/* Localizable.strings PDFViewer-Swift /* Localizable.strings PDFViewer // Copyright © 2014-2024 PDF Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // THIS SOURCE CODE AND ANY ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION ARE PROTECTED BY INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAW // AND MAY NOT BE RESOLD OR REDISTRIBUTED. USAGE IS BOUND TO THE ComPDFKit LICENSE AGREEMENT. // UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION IS SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES. // This notice may not be removed from this file. // */ "Open Document" = "Open Document"; "Close" = "Close"; "Settings" = "Settings"; "Highlight Links" = "Highlight Links"; "Highlight Form Fields" = "Highlight Form Fields"; "File Author" = "File Author"; "ComPDFKit" = "ComPDFKit"; "SDK Information" = "SDK Information"; "Version" = "Version"; "V 1.11.0" = "V 1.11.0"; "Company Information" = "Company Information"; "https://www.compdf.com/" = "https://www.compdf.com/"; "https://www.compdf.com/contact-sales" = "https://www.compdf.com/contact-sales"; "https://www.compdf.com/privacy-policy" = "https://www.compdf.com/privacy-policy"; "https://www.compdf.com/terms-of-service" = "https://www.compdf.com/terms-of-service"; "About ComPDFKit" = "About ComPDFKit"; "Contact Sales" = "Contact Sales"; "Technical Support" = "Technical Support"; "support@compdf.com" = "support@compdf.com"; "Technical Supports" = "Technical Support"; "© 2014-2024 PDF Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved." = "© 2014-2024 PDF Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved."; "Privacy Policy" = "Privacy Policy"; "Service Terms" = "Service Terms"; "Click to Open & Process" = "Click to Open & Process"; "Features" = "Features"; "Closes" = "Closes"; "OKs" = "OK"; "Update Config" = "Update Config"; "Update Remote Config" = "Update Remote Config"; "Update Time:" = "Update Time:"; "Save as Flattened PDF" = "Save as Flattened PDF"; "_Flattened" = "_Flattened"; "Sorry PDF Reader Can't open this pdf file!" = "Sorry PDF Reader Can't open this pdf file!"; "Sorry PDF Reader Can't open this pdf file!" = "Sorry PDF Reader Can't open this pdf file!"; "Your consent is required before you could access the function." = "Your consent is required before you could access the function."; "Viewer" = "Viewer"; "High-quality rendering speed and rich reading tools support a smooth reading experience." = "High-quality rendering speed and rich reading tools support a smooth reading experience."; "Annotations" = "Annotations"; "Add, edit, delete, export, import, and flatten various annotations and markups on PDFs." = "Add, edit, delete, export, import, and flatten various annotations and markups on PDFs."; "Forms" = "Forms"; "Create, edit, and fill in PDF forms, with support for importing, exporting, and flattening forms." = "Create, edit, and fill in PDF forms, with support for importing, exporting, and flattening forms."; "Signatures" = "Signatures"; "Easily sign PDFs with drawn, images, typed signatures, or a digital ID." = "Easily sign PDFs with drawn, images, typed signatures, or a digital ID."; "Document Editor" = "Document Editor"; "Add, insert, replace, extract, reverse, move, copy, paste, rotate, delete, crop, and zoom PDF pages." = "Add, insert, replace, extract, reverse, move, copy, paste, rotate, delete, crop, and zoom PDF pages."; "Content Editor" = "Content Editor"; "Edit the PDF text and images like edit in Word. You can freely adjust the size, position, style, font, etc." = "Edit the PDF text and images like edit in Word. You can freely adjust the size, position, style, font, etc."; "Security" = "Security"; "Encrypt/decrypt PDFs, edit file permissions, headers and footers, backgrounds, Bates numbers, etc." = "Encrypt/decrypt PDFs, edit file permissions, headers and footers, backgrounds, Bates