using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Markup;
namespace ComPDFKit.Tool
/// Help class for calculating the alignment position of the rectangle
public class AlignmentsHelp
/// Set the source rectangle to be left-aligned in the target rectangle
/// Origin rectangle
/// Target rectangle
/// X Y direction distance required for alignment of the source rectangle
public static Point SetAlignLeft(Rect src, Rect dst)
Point movePoint = new Point(dst.Left - src.Left, 0);
return movePoint;
/// Set the source rectangle to be horizontally centered in the target rectangle
/// Origin rectangle
/// Target rectangle
/// X Y direction distance required for alignment of the source rectangle
public static Point SetAlignHorizonCenter (Rect src, Rect dst)
Point movePoint = new Point((dst.Left + dst.Right - src.Left - src.Right) / 2, 0);
return movePoint;
/// Right-align the source rectangle in the target rectangle
/// Origin rectangle
/// Target rectangle
/// X Y direction distance required for alignment of the source rectangle
public static Point SetAlignRight(Rect src, Rect dst)
Point movePoint = new Point(dst.Right - src.Width - src.Left, 0);
return movePoint;
/// Set the source rectangle to be top-aligned in the target rectangle
/// Origin rectangle
/// Target rectangle
/// X Y direction distance required for alignment of the source rectangle
public static Point SetAlignTop(Rect src, Rect dst)
Point movePoint = new Point(0, dst.Top - src.Top);
return movePoint;
/// Set the source rectangle to be vertically centered in the target rectangle
/// Origin rectangle
/// Target rectangle
/// X Y direction distance required for alignment of the source rectangle
public static Point SetAlignVerticalCenter(Rect src, Rect dst)
Point movePoint = new Point(0, (dst.Bottom + dst.Top - src.Top - src.Bottom) / 2);
return movePoint;
/// Set the source rectangle to be horizontally and vertically centered in the target rectangle
/// Origin rectangle
/// Target rectangle
/// X Y direction distance required for alignment of the source rectangle
public static Point SetAlignHorizonVerticalCenter(Rect src, Rect dst)
Point movePoint = new Point((dst.Left + dst.Right - src.Left - src.Right) / 2, (dst.Bottom + dst.Top - src.Top - src.Bottom) / 2);
return movePoint;
/// Set the source rectangle to be bottom-aligned in the target rectangle
/// Origin rectangle
/// Target rectangle
/// X Y direction distance required for alignment of the source rectangle
public static Point SetAlignBottom(Rect src, Rect dst)
Point movePoint = new Point(0, dst.Bottom - src.Height - src.Top);
return movePoint;
/// Set the source rectangle to be horizontally distributed and aligned in the target rectangle
/// Array of source rectangles needed
/// Target rectangle
/// Dictionary of XY direction distance required for alignment of each source rectangle
public static Dictionary SetDistributeHorizontal(List src, Rect dst)
Dictionary dictionary = new Dictionary();
List Leftlist = new List();
// Sort the data according to the leftmost position of each rectangle, not the array order
foreach (Rect srcRect in src)
Leftlist.Add(srcRect.Left + srcRect.Width / 2);
double[] datalist = Leftlist.ToArray();
Sort(datalist, 0, Leftlist.Count - 1);
double startX = dst.Left;
double endX = dst.Right;
double interval = (endX - startX) / Leftlist.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < datalist.Count(); i++)
int index = Leftlist.IndexOf(datalist[i]);
Point movePoint = new Point(startX + i * interval - src[index].Left - src[index].Width / 2, 0);
dictionary.Add(src[index], movePoint);
return dictionary;
/// Vertically distribute the source rectangles within the target rectangle (sorting based on the leftmost position of each rectangle, not the array order)
/// Array of source rectangles needed
/// Target rectangle
/// Dictionary of XY direction distance required for alignment of each source rectangle
public static Dictionary SetDistributeVertical(List src, Rect dst)
Dictionary dictionary = new Dictionary();
List Leftlist = new List();
// Sort the data according to the leftmost position of each rectangle, not the array order
foreach (Rect srcRect in src)
Leftlist.Add(srcRect.Left + srcRect.Width / 2);
double[] datalist = Leftlist.ToArray();
Sort(datalist, 0, Leftlist.Count - 1);
double startY = dst.Top;
double endY = dst.Bottom;
double interval = (endY - startY) / Leftlist.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < datalist.Count(); i++)
int index = Leftlist.IndexOf(datalist[i]);
Point movePoint = new Point(0, startY + i * interval - src[index].Top - src[index].Height / 2);
dictionary.Add(src[index], movePoint);
return dictionary;
#region Quick sort
private static int SortUnit(double[] array, int low, int high)
double key = array[low];
while (low < high)
// Search backward for values smaller than the key
while (array[high] >= key && high > low)
// Put the value smaller than key on the left
array[low] = array[high];
// Search forward for values larger than the key
while (array[low] <= key && high > low)
// Put the value larger than key on the right
array[high] = array[low];
// Left is smaller than key, right is larger than key.
// Put the key in the current position of the cursor
// At this point, 'low' equals 'high
array[low] = key;
return high;
private static void Sort(double[] array, int low, int high)
if (low >= high)
// Finish a single unit sort
int index = SortUnit(array, low, high);
// Sort the left unit
Sort(array, low, index - 1);
// Sort the right unit
Sort(array, index + 1, high);