@@ -12,8 +12,11 @@ namespace ComPDFKit.Tool.DrawTool
/// <summary>
/// Current control point drawing style.
/// </summary>
- protected DrawPointType currentDrawPointType { get;
- set; }
+ protected DrawPointType currentDrawPointType
+ {
+ get;
+ set;
+ }
/// <summary>
@@ -99,12 +102,14 @@ namespace ComPDFKit.Tool.DrawTool
/// <summary>
/// Current drawing rectangle (calculated during operation).
/// </summary>
- protected Thickness clipThickness = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ protected Thickness clipThickness = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 0);
private Pen editPen { get; set; } = new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(71, 126, 222)), 2) { DashStyle = DashStyles.Dash };
private Pen editHoverPen { get; set; } = new Pen(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(71, 126, 222)), 2) { DashStyle = DashStyles.Dash };
+ protected bool isOutSideScaling = false;
/// <summary>
/// Current actual display width and height of PDFVIewer.
/// </summary>
@@ -147,7 +152,8 @@ namespace ComPDFKit.Tool.DrawTool
protected List<Point> GetControlPoint(Rect currentRect)
- { List<Point> controlCurrentPoints = new List<Point>();
+ {
+ List<Point> controlCurrentPoints = new List<Point>();
int centerX = (int)(currentRect.Left + currentRect.Right) / 2;
int centerY = (int)(currentRect.Top + currentRect.Bottom) / 2;
@@ -226,9 +232,22 @@ namespace ComPDFKit.Tool.DrawTool
return false;
- return NormalScaling(mousePoint);
+ if (!isOutSideScaling)
+ {
+ return NormalScaling(mousePoint);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return OutSideScaling(mousePoint);
+ }
+ public void SetOutSideScaling(bool IsOutSideScaling)
+ {
+ isOutSideScaling = IsOutSideScaling;
+ }
private Size GetProportionalScalingSize(double width, double height)
double minHeight = RectMinHeight + 2 * rectPadding * currentZoom;
@@ -542,6 +561,316 @@ namespace ComPDFKit.Tool.DrawTool
return false;
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Provisional logic, to be further improved, not yet used: Draw the algorithm in the form of normal scaling (drag a point, only scale in one direction).
+ /// </summary>
+ /// <param name="mousePoint">Current mouse position.</param>
+ /// <returns></returns>
+ protected bool OutSideScaling(Point mousePoint)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ double left = 0, right = 0, top = 0, bottom = 0;
+ double minHeight = RectMinHeight + 2 * rectPadding * currentZoom;
+ double minWidth = rectMinWidth + 2 * rectPadding * currentZoom;
+ Point centerPoint = new Point((cacheRect.Right + cacheRect.Left) / 2, (cacheRect.Bottom + cacheRect.Top) / 2);
+ Point moveVector = (Point)(mousePoint - centerPoint);
+ moveVector = ProportionalScalingOffsetPos(moveVector);
+ switch (hitControlType)
+ {
+ case PointControlType.LeftTop:
+ {
+ left = centerPoint.X + moveVector.X;
+ right = cacheRect.Right;
+ top = centerPoint.Y + moveVector.Y;
+ bottom = cacheRect.Bottom;
+ if (isProportionalScaling)
+ {
+ Size size = GetProportionalScalingSize(right - left, bottom - top);
+ left = right - size.Width;
+ top = bottom - size.Height;
+ if (left < maxRect.Left)
+ {
+ double tmpWidth = right - left;
+ left = maxRect.Left;
+ double width = right - left;
+ double height = (bottom - top) * width / tmpWidth;
+ top = bottom - height;
+ }
+ if (top < maxRect.Top)
+ {
+ double tmpHeight = bottom - top;
+ top = maxRect.Top;
+ double height = bottom - top;
