using ComPDFKit.Import; using ComPDFKit.Measure; using ComPDFKit.PDFAnnotation; using ComPDFKit.Tool.SettingParam; using ComPDFKit.Viewer.Helper; using ComPDFKitViewer; using ComPDFKitViewer.Annot; using ComPDFKitViewer.Helper; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Media.TextFormatting; using static ComPDFKit.Tool.Help.ImportWin32; namespace ComPDFKit.Tool.DrawTool { internal class AnnotEdit : DrawingVisual { #region public Attributes /// /// Data changing event /// public event EventHandler DataChanging; /// /// Data changed event /// public event EventHandler DataChanged; #endregion #region private Attributes protected DefaultDrawParam drawParam = new DefaultDrawParam(); /// /// Max drawing range /// protected Rect maxRect { get; set; } = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); /// /// Is mouse down /// protected bool isMouseDown { get; set; } protected DrawingContext drawDC { get; set; } /// /// Current annotation's control points collection (96 DPI coordinate points, minus page offset) /// private PointCollection activePoints { get; set; } = new PointCollection(); /// /// Current annotation's drawing range box (96 DPI coordinate points, minus page offset) /// private Rect activeRect { get; set; } = new Rect(); private int hitIndex = -1; protected AnnotData annotData { get; set; } /// /// Position information recorded when the mouse is pressed /// protected Point mouseDownPoint { get; set; } /// /// Mouse last draw position information /// protected Point mouseEndDrawPoint { get; set; } /// /// Move offset during movement /// protected Point moveOffset { get; set; } = new Point(0, 0); private Point LineMeasureOffset { get; set; }= new Point(0, 0); /// /// Point size /// protected int pointSize { get; set; } = 6; protected SelectedAnnotData annotEditData = new SelectedAnnotData(); //Measure private PointCollection leftLine { get; set; } = new PointCollection(); private PointCollection rightLine { get; set; } = new PointCollection(); private PointCollection crossLine { get; set; } = new PointCollection(); private Point[] moveLeftLine; private Point[] moveRightLine; private Point[] moveCrossLine; #endregion /// /// Re-locate child elements /// public void Arrange() { foreach (Visual child in Children) { if (!(child is UIElement)) { continue; } UIElement checkChild = child as UIElement; try { double left = Canvas.GetLeft(checkChild); double top = Canvas.GetTop(checkChild); double width = (double)checkChild.GetValue(FrameworkElement.WidthProperty); double height = (double)checkChild.GetValue(FrameworkElement.HeightProperty); checkChild.Measure(new Size(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity)); checkChild.Arrange(new Rect( double.IsNaN(left) ? 0 : left, double.IsNaN(top) ? 0 : top, double.IsNaN(width) ? checkChild.DesiredSize.Width : width, double.IsNaN(height) ? checkChild.DesiredSize.Height : height)); } catch (Exception ex) { } } } public AnnotEdit(DefaultDrawParam defaultDrawParam) : base() { drawParam = defaultDrawParam; } public bool SetAnnotObject(AnnotData Data) { activePoints.Clear(); if (Data == null) { return false; } annotData = Data; annotEditData = new SelectedAnnotData(); annotEditData.annotData = annotData; SetMaxRect(annotData.PaintOffset); switch (annotData.Annot.Type) { case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_NONE: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_UNKOWN: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_TEXT: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_LINK: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_FREETEXT: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_LINE: List sortPointList= new List(); for (int i = 0; i < (annotData.Annot as CPDFLineAnnotation).Points.Length; i++) { Point point = DpiHelper.PDFPointToStandardPoint(new Point((annotData.Annot as CPDFLineAnnotation).Points[i].x, (annotData.Annot as CPDFLineAnnotation).Points[i].y)); point = new Point( point.X * annotData.CurrentZoom + annotData.PaintOffset.X - annotData.CropLeft * annotData.CurrentZoom, point.Y * annotData.CurrentZoom + annotData.PaintOffset.Y - annotData.CropTop * annotData.CurrentZoom ); sortPointList.Add(point); } sortPointList.Sort((a, b) => { if (a.X > b.X) return 1; else return 0; }); foreach (Point checkPoint in sortPointList) { activePoints.Add(checkPoint); } if ((annotData.Annot as CPDFLineAnnotation).IsMeasured()) { CRect rawRect = annotData.Annot.GetRect(); Rect rect = DataConversionForWPF.CRectConversionForRect(rawRect); rect = DpiHelper.PDFRectToStandardRect(rect); activeRect = new Rect( rect.X * annotData.CurrentZoom + annotData.PaintOffset.X - annotData.CropLeft * annotData.CurrentZoom, rect.Y * annotData.CurrentZoom + annotData.PaintOffset.Y - annotData.CropTop * annotData.CurrentZoom, rect.Width * annotData.CurrentZoom, rect.Height * annotData.CurrentZoom ); CalcMeasurePoints(annotData.Annot as CPDFLineAnnotation); } break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_SQUARE: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_CIRCLE: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_POLYGON: for (int i = 0; i < (annotData.Annot as CPDFPolygonAnnotation).Points.Count; i++) { Point point = DpiHelper.PDFPointToStandardPoint(new Point((annotData.Annot as CPDFPolygonAnnotation).Points[i].x, (annotData.Annot as CPDFPolygonAnnotation).Points[i].y)); point = new Point( point.X * annotData.CurrentZoom + annotData.PaintOffset.X - annotData.CropLeft * annotData.CurrentZoom, point.Y * annotData.CurrentZoom + annotData.PaintOffset.Y - annotData.CropTop * annotData.CurrentZoom ); activePoints.Add(point); } if ((annotData.Annot as CPDFPolygonAnnotation).IsMeasured()) { CRect rawRect = annotData.Annot.GetRect(); Rect rect = DataConversionForWPF.CRectConversionForRect(rawRect); rect = DpiHelper.PDFRectToStandardRect(rect); activeRect = new Rect( rect.X * annotData.CurrentZoom + annotData.PaintOffset.X - annotData.CropLeft * annotData.CurrentZoom, rect.Y * annotData.CurrentZoom + annotData.PaintOffset.Y - annotData.CropTop * annotData.CurrentZoom, rect.Width * annotData.CurrentZoom, rect.Height * annotData.CurrentZoom ); } break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_POLYLINE: for (int i = 0; i < (annotData.Annot as CPDFPolylineAnnotation).Points.Count; i++) { Point point = DpiHelper.PDFPointToStandardPoint(new Point((annotData.Annot as CPDFPolylineAnnotation).Points[i].x, (annotData.Annot as CPDFPolylineAnnotation).Points[i].y)); point = new Point( point.X * annotData.CurrentZoom + annotData.PaintOffset.X - annotData.CropLeft * annotData.CurrentZoom, point.Y * annotData.CurrentZoom + annotData.PaintOffset.Y - annotData.CropTop * annotData.CurrentZoom ); activePoints.Add(point); } if ((annotData.Annot