numbers, etc."; "Redaction" = "Redaction"; "Use redaction to remove sensitive images, text, and vector graphics." = "Use redaction to remove sensitive images, text, and vector graphics."; "Watermark" = "Watermark"; "Create, insert, and remove text or image watermarks to brand the files." = "Create, insert, and remove text or image watermarks to brand the files."; "Compare Documents" = "Compare Documents"; "Allow to compare PDF files and design drawings with content comparison and overlay comparison." = "Allow to compare PDF files and design drawings with content comparison and overlay comparison."; "Conversion" = "Conversion"; "Support the mutual conversion between PDF files and Office, image types, text types, HTML, PDF/A, etc." = "Support the mutual conversion between PDF files and Office, image types, text types, HTML, PDF/A, etc."; "Compress" = "Compress"; "Optimize and reduce PDF document size with no or minimum visual quality loss." = "Optimize and reduce PDF document size with no or minimum visual quality loss."; "Measurement" = "Measurement"; "Measure the distance, perimeter, area, angle, diameter, radius, and volume measurement annotations." = "Measure the distance, perimeter, area, angle, diameter, radius, and volume measurement annotations."; "Open Document" = "Open Document"; "Create a New File" = "Create a New File"; "Cancel" = "Cancel"; "Create a New File" = "Create a New File"; "A3(11.69x 16.54)" = "A3(11.69\"x 16.54\")"; "A4(8.27x 11.69)" = "A4(8.27\”x 11.69\")"; "A5(5.83x 8.27)" = "A5(5.83\"x 8.27\")"; "Page Orientation" = "Page Orientation"; "OK" = "OK"; "ComPDFKit_Viewer_Sample_File.pdf" = "ComPDFKit_Viewer_Sample_File.pdf"; "ComPDFKit_Annotations_Sample_File.pdf" = "ComPDFKit_Annotations_Sample_File.pdf"; "ComPDFKit_Forms_Sample_File.pdf" = "ComPDFKit_Forms_Sample_File.pdf"; "ComPDFKit_Signatures_Sample_File.pdf" = "ComPDFKit_Signatures_Sample_File.pdf"; "ComPDFKit_Document_Editor_Sample_File.pdf" = "ComPDFKit_Document_Editor_Sample_File.pdf"; "ComPDFKit_Content_Editor_Sample_File.pdf" = "ComPDFKit_Content_Editor_Sample_File.pdf"; "Password_compdfkit_Security_Sample_File.pdf" = "Password_compdfkit_Security_Sample_File.pdf"; "ComPDFKit_Watermark_Sample_File.pdf" = "ComPDFKit_Watermark_Sample_File.pdf"; "ComPDFKit_Sample_File_iOS.pdf" = "ComPDFKit_Sample_File_iOS.pdf"; "This PDF has password protect." = "This PDF has password protect."; "Please input the password below:" = "Please input the password below:"; "The password is invalid !" = "The password is invalid !"; "Viewer" = "Viewer"; "Annotations" = "Annotations"; "Forms" = "Forms"; "Signatures" = "Signatures"; "Document Editor" = "Document Editor"; "Content Editor" = "Content Editor"; "Cancel" = "Cancel"; "Find" = "Find"; "Replace with" = "Replace with"; "Replace All" = "Replace All"; "Setting" = "Setting"; "Ignore Case" = "Ignore Case"; "Whole Words only" = "Whole Words only"; "Effective immediately after setting" = "Effective immediately after setting"; "View Setting" = "View Setting"; "Document Info" = "Document Info"; "Share" = "Share"; "Open..." = "Open..."; "Display Mode" = "Display Mode"; "Single Page" = "Single Page"; "Double Page" = "Double Page"; "Book Mode" = "Cover Mode"; "Continuous Scrolling" = "Continuous Scrolling"; "Crop Mode" = "Crop Mode"; "Read Mode" = "Read Mode"; "Split View" = "Split View"; "Vertical Scrolling" = "Vertical"; "Horizontal Scrolling" = "Horizontal"; "Themes" = "Themes"; "Light" = "Light"; "Dark" = "Dark"; "Sepia" = "Sepia"; "Reseda" = "Reseda"; "Information" = "Document Info"; "Abstract:" = "Abstract:"; "File Name:" = "File Name:"; "Size:" = "File Size:"; "Title:" = "Title:"; "Author:" = "Author:"; "Subject:" = "Subject:"; "Keywords:" = "Keywords:"; "Create Information:" = "Create Information:"; "Version:" = "Version:"; "Pages:" = "Pages:"; "Creator" = "Creator"; "Creation