@@ -219,30 +219,12 @@ namespace Compdfkit_Tools.PDFControl
writeableBitmap.WritePixels(new Int32Rect(0, 0, (int)pageRect.Width, (int)pageRect.Height), bmpData, writeableBitmap.BackBufferStride, 0);
Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
- {
- SaveWriteableBitmapToPng(writeableBitmap, "Output.png");
+ {
ImageSource = writeableBitmap;
- static void SaveWriteableBitmapToPng(WriteableBitmap writeableBitmap, string filePath)
- {
- // Create a PngBitmapEncoder
- PngBitmapEncoder encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
- // Create a memory stream to save the PNG image
- using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
- {
- // Save the WriteableBitmap to the memory stream
- encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(writeableBitmap));
- encoder.Save(stream);
- // Write the memory stream to a file
- File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, stream.ToArray());
- }
- }
private double CalculateThumbnailSize(Size size)