+ double width = (right - left) * height / tmpHeight;
+ left = right - width;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (left + minWidth > right)
+ {
+ left = right - minWidth;
+ }
+ if (top + minHeight > bottom)
+ {
+ top = bottom - minHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case PointControlType.LeftMiddle:
+ {
+ left = centerPoint.X + moveVector.X;
+ right = cacheRect.Right;
+ top = cacheRect.Top;
+ bottom = cacheRect.Bottom;
+ if (left + minWidth > right)
+ {
+ left = right - minWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case PointControlType.LeftBottom:
+ {
+ left = centerPoint.X + moveVector.X;
+ right = cacheRect.Right;
+ top = cacheRect.Top;
+ bottom = centerPoint.Y + moveVector.Y;
+ if (isProportionalScaling)
+ {
+ Size size = GetProportionalScalingSize(right - left, bottom - top);
+ left = right - size.Width;
+ bottom = top + size.Height;
+ if (left < maxRect.Left)
+ {
+ double tmpWidth = right - left;
+ left = maxRect.Left;
+ double width = right - left;
+ double height = (bottom - top) * width / tmpWidth;
+ bottom = top + height;
+ }
+ if (bottom > maxRect.Bottom)
+ {
+ double tmpHeight = bottom - top;
+ bottom = maxRect.Bottom;
+ double height = bottom - top;
+ double width = (right - left) * height / tmpHeight;
+ left = right - width;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (left + minWidth > right)
+ {
+ left = right - minWidth;
+ }
+ if (top + minHeight > bottom)
+ {
+ bottom = top + minHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case PointControlType.MiddlBottom:
+ {
+ left = cacheRect.Left;
+ right = cacheRect.Right;
+ top = cacheRect.Top;
+ bottom = centerPoint.Y + moveVector.Y;
+ if (top + minHeight > bottom)
+ {
+ bottom = top + minHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case PointControlType.RightBottom:
+ {
+ left = cacheRect.Left;
+ right = centerPoint.X + moveVector.X;
+ top = cacheRect.Top;
+ bottom = centerPoint.Y + moveVector.Y;
+ if (isProportionalScaling)
+ {
+ Size size = GetProportionalScalingSize(right - left, bottom - top);
+ right = left + size.Width;
+ bottom = top + size.Height;
+ if (right > maxRect.Right)
+ {
+ double tmpWidth = right - left;
+ right = maxRect.Right;
+ double width = right - left;
+ double height = (bottom - top) * width / tmpWidth;
+ bottom = top + height;
+ }
+ if (bottom > maxRect.Bottom)
+ {
+ double tmpHeight = bottom - top;
+ bottom = maxRect.Bottom;
+ double height = bottom - top;
+ double width = (right - left) * height / tmpHeight;
+ right = left + width;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (left + minWidth > right)
+ {
+ right = left + minWidth;
+ }
+ if (top + minHeight > bottom)
+ {
+ bottom = top + minHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case PointControlType.RightMiddle:
+ {
+ left = cacheRect.Left;
+ right = centerPoint.X + moveVector.X;
+ top = cacheRect.Top;
+ bottom = cacheRect.Bottom;
+ if (left + minWidth > right)
+ {
+ right = left + minWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case PointControlType.RightTop:
+ {
+ left = cacheRect.Left;
+ right = centerPoint.X + moveVector.X;
+ top = centerPoint.Y + moveVector.Y;
+ bottom = cacheRect.Bottom;
+ if (isProportionalScaling)
+ {
+ Size size = GetProportionalScalingSize(right - left, bottom - top);
+ right = left + size.Width;
+ top = bottom - size.Height;
+ if (right > maxRect.Right)
+ {
+ double tmpWidth = right - left;
+ right = maxRect.Right;