Date:" = "Creation Date:"; "Modification Date:" = "Modification Dat:e"; "Access Permissions:" = "Access Permissions:"; "Printing:" = "Printing:"; "Content Copying:" = "Content Copying:"; "Document Change:" = "Document Change:"; "Document Assembly:" = "Document Assembly:"; "Commenting:" = "Commenting:"; "Filling of Form Field:" = "Filling of Form Field:"; "Allowed" = "Allowed"; "Not Allowed" = "Not Allowed"; "Thumbnails" = "Thumbnails"; "Outlines" = "Outlines"; "No Outlines" = "No Outlines"; "Bookmarks" = "Bookmarks"; "No annotations" = "No annotations"; "No Bookmarks" = "No Bookmarks"; "Add Bookmarks" = "Add Bookmarks"; "Edit Bookmark" = "Edit Bookmark"; "Do you want to remove old mark?" = "Do you want to remove old mark?"; "Bookmark Title" = "Bookmark Title"; "Add" = "Add"; "Page" = "Page"; "Create" = "Create"; "Edit" = "Edit"; "Delete" = "Delete"; "Enter a Page Number" = "Enter a Page Number"; "Search" = "Search"; "No Results" = "No Results"; "Text not found!" = "Text not found!"; "Your search returned no results." = "Your search returned no results."; "Results" = "Results"; "Resultss" = "Results"; "Please Enter the Password Below." = "Please Enter the Password Below."; "Please enter the password." = "Please enter the password."; "Password" = "Password"; "Invalid Password" = "Invalid Password"; "Unlock" = "Unlock"; "Tools" = "Tools"; "Annotation" = "Annotations"; "Form" = "Forms"; "Content Editor" = "Content Editor"; "Save" = "Save"; "Discard And Leave" = "Discard And Leave"; "Document Editor" = "Document Editor"; "Do you want to save the modifications?" = "Do you want to save the modifications?"; "Copy" = "Copy"; "Highlight" = "Highlight"; "Underline" = "Underline"; "Strikeout" = "Strikeout"; "Strikethrough" = "Strikethrough"; "Squiggly" = "Squiggly"; "Paste" = "Paste"; "Note" = "Note"; "FreeText" = "FreeText"; "Stamp" = "Stamp"; "Image" = "Image"; "Properties" = "Properties"; "Note" = "Note"; "Sign Here" = "Sign Here"; "Play" = "Play"; "Record" = "Record"; "Color" = "Color"; "Opacity" = "Opacity"; "Ink" = "Ink"; "Line Width" = "Line Width"; "Clear" = "Clear"; "Discard" = "Discard"; "Square" = "Square"; "Circle" = "Circle"; "Circles" = "Circle"; "Squares" = "Square"; "Line" = "Line"; "Arrow" = "Arrow"; "Stroke Color" = "Stroke Color"; "Fill Color" = "Fill Color"; "Line and Border Style" = "Line and Border Style"; "Start" = "Start"; "End" = "End"; "Arrow Style" = "Arrow Style"; "Arrowtail style" = "Arrowtail style"; "Font" = "Font"; "Font Color" = "Font Color"; "Alignment" = "Alignment"; "Font Size" = "Font Size"; "Font Style" = "Font Style"; "Font List" = "Font List"; "Signatures" = "Signatures"; "New Signature" = "New Signature"; "NO Signature" = "NO Signature"; "Trackpad" = "Trackpad"; "Keyboard" = "Keyboard"; "Thickness" = "Thickness"; "Enter your signature" = "Enter your signature"; "Warning" = "Warning"; "Are you sure to delete?" = "Are you sure to delete?"; "Choose from Album" = "Choose from Album"; "Camera" = "Camera"; "Standard" = "Standard"; "Custom" = "Custom"; "Text Stamp" = "Text Stamp"; "Image Stamp" = "Image Stamp"; "Create Stamp" = "Create Stamp"; "NO Custom" = "NO Custom"; "Style" = "Style"; "Text" = "Text"; "Date" = "Date"; "Time" = "Time"; "Link to" = "Link To"; "URL" = "URL"; "Add a Page Number Between 1~14" = "Add a Page Number Between 1~14"; "Page number out of range" = "Page number out of range"; "Email" = "Email"; "Are you sure to delete?" = "Are you sure to delete?"; "Edit Item" = "Edit"; "Item Title" = "Item Title"; "Config Error" = "Config Error"; "Add Text" = "Add Text"; "Add Images" = "Add Images"; "Text Properties" = "Text Properties"; "Cut" = "Cut"; "Image Properties" = "Image Properties"; "Rotate" = "Rotate"; "Rotate Left" = "Rotate Left"; "Rotate Right" = "Rotate Right"; "Flip" = "Flip"; "Flip horizontal" = "Flip horizontal"; "Flip