using ComPDFKit.Import; using ComPDFKit.PDFAnnotation; using ComPDFKit.PDFAnnotation.Form; using ComPDFKit.PDFDocument; using ComPDFKit.PDFPage; using ComPDFKit.PDFPage.Edit; using ComPDFKit.Tool.DrawTool; using ComPDFKit.Tool.Help; using ComPDFKit.Tool.UndoManger; using ComPDFKit.Viewer.Annot; using ComPDFKit.Viewer.Helper; using ComPDFKitViewer; using ComPDFKitViewer.BaseObject; using ComPDFKitViewer.Helper; using ComPDFKitViewer.Widget; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Dynamic; using System.Text; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.Imaging; namespace ComPDFKit.Tool { partial class CPDFViewerTool { public class CommandData { public ExecutedRoutedEventArgs uIEventArgs { get; set; } public bool StartCommand { get; set; } public CPDFEditType PDFEditType { get; set; } public AnnotParam CurrentParam { get; set; } = null; } /// /// System provided related command time notification /// public event EventHandler CommandExecutedHandler; public AnnotParam PasteParam { get; set; } internal class PDFEditCommandData { public string TextContent { get; set; } /// /// Original rectangle in PDF (72DPI) /// public Rect PDFRect { get; set; } public bool EditAreaCopied { get; set; } public CPDFEditType EditType { get; set; } public CPDFCopyEditArea CopyArea { get; set; } public CPDFEditPage EditPage { get; set; } } internal Point rightPressPoint = new Point(-1, -1); internal static List lastPDFEditArgsList { get; private set; } = new List(); internal static List lastAnnotList { get; private set; } = new List(); internal void BindCommand() { CommandBinding copyBind = new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.Copy); copyBind.CanExecute += CommandCanExecute; copyBind.Executed += CommandBind_Executed; CommandBindings.Add(copyBind); CommandBinding cutBind = new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.Cut); cutBind.CanExecute += CommandCanExecute; cutBind.Executed += CommandBind_Executed; CommandBindings.Add(cutBind); CommandBinding pasteBind = new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.Paste); pasteBind.CanExecute += CommandCanExecute; pasteBind.Executed += CommandBind_Executed; CommandBindings.Add(pasteBind); CommandBinding deleteBind = new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.Delete); deleteBind.CanExecute += CommandCanExecute; deleteBind.Executed += CommandBind_Executed; CommandBindings.Add(deleteBind); CommandBinding playBind = new CommandBinding(MediaCommands.Play); playBind.CanExecute += PlayBind_CanExecute; playBind.Executed += PlayBind_Executed; CommandBindings.Add(playBind); CommandBinding pastWithoutStyle = new CommandBinding(CustomCommands.PasteWithoutStyle); pastWithoutStyle.CanExecute += CommandCanExecute; pastWithoutStyle.Executed += CommandBind_Executed; CommandBindings.Add(pastWithoutStyle); CommandBinding selectAllBind = new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.SelectAll); selectAllBind.CanExecute += CommandCanExecute; selectAllBind.Executed += CommandBind_Executed; CommandBindings.Add(selectAllBind); } private void PlayBind_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { BaseAnnot cmdArgs = e.Parameter as BaseAnnot; if (cmdArgs != null && cmdArgs.GetAnnotData() != null) { if (cmdArgs is SoundAnnot) { (cmdArgs as SoundAnnot).Play(); } if (cmdArgs is MovieAnnot) { (cmdArgs as MovieAnnot).Play(); } } e.Handled = true; } private void PlayBind_CanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) { e.CanExecute = false; BaseAnnot cmdArgs = e.Parameter as BaseAnnot; if (cmdArgs != null && cmdArgs.GetAnnotData() != null) { e.CanExecute = true; } e.Handled = true; e.ContinueRouting = false; } public void ReBindCommand(List commandBindings) { CommandBindings.Clear(); foreach (CommandBinding binding in commandBindings) { CommandBindings.Add(binding); } } private bool IsCanDoCommand = true; public void CanDoCommand() { IsCanDoCommand = true; } public void NotDoCommand() { IsCanDoCommand = false; } private void CommandCanExecute(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) { if (e.Command is RoutedUICommand uiCommand) { switch (currentModel) { case ToolType.Viewer: CheckViewerCommandStatus(uiCommand, e); break; case ToolType.CreateAnnot: case ToolType.WidgetEdit: case ToolType.Pan: CheckAnnotCommandStatus(uiCommand, e); break; case ToolType.Customize: break; case ToolType.ContentEdit: { CheckPDFEditCommandStatus(uiCommand, e); } break; default: break; } } } private void CommandBind_Executed(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { RoutedUICommand uiCommand = e.Command as RoutedUICommand; if (uiCommand != null) { try { PasteParam = null; CommandData commandData = new CommandData(); commandData.uIEventArgs = e; commandData.StartCommand = true; CPDFEditType editType = CPDFEditType.None; CommandExecutedHandler?.Invoke(this, commandData); if (e.Handled) { return; } if (!IsCanDoCommand) { CanDoCommand(); return; } switch (currentModel) { case ToolType.Viewer: ExecuteViewerCommand(uiCommand); break; case ToolType.CreateAnnot: case ToolType.WidgetEdit: case ToolType.Pan: ExecuteAnnotCommand(uiCommand); break; case ToolType.ContentEdit: { ExecutePDFEditCommand(uiCommand, out editType); } break; case ToolType.Customize: break; default: break; } commandData.StartCommand = false; commandData.PDFEditType = editType; commandData.CurrentParam = PasteParam; CommandExecutedHandler?.Invoke(this, commandData); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } public void SetPastePoint(Point point) { rightPressPoint = point; } #region ContentEdit private void CheckPDFEditCommandStatus(RoutedUICommand uiCommand, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) { switch (uiCommand.Name) { case "Copy": case "Cut": case "Delete": case "SelectAll": { if (currentEditAreaObject != null) { e.CanExecute = true; } //Add multi status MultiSelectedRect multiSelectedRect = CommonHelper.FindVisualChild(PDFViewer.GetViewForTag(multiSelectedRectViewTag)); if (multiSelectedRect != null && multiSelectedRect.Children.Count > 0) { e.CanExecute = true; } break; } case "Paste": case "PasteWithoutStyle": foreach (PDFEditCommandData checkItem in lastPDFEditArgsList) { if (checkItem.EditType == CPDFEditType.EditText && string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkItem.TextContent) == false) { e.CanExecute = true; break; } if (checkItem.EditType == CPDFEditType.EditImage && checkItem.EditAreaCopied) { e.CanExecute = true; break; } } try { if (Clipboard.ContainsText()) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Clipboard.GetText())) { e.CanExecute = true; } } if (Clipboard.ContainsImage()) { if (Clipboard.GetImage() != null) { e.CanExecute = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } break; } } private void ExecutePDFEditCommand(RoutedUICommand uiCommand, out CPDFEditType editType) { editType = CPDFEditType.None; switch (uiCommand.Name) { case "Copy": CopyPDFEditData(out editType); break; case "Cut": CopyPDFEditData(out editType); DelPDFEditData(out editType); break; case "Delete": DelPDFEditData(out editType); break; case "Paste": SetEditCopyData(); if (lastPDFEditArgsList.Count > 0) { PastePDFEditData(out editType); PDFViewer.UpdateRenderFrame(); } break; case "PasteWithoutStyle": SetEditCopyData(); if (lastPDFEditArgsList.Count > 0) { PastePDFEditData(out editType, false); PDFViewer.UpdateRenderFrame(); } break; case "SelectAll": SelectAllPDFEditData(out editType); break; } } private void SetEditCopyData() { try { if (Clipboard.ContainsText()) { string copyText = Clipboard.GetText(); bool findCopy = false; if (lastPDFEditArgsList != null && lastPDFEditArgsList.Count > 0) { foreach (PDFEditCommandData checkItem in lastPDFEditArgsList) { if (checkItem.EditType == CPDFEditType.EditText && copyText == checkItem.TextContent) { findCopy = true; } } } if (findCopy == false) { lastPDFEditArgsList?.Clear(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(copyText) == false) { PDFEditCommandData commandData = new PDFEditCommandData(); commandData.EditType = CPDFEditType.EditText; commandData.TextContent = copyText; int PageIndex = PDFViewer.CurrentRenderFrame.PageIndex; RenderData render = PDFViewer.GetCurrentRenderPageForIndex(PageIndex); Rect rect = render.PaintRect; Point centerPoint = new Point( rect.Width / PDFViewer.CurrentRenderFrame.ZoomFactor / 2, rect.Height / PDFViewer.CurrentRenderFrame.ZoomFactor / 2); commandData.PDFRect = DpiHelper.StandardRectToPDFRect(new Rect(centerPoint.X, centerPoint.Y, 0, 0)); lastPDFEditArgsList.Add(commandData); } } } else if (Clipboard.ContainsImage()) { if (Clipboard.GetImage() != null) { BitmapSource bitmapSource = Clipboard.GetImage(); PDFEditCommandData commandData = new PDFEditCommandData(); commandData.EditType = CPDFEditType.EditImage; int PageIndex = PDFViewer.CurrentRenderFrame.PageIndex; RenderData render = PDFViewer.GetCurrentRenderPageForIndex(PageIndex); Rect rect = render.PaintRect; Point centerPoint = new Point( rect.Width / PDFViewer.CurrentRenderFrame.ZoomFactor / 2, rect.Height / PDFViewer.CurrentRenderFrame.ZoomFactor / 2); commandData.PDFRect = DpiHelper.StandardRectToPDFRect(new Rect(centerPoint.X, centerPoint.Y, bitmapSource.PixelWidth, bitmapSource.PixelHeight)); lastPDFEditArgsList.Clear(); lastPDFEditArgsList.Add(commandData); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } private void CopyPDFEditData(out CPDFEditType editType) { editType = CPDFEditType.None; if (CPDFEditPage.CopyPage != null) { CPDFEditPage.CopyPage.ReleaseCopyEditAreaList(); } try { lastPDFEditArgsList.Clear(); Clipboard.Clear(); if (currentEditAreaObject != null) { PDFEditCommandData commandData = new PDFEditCommandData(); if (currentEditAreaObject.cPDFEditArea.Type == CPDFEditType.EditText) { editType = CPDFEditType.EditText; CPDFEditTextArea editTextArea = currentEditAreaObject.cPDFEditArea as CPDFEditTextArea; commandData.TextContent = editTextArea.SelectText; if (selectAllCharsForLine || string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandData.TextContent)) { CPDFEditPage editPage = currentEditAreaObject.cPDFEditPage; commandData.EditType = CPDFEditType.EditText; commandData.EditAreaCopied = editPage.CopyEditArea(currentEditAreaObject.cPDFEditArea); if (commandData.EditAreaCopied) { List copyList = editPage.GetCopyEditAreaList(); CPDFCopyEditArea CopyArea = copyList[copyList.Count - 1]; commandData.TextContent = CopyArea.GetCopyTextAreaContent(); commandData.CopyArea = CopyArea; commandData.EditPage = editPage; } } try { Clipboard.Clear(); Clipboard.SetText(commandData.TextContent); Clipboard.Flush(); } catch (Exception) { } commandData.PDFRect = DataConversionForWPF.CRectConversionForRect(currentEditAreaObject.cPDFEditArea.GetFrame()); lastPDFEditArgsList.Add(commandData); } if (currentEditAreaObject.cPDFEditArea.Type == CPDFEditType.EditImage) { editType = CPDFEditType.EditImage; CPDFEditPage editPage = currentEditAreaObject.cPDFEditPage; commandData.PDFRect = DataConversionForWPF.CRectConversionForRect(currentEditAreaObject.cPDFEditArea.GetFrame()); commandData.EditAreaCopied = editPage.CopyEditArea(currentEditAreaObject.cPDFEditArea); commandData.EditType = CPDFEditType.EditImage; if (commandData.EditAreaCopied) { List copyList = editPage.GetCopyEditAreaList(); commandData.CopyArea = copyList[copyList.Count - 1]; commandData.EditPage = editPage; lastPDFEditArgsList.Add(commandData); } } } else { //Add multi status MultiSelectedRect multiSelectedRect = CommonHelper.FindVisualChild(PDFViewer.GetViewForTag(multiSelectedRectViewTag)); if (multiSelectedRect != null && multiSelectedRect.Children.Count > 0) { foreach (SelectedRect selectedRect in multiSelectedRect.Children) { EditAreaObject editAreaObject = GetEditAreaObjectListForRect(selectedRect); if (editAreaObject != null) { PDFEditCommandData commandData = new PDFEditCommandData(); if (editAreaObject.cPDFEditArea.Type == CPDFEditType.EditText) { editType = CPDFEditType.EditText; CPDFEditTextArea editTextArea = editAreaObject.cPDFEditArea as CPDFEditTextArea; commandData.TextContent = editTextArea.SelectText; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandData.TextContent)) { CPDFEditPage editPage = editAreaObject.cPDFEditPage; commandData.EditType = CPDFEditType.EditText; commandData.EditAreaCopied = editPage.CopyEditArea(editAreaObject.cPDFEditArea); if (commandData.EditAreaCopied) { List copyList = editPage.GetCopyEditAreaList(); CPDFCopyEditArea CopyArea = copyList[copyList.Count - 1]; commandData.TextContent = CopyArea.GetCopyTextAreaContent(); commandData.CopyArea = CopyArea; commandData.EditPage = editPage; } } try { Clipboard.Clear(); Clipboard.SetText(commandData.TextContent); Clipboard.Flush(); } catch (Exception) { } commandData.PDFRect = DataConversionForWPF.CRectConversionForRect(editAreaObject.cPDFEditArea.GetFrame()); lastPDFEditArgsList.Add(commandData); } if (editAreaObject.cPDFEditArea.Type == CPDFEditType.EditImage) { editType = CPDFEditType.EditImage; CPDFEditPage editPage = editAreaObject.cPDFEditPage; commandData.PDFRect = DataConversionForWPF.CRectConversionForRect(editAreaObject.cPDFEditArea.GetFrame()); commandData.EditAreaCopied = editPage.CopyEditArea(editAreaObject.cPDFEditArea); commandData.EditType = CPDFEditType.EditImage; if (commandData.EditAreaCopied) { List copyList = editPage.GetCopyEditAreaList(); commandData.CopyArea = copyList[copyList.Count - 1]; commandData.EditPage = editPage; lastPDFEditArgsList.Add(commandData); } } } } } } } catch { } } private void DelPDFEditData(out CPDFEditType editType) { editType = CPDFEditType.None; if (currentEditAreaObject != null) { GroupHistory groupHistory = new GroupHistory(); PDFEditHistory editHistory = new PDFEditHistory(); editHistory.EditPage = currentEditAreaObject.cPDFEditPage; editHistory.PageIndex = currentEditAreaObject.PageIndex; groupHistory.Histories.Add(editHistory); if (currentEditAreaObject.cPDFEditArea.Type == CPDFEditType.EditText) { editType = CPDFEditType.EditText; CPDFEditTextArea editTextArea = currentEditAreaObject.cPDFEditArea as CPDFEditTextArea; string selectContent = editTextArea.SelectText; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectContent) == false && !selectAllCharsForLine) { DeleteChars(); EndEdit(); } else { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectContent)) { editTextArea.SelectAllChars(); } RemoveTextBlock(); } PDFEditHistory deleteHistory = new PDFEditHistory(); deleteHistory.EditPage = currentEditAreaObject.cPDFEditPage; deleteHistory.PageIndex = currentEditAreaObject.PageIndex; groupHistory.Histories.Add(deleteHistory); } if (currentEditAreaObject.cPDFEditArea.Type == CPDFEditType.EditImage) { editType = CPDFEditType.EditImage; RemoveImageBlock(); } //After removing the data, you need to get the data again. PDFViewer.UpdateRenderFrame(); if (PDFViewer != null && PDFViewer.UndoManager != null) { PDFViewer.UndoManager.AddHistory(groupHistory); } } else { //Add multi status MultiSelectedRect multiSelectedRect = CommonHelper.FindVisualChild(PDFViewer.GetViewForTag(multiSelectedRectViewTag)); if (multiSelectedRect != null && multiSelectedRect.Children.Count > 0) { foreach (SelectedRect selectedRect in multiSelectedRect.Children) { EditAreaObject editAreaObject = GetEditAreaObjectListForRect(selectedRect); if (editAreaObject != null) { GroupHistory groupHistory = new GroupHistory(); PDFEditHistory editHistory = new PDFEditHistory(); editHistory.EditPage = editAreaObject.cPDFEditPage; editHistory.PageIndex = editAreaObject.PageIndex; groupHistory.Histories.Add(editHistory); if (editAreaObject.cPDFEditArea.Type == CPDFEditType.EditText) { editType = CPDFEditType.EditText; CPDFEditTextArea editTextArea = editAreaObject.cPDFEditArea as CPDFEditTextArea; string selectContent = editTextArea.SelectText; RemoveTextBlock(editAreaObject); PDFEditHistory deleteHistory = new PDFEditHistory(); deleteHistory.EditPage = editAreaObject.cPDFEditPage; deleteHistory.PageIndex = editAreaObject.PageIndex; groupHistory.Histories.Add(deleteHistory); } if (editAreaObject.cPDFEditArea.Type == CPDFEditType.EditImage) { editType = CPDFEditType.EditImage; RemoveImageBlock(editAreaObject); } //After removing the data, you need to get the data again. PDFViewer.UpdateRenderFrame(); if (PDFViewer != null && PDFViewer.UndoManager != null) { PDFViewer.UndoManager.AddHistory(groupHistory); } } } CleanSelectedMultiRect(); OpenSelectedMulti(false); } } } private void PastePDFEditData(out CPDFEditType editType, bool pasteMatchStyle = true) { editType = CPDFEditType.None; double left = 0; double right = 0; double top = 0; double bottom = 0; bool initial = false; #region Calculate the maximum rectangle foreach (PDFEditCommandData commandData in lastPDFEditArgsList) { if (initial == false) { left = commandData.PDFRect.Left; right = commandData.PDFRect.Right; top = commandData.PDFRect.Top; bottom = commandData.PDFRect.Bottom; initial = true; continue; } left = Math.Min(left, commandData.PDFRect.Left); right = Math.Max(right, commandData.PDFRect.Right); top = Math.Min(top, commandData.PDFRect.Top); bottom = Math.Max(bottom, commandData.PDFRect.Bottom); } left = DpiHelper.PDFNumToStandardNum(left); right = DpiHelper.PDFNumToStandardNum(right); top = DpiHelper.PDFNumToStandardNum(top); bottom = DpiHelper.PDFNumToStandardNum(bottom); int offsetX = 25; int offsetY = 25; Point hoverPoint = rightPressPoint; rightPressPoint = new Point(-1, -1); int pageIndex = PDFViewer.CurrentRenderFrame.PageIndex; // Judge whether the right-click coordinate is on the page. PDFViewer.GetePointToPage(hoverPoint, out RenderData renderData, out Point pagePoint); if (renderData != null) { //Calculate the offset from the upper left corner. offsetX = (int)(pagePoint.X / currentZoom - left); offsetY = (int)(pagePoint.Y / currentZoom - top); if (left + offsetX < 0) { offsetX = (int)-left; } if (right + offsetX > renderData.PageBound.Width / currentZoom) { offsetX = (int)(renderData.PageBound.Width / currentZoom - right); } if (top + offsetY < 0) { offsetY = (int)-top; } if (bottom + offsetY > renderData.PageBound.Height / currentZoom) { offsetY = (int)(renderData.PageBound.Height / currentZoom - bottom); } pageIndex = renderData.PageIndex; } else { RenderData render = PDFViewer.GetCurrentRenderPageForIndex(pageIndex); //Max rectangle (standard DPI). Rect maxRect = new Rect((int)left + render.PaintRect.Left / currentZoom, (int)top + render.PaintRect.Top / currentZoom, (int)(right - left), (int)(bottom - top)); //Center point of the visible range. Point centerPoint = new Point( render.PaintRect.Left / currentZoom + render.PaintRect.Width / currentZoom / 2, render.PaintRect.Top / currentZoom + render.PaintRect.Height / currentZoom / 2); //Visible range. Rect checkRect = new Rect( render.PaintRect.Left / currentZoom, render.PaintRect.Top / currentZoom, render.PaintRect.Width / currentZoom, render.PaintRect.Height / currentZoom); if (!checkRect.IntersectsWith(maxRect)) { offsetX = (int)(left - centerPoint.X); offsetY = (int)(top - centerPoint.Y); } if (left + offsetX < 0) { offsetX = (int)-left; } if (right + offsetX > render.RenderRect.Width / currentZoom) { offsetX = (int)(render.RenderRect.Width / currentZoom / 2 - right); } if (top + offsetY < 0) { offsetY = (int)-top; } if (bottom + offsetY > render.RenderRect.Height / currentZoom) { offsetY = (int)(render.RenderRect.Height / currentZoom / 2 - bottom); } } #endregion foreach (PDFEditCommandData commandData in lastPDFEditArgsList) { GroupHistory groupHistory = new GroupHistory(); CPDFPage docPage = PDFViewer.GetDocument().PageAtIndex(pageIndex); CPDFEditPage editPage = docPage.GetEditPage(); RenderData render = PDFViewer.GetCurrentRenderPageForIndex(pageIndex); Rect offsetRect = AddPasteOffset(commandData.PDFRect, (int)DpiHelper.StandardNumToPDFNum(offsetX), (int)DpiHelper.StandardNumToPDFNum(offsetY), new Size(DpiHelper.StandardNumToPDFNum(render.PageBound.Width / currentZoom), DpiHelper.StandardNumToPDFNum(render.PageBound.Height / currentZoom))); commandData.PDFRect = offsetRect; if (commandData.EditType == CPDFEditType.EditText) { editType = CPDFEditType.EditText; if (pasteMatchStyle && commandData.EditAreaCopied) { commandData.CopyArea?.PasteEditArea(editPage, new CPoint((float)offsetRect.Left, (float)offsetRect.Top)); if (editPage.CanUndo()) { PDFEditHistory editHistory = new PDFEditHistory(); editHistory.EditPage = editPage; editHistory.PageIndex = pageIndex; groupHistory.Histories.Add(editHistory); CPDFViewer pdfViewer = GetCPDFViewer(); if (pdfViewer != null && pdfViewer.UndoManager != null) { pdfViewer.UndoManager.AddHistory(groupHistory); } } SelectedEditAreaForIndex(pageIndex, editPage.GetEditAreaList().Count - 1, false); } else { PDFEditHistory editHistory = new PDFEditHistory(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(commandData.TextContent)) { EditAreaObject editAreaObject = GetHitTestAreaObject(hoverPoint); if (editAreaObject != null && editAreaObject.cPDFEditArea is CPDFEditTextArea) { CPDFEditTextArea TextArea = editAreaObject.cPDFEditArea as CPDFEditTextArea; if (TextArea.SelectLineRects.Count > 0) { TextArea.DeleteChars(); TextArea.ClearSelectChars(); PDFEditHistory deleteHistory = new PDFEditHistory(); deleteHistory.EditPage = editPage; deleteHistory.PageIndex = pageIndex; groupHistory.Histories.Add(deleteHistory); } TextArea.InsertText(commandData.TextContent); editHistory.EditPage = editPage; editHistory.PageIndex = pageIndex; groupHistory.Histories.Add(editHistory); CPDFViewer pdfViewer = GetCPDFViewer(); if (pdfViewer != null && pdfViewer.UndoManager != null) { pdfViewer.UndoManager.AddHistory(groupHistory); } } else { PDFEditHistory createHistory = new PDFEditHistory(); CPDFEditTextArea editArea = editPage.CreateNewTextArea(DataConversionForWPF.RectConversionForCRect(offsetRect), "Helvetica", 14, new byte[3] { 0, 0, 0 }); createHistory.EditPage = editPage; createHistory.PageIndex = pageIndex; groupHistory.Histories.Add(createHistory); if (editArea != null) { if (editArea.InsertText(commandData.TextContent)) { editHistory.EditPage = editPage; editHistory.PageIndex = pageIndex; groupHistory.Histories.Add(editHistory); } SelectedEditAreaForIndex(pageIndex, editPage.GetEditAreaList().Count - 1, false); } CPDFViewer pdfViewer = GetCPDFViewer(); if (pdfViewer != null && pdfViewer.UndoManager != null) { pdfViewer.UndoManager.AddHistory(groupHistory); } } } } } if (commandData.EditType == CPDFEditType.EditImage) { editType = CPDFEditType.EditImage; PDFEditHistory editHistory = new PDFEditHistory(); if (commandData.EditAreaCopied) { commandData.CopyArea?.PasteEditArea(editPage, new CPoint((float)offsetRect.Left, (float)offsetRect.Top)); editHistory.EditPage = editPage; editHistory.PageIndex = pageIndex; CPDFViewer pdfViewer = GetCPDFViewer(); if (pdfViewer != null && pdfViewer.UndoManager != null) { pdfViewer.UndoManager.AddHistory(editHistory); } SelectedEditAreaForIndex(pageIndex, editPage.GetEditAreaList().Count - 1, false); } else { BitmapSource bitmapSource = BinaryStructConverter.ImageFromClipboardDib(); if (bitmapSource != null) { PDFEditHistory createHistory = new PDFEditHistory(); byte[] imageData = new byte[bitmapSource.PixelWidth * bitmapSource.PixelHeight * 4]; if (bitmapSource.Format != PixelFormats.Bgra32) { FormatConvertedBitmap covert = new FormatConvertedBitmap(bitmapSource, PixelFormats.Bgra32, bitmapSource.Palette, 0); covert.CopyPixels(imageData, bitmapSource.PixelWidth * 4, 0); } else { bitmapSource.CopyPixels(imageData, bitmapSource.PixelWidth * 4, 0); } CPDFEditImageArea editArea = editPage.CreateNewImageArea(DataConversionForWPF.RectConversionForCRect(offsetRect), imageData, bitmapSource.PixelWidth, bitmapSource.PixelHeight); createHistory.EditPage = editPage; createHistory.PageIndex = pageIndex; groupHistory.Histories.Add(createHistory); if (editArea != null) { editHistory.EditPage = editPage; editHistory.PageIndex = pageIndex; SelectedEditAreaForIndex(pageIndex, editPage.GetEditAreaList().Count - 1, false); } CPDFViewer pdfViewer = GetCPDFViewer(); if (pdfViewer != null && pdfViewer.UndoManager != null) { pdfViewer.UndoManager.AddHistory(groupHistory); } } } } editPage.EndEdit(); } } private void SelectAllPDFEditData(out CPDFEditType editType) { editType = CPDFEditType.None; if (currentEditAreaObject != null && currentEditAreaObject.cPDFEditPage != null) { CPDFEditTextArea textArea = currentEditAreaObject.cPDFEditArea as CPDFEditTextArea; textArea.SelectAllChars(); editType = CPDFEditType.EditText; PDFViewer.UpdateRenderFrame(); } } private Rect AddPasteOffset(Rect clientRect, int offsetX, int offsetY, Size pageSize) { clientRect.X += offsetX; clientRect.Y += offsetY; if (clientRect.Left < 0) { clientRect.X = 0; } if (clientRect.Top < 0) { clientRect.Y = 0; } if (clientRect.Right > pageSize.Width) { clientRect.X = pageSize.Width - Math.Min(clientRect.Width, pageSize.Width); } if (clientRect.Bottom > pageSize.Height) { clientRect.Y = pageSize.Height - Math.Min(clientRect.Height, pageSize.Height); } return clientRect; } #endregion #region Annot private bool CheckCacheHitTestAnnot(string cmdName = "") { if (cacheHitTestAnnot == null) { return false; } AnnotData hitData = cacheHitTestAnnot.GetAnnotData(); if (hitData == null) { return false; } if (hitData.Annot == null) { return false; } if (cmdName == "Delete" && hitData.Annot is CPDFSignatureWidget) { CPDFSignatureWidget signAnnot = hitData.Annot as CPDFSignatureWidget; if (signAnnot != null && signAnnot.IsSigned()) { return false; } } return true; } private bool CheckAnnotCanDoCopyCut(bool isCut = false) { if (!CheckCacheHitTestAnnot(isCut ? "Delete" : "")) { return false; } if (cacheHitTestAnnot.GetAnnotData().Annot.GetIsLocked() && isCut) { return false; } switch (cacheHitTestAnnot.CurrentType) { case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_HIGHLIGHT: case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_SQUIGGLY: case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_UNDERLINE: case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_STRIKEOUT: case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_REDACT: case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_SOUND: case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_MOVIE: case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_RICHMEDIA: return false; default: break; } return true; } private void CheckViewerCommandStatus(RoutedUICommand uiCommand, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) { switch (uiCommand.Name) { case "Copy": TextSelectInfo textSelectInfo = GetTextSelectInfo(); if (!e.CanExecute && textSelectInfo != null) { foreach (int key in textSelectInfo.PageSelectText.Keys) { if (textSelectInfo.PageSelectText[key] != string.Empty) { e.CanExecute = true; break; } } } break; default: return; } } private void CheckAnnotCommandStatus(RoutedUICommand uiCommand, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e) { switch (uiCommand.Name) { case "Copy": e.CanExecute = CheckAnnotCanDoCopyCut(); TextSelectInfo textSelectInfo = GetTextSelectInfo(); if (!e.CanExecute && textSelectInfo != null) { foreach (int key in textSelectInfo.PageSelectText.Keys) { if (textSelectInfo.PageSelectText[key] != string.Empty) { e.CanExecute = true; break; } } } break; case "Cut": e.CanExecute = CheckAnnotCanDoCopyCut(true); break; case "Delete": e.CanExecute = CheckCacheHitTestAnnot("Delete"); break; case "Paste": if (lastAnnotList.Count > 0) { e.CanExecute = true; } break; } } private void ExecuteViewerCommand(RoutedUICommand uiCommand) { switch (uiCommand.Name) { case "Copy": TextSelectInfo textSelectInfo = GetTextSelectInfo(); if (textSelectInfo != null) { StringBuilder copyTextBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (int key in textSelectInfo.PageSelectText.Keys) { if (textSelectInfo.PageSelectText[key] != string.Empty) { copyTextBuilder.Append(textSelectInfo.PageSelectText[key]); } } if (copyTextBuilder.Length > 0) { try { Clipboard.Clear(); Clipboard.SetText(copyTextBuilder.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { } } } break; default: return; } } private void ExecuteAnnotCommand(RoutedUICommand uiCommand) { switch (uiCommand.Name) { case "Copy": if (cacheHitTestAnnot != null) { lastAnnotList.Clear(); AnnotParam annotParam = ParamConverter.AnnotConverter(GetCPDFViewer().GetDocument(), cacheHitTestAnnot.GetAnnotData().Annot); lastAnnotList.Add(annotParam); } if (cacheMoveWidget != null) { lastAnnotList.Clear(); AnnotParam annotParam = ParamConverter.WidgetConverter(GetCPDFViewer().GetDocument(), cacheMoveWidget.GetAnnotData().Annot); lastAnnotList.Add(annotParam); } else { TextSelectInfo textSelectInfo = GetTextSelectInfo(); if (textSelectInfo != null) { StringBuilder copyTextBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (int key in textSelectInfo.PageSelectText.Keys) { if (textSelectInfo.PageSelectText[key] != string.Empty) { copyTextBuilder.Append(textSelectInfo.PageSelectText[key]); } } if (copyTextBuilder.Length > 0) { try { Clipboard.Clear(); Clipboard.SetText(copyTextBuilder.ToString()); } catch (Exception) { } } } } break; case "Cut": if (cacheHitTestAnnot != null) { lastAnnotList.Clear(); AnnotParam annotParam; if (cacheHitTestAnnot.CurrentType == C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_WIDGET) { annotParam = ParamConverter.WidgetConverter(GetCPDFViewer().GetDocument(), cacheHitTestAnnot.GetAnnotData().Annot); } else { annotParam = ParamConverter.AnnotConverter(GetCPDFViewer().GetDocument(), cacheHitTestAnnot.GetAnnotData().Annot); } lastAnnotList.Add(annotParam); } if (cacheMoveWidget != null) { lastAnnotList.Clear(); AnnotParam annotParam = ParamConverter.WidgetConverter(GetCPDFViewer().GetDocument(), cacheMoveWidget.GetAnnotData().Annot); lastAnnotList.Add(annotParam); } DeleteAnnotData(); PDFViewer.UpdateAnnotFrame(); break; case "Delete": DeleteAnnotData(); PDFViewer.UpdateAnnotFrame(); break; case "Paste": PasteAnnotData(); PDFViewer.UpdateAnnotFrame(); break; } } private void PasteAnnotData(bool pasteMatchStyle = false) { AnnotHistory annotHistory = null; foreach (AnnotParam item in lastAnnotList) { if (item == null) { continue; } Point point = rightPressPoint; rightPressPoint = new Point(-1, -1); switch (item.CurrentType) { case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_TEXT: { CPDFDocument cPDFDocument = PDFViewer.GetDocument(); Rect rect; annotHistory = new StickyNoteAnnotHistory(); annotHistory.PDFDoc = cPDFDocument; int index = -1; if (point.Equals(new Point(-1, -1))) { index = item.PageIndex; rect = new Rect( (item.ClientRect.left + 25), ( + 25), item.ClientRect.width(), item.ClientRect.height() ); } else { PDFViewer.GetPointPageInfo(point, out index, out Rect paintRect, out var pageBound); CRect cRect = item.ClientRect; Point zoomPoint = new Point((point.X - pageBound.X) / currentZoom, (point.Y - pageBound.Y) / currentZoom); Point pdfPoint = DpiHelper.StandardPointToPDFPoint(zoomPoint); rect = new Rect( (pdfPoint.X - cRect.width() / 2), (pdfPoint.Y - cRect.height() / 2), cRect.width(), cRect.height() ); } CRect setRect = DataConversionForWPF.RectConversionForCRect(rect); CPDFPage cPDFPage = cPDFDocument.PageAtIndex(index); if (cPDFPage == null) return; CPDFAnnotation cPDFAnnotation = cPDFPage.CreateAnnot(item.CurrentType); CreateDefaultAnnot(cPDFAnnotation, item.CurrentType, item); cPDFAnnotation.SetRect(setRect); cPDFAnnotation.UpdateAp(); AnnotParam annotParam = ParamConverter.AnnotConverter(cPDFDocument, cPDFAnnotation); (annotHistory as StickyNoteAnnotHistory).CurrentParam = (StickyNoteParam)annotParam; } break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_LINK: { CPDFDocument cPDFDocument = PDFViewer.GetDocument(); Rect rect; annotHistory = new LinkAnnotHistory(); annotHistory.PDFDoc = cPDFDocument; int index = -1; if (point.Equals(new Point(-1, -1))) { index = item.PageIndex; rect = new Rect( (item.ClientRect.left + 25), ( + 25), item.ClientRect.width(), item.ClientRect.height() ); } else { PDFViewer.GetPointPageInfo(point, out index, out Rect paintRect, out var pageBound); CRect cRect = item.ClientRect; Point zoomPoint = new Point((point.X - pageBound.X) / currentZoom, (point.Y - pageBound.Y) / currentZoom); Point pdfPoint = DpiHelper.StandardPointToPDFPoint(zoomPoint); rect = new Rect( (pdfPoint.X - cRect.width() / 2), (pdfPoint.Y - cRect.height() / 2), cRect.width(), cRect.height() ); } CRect setRect = DataConversionForWPF.RectConversionForCRect(rect); CPDFPage cPDFPage = cPDFDocument.PageAtIndex(index); if (cPDFPage == null) return; CPDFAnnotation cPDFAnnotation = cPDFPage.CreateAnnot(item.CurrentType); CreateDefaultAnnot(cPDFAnnotation, item.CurrentType, item); cPDFAnnotation.SetRect(setRect); cPDFAnnotation.UpdateAp(); AnnotParam annotParam = ParamConverter.AnnotConverter(cPDFDocument, cPDFAnnotation); (annotHistory as LinkAnnotHistory).CurrentParam = (LinkParam)annotParam; } break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_FREETEXT: { CPDFDocument cPDFDocument = PDFViewer.GetDocument(); Rect rect; annotHistory = new FreeTextAnnotHistory(); annotHistory.PDFDoc = cPDFDocument; int index = -1; if (point.Equals(new Point(-1, -1))) { index = item.PageIndex; rect = new Rect( (item.ClientRect.left + 25), ( + 25), item.ClientRect.width(), item.ClientRect.height() ); } else { PDFViewer.GetPointPageInfo(point, out index, out Rect paintRect, out var pageBound); CRect cRect = item.ClientRect; Point zoomPoint = new Point((point.X - pageBound.X) / currentZoom, (point.Y - pageBound.Y) / currentZoom); Point pdfPoint = DpiHelper.StandardPointToPDFPoint(zoomPoint); rect = new Rect( (pdfPoint.X - cRect.width() / 2), (pdfPoint.Y - cRect.height() / 2), cRect.width(), cRect.height() ); } CRect setRect = DataConversionForWPF.RectConversionForCRect(rect); CPDFPage cPDFPage = cPDFDocument.PageAtIndex(index); if (cPDFPage == null) return; CPDFAnnotation cPDFAnnotation = cPDFPage.CreateAnnot(item.CurrentType); CreateDefaultAnnot(cPDFAnnotation, item.CurrentType, item); cPDFAnnotation.SetRect(setRect); cPDFAnnotation.UpdateAp(); AnnotParam annotParam = ParamConverter.AnnotConverter(cPDFDocument, cPDFAnnotation); (annotHistory as FreeTextAnnotHistory).CurrentParam = (FreeTextParam)annotParam; } break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_LINE: { CPDFDocument cPDFDocument = PDFViewer.GetDocument(); Rect rect; annotHistory = new LineAnnotHistory(); annotHistory.PDFDoc = cPDFDocument; int index = -1; if (point.Equals(new Point(-1, -1))) { index = item.PageIndex; rect = new Rect( (item.ClientRect.left + 25), ( + 25), item.ClientRect.width(), item.ClientRect.height() ); } else { PDFViewer.GetPointPageInfo(point, out index, out Rect paintRect, out var pageBound); CRect cRect = item.ClientRect; Point zoomPoint = new Point((point.X - pageBound.X) / currentZoom, (point.Y - pageBound.Y) / currentZoom); Point pdfPoint = DpiHelper.StandardPointToPDFPoint(zoomPoint); rect = new Rect( (pdfPoint.X - cRect.width() / 2), (pdfPoint.Y - cRect.height() / 2), cRect.width(), cRect.height() ); } CRect setRect = DataConversionForWPF.RectConversionForCRect(rect); LineParam newLineParam = new LineParam(); item.CopyTo(newLineParam); { float offsetX = setRect.left - item.ClientRect.left; float offsetY = -; newLineParam.HeadPoint = new CPoint(newLineParam.HeadPoint.x + offsetX, newLineParam.HeadPoint.y + offsetY); newLineParam.TailPoint = new CPoint(newLineParam.TailPoint.x + offsetX, newLineParam.TailPoint.y + offsetY); } CPDFPage cPDFPage = cPDFDocument.PageAtIndex(index); if (cPDFPage == null) return; CPDFAnnotation cPDFAnnotation = cPDFPage.CreateAnnot(item.CurrentType); CreateDefaultAnnot(cPDFAnnotation, item.CurrentType, item); (cPDFAnnotation as CPDFLineAnnotation)?.SetLinePoints(newLineParam.HeadPoint, newLineParam.TailPoint); cPDFAnnotation.SetRect(setRect); cPDFAnnotation.UpdateAp(); AnnotParam annotParam = ParamConverter.AnnotConverter(cPDFDocument, cPDFAnnotation); (annotHistory as LineAnnotHistory).CurrentParam = (LineParam)annotParam; } break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_SQUARE: { CPDFDocument cPDFDocument = PDFViewer.GetDocument(); Rect rect; annotHistory = new