// Copyright © 2014-2024 PDF Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // THIS SOURCE CODE AND ANY ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION ARE PROTECTED BY INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAW // AND MAY NOT BE RESOLD OR REDISTRIBUTED. USAGE IS BOUND TO THE ComPDFKit LICENSE AGREEMENT. // UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION IS SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES. // This notice may not be removed from this file. import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import '../cpdf_options.dart'; import 'package:compdfkit_flutter/util/extension/cpdf_color_extension.dart'; abstract class CPDFAnnotAttrBase { const CPDFAnnotAttrBase(); Map toJson(); } /// note annotation attribute parameter class class CPDFTextAttr extends CPDFAnnotAttrBase { /// note icon color final Color? color; /// Color transparency.
/// Value Range:0-255. final int? alpha; const CPDFTextAttr({this.color = const Color(0xFF1460F3), this.alpha = 255}); @override Map toJson() => {'color': color?.toHex(), 'alpha': alpha}; } class CPDFMarkupAttr extends CPDFAnnotAttrBase { /// note icon color final Color? color; /// Color transparency.
/// Value Range:0-255. final int? alpha; const CPDFMarkupAttr({this.color = const Color(0xFF1460F3), this.alpha = 77}); @override Map toJson() => {'color': color?.toHex(), 'alpha': alpha}; } typedef CPDFHighlightAttr = CPDFMarkupAttr; typedef CPDFUnderlineAttr = CPDFMarkupAttr; typedef CPDFStrikeoutAttr = CPDFMarkupAttr; typedef CPDFSquigglyAttr = CPDFMarkupAttr; class CPDFInkAttr extends CPDFAnnotAttrBase { /// note icon color final Color? color; /// Color transparency.
/// Value Range:0-255. final int? alpha; /// border width. /// Value Range:1~10. final int borderWidth; const CPDFInkAttr( {this.color = const Color(0xFF1460F3), this.alpha = 255, this.borderWidth = 10}); @override Map toJson() => {'color': color?.toHex(), 'alpha': alpha, 'borderWidth': borderWidth}; } class CPDFShapeAttr extends CPDFAnnotAttrBase { final Color? fillColor; final Color? borderColor; /// Fill color and border color transparency.
/// Range: 0-255. final int? colorAlpha; /// border thickness, value range:1~10 final int? borderWidth; /// Set the border style to dashed or solid. final CPDFBorderStyle? borderStyle; const CPDFShapeAttr( {this.fillColor = const Color(0xFF1460F3), this.borderColor = Colors.black, this.colorAlpha = 128, this.borderWidth = 2, this.borderStyle = const CPDFBorderStyle.solid()}); @override Map toJson() => { 'fillColor': fillColor?.toHex(), 'borderColor': borderColor?.toHex(), 'colorAlpha': colorAlpha, 'borderWidth': borderWidth, 'borderStyle': borderStyle?.toJson() }; } typedef CPDFSquareAttr = CPDFShapeAttr; typedef CPDFCircleAttr = CPDFShapeAttr; class CPDFLineAttr extends CPDFShapeAttr { const CPDFLineAttr({ super.fillColor = const Color(0xFF1460F3), super.borderColor = Colors.black, super.colorAlpha = 128, super.borderWidth = 2, super.borderStyle = const CPDFBorderStyle.solid(), }); @override Map toJson() { return super.toJson() ..addAll({ 'startLineType': CPDFLineType.none.name, 'tailLineType': CPDFLineType.none.name }); } } class CPDFArrowAttr extends CPDFShapeAttr { /// Arrow starting position shape. final CPDFLineType? headType; /// Arrow tail position shape. final CPDFLineType? tailType; const CPDFArrowAttr({ super.fillColor = const Color(0xFF1460F3), super.borderColor = Colors.black, super.colorAlpha = 128, super.borderWidth = 2, super.borderStyle = const CPDFBorderStyle.solid(), this.headType = CPDFLineType.none, this.tailType = CPDFLineType.openArrow, }); @override Map toJson() { return super.toJson() ..addAll( {'startLineType': headType?.name, 'tailLineType': tailType?.name}); } } class CPDFFreetextAttr extends CPDFAnnotAttrBase { final Color? fontColor; /// text color opacity. value range:0~255 final int? fontColorAlpha; /// font size, value range:1~100 final int? fontSize; /// Whether the font is bold. final bool? isBold; /// Is the font italicized. final bool? isItalic; /// Text alignment, [CPDFAlignment.left] aligned by default. final CPDFAlignment? alignment; /// The font used by default for text. The default is:[CPDFTypeface.helvetica]. final CPDFTypeface? typeface; const CPDFFreetextAttr({ this.fontColor = Colors.black, this.fontColorAlpha = 255, this.fontSize = 30, this.isBold = false, this.isItalic = false, this.alignment = CPDFAlignment.left, this.typeface = CPDFTypeface.helvetica, }); @override Map toJson() => { 'fontColor': fontColor?.toHex(), 'fontColorAlpha': fontColorAlpha, 'fontSize': fontSize, 'isBold': isBold, 'isItalic': isItalic, 'alignment': alignment?.name, 'typeface': typeface?.getFontName(), }; } class CPDFBorderStyle { /// default: [CPDFAnnotBorderStyle.solid] final CPDFAnnotBorderStyle style; /// Dashed gap, only style=[CPDFAnnotBorderStyle.dashed] is valid. final double dashGap; const CPDFBorderStyle( {this.style = CPDFAnnotBorderStyle.solid, this.dashGap = 8.0}); const CPDFBorderStyle.solid() : style = CPDFAnnotBorderStyle.solid, dashGap = 0; const CPDFBorderStyle.dashed({this.dashGap = 9.0}) : style = CPDFAnnotBorderStyle.dashed; Map toJson() => {'style': style.name, 'dashGap': dashGap}; } class CPDFEditorTextAttr extends CPDFAnnotAttrBase { final Color fontColor; /// text color opacity. value range:0~255 final int fontColorAlpha; /// font size, value range:1~100 final int fontSize; /// Whether the font is bold. final bool isBold; /// Is the font italicized. final bool isItalic; /// The font used by default for text. The default is:[CPDFTypeface.helvetica]. final CPDFTypeface typeface; /// Text alignment, [CPDFAlignment.left] aligned by default. final CPDFAlignment alignment; const CPDFEditorTextAttr( {this.fontColor = Colors.black, this.fontColorAlpha = 255, this.fontSize = 30, this.isBold = false, this.isItalic = false, this.typeface = CPDFTypeface.helvetica, this.alignment = CPDFAlignment.left}); @override Map toJson() => { 'fontColor': fontColor.toHex(), 'fontColorAlpha': fontColorAlpha, 'fontSize': fontSize, 'isBold': isBold, 'isItalic': isItalic, 'typeface': typeface.getFontName(), 'alignment': alignment.name }; } class CPDFTextFieldAttr extends CPDFAnnotAttrBase { final Color? fillColor; /// The border color, the default is: [Color(0xFF1460F3)] final Color? borderColor; /// The border width, the default is: 2 /// border thickness, value range:0~10 final int? borderWidth; /// The text color, the default is: [Colors.black] final Color? fontColor; /// The font size, the default is: 20 /// value range:1~100 final int? fontSize; final bool? isBold; final bool? isItalic; final CPDFAlignment? alignment; /// Whether the text can be multiple lines. final bool? multiline; final CPDFTypeface? typeface; const CPDFTextFieldAttr( {this.fillColor = const Color(0xFFDDE9FF), this.borderColor = const Color(0xFF1460F3), this.borderWidth = 2, this.fontColor = Colors.black, this.fontSize = 20, this.isBold = false, this.isItalic = false, this.alignment = CPDFAlignment.left, this.multiline = true, this.typeface = CPDFTypeface.helvetica}); @override Map toJson() { return { 'fillColor': fillColor?.toHex(), 'borderColor': borderColor?.toHex(), 'borderWidth': borderWidth, 'fontColor': fontColor?.toHex(), 'fontSize': fontSize, 'isBold': isBold, 'isItalic': isItalic, 'alignment': alignment?.name, 'multiline': multiline, 'typeface': typeface?.getFontName() }; } } class CPDFCheckBoxAttr extends CPDFAnnotAttrBase { final Color? fillColor; final Color? borderColor; /// border thickness, value