using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
namespace ComPDFKit.Tool.DrawTool
public partial class SelectedRect
#region Properties
/// Current control point drawing style.
protected DrawPointType currentDrawPointType { get;
set; }
/// Current drag drawing style.
protected DrawMoveType currentDrawMoveType { get; set; }
/// Current click hit control point.
protected PointControlType hitControlType { get; set; }
/// Mouse down position information.
protected Point mouseDownPoint { get; set; }
/// Whether the mouse is pressed.
protected bool isMouseDown { get; set; }
/// Whether proportional scaling is required.
protected bool isProportionalScaling { get; set; } = false;
/// Current control point size.
protected int pointSize { get; set; } = 4;
/// Rectangular minimum width.
protected int rectMinWidth { get; set; } = 10;
/// Rectangular minimum height.
protected int RectMinHeight { get; set; } = 10;
/// Current set of ignore points.
protected List ignorePoints { get; set; } = new List();
/// Current set of drawing rectangles (original data).
protected Rect SetDrawRect { get; set; } = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
/// Current drawing rectangle (calculated during operation).
protected Rect drawRect { get; set; } = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
/// Maximum range that can be drawn.
protected Rect maxRect { get; set; } = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
/// Current center point of the drawing rectangle.
protected Point drawCenterPoint { get; private set; } = new Point(0, 0);
/// When the mouse is pressed, the cached rectangle.
protected Rect cacheRect { get; set; } = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
/// Current control point coordinates.
protected List controlPoints { get; set; } = new List();
/// Move offset during movement.
protected Point moveOffset { get; set; } = new Point(0, 0);
/// Current drawing rectangle (calculated during operation).
protected Rect clipRect { get; set; } = new Rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
/// Current actual display width and height of PDFVIewer.
protected double PDFViewerActualWidth { get; set; } = 0;
protected double PDFViewerActualHeight { get; set; } = 0;
protected double rectPadding = 6;
protected double currentZoom = 1;
protected SelectedAnnotData selectedRectData = new SelectedAnnotData();
protected bool disable = false;
#region Functions
/// Calcuate the control points
/// Control points in the target rectangle
protected void CalcControlPoint(Rect currentRect)
int centerX = (int)(currentRect.Left + currentRect.Right) / 2;
int centerY = (int)(currentRect.Top + currentRect.Bottom) / 2;
controlPoints.Add(new Point(currentRect.Left, currentRect.Top));
controlPoints.Add(new Point(currentRect.Left, centerY));
controlPoints.Add(new Point(currentRect.Left, currentRect.Bottom));
controlPoints.Add(new Point(centerX, currentRect.Bottom));
controlPoints.Add(new Point(currentRect.Right, currentRect.Bottom));
controlPoints.Add(new Point(currentRect.Right, centerY));
controlPoints.Add(new Point(currentRect.Right, currentRect.Top));
controlPoints.Add(new Point(centerX, currentRect.Top));
protected List GetControlPoint(Rect currentRect)
{ List controlCurrentPoints = new List();
int centerX = (int)(currentRect.Left + currentRect.Right) / 2;
int centerY = (int)(currentRect.Top + currentRect.Bottom) / 2;
controlCurrentPoints.Add(new Point(currentRect.Left, currentRect.Top));
controlCurrentPoints.Add(new Point(currentRect.Left, centerY));
controlCurrentPoints.Add(new Point(currentRect.Left, currentRect.Bottom));
controlCurrentPoints.Add(new Point(centerX, currentRect.Bottom));
controlCurrentPoints.Add(new Point(currentRect.Right, currentRect.Bottom));
controlCurrentPoints.Add(new Point(currentRect.Right, centerY));
controlCurrentPoints.Add(new Point(currentRect.Right, currentRect.Top));
controlCurrentPoints.Add(new Point(centerX, currentRect.Top));
return controlCurrentPoints;
/// Calcuate the offset of the current rectangle in the maximum rectangle range
/// The rectangle cached when pressed
/// Equivalent to the offset value when pressed
/// The maximum rectangle range.
protected Point CalcMoveBound(Rect currentRect, Point offsetPoint, Rect maxRect)
double cLeft = currentRect.Left;
double cRight = currentRect.Right;
double cUp = currentRect.Top;
double cDown = currentRect.Bottom;
double TmpLeft = cLeft + offsetPoint.X;
double TmpRight = cRight + offsetPoint.X;
double TmpUp = cUp + offsetPoint.Y;
double TmpDown = cDown + offsetPoint.Y;
if (TmpLeft < maxRect.Left)
TmpRight = (cRight - cLeft) + maxRect.Left;
TmpLeft = maxRect.Left;
if (TmpUp < maxRect.Top)
TmpDown = (cDown - cUp) + maxRect.Top;
TmpUp = maxRect.Top;
if (TmpRight > maxRect.Right)
TmpLeft = maxRect.Right - (cRight - cLeft);
TmpRight = maxRect.Right;
if (TmpDown > maxRect.Bottom)
TmpUp = maxRect.Bottom - (cDown - cUp);
TmpDown = maxRect.Bottom;
offsetPoint = new Point(TmpLeft - cLeft, TmpUp - cUp);
return offsetPoint;
/// Calculate the movement of the hit point
/// Current mouse position
/// Whether the movement is successful
protected bool CalcHitPointMove(Point mousePoint)
if (isMouseDown == false || hitControlType == PointControlType.None)
return false;
return NormalScaling(mousePoint);
private Size GetProportionalScalingSize(double width, double height)
double minHeight = RectMinHeight + 2 * rectPadding * currentZoom;
double minWidth = rectMinWidth + 2 * rectPadding * currentZoom;
if (minWidth > width || minHeight > height)
if (cacheRect.Width >= cacheRect.Height)
width = cacheRect.Width * minHeight / cacheRect.Height;
height = minHeight;
height = cacheRect.Height * minWidth / cacheRect.Width;
width = minWidth;
return new Size(width, height);
/// Draw the algorithm in the form of normal scaling (drag a point, only scale in one direction).
/// Current mouse position.
protected bool NormalScaling(Point mousePoint)
double left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0;
double minHeight = RectMinHeight + 2 * rectPadding * currentZoom;
double minWidth = rectMinWidth + 2 * rectPadding * currentZoom;
Point centerPoint = new Point((cacheRect.Right + cacheRect.Left) / 2, (cacheRect.Bottom + cacheRect.Top) / 2);
Point moveVector = (Point)(mousePoint - centerPoint);
moveVector = ProportionalScalingOffsetPos(moveVector);
switch (hitControlType)
case PointControlType.LeftTop:
left = centerPoint.X + moveVector.X;
right = cacheRect.Right;
top = centerPoint.Y + moveVector.Y;
bottom = cacheRect.Bottom;
if (isProportionalScaling)
Size size = GetProportionalScalingSize(right - left, bottom - top);
left = right - size.Width;
top = bottom - size.Height;
if (left < maxRect.Left)
double tmpWidth = right - left;
left = maxRect.Left;
double width = right - left;
double height = (bottom - top) * width / tmpWidth;
top = bottom - height;
if (top < maxRect.Top)
double tmpHeight = bottom - top;
top = maxRect.Top;
double height = bottom - top;
double width = (right - left) * height / tmpHeight;
left = right - width;
if (left + minWidth > right)
left = right - minWidth;
if (top + minHeight > bottom)
top = bottom - minHeight;
case PointControlType.LeftMiddle:
left = centerPoint.X + moveVector.X;
right = cacheRect.Right;
top = cacheRect.Top;
bottom = cacheRect.Bottom;
if (left + minWidth > right)
left = right - minWidth;
case PointControlType.LeftBottom:
left = centerPoint.X + moveVector.X;
right = cacheRect.Right;
top = cacheRect.Top;
bottom = centerPoint.Y + moveVector.Y;
if (isProportionalScaling)
Size size = GetProportionalScalingSize(right - left, bottom - top);
