@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+package com.compdfkit.conversion.flutter.kmpdfkit_demo
+import android.content.Context
+import android.util.Log
+import androidx.lifecycle.lifecycleScope
+import com.compdfkit.conversion.*
+import com.compdfkit.conversion.flutter.kmpdfkit_demo.utils.FileUtils
+import io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine
+import io.flutter.plugin.common.EventChannel
+import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodCall
+import io.flutter.plugin.common.MethodChannel
+import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
+import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
+import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.merge
+import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
+import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
+import java.io.File
+import java.lang.reflect.Method
+ * @classname:
+ * @author: LiuXiaoLong
+ * @date: 2023/2/23
+ * description:
+ */
+class ConvertFlutterPlugin(var activity: MainActivity, flutterPlugin: FlutterEngine) : EventChannel.StreamHandler {
+ val channelName = "com.compdfkit.conversion.flutter.convert"
+ val START_CONVERT = "start_convert"
+ val PARAMS_CONVERT_TYPE = "convertType"
+ val PARAMS_FILE_PATH = "filePath"
+ val PARAMS_FILE_NAME = "fileName"
+ val PARAMS_UPDATE_INDEX = "updateIndex"
+ val PARAMS_CONTAIN_IMAGES = "containImages"
+ val PARAMS_CONTAIN_ANNOTATIONS = "containAnnotations"
+ val PARAMS_WORK_SHEET_OPTIONS = "workSheetOptions"
+ val PARAMS_CONTENTOPTIONS = "contentOptions"
+ val PARAMS_IMAGE_DPI = "imageDpi"
+ val PARAMS_IMAGE_PAGE_OPTIONS = "imagePageOptions"
+ val PARAMS_MERGE_CSV = "mergeCSV"
+ val PARAMS_HTML_PAGE_OPTIONS = "htmlPageOptions"
+ val CONVERTING = 1
+ val CONVERT_FAIL = 3
+ private var channel: EventChannel
+ init {
+ channel = EventChannel(flutterPlugin.dartExecutor.binaryMessenger, channelName)
+ channel.setStreamHandler(this)
+ }
+ override fun onListen(arguments: Any?, events: EventChannel.EventSink?) {
+ Log.e("转档Plugin", "arguments:${arguments}")
+ var convertInfoMap = arguments as Map<String, String>
+ val options = getConvertOptions(convertInfoMap[PARAMS_CONVERT_TYPE] ?: "", convertInfoMap)
+ val updateIndex = convertInfoMap[PARAMS_UPDATE_INDEX]
+ activity.lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
+ onConvert(context = activity,
+ filePath = convertInfoMap[PARAMS_FILE_PATH] ?: "",
+ convertType = convertInfoMap[PARAMS_CONVERT_TYPE] ?: "", pageArrays = null, params = options, onHandle = {
+ }, onProgress = { current, total ->
+ val progress = ((current / total.toFloat()) * 1000).toInt() / 10
+ val process = mapOf("progress" to progress, "updateIndex" to updateIndex, "status" to CONVERTING)
+ Log.e("转档Plugin", "进度:${progress}")
+ activity.lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main){
+ events?.success(process)
+ }
+ }, onPost = { code, outFilePath ->
+ Log.e("转档Plugin", "onPost, code:${code.name}, outputPath:${outFilePath}")
+ when (code) {
+ ConvertError.ERR_SUCCESS -> {
+ val process = mapOf("progress" to 100, "updateIndex" to updateIndex, "status" to CONVERT_SUCCESS, "outputPath" to outFilePath)
+ activity.lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
+ events?.success(process)
+ events?.endOfStream()
+ }
+ }
+ else -> {
+ val process = mapOf("progress" to 100, "updateIndex" to updateIndex, "status" to CONVERT_FAIL, "msg" to code.name)
+ activity.lifecycleScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
+ events?.success(process)
+ events?.endOfStream()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ override fun onCancel(arguments: Any?) {
+ }
+ private fun getConvertOptions(convertType: String, optionsMap: Map<String, String>): CPDFConvertOptions {
+ val isContainImages = optionsMap[PARAMS_CONTAIN_IMAGES].toBoolean()
