// Copyright © 2014-2024 PDF Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // THIS SOURCE CODE AND ANY ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION ARE PROTECTED BY INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAW // AND MAY NOT BE RESOLD OR REDISTRIBUTED. USAGE IS BOUND TO THE ComPDFKit LICENSE AGREEMENT. // UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION IS SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES. // This notice may not be removed from this file. import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:compdfkit_flutter/configuration/attributes/cpdf_annot_attr.dart'; import 'cpdf_options.dart'; /// modeConfig: Configuration of parameters that can be adjusted when opening a PDF interface. /// For example, setting the default display mode when opening, such as entering viewer or annotations mode. /// /// toolbarConfig: Configuration of top toolbar functionality and menu feature lists. /// This allows you to customize the buttons and menu options on the top toolbar for various operations. /// /// readerViewConfig: Configuration related to the PDF view, /// including functions like highlighting hyperlinks and form field highlighting. /// /// ```dart /// ComPDFKit.openDocument( /// tempDocumentPath, /// password: '', /// configuration: CPDFConfiguration()); /// /// ``` class CPDFConfiguration { CPDFModeConfig modeConfig; CPDFToolbarConfig toolbarConfig; CPDFReaderViewConfig readerViewConfig; CPDFAnnotationsConfig annotationsConfig; CPDFContentEditorConfig contentEditorConfig; CPDFFormsConfig formsConfig; CPDFGlobalConfig globalConfig; CPDFConfiguration( {this.modeConfig = const CPDFModeConfig(initialViewMode: CPDFViewMode.viewer), this.toolbarConfig = const CPDFToolbarConfig(), this.readerViewConfig = const CPDFReaderViewConfig(), this.annotationsConfig = const CPDFAnnotationsConfig(), this.contentEditorConfig = const CPDFContentEditorConfig(), this.formsConfig = const CPDFFormsConfig(), this.globalConfig = const CPDFGlobalConfig()}); String toJson() => jsonEncode({ 'modeConfig': modeConfig.toJson(), 'toolbarConfig': toolbarConfig.toJson(), 'readerViewConfig': readerViewConfig.toJson(), 'annotationsConfig': annotationsConfig.toJson(), 'contentEditorConfig': contentEditorConfig.toJson(), 'formsConfig': formsConfig.toJson(), 'global': globalConfig.toJson() }); } // Set the default display mode and list of supported modes when rendering PDF documents. // The default display mode is the **viewer** mode. // In this mode, you can preview the document and fill in the form, // but you cannot edit comments and other content. class CPDFModeConfig { /// Default mode to display when opening the PDF View, default is [CPDFViewMode.viewer] final CPDFViewMode initialViewMode; /// Configure supported modes final List availableViewModes; /// Setting this to true will hide the top and bottom toolbars, /// displaying only the central PDF document view. /// Conversely, setting this to false will display all toolbars. final bool readerOnly; const CPDFModeConfig( {this.initialViewMode = CPDFViewMode.viewer, this.readerOnly = false, this.availableViewModes = CPDFViewMode.values}); Map toJson() => { 'initialViewMode': initialViewMode.name, 'readerOnly': readerOnly, 'availableViewModes': availableViewModes.map((e) => e.name).toList() }; } /// Configuration for top toolbar functionality. class CPDFToolbarConfig { /// Top toolbar actions for Android platform /// /// Default: thumbnail, search, bota, menu. /// /// [CPDFToolbarAction.BACK] button will be shown only on the far left final List androidAvailableActions; /// Left toolbar actions for iOS platform /// /// Default: back, thumbnail final List iosLeftBarAvailableActions; /// Right toolbar actions for iOS platform /// /// Default: search, bota, menu final List iosRightBarAvailableActions; /// Configure the menu options opened in the top toolbar [CPDFToolbarAction.menu] final List availableMenus; final bool mainToolbarVisible; const CPDFToolbarConfig( {this.androidAvailableActions = const [ CPDFToolbarAction.thumbnail, CPDFToolbarAction.search, CPDFToolbarAction.bota, CPDFToolbarAction.menu, ], this.iosLeftBarAvailableActions = const [ CPDFToolbarAction.back, CPDFToolbarAction.thumbnail, ], this.iosRightBarAvailableActions = const [ CPDFToolbarAction.search, CPDFToolbarAction.bota, CPDFToolbarAction.menu ], this.availableMenus = const [ CPDFToolbarMenuAction.viewSettings, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.documentEditor, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.security, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.watermark, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.flattened, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.documentInfo, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.save, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.share, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.openDocument, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.snip ], this.mainToolbarVisible = true}); Map toJson() => { 'androidAvailableActions': androidAvailableActions.map((e) => e.name).toList(), 'iosLeftBarAvailableActions': iosLeftBarAvailableActions.map((e) => e.name).toList(), 'iosRightBarAvailableActions': iosRightBarAvailableActions.map((e) => e.name).toList(), 'availableMenus': availableMenus.map((e) => e.name).toList(), 'mainToolbarVisible' : mainToolbarVisible }; } /// pdf readerView configuration class CPDFReaderViewConfig { // Highlight hyperlink annotations in pdf final bool linkHighlight; // Highlight hyperlink form field final bool formFieldHighlight; /// Display mode of the PDF document, single page, double page, or book mode. /// Default: [CPDFDisplayMode.singlePage] final CPDFDisplayMode displayMode; /// Whether PDF page flipping is continuous scrolling. final bool continueMode; /// Whether scrolling is in vertical direction. /// /// `true`: Vertical scrolling.
