Imports ComPDFKit.Import Imports ComPDFKit.PDFAnnotation Imports ComPDFKit.PDFDocument Imports ComPDFKit.PDFPage Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Windows Module PDFRedactTest Private outputPath As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()))) & "\Output\VB" Sub Main() ' Perparation work Console.WriteLine("Running redact test sample…" & vbCrLf) SDKLicenseHelper.LicenseVerify() Dim document As CPDFDocument = CPDFDocument.InitWithFilePath("CommonFivePage.pdf") Dim str As String = document.PageAtIndex(0).GetTextPage().GetSelectText(New Point(300, 240), New Point(400, 300), New Point(0, 0)) Console.WriteLine("The text need to be redact is: {0}", str) If Not Directory.Exists(outputPath) Then Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath) End If ' Redact If Redact(document) Then Console.WriteLine("Redact done.") Else Console.WriteLine("Redact failed.") End If Console.WriteLine("--------------------") Console.WriteLine("Done!") Console.WriteLine("--------------------") Console.ReadLine() End Sub ' Redact an area in PDF Private Function Redact(document As CPDFDocument) As Boolean Dim page As CPDFPage = document.PageAtIndex(0) Dim redactAnnot As CPDFRedactAnnotation = TryCast(page.CreateAnnot(C_ANNOTATION_TYPE.C_ANNOTATION_REDACT), CPDFRedactAnnotation) ' Set redact rect: cover the title redactAnnot.SetRect(New CRect(300, 240, 400, 300)) ' Set overlay text: REDACTED redactAnnot.SetOverlayText("REDACTED") ' Properties of cover text Dim textAttribute As New CTextAttribute() textAttribute.FontName = "Helvetica" textAttribute.FontSize = 12 Dim fontColor As Byte() = {255, 0, 0} textAttribute.FontColor = fontColor redactAnnot.SetTextDa(textAttribute) redactAnnot.SetTextAlignment(C_TEXT_ALIGNMENT.ALIGNMENT_LEFT) ' Properties of cover square Dim fillColor As Byte() = {255, 0, 0} redactAnnot.SetFillColor(fillColor) Dim outlineColor As Byte() = {0, 255, 0} redactAnnot.SetOutlineColor(outlineColor) redactAnnot.UpdateAp() document.ApplyRedaction() ' Save to pointed path so you can observe the effect. Dim path As String = outputPath & "\RedactTest.pdf" If Not document.WriteToFilePath(path) Then Return False End If Console.WriteLine("Browse the changed file in " & path) Dim newDocument As CPDFDocument = CPDFDocument.InitWithFilePath(path) ' Validation: try to get the text of the covered area Dim str As String = newDocument.PageAtIndex(0).GetTextPage().GetSelectText(New Point(60, 200), New Point(560, 250), New Point(0, 0)) Console.WriteLine("Text in the redacted area is: {0}", str) Return True End Function End Module