// // RCTCPDFViewManager.swift // react-native-compdfkit-pdf // // Copyright © 2014-2024 PDF Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // THIS SOURCE CODE AND ANY ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION ARE PROTECTED BY INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAW // AND MAY NOT BE RESOLD OR REDISTRIBUTED. USAGE IS BOUND TO THE ComPDFKit LICENSE AGREEMENT. // UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION IS SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES. // This notice may not be removed from this file. // import UIKit import ComPDFKit @objc(RCTCPDFReaderView) class RCTCPDFReaderView: RCTViewManager, RCTCPDFViewDelegate { @objc override static func requiresMainQueueSetup() -> Bool { return true } var cpdfViews: Dictionary = [:] @objc override func view() -> UIView! { let rtcCPDFView = RCTCPDFView() rtcCPDFView.delegate = self return rtcCPDFView } func saveDocument(forCPDFViewTag tag: Int, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.saveDocument(completionHandler: { success in completionHandler(success) if (success) { if let onChange = rtcCPDFView?.onChange { onChange(["saveDocument": "saveDocument"]) } } }) } func setMargins(forCPDFViewTag tag: Int, left : Int, top : Int, right : Int, bottom : Int) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.setMargins(left: left, top: top, right: right, bottom: bottom) } func removeAllAnnotations(forCPDFViewTag tag: Int, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.removeAllAnnotations(completionHandler: { success in completionHandler(success) }) } func importAnnotations(forCPDFViewTag tag: Int, xfdfFile : URL, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.importAnnotations(xfdfFile: xfdfFile, completionHandler: { success in completionHandler(success) }) } func exportAnnotations(forCPDFViewTag tag: Int, completionHandler: @escaping (String) -> Void) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.exportAnnotations(completionHandler: { success in completionHandler(success) }) } func setDisplayPageIndex(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, pageIndex : Int) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.setDisplayPageIndex(pageIndex: pageIndex) } func getCurrentPageIndex(forCPDFViewTag tag: Int, completionHandler: @escaping (Int) -> Void) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.getCurrentPageIndex(completionHandler: { pageIndex in completionHandler(pageIndex) }) } func hasChange(forCPDFViewTag tag: Int, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.hasChange(completionHandler: { success in completionHandler(success) }) } func setScale(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, scale : NSNumber) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.setScale(scale: scale) } func getScale(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, completionHandler: @escaping (NSNumber) -> Void) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.getScale(completionHandler: { success in completionHandler(success) }) } func setReadBackgroundColor(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, displayMode : NSString) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.setReadBackgroundColor(displayMode: displayMode) } func getReadBackgroundColor(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, completionHandler: @escaping (NSString) -> Void){ let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.getReadbackgroundColor(completionHandler: {color in completionHandler(color) }) } func setFormFieldHighlight(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, formFieldHighlight : Bool) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.setFormFieldHighlight(formFieldHighlight: formFieldHighlight) } func isFormFieldHighlight(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void){ let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.isFormFieldHighlight(completionHandler: {highlight in completionHandler(highlight) }) } func setLinkHighlight(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, linkHighlight : Bool) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.setLinkHighlight(linkHighlight: linkHighlight) } func isLinkHighlight(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void){ let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.isLinkHighlight(completionHandler: {highlight in completionHandler(highlight) }) } func setVerticalMode(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, isVerticalMode : Bool) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.setVerticalMode(isVerticalMode: isVerticalMode) } func isVerticalMode(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void){ let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.isVerticalMode(completionHandler: {isVertical in completionHandler(isVertical) }) } func setContinueMode(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, isContinueMode : Bool) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.setContinueMode(isContinueMode: isContinueMode) } func isContinueMode(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void){ let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.isContinueMode(completionHandler: {isContinue in completionHandler(isContinue) }) } func setDoublePageMode(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, isDoublePageMode : Bool) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.setDoublePageMode(isDoublePageMode: isDoublePageMode) } func isDoublePageMode(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void){ let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.isDoublePageMode(completionHandler: {isDoublePage in completionHandler(isDoublePage) }) } func setCoverPageMode(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, isCoverPageMode : Bool) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.setCoverPageMode(isCoverPageMode: isCoverPageMode) } func isCoverPageMode(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void){ let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.isCoverPageMode(completionHandler: { isCoverPageMode in completionHandler(isCoverPageMode) }) } func setCropMode(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, isCropMode : Bool) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.setCropMode(isCropMode: isCropMode) } func isCropMode(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void){ let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.isCropMode(completionHandler: completionHandler) } func getFileName(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, completionHandler: @escaping (String) -> Void){ let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.getFileName(completionHandler: completionHandler) } func isEncrypted(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void){ let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.isEncrypted(completionHandler: completionHandler) } func isImageDoc(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void){ let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.isImageDoc(completionHandler: completionHandler) } func getPermissions(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, completionHandler: @escaping (NSNumber) -> Void) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.getPermissions(completionHandler: completionHandler) } func getPageCount(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, completionHandler: @escaping (NSNumber) -> Void) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.getPageCount(completionHandler: completionHandler) } func checkOwnerUnlocked(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.checkOwnerUnlocked(completionHandler: completionHandler) } func checkOwnerPassword(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, password : String, completionHandler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.checkOwnerPassword(password: password, completionHandler: completionHandler) } func getEncryptAlgo(forCPDFViewTag tag : Int, completionHandler: @escaping (String) -> Void) { let rtcCPDFView = cpdfViews[tag] rtcCPDFView?.getEncryptAlgo(completionHandler: completionHandler) } // MARK: - RCTCPDFViewDelegate func cpdfViewAttached(_ cpdfView: RCTCPDFView) { cpdfViews[cpdfView.reactTag.intValue] = cpdfView } func saveDocumentChange(_ cpdfView: RCTCPDFView) { if let onChange = cpdfView.onChange { onChange(["saveDocument": "saveDocument"]) } } func onPageChanged(_ cpdfView: RCTCPDFView, pageIndex: Int) { if let onChange = cpdfView.onChange { onChange(["onPageChanged": pageIndex]) } } }