vertical" = "Flip vertical"; "Replace" = "Replace"; "Export" = "Export"; "Paste and Match Style" = "Paste and Match Style"; "Crop" = "Crop"; "Export Successfully!" = "Export Successfully!"; "Text Field" = "Text Field"; "Check Box" = "Check Box"; "Radio Button" = "Radio Button"; "List Box" = "List Box"; "Combo Button" = "Combo Button"; "Push Button tititle" = "Push button"; "Signature" = "Signature"; "Options" = "Options"; "Background Color" = "Background Color"; "Default Value" = "Default Value"; "Hide the Field" = "Hide the Field"; "Multi-line" = "Multi-line"; "Name" = "Name"; "Item" = "Item"; "Push Button" = "Push Button"; "Checkmark Color" = "Checkmark Color"; "Button is checked by default" = "Button is checked by default"; "Button Style" = "Button Style"; "Check" = "Check"; "Cross" = "Cross"; "Diamond" = "Diamond"; "Star" = "Star"; "No Data" = "No Data"; "Edit List Box" = "Edit List Box"; "Edit ComBo Box" = "Edit Combo Box"; "Add Items" = "Add Items"; "Edit Items" = "Edit Items"; "Select" = "Select"; "Add Signatures" = "Add Signatures"; "New Signature" = "New Signature"; "Option" = "Option"; "Input Option" = "Input Option"; "Reset Field" = "Reset Field"; "Selected:" = "Selected:"; "Done" = "Done"; "Insert" = "Insert"; "Extract" = "Extract"; "Replace" = "Replace"; "Blank Page" = "Blank Page"; "From PDF" = "From PDF"; "Insert a Blank Page" = "Insert a Blank Page"; "Page Size" = "Page Size"; "Page Direction" = "Page Direction"; "Can not delete all pages." = "Can not delete all pages."; "Insert To" = "Insert To"; "First Page" = "First Page"; "Last Page" = "Last Page"; "Insert Before Specifiled Page" = "Insert Before Specifiled Page"; "Insert After Specifiled Page" = "Insert After Specifiled Page"; "Please Enter a Page" = "Please Enter a Page"; "Insert From PDF" = "Insert From PDF"; "File Name" = "File Name"; "Select a File" = "Select a File"; "Page Range" = "Page Range"; "All Pages" = "All Pages"; "Odd Pages Only" = "Odd Pages Only"; "Even Pages Only" = "Even Pages Only"; "Custom Range" = "Custom Range"; "e.g. 1,3-5,10" = "e.g. 1,3-5,10"; "Insert To" = "Insert To"; "The page range is invalid or out of range. Please enter the valid page." = "The page range is invalid or out of range. Please enter the valid page."; "Can not delete all pages. Please keep at least one page." = "Can not delete all pages. Please keep at least one page."; "File Name" = "File Name"; "Extract Successfully" = "Extract Successfully"; "Extract Failed" = "Extract Failed"; "Digital Signature" = "Signatures"; "Add a Signature Field" = "Add a Signature Field"; "Verify the Signature" = "Verify the Signature"; "Select Signature Type" = "Select Signature Type"; "Sign with Electronic Signatures" = "Sign with Electronic Signatures"; "Sign with Digital Signatures" = "Sign with Digital Signatures"; "Select A Digital ID" = "Select A Digital ID"; "Use a Digital ID from A File" = "Use a Digital ID from A File"; "Create A New Digital ID" = "Create A New Digital ID"; "Continue" = "Continue"; "Add A Digital ID" = "Add A Digital ID"; "Browse a digital ID file. Digital ID cards are password-protected. If you do not know the password, you cannot obtain a digital ID card." = "Browse a digital ID file. Digital ID cards are password-protected. If you do not know the password, you cannot obtain a digital ID card."; "Certificate File" = "Certificate File"; "Passwords" = "Password"; "Enter the password of the certificate file" = "Enter the password of the certificate file"; "Invalid Password" = "Invalid Password"; "Customize the Signature Appearance" = "Customize the Signature Appearance"; "Sign" = "Sign"; "Next" = "Next"; "Trackpad" = "Trackpad"; "Keyboard" = "Keyboard"; "Image" = "Image"; "None" = "None"; "Location" = "Location"; "Reason" = "Reason"; "Reasons" = "Reason"; "I am the owner of the document" = "I am the owner of the document"; "I