using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using Compdfkit_Tools.Helper; using ComPDFKit.DigitalSign; using ComPDFKit.PDFAnnotation.Form; using ComPDFKitViewer; using static ComPDFKit.Tool.CPDFToolManager; namespace Compdfkit_Tools.PDFControl { public partial class DigitalSignatureControl : UserControl, INotifyPropertyChanged { #region Properties private bool isFirstLoad = true; public PDFViewControl PDFViewControl = new PDFViewControl(); private SignatureStatusBarControl signatureStatusBarControl; private PanelState panelState = PanelState.GetInstance(); private CPDFDisplaySettingsControl displaySettingsControl = null; private CPDFSignatureWidget currentSignatureWidget; private double[] zoomLevelList = { 1f, 8f, 12f, 25, 33f, 50, 66f, 75, 100, 125, 150, 200, 300, 400, 600, 800, 1000 }; public event EventHandler OnCanSaveChanged; public event EventHandler AfterFillSignature; public event EventHandler SignatureStatusChanged; public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; protected void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string name = null) { PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name)); } /// /// Whether the undo operation can be performed. /// public bool CanUndo { get { if (PDFViewControl != null && PDFViewControl.PDFViewTool.GetCPDFViewer() != null) { return PDFViewControl.PDFViewTool.GetCPDFViewer().UndoManager.CanUndo; } return false; } } /// /// Whether the redo operation can be performed. /// public bool CanRedo { get { if (PDFViewControl != null && PDFViewControl.PDFViewTool.GetCPDFViewer() != null) { return PDFViewControl.PDFViewTool.GetCPDFViewer().UndoManager.CanRedo; } return false; } } /// /// Whether the save operation can be performed. /// public bool CanSave { get { if (PDFViewControl != null && PDFViewControl.PDFViewTool.GetCPDFViewer() != null) { if (PDFViewControl.PDFViewTool.GetCPDFViewer().UndoManager.CanRedo || PDFViewControl.PDFViewTool.GetCPDFViewer().UndoManager.CanUndo) { return true; } } return false; } } #endregion /// /// A digital signature control should be used in a window, and it should be initialized with a PDFViewer. /// Certificates will be saved in the TrustedFolder. /// public DigitalSignatureControl() { InitializeComponent(); DataContext = this; string trustedFolder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"\TrustedFolder\"; if (!Directory.Exists(trustedFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(trustedFolder); } CPDFSignature.SignCertTrustedFolder = trustedFolder; } #region Public Method /// /// Disconnect all the specified elements that are already the logical children of another element. And reset bar control status. /// public void ClearViewerControl() { PDFGrid.Child = null; BotaContainer.Child = null; PropertyContainer.Child = null; displaySettingsControl = null; SignatureStatusBorder.Child = null; DigitalSignatureBarControl.ClearAllToolState(); } /// /// Init controls with pdfViewer, and load events. /// /// public void InitWithPDFViewer(PDFViewControl pdfViewer) { PDFViewControl = pdfViewer; PDFGrid.Child = PDFViewControl; FloatPageTool.InitWithPDFViewer(pdfViewer); PDFViewControl.PDFToolManager.SetToolType(ToolType.Viewer); PDFViewControl.PDFViewTool.GetCPDFViewer().UndoManager.ClearHistory(); DigitalSignatureBarControl.DigitalSignatureActionChanged -= DigitalSignatureBarControl_DigitalSignatureActionChanged; DigitalSignatureBarControl.DigitalSignatureActionChanged += DigitalSignatureBarControl_DigitalSignatureActionChanged; //PDFViewControl.PDFView.WidgetClickHandler -= PDFView_WidgetClickHandler; //PDFViewControl.PDFView.WidgetClickHandler += PDFView_WidgetClickHandler; //PDFViewControl.PDFView.AnnotCommandHandler -= PDFView_AnnotCommandHandler; //PDFViewControl.PDFView.AnnotCommandHandler += PDFView_AnnotCommandHandler; panelState.PropertyChanged -= PanelState_PropertyChanged; panelState.PropertyChanged += PanelState_PropertyChanged; } /// /// Separately, init PDFView and load undo manager event. Only use for ensuring SaveBtn is enabled after deleting digital signature on Viewer mode. /// /// public void LoadUndoManagerEvent(CPDFViewer pdfViewer) { //PDFViewControl.PDFView = pdfViewer; //PDFViewControl.PDFView.UndoManager.PropertyChanged -= UndoManager_PropertyChanged; //PDFViewControl.PDFView.UndoManager.PropertyChanged += UndoManager_PropertyChanged; } /// /// Set child for BOTAContainer with BOTABarControl. /// /// public void SetBOTAContainer(CPDFBOTABarControl botaControl) { BotaContainer.Child = botaControl; } /// /// Create a certificate info dialog with signature. /// /// /// Signature to init certificate public void ViewCertificateEvent(object sender, CPDFSignature e) { Window parentWindow = Window.GetWindow((DependencyObject)sender); ViewCertificateDialog dialog = new ViewCertificateDialog() { Owner = parentWindow }; dialog.InitCertificateList(e); dialog.CertificateInfoControl.TrustCertificateEvent += (o, args) => { SignatureStatusChanged?.Invoke(this, null); }; if (parentWindow is VerifyDigitalSignatureControl verifyControl) { dialog.CertificateInfoControl.TrustCertificateEvent += (o, args) => { verifyControl.InitWithSignature(e); }; } dialog.ShowDialog(); } /// /// Set display settings control. /// /// public void SetDisplaySettingsControl(CPDFDisplaySettingsControl displaySettingsControl) { this.displaySettingsControl = displaySettingsControl; } /// /// Set visibility of SignatureStatusBarControl according its status. /// /// public void SetSignatureStatusBarControl(SignatureStatusBarControl signatureStatusBarControl) { this.signatureStatusBarControl = signatureStatusBarControl; SignatureStatusBorder.Child = this.signatureStatusBarControl; if (signatureStatusBarControl.Status != SignatureStatus.None) { SignatureStatusBorder.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { SignatureStatusBorder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } } /// /// Create a signature info dialog with signature. /// /// /// Signature to be displayed public void ViewSignatureEvent(object sender, CPDFSignature e) { Window parentWindow = Window.GetWindow((DependencyObject)sender); VerifyDigitalSignatureControl dialog = new VerifyDigitalSignatureControl() { Owner = parentWindow }; dialog.ViewCertificateEvent -= ViewCertificateEvent; dialog.ViewCertificateEvent += ViewCertificateEvent; dialog.InitWithSignature(e); dialog.ShowDialog(); } #endregion #region Private Method /// /// Get current time as a string. /// /// private string GetTime() { DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now; return " " + dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"); } /// /// Create a signature field. /// private void CreateSign() { //PDFViewControl.PDFView.SetMouseMode(MouseModes.FormEditTool); //WidgetSignArgs signArgs = new WidgetSignArgs //{ // LineWidth = 1, // LineColor = Colors.Black, // FieldName = "Signature" + GetTime() //}; //PDFViewControl.PDFView.SetToolParam(signArgs); } /// /// Expand or collapse left panel. /// /// private void ExpandLeftPanel(bool isExpand) { BotaContainer.Visibility = isExpand ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; Splitter.Visibility = isExpand ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed; if (isExpand) { BodyGrid.ColumnDefinitions[0].Width = new GridLength(320); BodyGrid.ColumnDefinitions[1].Width = new GridLength(15); } else { BodyGrid.ColumnDefinitions[0].Width = new GridLength(0); BodyGrid.ColumnDefinitions[1].Width = new GridLength(0); } } /// /// Expand or collapse right panel. /// /// /// private void ExpandRightPropertyPanel(UIElement propertytPanel, Visibility visible) { PropertyContainer.Width = 260; PropertyContainer.Child = propertytPanel; PropertyContainer.Visibility = visible; } #endregion #region Private Command Event /// /// Click event of signature field. /// /// /// //private void PDFView_WidgetClickHandler(object sender, WidgetArgs e) //{ // var signatureWidget = (e as WidgetSignArgs).Sign; // CPDFSignature sig = signatureWidget.GetSignature(PDFViewControl.PDFView.Document); // if (signatureWidget.IsSigned() && sig!