// // CPDFPage+Protected.h // ComPDFKit // // Copyright © 2014-2023 PDF Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // THIS SOURCE CODE AND ANY ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTATION ARE PROTECTED BY INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAW // AND MAY NOT BE RESOLD OR REDISTRIBUTED. USAGE IS BOUND TO THE ComPDFKit LICENSE AGREEMENT. // UNAUTHORIZED REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION IS SUBJECT TO CIVIL AND CRIMINAL PENALTIES. // This notice may not be removed from this file. // #import @interface CPDFPage (Protected) extern NSNotificationName const CPDFPageEditingDidChangedNotification; #pragma mark - Rendering - (void)transformContext:(CGContextRef)context forBox:(CPDFDisplayBox)box; - (void)drawWithBox:(CPDFDisplayBox)box toContext:(CGContextRef)context; - (void)drawEditWithBox:(CPDFDisplayBox)box toContext:(CGContextRef)context; #pragma mark - Selections // Given a rect in page-space, returns a selection representing enclosed text on page. - (CPDFSelection *)selectionForRect:(CGRect)rect; // Given a point in page-space, returns a selection representing a whole word at that point. May return NULL if no // character (and by extension no word) under point. If data dectors are enabled (-[PDFView enableDataDetectors]), // this return the smart-selection for the content at the given point. - (CPDFSelection *)selectionForWordAtPoint:(CGPoint)point; // Given a point in page-space, returns a selection representing a whole line at that point. May return NULL if no // character (and by extension no line) under point. - (CPDFSelection *)selectionForLineAtPoint:(CGPoint)point; // Returns a selection representing text between startPt and endPt. Points are sorted first top to bottom, left to right. - (CPDFSelection *)selectionFromPoint:(CGPoint)startPoint toPoint:(CGPoint)endPoint; @end