left = right - size.Width;
bottom = top + size.Height;
if (left < maxRect.Left)
double tmpWidth = right - left;
left = maxRect.Left;
double width = right - left;
double height = (bottom - top) * width / tmpWidth;
bottom = top + height;
if (bottom > maxRect.Bottom)
double tmpHeight = bottom - top;
bottom = maxRect.Bottom;
double height = bottom - top;
double width = (right - left) * height / tmpHeight;
left = right - width;
if (left + minWidth > right)
left = right - minWidth;
if (top + minHeight > bottom)
bottom = top + minHeight;
case PointControlType.MiddlBottom:
left = cacheRect.Left;
right = cacheRect.Right;
top = cacheRect.Top;
bottom = centerPoint.Y + moveVector.Y;
if (top + minHeight > bottom)
bottom = top + minHeight;
case PointControlType.RightBottom:
left = cacheRect.Left;
right = centerPoint.X + moveVector.X;
top = cacheRect.Top;
bottom = centerPoint.Y + moveVector.Y;
if (isProportionalScaling)
Size size = GetProportionalScalingSize(right - left, bottom - top);
right = left + size.Width;
bottom = top + size.Height;
if (right > maxRect.Right)
double tmpWidth = right - left;
right = maxRect.Right;
double width = right - left;
double height = (bottom - top) * width / tmpWidth;
bottom = top + height;
if (bottom > maxRect.Bottom)
double tmpHeight = bottom - top;
bottom = maxRect.Bottom;
double height = bottom - top;
double width = (right - left) * height / tmpHeight;
right = left + width;
if (left + minWidth > right)
right = left + minWidth;
if (top + minHeight > bottom)
bottom = top + minHeight;
case PointControlType.RightMiddle:
left = cacheRect.Left;
right = centerPoint.X + moveVector.X;
top = cacheRect.Top;
bottom = cacheRect.Bottom;
if (left + minWidth > right)
right = left + minWidth;
case PointControlType.RightTop:
left = cacheRect.Left;
right = centerPoint.X + moveVector.X;
top = centerPoint.Y + moveVector.Y;
bottom = cacheRect.Bottom;
if (isProportionalScaling)
Size size = GetProportionalScalingSize(right - left, bottom - top);
right = left + size.Width;
top = bottom - size.Height;
if (right > maxRect.Right)
double tmpWidth = right - left;
right = maxRect.Right;
double width = right - left;
double height = (bottom - top) * width / tmpWidth;
top = bottom - height;
if (top < maxRect.Top)
double tmpHeight = bottom - top;
top = maxRect.Top;
double height = bottom - top;
double width = (right - left) * height / tmpHeight;
right = left + width;
if (left + minWidth > right)
right = left + minWidth;
if (top + minHeight > bottom)
top = bottom - minHeight;
case PointControlType.MiddleTop:
left = cacheRect.Left;
right = cacheRect.Right;
top = centerPoint.Y + moveVector.Y;
bottom = cacheRect.Bottom;
if (top + minHeight > bottom)
top = bottom - minHeight;
case PointControlType.Body:
case PointControlType.Line:
Point OffsetPos = CalcMoveBound(cacheRect, ((Point)(mousePoint - mouseDownPoint)), maxRect);
left = cacheRect.Left + OffsetPos.X;
right = cacheRect.Right + OffsetPos.X;
top = cacheRect.Top + OffsetPos.Y;
bottom = cacheRect.Bottom + OffsetPos.Y;
if (left < maxRect.Left)
left = maxRect.Left;
if (top < maxRect.Top)
top = maxRect.Top;
if (right > maxRect.Right)
right = maxRect.Right;
if (bottom > maxRect.Bottom)
bottom = maxRect.Bottom;
drawRect = new Rect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
moveOffset = new Point(drawRect.X - cacheRect.X, drawRect.Y - cacheRect.Y);
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