range:0~10 final int? borderWidth; final Color? checkedColor; final bool? isChecked; final CPDFCheckStyle? checkedStyle; const CPDFCheckBoxAttr( {this.fillColor = const Color(0xFFDDE9FF), this.borderColor = const Color(0xFF1460F3), this.borderWidth = 2, this.checkedColor = const Color(0xFF43474D), this.isChecked = false, this.checkedStyle = CPDFCheckStyle.check}); @override Map toJson() { return { 'fillColor': fillColor?.toHex(), 'borderColor': borderColor?.toHex(), 'borderWidth': borderWidth, 'checkedColor': checkedColor?.toHex(), 'isChecked': false, 'checkedStyle': checkedStyle?.name }; } } class CPDFRadioButtonAttr extends CPDFCheckBoxAttr { const CPDFRadioButtonAttr( {super.fillColor = const Color(0xFFDDE9FF), super.borderColor = const Color(0xFF1460F3), super.borderWidth = 2, super.checkedColor = const Color(0xFF43474D), super.isChecked = false, super.checkedStyle = CPDFCheckStyle.check}); } class CPDFListBoxAttr extends CPDFAnnotAttrBase { final Color? fillColor; /// The border color, the default is: [Color(0xFF1460F3)] final Color? borderColor; /// The border width, the default is: 2 /// border thickness, value range:0~10 final int? borderWidth; /// The text color, the default is: [Colors.black] final Color? fontColor; /// The font size, the default is: 20 /// value range:1~100 final int? fontSize; final bool? isBold; final bool? isItalic; final CPDFTypeface? typeface; const CPDFListBoxAttr( {this.fillColor = const Color(0xFFDDE9FF), this.borderColor = const Color(0xFF1460F3), this.borderWidth = 2, this.fontColor = Colors.black, this.fontSize = 20, this.isBold = false, this.isItalic = false, this.typeface = CPDFTypeface.helvetica}); @override Map toJson() { return { 'fillColor': fillColor?.toHex(), 'borderColor': borderColor?.toHex(), 'borderWidth': borderWidth, 'fontColor': fontColor?.toHex(), 'fontSize': fontSize, 'isBold': isBold, 'isItalic': isItalic, 'typeface': typeface?.getFontName() }; } } class CPDFComboBoxAttr extends CPDFListBoxAttr { const CPDFComboBoxAttr( {super.fillColor = const Color(0xFFDDE9FF), super.borderColor = const Color(0xFF1460F3), super.borderWidth = 2, super.fontColor = Colors.black, super.fontSize = 20, super.isBold = false, super.isItalic = false, super.typeface = CPDFTypeface.helvetica}); } class CPDFPushButtonAttr extends CPDFAnnotAttrBase { final String? title; final Color? fillColor; /// The border color, the default is: [Color(0xFF1460F3)] final Color? borderColor; /// The border width, the default is: 2 /// border thickness, value range:0~10 final int? borderWidth; /// The text color, the default is: [Colors.black] final Color? fontColor; /// The font size, the default is: 20 /// value range:1~100 final int? fontSize; final bool? isBold; final bool? isItalic; final CPDFTypeface? typeface; const CPDFPushButtonAttr({ this.title = 'Button', this.fillColor = const Color(0xFFDDE9FF), this.borderColor = const Color(0xFF1460F3), this.borderWidth = 2, this.fontColor = Colors.black, this.fontSize = 20, this.typeface = CPDFTypeface.helvetica, this.isBold = false, this.isItalic = false, }); @override Map toJson() { return { 'fillColor': fillColor?.toHex(), 'borderColor': borderColor?.toHex(), 'borderWidth': borderWidth, 'fontColor': fontColor?.toHex(), 'fontSize': fontSize, 'typeface': typeface?.getFontName(), 'isBold': isBold, 'isItalic': isItalic, 'title': title }; } } class CPDFSignatureWidgetAttr extends CPDFAnnotAttrBase { final Color? fillColor; final Color? borderColor; final int? borderWidth; const CPDFSignatureWidgetAttr({ this.fillColor = const Color(0xFFDDE9FF), this.borderColor = const Color(0xFF1460F3), this.borderWidth = 2, }); @override Map toJson() { return { 'fillColor': fillColor?.toHex(), 'borderColor': borderColor?.toHex(), 'borderWidth': borderWidth, }; } }