// Copyright © 2014-2024 PDF Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // THIS SOURCE CODE AND ANY ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION ARE PROTECTED BY INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAW // AND MAY NOT BE RESOLD OR REDISTRIBUTED. USAGE IS BOUND TO THE ComPDFKit LICENSE AGREEMENT. // UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION IS SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES. // This notice may not be removed from this file. import 'dart:ui'; import 'package:compdfkit_flutter/util/extension/cpdf_color_extension.dart'; enum CPDFViewMode { viewer, annotations, contentEditor, forms, signatures } /// The [CPDFToolbarAction.back] button will only be displayed on the leftmost side of the top toolbar on the Android platform enum CPDFToolbarAction { back, thumbnail, search, bota, menu } enum CPDFToolbarMenuAction { viewSettings, documentEditor, security, watermark, flattened, documentInfo, save, share, openDocument, /// The PDF capture function allows you to capture an area /// in the PDF document and convert it into an image. snip } enum CPDFDisplayMode { singlePage, doublePage, coverPage } /// readerView background themes enum CPDFThemes { /// Bright mode, readerview background is white light('#FFFFFFFF'), /// dark mode, readerview background is black dark('#FF000000'), /// brown paper color sepia('#FFFFEFBE'), /// Light green, eye protection mode reseda('#FFCDE6D0'); final String color; const CPDFThemes(this.color); // 根据 Color 对象获取对应的 CPDFThemes static CPDFThemes of(Color color) { return CPDFThemes.values.firstWhere( (theme) => theme.color == color.toHex().toUpperCase(), orElse: () => CPDFThemes.light, ); } // 获取颜色值 String getColor() { return color; } } enum CPDFAnnotationType { note, highlight, underline, squiggly, strikeout, ink, // only ios platform pencil, circle, square, arrow, line, freetext, signature, stamp, pictures, link, sound } enum CPDFConfigTool { setting, undo, redo } enum CPDFAnnotBorderStyle { solid, dashed } enum CPDFLineType { none, openArrow, closedArrow, square, circle, diamond } enum CPDFAlignment { left, center, right } enum CPDFTypeface { courier, helvetica, timesRoman } extension CPDFTypefaceExtension on CPDFTypeface { String getFontName() { switch (name) { case 'courier': return 'Courier'; case 'helvetica': return 'Helvetica'; case 'timesRoman': return 'Times-Roman'; default: return 'Courier'; } } } extension CPDFTypefaceEnumExten on Iterable { CPDFTypeface byFontName(String fontName) { switch (fontName.toLowerCase()) { case 'courier': return CPDFTypeface.courier; case 'helvetica': return CPDFTypeface.helvetica; case 'times-roman': return CPDFTypeface.timesRoman; default: return CPDFTypeface.courier; } } } enum CPDFContentEditorType { editorText, editorImage } enum CPDFFormType { textField, checkBox, radioButton, listBox, comboBox, signaturesFields, pushButton } enum CPDFCheckStyle { check, circle, cross, diamond, square, star } enum CPDFThemeMode { light, dark, system } /// [CPDFEdgeInsets] defines the padding for a PDF document. /// /// - On **Android**, you can set individual margins for [top], [bottom], [left], and [right]. /// To adjust the spacing between pages, use the `setPageSpacing()` method. /// /// - On **iOS**, you can also configure [top], [bottom], [left], and [right] margins. /// The spacing between pages is equal to the [top] margin. class CPDFEdgeInsets { final int left; final int top; final int right; final int bottom; const CPDFEdgeInsets.all(int value) : left = value, top = value, right = value, bottom = value; const CPDFEdgeInsets.symmetric( {required int horizontal, required int vertical}) : left = horizontal, top = vertical, right = horizontal, bottom = vertical; const CPDFEdgeInsets.only( {required this.left, required this.top, required this.right, required this.bottom}); Map toJson() => { 'left': left, 'top': top, 'right': right, 'bottom': bottom, }; } enum CPDFDocumentPermissions { none, user, owner } /// Error types of the opening document. enum CPDFDocumentError { /// No read permission. noReadPermission, /// SDK No verified license notVerifyLicense, /// open document success. success, /// Unknown error unknown, /// File not found or could not be opened. errorFile, /// File not in PDF format or corrupted. errorFormat, /// Password required or incorrect password. errorPassword, /// Unsupported security scheme. errorSecurity, /// Error page. errorPage } enum CPDFDocumentEncryptAlgo { // RC4 encryption algorithm. rc4, /// AES encryption with a 128-bit key. aes128, /// AES encryption with a 256-bit key. aes256, /// No encryption algorithm selected. noEncryptAlgo; } enum CPDFWatermarkType { text, image }