am approving the document" = "I am approving the document"; "I have reviewed this document" = "I have reviewed this document"; "Include Text" = "Include Text"; "Name" = "Name"; "Distinguishable name" = "Distinguishable name"; "ComPDFKit Version" = "ComPDFKit Version"; "Logo" = "Logo"; "Position" = "Position"; "Tab" = "Tab"; "Create A Self-Signed Digital ID" = "Create A Self-Signed Digital ID"; "Digital IDs that are self-signed by individuals do not provide the assurance that the identifying information is valid. For this reason, they may not be accepted in some cases." = "Digital IDs that are self-signed by individuals do not provide the assurance that the identifying information is valid. For this reason, they may not be accepted in some cases."; "Names" = "Name"; "Please enter your name" = "Please enter your name"; "Organization Unit" = "Organization Unit"; "Enter the name of the organization unit" = "Enter the name of the organization unit"; "Organization Name" = "Organization Name"; "Enter the name of the organization" = "Enter the name of the organization"; "Email Address" = "Email Address"; "Please enter your email address" = "Please enter your email address"; "Country/Region" = "Country/Region"; "Please select your country/region" = "Please select your country/region"; "Save to File" = "Save to File"; "Save the Self-Signed Digital ID to A File" = "Save the Self-Signed Digital ID to A File"; "After you create and save this Digital ID, it can be used again." = "After you create and save this Digital ID, it can be used again."; "Save Location" = "Save Location"; "Set A Password" = "Set A Password"; "Please enter your password" = "Please enter your password"; "Confirm the Password" = "Confirm The Password"; "Enter the password again" = "Enter the password again"; "Password and confirm password does not match" = "Password and confirm password does not match"; "Digital Signature Details" = "Digital Signature Details"; "Signer:" = "Signer:"; "Signing Time:" = "Signing Time:"; "Signaturess" = "Signature"; "Certification Authority Statement" = "Certification Authority Statement"; "The signer's identity is valid." = "The signer's identity is valid."; "The signer's identity is invalid." = "The signer's identity is invalid."; "Signature validity is unknown because it has not been included in your list of trusted certificates and none of its parent certificates are trusted certificates." = "Signature validity is unknown because it has not been included in your list of trusted certificates and none of its parent certificates are trusted certificates."; "The file was signed with a certificate that has expired. If you acquired this file recently, it may not be authentic." = "The file was signed with a certificate that has expired. If you acquired this file recently, it may not be authentic."; "The signature is invalid." = "The signature is invalid."; "The signature is valid." = "The signature is valid."; "The document has not been modified since this signature was applied." = "The document has not been modified since this signature was applied."; "The document has been altered or corrupted since it was signed by the current user." = "The document has been altered or corrupted since it was signed by the current user."; "View Certificate" = "View Certificate"; "Certificate Viewer" = "Certificate Viewer"; "Summary" = "Summary"; "Issued to:" = "Issued to:"; "Issuer:" = "Issuer:"; "Sorry, your name is too long. Creation failed." = "Sorry, your name is too long. Creation failed."; "Valid from:" = "Valid from:"; "Valid to:" = "Valid to:"; "Intended Usage:" = "Intended Usage:"; "Digital Signature, Non-Repudiation" = "Digital Signature, Non-Repudiation"; "Encrypt Keys" = "Encrypt Keys"; "Encrypt Document" = "Encrypt Document"; "Key Agreement" = "Key Agreement"; "Client Authentication" = "Client