123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311 |
- # Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- # You may obtain a copy of the License at
- #
- # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- #
- # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- # limitations under the License.
- import os
- import yaml
- import glob
- import cv2
- import numpy as np
- import math
- import paddle
- import sys
- from collections import Sequence
- import paddle.nn.functional as F
- # add deploy path of PadleDetection to sys.path
- parent_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, *(['..'] * 2)))
- sys.path.insert(0, parent_path)
- from paddle.inference import Config, create_predictor
- from python.utils import argsparser, Timer, get_current_memory_mb
- from python.benchmark_utils import PaddleInferBenchmark
- from python.infer import Detector, print_arguments
- from video_action_preprocess import VideoDecoder, Sampler, Scale, CenterCrop, Normalization, Image2Array
- def softmax(x):
- f_x = np.exp(x) / np.sum(np.exp(x))
- return f_x
- class VideoActionRecognizer(object):
- """
- Args:
- model_dir (str): root path of model.pdiparams, model.pdmodel and infer_cfg.yml
- device (str): Choose the device you want to run, it can be: CPU/GPU/XPU, default is CPU
- run_mode (str): mode of running(paddle/trt_fp32/trt_fp16)
- batch_size (int): size of pre batch in inference
- trt_min_shape (int): min shape for dynamic shape in trt
- trt_max_shape (int): max shape for dynamic shape in trt
- trt_opt_shape (int): opt shape for dynamic shape in trt
- trt_calib_mode (bool): If the model is produced by TRT offline quantitative
- calibration, trt_calib_mode need to set True
- cpu_threads (int): cpu threads
- enable_mkldnn (bool): whether to open MKLDNN
- """
- def __init__(self,
- model_dir,
- device='CPU',
- run_mode='paddle',
- num_seg=8,
- seg_len=1,
- short_size=256,
- target_size=224,
- top_k=1,
- batch_size=1,
- trt_min_shape=1,
- trt_max_shape=1280,
- trt_opt_shape=640,
- trt_calib_mode=False,
- cpu_threads=1,
- enable_mkldnn=False,
- ir_optim=True):
- self.num_seg = num_seg
- self.seg_len = seg_len
- self.short_size = short_size
- self.target_size = target_size
- self.top_k = top_k
- assert batch_size == 1, "VideoActionRecognizer only support batch_size=1 now."
- self.model_dir = model_dir
- self.device = device
- self.run_mode = run_mode
- self.batch_size = batch_size
- self.trt_min_shape = trt_min_shape
- self.trt_max_shape = trt_max_shape
- self.trt_opt_shape = trt_opt_shape
- self.trt_calib_mode = trt_calib_mode
- self.cpu_threads = cpu_threads
- self.enable_mkldnn = enable_mkldnn
- self.ir_optim = ir_optim
- self.recognize_times = Timer()
- model_file_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(model_dir, "*.pdmodel"))[0]
- params_file_path = glob.glob(os.path.join(model_dir, "*.pdiparams"))[0]
- self.config = Config(model_file_path, params_file_path)
- if device == "GPU" or device == "gpu":
- self.config.enable_use_gpu(8000, 0)
- else:
- self.config.disable_gpu()
- if self.enable_mkldnn:
- # cache 10 different shapes for mkldnn to avoid memory leak
- self.config.set_mkldnn_cache_capacity(10)
- self.config.enable_mkldnn()
- self.config.switch_ir_optim(self.ir_optim) # default true
- precision_map = {
- 'trt_int8': Config.Precision.Int8,
- 'trt_fp32': Config.Precision.Float32,
- 'trt_fp16': Config.Precision.Half
- }
- if run_mode in precision_map.keys():
- self.config.enable_tensorrt_engine(
- max_batch_size=8, precision_mode=precision_map[run_mode])
- self.config.enable_memory_optim()
- # use zero copy
- self.config.switch_use_feed_fetch_ops(False)
- self.predictor = create_predictor(self.config)
- @classmethod
- def init_with_cfg(cls, args, cfg):
- return cls(model_dir=cfg['model_dir'],
- short_size=cfg['short_size'],
- target_size=cfg['target_size'],
- batch_size=cfg['batch_size'],
- device=args.device,
- run_mode=args.run_mode,
- trt_min_shape=args.trt_min_shape,
- trt_max_shape=args.trt_max_shape,
- trt_opt_shape=args.trt_opt_shape,
- trt_calib_mode=args.trt_calib_mode,
- cpu_threads=args.cpu_threads,
- enable_mkldnn=args.enable_mkldnn)
- def preprocess_batch(self, file_list):
- batched_inputs = []
- for file in file_list:
- inputs = self.preprocess(file)
- batched_inputs.append(inputs)
- batched_inputs = [
- np.concatenate([item[i] for item in batched_inputs])
