using ComPDFKit.DigitalSign; using ComPDFKit.Import; using ComPDFKit.PDFAnnotation; using ComPDFKit.PDFAnnotation.Form; using ComPDFKit.PDFDocument; using ComPDFKit.PDFPage; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Xml.Linq; namespace DigitalSignatureTest { internal class DigitalSignatureTest { static private string outputPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()))) + "\\Output\\DigitalSignature"; static void Main() { #region Preparation work Console.WriteLine("Running digital signature sample...\n"); SDKLicenseHelper.LicenseVerify(); string certificatePath = "Certificate.pfx"; string password = "ComPDFKit"; if (!Directory.Exists(outputPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outputPath); } #endregion //Sample 0: Create certificate GenerateCertificate(); //Sample 1: Create digital signature CPDFDocument document = CPDFDocument.InitWithFilePath("CommonFivePage.pdf"); CreateDigitalSignature(document, certificatePath, password); document.Release(); //Sample 2: Verify signature CPDFDocument signedDoc = CPDFDocument.InitWithFilePath("Signed.pdf"); VerifyDigitalSignature(signedDoc); //Sample 3: Verify certificate VerifyCertificate(certificatePath, password); //Sample 4: Print digital signature info PrintDigitalSignatureInfo(signedDoc); //Sample 5: Trust Certificate TrustCertificate(signedDoc); //Sample 6: Remove digital signature RemoveDigitalSignature(signedDoc); signedDoc.Release(); Console.WriteLine("Done.\n"); Console.ReadLine(); } /// /// in the core function "CPDFPKCS12CertHelper.GeneratePKCS12Cert": /// /// Generate certificate /// /// Password: ComPDFKit /// /// info: /C=SG/O=ComPDFKit/D=R&D Department/CN=Alan/ /// /// C=SG: This represents the country code "SG," which typically stands for Singapore. /// O=ComPDFKit: This is the Organization (O) field, indicating the name of the organization or entity, in this case, "ComPDFKit." /// D=R&D Department: This is the Department (D) field, indicating the specific department within the organization, in this case, "R&D Department." /// CN=Alan: This is the Common Name (CN) field, which usually represents the name of the individual or entity. In this case, it is "Alan." /// Email is /// /// CPDFCertUsage.CPDFCertUsageAll: Used for both digital signing and data validation simultaneously. /// /// is_2048 = true: Enhanced security encryption. /// private static void GenerateCertificate() { Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Generate certificate signature."); string info = "/C=SG/O=ComPDFKit/D=R&D Department/CN=Alan/"; string password = "ComPDFKit"; string filePath = outputPath + "\\Certificate.pfx"; if (CPDFPKCS12CertHelper.GeneratePKCS12Cert(info, password, filePath, CPDFCertUsage.CPDFCertUsageAll, true)) { Console.WriteLine("File saved in " + filePath); Console.WriteLine("Generate PKCS12 certificate done."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Generate PKCS12 certificate failed."); } Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); } /// /// /// Adding a signature is divided into two steps: /// creating a signature field and filling in the signature. /// /// Page Index: 0 /// Rect: CRect(28, 420, 150, 370) /// Border RGB:{ 0, 0, 0 } /// Widget Background RGB: { 150, 180, 210 } /// /// Text: Grantor Name /// Content: /// Name: get grantor name from certificate /// Date: now( /// Reason: I am the owner of the document. /// DN: Subject /// Location: Singapor /// IsContentAlginLeft: false /// IsDrawLogo: True /// LogoBitmap: logo.png /// text color RGB: { 0, 0, 0 } /// content color RGB: { 0, 0, 0 } /// Output file name: document.FileName + "_Signed.pdf" /// private static void CreateDigitalSignature(CPDFDocument document, string certificatePath, string password) { Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Create digital signature."); CPDFSignatureCertificate certificate = CPDFPKCS12CertHelper.GetCertificateWithPKCS12Path("Certificate.pfx", "ComPDFKit"); CPDFPage page = document.PageAtIndex(0); CPDFSignatureWidget signatureField = page.CreateWidget(C_WIDGET_TYPE.WIDGET_SIGNATUREFIELDS) as CPDFSignatureWidget; signatureField.SetRect(new CRect(28, 420, 150, 370)); signatureField.SetWidgetBorderRGBColor(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0 }); signatureField.SetWidgetBgRGBColor(new byte[] { 150, 180, 210 }); signatureField.UpdateAp(); string name = GetGrantorFromDictionary(certificate.SubjectDict) + "\n"; string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss"); string reason = "I am the owner of the document."; string location = certificate.SubjectDict["C"]; string DN = certificate.Subject; CPDFSignatureConfig signatureConfig = new CPDFSignatureConfig { Text = GetGrantorFromDictionary(certificate.SubjectDict), Content = "Name: " + name + "\n" + "Date: " + date + "\n" + "Reason: " + reason + " \n" + "Location: " + location + "\n" + "DN: " + DN + "\n", IsContentAlginLeft = false, IsDrawLogo = true, LogoBitmap = new Bitmap("Logo.png"), textColor = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 }, contentColor = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 } }; string filePath = outputPath + "\\" + document.FileName + "_Signed.pdf"; signatureField.UpdataApWithSignature(signatureConfig); if (document.WriteSignatureToFilePath(signatureField, filePath, certificatePath, password, location, reason, CPDFSignaturePermissions.CPDFSignaturePermissionsNone)) { Console.WriteLine("File saved in " + filePath); Console.WriteLine("Create digital signature done."