Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.IO
Imports ComPDFKit.DigitalSign
Imports ComPDFKit.Import
Imports ComPDFKit.PDFAnnotation.Form
Imports ComPDFKit.PDFDocument
Imports ComPDFKit.PDFPage
Module DigitalSignatureTest
Private parentPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory())))
Private outputPath As String = Path.Combine(parentPath, "Output", "VB")
Sub Main()
#Region "Preparation work"
Console.WriteLine("Running digital signature sample..." & vbCrLf)
Dim certificatePath As String = "Certificate.pfx"
Dim password As String = "ComPDFKit"
If Not Directory.Exists(outputPath) Then
End If
#End Region
#Region "Sample 0: Create certificate"
#End Region
#Region "Sample 1: Create digital signature"
Dim document As CPDFDocument = CPDFDocument.InitWithFilePath("CommonFivePage.pdf")
CreateDigitalSignature(document, certificatePath, password)
#End Region
#Region "Sample 2: Verify signature"
Dim signedDoc As CPDFDocument = CPDFDocument.InitWithFilePath("Signed.pdf")
#End Region
#Region "Sample 3: Verify certificate"
VerifyCertificate(certificatePath, password)
#End Region
#Region "Sample 4: Print digital signature info"
#End Region
#Region "Sample 5: Trust Certificate"
#End Region
#Region "Sample 6: Remove digital signature"
#End Region
End Sub
''' In the core function "CPDFPKCS12CertHelper.GeneratePKCS12Cert":
''' Generate certificate
''' Password: ComPDFKit
''' info: /C=SG/O=ComPDFKit/D=R&D Department/CN=Alan/
''' C=SG: This represents the country code "SG," which typically stands for Singapore.
''' O=ComPDFKit: This is the Organization (O) field, indicating the name of the organization or entity, in this case, "ComPDFKit."
''' D=R&D Department: This is the Department (D) field, indicating the specific department within the organization, in this case, "R&D Department."
''' CN=Alan: This is the Common Name (CN) field, which usually represents the name of the individual or entity. In this case, it is "Alan."
''' Email is
''' CPDFCertUsage.CPDFCertUsageAll: Used for both digital signing and data validation simultaneously.
''' is_2048 = True: Enhanced security encryption.
Private Sub GenerateCertificate()
Console.WriteLine("Generate certificate signature.")
Dim info As String = "/C=SG/O=ComPDFKit/D=R&D Department/CN=Alan/"
Dim password As String = "ComPDFKit"
Dim filePath As String = outputPath & "\Certificate.pfx"
If CPDFPKCS12CertHelper.GeneratePKCS12Cert(info, password, filePath, CPDFCertUsage.CPDFCertUsageAll, True) Then
Console.WriteLine("File saved in " & filePath)
Console.WriteLine("Generate PKCS12 certificate done.")
Console.WriteLine("Generate PKCS12 certificate failed.")
End If
End Sub
''' Adding a signature is divided into two steps:
''' creating a signature field and filling in the signature.
''' Page Index: 0
''' Rect: CRect(28, 420, 150, 370)
''' Border RGB: {0, 0, 0}
''' Widget Background RGB: {150, 180, 210}
''' Text: Grantor Name
''' Content:
''' Name: get grantor name from certificate
''' Date: now(
''' Reason: I am the owner of the document.
''' DN: Subject
''' Location: Singapor
''' IsContentAlignLeft: False
''' IsDrawLogo: True
''' LogoBitmap: logo.png
''' text color RGB: {0, 0, 0}
''' content color RGB: {0, 0, 0}
''' Output file name: document.FileName + "_Signed.pdf"
Private Sub CreateDigitalSignature(document As CPDFDocument, certificatePath As String, password As String)
Console.WriteLine("Create digital signature.")
Dim certificate As CPDFSignatureCertificate = CPDFPKCS12CertHelper.GetCertificateWithPKCS12Path("Certificate.pfx", "ComPDFKit")
Dim page As CPDFPage = document.PageAtIndex(0)
Dim signatureField As CPDFSignatureWidget = TryCast(page.CreateWidget(C_WIDGET_TYPE.WIDGET_SIGNATUREFIELDS), CPDFSignatureWidget)
signatureField.SetRect(New CRect(28, 420, 150, 370))
signatureField.SetWidgetBorderRGBColor(New Byte() {0, 0, 0})
signatureField.SetWidgetBgRGBColor(New Byte() {150, 180, 210})
Dim name As String = GetGrantorFromDictionary(certificate.SubjectDict) & vbCrLf
Dim [date] As String = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss")
Dim reason As String = "I am the owner of the document."
Dim location As String = certificate.SubjectDict("C")
Dim DN As String = certificate.Subject
Dim signatureConfig As New CPDFSignatureConfig With {
.Text = GetGrantorFromDictionary(certificate.SubjectDict),
.Content = "Name: " & name & Environment.NewLine &
"Date: " & [date] & Environment.NewLine &
"Reason: " & reason & " " & Environment.NewLine &
"Location: " & location & Environment.NewLine &
"DN: " & DN & Environment.NewLine,
.IsContentAlignLeft = False,
.IsDrawLogo = True,
.LogoBitmap = New Bitmap("Logo.png"),
.TextColor = New Single() {0, 0, 0},
.ContentColor = New Single() {0, 0, 0}
Dim filePath As String = outputPath & "\" & document.FileName & "_Signed.pdf"
If document.WriteSignatureToFilePath(signatureField,
certificatePath, password,
reason, CPDFSignaturePermissions.CPDFSignaturePermissionsNone) Then
Console.WriteLine("File saved in " & filePath)
Console.WriteLine("Create digital signature done.")