Authentication"; "Email Protection" = "Email Protection"; "Details" = "Details"; "Algorithm:" = "Algorithm:"; "Serial Number:" = "Serial Number:"; "Certificate Policy:" = "Certificate Policy:"; "CRL Distribution Points:" = "CRL Distribution Points:"; "Issuer Information Access:" = "Issuer Information Access:"; "Issuer‘s Key Identifier:" = "Issuer‘s Key Identifier:"; "Subject‘s Key Identifier:" = "Subject‘s Key Identifier:"; "Basic Constraints:" = "Basic Constraints:"; "Key Usage:" = "Key Usage:"; "Public Key:" = "Public Key:"; "X.509 Data:" = "X.509 Data:"; "SHA1 Digest:" = "SHA1 Digest:"; "MD5 Digest:" = "MD5 Digest:"; "Trust" = "Trust"; "This Certificate Is Trusted to:" = "This Certificate Is Trusted to:"; "Sign document or data" = "Sign document or data"; "Certify document" = "Certify document"; "Add to Trusted Certificates" = "Add to Trusted Certificates"; "Signed by:" = "Signed by:"; "Date:" = "Date:"; "Status:" = "Status:"; "Signature validity is unknown." = "Signature validity is unknown."; "At least one signature is invalid." = "At least one signature is invalid."; "View All Signatures" = "View All Signatures"; "Signature List" = "Signature List"; "Signature Details" = "Signature Details"; "Certification Details" = "Certification Details"; "Use Digital ID for" = "Use Digital ID for"; "Digital Signatures" = "Digital Signatures"; "Data Encryption" = "Data Encryption"; "Digital Signatures and Data Encryption" = "Digital Signatures and Data Encryption"; "Set Passwords" = "Set Passwords"; "Text Watermark" = "Text Watermark"; "Image Watermark" = "Image Watermark"; "Remove Watermarks" = "Remove Watermarks"; "Choose Picture" = "Choose Picture"; "Set the Password for the File Successfully!" = "Set the Password for the File Successfully!"; "Failed to Set Passwords for this Document." = "Failed to Set Passwords for this Document."; "Password Removed Successfully!" = "Password Removed Successfully!"; "Failed to Remove the Password." = "Failed to Remove the Password."; "Watermarks Removed Successfully!" = "Watermarks Removed Successfully!"; "Failed to Remove the Watermarks." = "Failed to Remove the Watermarks."; "Add Watermarks Successfully!" = "Add Watermarks Successfully!"; "Failed to Add the Watermarks." = "Failed to Add the Watermarks."; "Add Watermarks" = "Add Watermarks"; "Type your watermark text here." = "Type your watermark text here."; "Apply" = "Apply"; "Watermark Settings" = "Watermark Settings"; "Layout Options" = "Layout Options"; "Tile" = "Tile"; "Are you sure to delete the watermarks?" = "Are you sure to delete the watermarks?"; "Current Page" = "Current Page"; "Security Settings" = "Security Settings"; "Password to Open the Document" = "Password to Open the Document"; "Support: Numbers, letters, @, $, !, %, ?, & " = "Support: Numbers, letters, @, $, !, %, ?, & "; "The password can't be empty." = "The password can't be empty."; "Owner Password" = "Owner Password"; "Restrict document printing" = "Restrict document printing"; "Restrict content copying" = "Restrict content copying"; "Encryption Level" = "Encryption Level"; "No Encryption" = "No Encryption"; "Saving Path" = "Saving Path"; "Saved Successfully:" = "Saved Successfully:"; "Open the File" = "Open the File"; "Enter the Password to View the Document" = "Enter the Password to View the Document"; "Please Enter the Password" = "Please Enter the Password"; "Wrong Password" = "Wrong Password"; "Enter Owner's Password to Change the Security" = "Enter Owner's Password to Change the Security"; "Please enter the owner's password" = "Please enter the owner's password"; "Set Permission Passwords" = "Set Permission Passwords"; "Please enter Replace text!" = "Please enter Replace text!"; "No changes have been made to the document!" = "No changes have been made to the document!"; "Save successfully!" = "Save successfully!";