=null && sig?.SignerList.Count > 0) // { // ViewSignatureEvent(sender, sig); // } // else // { // Window parentWindow = Window.GetWindow((DependencyObject)sender); // AddCertificationDialog addCertificationControl = new AddCertificationDialog // { // Owner = parentWindow // }; // currentSignatureWidget = signatureWidget; // addCertificationControl.FillSignatureEvent -= AddCertificationControl_FillSignatureEvent; // addCertificationControl.FillSignatureEvent += AddCertificationControl_FillSignatureEvent; // addCertificationControl.ShowDialog(); // } //} /// /// Event of filling a signature. /// /// /// private void AddCertificationControl_FillSignatureEvent(object sender, CertificateAccess e) { FillDigitalSignatureDialog fillDigitalSignatureDialog = new FillDigitalSignatureDialog { FilePath = e.filePath, Password = e.password, SignatureWidget = currentSignatureWidget, //Document = PDFViewControl.PDFView.Document, Owner = Window.GetWindow(this) }; fillDigitalSignatureDialog.AfterFillSignature -= FillDigitalSignatureDialog_AfterFillSignature; ; fillDigitalSignatureDialog.AfterFillSignature += FillDigitalSignatureDialog_AfterFillSignature; ; fillDigitalSignatureDialog.ShowDialog(); } /// /// Event of after filling a signature. /// /// /// private void FillDigitalSignatureDialog_AfterFillSignature(object sender, string e) { AfterFillSignature?.Invoke(this, e); } /// /// Click event of buttons in digital SignatureBarControl. /// /// /// private void DigitalSignatureBarControl_DigitalSignatureActionChanged(object sender, Common.CPDFDigitalSignatureBarControl.DigitalSignatureAction e) { if (e == Common.CPDFDigitalSignatureBarControl.DigitalSignatureAction.AddSignatureField) { CreateSign(); } else if (e == Common.CPDFDigitalSignatureBarControl.DigitalSignatureAction.Signing) { PDFViewControl.PDFToolManager.SetToolType(ToolType.Viewer); } else if (e == Common.CPDFDigitalSignatureBarControl.DigitalSignatureAction.VerifySignature) { ToggleButton button = sender as ToggleButton; button.IsChecked = false; SignatureStatusChanged?.Invoke(this, null); } } /// /// Property changed event of PanelState. /// /// /// private void PanelState_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyName == nameof(PanelState.IsLeftPanelExpand)) { ExpandLeftPanel(panelState.IsLeftPanelExpand); } else if (e.PropertyName == nameof(PanelState.RightPanel)) { if (panelState.RightPanel == PanelState.RightPanelState.ViewSettings) { ExpandRightPropertyPanel(displaySettingsControl, Visibility.Visible); } else { ExpandRightPropertyPanel(null, Visibility.Collapsed); } } } /// /// Event of UndoManager property changed. /// private void UndoManager_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) { OnPropertyChanged(e.PropertyName); if (e.PropertyName == "CanSave") { OnCanSaveChanged?.Invoke(this, CanSave); } } /// /// Command event of undo operation. /// /// /// private void CommandBinding_Executed_Undo(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { if (PDFViewControl != null && PDFViewControl.PDFViewTool.GetCPDFViewer() != null && CanUndo) { PDFViewControl.PDFViewTool.GetCPDFViewer().UndoManager?.Undo(); } } /// /// Command event of redo operation. /// /// /// private void CommandBinding_Executed_Redo(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e) { if (PDFViewControl != null && PDFViewControl.PDFViewTool.GetCPDFViewer() != null && CanUndo) { PDFViewControl.PDFViewTool.GetCPDFViewer().UndoManager?.Redo(); } } /// /// Click event of undo button. /// /// /// private void UndoButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (PDFViewControl != null && PDFViewControl.PDFViewTool.GetCPDFViewer() != null && CanUndo) { PDFViewControl.PDFViewTool.GetCPDFViewer().UndoManager?.Undo(); } } /// /// Click event of redo button. /// /// /// private void RedoButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (PDFViewControl != null && PDFViewControl.PDFViewTool.GetCPDFViewer() != null && CanRedo) { PDFViewControl.PDFViewTool.GetCPDFViewer().UndoManager?.Redo(); } } #endregion #region ContextMenu /// /// Right click context menu /// /// /// //private void PDFView_AnnotCommandHandler(object sender, AnnotCommandArgs e) //{ // if (e != null && e.CommandType == CommandType.Context) // { // if (e.CommandTarget == TargetType.WidgetView) // { // e.Handle = true; // e.PopupMenu = new ContextMenu(); // var sign = e.Sign.GetSignature(PDFViewControl.PDFView.Document); // if (e.Sign.IsSigned() && sign != null && sign.SignerList.Any()) // { // MenuItem DeleteMenu = new MenuItem() // { Header = "Delete" }; // DeleteMenu.Click += (o, args) => // { // PDFViewControl.PDFView.Document.RemoveSignature(sign, true); // e.Sign.ResetForm(); // e.Sign.SetIsLocked(false); // PDFViewControl.PDFView.ReloadVisibleAnnots(); // PDFViewControl.PDFView.UndoManager.CanSave = true; // SignatureStatusChanged?.Invoke(this, null); // }; // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(DeleteMenu); // } // else // { // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() // { Header = "Copy", Command = ApplicationCommands.Copy, CommandTarget = (UIElement)sender }); // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() // { Header = "Cut", Command = ApplicationCommands.Cut, CommandTarget = (UIElement)sender }); // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() // { Header = "Delete", Command = ApplicationCommands.Delete, CommandTarget = (UIElement)sender }); // } // } // else // { // e.Handle = true; // e.PopupMenu = new ContextMenu(); // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(new MenuItem() // { Header = "Paste", Command = ApplicationCommands.Paste, CommandTarget = (UIElement)sender }); // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(new Separator()); // MenuItem fitWidthMenu = new MenuItem(); // fitWidthMenu.Header = "Automatically Resize"; // fitWidthMenu.Click += (o, p) => // { // if (PDFViewControl != null) // { // PDFViewControl.PDFView?.ChangeFitMode(FitMode.FitWidth); // } // }; // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(fitWidthMenu); // MenuItem fitSizeMenu = new MenuItem(); // fitSizeMenu.Header = "Actual Size"; // fitSizeMenu.Click += (o, p) => // { // if (PDFViewControl != null) // { // PDFViewControl.PDFView?.ChangeFitMode(FitMode.FitSize); // } // }; // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(fitSizeMenu); // MenuItem zoomInMenu = new MenuItem(); // zoomInMenu.Header = "Zoom In"; // zoomInMenu.Click += (o, p) => // { // if (PDFViewControl != null) // { // double newZoom = CommandHelper.CheckZoomLevel(zoomLevelList, // PDFViewControl.PDFView.ZoomFactor + 0.01, true); // PDFViewControl.PDFView?.Zoom(newZoom); // } // }; // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(zoomInMenu); // MenuItem zoomOutMenu = new MenuItem(); // zoomOutMenu.Header = "Zoom Out"; // zoomOutMenu.Click += (o, p) => // { // if (PDFViewControl != null) // { // double newZoom = CommandHelper.CheckZoomLevel(zoomLevelList, // PDFViewControl.PDFView.ZoomFactor - 0.01, false); // PDFViewControl.PDFView?.Zoom(newZoom); // } // }; // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(zoomOutMenu); // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(new Separator()); // MenuItem singleView = new MenuItem(); // singleView.Header = "Single Page"; // singleView.Click += (o, p) => // { // if (PDFViewControl != null) // { // PDFViewControl.PDFView?.ChangeViewMode(ViewMode.Single); // } // }; // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(singleView); // MenuItem singleContinuousView = new MenuItem(); // singleContinuousView.Header = "Single Page Continuous"; // singleContinuousView.Click += (o, p) => // { // if (PDFViewControl != null) // { // PDFViewControl.PDFView?.ChangeViewMode(ViewMode.SingleContinuous); // } // }; // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(singleContinuousView); // MenuItem doubleView = new MenuItem(); // doubleView.Header = "Two Pages"; // doubleView.Click += (o, p) => // { // if (PDFViewControl != null) // { // PDFViewControl.PDFView?.ChangeViewMode(ViewMode.Double); // } // }; // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(doubleView); // MenuItem doubleContinuousView = new MenuItem(); // doubleContinuousView.Header = "Two Pages Continuous"; // doubleContinuousView.Click += (o, p) => // { // if (PDFViewControl != null) // { // PDFViewControl.PDFView?.ChangeViewMode(ViewMode.DoubleContinuous); // } // }; // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(doubleContinuousView); // MenuItem resetFormMenu = new MenuItem(); // resetFormMenu.Header = "Reset Forms"; // resetFormMenu.Click += (o, p) => // { // if (PDFViewControl != null) // { // PDFViewControl.PDFView?.ResetForm(null); // } // }; // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(new Separator()); // e.PopupMenu.Items.Add(resetFormMenu); // } // } // else // { // e.DoCommand(); // } //} #endregion #region Load Unload Event /// /// Load event /// /// /// private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { } /// /// Unload event /// /// /// private void UserControl_Unloaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { //PDFViewControl.PDFView.AnnotCommandHandler -= PDFView_AnnotCommandHandler; //PDFViewControl.PDFView.WidgetClickHandler -= PDFView_WidgetClickHandler; } #endregion } }