+ val isContainAnnotation = optionsMap[PARAMS_CONTAIN_ANNOTATIONS].toBoolean()
+ val workSheetOptions = WorkSheetOptions.valueOf(optionsMap[PARAMS_WORK_SHEET_OPTIONS]?:"")
+ val contentOptions = ContentOptions.valueOf(optionsMap[PARAMS_CONTENTOPTIONS]?:"")
+ val imageDpi = optionsMap[PARAMS_IMAGE_DPI]
+ val imagePageOptions = ImgType.valueOf(optionsMap[PARAMS_IMAGE_PAGE_OPTIONS]?:"PNG")
+ val mergeCSV = optionsMap[PARAMS_MERGE_CSV]?.toBoolean()?:false
+ val htmlPageOptions = PageAndNavigationPaneOptions.valueOf(optionsMap[PARAMS_HTML_PAGE_OPTIONS]?:"")
+ return when (ConvertType.valueOf(convertType.uppercase())) {
+ ConvertType.PPT -> CPDFConvertPPTOptions().also {
+ it.isContainImages = isContainImages
+ it.isContainAnnotations = isContainAnnotation
+ }
+ ConvertType.WORD -> CPDFConvertWordOptions().also {
+ it.isContainImages = isContainImages
+ it.isContainAnnotations = isContainAnnotation
+ }
+ ConvertType.EXCEL -> CPDFConvertExcelOptions().also {
+ it.isContainImages = isContainImages
+ it.isContainAnnotations = isContainAnnotation
+ it.workSheetOptions = workSheetOptions
+ it.contentOptions = contentOptions
+ }
+ ConvertType.TXT -> CPDFConvertTxtOptions()
+ ConvertType.IMAGE -> CPDFConvertImgOptions().also {
+ it.isContainAnnotations = isContainAnnotation
+ it.imageDpi = imageDpi?.toInt()?:300
+ it.imgType = imagePageOptions
+ }
+ ConvertType.CSV -> CPDFConvertCsvOptions().also {
+ it.isMergeCsv = mergeCSV
+ }
+ ConvertType.RTF -> CPDFConvertRtfOptions().also {
+ it.isContainImages = isContainImages
+ it.isContainAnnotations = isContainAnnotation
+ }
+ ConvertType.HTML -> CPDFConvertHtmlOptions().also {
+ it.isContainImages = isContainImages
+ it.isContainAnnotations = isContainAnnotation
+ it.pageAndNavigationPaneOptions = htmlPageOptions
+ }
+ else -> CPDFConvertOptions()
+ }
+ }
+ var cPDFConvert: CPDFConverter? = null
+ fun onConvert(
+ context: Context,
+ filePath: String,
+ convertType: String,
+ pageArrays: IntArray? = null,
+ params: CPDFConvertOptions,
+ onHandle: ((objptr: Long) -> Unit)? = null,
+ onProgress: ((current: Int, total: Int) -> Unit)? = null,
+ onPost: ((code: ConvertError, outFilePath: String?) -> Unit)? = null
+ ): ConvertError {
+ val outputDir = FileUtils.getOutputFilePath(context)
+ val uri = FileUtils.onGetUriBySystem(context, filePath) ?: return ConvertError.ERR_FILE
+ return when (ConvertType.valueOf(convertType.uppercase())) {
+ ConvertType.PPT -> CPDFConverterPPT(context, uri, "")
+ .run {
+ cPDFConvert = this
+ convert(outputDir, "", params, pageArrays, onHandle, onProgress, onPost)
+ }
+ ConvertType.WORD -> CPDFConverterWord(context, uri, "")
+ .run {
+ cPDFConvert = this
+ convert(outputDir, "", params as CPDFConvertWordOptions, pageArrays, onHandle, onProgress, onPost)
+ }
+ ConvertType.EXCEL -> CPDFConverterExcel(context, uri, "")
+ .run {
+ cPDFConvert = this
+ convert(outputDir, "", params as CPDFConvertExcelOptions, pageArrays, onHandle, onProgress, onPost)
+ }
+ ConvertType.TXT -> CPDFConverterTxt(context, uri, "")
+ .run {
+ cPDFConvert = this
+ convert(outputDir, "", params as CPDFConvertTxtOptions, pageArrays, onHandle, onProgress, onPost)
+ }
+ ConvertType.IMAGE -> CPDFConverterImg(context, uri, "").run {
+ cPDFConvert = this
+ convert(outputDir, "", params, pageArrays, onHandle, onProgress, onPost)
+ }
+ ConvertType.CSV -> CPDFConverterCsv(context, uri, "").run {
+ cPDFConvert = this
+ convert(outputDir, "", params, pageArrays, onHandle, onProgress, onPost)
+ }
+ ConvertType.RTF -> CPDFConverterRtf(context, uri, "").run {
+ cPDFConvert = this
+ convert(outputDir, "", params, pageArrays, onHandle, onProgress, onPost)
+ }
+ ConvertType.HTML -> CPDFConverterHtml(context, uri, "").run {
+ cPDFConvert = this
+ convert(outputDir, "", params, pageArrays, onHandle, onProgress, onPost)
+ }
+ else -> ConvertError.ERR_UNKNOWN
+ }
+ }