as CPDFPolylineAnnotation).IsMeasured()) { CRect rawRect = annotData.Annot.GetRect(); Rect rect = DataConversionForWPF.CRectConversionForRect(rawRect); rect = DpiHelper.PDFRectToStandardRect(rect); activeRect = new Rect( rect.X * annotData.CurrentZoom + annotData.PaintOffset.X - annotData.CropLeft * annotData.CurrentZoom, rect.Y * annotData.CurrentZoom + annotData.PaintOffset.Y - annotData.CropTop * annotData.CurrentZoom, rect.Width * annotData.CurrentZoom, rect.Height * annotData.CurrentZoom ); } break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_HIGHLIGHT: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_UNDERLINE: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_SQUIGGLY: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_STRIKEOUT: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_STAMP: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_CARET: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_INK: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_POPUP: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_FILEATTACHMENT: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_SOUND: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_MOVIE: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_WIDGET: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_SCREEN: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_PRINTERMARK: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_TRAPNET: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_WATERMARK: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_3D: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_RICHMEDIA: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_REDACT: break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_INTERCHANGE: break; default: break; } return true; } public void SetMaxRect(Rect rect) { maxRect = rect; } public int GetHitIndex(Point point) { for (int i = 0; i < activePoints.Count; i++) { Vector checkVector = activePoints[i] - point; if (checkVector.Length < pointSize) { return i; } } return -1; } /// /// Calculate the control points of the measurement annotation /// /// /// Measurement annotation object /// private void CalcMeasurePoints(CPDFLineAnnotation Annot) { leftLine.Clear(); crossLine.Clear(); rightLine.Clear(); CPDFDistanceMeasure LineMeasure = Annot.GetDistanceMeasure(); double LeadLength = LineMeasure.GetLeadLength() / 72D * 96D; double LeadOffset = LineMeasure.GetLeadOffset() / 72D * 96D; double LeadExtension = LineMeasure.GetLeadExtension() / 72D * 96D; List orderPoints = activePoints.AsEnumerable().OrderBy(x => x.X).ToList(); Vector lineVector = (activePoints[1] - activePoints[0]) * annotData.CurrentZoom; lineVector.Normalize(); Vector leadEndVector = lineVector * (Math.Abs(LeadLength) + Math.Abs(LeadOffset) + Math.Abs(LeadExtension) * annotData.CurrentZoom); Vector leadStartVector = lineVector * (Math.Abs(LeadOffset)) * annotData.CurrentZoom; Vector leadCrossVector = lineVector * (Math.Abs(LeadLength) * annotData.CurrentZoom + Math.Abs(LeadOffset)); Matrix rotateMatrix = new Matrix(); double angle = LeadLength < 0 ? 