Imports System.IO Imports ComPDFKit.PDFDocument Module BatesTest Private parentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()))) Private outputPath As String = Path.Combine(parentPath, "Output", "VB") Private IntToLocationDic As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)() From { {0, "Top Left"}, {1, "Top Middle"}, {2, "Top Right"}, {3, "Bottom Left"}, {4, "Bottom Middle"}, {5, "Bottom Right"} } Sub Main() #Region "Preparation work" Console.WriteLine("Running bates test sample..." & vbCrLf) SDKLicenseHelper.LicenseVerify() If Not Directory.Exists(outputPath) Then Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath) End If #End Region #Region "Sample 1: Add bates" Dim document As CPDFDocument = CPDFDocument.InitWithFilePath("CommonFivePage.pdf") If AddBates(document) Then Console.WriteLine("Add bates done.") End If document.Release() Console.WriteLine("--------------------") #End Region #Region "Samples 2: Edit bates" document = CPDFDocument.InitWithFilePath("Bates.pdf") If EditBates(document) Then Console.WriteLine("Edit bates done.") End If document.Release() Console.WriteLine("--------------------") #End Region #Region "Sample 3: Clear bates" document = CPDFDocument.InitWithFilePath("CommonFivePage.pdf") If ClearBates(document) Then Console.WriteLine("Clear bates done.") End If document.Release() Console.WriteLine("--------------------") #End Region Console.WriteLine("Done!") Console.WriteLine("--------------------") Console.ReadLine() End Sub Private Function AddBates(document As CPDFDocument) As Boolean Dim addBatesPath As String = outputPath & "\AddBatesTest.pdf" Dim bates As CPDFBates = document.GetBates() Dim color As Byte() = {255, 0, 0} bates.SetPages("0-" & (document.PageCount - 1)) ' Page numbering from 0 For i As Integer = 0 To 5 bates.SetText(i, "<<#3#5#Prefix-#-Suffix>>") ' 3 digits, starting from 5 bates.SetTextColor(i, color) bates.SetFontSize(i, 14) Console.WriteLine("Text: {0}", bates.GetText(i)) Console.WriteLine("Location: {0}" & vbCrLf, IntToLocationDic(i)) Next bates.Update() If Not document.WriteToFilePath(addBatesPath) Then Return False End If Console.WriteLine("Browse the changed file in " & addBatesPath) Return True End Function Private Function EditBates(document As CPDFDocument) As Boolean Dim bates As CPDFBates = document.GetBates() ' Get the old Bates text from index 0 If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(bates.GetText(0)) Then Console.WriteLine("Get old Bates 0 done, text is {0}", bates.GetText(0)) Else Console.WriteLine("Get Bates 0 failed, or it does not exist") Return False End If ' Edit the Bates text at index 0 bates.SetText(0, "<<#3#1#ComPDFKit-#-ComPDFKit>>") ' Update the Bates text bates.Update() Console.WriteLine("Change Bates 0 done, new text is {0}", bates.GetText(0)) Dim editBatesPath As String = outputPath & "\EditBatesTest.pdf" If document.WriteToFilePath(editBatesPath) Then Console.WriteLine("Browse the changed file in " & editBatesPath) Return True Else Return False End If End Function ''' ''' Clear bates. ''' ''' Document with bates Private Function ClearBates(document As CPDFDocument) As Boolean Dim bates As CPDFBates = document.GetBates() bates.Clear() Dim clearBatesPath As String = outputPath & "\ClearBatesTest.pdf" If document.WriteToFilePath(clearBatesPath) Then Console.WriteLine("Browse the changed file in " & clearBatesPath) Return True Else Return False End If End Function End Module