/** * Copyright © 2014-2024 PDF Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * THIS SOURCE CODE AND ANY ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION ARE PROTECTED BY INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAW * AND MAY NOT BE RESOLD OR REDISTRIBUTED. USAGE IS BOUND TO THE ComPDFKit LICENSE AGREEMENT. * UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION IS SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES. * This notice may not be removed from this file. */ import { NativeModules } from 'react-native'; import { CPDFConfiguration } from './configuration/CPDFConfiguration'; import { CPDFAlignment, CPDFAnnotationType, CPDFBorderStyle, CPDFCheckStyle, CPDFConfigTool, CPDFContentEditorType, CPDFDisplayMode, CPDFFormType, CPDFLineType,CPDFThemeMode, CPDFThemes, CPDFToolbarAction, CPDFToolbarMenuAction, CPDFTypeface, CPDFViewMode } from './configuration/CPDFOptions'; declare module 'react-native' { interface NativeModulesStatic { ComPDFKit: { getDefaultConfig(overrides : Partial) : string; /** * Get the version number of the ComPDFKit SDK. * For example : '2.0.0' * @memberof ComPDFKit * @returns { Promise } A Promise returning ComPDFKit PDF SDK Version Code * * @example * ComPDFKit.getVersionCode().then((versionCode : string) => { * console.log('ComPDFKit SDK Version:', versionCode) * }) */ getVersionCode(): () => Promise; /** * Get the build tag of the ComPDFKit PDF SDK. * * For example: "build_beta_2.0.0_42db96987_202404081007" * @memberof ComPDFKit * @returns { Promise } A Promise returning ComPDFKit PDF SDK Build Tag. * * @example * ComPDFKit.getSDKBuildTag().then((buildTag : string) => { * console.log('ComPDFKit Build Tag:', buildTag) * }) */ getSDKBuildTag(): () => Promise; /** * Initialize the ComPDFKit PDF SDK using offline authentication. * Each ComPDFKit license is bound to a specific app bundle ID(Android Application ID). * * @method init_ * @memberof ComPDFKit * @param { string } [license] Your ComPDFKit for React Native license key. * @returns { Promise } Returns ```true``` if initialization is successful, otherwise returns ```false```. * * @example * ComPDFKit.init_('your compdfkit license') * */ init_: (license: string) => Promise; /** * Initialize the ComPDFKit PDF SDK using online authentication. * Each ComPDFKit license is bound to a specific app bundle ID(Android Application ID). * * @method initialize * @memberof ComPDFKit * @param { string } [androidOnlineLicense] Your ComPDFKit for React Native Android online license key. * @param { string } [iosOnlineLicense] Your ComPDFKit for React Native iOS online license key. * @returns { Promise } Returns ```true``` if initialization is successful, otherwise returns ```false```. * * @example * ComPDFKit.initialize('your android compdfkit license', 'your ios compdfkit license') */ initialize: (androidOnlineLicense: string, iosOnlineLicense: string) => Promise; /** * Used to present a PDF document. * @method openDocument * @memberof ComPDFKit * @param { string } [document] document The path to the PDF document to be presented. * * * (Android) For local storage file path: * ```tsx * document = 'file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/sample.pdf' * ``` * * (Android) For content Uri: * ```tsx * document = 'content://...' * ``` * * (Android) For assets path: * ```tsx * document = "file:///android_asset/..." * ``` * --- * * ios * ```tsx * document = 'pdf_document.pdf' * ``` * * @param { string } [password] PDF document password. * @param { string } [configuration] Configuration objects to customize the appearance and behavior of ComPDFKit. See [CPDFConfiguration](configuration/CPDFConfiguration.ts) * @returns { void } * * @example * const fileName = 'pdf_document.pdf'; * const document = * Platform.OS === 'ios' ? fileName * : 'file:///android_asset/' + fileName; * * const configuration : CPDFConfiguration = { * modeConfig: { * initialViewMode: CPDFModeConfig.ViewMode.VIEWER, * availableViewModes: [ * CPDFModeConfig.ViewMode.VIEWER, * CPDFModeConfig.ViewMode.ANNOTATIONS, * CPDFModeConfig.ViewMode.CONTENT_EDITOR, * CPDFModeConfig.ViewMode.FORMS, * CPDFModeConfig.ViewMode.SIGNATURES * ] * } * } * * ComPDFKit.openDocument(document, 'password', JSON.stringify(configuration)) * */ openDocument: (document: string, password: string, configuration: string) => void; /** * Delete the saved signature file from the annotation signature list * * @example * ComPDFKit.removeSignFileList().then((result : boolean) => { * console.log('ComPDFKit removeSignFileList:', result) * }) * * @returns */ removeSignFileList : () => Promise; }; } } interface ComPDFKit { testConfig(configuration: string): Promise; getVersionCode(): Promise; getSDKBuildTag(): Promise; init_(license: string): Promise; initialize(androidOnlineLicense: string, iosOnlineLicense: string): Promise; openDocument(document: string, password: string, configurationJson: string): void; removeSignFileList() : Promise; } const ComPDFKit = NativeModules.ComPDFKit export { ComPDFKit }; export { CPDFViewMode, CPDFToolbarAction, CPDFToolbarMenuAction, CPDFAnnotationType, CPDFConfigTool, CPDFBorderStyle, CPDFLineType, CPDFAlignment, CPDFTypeface, CPDFContentEditorType, CPDFFormType, CPDFCheckStyle, CPDFDisplayMode, CPDFThemes } from './configuration/CPDFOptions'; export { CPDFReaderView } from './view/CPDFReaderView'; ComPDFKit.getDefaultConfig = getDefaultConfig function getDefaultConfig(overrides : Partial = {}) : string { const defaultConfig : CPDFConfiguration = { modeConfig:{ initialViewMode: CPDFViewMode.VIEWER, readerOnly: false, availableViewModes: [ CPDFViewMode.VIEWER, CPDFViewMode.ANNOTATIONS, CPDFViewMode.CONTENT_EDITOR, CPDFViewMode.FORMS, CPDFViewMode.SIGNATURES, ] }, toolbarConfig: { mainToolbarVisible : true, androidAvailableActions: [ CPDFToolbarAction.THUMBNAIL, CPDFToolbarAction.SEARCH, CPDFToolbarAction.BOTA, CPDFToolbarAction.MENU, ], iosLeftBarAvailableActions:[ CPDFToolbarAction.BACK, CPDFToolbarAction.THUMBNAIL ], iosRightBarAvailableActions: [ CPDFToolbarAction.SEARCH, CPDFToolbarAction.BOTA, CPDFToolbarAction.MENU ], availableMenus: [ CPDFToolbarMenuAction.VIEW_SETTINGS, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.DOCUMENT_EDITOR, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.DOCUMENT_INFO, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.WATERMARK, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.SECURITY, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.FLATTENED, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.SAVE, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.SHARE, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.OPEN_DOCUMENT, CPDFToolbarMenuAction.SNIP ] }, annotationsConfig: { annotationAuthor: '', availableTypes: [ CPDFAnnotationType.NOTE, CPDFAnnotationType.HIGHLIGHT, CPDFAnnotationType.UNDERLINE, CPDFAnnotationType.SQUIGGLY, CPDFAnnotationType.STRIKEOUT, CPDFAnnotationType.INK, CPDFAnnotationType.CIRCLE, CPDFAnnotationType.SQUARE, CPDFAnnotationType.ARROW, CPDFAnnotationType.LINE, CPDFAnnotationType.FREETEXT, CPDFAnnotationType.SIGNATURE, CPDFAnnotationType.STAMP, CPDFAnnotationType.PICTURES, CPDFAnnotationType.LINK, CPDFAnnotationType.SOUND, ], availableTools: [ CPDFConfigTool.SETTING, CPDFConfigTool.UNDO, CPDFConfigTool.REDO ], initAttribute: { note: { color: '#1460F3', alpha: 255 }, highlight: { color: '#1460F3', alpha: 77 }, underline: { color: '#1460F3', alpha: 77 }, squiggly: { color: '#1460F3', alpha: 77 }, strikeout: { color: '#1460F3', alpha: 77 }, ink: { color: '#1460F3', alpha: 100, borderWidth: 10 }, square: { fillColor: '#1460F3', borderColor: '#000000', colorAlpha : 128, borderWidth: 2, borderStyle: { style: CPDFBorderStyle.SOLID, dashGap: 8.0 } }, circle: { fillColor: '#1460F3', borderColor: '#000000', colorAlpha : 128, borderWidth: 2, borderStyle: { style: CPDFBorderStyle.SOLID, dashGap: 8.0 } }, line: { borderColor: '#1460F3', borderAlpha: 100, borderWidth: 5, borderStyle: { style: CPDFBorderStyle.SOLID, dashGap: 8.0 } }, arrow: { borderColor: '#1460F3', borderAlpha: 100, borderWidth: 5, borderStyle: { style: CPDFBorderStyle.SOLID, dashGap: 8.0 }, startLineType: CPDFLineType.NONE, tailLineType: CPDFLineType.OPEN_ARROW }, freeText: { fontColor: '#000000', fontColorAlpha: 255, fontSize: 30, isBold: false, isItalic: false, alignment: CPDFAlignment.LEFT, typeface: CPDFTypeface.HELVETICA } } }, contentEditorConfig: { availableTypes: [ CPDFContentEditorType.EDITOR_TEXT, CPDFContentEditorType.EDITOR_IMAGE ], availableTools: [ CPDFConfigTool.SETTING, CPDFConfigTool.UNDO, CPDFConfigTool.REDO ], initAttribute: { text: { fontColor: '#000000', fontColorAlpha: 255, fontSize: 30, isBold: false, isItalic: false, typeface: CPDFTypeface.HELVETICA, alignment: CPDFAlignment.LEFT } } }, formsConfig: { availableTypes: [ CPDFFormType.TEXT_FIELD, CPDFFormType.CHECKBOX, CPDFFormType.RADIO_BUTTON, CPDFFormType.LISTBOX, CPDFFormType.COMBOBOX, CPDFFormType.SIGNATURES_FIELDS, CPDFFormType.PUSH_BUTTON, ], availableTools: [ CPDFConfigTool.UNDO, CPDFConfigTool.REDO ], initAttribute: { textField: { fillColor: '#DDE9FF', borderColor: '#1460F3', borderWidth: 2, fontColor: '#000000', fontSize: 20, isBold: false, isItalic: false, alignment: CPDFAlignment.LEFT, multiline: true, typeface: CPDFTypeface.HELVETICA }, checkBox: { fillColor: '#DDE9FF', borderColor: '#1460F3', borderWidth: 2, checkedColor: '#43474D', isChecked: false, checkedStyle: CPDFCheckStyle.CHECK }, radioButton: { fillColor: '#DDE9FF', borderColor: '#1460F3', borderWidth: 2, checkedColor: '#43474D', isChecked: false, checkedStyle: CPDFCheckStyle.CIRCLE }, listBox: { fillColor: '#DDE9FF', borderColor: '#1460F3', borderWidth: 2, fontColor: '#000000', fontSize: 20, typeface: CPDFTypeface.HELVETICA, isBold: false, isItalic: false }, comboBox: { fillColor: '#DDE9FF', borderColor: '#1460F3', borderWidth: 2, fontColor: '#000000', fontSize: 20, typeface: CPDFTypeface.HELVETICA, isBold: false, isItalic: false }, pushButton: { fillColor: '#DDE9FF', borderColor: '#1460F3', borderWidth: 2, fontColor: '#000000', fontSize: 20, title: 'Button', typeface: CPDFTypeface.HELVETICA, isBold: false, isItalic: false }, signaturesFields: { fillColor: '#DDE9FF', borderColor: '#000000', borderWidth: 2 } } }, readerViewConfig: { linkHighlight: true, formFieldHighlight: true, displayMode: CPDFDisplayMode.SINGLE_PAGE, continueMode: true, verticalMode: true, cropMode: false, themes: CPDFThemes.LIGHT, enableSliderBar: true, enablePageIndicator: true, pageScale: 1.0, margins: [0,0,0,0], pageSpacing: 10, pageSameWidth: true }, global: { themeMode: CPDFThemeMode.SYSTEM, fileSaveExtraFontSubset: true } } return JSON.stringify(mergeDeep(defaultConfig, overrides), null, 2); } function mergeDeep(defaults: any, overrides: any): any { const merged = { ...defaults }; for (const key in overrides) { if (Array.isArray(overrides[key]) && Array.isArray(defaults[key])) { merged[key] = [...overrides[key]]; } else if (overrides[key] instanceof Object && key in defaults) { merged[key] = mergeDeep(defaults[key], overrides[key]); } else { merged[key] = overrides[key]; } } return merged; }