/// `false`: Horizontal scrolling.
/// Default: true final bool verticalMode; /// Cropping mode. /// /// Whether to crop blank areas of PDF pages.
/// Default: false final bool cropMode; /// Theme color. /// /// Default: [CPDFThemes.light] final CPDFThemes themes; /// Whether to display the sidebar quick scroll bar. final bool enableSliderBar; /// Whether to display the bottom page indicator. final bool enablePageIndicator; /// Spacing between each page of the PDF, default 10px. final int pageSpacing; /// Page scale value, default 1.0. final double pageScale; /// only android platform final bool pageSameWidth; final List margins; const CPDFReaderViewConfig( {this.linkHighlight = true, this.formFieldHighlight = true, this.displayMode = CPDFDisplayMode.singlePage, this.continueMode = true, this.verticalMode = true, this.cropMode = false, this.themes = CPDFThemes.light, this.enableSliderBar = true, this.enablePageIndicator = true, this.pageSpacing = 10, this.pageScale = 1.0, this.pageSameWidth = true, this.margins = const [0,0,0,0]}); Map toJson() => { 'linkHighlight': linkHighlight, 'formFieldHighlight': formFieldHighlight, 'displayMode': displayMode.name, 'continueMode': continueMode, 'verticalMode': verticalMode, 'cropMode': cropMode, 'themes': themes.name, 'enableSliderBar': enableSliderBar, 'enablePageIndicator': enablePageIndicator, 'pageSpacing': pageSpacing, 'pageScale': pageScale, 'pageSameWidth': pageSameWidth, 'margins' : margins }; } class CPDFAnnotationsConfig { /// In the **V2.1.0** version, a new comment reply function is added, /// and the name of the comment author can be set here. final String annotationAuthor; /// [CPDFViewMode.annotations] mode, /// list of annotation functions shown at the bottom of the view. final List availableTypes; /// [CPDFViewMode.ANNOTATIONS] mode, /// annotation tools shown at the bottom of the view. final List availableTools; /// When adding an annotation, the annotation’s default attributes. final CPDFAnnotAttribute initAttribute; const CPDFAnnotationsConfig( {this.availableTypes = CPDFAnnotationType.values, this.availableTools = CPDFConfigTool.values, this.initAttribute = const CPDFAnnotAttribute(), this.annotationAuthor = ""}); Map toJson() => { 'availableTypes': availableTypes.map((e) => e.name).toList(), 'availableTools': availableTools.map((e) => e.name).toList(), 'initAttribute': initAttribute.toJson(), 'annotationAuthor': annotationAuthor }; } class CPDFAnnotAttribute { /// Note annotation attribute configuration. final CPDFTextAttr noteAttr; final CPDFHighlightAttr highlightAttr; final CPDFUnderlineAttr underlineAttr; final CPDFSquigglyAttr squigglyAttr; final CPDFStrikeoutAttr strikeoutAttr; final CPDFInkAttr inkAttr; final CPDFSquareAttr squareAttr; final CPDFCircleAttr circleAttr; final CPDFLineAttr lineAttr; final CPDFArrowAttr arrowAttr; final CPDFFreetextAttr freeTextAttr; const CPDFAnnotAttribute({ this.noteAttr = const CPDFTextAttr(), this.highlightAttr = const CPDFHighlightAttr(), this.underlineAttr = const CPDFUnderlineAttr(), this.squigglyAttr = const CPDFSquigglyAttr(), this.strikeoutAttr = const CPDFStrikeoutAttr(), this.inkAttr = const CPDFInkAttr(), this.squareAttr = const CPDFSquareAttr(), this.circleAttr = const CPDFCircleAttr(), this.lineAttr = const CPDFLineAttr(), this.arrowAttr = const CPDFArrowAttr(), this.freeTextAttr = const CPDFFreetextAttr(), }); Map toJson() => { 'note': noteAttr.toJson(), 'highlight': highlightAttr.toJson(), 