+ double width = right - left;
+ double height = (bottom - top) * width / tmpWidth;
+ top = bottom - height;
+ }
+ if (top < maxRect.Top)
+ {
+ double tmpHeight = bottom - top;
+ top = maxRect.Top;
+ double height = bottom - top;
+ double width = (right - left) * height / tmpHeight;
+ right = left + width;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (left + minWidth > right)
+ {
+ right = left + minWidth;
+ }
+ if (top + minHeight > bottom)
+ {
+ top = bottom - minHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case PointControlType.MiddleTop:
+ {
+ left = cacheRect.Left;
+ right = cacheRect.Right;
+ top = centerPoint.Y + moveVector.Y;
+ bottom = cacheRect.Bottom;
+ if (top + minHeight > bottom)
+ {
+ top = bottom - minHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case PointControlType.Body:
+ case PointControlType.Line:
+ {
+ double newleft = maxRect.Left - SetDrawRect.Width + 10;
+ double newright = maxRect.Right + SetDrawRect.Width - 10;
+ double newtop = maxRect.Top - SetDrawRect.Height + 10;
+ double newbottom = maxRect.Bottom + SetDrawRect.Height - 10;
+ if (newleft < 0)
+ {
+ newleft = 0;
+ }
+ Rect newMaxRect = new Rect(newleft, newtop, newright - newleft, newbottom - newtop);
+ Point OffsetPos = CalcMoveBound(cacheRect, ((Point)(mousePoint - mouseDownPoint)), newMaxRect);
+ left = cacheRect.Left + OffsetPos.X;
+ right = cacheRect.Right + OffsetPos.X;
+ top = cacheRect.Top + OffsetPos.Y;
+ bottom = cacheRect.Bottom + OffsetPos.Y;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ //if (left < maxRect.Left)
+ //{
+ // left = maxRect.Left;
+ //}
+ //if (top < maxRect.Top)
+ //{
+ // top = maxRect.Top;
+ //}
+ if (right > maxRect.Right + SetDrawRect.Width - 10)
+ {
+ if (left > maxRect.Right - 10)
+ {
+ left = maxRect.Right - 10;
+ }
+ right = maxRect.Right + SetDrawRect.Width - 10;
+ }
+ if (bottom > maxRect.Bottom + SetDrawRect.Height - 10)
+ {
+ if (top > maxRect.Bottom - 10)
+ {
+ top = maxRect.Bottom - 10;
+ }
+ bottom = maxRect.Bottom + SetDrawRect.Height - 10;
+ }
+ drawRect = new Rect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
+ moveOffset = new Point(drawRect.X - cacheRect.X, drawRect.Y - cacheRect.Y);
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
/// <summary>
/// Proportional scaling offset calibration
/// </summary>
@@ -687,10 +1016,10 @@ namespace ComPDFKit.Tool.DrawTool
//GeometryGroup controlGroup = new GeometryGroup();
//controlGroup.FillRule = FillRule.Nonzero;
clipThickness.Left = SetDrawRect.Left - drawRect.Left;
- clipThickness.Top= SetDrawRect.Top - drawRect.Top;
+ clipThickness.Top = SetDrawRect.Top - drawRect.Top;
clipThickness.Right = SetDrawRect.Right - drawRect.Right;
clipThickness.Bottom = SetDrawRect.Bottom - drawRect.Bottom;
- List<Point> controlCurrentPoints=GetControlPoint(drawRect);
+ List<Point> controlCurrentPoints = GetControlPoint(drawRect);
CombinedGeometry controlGroup = new CombinedGeometry();
RectangleGeometry paintGeometry = new RectangleGeometry();
paintGeometry.Rect = SetDrawRect;
@@ -776,7 +1105,7 @@ namespace ComPDFKit.Tool.DrawTool
/// <param name="moveRect">
/// Current rectangle to draw
/// </param>
- protected void DrawMoveBounds(DrawingContext drawDc, PointControlType controltype, Pen activePen, Brush moveBrush, Rect moveRect,Pen RectPen=null)
+ protected void DrawMoveBounds(DrawingContext drawDc, PointControlType controltype, Pen activePen, Brush moveBrush, Rect moveRect, Pen RectPen = null)
switch (controltype)