SquareAnnotHistory(); annotHistory.PDFDoc = cPDFDocument; int index = -1; if (point.Equals(new Point(-1, -1))) { index = item.PageIndex; rect = new Rect( (item.ClientRect.left + 25), ( + 25), item.ClientRect.width(), item.ClientRect.height() ); } else { PDFViewer.GetPointPageInfo(point, out index, out Rect paintRect, out var pageBound); CRect cRect = item.ClientRect; Point zoomPoint = new Point((point.X - pageBound.X) / currentZoom, (point.Y - pageBound.Y) / currentZoom); Point pdfPoint = DpiHelper.StandardPointToPDFPoint(zoomPoint); rect = new Rect( (pdfPoint.X - cRect.width() / 2), (pdfPoint.Y - cRect.height() / 2), cRect.width(), cRect.height() ); } CRect setRect = DataConversionForWPF.RectConversionForCRect(rect); CPDFPage cPDFPage = cPDFDocument.PageAtIndex(index); if (cPDFPage == null) return; CPDFAnnotation cPDFAnnotation = cPDFPage.CreateAnnot(item.CurrentType); CreateDefaultAnnot(cPDFAnnotation, item.CurrentType, item); cPDFAnnotation.SetRect(setRect); cPDFAnnotation.UpdateAp(); AnnotParam annotParam = ParamConverter.AnnotConverter(cPDFDocument, cPDFAnnotation); (annotHistory as SquareAnnotHistory).CurrentParam = (SquareParam)annotParam; } break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_CIRCLE: { CPDFDocument cPDFDocument = PDFViewer.GetDocument(); Rect rect; annotHistory = new CircleAnnotHistory(); annotHistory.PDFDoc = cPDFDocument; int index = -1; if (point.Equals(new Point(-1, -1))) { index = item.PageIndex; rect = new Rect( (item.ClientRect.left + 25), ( + 25), item.ClientRect.width(), item.ClientRect.height() ); } else { PDFViewer.GetPointPageInfo(point, out index, out Rect paintRect, out var pageBound); CRect cRect = item.ClientRect; Point zoomPoint = new Point((point.X - pageBound.X) / currentZoom, (point.Y - pageBound.Y) / currentZoom); Point pdfPoint = DpiHelper.StandardPointToPDFPoint(zoomPoint); rect = new Rect( (pdfPoint.X - cRect.width() / 2), (pdfPoint.Y - cRect.height() / 2), cRect.width(), cRect.height() ); } CRect setRect = DataConversionForWPF.RectConversionForCRect(rect); CPDFPage cPDFPage = cPDFDocument.PageAtIndex(index); if (cPDFPage == null) return; CPDFAnnotation cPDFAnnotation = cPDFPage.CreateAnnot(item.CurrentType); CreateDefaultAnnot(cPDFAnnotation, item.CurrentType, item); cPDFAnnotation.SetRect(setRect); cPDFAnnotation.UpdateAp(); AnnotParam annotParam = ParamConverter.AnnotConverter(cPDFDocument, cPDFAnnotation); (annotHistory as CircleAnnotHistory).CurrentParam = (CircleParam)annotParam; } break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_POLYGON: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_POLYLINE: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_STAMP: { CPDFDocument cPDFDocument = PDFViewer.GetDocument(); Rect rect; annotHistory = new StampAnnotHistory(); annotHistory.PDFDoc = cPDFDocument; int index = -1; if (point.Equals(new Point(-1, -1))) { index = item.PageIndex; rect = new Rect( (item.ClientRect.left + 25), ( + 25), item.ClientRect.width(), item.ClientRect.height() ); } else { PDFViewer.GetPointPageInfo(point, out index, out Rect paintRect, out var pageBound); CRect cRect = item.ClientRect; Point zoomPoint = new Point((point.X - pageBound.X) / currentZoom, (point.Y - pageBound.Y) / currentZoom); Point pdfPoint = DpiHelper.StandardPointToPDFPoint(zoomPoint); rect = new Rect( (pdfPoint.X - cRect.width() / 2), (pdfPoint.Y - cRect.height() / 2), cRect.width(), cRect.height() ); } CRect setRect = DataConversionForWPF.RectConversionForCRect(rect); CPDFPage cPDFPage = cPDFDocument.PageAtIndex(index); if (cPDFPage == null) return; CPDFAnnotation cPDFAnnotation = cPDFPage.CreateAnnot(item.CurrentType); CreateDefaultAnnot(cPDFAnnotation, item.CurrentType, item); cPDFAnnotation.SetRect(setRect); cPDFAnnotation.UpdateAp(); AnnotParam annotParam = ParamConverter.AnnotConverter(cPDFDocument, cPDFAnnotation); (annotHistory as StampAnnotHistory).CurrentParam = (StampParam)annotParam; } break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_CARET: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_INK: { CPDFDocument cPDFDocument = PDFViewer.GetDocument(); Rect rect; annotHistory = new InkAnnotHistory(); annotHistory.PDFDoc = cPDFDocument; int index = -1; if (point.Equals(new Point(-1, -1))) { index = item.PageIndex; rect = new Rect( (item.ClientRect.left + 25), ( + 25), item.ClientRect.width(), item.ClientRect.height() ); } else { PDFViewer.GetPointPageInfo(point, out index, out Rect paintRect, out var pageBound); CRect cRect = item.ClientRect; Point zoomPoint = new Point((point.X - pageBound.X) / currentZoom, (point.Y - pageBound.Y) / currentZoom); Point pdfPoint = DpiHelper.StandardPointToPDFPoint(zoomPoint); rect = new Rect( (pdfPoint.X - cRect.width() / 2), (pdfPoint.Y - cRect.height() / 2), cRect.width(), cRect.height() ); } CRect setRect = DataConversionForWPF.RectConversionForCRect(rect); InkParam newInkParam = new InkParam(); item.CopyTo(newInkParam); if (newInkParam.InkPath != null && newInkParam.InkPath.Count > 0) { float offsetX = setRect.left - item.ClientRect.left; float offsetY = -; List> arrangeList = new List>(); foreach (List inkNode in newInkParam.InkPath) { List inkPath = new List(); arrangeList.Add(inkPath); foreach (CPoint addPoint in inkNode) { inkPath.Add(new CPoint(addPoint.x + offsetX, addPoint.y + offsetY)); } } newInkParam.InkPath = arrangeList; newInkParam.ClientRect = setRect; } CPDFPage cPDFPage = cPDFDocument.PageAtIndex(index); if (cPDFPage == null) return; CPDFAnnotation cPDFAnnotation = cPDFPage.CreateAnnot(newInkParam.CurrentType); CreateDefaultAnnot(cPDFAnnotation, newInkParam.CurrentType, newInkParam); cPDFAnnotation.UpdateAp(); AnnotParam annotParam = ParamConverter.AnnotConverter(cPDFDocument, cPDFAnnotation); (annotHistory as InkAnnotHistory).CurrentParam = (InkParam)annotParam; } break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_POPUP: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_FILEATTACHMENT: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_WIDGET: { rightPressPoint = point; bool result = PasteWidgetData(ref annotHistory, item as WidgetParm); if (!result) return; } break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_SCREEN: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_PRINTERMARK: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_TRAPNET: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_WATERMARK: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_3D: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_RICHMEDIA: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_INTERCHANGE: break; default: break; } PasteParam = annotHistory.CurrentParam; PDFViewer.UndoManager.AddHistory(annotHistory); } } private void DeleteAnnotData() { dynamic notifyData = null; if (cacheHitTestAnnot != null) { AnnotHistory annotHistory = ParamConverter.CreateHistory(cacheHitTestAnnot.GetAnnotData().Annot); if (annotHistory == null) { return; } AnnotParam annotParam = null; if (cacheHitTestAnnot is BaseWidget) { annotParam = ParamConverter.WidgetConverter(PDFViewer.GetDocument(), cacheHitTestAnnot.GetAnnotData().Annot); } else { annotParam = ParamConverter.AnnotConverter(PDFViewer.GetDocument(), cacheHitTestAnnot.GetAnnotData().Annot); } if (annotParam != null) { notifyData = new ExpandoObject(); notifyData.Action = HistoryAction.Remove; notifyData.PageIndex = annotParam.PageIndex; notifyData.AnnotIndex = annotParam.AnnotIndex; notifyData.AnnotType = annotParam.CurrentType; notifyData.CurrentParam = annotParam; if (annotParam is WidgetParm) { notifyData.WidgetType = (annotParam as WidgetParm).WidgetType; } annotHistory.CurrentParam = annotParam; annotHistory.PDFDoc = PDFViewer.GetDocument(); annotHistory.Action = HistoryAction.Remove; PDFViewer.UndoManager.AddHistory(annotHistory); List checkEditType = new List() { C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_LINE, C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_POLYLINE, C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_POLYGON }; if (checkEditType.Contains(cacheHitTestAnnot.CurrentType)) { //Need to clear the measurement selected edit box. CleanEditAnnot(); } cacheHitTestAnnot.RemoveClean(true); cacheHitTestAnnot.GetAnnotData().Annot.RemoveAnnot(); cacheHitTestAnnot = null; } CleanSelectedRect(); } if (cacheMoveWidget != null) { AnnotHistory annotHistory = ParamConverter.CreateHistory(cacheMoveWidget.GetAnnotData().Annot); if (annotHistory == null) { return; } AnnotParam annotParam = ParamConverter.WidgetConverter(PDFViewer.GetDocument(), cacheMoveWidget.GetAnnotData().Annot); if (annotParam != null) { notifyData = new ExpandoObject(); notifyData.Action = HistoryAction.Remove; notifyData.PageIndex = annotParam.PageIndex; notifyData.AnnotIndex = annotParam.AnnotIndex; notifyData.AnnotType = annotParam.CurrentType; notifyData.WidgetType = (annotParam as WidgetParm).WidgetType; notifyData.CurrentParam = annotParam; annotHistory.CurrentParam = annotParam; annotHistory.PDFDoc = PDFViewer.GetDocument(); annotHistory.Action = HistoryAction.Remove; PDFViewer.UndoManager.AddHistory(annotHistory); cacheMoveWidget.GetAnnotData().Annot.RemoveAnnot(); cacheMoveWidget = null; } CleanSelectedRect(); } if (notifyData != null) { AnnotChanged?.Invoke(this, notifyData); } } private bool PasteWidgetData(ref AnnotHistory annotHistory, WidgetParm item) { CPDFDocument cPDFDocument = PDFViewer.GetDocument(); Point point = rightPressPoint; rightPressPoint = new Point(-1, -1); Rect rect; int index = -1; if (point.Equals(new Point(-1, -1))) { index = item.PageIndex; rect = new Rect( (item.ClientRect.left + 25), ( + 25), item.ClientRect.width(), item.ClientRect.height() ); } else { PDFViewer.GetPointPageInfo(point, out index, out Rect paintRect, out var pageBound); CRect cRect = item.ClientRect; Point zoomPoint = new Point((point.X - pageBound.X) / currentZoom, (point.Y - pageBound.Y) / currentZoom); Point pdfPoint = DpiHelper.StandardPointToPDFPoint(zoomPoint); rect = new Rect( (pdfPoint.X - cRect.width() / 2), (pdfPoint.Y - cRect.height() / 2), cRect.width(), cRect.height() ); } CPDFPage cPDFPage = cPDFDocument.PageAtIndex(index); if (cPDFPage == null) return false; CPDFAnnotation cPDFAnnotation = cPDFPage.CreateWidget(item.WidgetType); CreateDefaultWidget(cPDFAnnotation, item.WidgetType, item); CRect setRect = DataConversionForWPF.RectConversionForCRect(rect); cPDFAnnotation.SetRect(setRect); (cPDFAnnotation as CPDFWidget).UpdateFormAp(); AnnotParam annotParam = ParamConverter.WidgetConverter(cPDFDocument, cPDFAnnotation); switch (item.WidgetType) { case C_WIDGET_TYPE.WIDGET_NONE: break; case C_WIDGET_TYPE.WIDGET_PUSHBUTTON: annotHistory = new PushButtonHistory(); (annotHistory as PushButtonHistory).CurrentParam = (PushButtonParam)annotParam; annotHistory.PDFDoc = cPDFDocument; break; case C_WIDGET_TYPE.WIDGET_CHECKBOX: annotHistory = new CheckBoxHistory(); (annotHistory as CheckBoxHistory).CurrentParam = (CheckBoxParam)annotParam; annotHistory.PDFDoc = cPDFDocument; break; case C_WIDGET_TYPE.WIDGET_RADIOBUTTON: annotHistory = new RadioButtonHistory(); (annotHistory as RadioButtonHistory).CurrentParam = (RadioButtonParam)annotParam; annotHistory.PDFDoc = cPDFDocument; break; case C_WIDGET_TYPE.WIDGET_TEXTFIELD: annotHistory = new TextBoxHistory(); (annotHistory as TextBoxHistory).CurrentParam = (TextBoxParam)annotParam; annotHistory.PDFDoc = cPDFDocument; break; case C_WIDGET_TYPE.WIDGET_COMBOBOX: annotHistory = new ComboBoxHistory(); (annotHistory as ComboBoxHistory).CurrentParam = (ComboBoxParam)annotParam; annotHistory.PDFDoc = cPDFDocument; break; case C_WIDGET_TYPE.WIDGET_LISTBOX: annotHistory = new ListBoxHistory(); (annotHistory as ListBoxHistory).CurrentParam = (ListBoxParam)annotParam; annotHistory.PDFDoc = cPDFDocument; break; case C_WIDGET_TYPE.WIDGET_SIGNATUREFIELDS: annotHistory = new SignatureHistory(); (annotHistory as SignatureHistory).CurrentParam = (SignatureParam)annotParam; annotHistory.PDFDoc = cPDFDocument; break; case C_WIDGET_TYPE.WIDGET_UNKNOWN: break; default: break; } return true; } #endregion } }