/// Proportional scaling offset calibration
/// The current movement point
/// The offset point after the proportional scaling
protected Point ProportionalScalingOffsetPos(Point movePoint)
if (isProportionalScaling)
Point offsetPos = movePoint;
double ratioX = cacheRect.Width > 0 ? cacheRect.Height / cacheRect.Width : 1;
double ratioY = cacheRect.Height > 0 ? cacheRect.Width / cacheRect.Height : 1;
switch (hitControlType)
case PointControlType.LeftTop:
case PointControlType.RightBottom:
offsetPos = new Point(movePoint.X, Math.Abs(movePoint.X) * ratioX * (movePoint.X < 0 ? -1 : 1));
case PointControlType.LeftBottom:
case PointControlType.RightTop:
offsetPos = new Point(movePoint.X, Math.Abs(movePoint.X) * ratioX * (movePoint.X < 0 ? 1 : -1));
case PointControlType.LeftMiddle:
offsetPos = new Point(movePoint.X, Math.Abs(movePoint.X) * ratioX * (movePoint.X < 0 ? 1 : -1));
case PointControlType.RightMiddle:
offsetPos = new Point(movePoint.X, Math.Abs(movePoint.X) * ratioX * (movePoint.X < 0 ? -1 : 1));
case PointControlType.MiddlBottom:
offsetPos = new Point(Math.Abs(movePoint.Y) * ratioY * (movePoint.Y < 0 ? 1 : -1), movePoint.Y);
case PointControlType.MiddleTop:
offsetPos = new Point(Math.Abs(movePoint.Y) * ratioY * (movePoint.Y < 0 ? -1 : 1), movePoint.Y);
return offsetPos;
return movePoint;
/// Inner drawing circle point
/// Drawing context
/// Collection of positions that need to be drawn
/// Size of the point
/// Brush for drawing points
/// Border brush for drawing points
protected void DrawCirclePoint(DrawingContext drawingContext, List ignoreList, int PointSize, Pen PointPen, SolidColorBrush BorderBrush)
GeometryGroup controlGroup = new GeometryGroup();
controlGroup.FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero;
List ignorePointsList = new List();
// Get specific points
foreach (PointControlType type in ignoreList)
if ((int)type < controlPoints.Count)
for (int i = 0; i < controlPoints.Count; i++)
Point controlPoint = controlPoints[i];
if (ignorePointsList.Contains(controlPoint))
EllipseGeometry circlPoint = new EllipseGeometry(controlPoint, PointSize, PointSize);
drawingContext?.DrawGeometry(BorderBrush, PointPen, controlGroup);
/// Inner drawing square
/// Drawing context
/// Collection of positions that need to be drawn
/// Size of the point
/// Brush for drawing points
/// Border brush for drawing points
protected void DrawSquarePoint(DrawingContext drawingContext, List ignoreList, int PointSize, Pen PointPen, SolidColorBrush BorderBrush)
GeometryGroup controlGroup = new GeometryGroup();
controlGroup.FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero;
List ignorePointsList = new List();
// Get specific points
foreach (PointControlType type in ignoreList)
if ((int)type < controlPoints.Count)
for (int i = 0; i < controlPoints.Count; i++)
Point controlPoint = controlPoints[i];
if (ignorePointsList.Contains(controlPoint))
RectangleGeometry rectPoint = new RectangleGeometry(new Rect(controlPoint.X - PointSize, controlPoint.Y - PointSize,
PointSize * 2, PointSize * 2), 1, 1);
drawingContext?.DrawGeometry(BorderBrush, PointPen, controlGroup);
protected void DrawCropPoint(DrawingContext drawingContext, List ignoreList, int PointSize, Pen PointPen, SolidColorBrush BorderBrush)
//GeometryGroup controlGroup = new GeometryGroup();
//controlGroup.FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero;
clipRect = drawRect;