90 : -90; rotateMatrix.Rotate(angle); Point leftEndPoint = rotateMatrix.Transform(leadEndVector) + activePoints[0]; Point leftStartPoint = rotateMatrix.Transform(leadStartVector) + activePoints[0]; Point leftCrossPoint = rotateMatrix.Transform(leadCrossVector) + activePoints[0]; leftLine.Add(leftStartPoint); leftLine.Add(leftEndPoint); crossLine.Add(leftCrossPoint); lineVector = activePoints[1] - activePoints[0]; rightLine.Add(leftStartPoint + lineVector); rightLine.Add(leftEndPoint + lineVector); crossLine.Add(leftCrossPoint + lineVector); activePoints.Insert(1, new Point( (crossLine[0].X + crossLine[1].X) / 2, (crossLine[0].Y + crossLine[1].Y) / 2 )); } #region Event public virtual void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(Point downPoint) { isMouseDown = true; hitIndex = -1; mouseDownPoint = downPoint; moveOffset = new Point(0, 0); LineMeasureOffset=new Point(0, 0); HitTestResult hitResult = VisualTreeHelper.HitTest(this, downPoint); if (hitResult != null && hitResult.VisualHit is DrawingVisual) { hitIndex = GetHitIndex(downPoint); } } public virtual void OnMouseMove(Point mousePoint, out bool Tag) { Tag = false; if (Mouse.LeftButton==MouseButtonState.Pressed) { Tag = isMouseDown; mouseEndDrawPoint = mousePoint; Point newOffset = new Point( mouseEndDrawPoint.X - mouseDownPoint.X, mouseEndDrawPoint.Y - mouseDownPoint.Y ); Point movePoint = CheckMoveOffSet(activePoints.ToList(), maxRect, newOffset); LineMeasureOffset=newOffset; if(movePoint.X==0) { newOffset.X=moveOffset.X; } if(movePoint.Y==0) { newOffset.Y=moveOffset.Y; } moveOffset = newOffset; Draw(); InvokeDataChangEvent(false); } } public virtual void OnMouseLeftButtonUp(Point upPoint) { isMouseDown = false; Draw(); if (annotData!=null&&annotData.AnnotType == C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_LINE) { if ((annotData.Annot as CPDFLineAnnotation).IsMeasured()) { activePoints.Clear(); if (moveLeftLine == null) { moveLeftLine = leftLine.ToArray(); } if (moveRightLine == null) { moveRightLine = rightLine.ToArray(); } if (moveCrossLine == null) { moveCrossLine = crossLine.ToArray(); } activePoints.Add(moveLeftLine[0]); activePoints.Add(moveLeftLine[1]); activePoints.Add(moveRightLine[0]); activePoints.Add(moveRightLine[1]); activePoints.Add(moveCrossLine[0]); activePoints.Add(moveCrossLine[1]); } } moveLeftLine = null; moveRightLine = null; moveCrossLine = null; if (moveOffset!= new Point(0, 0)) { InvokeDataChangEvent(true); } moveOffset = new Point(0, 0); mouseDownPoint = new Point(); mouseEndDrawPoint = new Point(); hitIndex = -1; } /// /// Used to notify events during/after drawing data /// /// /// Is the data change complete /// protected void InvokeDataChangEvent(bool isFinish) { PointCollection ActivePoints1 = new PointCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < activePoints.Count; i++) { Point currentPoint = activePoints[i]; if (hitIndex == -1) { if (annotData.AnnotType == C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_LINE) { if (!(annotData.Annot as CPDFLineAnnotation).IsMeasured()) { currentPoint.X += moveOffset.X; currentPoint.Y += moveOffset.Y; } } else { currentPoint.X += moveOffset.X; currentPoint.Y += moveOffset.Y; } } ActivePoints1.Add(currentPoint); } annotEditData.Points = ActivePoints1; if (isFinish) { DataChanged?.Invoke(this, annotEditData); } else { DataChanging?.Invoke(this, annotEditData); } } #endregion #region Draw public void Draw() { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { if (annotData == null) { return; } drawDC = RenderOpen(); switch (annotData.Annot.Type) { case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_LINE: { if ((annotData.Annot as CPDFLineAnnotation).IsMeasured()) { DrawLineMeasure(drawDC); } else { DrawLine(drawDC); } } break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_POLYLINE: DrawPolyLineMeasure(drawDC); break; case C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_POLYGON: DrawPolygonMeasure(drawDC); break; default: break; } drawDC?.Close(); drawDC = null; }); } private Point CheckPointBound(Point checkPoint,Rect bound) { if (checkPoint.X < bound.Left) { checkPoint.X = bound.Left; } if (checkPoint.X > bound.Right) { checkPoint.X = bound.Right; } if (checkPoint.Y < bound.Top) { checkPoint.Y = bound.Top; } if (checkPoint.Y > bound.Bottom) { checkPoint.Y = bound.Bottom; } return checkPoint; } private Point CheckMoveOffSet(List checkPoints, Rect bound, Point moveOffset) { double left = 0; double top = 0; double right = 0; double bottom = 0; if (checkPoints != null && checkPoints.Count > 0) { left = checkPoints.AsEnumerable().Select(p => p.X).Min(); right = checkPoints.AsEnumerable().Select(p => p.X).Max(); top = checkPoints.AsEnumerable().Select(p => p.Y).Min(); bottom = checkPoints.AsEnumerable().Select(p => p.Y).Max(); } Point movePoint = moveOffset; if(left+moveOffset.Xbound.Right) { movePoint.X = 0; } if (top + moveOffset.Y < bound.Top || bottom + moveOffset.Y > bound.Bottom) { movePoint.Y = 0; } return movePoint; } private void DrawLine(DrawingContext drawingContext) { PathGeometry drawPath = new PathGeometry(); PathFigure drawFigure = new PathFigure(); PolyLineSegment polySegment = new PolyLineSegment(); if (hitIndex != -1 && hitIndex < activePoints.Count) { if (mouseEndDrawPoint!=new Point() && !activePoints.Contains(mouseEndDrawPoint)) { activePoints[hitIndex] = CheckPointBound(mouseEndDrawPoint, maxRect); } } Point StartPoint = activePoints[0]; if (hitIndex == -1) { StartPoint.X += moveOffset.X; StartPoint.Y += moveOffset.Y; } drawFigure.StartPoint = StartPoint; for (int i = 1; i < activePoints.Count; i++) { Point currentPoint = activePoints[i]; if (hitIndex == -1) { currentPoint.X += moveOffset.X; currentPoint.Y += moveOffset.Y; } polySegment.Points.Add(currentPoint); } if (polySegment.Points.Count > 0) { drawFigure.Segments.Add(polySegment); } if (drawFigure.Segments.Count > 0) { drawPath.Figures.Add(drawFigure); } foreach (Point controlPoint in activePoints) { Point drawPoint = new Point( controlPoint.X, controlPoint.Y); if (hitIndex == -1) { drawPoint.X += moveOffset.X; drawPoint.Y += moveOffset.Y; } drawingContext?.DrawEllipse(drawParam.EditControlLineBrush, drawParam.EditControlLinePen, (drawPoint), pointSize, pointSize); } if (isMouseDown) { drawingContext?.DrawGeometry(null, drawParam.EditLinePen, drawPath); } } private Point CalcRotateBound(Point rawPoint, Point moveOffset) { Point newPoint = rawPoint; Rect checkRect = annotData.PaintOffset; newPoint.X += moveOffset.X; newPoint.Y += moveOffset.Y; newPoint.X = Math.Max(checkRect.Left, newPoint.X); newPoint.X = Math.Min(checkRect.Right, newPoint.X); newPoint.Y = Math.Max(checkRect.Top, newPoint.Y); newPoint.Y = Math.Min(checkRect.Bottom, newPoint.Y); return newPoint; } private void DrawLineMeasure(DrawingContext drawDC) { Rect drawRect = activeRect; drawRect.X += moveOffset.X; drawRect.Y += moveOffset.Y; Point[] drawLeftLine = leftLine.ToArray(); Point[] drawRightLine = rightLine.ToArray(); Point[] drawCrossLine = crossLine.ToArray(); if (isMouseDown) { PointCollection drawLeftPoints = new PointCollection(); PointCollection drawRightPoints = new PointCollection(); PointCollection drawCrossPoints = new PointCollection(); moveLeftLine = leftLine.ToArray(); moveRightLine = rightLine.ToArray(); moveCrossLine = crossLine.ToArray(); foreach(Point checkPoint in moveLeftLine) { drawLeftPoints.Add(checkPoint); } foreach (Point checkPoint in moveRightLine) { drawRightPoints.Add(checkPoint); } foreach (Point checkPoint in moveCrossLine) { drawCrossPoints.Add(checkPoint); } switch (hitIndex) { case 0: { moveLeftLine[0] = CalcRotateBound(drawLeftPoints[0], LineMeasureOffset); Vector newVector = moveLeftLine[0] - drawRightPoints[0]; Vector leftVector = drawLeftPoints[1] - drawLeftPoints[0]; double angle = drawLeftPoints[0].Y < drawCrossPoints[0].Y ? -90 : 90; newVector.Normalize(); newVector = newVector * leftVector.Length; Matrix rotateMatrix = new Matrix(); rotateMatrix.Rotate(angle); moveRightLine[0] = drawRightPoints[0]; moveLeftLine[1] = moveLeftLine[0] + newVector * rotateMatrix; moveRightLine[1] = moveRightLine[0] + newVector * rotateMatrix; moveCrossLine[0] = moveLeftLine[1]; moveCrossLine[1] = moveRightLine[1]; drawDC?.DrawLine(drawParam.EditLinePen, moveLeftLine[0], moveLeftLine[1]); drawDC?.DrawLine(drawParam.EditLinePen, moveRightLine[0], moveRightLine[1]); drawDC?.DrawLine(drawParam.EditLinePen, moveLeftLine[1], moveRightLine[1]); } break; case 1: { Point centerPoint = new Point((drawCrossPoints[0].X + drawCrossPoints[1].X) / 2,(drawCrossPoints[0].Y + drawCrossPoints[1].Y) / 2); Point movePoint = CalcRotateBound(centerPoint, LineMeasureOffset); Vector ruleVector = drawCrossPoints[1] - drawCrossPoints[0]; bool rateMove = true; if (ruleVector.X == 0) { movePoint.Y = centerPoint.Y; rateMove = false; } if (ruleVector.Y == 0) { movePoint.X = centerPoint.X; rateMove = false; } if (rateMove) { Vector moveVector = movePoint - centerPoint; double moveLength = moveVector.Length; double ruleLength = ruleVector.Length; ruleVector.Normalize(); moveVector.Normalize(); Vector crossVector = new Vector(-ruleVector.Y, ruleVector.X); crossVector.Normalize(); if (Math.Abs(Vector.AngleBetween(moveVector, crossVector)) > 90) { crossVector.Negate(); } Point saveCenter = crossVector * moveLength + centerPoint; double halfLenght = ruleLength / 2; Point SaveRight = ruleVector * halfLenght + saveCenter; Point saveLeft = saveCenter - ruleVector * halfLenght; moveCrossLine[0] = saveLeft; moveCrossLine[1] = SaveRight; moveLeftLine[1] = saveLeft; moveRightLine[1] = SaveRight; moveLeftLine[0] = drawLeftPoints[0]; moveRightLine[0] = drawRightPoints[0]; } else { Point moveOffset = new Point( movePoint.X - centerPoint.X, movePoint.Y - centerPoint.Y); moveCrossLine[0] = new Point( drawCrossPoints[0].X + moveOffset.X, drawCrossPoints[0].Y + moveOffset.Y); moveCrossLine[1] = new Point( drawCrossPoints[1].X + moveOffset.X, drawCrossPoints[1].Y + moveOffset.Y); moveLeftLine[0] = drawLeftPoints[0]; moveRightLine[0] = drawRightPoints[0]; moveLeftLine[1] = new Point( drawLeftPoints[1].X + moveOffset.X, drawLeftPoints[1].Y + moveOffset.Y); moveRightLine[1] = new Point( drawRightPoints[1].X + moveOffset.X, drawRightPoints[1].Y + moveOffset.Y); } drawDC?.DrawLine(drawParam.EditLinePen, moveCrossLine[0], moveCrossLine[1]); drawDC?.DrawLine(drawParam.EditLinePen, moveCrossLine[0], moveLeftLine[0]); drawDC?.DrawLine(drawParam.EditLinePen, moveCrossLine[1], moveRightLine[0]); } break; case 