lane_seg_config.yml 482 B

  1. type: PLSLaneseg
  2. PLSLaneseg:
  3. run_mode: 'paddle'
  4. batch_size: 1
  5. device: gpu
  6. min_subgraph_size: 3
  7. use_dynamic_shape: False
  8. trt_min_shape: [100,100]
  9. trt_max_shape: [2000,3000]
  10. trt_opt_shape: [512,1024]
  11. trt_calib_mode: False
  12. cpu_threads: 10
  13. enable_mkldnn: False #Enable to use mkldnn to speed up when using cpu.
  14. filter_horizontal_flag: True #Whether to filter horizontal roads
  15. horizontal_filtration_degree: 23
  16. horizontal_filtering_threshold: 0.25