List controlCurrentPoints=GetControlPoint(drawRect);
CombinedGeometry controlGroup = new CombinedGeometry();
RectangleGeometry paintGeometry = new RectangleGeometry();
paintGeometry.Rect = SetDrawRect;
controlGroup.Geometry1 = paintGeometry;
RectangleGeometry moveGeometry = new RectangleGeometry();
Rect clippedBorder = drawRect;
if (clippedBorder.IsEmpty == false)
moveGeometry.Rect = drawRect;
controlGroup.Geometry2 = moveGeometry;
controlGroup.GeometryCombineMode = GeometryCombineMode.Exclude;
//Left Top Corner
if (!ignoreList.Contains(PointControlType.LeftTop))
drawingContext?.DrawRectangle(BorderBrush, null, new Rect(controlCurrentPoints[0].X - PointSize, controlCurrentPoints[0].Y - PointSize, PointSize, PointSize * 4));
drawingContext?.DrawRectangle(BorderBrush, null, new Rect(controlCurrentPoints[0].X - PointSize, controlCurrentPoints[0].Y - PointSize, PointSize * 4, PointSize));
//Left Center
if (!ignoreList.Contains(PointControlType.LeftMiddle))
drawingContext?.DrawRectangle(BorderBrush, null, new Rect(controlCurrentPoints[1].X - PointSize, (controlCurrentPoints[1].Y + controlCurrentPoints[1].Y - PointSize * 5) / 2, PointSize, PointSize * 5));
//Left Bottom Corner
if (!ignoreList.Contains(PointControlType.LeftBottom))
drawingContext?.DrawRectangle(BorderBrush, null, new Rect(controlCurrentPoints[2].X - PointSize, controlCurrentPoints[2].Y - PointSize * 3, PointSize, PointSize * 4));
drawingContext?.DrawRectangle(BorderBrush, null, new Rect(controlCurrentPoints[2].X - PointSize, controlCurrentPoints[2].Y, PointSize * 4, PointSize));
//Bottom Center
if (!ignoreList.Contains(PointControlType.MiddlBottom))
drawingContext?.DrawRectangle(BorderBrush, null, new Rect((controlCurrentPoints[3].X + controlCurrentPoints[3].X - PointSize * 5) / 2, controlCurrentPoints[3].Y, PointSize * 5, PointSize));
//Bottom Right Corner
if (!ignoreList.Contains(PointControlType.RightBottom))
drawingContext?.DrawRectangle(BorderBrush, null, new Rect(controlCurrentPoints[4].X, controlCurrentPoints[4].Y - PointSize * 3, PointSize, PointSize * 4));
drawingContext?.DrawRectangle(BorderBrush, null, new Rect(controlCurrentPoints[4].X - PointSize * 3, controlCurrentPoints[4].Y, PointSize * 4, PointSize));
//Right Center
if (!ignoreList.Contains(PointControlType.RightMiddle))
drawingContext?.DrawRectangle(BorderBrush, null, new Rect(controlCurrentPoints[5].X, (controlCurrentPoints[5].Y + controlCurrentPoints[5].Y - PointSize * 5) / 2, PointSize, PointSize * 5));
//Right Top Corner
if (!ignoreList.Contains(PointControlType.RightTop))
drawingContext?.DrawRectangle(BorderBrush, null, new Rect(controlCurrentPoints[6].X, controlCurrentPoints[6].Y - PointSize, PointSize, PointSize * 4));
drawingContext?.DrawRectangle(BorderBrush, null, new Rect(controlCurrentPoints[6].X - PointSize * 4, controlCurrentPoints[6].Y - PointSize, PointSize * 4, PointSize));
//Top Center
if (!ignoreList.Contains(PointControlType.MiddleTop))
drawingContext?.DrawRectangle(BorderBrush, null, new Rect((controlCurrentPoints[7].X + controlCurrentPoints[7].X - PointSize * 5) / 2, controlCurrentPoints[7].Y - PointSize, PointSize * 5, PointSize));
BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromArgb(0x3F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00));
drawingContext?.DrawGeometry(BorderBrush, PointPen, controlGroup);
/// Draw the reference line in the moving state
/// Draw context handle
