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PP-YOLOE Legacy Model Zoo (2022.03)

Legacy Model Zoo

Comprehensive Metrics

Model Epoch GPU number images/GPU backbone input shape Box APval
Box APtest
Params(M) FLOPs(G) V100 FP32(FPS) V100 TensorRT FP16(FPS) download config
PP-YOLOE-s 400 8 32 cspresnet-s 640 43.4 43.6 7.93 17.36 208.3 333.3 model config
PP-YOLOE-s 300 8 32 cspresnet-s 640 43.0 43.2 7.93 17.36 208.3 333.3 model config
PP-YOLOE-m 300 8 28 cspresnet-m 640 49.0 49.1 23.43 49.91 123.4 208.3 model config
PP-YOLOE-l 300 8 20 cspresnet-l 640 51.4 51.6 52.20 110.07 78.1 149.2 model config
PP-YOLOE-x 300 8 16 cspresnet-x 640 52.3 52.4 98.42 206.59 45.0 95.2 model config


  • PP-YOLOE is trained on COCO train2017 dataset and evaluated on val2017 & test-dev2017 dataset.
  • The model weights in the table of Comprehensive Metrics are the same as that in the original Model Zoo, and evaluated on val2017.
  • PP-YOLOE used 8 GPUs for training, if GPU number or mini-batch size is changed, learning rate should be adjusted according to the formula lrnew = lrdefault * (batch_sizenew * GPU_numbernew) / (batch_sizedefault * GPU_numberdefault).
  • PP-YOLOE inference speed is tesed on single Tesla V100 with batch size as 1, CUDA 10.2, CUDNN 7.6.5, TensorRT in TensorRT mode.


Ablation experiments of PP-YOLOE.

Model Epoch AP0.5:0.95 AP0.5 AP0.75 APsmall APmedium APlarge ARsmall ARmedium ARlarge download config
PP-YOLOE-s 400 43.4 60.0 47.5 25.7 47.8 59.2 43.9 70.8 81.9 model config
PP-YOLOE-s 300 43.0 59.6 47.2 26.0 47.4 58.7 45.1 70.6 81.4 model config
PP-YOLOE-m 300 49.0 65.9 53.8 30.9 53.5 65.3 50.9 74.4 84.7 model config
PP-YOLOE-l 300 51.4 68.6 56.2 34.8 56.1 68.0 53.1 76.8 85.6 model config
PP-YOLOE-x 300 52.3 69.5 56.8 35.1 57.0 68.6 55.5 76.9 85.7 model config
NO. Model Box APval Params(M) FLOPs(G) V100 FP32 FPS
A PP-YOLOv2 49.1 54.58 115.77 68.9
B A + Anchor-free 48.8 54.27 114.78 69.8
C B + CSPRepResNet 49.5 47.42 101.87 85.5
D C + TAL 50.4 48.32 104.75 84.0
E D + ET-Head 50.9 52.20 110.07 78.1