'underline': underlineAttr.toJson(), 'squiggly': squigglyAttr.toJson(), 'strikeout': strikeoutAttr.toJson(), 'ink': inkAttr.toJson(), 'square': squareAttr.toJson(), 'circle': circleAttr.toJson(), 'line': lineAttr.toJson(), 'arrow': arrowAttr.toJson(), 'freeText': freeTextAttr.toJson() }; } class CPDFContentEditorConfig { /// Content editing mode, the editing mode displayed at the bottom of the view /// Default order: editorText, editorImage final List availableTypes; /// Available tools, including: Setting, Undo, Redo. final List availableTools; final CPDFContentEditorAttribute initAttribute; const CPDFContentEditorConfig( {this.availableTypes = CPDFContentEditorType.values, this.availableTools = CPDFConfigTool.values, this.initAttribute = const CPDFContentEditorAttribute()}); Map toJson() => { 'availableTypes': availableTypes.map((e) => e.name).toList(), 'availableTools': availableTools.map((e) => e.name).toList(), 'initAttribute': initAttribute.toJson() }; } class CPDFContentEditorAttribute { final CPDFEditorTextAttr text; const CPDFContentEditorAttribute({this.text = const CPDFEditorTextAttr()}); Map toJson() => {'text': text.toJson()}; } class CPDFFormsConfig { /// In [CPDFViewMode.forms] mode, the list of form types at the bottom of the view. final List availableTypes; /// Only supports [CPDFConfigTool.undo] and [CPDFConfigTool.redo]. final List availableTools; /// Form default attribute configuration final CPDFFormAttribute initAttribute; const CPDFFormsConfig( {this.availableTypes = CPDFFormType.values, this.availableTools = const [CPDFConfigTool.undo, CPDFConfigTool.redo], this.initAttribute = const CPDFFormAttribute()}); Map toJson() => { 'availableTypes': availableTypes.map((e) => e.name).toList(), 'availableTools': availableTools.map((e) => e.name).toList(), 'initAttribute': initAttribute.toJson() }; } class CPDFFormAttribute { final CPDFTextFieldAttr textFieldAttr; final CPDFCheckBoxAttr checkBoxAttr; final CPDFRadioButtonAttr radioButtonAttr; final CPDFListBoxAttr listBoxAttr; final CPDFComboBoxAttr comboBoxAttr; final CPDFPushButtonAttr pushButtonAttr; final CPDFSignatureWidgetAttr signaturesFieldsAttr; const CPDFFormAttribute({ this.textFieldAttr = const CPDFTextFieldAttr(), this.checkBoxAttr = const CPDFCheckBoxAttr(), this.radioButtonAttr = const CPDFRadioButtonAttr(), this.listBoxAttr = const CPDFListBoxAttr(), this.comboBoxAttr = const CPDFComboBoxAttr(), this.pushButtonAttr = const CPDFPushButtonAttr(), this.signaturesFieldsAttr = const CPDFSignatureWidgetAttr(), }); Map toJson() => { 'textField': textFieldAttr.toJson(), 'checkBox': checkBoxAttr.toJson(), 'radioButton': radioButtonAttr.toJson(), 'listBox': listBoxAttr.toJson(), 'comboBox': comboBoxAttr.toJson(), 'pushButton': pushButtonAttr.toJson(), 'signaturesFields': signaturesFieldsAttr.toJson() }; } class CPDFGlobalConfig { /// Only supports Android platform in version 2.0.2 // Set the view theme mode except the PDF area, the default value is [CPDFThemeMode.system] final CPDFThemeMode themeMode; /// In version V2.1.0, you can set whether to save a subset of fonts when the document is saved. /// The default value is true. Saving font subsets may increase file size. final bool fileSaveExtraFontSubset; const CPDFGlobalConfig( {this.themeMode = CPDFThemeMode.system, this.fileSaveExtraFontSubset = true}); Map toJson() => { "themeMode": themeMode.name, "fileSaveExtraFontSubset": fileSaveExtraFontSubset }; }