/// Current selected control point type
/// Brush for drawing lines
/// Brush for drawing rectangles
/// Current rectangle to draw
protected void DrawMoveBounds(DrawingContext drawDc, PointControlType controltype, Pen activePen, Brush moveBrush, Rect moveRect)
switch (controltype)
case PointControlType.LeftTop:
drawDc?.DrawLine(activePen, new Point(0, moveRect.Top), new Point(PDFViewerActualWidth, moveRect.Top));
drawDc?.DrawLine(activePen, new Point(moveRect.Left, 0), new Point(moveRect.Left, PDFViewerActualHeight));
case PointControlType.LeftMiddle:
drawDc?.DrawLine(activePen, new Point(moveRect.Left, 0), new Point(moveRect.Left, PDFViewerActualHeight));
case PointControlType.LeftBottom:
drawDc?.DrawLine(activePen, new Point(0, moveRect.Bottom), new Point(PDFViewerActualWidth, moveRect.Bottom));
drawDc?.DrawLine(activePen, new Point(moveRect.Left, 0), new Point(moveRect.Left, PDFViewerActualHeight));
case PointControlType.MiddlBottom:
drawDc?.DrawLine(activePen, new Point(0, moveRect.Bottom), new Point(PDFViewerActualWidth, moveRect.Bottom));
case PointControlType.RightBottom:
drawDc?.DrawLine(activePen, new Point(0, moveRect.Bottom), new Point(PDFViewerActualWidth, moveRect.Bottom));
drawDc?.DrawLine(activePen, new Point(moveRect.Right, 0), new Point(moveRect.Right, PDFViewerActualHeight));
case PointControlType.RightMiddle:
drawDc?.DrawLine(activePen, new Point(moveRect.Right, 0), new Point(moveRect.Right, PDFViewerActualHeight));
case PointControlType.RightTop:
drawDc?.DrawLine(activePen, new Point(0, moveRect.Top), new Point(PDFViewerActualWidth, moveRect.Top));
drawDc?.DrawLine(activePen, new Point(moveRect.Right, 0), new Point(moveRect.Right, PDFViewerActualHeight));
case PointControlType.MiddleTop:
drawDc?.DrawLine(activePen, new Point(0, moveRect.Top), new Point(PDFViewerActualWidth, moveRect.Top));
case PointControlType.Rotate:
case PointControlType.Body:
case PointControlType.Line:
drawDc?.DrawLine(activePen, new Point(0, moveRect.Top), new Point(PDFViewerActualWidth, moveRect.Top));
drawDc?.DrawLine(activePen, new Point(0, moveRect.Bottom), new Point(PDFViewerActualWidth, moveRect.Bottom));
drawDc?.DrawLine(activePen, new Point(moveRect.Left, 0), new Point(moveRect.Left, PDFViewerActualHeight));
drawDc?.DrawLine(activePen, new Point(moveRect.Right, 0), new Point(moveRect.Right, PDFViewerActualHeight));
drawDc?.DrawRectangle(moveBrush, null, moveRect);
/// Notify the event during/after the drawing data
/// Identifies whether the data change is complete
protected void InvokeDataChangEvent(bool isFinish)
selectedRectData.Square = GetRect();
if (isFinish)
DataChanged?.Invoke(this, selectedRectData);
DataChanging?.Invoke(this, selectedRectData);
/// Align the rectangle drawing
/// Move distance required for the aligned algorithm to obtain the rectangle
private void DrawAlignRect(Point RectMovePoint)
double TmpLeft, TmpRight, TmpUp, TmpDown;
Point OffsetPos = CalcMoveBound(drawRect, RectMovePoint, maxRect);
TmpLeft = drawRect.Left + OffsetPos.X;
TmpRight = drawRect.Right + OffsetPos.X;
TmpUp = drawRect.Top + OffsetPos.Y;
TmpDown = drawRect.Bottom + OffsetPos.Y;
SetDrawRect = drawRect = new Rect(TmpLeft, TmpUp, TmpRight - TmpLeft, TmpDown - TmpUp);
/// Get the current set of ignore points
/// Data set of ignored points
private List GetIgnorePoints()
List IgnorePointsList = new List();
foreach (PointControlType type in ignorePoints)
return IgnorePointsList;