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Create digital signature failed."); } Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); } /// /// Remove digital signature /// You can choose if you want to remove the appearance /// /// private static void RemoveDigitalSignature(CPDFDocument document) { Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Remove digital signature."); CPDFSignature signature = document.GetSignatureList()[0]; document.RemoveSignature(signature, true); string filePath = outputPath + "\\" + document.FileName + "_RemovedSign.pdf"; document.WriteToFilePath(filePath); Console.WriteLine("File saved in " + filePath); Console.WriteLine("Remove digital signature done."); Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); } /// /// There are two steps can help you to trust a certificate. /// Set your trust path as a folder path, /// then add your certificate to the trust path. /// private static void TrustCertificate(CPDFDocument document) { Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Trust certificate."); CPDFSignature signature = document.GetSignatureList()[0]; CPDFSignatureCertificate signatureCertificate = signature.SignerList[0].CertificateList[0]; Console.WriteLine("Certificate trusted status: " + signatureCertificate.IsTrusted.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("---Begin trusted---"); string trustedFolder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"\TrustedFolder\"; if (!Directory.Exists(trustedFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(trustedFolder); } CPDFSignature.SignCertTrustedFolder = trustedFolder; if (signatureCertificate.AddToTrustedCertificates()) { Console.WriteLine("Certificate trusted status: " + signatureCertificate.IsTrusted.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Trust certificate done."); } else { Console.WriteLine("Trust certificate failed."); } Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); } /// /// Verify certificate /// /// To verify the trustworthiness of a certificate, /// you need to verify that all certificates in the certificate chain are trustworthy. /// /// In ComPDFKit,this progess is automatic. /// You should call the "CPDFSignatureCertificate.CheckCertificateIsTrusted" first. /// then you can view the "CPDFSignatureCertificate.IsTrusted" property. /// /// A signed document private static void VerifyCertificate(string certificatePath, string password) { Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Verify certificate."); CPDFSignatureCertificate certificate = CPDFPKCS12CertHelper.GetCertificateWithPKCS12Path(certificatePath, password); certificate.CheckCertificateIsTrusted(); if (certificate.IsTrusted) { Console.WriteLine("Certificate is trusted"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Certificate is not trusted"); } Console.WriteLine("Verify certificate done."); Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); } /// /// Verify digital signature /// /// Refresh the validation status before reading the attributes, or else you may obtain inaccurate results. /// Is the signature verified: indicating whether the document has been tampered with. /// Is the certificate trusted: referring to the trust status of the certificate. /// private static void VerifyDigitalSignature(CPDFDocument document) { Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Verify digital signature."); foreach (var signature in document.GetSignatureList()) { signature.VerifySignatureWithDocument(document); foreach (var signer in signature.SignerList) { Console.WriteLine("Is the certificate trusted: " + signer.IsCertTrusted.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Is the signature verified: " + signer.IsSignVerified.ToString()); if (signer.IsCertTrusted && signer.IsSignVerified) { // Signature is valid and the certificate is trusted // Perform corresponding actions } else if (!signer.IsCertTrusted && signer.IsSignVerified) { // Signature is valid but the certificate is not trusted // Perform corresponding actions } else { // Signature is invalid // Perform corresponding actions } } } Console.WriteLine("Verify digital signature done."); Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); } public static string GetGrantorFromDictionary(Dictionary dictionary) { string grantor = string.Empty; dictionary.TryGetValue("CN", out grantor); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(grantor)) { dictionary.TryGetValue("OU", out grantor); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(grantor)) { dictionary.TryGetValue("O", out grantor); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(grantor)) { grantor = "Unknown Signer"; } return grantor; } /// /// this samples shows how to get main properties in digital signature. /// read API reference to see all of the properties can get /// /// private static void PrintDigitalSignatureInfo(CPDFDocument document) { Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); Console.WriteLine("Print digital signature info."); foreach (var signature in document.GetSignatureList()) { signature.VerifySignatureWithDocument(document); Console.WriteLine("Name: " + signature.Name); Console.WriteLine("Location: " + signature.Location); Console.WriteLine("Reason: " + signature.Reason); foreach (var signer in signature.SignerList) { Console.WriteLine("Date: " + signer.AuthenDate); foreach (var certificate in signer.CertificateList) { Console.WriteLine("Subject: " + certificate.Subject); } } } Console.WriteLine("Print digital signature info done."); Console.WriteLine("--------------------"); } } }