- for i in range(len(batched_inputs[0]))
- ]
- self.input_file = file_list
- return batched_inputs
- def get_timer(self):
- return self.recognize_times
- def predict(self, input):
- '''
- Args:
- input (str) or (list): video file path or image data list
- Returns:
- results (dict):
- '''
- input_names = self.predictor.get_input_names()
- input_tensor = self.predictor.get_input_handle(input_names[0])
- output_names = self.predictor.get_output_names()
- output_tensor = self.predictor.get_output_handle(output_names[0])
- # preprocess
- self.recognize_times.preprocess_time_s.start()
- if type(input) == str:
- inputs = self.preprocess_video(input)
- else:
- inputs = self.preprocess_frames(input)
- self.recognize_times.preprocess_time_s.end()
- inputs = np.expand_dims(
- inputs, axis=0).repeat(
- self.batch_size, axis=0).copy()
- input_tensor.copy_from_cpu(inputs)
- # model prediction
- self.recognize_times.inference_time_s.start()
- self.predictor.run()
- self.recognize_times.inference_time_s.end()
- output = output_tensor.copy_to_cpu()
- # postprocess
- self.recognize_times.postprocess_time_s.start()
- classes, scores = self.postprocess(output)
- self.recognize_times.postprocess_time_s.end()
- return classes, scores
- def preprocess_frames(self, frame_list):
- """
- frame_list: list, frame list
- return: list
- """
- results = {}
- results['frames_len'] = len(frame_list)
- results["imgs"] = frame_list
- img_mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
- img_std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
- ops = [
- CenterCrop(self.target_size), Image2Array(),
- Normalization(img_mean, img_std)
- ]
- for op in ops:
- results = op(results)
- res = np.expand_dims(results['imgs'], axis=0).copy()
- return [res]
- def preprocess_video(self, input_file):
- """
- input_file: str, file path
- return: list
- """
- assert os.path.isfile(input_file) is not None, "{0} not exists".format(
- input_file)
- results = {'filename': input_file}
- img_mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
- img_std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
- ops = [
- VideoDecoder(), Sampler(
- self.num_seg, self.seg_len, valid_mode=True),
- Scale(self.short_size), CenterCrop(self.target_size), Image2Array(),
- Normalization(img_mean, img_std)
- ]
- for op in ops:
- results = op(results)
- res = np.expand_dims(results['imgs'], axis=0).copy()
- return [res]
- def postprocess(self, output):
- output = output.flatten() # numpy.ndarray
- output = softmax(output)
- classes = np.argpartition(output, -self.top_k)[-self.top_k:]
- classes = classes[np.argsort(-output[classes])]
- scores = output[classes]
- return classes, scores
- def main():
- if not FLAGS.run_benchmark:
- assert FLAGS.batch_size == 1
- assert FLAGS.use_fp16 is False
- else:
- assert FLAGS.use_gpu is True
- recognizer = VideoActionRecognizer(
- FLAGS.model_dir,
- short_size=FLAGS.short_size,
- target_size=FLAGS.target_size,
- device=FLAGS.device,
- run_mode=FLAGS.run_mode,
- batch_size=FLAGS.batch_size,
- trt_min_shape=FLAGS.trt_min_shape,
- trt_max_shape=FLAGS.trt_max_shape,
- trt_opt_shape=FLAGS.trt_opt_shape,
- trt_calib_mode=FLAGS.trt_calib_mode,
- cpu_threads=FLAGS.cpu_threads,
- enable_mkldnn=FLAGS.enable_mkldnn, )
- if not FLAGS.run_benchmark:
- classes, scores = recognizer.predict(FLAGS.video_file)
- print("Current video file: {}".format(FLAGS.video_file))
- print("\ttop-1 class: {0}".format(classes[0]))
- print("\ttop-1 score: {0}".format(scores[0]))
- else:
- cm, gm, gu = get_current_memory_mb()
- mems = {'cpu_rss_mb': cm, 'gpu_rss_mb': gm, 'gpu_util': gu * 100}
- perf_info = recognizer.recognize_times.report()
- model_dir = FLAGS.model_dir
- mode = FLAGS.run_mode
- model_info = {
- 'model_name': model_dir.strip('/').split('/')[-1],
- 'precision': mode.split('_')[-1]
- }
- data_info = {
- 'batch_size': FLAGS.batch_size,
- 'shape': "dynamic_shape",
- 'data_num': perf_info['img_num']
- }
- recognize_log = PaddleInferBenchmark(recognizer.config, model_info,
- data_info, perf_info, mems)
- recognize_log('Fight')
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- paddle.enable_static()
- parser = argsparser()
- FLAGS = parser.parse_args()
- print_arguments(FLAGS)
- FLAGS.device = FLAGS.device.upper()
- assert FLAGS.device in ['CPU', 'GPU', 'XPU'
- ], "device should be CPU, GPU or XPU"
- main()