2: { moveRightLine[0] = CalcRotateBound(drawRightPoints[0], LineMeasureOffset); Vector newVector = moveRightLine[0] - drawLeftPoints[0]; Vector rightVector = drawRightPoints[1] - drawRightPoints[0]; double angle = (drawRightPoints[0].Y + drawLeftPoints[0].Y) / 2 > (drawCrossPoints[0].Y + drawCrossPoints[1].Y) / 2 ? -90 : 90; newVector.Normalize(); newVector = newVector * rightVector.Length; Matrix rotateMatrix = new Matrix(); rotateMatrix.Rotate(angle); moveLeftLine[0] = drawLeftPoints[0]; moveLeftLine[1] = moveLeftLine[0] + newVector * rotateMatrix; moveRightLine[1] = moveRightLine[0] + newVector * rotateMatrix; moveCrossLine[0] = moveLeftLine[1]; moveCrossLine[1] = moveRightLine[1]; drawDC?.DrawLine(drawParam.EditLinePen, moveLeftLine[0], moveLeftLine[1]); drawDC?.DrawLine(drawParam.EditLinePen, moveRightLine[0], moveRightLine[1]); drawDC?.DrawLine(drawParam.EditLinePen, moveLeftLine[1], moveRightLine[1]); } break; case -1: { Rect moveRect = new Rect(moveLeftLine[0], moveRightLine[1]); moveRect.Union(moveLeftLine[1]); moveRect.Union(moveRightLine[0]); Point moveOffset = LineMeasureOffset; Rect pageBound = annotData.PaintOffset; if (moveRect.Left + LineMeasureOffset.X < pageBound.Left) { moveOffset.X = pageBound.Left - moveRect.Left; } if (moveRect.Right + moveOffset.X > pageBound.Right) { moveOffset.X = pageBound.Right - moveRect.Right; } if (moveRect.Top + moveOffset.Y < pageBound.Top) { moveOffset.Y = pageBound.Top - moveRect.Top; } if (moveRect.Bottom + moveOffset.Y > pageBound.Bottom) { moveOffset.Y = pageBound.Bottom - moveRect.Bottom; } moveLeftLine[0].X = moveLeftLine[0].X + moveOffset.X; moveLeftLine[0].Y = moveLeftLine[0].Y + moveOffset.Y; moveLeftLine[1].X = moveLeftLine[1].X + moveOffset.X; moveLeftLine[1].Y = moveLeftLine[1].Y + moveOffset.Y; moveRightLine[0].X = moveRightLine[0].X + moveOffset.X; moveRightLine[0].Y = moveRightLine[0].Y + moveOffset.Y; moveRightLine[1].X = moveRightLine[1].X + moveOffset.X; moveRightLine[1].Y = moveRightLine[1].Y + moveOffset.Y; moveCrossLine[0].X = moveCrossLine[0].X + moveOffset.X; moveCrossLine[0].Y = moveCrossLine[0].Y + moveOffset.Y; moveCrossLine[1].X = moveCrossLine[1].X + moveOffset.X; moveCrossLine[1].Y = moveCrossLine[1].Y + moveOffset.Y; drawDC?.DrawLine(drawParam.EditLinePen, moveLeftLine[0], moveLeftLine[1]); drawDC?.DrawLine(drawParam.EditLinePen, moveRightLine[0], moveRightLine[1]); drawDC?.DrawLine(drawParam.EditLinePen, moveCrossLine[0], moveCrossLine[1]); } break; default: break; } if (moveLeftLine[0].X > moveRightLine[0].X) { Point tmpPoint = moveRightLine[0]; moveRightLine[0] = moveLeftLine[0]; moveLeftLine[0] = tmpPoint; } if (moveLeftLine[1].X > moveRightLine[1].X) { Point tmpPoint = moveRightLine[1]; moveRightLine[1] = moveLeftLine[1]; moveLeftLine[1] = tmpPoint; } if (moveCrossLine[0].X > moveCrossLine[1].X) { Point tmpPoint = moveCrossLine[1]; moveCrossLine[1] = moveCrossLine[0]; moveCrossLine[0] = tmpPoint; } drawLeftLine=moveLeftLine; drawRightLine=moveRightLine; drawCrossLine=moveCrossLine; } if(isMouseDown==false) { drawDC?.DrawRectangle(null, drawParam.EditControlLinePen, activeRect); } Point moveCenterPoint = new Point( (drawCrossLine[0].X + drawCrossLine[1].X) / 2, (drawCrossLine[0].Y + drawCrossLine[1].Y) / 2 ); drawDC?.DrawEllipse(drawParam.EditControlLineBrush, drawParam.EditControlLinePen, drawLeftLine[0], pointSize, pointSize); drawDC?.DrawEllipse(drawParam.EditControlLineBrush, drawParam.EditControlLinePen, drawRightLine[0], pointSize, pointSize); drawDC?.DrawEllipse(drawParam.EditControlLineBrush, drawParam.EditControlLinePen, moveCenterPoint, pointSize, pointSize); } private void DrawPolyLineMeasure(DrawingContext drawingContext) { PathGeometry drawPath = new PathGeometry(); PathFigure drawFigure = new PathFigure(); PolyLineSegment polySegment = new PolyLineSegment(); if (hitIndex != -1 && hitIndex < activePoints.Count) { if (mouseEndDrawPoint != new Point()) { activePoints[hitIndex] = mouseEndDrawPoint; } } Point StartPoint = activePoints[0]; if (hitIndex == -1) { StartPoint.X += moveOffset.X; StartPoint.Y += moveOffset.Y; } drawFigure.StartPoint = StartPoint; for (int i = 1; i < activePoints.Count; i++) { Point currentPoint = activePoints[i]; if (hitIndex == -1) { currentPoint.X += moveOffset.X; currentPoint.Y += moveOffset.Y; } polySegment.Points.Add(currentPoint); } if (polySegment.Points.Count > 0) { drawFigure.Segments.Add(polySegment); } if (drawFigure.Segments.Count > 0) { drawPath.Figures.Add(drawFigure); } foreach (Point controlPoint in activePoints) { Point drawPoint = new Point( controlPoint.X, controlPoint.Y); if (hitIndex == -1) { drawPoint.X += moveOffset.X; drawPoint.Y += moveOffset.Y; } drawingContext?.DrawEllipse(drawParam.EditControlLineBrush, drawParam.EditControlLinePen, (drawPoint), pointSize, pointSize); } Rect drawRect = activeRect; drawRect.X += moveOffset.X; drawRect.Y += moveOffset.Y; if (isMouseDown) { drawingContext?.DrawGeometry(null, drawParam.EditLinePen, drawPath); } else { drawingContext?.DrawRectangle(null, drawParam.EditLinePen, drawRect); } } private void DrawPolygonMeasure(DrawingContext drawingContext) { PathGeometry drawPath = new PathGeometry(); PathFigure drawFigure = new PathFigure(); PolyLineSegment polySegment = new PolyLineSegment(); if (hitIndex != -1 && hitIndex < activePoints.Count) { if (mouseEndDrawPoint!=new Point()) { activePoints[hitIndex] = mouseEndDrawPoint; } } Point StartPoint = activePoints[0]; if (hitIndex == -1) { StartPoint.X += moveOffset.X; StartPoint.Y += moveOffset.Y; } drawFigure.StartPoint = StartPoint; for (int i = 1; i < activePoints.Count; i++) { Point currentPoint = activePoints[i]; if (hitIndex == -1) { currentPoint.X += moveOffset.X; currentPoint.Y += moveOffset.Y; } polySegment.Points.Add(currentPoint); } if (polySegment.Points.Count > 0) { polySegment.Points.Add(drawFigure.StartPoint); drawFigure.Segments.Add(polySegment); } if (drawFigure.Segments.Count > 0) { drawPath.Figures.Add(drawFigure); } foreach (Point controlPoint in activePoints) { Point drawPoint = new Point( controlPoint.X, controlPoint.Y); if (hitIndex == -1) { drawPoint.X += moveOffset.X; drawPoint.Y += moveOffset.Y; } drawingContext?.DrawEllipse(drawParam.EditControlLineBrush, drawParam.EditControlLinePen, (drawPoint), pointSize, pointSize); } Rect drawRect = activeRect; drawRect.X += moveOffset.X; drawRect.Y += moveOffset.Y; if (isMouseDown) { drawingContext?.DrawGeometry(null, drawParam.EditLinePen, drawPath); } else { drawingContext?.DrawRectangle(null, drawParam.EditLinePen, drawRect); } } public virtual void ClearDraw() { drawDC = RenderOpen(); drawDC?.Close(); drawDC = null; } #endregion } }