@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+package com.compdfkit.samples.samples;
+import android.graphics.Bitmap;
+import android.graphics.BitmapFactory;
+import android.graphics.Color;
+import android.graphics.Point;
+import android.graphics.RectF;
+import android.media.ExifInterface;
+import com.compdfkit.core.document.CPDFDocument;
+import com.compdfkit.core.edit.CPDFEditCharItem;
+import com.compdfkit.core.edit.CPDFEditImageArea;
+import com.compdfkit.core.edit.CPDFEditPage;
+import com.compdfkit.core.edit.CPDFEditTextArea;
+import com.compdfkit.core.page.CPDFPage;
+import com.compdfkit.samples.PDFSamples;
+import com.compdfkit.samples.R;
+import com.compdfkit.samples.util.FileUtils;
+import com.compdfkit.samples.util.OutputListener;
+import com.compdfkit.ui.reader.CPDFPageView;
+import java.io.File;
+public class ContentEditorTest extends PDFSamples {
+ public ContentEditorTest(){
+ setTitle(R.string.content_editor_title);
+ setDescription(R.string.content_editor_desc);
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected void run(OutputListener outputListener) {
+ super.run(outputListener);
+ printHead();
+ // content editor insert text
+ // Create a new document
+ CPDFDocument document = CPDFDocument.createDocument(context);
+ // Samples 1: Insert text on the first page of the document through content editing
+ insertText(document);
+ // Samples 2: Insert a picture on the second page of the document through content editing
+ insertImage(document);
+ // Save the generated PDF document
+ File file = new File(outputDir(), "ContentEditor/InsertTextTest.pdf");
+ saveSamplePDF(document, file, true);
+ printFooter();
+ }
+ private void insertText(CPDFDocument document){
+ // Create a blank page with A4 size (595 x 842)
+ document.insertBlankPage(0, 595, 842);
+ // Get the first page of the document
+ CPDFPage page = document.pageAtIndex(0);
+ // Set the position for adding text (top-left point)
+ Point point = new Point(10, 10);
+ RectF area = new RectF(point.x, point.y, point.x, point.y);
+ RectF size = page.getSize();
+ // Convert the text area to the actual position on the page
+ area = page.convertRectToPage(false, size.width(), size.height(), area);
+ // Define the width and height of the text area
+ int textAreaWidth = 200;
+ int textAreaHeight = 40;
+ int pageWidth = (int) size.width();
+ if (page.getRotation() == CPDFPageView.PageRotateType.PAGE_ROTATE_90.toInt() ||
+ page.getRotation() == CPDFPageView.PageRotateType.PAGE_ROTATE_270.toInt()) {
+ pageWidth = (int) size.height();
+ }
+ // Ensure the left start position of the text area does not exceed the page width
+ if (area.left + textAreaWidth > pageWidth) {
+ area.left = pageWidth - textAreaWidth;
+ }
+ // Ensure the top position of the text area is not less than 0 and does not exceed the page range
+ if (area.top - textAreaHeight < 0) {
+ area.top = textAreaHeight;
+ }
+ // Determine the insertion position of the text area
+ RectF rect = new RectF(area.left, area.top, area.left + textAreaWidth, area.top - textAreaHeight);
+ // Get the edit page object
+ CPDFEditPage cpdfEditPage = page.getEditPage(false);
+ cpdfEditPage.beginEdit(CPDFEditPage.LoadTextImage);
+ if (cpdfEditPage == null || !cpdfEditPage.isValid()) {
+ outputListener.println("CPDFEditPage is INVALID");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Define the font, font size, and text color
+ String fontName = "Arial";
+ int fontSize = 30;
+ int textColor = Color.RED;
+ // Create a new text area
+ CPDFEditTextArea editTextArea = cpdfEditPage.createNewTextArea(rect, fontName, fontSize, textColor, 255, false, false, CPDFEditTextArea.PDFEditAlignType.PDFEditAlignLeft);
+ // Get the start and end positions for text insertion
+ CPDFEditCharItem begin = editTextArea.getBeginCharPlace();
+ CPDFEditCharItem end = editTextArea.getEndCharPlace();
+ // Define the content to be inserted
+ String content = "Hello ComPDFKit";
+ outputListener.println("Insert text on the first page: " + content);
+ // Insert the content into the text area
+ editTextArea.insertTextRange(begin.getPlace(), end.getPlace(), content);
+ }
+ private void insertImage(CPDFDocument document){
+ // Create a blank page with A4 size (595 x 842)
+ document.insertBlankPage(1, 595, 842);
+ // Get the first page of the document
+ CPDFPage page = document.pageAtIndex(1);
+ // Get the edit page object
+ CPDFEditPage cpdfEditPage = page.getEditPage(false);
+ // Start edit mode
+ cpdfEditPage.beginEdit(CPDFEditPage.LoadImage);
+ if (cpdfEditPage == null || !cpdfEditPage.isValid()) {
+ outputListener.println("CPDFEditPage is INVALID");
+ return;
+ }
+ Point point = new Point(10, 10);
+ RectF area = new RectF(point.x, point.y, point.x, point.y);
+ RectF size = page.getSize();
+ int height = 200;
+ int width = 200;
+ // Convert the text area to the actual position on the page
+ area = page.convertRectToPage(false, size.width(), size.height(), area);
+ String imagePath = FileUtils.getAssetsTempFile(context, "ComPDFKit.png");
+ BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
+ options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
+ BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imagePath, options);
+ int bitmapwidth = options.outWidth;
+ int bitmapheight = options.outHeight;
+ float ratio = bitmapwidth * 1.0f / bitmapheight;
+ if (ratio < 1) {
+ height = (int)(width / ratio);
+ } else {
+ width = (int)(height * ratio);
+ }
+ int pagewidth = (int)size.width();
+ int pageheight = (int)size.height();
+ if (page.getRotation() == CPDFPageView.PageRotateType.PAGE_ROTATE_90.toInt() || page.getRotation() == CPDFPageView.PageRotateType.PAGE_ROTATE_270.toInt()) {
+ pagewidth = (int)size.height();
+ pageheight = (int)size.width();
+ }
+ if (width > pagewidth) {
+ width = pagewidth;
+ height = (int)(width / ratio);
+ area.left = 0;
+ if (area.top - height < 0) {
+ area.top = height;
+ }
+ } else if (height > pageheight) {
+ height = pageheight;
+ width = (int)(height * ratio);
+ area.top = pageheight;
+ if (area.left + width > pagewidth) {
+ area.left = pagewidth - width;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (area.left + width > pagewidth) {
+ area.left = pagewidth - width;
+ }
+ if (area.top - height < 0) {
+ area.top = height;
+ }
+ }
+ RectF rect = new RectF(area.left, area.top, area.left + width, area.top - height);
+ outputListener.println("Insert image on the second page: assets/ComPDFKit.png" );
+ try{
+ CPDFEditImageArea editImageArea = cpdfEditPage.createNewImageArea(rect, imagePath, null);
+ if (editImageArea == null || !editImageArea.isValid()){
+ outputListener.println("Failed to insert picture!!!");
+ }
+ cpdfEditPage.endEdit();
+ }catch (Exception e){
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }