Conversion SDK:
List<String> files = await getPDFFileList(context);
taskId: const Uuid().v4(),
filePath: files.get(0),
convertType: ConvertType.ppt,
options: ConvertPPTOptions(),
callback: (TaskResult result) {
var taskId = result.taskId;
var progress = result.progress;
var taskStatus = result.taskStatus;
var outPutPath = result.outPutPath;
See Changelog
See License