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PaddleOCR Model Inference Parameter Explanation

When using PaddleOCR for model inference, you can customize the modification parameters to modify the model, data, preprocessing, postprocessing, etc.(parameter,The detailed parameter explanation is as follows:

  • Global parameters
parameters type default implication
image_dir str None, must be specified explicitly Image or folder path
page_num int 0 Valid when the input type is pdf file, specify to predict the previous page_num pages, all pages are predicted by default
vis_font_path str "./doc/fonts/simfang.ttf" font path for visualization
drop_score float 0.5 Results with a recognition score less than this value will be discarded and will not be returned as results
use_pdserving bool False Whether to use Paddle Serving for prediction
warmup bool False Whether to enable warmup, this method can be used when statistical prediction time
draw_img_save_dir str "./inference_results" The saving folder of the system's tandem prediction OCR results
save_crop_res bool False Whether to save the recognized text image for OCR
crop_res_save_dir str "./output" Save the text image path recognized by OCR
use_mp bool False Whether to enable multi-process prediction
total_process_num int 6 The number of processes, which takes effect when use_mp is True
process_id int 0 The id number of the current process, no need to modify it yourself
benchmark bool False Whether to enable benchmark, and make statistics on prediction speed, memory usage, etc.
save_log_path str "./log_output/" Folder where log results are saved when benchmark is enabled
show_log bool True Whether to show the log information in the inference
use_onnx bool False Whether to enable onnx prediction
  • Prediction engine related parameters
parameters type default implication
use_gpu bool True Whether to use GPU for prediction
ir_optim bool True Whether to analyze and optimize the calculation graph. The prediction process can be accelerated when ir_optim is enabled
use_tensorrt bool False Whether to enable tensorrt
min_subgraph_size int 15 The minimum subgraph size in tensorrt. When the size of the subgraph is greater than this value, it will try to use the trt engine to calculate the subgraph.
precision str fp32 The precision of prediction, supports fp32, fp16, int8
enable_mkldnn bool True Whether to enable mkldnn
cpu_threads int 10 When mkldnn is enabled, the number of threads predicted by the cpu
  • Text detection model related parameters
parameters type default implication
det_algorithm str "DB" Text detection algorithm name, currently supports DB, EAST, SAST, PSE, DB++, FCE
det_model_dir str xx Detection inference model paths
det_limit_side_len int 960 image side length limit
det_limit_type str "max" The side length limit type, currently supports minand max. min means to ensure that the shortest side of the image is not less than det_limit_side_len, max means to ensure that the longest side of the image is not greater than det_limit_side_len

The relevant parameters of the DB algorithm are as follows

parameters type default implication
det_db_thresh float 0.3 In the probability map output by DB, only pixels with a score greater than this threshold will be considered as text pixels
det_db_box_thresh float 0.6 Within the detection box, when the average score of all pixels is greater than the threshold, the result will be considered as a text area
det_db_unclip_ratio float 1.5 The expansion factor of the Vatti clipping algorithm, which is used to expand the text area
max_batch_size int 10 max batch size
use_dilation bool False Whether to inflate the segmentation results to obtain better detection results
det_db_score_mode str "fast" DB detection result score calculation method, supports fast and slow, fast calculates the average score according to all pixels within the bounding rectangle of the polygon, slow calculates the average score according to all pixels within the original polygon, The calculation speed is relatively slower, but more accurate.

The relevant parameters of the EAST algorithm are as follows

parameters type default implication
det_east_score_thresh float 0.8 Threshold for score map in EAST postprocess
det_east_cover_thresh float 0.1 Average score threshold for text boxes in EAST postprocess
det_east_nms_thresh float 0.2 Threshold of nms in EAST postprocess

The relevant parameters of the SAST algorithm are as follows

parameters type default implication
det_sast_score_thresh float 0.5 Score thresholds in SAST postprocess
det_sast_nms_thresh float 0.5 Thresholding of nms in SAST postprocess
det_box_type str 'quad' Whether polygon detection, curved text scene (such as Total-Text) is set to 'poly'

The relevant parameters of the PSE algorithm are as follows

parameters type default implication
det_pse_thresh float 0.0 Threshold for binarizing the output image
det_pse_box_thresh float 0.85 Threshold for filtering boxes, below this threshold is discarded
det_pse_min_area float 16 The minimum area of the box, below this threshold is discarded
det_box_type str "quad" The type of the returned box, quad: four point coordinates, poly: all point coordinates of the curved text
det_pse_scale int 1 The ratio of the input image relative to the post-processed image, such as an image of 640*640, the network output is 160*160, and when the scale is 2, the shape of the post-processed image is 320*320. Increasing this value can speed up the post-processing speed, but it will bring about a decrease in accuracy
  • Text recognition model related parameters
parameters type default implication
rec_algorithm str "CRNN" Text recognition algorithm name, currently supports CRNN, SRN, RARE, NETR, SAR, ViTSTR, ABINet, VisionLAN, SPIN, RobustScanner, SVTR, SVTR_LCNet
rec_model_dir str None, it is required if using the recognition model recognition inference model paths
rec_image_shape str "3,48,320" ] Image size at the time of recognition
rec_batch_num int 6 batch size
max_text_length int 25 The maximum length of the recognition result, valid in SRN
rec_char_dict_path str "./ppocr/utils/ppocr_keys_v1.txt" character dictionary file
use_space_char bool True Whether to include spaces, if True, the space character will be added at the end of the character dictionary
  • End-to-end text detection and recognition model related parameters
parameters type default implication
e2e_algorithm str "PGNet" End-to-end algorithm name, currently supports PGNet
e2e_model_dir str None, it is required if using the end-to-end model end-to-end model inference model path
e2e_limit_side_len int 768 End-to-end input image side length limit
e2e_limit_type str "max" End-to-end side length limit type, currently supports min and max. min means to ensure that the shortest side of the image is not less than e2e_limit_side_len, max means to ensure that the longest side of the image is not greater than e2e_limit_side_len
e2e_pgnet_score_thresh float 0.5 End-to-end score threshold, results below this threshold are discarded
e2e_char_dict_path str "./ppocr/utils/ic15_dict.txt" Recognition dictionary file path
e2e_pgnet_valid_set str "totaltext" The name of the validation set, currently supports totaltext, partvgg, the post-processing methods corresponding to different data sets are different, and it can be consistent with the training process
e2e_pgnet_mode str "fast" PGNet's detection result score calculation method, supports fast and slow, fast calculates the average score according to all pixels within the bounding rectangle of the polygon, slow calculates the average score according to all pixels within the original polygon, The calculation speed is relatively slower, but more accurate.
  • Angle classifier model related parameters
parameters type default implication
use_angle_cls bool False whether to use an angle classifier
cls_model_dir str None, if you need to use, you must specify the path explicitly angle classifier inference model path
cls_image_shape str "3,48,192" prediction shape
label_list list ['0', '180'] The angle value corresponding to the class id
cls_batch_num int 6 batch size
cls_thresh float 0.9 Prediction threshold, when the model prediction result is 180 degrees, and the score is greater than the threshold, the final prediction result is considered to be 180 degrees and needs to be flipped