deepsort_resnet.yml 1.1 KB

  1. # This config represents a ReID only configuration of DeepSORT, it has two uses.
  2. # One is used for loading the detection results and ReID model to get tracking results;
  3. # Another is used for exporting the ReID model to deploy infer.
  4. _BASE_: [
  5. '../../../datasets/mot.yml',
  6. '../../../runtime.yml',
  7. '../_base_/deepsort_reader_1088x608.yml',
  8. ]
  9. EvalMOTDataset:
  10. !MOTImageFolder
  11. dataset_dir: dataset/mot
  12. data_root: MOT16/images/train
  13. keep_ori_im: True # set as True in DeepSORT
  14. det_weights: None
  15. reid_weights:
  16. # A ReID only configuration of DeepSORT, detector should be None.
  17. architecture: DeepSORT
  18. pretrain_weights: None
  19. DeepSORT:
  20. detector: None
  21. reid: ResNetEmbedding
  22. tracker: DeepSORTTracker
  23. ResNetEmbedding:
  24. model_name: "ResNet50"
  25. DeepSORTTracker:
  26. input_size: [64, 192]
  27. min_box_area: 0 # filter out too small boxes
  28. vertical_ratio: -1 # filter out bboxes, usuallly set 1.6 for pedestrian
  29. budget: 100
  30. max_age: 70
  31. n_init: 3
  32. metric_type: cosine
  33. matching_threshold: 0.2
  34. max_iou_distance: 0.9
  35. motion: KalmanFilter