Console.WriteLine("Create digital signature failed.")
End If
End Sub
''' Remove digital signature
''' You can choose if you want to remove the appearance
Private Sub RemoveDigitalSignature(document As CPDFDocument)
Console.WriteLine("Remove digital signature.")
Dim signature As CPDFSignature = document.GetSignatureList()(0)
document.RemoveSignature(signature, True)
Dim filePath As String = outputPath & "\" & document.FileName & "_RemovedSign.pdf"
Console.WriteLine("File saved in " & filePath)
Console.WriteLine("Remove digital signature done.")
End Sub
''' There are two steps can help you to trust a certificate.
''' Set your trust path as a folder path,
''' then add your certificate to the trust path.
Private Sub TrustCertificate(document As CPDFDocument)
Console.WriteLine("Trust certificate.")
Dim signature As CPDFSignature = document.GetSignatureList()(0)
Dim signatureCertificate As CPDFSignatureCertificate = signature.SignerList(0).CertificateList(0)
Console.WriteLine("Certificate trusted status: " & signatureCertificate.IsTrusted.ToString())
Console.WriteLine("---Begin trusted---")
Dim trustedFolder As String = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory & "\TrustedFolder\"
If Not Directory.Exists(trustedFolder) Then
End If
CPDFSignature.SignCertTrustedFolder = trustedFolder
If signatureCertificate.AddToTrustedCertificates() Then
Console.WriteLine("Certificate trusted status: " & signatureCertificate.IsTrusted.ToString())
Console.WriteLine("Trust certificate done.")
Console.WriteLine("Trust certificate failed.")
End If
End Sub
''' Verify certificate
''' To verify the trustworthiness of a certificate,
''' you need to verify that all certificates in the certificate chain are trustworthy.
''' In ComPDFKit, this progress is automatic.
''' You should call the "CPDFSignatureCertificate.CheckCertificateIsTrusted" first.
''' then you can view the "CPDFSignatureCertificate.IsTrusted" property.
''' Path to the certificate
''' Password for the certificate
Private Sub VerifyCertificate(certificatePath As String, password As String)
Console.WriteLine("Verify certificate.")
Dim certificate As CPDFSignatureCertificate = CPDFPKCS12CertHelper.GetCertificateWithPKCS12Path(certificatePath, password)
If certificate.IsTrusted Then
Console.WriteLine("Certificate is trusted")
Console.WriteLine("Certificate is not trusted")
End If
Console.WriteLine("Verify certificate done.")
End Sub
''' Verify digital signature
''' Refresh the validation status before reading the attributes, or else you may obtain inaccurate results.
''' Is the signature verified: indicating whether the document has been tampered with.
''' Is the certificate trusted: referring to the trust status of the certificate.
''' A signed document
Private Sub VerifyDigitalSignature(document As CPDFDocument)
Console.WriteLine("Verify digital signature.")
For Each signature As CPDFSignature In document.GetSignatureList()
For Each signer As CPDFSigner In signature.SignerList
Console.WriteLine("Is the certificate trusted: " & signer.IsCertTrusted.ToString())
Console.WriteLine("Is the signature verified: " & signer.IsSignVerified.ToString())
If signer.IsCertTrusted AndAlso signer.IsSignVerified Then
' Signature is valid and the certificate is trusted
' Perform corresponding actions
ElseIf Not signer.IsCertTrusted AndAlso signer.IsSignVerified Then
' Signature is valid but the certificate is not trusted
' Perform corresponding actions
' Signature is invalid
' Perform corresponding actions
End If
Console.WriteLine("Verify digital signature done.")
End Sub
Public Function GetGrantorFromDictionary(dictionary As Dictionary(Of String, String)) As String
Dim grantor As String = String.Empty
dictionary.TryGetValue("CN", grantor)
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(grantor) Then
dictionary.TryGetValue("OU", grantor)
End If
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(grantor) Then
dictionary.TryGetValue("O", grantor)
End If
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(grantor) Then
grantor = "Unknown Signer"
End If
Return grantor
End Function
''' This sample shows how to get main properties in a digital signature.
''' Read API reference to see all of the properties that can be obtained.
''' A signed document
Private Sub PrintDigitalSignatureInfo(document As CPDFDocument)
Console.WriteLine("Print digital signature info.")
For Each signature As CPDFSignature In document.GetSignatureList()
Console.WriteLine("Name: " & signature.Name)
Console.WriteLine("Location: " & signature.Location)
Console.WriteLine("Reason: " & signature.Reason)
For Each signer As CPDFSigner In signature.SignerList
Console.WriteLine("Date: " & signer.AuthenDate)
For Each certificate As CPDFSignatureCertificate In signer.CertificateList
Console.WriteLine("Subject: " & certificate.Subject)
Console.WriteLine("Print digital signature info done.")
End Sub
End Module