using ComPDFKit.Tool.DrawTool; using ComPDFKit.Tool.Help; using ComPDFKit.Viewer.Layer; using ComPDFKitViewer.Layer; using System; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; namespace ComPDFKit.Tool { public partial class CPDFViewerTool { bool IsDrawEditAnnot = false; int annotEditViewTag = -1; public event EventHandler AnnotEditDataChanging; public event EventHandler AnnotEditDataChanged; public event EventHandler AnnotChanged; private void InsertAnnotEditView() { int selectedRectViewIndex = PDFViewer.GetMaxViewIndex(); CustomizeLayer customizeLayer = new CustomizeLayer(); AnnotEdit annotEdit = new AnnotEdit(GetDefaultDrawParam()); annotEdit.DataChanged += AnnotEdit_DataChanged; annotEdit.DataChanging += AnnotEdit_DataChanging; customizeLayer.Children.Add(annotEdit); PDFViewer.InsertView(selectedRectViewIndex, customizeLayer); annotEditViewTag = customizeLayer.GetResTag(); } private void AnnotEdit_DataChanging(object sender, SelectedAnnotData e) { AnnotEditDataChanging?.Invoke(this, e); } private void AnnotEdit_DataChanged(object sender, SelectedAnnotData e) { AnnotEditDataChanged?.Invoke(this, e); } public void StartDrawEditAnnot() { Point point = Mouse.GetPosition(this); BaseLayer baseLayer = PDFViewer.GetViewForTag(annotEditViewTag); AnnotEdit annotEdit = CommonHelper.FindVisualChild(baseLayer as CustomizeLayer); if (annotEdit != null) { annotEdit.Draw(); annotEdit.OnMouseLeftButtonDown(point); IsDrawEditAnnot = true; } } public bool DrawMoveEditAnnot() { bool DrawTag = false; Point point = Mouse.GetPosition(this); BaseLayer baseLayer = PDFViewer.GetViewForTag(annotEditViewTag); AnnotEdit annotEdit = CommonHelper.FindVisualChild(baseLayer as CustomizeLayer); if (annotEdit != null) { annotEdit.OnMouseMove(point, out DrawTag); if (DrawTag) { annotEdit.Draw(); } } return DrawTag; } public void DrawEndEditAnnot() { Point point = Mouse.GetPosition(this); BaseLayer baseLayer = PDFViewer.GetViewForTag(annotEditViewTag); AnnotEdit annotEdit = CommonHelper.FindVisualChild(baseLayer as CustomizeLayer); if (annotEdit != null) { annotEdit.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(point); annotEdit.Draw(); } } public void CleanEditAnnot(bool isDrawEditAnnot = false) { Point point = Mouse.GetPosition(this); BaseLayer baseLayer = PDFViewer.GetViewForTag(annotEditViewTag); AnnotEdit annotEdit = CommonHelper.FindVisualChild(baseLayer as CustomizeLayer); if (annotEdit != null) { annotEdit.ClearDraw(); IsDrawEditAnnot = isDrawEditAnnot; } } internal void DrawEditAnnotLayer() { BaseLayer baseLayer = PDFViewer.GetViewForTag(annotEditViewTag); AnnotEdit annotEdit = CommonHelper.FindVisualChild(baseLayer as CustomizeLayer); if (annotEdit != null) { annotEdit.Draw(); } } /// /// Press the mouse on the selected rectangle /// /// private bool DrawEditAnnotDownEvent() { BaseLayer baseLayer = PDFViewer.GetViewForTag(annotEditViewTag); AnnotEdit selectedRect = CommonHelper.FindVisualChild(baseLayer as CustomizeLayer); if (selectedRect != null) { if (selectedRect.GetHitIndex(Mouse.GetPosition(this)) != -1) { return true; } } return false; } internal void SetEditAnnotObject() { if (cacheHitTestAnnot == null) { return; } Point point = Mouse.GetPosition(this); BaseLayer baseLayer = PDFViewer.GetViewForTag(annotEditViewTag); AnnotEdit annotEdit = CommonHelper.FindVisualChild(baseLayer as CustomizeLayer); if (annotEdit != null) { annotEdit.SetAnnotObject(cacheHitTestAnnot.GetAnnotData()); } } public PointCollection SetEditAnnotPoint() { Point point = Mouse.GetPosition(this); BaseLayer baseLayer = PDFViewer.GetViewForTag(annotEditViewTag); AnnotEdit annotEdit = CommonHelper.FindVisualChild(baseLayer as CustomizeLayer); if (annotEdit != null) { return annotEdit.GetActivePoints(); } return null; } public bool GetIsDrawEditAnnot() { return IsDrawEditAnnot; } } }